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My hair has seen more colors than the rainbow and more textures than an old tree trunk.My best feature? shield? My hair.My worst feature? My Even in the country that birthed me, hair.What makes me “different?” my hair is unlike any other.What has my You guessed it.Some know me hair done for me? Turned heads my way, merely through a glance at the for one, I suppose.It has taught me the back of my head, and it makes me struggle of being different from a very uncomfortable.The thought of my young age.When one goes into fırst presence and personality being grade with hair so untame and lively, attached to anything that does not unforgiving to any hairbrush that exist simply within my mind is like dares to tackle its freedom, people wearing an itchy sweater. notice.My hair could not stand a Yet, I spend hours perfecting the ponytail.Could not stand pigtails. coconut oil to hibiscus pomade ratio My hair was meaner to me than that will give me the result of turning any school bully was, provoking heads.The same result I have spent the unanswerable question of 78 good words complaining about. why part of myself came in wild Is my hair a simulation of everything curls, while my peers swam in I have been? Is it everything I will kind ocean waves that shaped ever be? Is my hair a motivator? Is it a their “Arab” hair. And so I took matters

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