The How & The Why

Page 1


A Note on the Format Change of this Handbook


Mission and Goals of the Office of Student Activities and Multicultural Programs


Expectations of Groups and Advisors


OSAMP Contact Information



How to Start a New Group


How to Renew an Organization


How to Arrange to Travel


How to Pay For Things o

It’s “On Us” (Accessing Your Budget)


It’s “On You” (Processing Reimbursement


How to Contract a Performer or Vendor


How to Cosponsor an Event


How to Reserve Space



How to Book a Speaker


How to Raise Money



General Fundraisers



REFERENCE: Event Planning Timeline



The How and Why Manual Updated 08/2013

A Note on the Format Change of This Manual When you speak up, whether you’re an organization advisor or a member of a student group, we listen. And after surveying you all to get feedback on how we’re doing, we realized that too many of you were unsure of how to conduct many aspects of business with our office. The goal of this manual is to change that. In addition to understanding just how things are done, we also want to let you know why they are done that way. This way, when something needs to be redone, or be done in a more timely manner, you’ll understand how that affects the overall process and who else is involved in conducting business. With that said, if you have any questions or concerns that aren’t addressed in this manual, please feel free to stop by the Office of Student Activities and Multicultural Programs to ask. We are more than happy to help!

Mission and Goals of the Office of Student Activities and Multicultural Programs Office of Student Activities & Multicultural Programs: The Office of Student Activities and Multicultural Programs strives to provide all Emmanuel College students with a wide range of educational and social opportunities that will facilitate the development of the whole person through an integrated cocurricular program. The Office of Student Activities and Multicultural Programs will provide diverse programs that enhance our students’ educational endeavors and foster critical thinking through leadership development, social and intellectual interaction and an awareness of the world beyond the classroom. To that end, the Office of Student Activities and Multicultural Programs also provides a safe and supportive environment that promotes, encourages and celebrates cultural differences; as well as deliver services and programs that focus on issues of diversity and multiculturalism. Goals: 1. To provide programming that exposes students to various cultures, ideas and issues. 2. To provide a comprehensive student activities schedule. 3. To raise the level of school spirit, pride and tradition.


The How and Why Manual Updated 08/2013

4. To provide opportunities for students to practice leadership, decision-making and organizational skills. Role of the OSAMP The Office of Student Activities and Multicultural Programs (OSAMP) is responsible for the management of all student groups recognized by, and including, the Student Government Association. This includes program advisement, event approval and enforcement of all OSAMP and Emmanuel College policies and procedures. Emmanuel as a Catholic Institution It is important to note that Emmanuel College is a Catholic institution, and as such, all programs and activities endorsed and sponsored by Emmanuel’s student groups must be in alignment with the practices and principles of the Catholic faith. The Vice President of Student Affairs and the Director of Student Activities maintain the authority and responsibility to be involved in determining the appropriateness of events and activities sponsored by clubs/organizations.

Expectations of Groups and Advisors Student groups funded by SGA and overseen by OSAMP are expected to: 1. Ensure that membership is open to all students and does not discriminate. 2. Recruit actively to preserve the longevity of the organization. 3. Actively monitor spending and transactions of on-campus accounts, with the help of your club advisor and program advisor. 4. Register once a year with OSAMP. 5. Comply with SGA and OSAMP delineated policies, as well as those of the student code of conduct, and those of Emmanuel College as a whole. Expectations of the Advisor: When asked to be an advisor, have a meeting with the organization and ask questions about their expectations of you and share your own of them. Remember, this is a mutual relationship. It is reasonable to be asked to attend scheduled meetings or events. When advising a club or organization, please take time to meet with that organization at the start of the semester and develop some expectations. The following are a few ideas:  3

Be available to consult with members of the organization. The How and Why Manual Updated 08/2013

   

Be familiar with the purpose of the organization. Review financial accounts being maintained by the treasurer. Screen all letters, invitations, and correspondence before they go out. Stay informed of resources and opportunities that will advance the goals of the organization.

All groups are required to have an organization advisor that is a member of the full time faculty, staff or administration here at Emmanuel College. The advisor is an essential resource in all aspects of the group’s activities. The OSAMP counts on the Club/Organization Advisor to be the "front line" contact person with the group and to be aware of its issues and challenges. Eligibility:    

May advise no more than two student groups Must be a full-time employee of Emmanuel College, unless excepted by the Associate Dean of Students/Director of Student Activities Must have knowledge/experience related to the nature of the student group Must assist the organization in abiding by the mission of the College, as well as the guidelines set by OSAMP and SGA.

Responsibilities:       

Act as a support system for clubs and organizations. Attend as many meetings and events as you can. Must sign ALL SGA paper work and room reservation forms. Assist executive board to brainstorm event and program ideas. Mediate intergroup conflict. Provide network of resources based upon the mission of the club/organization. Attend ALL programs that begin at or after 6:00 pm, and all off-campus events.

The Other Piece of the Puzzle: The Program Advisor The Program Advisor is available to help clubs/organizations navigate the program planning process as well as the organization's development. In planning events, once a club/organization has developed an overall picture of what they would like to do, their next stop should be with the Program Advisor. Responsibilities:      4

Provide final approval before any event/program can take place. Provide guidance in the planning and execution of events. Review and assist the negotiating of contracts. Assist club with obtaining food services/catering for events/programs. Assist clubs/organizations order supplies, novelties, audio visual/technical The How and Why Manual Updated 08/2013

 

needs etc. Approve reservation forms and guide clubs/organizations in scheduling space for events, meetings and programs. Communicate with facilities regarding event/program set ups.

Student groups must meet with their advisor prior to meeting with their Program Advisor for the planning of events/programs. It is MANDATORY for all clubs and organizations to meet with their Program Advisor regarding any events, games and programs. Any club or organization not complying with OSAMP policy will be sanctioned.


The How and Why Manual Updated 08/2013

OSAMP Contact Information Dan Darcy Director of Student Activities and Multicultural Programs Associate Dean of Students   

Oversees Student Government Association Program advises the Student Government Association and class councils Coordinates campus-wide programming efforts and weekend programming

Jeff Smith Director of Multicultural Programs  

Coordinates multicultural and diversity initiatives across campus Program advises multicultural student organizations

Kevin Farrell Assistant Director of Student Activities, Programming and Leadership Director of Student Center Services  

Oversees operations of the Jean Yawkey Center and the Corner Pocket game lounge Advises ECPB, EC Dance Marathon, Omicron Delta Kappa, First Year Focus Leadership Academy, Executive Suite Leadership Academy, Sophomore Connection Leadership Academy and Women’s Leadership Academy Coordinates assembly and publication of the E-List

Amma Marfo Assistant Director of Student Activities, Involvement and Assessment Coordinator for Commuter Services     


Oversees Commuter Student Life Coordinates assessment initiatives for the Office of Student Activities and Multicultural Programs Develops and implements training for student groups and their advisors Program advises SGA-sponsored student organizations (see exceptions above) Coordinates themed and wellness based programming, and ticketed events

The How and Why Manual Updated 08/2013

THE HAVE TO’S How to Start a New Student Group In order for a student group to become a recognized campus organization, it must be formally approved by the Office Student Activities and Multicultural Programs and the SGA. To initiate this process, the organization seeking recognition must: Arrange and attend a meeting with the Associate Dean of Students/Director of Student Activities. At this meeting, the student(s) will receive a copy of this packet, which includes all of the steps to starting a new club or organization. The packet requires the following information: Identification of an organization advisor, who must be a full-time member of the faculty, staff or administration. That individual must submit in writing a notice that he/she agrees to serve as organization advisor. *Note that an Advisor cannot advise more than 2 clubs at a time.  List of executive board members, their titles and their contact information.  A copy of your organization’s constitution.  List of at least 2 programs and/or events, or description of publication, or proposed athletic or performance schedule.  Thirty undergraduate signatures, from students who support the proposed club/organization.  Indicate the potential budget for your organization (i.e. insurance if a club sport, supplies, etc.), potential meeting location (i.e. gym, classroom, etc.), and any potential off-campus travel (i.e. conference, sporting event, etc.). 

Once the packet has been completed, you will set up a second meeting with the Associate Dean of Students/Director of Student Activities. Your proposed organization advisor will need to attend this meeting. At this meeting, your potential Program Advisor (a member of the OSAMP staff) will be present to review the role of the Program Advisor with you. At the second meeting, the Associate Dean of Students/Director of Student Activities will review all of the information. If all requirements are met, a memo will be sent to the SGA President indicating that the club has met all of the preliminary requirements for becoming a club and is ready to go in front of the SGA for a formal vote on their recognition. Lastly, members of the club will go before the entire SGA and make their request to become formally recognized. Once an organization gains formal recognition through the SGA, that recognition takes place immediately.


The How and Why Manual Updated 08/2013

How to Renew an Organization Each spring, your group will need to be renewed. In order to do this, a few processes will need to be completed. Attend Planning Day in full. This required day of updates to policy and training includes an opportunity to receive the Spring Policy Agreement and to reserve space for club meetings in the spring semester. Without your group’s full participation in Planning Day, your funding and ability to operate will be threatened. Exceptions to mandatory attendance at Planning Day must be cleared in advance with the SGA Vice President for Club Relations; unexcused absences will threaten your group’s ability to operate. Sign and complete your Policy Agreement form. This form includes a space for all of your officers to identify themselves, as well as a space to notify us who your advisor is. In the absence of this form and the Student Organization Registration Packet, you will not be able to conduct business (room reservations, contracts, fundraising, etc.). A due date for this form will be provided- please return it to us in a timely manner! Also, we will need a completed Student Organization Registration Packet. This online form will allow you to identify the full membership of your organization.

Why Do We Have to Renew an Organization? Groups change from year to year, and we require groups to be renewed so that we can monitor where the money goes, if groups should be funded, and how many students their funding is reaching. This information can help OSAMP and SGA to ensure that funding is given to groups who are reaching the most students, or providing the most benefit to the Emmanuel College community.


The How and Why Manual Updated 08/2013

How to Arrange for Travel Planning on traveling as a student group? Here are the steps you will need to follow. First, complete the Travel Registration Form and work with your organization and program advisors to finalize the budget for the trip. If this involves paying for travel, make sure to go through the proper channels (see page 10) to do so. Why Complete a Travel Registration Form? The Travel Registration Form is designed to help you map out all the costs that you’ll have for your trip, and what considerations need to be made while planning your travel. We need that information to prevent last minute “Whoops, we forgot…” moments. We hate those, and we know you do too!

Make travel arrangements with the help of your organization and program advisor. Obtain confirmations for all elements of the trip (travel, lodging, schedule) and create an agenda for what will be happening on the trip, when. Next, collect Release of Claims forms for all students traveling, and a Trip Advisor Consent form for any advisors traveling. We need emergency contact information in case something happens while the group is gone and we need to get in touch with you all. No student or advisor may travel without submitting this information. Make sure to check in with your program advisor within three days of your trip, to get information about on-call professionals who will be on duty while you’re gone. In the event of an emergency on the trip, you will need to contact them as well as a staff member of OSAMP.


The How and Why Manual Updated 08/2013

How to Pay For Things *A quick note: SGA allocated funds cannot be used to purchase food for club meetings, T-passes for travel, or graduation items such as stoles, cords, or gifts. It’s “On Us” (Accessing Your Budget- PREFERRED) Meet with your club advisor and program advisor to determine what you’re going to buy and from where. Create an itemized list of what you’ll be buying and how much it will cost. Schedule a time to use the credit card with your program advisor. Because we work with so many groups and have to ensure that we don’t hit any preset spending limits, “drop-in” use of the credit card is not permitted. Please allow 2 weeks when planning to spend money, and bring your itemized list so we know what is being purchased! Alternately, complete the following paperwork at least two weeks in advance to have a check cut for a purchase:   

An SGA Account Form, signed by the organization president and treasurer, and the organization advisor. Documentation for payment- an invoice or contract MUST accompany an SGA Account form for a check to be processed. This paperwork must be submitted to the SGA (office located in the basement of St. Joe’s Hall), and not the program advisor, to be processed. The deadline for account forms is each Tuesday at 9am.

It’s “On You” (Processing Reimbursement- must be submitted within 30 days of purchase) First, please note that any purchases of prohibited items (see the top of this page) cannot be reimbursed. What’s more, funds can only be reimbursed for items that have been budgeted for. Complete an SGA Account Form, signed by the organization president and treasurer, and the organization advisor. Include receipts for items that were purchased, or reimbursement cannot be issued. Submit this paperwork to the SGA, and not the program advisor, to be processed by Tuesday at 9am. Why Do You Need So Much Time to Process Paperwork? The staff members of OSAMP are far from the only people who see this paperwork. The Business Office and, depending upon the payment, the Vice President for Student Affairs also work with these forms. We allow extra time to make sure everyone has time to see and sign it all.


The How and Why Manual Updated 08/2013

How to Contract a Performer or Vendor Before planning an event that requires a contract, please know that two meetings will be needed in order for this event to proceed. The first meeting will be to go over the logistics of the event- contract terms, location and time of event, and other details. The second meeting will happen within three days of the event, to secure final details. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ENTER INTO OR SIGN A CONTRACT WITHOUT THE ASSISTANCE AND CONSENT OF THE PROGRAM ADVISOR.

Why Can’t We Enter Into A Contract On Our Own? Contracts are only permitted to be agreed to and signed by the Vice President of Student Affairs, and must comply with Emmanuel’s policies and Massachusetts law. The contract must be looked over for compliance. What’s more, whoever signs that contract is responsible for its contents, including payment. Trust us, you don’t want that to be you.

Obtain a written agreement for services from the performer or vendor in question, signed by that person/organization. Please include a W9 (tax form available online) completed and signed by the person/organization as well, to ensure that the payment can be counted toward their taxes. Most who enter into these agreements know how to do this; if they have any questions, direct them to OSAMP and we can help! Please note: even if a speaker, lecturer, artist, or person providing a service is not being paid, you should complete a contract. Why Should We Complete a Contract for Someone Not Getting Paid? Performers, vendors, or other service providers cancel or opt not to do what they’ve agreed to all the time. We wish it wasn’t that way, but sometimes it is. Having a contract that both sides agree to can make sure that you get the services you asked for.

Bring this pair of documents to your Program Advisor at least four weeks prior to the event for approval and signature. Once you receive a signed contract, which will be returned to the program advisor, submit the contract and proper SGA paperwork to the SGA treasurer to ensure that payment is completed.


The How and Why Manual Updated 08/2013

How to Cosponsor an Event Interested in sharing resources, a participation base, and interest with a fellow organization or department? Cosponsoring an event may be a great way to join forces and create a great experience for those attending. Once the participating organizations have determined what they’d like to do, each group must meet with their advisor to discuss the organization’s involvement in the project. The program advisor must also be made aware of the plans, to ensure that they comply with SGA and College policies. Using the Cosponsorship Form, each group should divide the responsibilities for the event, both in terms of finances and duties. Each organization’s president and advisor must sign this form before submitting it to the Program Advisor. Why Do We Need to Fill Out a Cosponsorship Form? Much like with the contract for unpaid performers or vendors (see page 11), it is always helpful to outline responsibilities in writing. That way, if the question “Who was supposed to do [insert duty here]?” arises, you have a point of reference, that ALL have agreed to, to consult.

Some duties that you may want to ensure end up on this form include:    

Design and hanging of flyers Creation of a Facebook event/entry on Emmanuel calendar Event setup and breakdown Payment for food/vendors/other supplies

Schedule a meeting with the program advisor to go over the details of the form, and to finalize that all arrangements have been made. After the event, be sure to stop by and let everyone know how the experience was, and how it could be improved next time.


The How and Why Manual Updated 08/2013

How to Reserve Space *space for your organization should be reserved through this process ONLY. The Room Reservation process is now hosted online, at the following link: A few quick and extremely important point of note:


These reservations will be submitted to relevant parties ONCE A WEEK: Tuesdays at noon. Any reservations not submitted by that time will not be submitted until the following week. All timelines for reserving space (at least two weeks in advance) hold, so plan accordingly!

We do not make arrangements for facilities or technology needs- contact information for those offices is provided so you can make your own arrangements. Please do not assume we’re taking care of it!

Because the advisor does not sign off on this form, all events for which rooms are being reserved MUST be pre-approved by the organization advisor. Any reserved space that is deemed disapproved by the advisor, will leave the group subject to SGA sanctions.

All required fields must be filled out. Missing information will delay the reservation process.

The How and Why Manual Updated 08/2013

THE WANT TO’S How to Book a Speaker Is your organization interested in booking a speaker for a meeting or event? Much of the payment process will be drawn from “How to Contract a Performer or Vendor” (see page 11), but there are a few additional considerations. First, meet with both the organization and program advisor to clear your idea. This pair of meetings will be important for setting guidelines and expectations for the event. These meetings should take place at least four (4) weeks prior to the proposed event date. Requests coming in with less than four weeks’ notice will not be considered. Be sure to confirm availability of an appropriate space for your speaker- for smaller lectures, ADM 155-157 could suffice; larger lectures could go into the Fenway Room, Administration Building Auditorium, or Library Lecture Hall. Make sure this is done before signing a contract- there are few things worse than bringing a speaker, but having nowhere to put him or her! Why Do We Need So Much Time to Book a Speaker? As with financial paperwork, many College staff and officials play a role in the success of an event like a speaker. Apart from getting paperwork, room reservations, and payment completed, some speakers may also require the attention and efforts of the Marketing Communications or Government, Community and Public Relations offices. This timeline gives all parties time to do their best work.

Once date, time, and location details are set, a contract should be submitted and the procedure for “How to Contract a Performer or Vendor” should be followed. Only after the contract is approved by both the speaker and Emmanuel College should the event be advertised.


The How and Why Manual Updated 08/2013

How to Raise Money Now that fundraising is going to be asked for more often, here are some guidelines on how to complete one for your organization. Register your fundraiser with OSAMP by completing the Fundraising Registration Form. Make sure to include all the relevant information- date, time, location, etc. Why Do We Have to Register Our Fundraiser? In addition to making sure that the means of fundraising is legal and permissible by the rules of the College, registering a fundraiser gives you an opportunity to claim space on a busy schedule so your fundraising efforts won’t be challenged by other organizations raising money. Further, raffle taxes must be submitted by a deadline before extra money is charged; the more information our office has about your fundraising efforts, the quicker that paperwork can be completed, preventing a penalty from the State.

If your fundraiser is a raffle, you will also have to complete a Raffle Information Form, AND assist OSAMP in completing paperwork after the raffle to ensure that appropriate taxes are taken out and given to the State of Massachusetts. Proceed with your fundraiser, ensuring that all money made each day is returned to OSAMP. You are not permitted to hold money overnight, so please make arrangements to return money to OSAMP at the conclusion of your event. Following your fundraiser, schedule a meeting with your program advisor to go over what money was made, how to deposit funds, and how to disburse funds to outside agencies if applicable. Remember, organizational fundraisers require a refund of invested funds to SGA! Those raising money for outside organizations do not, but that money must be given to the organization through the College. Do not give them the cash you raised!


The How and Why Manual Updated 08/2013

REFERENCE: Event Planning Checklist New to planning events? No problem! We have a checklist designed to help you make sure all elements are completed. Feel free to get in touch with any staff member of OSAMP with questions. Person(s) Responsible Completion Date FOUR WEEKS PRIOR TO EVENT: 1. Select the performer or event.



2. Reserve necessary facilities.



3. Approval of budget by officers/board.



4. Contact performer or agent



5. Prepare and send news releases.



6. Order or print tickets.



7. Plan advertising campaign.



Type of performance (context, format) Verify time, date and location. Review contract with advisor. Number of performers. Equipment needed. Travel, lodging, meals. Teasers by performers. Decide on opening act and/or DJ.

Dates and types of publicity. Prepare flyers (agency may have examples). Design posters and send to printers. Set up dates for poster blitzes. Make table tents. 16

The How and Why Manual Updated 08/2013

Send any letters to other organizations (on or off-campus). Send notices to Residence Hall Directors. Contact Academic Departments. Plan any other advertising schemes. 8. Reserve any needed dressing rooms.



9. Make any transportation arrangements.



11. Make ticket sale arrangements.



12. Order decorations.



1. Order any food necessary.



2. Put tickets on sale.



3. Turn in work orders for tables, chairs, lights, etc.



4. Preliminary check with security and/or police.



5. Contact The Hub for coverage.



10. Schedule: Hotel accommodations. Hospitality. Other.


TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO EVENT: 1. Put up advertising.



2. Check status of ticket sales.



3. Request parking permits.



5. Confirm payment with Student Activities or SGA.





ONE WEEK PRIOR TO EVENT: 1. Check with Facilities/Media for technical info. 17

The How and Why Manual Updated 08/2013

2. Delegate event responsibilities.



3. Double check on hospitality arrangements.



4. Prepare brochure to hand out at event, explaining show or promoting your next event. _______________


5. Confirmation call to agent or artist for arrival time, directions or any last minute information.



6. Reserve cash box.



7. Check status of ticket sales.



1. Set up area.



2. Distribute final publicity.



3. Meet or pick up artist.



4. Assist with load in.



5. Pick up cash box.



6. Prepare hospitality set up.



7. Check on room for set up.



8. Assist with load out and clean up.



1. Complete evaluation forms).



2. Remove ALL publicity.



3. Write and send Thank You notes.



4. Collect articles, ads, promos for file.






The How and Why Manual Updated 08/2013

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