The Paraclete

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The little paper that feeds on prayer


Vol. 6, No. 2 Issue

PARACLETE Parish of the Holy Spirit, BF Homes, Quezon City

April 2013

Love and Chastity Forum

By Angeli Francis S. Rivera

“BY THE GRACE of God, I will live pure.” Hollow? Rhetoric? No. These words are pure commitment. These passed from the mouth of the dedicated youth missionaries of the Live Pure Movement to the youth-participants from the Holy Spirit Parish. For that reason, the Love and Chastity Forum by the Live Pure Movement last February 23, 2013 was not your ordinary fly-byday seminar or part of ancient history, but a landmark in one’s life. The said activity was initiated by parish volunteers Enric Estrada and Dante Reyes. The youth missionaries included EJ Aguila, Rene Eguico, DR Arellano, Bea de Leon, Stephanie Salcedo, Jonathan Chiochico and Ben Leonin. What is the Live Pure Movement? Launched August 2010 by the Couples for Christ Foundation, the Live Pure Movement is a Catholic, pro-life movement that leads and forms young people to a life of Chastity. Chastity, according to Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) is a virtue that orders or shapes the human powers of sexuality towards personalization. Since Chastity is a virtue, it has to be a “habit” and a “disposition.” That is why the Live Pure Movement attests that

they are not just a passing advocacy, but aim to help and form young people to strive for purity of the mind, eyes and body. Their vision-mission is to make young people realize and live out the value of human dignity, relationships, waiting and love through Jesus Christ. The forum took place on a whole day and was divided into two—chastity in the morning and love in the afternoon. The Chastity Forum (9-12 NN) Contemporary songs were entertainingly sung at first and then followed by an introduction to the Live Pure Movement by youthmissionary EJ Aguila. The forum’s strong points include the following: a. It is normal to love because we are designed that way. We are created out of love to love and be loved. BUT, we have to bring back the real meaning of love. And the real meaning of love can be found only in Jesus Christ—the Way, the Truth and the Life. b. In Genesis 1:27, the human is created in the image and likeness of God. The human is God’s masterpiece; given freedom to decide and intellect to practice Chastity (self-control) in the body and mind. This is where the dignity of the human person is founded. c. In Genesis 1:28, it was said that man was given a companion fit for him. This

was interpreted to love one another as equals. Men and women were created differently to complement each other (man’s nature = to work; woman = to take care). However, the argument is to be taken objectively and should not be intended to stigmatize or “genderize”. d. Sex is sacred and holy (glorifies God) and given to couples married in the Church. It preserves the inseparability between the procreative (life-giving) and the unitive (lovegiving) dimensions of human sexuality. Love entails commitment, fulfills the will of God and is graced by the Sacrament of Matrimony. No to safe sex, yes to saved sex or saving purity. e. Chastity is self-control. The opposite is the sin of lust, which is equal to degrading a human person to an object of sexual satisfaction. Sexual faults (pornography, premarital sex, etc.) vary in degree of bringing disorder to the personality and character of the person. *Author’s note: sexual faults are to be evaluated with how much the person is involved. f. Live Pure advocate Chris Tiu tells: love and sacrifice builds strength and character. It requires humility (correction) and real freedom. Developing a healthy lifestyle involves receiving sacraments and channeling of energies to productive and helpful activities. Continued on page 3 ....

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The Paraclete

April 2013

Risings: Into each sole some pebble must roll

Women with resilient faith

EVERY TIME ATE Aida (Villarama) engages anybody in conversation, the person would surprise himself at his erstwhile untapped capacity to listen to her as interminably as her discourse takes. Even those who are short of attention and thin of patience are inevitably drawn to her and, notwithstanding the length of time the dialogue takes, offer no resistance nor regret. For Ate Aida is a stroke survivor. And her resurgence is a tale of painstaking suffering and unbowed faith. Immobilized and bereft of speech, her only therapy consisted of making an excruciating sign of the cross alongside mouthing off the preamble, and the prayer that follows it, equally excruciatingly. Her unrestrained enthusiasm for conversation is a natural manifestation of one who was deprived of speech for 4 months. In her firm resolve to convince her three daughters (who left their employment abroad to see to her recovery) that she was well enough to be fussed about, she accomplished the incredible, guided only by sheer will and resilient faith. Her zeal is the main reason why Ate Oyo (Pariùo, a fellow PREX 27 graduate) lost her inhibition and insecurity. A throat cancer rendered Ate Oyo not only speech-impaired but also painfully withdrawn. She would keep to herself and avoid social contact, including family and friends, even when she is in church. As faith would have it, she was on the same pew as Ate Aida (a hi-hello sort of acquaintance) during a Mass (at the Immaculate Conception Chapel) presided by Fr. Jigs where he announced the forthcoming conduct of PREX 27 at the Holy Spirit Parish. The announcement caught her attention and interest but she didn’t know where that Parish was so asked her seatmate. The rest is an interminable, relentless exchange of a fruitful prexperience. Bother the ears that hear and ache.

A personal resurrection Before the final blessing, Fr. Jigs surprised many in the congregation that Easter Sunday Salubong Mass with a revelation in which he, like many, was a victim. To him, however, the experience was profoundly personal, a bitter betrayal of him by one he considered not only a dear friend but, more importantly, one of the family. It banished him to a devastating abyss of anger and pain. He assured the congregation his only fault was trusting too blindly - but that he could not have authored the wrong done us, whom he loves as deeply. There will be justice, the pastor said, guaranteeing his flock that what was embezzled will be restored, albeit after a while. And indeed, he must have suffered torture unto death because, on that glorious day, when we commemorated the rising of Christ, Fr. Jigs, with a final flow of tears, claimed his own resurrection, a fitting finale to a saga in which God let him break free from the fetters of somebody’s sin by teaching him how to tender forgiveness.

Top Photo: Ate Aida, first from left, front row, and Ate Oyo, third from left during the Prex Mass on January 27, 2013. Bottom photo: Fr. Jigs delivers his homily during the Easter Vigil. On June 3, 2013, Fr. Jigs leaves the Parish of the Holy Spirit for his new assignment


The Paraclete

april 2013

Love and Chastity Forum The Chastity forum ended with participants writing on a piece of paper about their struggles against purity. They were instructed to keep it until the end of the session. The Love Forum (1:00-4:00 PM) Similar to the Chastity Forum, the Love Forum began with a song, entitled: Give us Clean Hands, which is a praise song about asking God to purify our body, mind and spirit. As the cliché goes, love is the most awaited topic by the youth, but this is best explained in the particular stage of life where the human personality is being formed with the help of authentic relationships (family, friendship, love). Love and relationships is a sensitive and serious topic, so boys and girls had to be divided primarily for better understanding of their own particular experiences. The girls stayed at the Ruah with youth missionaries Reine Eguico, Bea de Leon and Stephanie Salcedo while the boys were led to a room nearby with youth missionaries DR Arellano, EJ Aguila, Ben Leonin and Jonathan

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Chichioco. Both groups were given private sessions each. *Author’s note: As a participant, we were told about redefining what is beautiful according to a true example of being a woman— Mama Mary. The Blessed Mother was courageous (stood up for one’s own conviction, value and worth), obedient (trusted in God’s will) and a servant of God (connected with the Lord). The forum’s strong points included the following: a. True love is desiring what is good for the other (falling in love is not because I’m lonely but I’m ready). Relationships are driven by commitment and not just feelings. b. Love is precious—do not cheapen it. Everyone does not deserve someone who cannot commit. Boys cheapen love through text, chat, and rebound. *Author’s note: rebound is taking advantage of the other when either or both recently sprung from a failed relationship. c. Love is precious—do not make it ugly. Relationships should not be illegal but conform to societal norms. Lies are not proper in relationships. *Author’s

note: societal norms include what are accepted and expected by the family and the society in general. d. Love is precious—do not rush into it. Do not deprive oneself of surprises. To know true love, a Catholic is suggested to: i) Have a relationship with God. True love entails sacrifice and total surrender. Find Jesus as one’s own true love; ii) Ask for Mary’s intercession; iii) Prioritize studies. It will prepare us either for the vocation to holy orders or married life; iv) Start valuing one’s parents. From them, one will be able to learn about true love. The Love forum ended with participants writing on a piece of paper about their plans to live pure. They were instructed to keep it as a reminder and then to take out the other paper that had their written struggles against purity. They tore that paper simultaneously while yelling the words: “By the grace of God, I will live pure!”. As a culminating activity, the participants were invited to have a personal talk with God with the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at the parish. TP

Mother Butler Guild Installs New Members

MBG President Remy Coronel installs the MBG pin on Lulu Nicolas (left photo) and lights the candle of Junette Rendon while Fr. Jigs Rosalinda looks on (middle photo). MBG members pose with Fr. Jigs in the sanctuary that they decorated for the Easter Vigil (right photo)


The Paraclete

April 2013

A(l)-lel-(u)-i-(ah!) Aleli Francis S. Rivera

Pope Francis, Pope of the Poor THE 266th POPE of the Catholic Church and the first non European pope in 1300 years made his way to the celebrating crowd at St. Peter’s Square, his election to papacy witnessed by 1.2 billion Catholics worldwide. The pope, who was introduced to the world on March 13, 2013 as Pope Francis, faced the crowd donned in his white cassock and iron pectoral crosshat. He had refused to use an elevated platform and chose to stand in level with his cardinals. Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born in Buenos Aires Argentina on December 17, 1936 from Italian parents Mario Jose Bergoglio, an immigrant railworker and Regina Maria Sivori, a housewife. He was ordained priest on December 13, 1969, consecrated as Titular bishop of Auca in June 27, 1992 and was elevated to the status of cardinal on February 21, 2001 by Pope John Paul II. The first Jesuit pope chose the papal name Francis I in honor of St. Francis of Asissi who was very well known to live a humble life. St. Francis Assisi was remembered to have shed off his luxurious life as a son of a rich merchant in favor of his service to the Lord in humility. The Society of Jesus was founded in the 16th century by St. Ignatius of Loyola, who had the principle of working with the poor and their scholarship. It was definitely a number of firsts for this pope, the first Francis, first Jesuit pope, first pope of America and first pope of the Southern Hemisphere. Since his papal enthronement, he had chosen to reside in the Vatican guesthouse

rather than the papal residence. but always getting up again.”

Before Papacy

He builds bridges in every The pontiff had diverted away from the religion

catholic tradition even before papacy and had been known to live simply. He was also known for his sympathy towards single mothers whose babies were refused to be baptized by priests in his local community, later scolding the priests for depriving baptism to children of God. In 2007, Bergoglio presented the Aparecida Document with the bishops of Latin America. The Document links receiving Eucharist as compliance and acceptance of the Church’s teaching against abortion and euthanasia. Bergoglio strongly opposed them and has always encouraged defending the dignity of human life. In 2010, Bergoglio had clashed with Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, President of Argentina, against legalizing gay marriage and the free distribution of contraceptives. Bergoglio’s stand was that marriage cannot be extended to homosexual unions but emphasized that they should be treated with respect and love. Bergoglio condemned child trafficking and sex slavery in Buenos Aires in 2011.

Bergoglio is recognized for his respect in every religion. He visited Orthodox services in the Russian Orthodox Annunciation in Buenos Aires and works with them hand in hand on advocacies for that country’s government. He was a friend of the Anglicans. He was the first public figure to sign a petition against the attack of a Jewish Community Center during the 1994 AMIA bombing that killed 85 people. Islamic leaders praised Bergoglio for his close ties with the Islamic community. It was Bergoglio who opened up Interfaith Ceremonies during his cardinal years in Buenos Aires, forming a deep relationship and understanding between religions. He had gathered Jewish, Muslim, Evangelical and Orthodox Christian leaders to pray for peace in the Middle East. His respect for every religion earned him a lot of attendees during his installation. Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople (Eastern Orthodox Church) was present during his introduction as a pope. His views in life In his papacy, he invited the Chief Miserando atque eligendo (God’s Rabbi of Rome, Riccardo Di Segni in Mercy) is his Episcopal motto drawn hope of good ties with the Catholic and from Matthew 9:9-13: “Because he Jewish communities. Israeli President saw him through the eyes of mercy Shimon Peres is also scheduled to meet and chose him”. He views morality as the pope at the end of April 2013. a “revolution” and “is not falling down Continued on page 5 ....

The Paraclete

april 2013

How I Came To Know Fr. Gerry

By Ivan John P. Concepcion IT WAS THE saddest moon I have seen in a long while. Rising from the horizon, etched within the urban shapes and sizes that attempt to hide it - the lunar glow was pale, darkened and dispirited: as if a dying ember of the full glow that it was only the night before. It was to be a fitting tapestry to the mood of the day that was drawing to a close. I was traveling home from a routinely long day’s work, but it was to end with a sad detour to a wake of someone who is, if I may be bold to call, a “family friend.” Everyone, however, fondly calls him “Father Gerry” – a rather common and indistinct reference to an ordinary priest, who Fr. Gerry Tapiador certainly is not: he stands out in his uniqueness, humility and intelligence. There will surely be a much-deserved outpouring of one story too many glorifying and honoring the man – and who wouldn’t have a story to tell about a very busy and engaging man like him: from the many excited couples he had


led to the aisle, to families he shared joyous moments of christening with and saddest despairs over deaths, and the many people who shared his many passions in the ministry of love, charity and conversion over the years. There will also be people who will choose to

mission to follow the steps of the Lord. My acquaintance with Fr. Gerry began in a rather distant circumstance. It was in the days when my brother Marlowe and I escaped the rigors of UP Diliman and found relief and shared interests in books, movies and food in old Cubao. There was to be one special but unlikely place we rarely fail to visit during those times: a rather small sports store along Gen. Roxas Avenue, near Fiesta Carnival. Looking back, I don’t recall ever making a purchase of any kind in our frequent visits to the store, although it is possible that we may have bought a canister of tennis balls – we took interest in “hitting walls” but found no love in return! But it was more of an opportunity to visit a wonderful, loving and special woman we fondly called Ma’am Tapiador – the title is one that our upbringing taught us to reserve for persons with authorengage in bringing him down, even in ity and who deserve respect! And to death - but that is also expected, since my brother and me, she was someone Fr. Gerry lived a life seemingly unde- we admired, sought counsel from and terred and uncompromising in the Continued on page 6 ...


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Papacy and Beyond Bergoglio was elected pope on March 13, 2013. He held his Papal Inauguration on March 19, 2013 and celebrated Mass together with political and religious leaders around the world. On March 31, 2013, Pope Francis emphasized in his first Easter Homily the hope of world peace especially in Middle East, Africa, and North and South Korea. As was his custom, the Pope celebrated

the Holy Thursday ritual of washing the feet of twelve inmates in jail aged 14 to 21. On April 3, 2013, he talked about the “fundamental importance” of women in the Roman Catholic Church and emphasized them as first witnesses of the Resurrection and their special task of spreading the faith. One of the tasks of Pope Francis is to reform the Vatican Administration and continue the fight against sexual abuse and violence to people, particularly minors. The Vatican confirmed that the new Pontiff will keep the Year of Faith

appointments set by Pope Benedict the XVI which include celebrating Mass on April 7, 14, celebration of mass and priestly ordinations in St. Peter’s Basilica on April 21, administering sacrament of Confirmation, visiting patriarchal Basilica of St. Mary Major on May 4, proclaiming new saints on May 12 and participating in prayer vigil on May 18, Eve of Pentecost. Pope Francis emphasized living in the presence of Jesus Christ and talked about the importance of not being afraid to live as and be Christians. TP

6 How I came to know Fr. Gerry

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even intimated our fears and failures to – a second mother, so to speak. She was a woman of substance: rich in experience, deeply religious and profoundly humble; it was, however, her happy and positive disposition in life that stood out (very much like Fr. Gerry!). It is easy to say that, whether it was minutes or hours spent with her, we always came out with a smile and a lightness of spirit – that truly made our visit worthwhile. She was the epitome of a devout believer: for her, every life experience is translated into the unraveling of God’s wondrous plan – be it good or bad. And every person in her life is accepted as a gift and offered back to magnify and glorify God’s goodness. It must have been her proudest achievement that her five children grew up living and fulfilling this faith (two priests to boast). I don’t recall when our visits to Ma’am Tapiador ended – maybe they were just made rare by our taking on bigger and busier responsibilities in life or because significant events took place and drastically changed them. One of those, unfortunately, was the untimely death of my big brother (cerebral aneurysm treacherously snapped out his young and promising life). It was then that Fr. Gerry started to surface in our lives. He was, in fact, to become OUR priest “for all occasions” - gracing our happiest moments and sharing the deepest sorrows of the deaths that came to pass. It was also during this time that my mother, somehow, took over and brought the friendship with Ma’am Tapiador to another level – I guess their

Quotes Fr. Joseph Rey Villamartin, in his homily on Divine Mercy Sunday -

“We are messengers of God’s mercy.”

The Paraclete shared experiences and beliefs bonded them. Shortly after my brother died, Ma’am Tapiador also lost the young and beautiful life of a daughter - to cancer. When my father became chronically ill and my mother took on the difficult task of caring for him, Ma’am Tapiador was also going through the same experiences with her husband. It was always through the prodding of Ma’am Tapiador that Fr. Gerry found his place and time in our family, but I saw it also as a son’s deep love, dedication and respect for his mother that he always found time to accede to her requests. Fr. Gerry’s family truly lived the credo: the family that prays together stays together. Every Sunday, one of the morning masses celebrated by Father Gerry is always attended by his family, whenever or wherever it is. Then, if his hectic schedule permitted, Fr. Gerry would spend time to enjoy lunch with them, whether it is home-cooked food shared somewhere at the back of the church or out at a nearby resto – where Fr. Gerry gets to eat what he craves for and Ma’am Tapiador dutifully pays. The short family luncheon is made more sumptuous with stories, jokes and laughs stirred, shaken and enjoyed to the full. In these gatherings, Fr. Gerry did not enjoy his celebrity status – he remained to be the son, the brother, or the Tito who had a hearty appetite and lived to enjoy it. If that was to be his undoing, his weakness – that was also the very human side of Fr. Gerry, he lived his life to the brim, never backing down even when the odds were against him – whether it was building a replica of St. Peter’s Basilica along Com-

monwealth Avenue from nothing or battling the complications of diabetes (only recently, nearly losing a leg), he was one to simply quip: “we shall overcome, because we are doing it for God.” Fr. Gerry left us in a manner which he may well have written the script of – he must have wished to have lived a while longer – more “churches” to build, more songs and prayers to compose, more “pilgrimages” to lead - but he took an exit that may well be described as easy and dignified. Just like my brother, Marlowe, they chose to leave quietly and make it least painful to their family and friends. Never wanting to draw attention to himself, Fr, Gerry slumped effortlessly at the steering wheel of the car and virtually slept, hopefully painlessly, through the end. How everyone wishes that their own deaths be as painless and peaceful. But sadly, again, Ma’am Tapiador had to endure the pain of seeing another of her children die. And yet, true to the faith that she lived by, she showed not even a hint of bitterness or remorse, only calm acceptance of God’s plan. At the wake, she greeted me with the same familiar smile that I have come to admire and expect through the years – the glow of God’s love. It is the very same smile that Fr. Gerry always exuded in his lifetime of serving God and the glow that he will always be remembered by, beyond life. So it should be to everyone’s memory, that no sorrow or regret be expressed over his death for, indeed, we should celebrate the joy and happy abandon that he lived his life for his God. Rest well, Fr. Gerry, you have lived well and done a good job! TP

Ham de la Torre, sitting in at a Live Pure seminar -

Fr. Jigs Rosalinda, on the repetetiveness of prayer -

“The young speaker described a real man as a provider, protector and procreator. I have never been humiliated happily.”

April 2013

“God is a Lord Who repeats what is good or we only breathe once.”

april 2013


The Paraclete

Of Saints and Saintliness Lilia F. Antonio

Bagong Papa, Lumang Santo at Ako PANGALANG FRANCISCO ANG pagkakatulad naming tatlo: Pope Francis (isinilang na Jorge Mario Bergoglio), St. Francis ng Assisi (ang santong pinaghanguan ng pangalan ni Pope Francis) at Francisco, ang apelyido ng nanay ko na laging kakabit sa pangalan ko. Dahil dito, lumalim ang interes kong higit pa silang makilala. Bagamat pinaglayo ng may 745 taon ang kanilang pagsilang, nais kong malaman kung paano sila namuhay alinsunod sa landas ni Kristo. At higit pa rito, ano ang pamamaraan ng kanilang pamumuhay na maaari nating gawing modelo bilang mga aktibo at matapat na Katoliko? Unahin natin si Pope Francis na nahalal noong Marso 13, 2013 bilang ika-266 at kasalukuyang papa ng Simbahang Katolika. Siya ang unang papang Heswita at unang papa mula sa labas ng Europa sapul kay Pope Gregory III noong ika-8 siglo. Si Jorge Mario Bergoglio ay isinilang sa Buenos Aires, isa sa limang anak nina Mario Jose Bergoglio, taga-Italyang manggagawa sa perokaril, at Regina Maria Sivori, payak na maybahay mula sa Buenos Aires. Nagtapos siya sa isang technical secondary school at nang maging 21 anyos ay nagpasiyang maging pari. Pumasok siya sa Society of Jesus noong Marso 11, 1958 sa seminaryo ng mga Heswita sa Villa Devoto at naordinahang pari noong Disyembre 13, 1969. Nagpatuloy siya ng pag-aaral sa Philosophical and Theological Faculty of San Miguel, isang seminaryo sa Buenos Aires, kung saan siya naging novice master at propesor sa teolohiya. Naging provincial din siya para sa Argentina

(1973-1979) at rektor sa seminaryo sa San Miguel (1980-1986). Naordinahan siyang Titular Bishop ng Auca noong Hunyo 27, 1992. Naging Arsobispo siya ng Buenos Aires noong Pebrero 28, 1998 at ginawang cardinal-priest ng San Roberto Bellarmino ni Pope John Paul II noong Pebrero 21, 2001. Sa kabila ng pagiging aktibo sa mga gawaing administratibo ng Simbahan, mas nakilala si Cardinal Bergoglio sa kababaang-loob, pagkakonserbatibo, at paninindigan para sa katarungang panlipunan. Tinutuligsa niya ang pagmamaltrato sa mga bata, ang pagsasamantala sa mga mahihirap, prostitusyon, aborsyon, euthanasia at pagkakasal ng may magkatulad na kasarian. Hindi rin malilimutan ang paghugas at paghalik niya sa mga paa ng 12 pasyenteng may AIDS sa isang ospital noong 2001. Napakasimple ng kanyang pamumuhay – nakatira siya sa isang maliit na apartment sa halip na sa mala-palasyong tirahan ng Obispo; hindi niya tinanggap ang limosina at drayber na laan sa kanya at, sa halip, pinili pang sumakay sa pampublikong transportasyon at magluto ng sarili niyang pagkain. Sa madaling salita, nakikita sa kanyang kilos at gawa ang sinseridad na makiisa sa mga paghihirap ni Kristo rito sa lupa. Samantala, si St. Francis ng Assisi ang nagtatag ng Franciscan Order para sa mga lalaki, ang Order of Poor Clares para sa mga babae, at ang Order of Brothers and Sisters of Penance (lalong kilala bilang Third Order) para sa mga hindi relihiyoso. Siya ang kauna-unahang nagka-stigmata (o bakas ng mga sugat ni Hesus) sa

mga banal na nabuhay sa mundo. Si St. Francis ay isinilang na Giovanni Francesco di Bernardone noong taong 1182. Isa siya sa pitong anak nina Pica at Pietro di Bernardone, isang negosyante ng tela, kaya’t namuhay nang masagana sa kanyang kabataan, at naging kawal pa para sa Assisi. Habang patungo sa giyera noong 1204, nagkaroon siya ng isang pangitain at muli siyang nagbalik sa Assisi. Sapul noon, tinalikdan niya ang luho ng katawan at namuhay sa karalitaan. Naggugol siya ng maraming oras sa mga tahimik na lugar, nagalaga ng mga ketongin at ibinigay ang kanyang yaman sa mahihirap. Sa isang peregrinasyon sa Roma, sumama siya sa mga pulubing namamalimos sa St. Peter’s Basilica. Minsan, nagkaroon siya ng isang mistikal na pangitain kay Hesukristo sa isang kapilya sa San Damiano, Assisi. Dito’y sinabi sa kanya ni Hesus na, “Francis, Francis, kumpunihin mo ang Aking Simbahang nawawasak na.” Inakala niyang ang lumang simbahan ang kailangang kumpunihin kaya’t nagbenta siya ng mga tela mula sa tindahan ng kanyang ama at ibinigay ang napagbilhan sa paring namamahala roon. Nagalit ang kanyang ama dahil dito at sinikap na baguhin ang kanyang pag-iisip sa pamamagitan ng mga banta at pagbugbog sa kanya. Ngunit sa kabila noon, namuhay na siyang tulad ng isang pulubi at kinumpuni ang ilang sirang kapilya sa Assisi, kabilang na ang Porziuncola, ang munting kapilya ng St. Mary’s of the Angels na naging paborito niyang tirahan. Simple lamang ang utos ni St. Francis sa kanyang mga tagasunod, Continued on page 8 ...


Of Saints and Saintliness

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“Sundin ninyo ang mga turo ng ating Panginoong Hesukristo at sundan ang kanyang mga yapak.” Kaya’t namuhay sila sa kahirapan, at ipinahayag ang Mabuting Balita ng kaligtasan sa mga taong naninirahan maging sa kabundukan, nang walang dalang pera ni sapatos sa paa, subalit tigib ang puso sa kaligayahan at papuri sa Diyos sa pamamagitan ng mga awit. Maraming naitalang pahayag at kuwento tungkol kay St. Francis na isinalin ko sa Tagalog upang kapulutan natin ng mga praktikal na aral para sa isang simple at maligayang pamumuhay na kaisa ang ating kapwa at maging ang kalikasan at lahat ng ibon at hayop sa paligid. Si St. Francis ay may natatanging pagmamahal at pangangalaga sa mga ibon na tinatawag niyang mga kapatid na babae. Minsan, habang nagpapahayag siya ng mga salita ng Diyos sa ilang

The Paraclete ibon sa tabing-daang malapit sa bayan ng Bavagna, matamang nakinig sa kanyang sinasabi ang mga ito. Mahal niya ang mga robin, kalapati, maya at langay-langayan; pinakapaborito niya ang mga ruwisenyor (o lark). Para kay St Francis, mahalagang tularan ng kanyang mga disipulo ang ibong ito na kuntento na sa mumunting butong napupulot sa tabing-daan at may mga balahibong kakulay ng lupa. Humahanga rin siya sa matamis nitong pag-awit habang lumilipad patungong langit. Kaya nga, lagi niyang sinasabi sa kanila na dapat din silang palaging umawit ng papuri sa Diyos at maging payak maging sa kinakain at kasuotan. Naniniwala siyang ang kalikasan at lahat ng nilikhang naririto ay kawangis at salamin ng Diyos. Ito ang dahilan kung bakit ang mga rebulto ni St. Francis ay may mga ibong nakadapo sa kanyang mga kamay at balikat. Dahil sa lumalala niyang mga sakit

April 2013

at tumitinding panghihina, itinalaga ni St. Francis si Peter ng Catana upang mamuno sa Order of Friars Minor. Ini-utos niyang huwag magtalaga ng miyembrong aagapay sa kanyang mga pangangailangan o sasama sa kanyang mga paglalakbay. Minsa’y nakakita siya ng bulag na tuta lang ang gabay. Noon niya sinabing hindi niya hangad na magkaroon pa ng alalay na higit pa rito. Ipinahayag ni St. Francis na pagsapit ng mga huling sandali ng kanyang buhay, nais niyang mahiga sa lupa nang walang anumang saplot sa katawan, gaya ni Hesus sa Kanyang pagdurusa at kamatayan. Kaya, inalis ng kanyang mga kasamahan ang suot niyang abito, inihiga siya sa lupa at tinakpan ng isang hiram na tela. Binasa rin sa kanya ang mabuting Balita ayon kay Juan. Isa sa mga huling pahayag niya: “Nagawa ko na ang dapat kong gawin, nawa’y ituro sa inyo ni Kristo ang dapat ninyong gawin.” Amen. TP

Schedule of Activities for the Month of May

There will be a Mayflower Festival for the whole month of May. Young boys and girls are encouraged to attend the activities from Tuesday to Saturday at 9:00 AM. Each day, there will be a catechism class and floral offering to Mother Mary. Refreshments will be served. The Festival is coordinated by the Legion of Mary. This year’s Theme for our Parish Fiesta on Pentecost Sunday, May 19, 2013 is -

YEAR OF FAITH AND NEW EVANGELIZATION Novena Masses will be held on May 10-18, all at 6:00 A.M., except on May 12, Sunday, which will be at 6:00 P.M. The homilies for each Mass will focus on different topics. The Celebrants for the Novena Masses are as follows: May 10, Fr. Jerome Rosalinda (Challenges to New Evangelization); May 11, Dean Danny Pilario, CM (New Evangelization and Renewal); May 12, Fr. Bobot Clemen, New Evangelization and Commitment;

May 13, Fr. Luciano Felloni (New Evangelization and Social Service); May 14, Fr. Alvin Balean, SC (New Evangelization and Catechism of the Church); May 15, Fr. Joseph Villamartin (New Evangelization and Conversion of Hearts and Minds); May 16, Fr. Nono Alfonso, SJ (New Evangelization and Evangelization); May 17, Fr. Lando Jaluag (New Evangelization and the Youth); May 18, Fr. Roy Rosales (New Evangelization and Mary). The next “LIVE PURE” Seminar for ages 17-21 will be be held on May 18, from 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Also on May 18, beginning at 7:30 P.M., there will be a Palarong Pinoy at the church parking lot and Spiritus Hall. Cash prizes are at stake. There will also be food booths. Interested parties may contact the Parish office for details. On Pentecost Sunday, May 19, the Parish will be awakened by a Reveille starting at 6:00 A.M. The regular schedule for Sunday Masses will be observed. The Fiesta Mass

will be at 8:30 A.M. It will be Celebrated by Bishop Antonio R. Tobias, D.D.. There will be a Confirmation during this Mass. Candidates for Confirmation may contact the Parish office for details. There will be a short procession after the 6:00 P.M. Mass. PREX 29 will be held on May 25 and 26. Friday, May 31, is the culmination of the Mayflower Festival. There will be a 6:00 P.M. Mass followed by a Community Rosary and Santacruzan.


Official Newsletter published bimonthly by the Parish Pastoral Council, Parish of the Holy Spirit, Nepomuceno Street, BF Homes, Quezon City. Tel. 931-3995 Editor-in-Chief: Abraham M. de la Torre Contributors: Angeli Francis S. Rivera Aleli Francis S. Rivera Lilia F. Antonio Adviser: Rev. Fr. Jerome U. Rosalinda

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