Daily Sketch Crossing (D*S*C)

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Tell us about yourself, who are you, where are you from, and what do you do? Hi, folks! My name is Emmanuelle LY, I’m a young french illustrator based in Lyon. I’ve been sharing my Daily Sketch Crossing online since 2012. I post a drawing a day on my blog mixing portraits, iconography, typography and animated GIFs in black and white. How did you get started doing what you do? It’s a childhood passion, I’ve always been drawing. Maybe my fascination towards drawing started at 6 years old. My sister and I used to draw handmade fashion catalogs, greeting cards, bookmarks and other DIY stuff like that. What’s your inspiration? Modern and contemporary Artists are a good source of inspiration. I also pin what I like on my Pinterest boards. But you know sometimes you fuel your creativity in unexpected horizons and there’s a perfect word to describe this random process, it’s serendipity!

Some cool interesting creature/character designs from artist Emmanuelle Ly. Would you like to see more? http://dailysketchcrossing.tumblr.com/

Emmanuelle Ly Where are you from? My hometown is a little city in Eastern France, in Burgundy. Moreover, my mother is French and my father is Cambodian. Where are you right now? Currently, I live in Lyon, it’s situated between Paris and Marseille. Where do you want to be? I was lucky to live in Argentina. Maybe I would like to go back to South America. Also I would like to travel all over the world. There are so many places to discover ! http://dailysketchcrossing.tumblr.com http://emmanuellely.com/

Desde hace un poco más de dos años, la joven ilustradora francesa Emmanuelle LY desarrolla su proyecto “Daily Sketch Crossing” en el cual diariamente publica en Tumblr sketches de las imágenes que permanecen en su mente al terminar cada jornada. “D*S*C es un rizoma ilustrado que mezcla retratos, iconografía, tipografía y gifs animados en blanco y negro. Todo el mundo puede seguir este reto diario en línea. Está abierto las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana y los 365 días del año”, explica Emmanuelle desde Lyon.

Emmanuelle Ly. Diario ilustrado. Micro-entrevista La artista realiza ilustraciones en tinta, acuarela y técnica mixta. Cada día Emmanuelle Ly cuelga uno de sus trabajos en su tumblr, es su proyecto, Daily Sketch Crossing (D*S*C) en el que compone una mezcla de retratos, iconografía, tipografía y gifs animados en blanco y negro, elegantes y con un punto clásico. Una artista a la que seguir muy de cerca, prolífica, curiosa y decidida, para quien parece no tener fin la inspiración y que nos deja con una mezcolanza de sentimientos y sensaciones que van desde la diversión al enigma, sin duda, tiene mucho que contar. Tras Licenciarse en la Universidad de Bourgogne estudió en la Escuela Nacional Superior de Arte y Diseño de Dijon. Pese a su juventud, ha realizado diversas exposiciones individuales y colectivas. Hemos podido contactar con Emmanuelle Ly y esto es lo que nos ha contado: A: Quienes te han influenciado artísticamente? E.L: Es difícil hacer una lista de los mejores! Me gusta mucho David Shrigley, Daniel Johnston, Raymond Pettibon y muchos otros. Pero tengo que mencionar especialmente dos grandes iconos importantes para mí, dos artistas visionarios y atemporales como lo son Keith Harring y Jean- Michel Basquiat.

Emmanuelle Ly es una joven ilustradora francesa, con base en Lyon, y con una fascinación por el dibujo desde muy pequeña. Ly ha publicado sus trabajos en varios medios importantes y festivales alrededor del mundo. Su proyecto Daily Sketch, como dice su nombre, publica un dibujo por día en blanco y negro, y hay algunos realmente muy buenos. Armamos una selección de trabajos y los compartimos con ustedes. Acá pueden ver todos sus dibujos.

Daily Sketches by French Illustrator Emmanuelle Ly Sketch blogs are pretty popular on Tumblr—maybe a little too popular. Fortunately, illustrator Emmanuelle Ly‘s Tumblr of daily sketches elevates the medium of sketch art by uniquely combining portraits, iconography, typography, and GIFS (because, hey, it’s Tumblr). The result is “a huge illustrated rhizome” that represents the cultural map of illustrations presented. Emmanuelle Ly even recently turned her daily sketches into an exhibition, DAILY SKETCH CROSSING (D * S * C). Along with displaying her sketches in a gallery, Ly also took her work to the streets, scattering her pieces around parts of the city in experimental street art fashion. She has other projects in the works as well, such as this one about GIF parties and this one about internet voyeurism. It’s unfortunately all in French, but it’s worth checking out.

Emmanuelle Ly is a rising illustrator based in Lyon. Her fascination towards drawing started when she was a child, as she was drawing handmade fashion catalogs with her sister. Ly has showcased her work in various spaces and platforms, including The Wrong New Digital Art Biennale, Festival de dessin contemporain at Toulon, Galerie Affenfaust at Hamburg and Incline Gallery at San Francisco. Ly tends to incorporate different elements, motives and techniques in her work; mixing various fragments from internet, movies, books and music, inevitably inspired by her surroundings. When she was a fine art student, she encountered a technique called BookCrossing -the practice of leaving a book in a public place to be picked up and read by others in a repetitive circle. Ly wanted to do the same with her illustrations, perceived this as some kind of a personal challenge and started to distribute her sketches around. Since 2012, the French illustrator posts a sketch a day on her blog ÂŤDaily Sketch Crossing,Âť better known as D*S*C. To find about more about this inspiring artist, keep an eye on her work.

ÂŤFrench illustrator Emmanuelle Ly possesses a raw appeal that stands out in polished, modern times. Her work is primal but concise. Her attention to detail is skewed by an abstract subconscious[...] These black and white endeavors are sometimes humorous and starkly haunting.Âť

Emmanuelle LY est une jeune illustratrice qui s’est lancé le défi de réaliser un dessin par jour. DAILY SKETCH CROSSING (D*S*C) est le nom qu’elle a donné à son projet fleuve qui rassemble tout un réseau de références en un rhizome illustré qui mute et croît quotidiennement.

Check out these awesome daily sketches from French Illustrator Emmanuelle Ly. One sketch each day, every day. That’s Emmanuelle’s rule. The only self-constraints are that the breathe of sketches need to incorporate portraits, iconography, typography and animated gifs.

En partenariat avec les Beaux-Arts de Dijon, la galerie Interface accueille jusqu’au 29 janvier les œuvres de trois artistes. Un cycle intitulé Entre poire et fromage, en référence à un moment privilégié alliant convivialité et créativité. Avec une série de dessins réalisés entre 2009 et 2011, Emmanuelle Ly occupe un mur de l’appartement-galerie, recréant par tout un réseau de références le paysage de la culture pop : slogans publicitaires, affiches, scènes et personnages marquants du 7 e art, ou personnalités célèbres offrent à chacun une occasion d’échanger autour de cette culture commune. Emmanuelle Ly se l’est appropriée, la faisant résonner au travers d’une histoire et d’une sensibilité personnelle, et incite le public à faire de même par le plaisir de la reconnaissance. Les sculptures en latex d’Edouard Lebourgeois nous parlent aussi de réseau et de lien : le corps humain évoque chez lui une mécanique en interaction avec le monde, au même titre que ces étranges sphères organiques, reliées les unes aux autres. Dernière étape à ne pas manquer, un court-métrage de Mathilde Rachet, Le syndrome de Cendrillon, est diffusé au sous-sol de l’appartement-galerie : une histoire de désir et de fascination, d’obsession et de mort. Le fait divers y est illustré comme le moment où l’étrange jaillit du familier, où le monde connu bascule dans l’ombre. Trois artistes, trois univers à découvrir, résolument riches et singuliers. Galerie Interface, 12, rue chancelier de l’hospital Dijon. Tél. :

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