Footsteps Nursery Summer Newsletter

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Summer newsletter 2012 Hi everyone, we thought it was time for a newsletter so that we can give everyonean update of all the events that will be going on through the summerand any dates for your diaries that you may find useful.

“OUTSTANDING� We have recently had our ofsted inspection and we are very pleased to tell you we received and OUTSTANDING!! Everyone involved has worked really hard and we could not have done it without the help and support from you all too so thank you for your contributions!!

As everyone will be aware the Olympics are coming to London very soon and to celebrate this event we will be having an Olympic themed fun day onthSaturday . July 28 Everyoneis welcometo comealongandjoin in thefun therewill belots of fun gamesandactivities for youandthefamily to join in with aswell astombola,raffles,bouncycastle,cakestall andfood will alsobeserved.Wehopeyouwill all beableto comeandjoin usaslast yearwasa big success andwehopefor anothergoodday. If anyonehas anything they would like to donate to our tombola or the raffle then pleaseseea memberof staff. Thank you.

After the big successof our recent trip to Honeysuckle Farm we have already planned another summertrip to Flamingo land. It will be a great day out for all the family. The trip will be Wednesday 22nd August pleaseseethe posters on the main door for pricesand any other information you need. Pleasespeak to a memberof staff to book places.

This term we will be looking at all the fun things that we can do in summer. We will talk about holidays and encouragechildren to talk about any holidays they have beenon and even share any photos that they may have taken to show their friends. We will learn how to be safe in the sun and why this is important.

Graduation It’s that time of year again when we have to say good bye to the children who are going off to school. There will be a graduation ceremony taking place onth Friday and invitations July 20 have goneout to the families involved in this. The children have beenworking really hard on their performanceand look forward to showing it to you. Therewill be a big celebration party afterwards also; we look forward to seeing you all. Good luck to you all you will be missed.

Dates for your diary Olympics fun day Saturday 28 th July Have fun at the fun day with lots of Olympic themedactivities Graduation day Friday 20th July Watch your child graduate from Footsteps nursery ready for school. Last day of term for children with the 2year and 3 year funding Friday 20th July Flamingo land trip Wednesday 22nd August Seea memberof staff for details. We hopeyou all have a lovely summerand hopethat the rain doesnot stay much longer so we can enjoy it and if anyonehas any thoughts or ideas on things that we can do in the setting your comments are always valued.

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