Nob is a Kin-ji-ya, also known as a co-mender. Kin-ji-ya is someone who mends or fixes shoes together with Mycelium.
Today, Teru came with his running shoes.
“ Help! The bottom of my shoes became so thin my feet hurt when I run.”
“ Oh no! We shall mend it with everyone’s help.”
まず やま で きのこを さがします。
Nobgoes to the mountaintolookfor mushrooms.
“Could you helpmefixTeru’sshoes? ” Nob foundjustthe r ightone.
のぶさんは おこめやさんへ いきます。
「やあ、のぶさん。 いつもの こめぬか だよ。」
おこめやさんの こめたさんが こめぬかを すこし わけてくれました。
“Thank you for the ricehusk! ”
Nob goes to the rice shop.
“Hi, Nob! Here’s the rice husks!”
Kometa of the rice shop shared some rice husks. 「こ
“Thankyoufor the woodchips!”
のぶさんが おみせに もどると もりもりさんが やってきました。
もりを せわする もりもりさんが
あまった きくずを のぶさんに わたします。
When Nob came back to the shop, Mori-mori came by.
“Here are some wood chips!”
Mori-mori, the carer of the forest, gave Nob some leftover wood chips.
き の こ が
Let’s prepare to welcome the Mycelium. Nob first make special beds for them.
To clean the rice husk and wood chips well, Nob puts them in jars and boils them well.
びんが さめたら、こめぬかと きくずの ふかふか ベッドに きのこを ひとかけら いれます。
Once cooled, Nob puts a piece of mushroom in the soft bed made of rice husk and wood chips. 「ふぅ~ 、 ふ か ふ か 、 ぬくぬく。まだ ち い さ い けれど、 ちょっとず つ の びて
ベッドの なかから かすかに きのここびと の こえが きこえます。 Nob faintly hears the Mycelium voices from their bed. “ Mmmmmm, soft and warm. We a r e s mall , but little by l ittle we will grow. ”
コンピュータの まえに すわります。
くつに あわせて、 くつぞこを なおす ための かたを デザインします。
「 きのこのように かわいらしい くつぞこに しましょう。」
Nob sits in front of the computer. She designs a mold for fixing the sole of the shoe.
The Mycelium grew so much and turned all white. Take off the mold and look at the newly grown mycelium soles!
これからも だいじに はいて、 みんなの ちからで なんどでも なおそうね。」
“With everyone’s help, we’ve managed to fix the shoes! Please treat them with care, and if they ever need fixing again, don’t worry. We’ll all come together to mend them many more times!”
With her love for story telling, mending and making, Emma researches new ways to care for our belongings and the Earth through making together and imagining Alternative Realities.