Emmalisa Grella Portfolio 2016

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[ portfolio ]

emmalisa 2016-17






C O N T E N T 

Emm ali sa Clai re Grell a emmalisagrella@gmail.com

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03 . S e lf Po ( p )t ra i t

647 - 678 - 9190


07 . S e lf Po r t ra i t


05 . N a t ure’s C ha p ter 09 . B ro t her B ea r 11 . H i gh Tid e 13 . G e o D ee r Pa r t I 15 . G e o D ee r Pa r t II 17 . Fea the r + I n k 19 . W i nt er M o rn i n g 21 . M u sko ka Wa t er S er ie s 23 . S a fe S p a ce

portfolio submission EMMALISA GRELLA

S e l f

P o ( p ) t r a i t

0 6 . 2 . 1 5 Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Description: Grade 11 final project - Self portrait inspired by an artist of choice, I choose Andy Warhol. 32 x 48


portfolio submission EMMALISA GRELLA

N a t u r e ’ s

C h a p t e r

0 5 . 3 0 . 1 6 Medium: Mixed Media Description: Grade 12 final project self portrait part one - abstract element of the self portrait project. I was assigned to choose elements that represented me. I choose, my love for nature and the outdoor as well as my passion for literature and writing. 18 x 24


portfolio submission EMMALISA GRELLA

S e l f

P o r t r a i t

0 5 . 3 0 . 1 6 Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Description: Grade 12 Self portrait part two - research an artist of choice as my mentor and create a self portrait the reflects their work/technique/style. I chose Vincent Van Gogh and his piece Starry Night as my inspiration and adding my own touches. 48 x 32


portfolio submission EMMALISA GRELLA

B r o t h e r

B e a r

0 8 . 1 1 . 1 6 Medium: Water colour on canvas paper Description: Personal inspiration while spending a weekend up north at my cottage in Bracebridge, Muskoka. 11 x 17


portfolio submission EMMALISA GRELLA

H i g h

T i d e

0 5 . 1 0 . 1 6 Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Description: A study of different techniques and experimenting with them through the movement and characteristics of the ocean. 11 x 17


portfolio submission EMMALISA GRELLA

G e o

D e e r

P a r t


0 4 . 3 0 . 1 6 Medium : Digital Drawing + Photographed Image Overlays Description: Assignment was to create our own graphic drawing and place it in an environment of best fit.


portfolio submission EMMALISA GRELLA

G e o

D e e r

P a r t


0 4 . 3 0 . 1 6 Medium: Digital Drawing + Photographed Image Inserts Description: Personal inspiration from Geo Deer Part 1, continued practice with digital drawing, and instead of overlaying my graphic design, I inserted an image I photographed as accents.


portfolio submission EMMALISA GRELLA

F e a t h e r


I n k

1 0 . 2 0 . 1 5 Medium: Acrylic Ink Transfer + Charcoal Accents Description: Experimenting with abstract acrylic transfers and adding in charcoal accents afterwards to create a scene 20 x 24.


portfolio submission EMMALISA GRELLA

W i n t e r

M o r n i n g

1 0 . 2 0 . 1 5 Medium: Acrylic Ink Transfer + Charcoal Accents 24 x 20 Description: Experimenting with abstract acrylic transfers and adding in charcoal accents afterwards to create a scene.


portfolio submission EMMALISA GRELLA

M u s k o k a

W a t e r

S e r i e s

0 7 . 3 0 . 1 6 Medium: Photography Description: A study of light, reflection and refraction. Photoshop was used to enhance the natural colours in order to increase


portfolio submission EMMALISA GRELLA

S a f e

S p a c e

0 9 . 1 6 . 1 5 Medium: Photography Description: 2015 Beauty Project was to capture a moment and place that represented a safe space in my life.


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