c o n c e p t p h a s e
4. 5.
driver matrix
scenario one: crystal clear
scenario two: point of no re-
d r i v e r m a t r i x
Complete data transparency.
1. Transforming current tendencies.
Business as usual.
2. Complete data anonymity. 4
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crystal clear My scenarios challenge the status quo and received thinking within bringing our thoughts into the unforeseen future and its consequences as well as earthly adaptions. Crystal clear outlines the abrupt change in human tendencies in society on a global scope. As Ban Ki Moon himself has cautioned that “the clock is ticking towards a climate catastrophe� (United Nations, Early progress seen at UN talks seeking to avert climate disaster, December 2016). Climate change is a danger to global growth, peace, and wealth that must be undertaken with the utmost sense of importance by society today. In addition, this scenario also co exists with another uncertainty extreme, namely, complete data transparency. Furthermore, this defines a world where communities have no data confidentiality or security. It investigates how the world reacts to the exponential growth of digital instability as digital privacy is not a given. In addition, scientific developments and advancements today are playing the main driver in global change. This scenario explores how DeStep areas develop, consumer behavior changes and opportunities for the future of my brand arise. In this case the scenario report is aiding to predict whether Growhouse and the concept behind it will still be relevant and needed as a fashion brand. I started by considering two main drivers in my scenario report. It was most out of personal interest that I chose the topics technology and climate change and the growing importance of both in every-day life. It surveys circumstances and developments that suggest the growth and relevance of my brand and whether or not any improvements need to be made. By investigation and brainstorming potential outcomes of these main drivers, I could quickly see how a world would look like, if they became reality.
e have altered the earths energy balance, made more nitrogen fertilizer than all bacteria on land, caused 10 times more emissions than all natural process and we made more sulfate than all ocean phytoplankton (Ocean Acidification, Beachapedia, October 2016). Climate change shaped history, altering our present and will continue to test the future. Continual changes in climate and environmental alteration trigger abrupt shifts in related human and natural systems. This being said the way inhabitants lived their lives many years ago could no longer suffice as rapid consequences of climate change struck the world. We pushed the earths ability to adapt and now suffer the magnitudes. As a result, strong shifts in temperature fluctuations, drought, increased intensity of storms, avalanches, tropical cyclones with higher wind speed, climate change has undeniably been the main determining factor (The Effects on Climate Change, WWF, 2015) Today sea level rises which floods coastal areas destroying cities (When Will New York City Sink, Daily Intelligencer, 2015) infrastructure, power plants and prime agricultural land (The Nation, Resource Scarcity, April 2013).
In relation to Demographic movements, climate change has undoubtedly effected the aging population. A mixture of global warming and population growth results in more elderly people being exposed to life threatening weather systems, which exposes them to intense health risks (and even population change) (Aging Population will compound deadly effects of heatwaves caused by climate change, The Guardian, 2014). Growing severe weather conditions and population growth mean that the impacts of flooding around the world will increase as well as droughts in certain areas. Failure to stock up and prepare for extreme weather causes huge economic and environmental damage, meaning entire nations suffer. areas where weather climates are classified as ‘normal’ have seen amplification in both winter and summer months. The damages are severe both to people and property. Extreme-weather damage costs trillions of dollars, excluding those whom are insured, and has only continued to progress (The Cost of Doing Nothing/Climate Change, The Economist, 2016). People in the poorest nations make up a large amount of those exposed to hazards but suffered over half the deaths from disasters.
In addition, current fluctuations within the migration sector in relation to data transparency also continue to grow. Policies and activities instilled regulate the worlds connectivity and information sharing. This makes it easier for the rich and wealthy to hide from the poor. Although, open data helps the spread of knowledge across the globe about world conditions. Honored nationalities still have the freedom of mobility although this has also been reduced. This being said, poorer races have been made to realize that migration is only open to them when workforce is required (Technology changed migration forever, Europe’s world.org 2017).
More than half the world’s population is living a waste free lifestyle. This interlinks with the transparency of data information within the cyber stream of control. Due to the intense jurisdiction over one’s personal information terror within communities intensifies. Because of the rapid need to alter one’s lifestyle to cope with the continuation of climate change, governments oversee consumer choices. This apprehension made people stay away from grocery stores and small food suppliers that have not been regulated by higher authority. As a result, eco conscious grocery stores have dramatically expanded (The Plaid Zebra, Zero Waste Grocery Store, February 2016), and also driven people to the brink of poverty with their exclusive commodities. You will not find any paper or plastic carriers or any waste product for that matter within the interior of these stores (England plastic bag usage drops 85-per-cent since 5p charged introduced, The Guardian, 2016). These grocery stores create zero waste by only allowing customers to purchase exactly how much they need, reducing overall waste. Interweaving this with digitalization and automatic realm peoples only main focus is ‘protect the environment at all costs’ and punishment for those whom go against. As a result, society is a mundane and inexpressive world of orderly routine. Through absolute data transparency and domination private details and all information are now open for constitutional figures as well as average citizens to interrupt and track (Tech Target, De-anatomization, May 2015). Moreover, lawmaking corporations regulate what, where and how we live our online and offline lives. From where we buy our food, how much water household’s waste to what we recycle and do not. All data is available for everyone to investigate. A world where AdBlock is something of the past. Through this documented transparency, nothing is left to the imagination, associations are setting up to control and police societies who are not conforming to the correct standards with cyber stalking. As a result, people feel obligated to participate in conforming and anxious when not contributing to positive societal movements. In contrast, speedy advances in digital technology, with the main focus on digital payments, data transparency, identification systems are creating completely new opportunities for authority to interact and interrelate with citizens. Although, this new formed digital interaction is creating opportunities people are afraid to rely and spend too much time stuck within the cyber world of artificial intelligence. The role of transparency and public information in democratic politics and the organization of collective life. Data cyborgs and portals have dominated the virtual world as confidentiality became something of the past. Hackers have both negatively and positively inserted themselves within the political scheme of today’s society and have created new ideals of citizenship. They questioned what extent data base addressed the need and interests of a courteous society, as well as challenging the power of government control.
The internet democratizes society and collapses differences. It takes away boundaries and threatens traditional class, gender, relations and is highly destructive to the existing population (Does globalization mean we will become one culture?, BBC, 2014). Moreover, this complete data domination has controlled the flow of digital information and also impacted the way governmental institutions collaborate and interact with one another (Government Transparency via Open data and Open source, Timeview, Jennifer Bell). Observing from a global range leaders are joining as one and rapidly prevailing society as a whole. Tensions have been put aside when it comes to global disrupts and disagreements. Leaders are now conjoined and are collectively presiding. Due to their online power leader executives have the supremacy to regulate world trade, local country interaction and tourism. Borders are more secure with technological implementations making it harder for refugees to flee their country for example (The new frontiers in border Security Technology, Vice.com, 2015). Countries are merging and no longer which independently. Outside problem which don’t directly affect our existence are becoming the world’s problem. We all suffer.
Through this the question arises, does greater transparency equal greater democracy? Trust in world leaders is now an unconscious decision, people follow without asking questions. Revolutionary groups are being oppressed by the government and global authorities trade with each other but only money is important. Due to the total conjoined control the amplification of incoming opinion is high. Globalization develops to the point where cultural identity and individualization in countries are non-existent (Does globalization mean we will become one culture, BBC, 2014). Furthermore, after the EU referendum back in 2016, many people wanted more say in politics, whether that be actively or passively. Open data plays a large role in voter involvement and how people comprehend the political structure both local and nationwide. Due to the open data basis and online media, their millions of opportunities for debate on a universal range of topics, lead to a division of the public and political dismissal which has harmed the overall reputation and progression of democracy. (The Data Republic, The Economist, 2016). It is still a mystery if ballots are actually recognized by ‘higher ups’. Moreover, China, Russia and USA were the leading front-runners when it came to dominating world trade (The Guardian, The Worlds New Superpower axis, July 2015) but that changed due to the climate change restrictions. To illustrate how climate change affects world trade and the pursuit of sustainable development the Doha Development Agenda was a strong identifier in addressing climate change, but short term. Current negotiations such as wind and hydropower turbines, solar water radiators, tanks for the creation of biogas, and landfill liners for methane gathering have been underway for many years.
“The fashion business is responsible for 85% of all textiles that end up in landfills-about 21 billion tons and for that 10% of global carbon emissions.” (Maria Claire, Fashion Industry Climate Change Solution, August 2016)
Consumer behavior and the way people want to purchase clothing has drastically evolved. People turning to technological help instead of human help has immersed itself in today’s society. Augmented reality has become part of daily life for billions of people (Dredge, Stuart, The Really Real Questions about the future of Virtual Reality, The Guardian). Instruments that assist sizing, virtual fitting quarters and stores, 3D body scanners; form manifestations are fully immersed in e-commerce production (Augment, Retail in ecommerce, February 2017). Companies are now unable to sell their merchandise without the help of technological aid. They do not know or understand human potential anymore (Teens, Technology, and Human Potential in 2020, Pew Research Center, Anderson, Janna and Lee Rainie). Trusted historical data basis that have been collected have been thrown away. People learn to study unique tastes and calculate/personalize product recommendation at an individual as well as educational level. In contrast, this approach has shifted the focus from shopping being a social interface with your friends to an alienated interaction with a digital stylist whom is monitoring your online and offline closet. The demand for wearable technology was so high companies dropped devices which tracked information on your location, body temperature and body movement left right and center without the sufficient experimentation (8 Tech Trends that will Shape the Future of Fashion and Luxury retail, Forbes, 2017). No longer did people need assistance since techno clothing did not even need physical interaction, it already knew everything. Companies have not achieved proper research and everything is concerning profit and personal benefits. As a result, wearable technological fashion became and still are dangerous to one’s health and safety (The Health Concerns in Wearable Tech, NY Times, 2017).
In conclusion, Sustainability is all about futureproofing the world around us, protecting our environment for the next generation. As technological and cyber confidentiality and security are not a given. Through this research, I have what my brand needs to alter in order to survive and drawn the following conclusions. A society rejecting fast fashion and turning to mindful garments as climate change and a sustainable lifestyle is of prime importance. My brand will prosper as my apparel experiments with consciously constructed fabrics which appeal to the rĂŠgime civilization lives. Due to this intense data transparency and technology construed thinking my brand will need to alter the way it promotes itself. My concept and target group are aware of innovation and digitalization but do not utilize it within their everyday life. Yes, there might be people whom retreat from technology altogether, but since it is such a big part of society my brand will need to embrace technology more. This being through brand expression and production by finding ways to merge sustainability and technological innovation. My brand will undoubtedly stand out with positive contribution to climate change as sustainability is one of my core values. Digital realm and complete cyber power might make people want to retreat from this life and invest in garments which harvest cultured craftsmanship and are consciously creative. With this notion come the growth of consumer interaction and the desire to touch and feel again. My brand finds it important for buyers to be well-informed about where our materials come from, as a result individuals yearn for sensory ethos to guide them when purchasing. The significance of sustainably raised fabrics and our durable expressionistic appeal which will keep our brand thriving in 2035.
point of no return My second scenario will be explained through some brief bullet points. Point Of No Return opens the doors and explores the new possibilities and limitations of complete data anonymity, in addition my other extreme will investigate ‘business and usual’ with regards to the penalties and magnitudes that co-exist with climate change. Furthermore, to have a recognizable, certified identity is now essential for being able to full participate in political, economic and social life, but that being said complete data anonymity is what we live now, so how will people integrate themselves with society in 2035? Individuals live secret and surreptitious lives whereby exposed and unprotected personal information online as well as social media images are prohibited and forbidden. “Data anonymization is a type of information sanitization whose intent is privacy protection It is the process of either encrypting or removing personally identifiable information from data sets, so that the people whom the data describe remain anonymous.” (Tech Target, De-anatomization, May 2015)
• Innovation is based (revolves strongly around) wealth. Underdeveloped countries are unlivable and secluded. As a result, migration levels are under serious strain. (Innovation, The Economist, 2015) • Migration legislations and laws have been modified and altered due to people fleeing to less isolated living areas. • Increasing population is no longer increasing as standard of living decreases. Families think twice before parenting a child in the current conditions. • Wave of extinctions that scientists are recording, some resources—specific species of fish, animals and trees (for example—will become less abundant in the decades to come, have disappear altogether) • Water supplies are sparse; water rationing is implemented due to scarcity. • North Africa, Central Asia and the Middle East, stress for water continues to increase as a result of rising populations, urbanization and the emergence of new water-intensive industries. • Essentially, climate change inflicted its destruction on us by restraining our access to the basics of life. Fundamental resources such as food, water, land and energy. This chaos devastated human life, it has increased the danger of resource conflicts of all natures • Resource-driven conflicts and wars has caused disrupts between countries to increase and have altered global operations regarding trade, tourism, legislation for example (Does Climate Change really cause Conflict, The Guardian, 2016).
• Conflicts have been the consequences of a world where individuals did not care about the intensity of climate change. Ever growing sea levels flooded numerous coastal cities. Diminished rainfall has resulted in prolonged drought now for many months. Combined with increasing heat waves and severe storms we have become ‘climate refugees’ or our own planet earth. Not only is the climate killing crops and destroying agriculture the destructive standard of living in society is killing communal interaction. Calm social collaboration between countries and societies are something of the past. • The relation between ourselves and nature has altered to such a level that we no longer live in a natural environment but in a technological one (Balch, O., 2015, www.theguardian.com, Is there an app for loneliness?) “Technologies such as social media are being used to fan the flames and to exploit ignorance and bias. The situation will get only worse – unless we find ways to share the prosperity we are creating.” (WeForum, Technology and inequality, August 2016) • Complete technology rejection (more on social matters than political, global or economical) • Not helping but weakening (Dreifus, Claudia, Why we can look away from our screens, NYTimes, 2017). • Severe living conditions (due to a climate transformation) individuals have been taken away from what they know. Undeveloped countries became more untrained and millennials been rodded from education due to global disrupts (thus not working in conjunction but I isolation). As a result, less and less people know how to work with technology which deeply affects the progression of innovation (A well educated workforce is key to state prosperity, Economic Policy Institute, 2016) • Citizens are not able to afford to purchase technological gadgets and are rejecting digitalization. Due to complete data anonymity, people go back to the roots and start saving their personal information elsewhere (so not digitally stored) • Technology rarely exists. It is used in a more moderate and conscious way. People are actually aware of how an overload of technology has negative impacts on them and as a result make very limited use of it. • Due to a shift in demand the sector focuses more on developing technology that addresses problems like global warming, pollution or medical care • Complete data anonymity because of cyber wars. (Greenemeier, Larry, Anonymous Cyber War with ISIS could Compromise Terrorism Intelligence, Scientific American, 2015).
• Why the need for this complete data anonymity? Jobs disappeared. The privacy of individuals compromised. Children never learnt how to drive a car or be driven around in one by a human being. The discomfort with regards to biological terrorism and killer drones is real. People got their DNA sequence and finger prints stolen. Man, and machine merged into single entities. These are only some of the reasons why society is under digital rebuff. • Materials oil, uranium and copper have extremely hard to obtain and costlier to acquire, leading to periodic scarcities and riots. • Weakening political system as interaction between citizen and leaders become harder (out of reach) • With no technology or complete data anonymity people are losing identities. • Easier for people to commit misconducts (and get away with them) as well as corruption and identity theft. Nothing is set within any data base due to technological rejection. • Authority is losing grip of an orderly society that maintains a routine that works for the better. Collapse of social order and the collapse of states. • Online market drastically fall and a cashless society is no longer • Resource scarcity = People buying only what they need. Furthermore, this regards to clothing individuals purchase more basics and only purchase their favorite things. (The Varieties of Resource Experience: Natural Resource Export Structures and the Political Economy of Economic Growth, Oxford Academy, 2014) • Hard for my brand to survive as they prices will be too high (modification within the production system). • Although, my brand will stand out amongst society due to its sustainable approach as well as a form of identity. In a world of no digital platforms to express one’s identity, my brand will serve as a conscious expressionistic medium for people to be.
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