Westside and Footsteps Nursery Policies and Procedures

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Westside and Footsteps Nurseries Policies and Procedures

List of Policies & Procedures 1. Absence 2. Accidents 3. Additional Needs & Disabilities 4. Administration of medicines 5. Admissions 6. Alcohol / Illegal substances 7. Arrivals and collections 8. Behaviour Management Including Challenging Behaviour & Bullying 9. Biting policy 10. Child Protection 11. Complaints Policy 12. Confidentiality & data protection 13. Contingency and emergency closure policy 14. Curriculum Policy 15. Dangerous substances 16. Environmental 17. Equality & Diversity 18. Equipment and resources 19. E Safety Policy 20. Exclusion Periods 21. Fees Collection 22. Fire Evacuation 23. Food & Drink 24. Health & Safety 25. Home Visiting 26. Informing Ofsted 27. Key worker System 28. Large Sand Pit Policy 29. Lost Child 30. Mobile Phone Policy 31. Nappy changing 32. Non collection of child 33. No smoking 34. Ofsted Policy 35. Outdoor policy 36. Parent and community partners policy 37. Photography 38. Recruitment 39. Restraint policy 40. Risk Assessments 41. Secure storage, handling, use retention and disposal of disclosures 42. Settling In 43. Staffing & Employment 44. Student Training & Placement 45. Transitions policy 46. Visits and outings 47. Volunteers & Visitors 48. Weaning

Absence Policy & Procedure Statement of Intent In order to provide adequate staffing levels and ratios which comply with Ofsted requirements we need to know which children will be in the setting on a daily basis. We need to ensure that children are well cared for, safe and healthy while in our care and parents and carers are asked to adhere to the following to support us in this. Recommended Good Practice Do not bring your child to nursery if they are showing signs of illness. Inform the nursery as soon as possible if your child is not attending for other reasons. Inform the nursery of your holiday dates Please read notices in the nursery for the start an finish dates of any funded sessions you may be in receipt of. As part of our reporting we may be asked to inform the Local Authority if a child routinely misses funded sessions which are paid for by them. i.e. Early Years Funding for all 3-4 year olds, 2 year pilot sessions and sessions funded by other agencies. Inform us is good time of any changes you may need to your childs regular days of attendance and we shall try to accommodate you. Please do not assume that we can just change days routinely as staffing has to be organised in good time. We will help where we can. Aim Our aim is to provide staffing levels which comply with Ofsted requirements in a setting where we try our utmost to prevent spread of illness and infection in a safe and caring environment. To meet this aim we need parents and carers support.

Methods We keep daily registers of attendance and record all absence. Holidays have all been factored into the fees you pay. We only charge you for 49 out of 52 weeks per year so absence due to holidays / sickness is still payable. There is a full explanation of this in the fees policy included in this document. We also need to know if a child is absent with a communicable disease for which we have to inform both Ofsted and the local Health Protection Agency.

If a child is absent because of a contagious illness such as head lice or conjunctivitis we also need to inform other parents and carers to be vigilant so that we can contain the outbreak. Unfortunately we will come across outbreaks of head lice or diarrhoea and sickness but we must all work together to try to prevent the spread of it by appropriately treating and containing it. Our policies clearly state the exclusion periods of contagious and communicable illnesses and we would urge you not to bring your child to nursery if they are ill. This will prevent spread of illness and protect other children and staff from unnecessary illnesses. Where other agencies are involved in the care and wellbeing of a child we will routinely report absences to them. The welfare of children is paramount.

This Policy was adopted by the Footsteps Day Nursery Management Board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role :

Review Date: June 2013

PROCEDURE IN CASE OF AN ACCIDENT Statement of Intent We aim to reduce the risk of accidents happening by thorough risk assessments and the effective supervision of children, staff and visitors. We have numerous health and safety notices around our buildings which we ask everyone to adhere to thus reducing the risk of accidents happening. Children’s play includes elements of risk – for example when they run and climb or are painting. Staffs are trained to be vigilant and adhere to health and safety training which we aim to provide for all our staff and which is discussed during their induction training. We have designated First Aid appointed persons but again as a company we plan First Aid with Paediatric into all staff Training and development plans If an accident does happen –which unfortunately it could as we cannot eliminate all eventualities the following procedure should be followed 1. Assess the situation taking into account on the spot risk assessment and health and safety 2. Calm and re-assure the person and call for the setting First Aid appointed person 3. Is it major or minor injury Minor 1. If hospital treatment is not needed the first aid person should cleanse the wound with water and apply lint free dressing and if necessary apply a sterile dressing secured by a bandage. It may be pertinent to check the details of a child to make sure that they are not allergic to the dressing 2. Inform the Manger/Deputy 3. The accident form/book should be completed fully and signed by the member(s) of staff who observed and dealt with the accident. Each accident should be recorded on a new sheet 4. The Person who collects a child should have the situation fully explained to them and they should sign at that point to say they understand 5. In some cases it may be suggested to the parent to take the child to their doctors or the local minor injuries department to be checked over. Major The Manager/Deputy/First Aider will decide whether the person who is hurt should go to hospital or the Local minor Injuries unit 1. It may be that an injury is not an emergency but still needs specialist treatment so the person may be taken to a minor injuries unit. In the case of a child the parents would be contacted to collect their child and take them or it could be arranged to meet the parent/carer at the unit. In cases where a parent could not be contacted or was not able to attend the child would be taken to the minor injuries unit by a senior member of staff. A copy of the child’s accident form and registration









form would be taken along with the parent permission form authorising the nursery to seek medical advice and treatment for their child, including admission to hospital and emergency treatment. If it is decided the person needs emergency hospital treatment, the first aider should stay with the person until an ambulance arrives and if it is a child the Manager should call an ambulance and contact the parent / carer and ask them to meet at the nursery if nearby or at the hospital if it is an emergency The paramedics should be given a copy of the accident form explaining how the accident happened and any injuries along with a clear and accurate account of the accident. If a parent, carer or relative is unavailable to travel with the injured party then a member of staff should accompany the person to hospital and another member of staff should follow on in a suitably insured vehicle. (Business Use Insurance) If it is a child a copy of the child’s accident form and registration form would be taken along with the parent permission form authorising the nursery to seek medical advice and treatment for their child, including admission to hospital and emergency treatment. Where it is a member of staff who has had an accident then on return to the nursery an accident form / accident book (found in the office) should be completed and signed by all staff that observed and/or dealt with the accident. This should be done within 24 hours of the event in all cases For children within our care an accident form should be fully completed, signed by whoever dealt with the accident and a signature obtained from the parent/carer when they arrive. A copy should then be given to them. In the case of a serious accident, injury or death of a child in our care, we must notify Ofsted, Local safeguarding board, Local Authority and RIDDOR. Written notification must be made as soon as it is reasonably practical but no later than 14 days after the event has occurred Staff are encouraged to report ‘near miss’ instances as this is also a mechanism for additional risk assessments and action to be taken

This policy was adopted by the Footsteps Nursery management board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management board: Role:

Review Date: June 2013

Additional Needs and Disabilities Policy Statement of intent We provide an environment in which all children are supported to reach their full potential. Aims 

We have regard for the DFES Special Educational Needs Code of Practice and employ a dedicated Additional Needs and Disabilities Co-Coordinator

We include all children in our provision.

We provide practitioners to help support parents and children with additional needs and disabilities

We identify the specific needs of children with additional needs and disabilities and meet those needs through a range of strategies.

We work in partnership with parents and other agencies in meeting individual children's needs.

We monitor and review our practice and provision and, if necessary, make adjustments.

Methods 

We designate a member of staff at each setting to specialise in additional needs and disabilities work and give his/her name to parents.

We provide a statement showing how we provide for children with additional needs and disabilities

We ensure that the provision for children with additional needs and disabilities Is the responsibility of all members of the setting.

We ensure that our inclusive admissions practice ensures equality of access and opportunity.

We ensure that our physical environment is as far as possible suitable for children with disabilities.

We work closely with parents of children with additional needs and disabilities to create and maintain a positive partnership.

We ensure that parents are informed at all stages of the assessment, planning, provision and review of their children's education.

We provide parents with information on sources of independent advice and support.

We liaise with other professionals involved with children with additional needs and disabilities and their families, including transfer arrangements to other settings and schools.

We use the graduated response system for identifying, assessing and responding to children's additional needs and disabilities

We provide a broad and balanced care and education plan (Early Years Foundation Stage) for all children with additional needs and disabilities.

We use a system of planning, implementing, monitoring, evaluating and reviewing individual educational plans (IEPs) for children with additional needs and disabilities.

We ensure that children with additional needs and disabilities are appropriately involved at all stages of the graduated response, taking into account their levels of ability.

We use a system for keeping records of the assessment, planning, provision and review for children with additional needs and disabilities

We provide resources (human and financial) to implement our Additional Needs and Disabilities policies and procedures

We ensure the privacy of children with additional needs and disabilities when intimate care is being provided.

We provide in-service training for practitioners and volunteers.

We raise awareness of any specialist knowledge or skills the setting has to offer, e.g. Basic Sign / Makaton

We ensure the effectiveness of our additional needs and disabilities provision by collecting information from a range of sources e.g. IEP reviews, staff and management meetings, parental and external agency's views, inspections and complaints. This information is collated, evaluated and reviewed annually.

We provide a complaints procedure.

We monitor and review our policy annually.

The Additional Needs and Disabilities Coordinator for the setting is………………………………………..

This Policy was adopted at a meeting of the Footsteps Nursery management board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role: Review date:

June 2013

Additional Needs and Disabilities Statement At Footsteps Nursery we welcome all children regardless of ability or disability. We believe that all children are entitled to the same rights, opportunities and experiences. We recognise and appreciate that children will progress at different rates during the Early Years Foundation Stage – some will have achieved these expectations whilst others may still be working towards the goals. Our aim is to monitor children’s progress throughout their time within the nursery and where children appear not to be making progress, either generally or in a specific aspect of their learning we will offer different opportunities or alternative approaches to their learning, with regard to the DFES Code of Practice on the Identification & Assessment of Special Educational Needs. Practitioners are aware that in practice many children who have an additional need will also be defined as having a disability under the DDA. However, not all children have additional educational needs. For example, those with severe asthma, arthritis or diabetes may not have additional educational needs but may have rights under the DDA. Similarly not all children with AN&D will be defined as having a disability under the DDA. It is important to remember that under the SEN legislation a disabled child has SEN by definition, if they need any provision to be made for them to enable them to access the education that is available locally. At Footsteps Nursery we recognise the importance of working in partnership with parents. Parents play a huge part in their children’s education: they have in depth knowledge and understanding of their child’s needs. We will actively seek to work with parents and value the contribution they make. We also believe that children should be involved in making decisions where possible, right from the start of their education. We will give children the opportunities to make choices and to understand that their views matter. We will seek support and advice from Early Years Development & Childcare Partnership ( EYDCP), Additional Needs and Disabilities Co-Coordinator networks and other services provided in the Early Years by the Local Education Authority, such as Social Services and Health Agencies This Policy was adopted at a meeting of Footsteps Nursery Management Board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role: Review date:

June 2013

MEDICINE POLICY As part of our health and safety procedures we aim to keep all children safe and free from harm or illness. However children may have an illness that requires medication to aid recovery. Depending on how serious the illness is children should initially be kept at home to avoid cross infection. See exclusion policy. And any medication prescribed should be given at home wherever possible In cases where medicines are prescribed by a G.P. the first full doses should be given at home i.e. if stated 3 times a day the child should be kept at home until all 3 doses are administered this is in case the child has a reaction to the medicine. In the event medicine needs to be brought into the nursery full written permission must be obtained from parent/carers before any medicines can be given Parents/carers MUST fill out a medicine sheet stating clearly –        

The child’s name and date of birth The date The name of the medicine The doses required The time required Storage instructions The medicine must then be signed in to confirm the medicine has been brought in and administration details required are correct. The medicine sheet must also be signed when then child is collected to acknowledge the medicine has been administered correctly according to instructions.

N.B Parents/carers must fill out the form, practitioners will only fill out the form in cases where a parent is unable to do so i.e. if they can not write. Medicines will be stored as instructed on the label, in a locked fridge or medicine cabinet. Only The Manager, deputy or room supervisor will administer medicine and have access to the medicine cabinets When administering Medicine the practitioner will:  Be witnessed by another practitioner  Wash hands  Take the completed consent form and the correct medicine from the cabinet.  Check the name of the medicine, the child’s name on the medicine, the dose required and the expiry date. Shake the bottle if instructed to do so  Ensure the medicine is given to the correct child.  Use appropriate equipment to ensure correct dose is given – measuring spoon or an oral syringe.

    

Encourage or calm the child to make the administration of medicine as stress free as possible for the child. Record the medicine given, dose given, time given on the medicine form Sign the medicine for to confirm administration. Witness will sign to confirm procedure has been carried out correctly and all administration requirements have been followed correctly Medicine returned to locked cabinet

At the end of the day all medicines must be taken home by the parent/carers no medicines should be left at the setting. Non-Prescription medicines Non-prescription medicines may only be given where there is a health reason to do so. The medicine must be signed in and recorded on a Non-Prescription medicine form which follows all the procedures and records all the details as above and parents must sign to confirm that their child has had the medicine before and does not have any allergies to it. Parent permission will be requested for each separate course of medication regardless of whether the medicine has been given previously. For children with ongoing illnesses the parent/carer will be asked to fill out an Individual health plan so the child’s needs can be met appropriately. Parents should provide details of any changes to the prescription or the support required. In the event that a prescription medicine requires technical/medical knowledge staff training will be obtained from a qualified health professional.

This policy was adopted at a meeting of Footsteps Nursery management board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the management board: Role:

Next review:

June 2013

Admissions Policy Statement of Intent It is our intention to make our setting accessible to children and families from all sections of the local community. Aim We aim to ensure that all sections of our community have access to the setting and the Children’s Centre through open, fair and clearly communicated procedures. Methods In order to achieve this aim, we operate the following admissions policy. We ensure that the existence of our setting is widely advertised in places accessible to all sections of the community such as Schools, Health Centres, Doctors Surgeries and Libraries. We ensure that information about our setting is accessible, in written and spoken form, and in more than one language if appropriate. We arrange our waiting list on a first come first served basis, in addition to this we may also take into account the vicinity of the home to the setting and siblings already attending the setting. We keep a place vacant, if this is financially viable to accommodate an emergency admission. We work closely with the Children’s Centre workers and other outside agencies to ensure that crèche, respite and emergency placements are available We describe our setting and its practices in terms that make it clear that it welcomes fathers and mothers, other relations and carers, including child minders. We describe our setting and its practices in terms of how it treats each child and their family, having regard to their needs arising from their gender, special educational needs, disabilities, social background, religion, and ethnicity or from English being a newly acquired additional language. We describe our setting in terms of how it enables children and/or parents with disabilities to take part in the life of the setting.

We make our equal opportunities policy widely known. We consult with families about the opening times of the setting to ensure we accommodate a broad range of family needs.

We are flexible about attendance patterns to accommodate the needs of individual children and families where we possibly can. We ask parents and carers registering with the nursery to complete a Children’s Centre Registration form in addition to the nursery documentation. This ensures that families are kept up to date with information regarding their local Children’s Centre and its activities. This Policy was adopted by the Footsteps Nursery Management Board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role:

Review date:

June 2013

Alcohol / Illegal Drug Substances - Policy & Procedure Statement of Intent The safety of staff and children is paramount to Footsteps Nursery. We would ask all parents and carers to adhere to the following good practice and procedure as far as alcohol /illegal drug use is concerned. Aim To keep children safe from harm. Only to allow capable adults to collect children from our settings To ensure that the recruitment and selection process for staff is as watertight as we can make it.

Recommended Good Practice Your responsibilities Do not allow any other person who is permitted to collect your child to do so while under the influence of drink or illegal drugs. Their capacity to care for a child will be impaired and may leave a child at risk. We will not permit anyone who is showing signs of being under the influence of either substance to take a child from our settings –whether previously given permission or not. If we suspect this is the case we will ask the person to wait while we contact the main carer or emergency contact. We operate a zero tolerance of any abuse against staff –whether verbal or physical and this includes as a result of being intoxicated or incapable. We will report all cases to the police straight away and ask that the person is removed. Alternative arrangements will be made for the collection of any child. Alcohol /Substance Misuse by Staff Our rigorous recruitment procedure is always followed whenever we recruit staff. Staff are interviewed, have police checks done on them and references are sought. At least one of the interview panel has attended Safer Recruitment Training. Our Managers are all checked by Ofsted and have the required level of training and a medical report. However remote the chances are we must make arrangements to deal with an allegation that a member of staff is under the influence of any substance. All staff complete a medical questionnaire when recruited by our company in which they are asked to declare any medication they are required to take by a medical practitioner. This information is confidential for company use. Any member of staff reporting for work under the obvious influence of either prescribed medication (which is obviously affecting their ability to safely care

for children) illegal substances or alcohol will be suspended instantly and reported to Ofsted. They will NOT be allowed access to children.

If any member of staff shows signs of substance misuse they will be suspended immediately and the Local Authority Designated Officer will be informed. If there are serious allegations resulting from this the police will also be called. The matter will be reported to Ofsted

This Policy was adopted by the Footsteps Nursery Management Board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role :

Review date:

June 2013

Arrival and Collection of Children Policy Statement of intent It is our intention to make our settings as secure as possible for children when entering and leaving our care. Aim We aim to ensure that each child is handed over into our care safely and to a familiar person and is kept safely in our nursery until they are collected by a parent / carer or an appropriate adult. Method There is a security system on the nursery doors which ensures all parents/ carers entering the building must ring the bell and be escorted into the setting by a member of staff. The external door and the internal door both have fob systems on and are too far apart for parents to let other adults in. Children are then taken down to their respective rooms by their parent/carers and handed over to a member of staff from that room, who will be a familiar person to the child. The member of staff then records the time of arrival for that child. At this point the staff member will enquire about any information they need to know about the child for that day. Children will only be admitted into the setting at their arranged start time. Any child coming early will be asked to wait with their parent / carer until the correct start time. We are registered for so many children per session and anyone coming early could affect our numbers and staff ratios When collecting their child, parent/carers are required to ring the bell to be escorted into the setting. The person collecting the child must be a responsible adult over the age of 16 years old and will be required to produce identification if the nursery has any doubts of age. If the nursery staffs believe any parent to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs the child will not be released into their care and an appropriate adult will be contacted to collect the child. Only persons entered on the child’s registration form will be permitted to collect a child. If anyone else is picking up a child arrangements must be made with the nursery when dropping the child off. All parent/carers are asked for a password unique to them when they register with the setting, anyone picking up a child that is not known to the nursery MUST be able to provide this password.

This policy was adopted by the Footsteps Nursery management board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management board: Role:

Review date:

June 2013

Behaviour Management Policy Statement of intent Our setting believes that children flourish best when their personal, social and emotional needs are met and where there are clear and developmentally appropriate expectations for their behaviour. Aim We aim to teach children to behave in socially acceptable ways and to understand the needs and rights of others. The principles guiding management of behaviour exist within the programme for supporting personal, social and emotional development. Methods We have a named person who has overall responsibility for our programme for supporting personal, social and emotional development, including issues concerning behaviour. 

We have a named person who has overall responsibility for issues concerning behaviour.

We require the named person to: -

Keep her/himself up to date with legislation, research and thinking on promoting positive behaviour and on handling children's behaviour where it may require additional support;


Access relevant sources of expertise on promoting positive behaviour within the programme for supporting personal, social and emotional development; and to


Check that all staff have relevant in-service training on promoting positive behaviour. We keep a record of staff attendance at this training.


…………………………….has overall responsibility for Behaviour Management

We recognise that codes for interacting with other people vary between cultures and require staff to be aware of - and respect - those used by members of the setting.

We require all staff, volunteers and students to provide a positive model of behaviour by treating children, parents and one another with friendliness, care and courtesy.

Children follow set goals and boundaries.

We familiarise new staff and volunteers with the setting's behaviour policy and its guidelines for behaviour.

We expect all members of our setting - children, parents, staff, volunteers and students - to keep to the guidelines, requiring these to be applied consistently.

We work in partnership with children's parents. Parents are regularly informed about their children's behaviour by their key person. We work with parents to address recurring inconsiderate behaviour, using our observation records to help us to understand the cause and to decide jointly how to respond appropriately.

Strategies with children who engage in inconsiderate behaviour 

We require all staff; volunteers and students to use positive strategies for handling any inconsiderate behaviour, by helping children find solutions in ways, which are appropriate for the children's ages and stages of development. Such solutions might include, for example, acknowledgement of feelings, explanation as to what was not acceptable, and supporting children to gain control of their feelings so that they can learn a more appropriate response.

We ensure that there are enough popular toys and resources and sufficient activities available so that children are meaningfully occupied without the need for unnecessary conflict over sharing and waiting for turns.

We acknowledge considerate behaviour such as kindness and willingness to share.

We support each child in developing self-esteem, confidence and feelings of competence.

We support each child in developing a sense of belonging in our group, so that they feel valued and welcome.

We avoid creating situations in which children receive adult attention only in return for inconsiderate behaviour.

When children behave in inconsiderate ways, we help them to understand the outcomes of their action and support them in learning how to cope more appropriately.

We never send children out of the room by themselves.

We never use physical punishment, such as smacking or shaking. Children are never threatened with these.

We do not use techniques intended to single out and humiliate individual children.

We use physical restraint, such as holding, only to prevent physical injury to children or adults and/or serious damage to property.

Details of such an event (what happened, what action was taken and by whom, and the names of witnesses) are brought to the attention of our setting Manager and are recorded in the child's personal file. The child's parent is informed on the same day.

In cases of serious misbehaviour, such as racial or other abuse, we make clear immediately the unacceptability of the behaviour and attitudes, by means of explanations rather than personal blame.

We do not shout or raise our voices in a threatening way to respond to children's inconsiderate behaviour.

Children under three years 

When children under three behave in inconsiderate ways we recognise that strategies for supporting them will need to be developmentally appropriate and differ from those for older children.

We recognise that very young children are unable to regulate their own emotions, such as fear, anger or distress, and require sensitive adults to help them do this.

Common inconsiderate or hurtful behaviours of young children include tantrums, biting or fighting. Staff are calm and patient, offering comfort to intense emotions, helping children to manage their feelings and talk about them to help resolve issues and promote understanding.

Rough and tumble play, hurtful behaviour and bullying Our procedure has been updated to provide additional focus on these kinds of inconsiderate behaviours. Rough and tumble play and fantasy aggression Young children often engage in play that has aggressive themes - such as superhero and weapon play; some children appear pre-occupied with these themes, but their behaviour is not necessarily a precursor to hurtful behaviour or bullying, although it may be inconsiderate at times and may need addressing using strategies as above. 

We recognise that teasing and rough and tumble play are normal for young children and acceptable within limits. We regard these kinds of play as pro-social and not as problematic or 'aggressive'.

We will develop strategies to contain play that are agreed with the children, and understood by them, with acceptable behavioural boundaries to ensure children are not hurt.

We recognise that fantasy play also contains many violently dramatic strategies - blowing up, shooting etc., and that themes often refer to 'goodies and baddies' and as such offer opportunities for us to explore concepts of right and wrong.

We are able to tune in to the content of the play, perhaps to suggest alternative strategies for heroes and heroines, making the most of 'teachable moments' to encourage empathy and lateral thinking to explore alternative scenarios and strategies for conflict resolution.

Hurtful behaviour We take hurtful behaviour very seriously. Most children under the age of five will at some stage hurt or say something hurtful to another child, especially if their emotions are high at the time, but it is not helpful to label this behaviour as 'bullying'. For children under five, hurtful behaviour is momentary, spontaneous and often without cognisance of the feelings of the person whom they have hurt.

We recognise that young children behave in hurtful ways towards others because they have not yet developed the means to manage intense feelings that sometimes overwhelm them.

We will help them manage these feelings, as they have neither the biological means nor the cognitive means to do this for themselves.

We understand that self-management of intense emotions, especially of anger, happens when the brain has developed neurological systems to manage the physiological processes that take place when triggers activate responses of anger or fear.

Therefore we help this process by offering support, calming the child who is angry as well as the one who has been hurt by the behaviour. By helping the child to return to a normal state, we are helping the brain to develop the physiological response system that will help the child be able to manage his or her own feelings.

We do not engage in punitive responses to a young child's rage, as that will have the opposite effect.

Our way of responding to pre-verbal children is to calm them through holding and cuddling. Verbal children will also respond to cuddling to calm them down, but we offer them explanation and discuss the incident with them to their level of understanding.

We recognise that young children require help in understanding the range of feelings experienced. We help children recognise their feelings by naming them and helping children to express them, making a connection verbally between the event and the feeling. 'Adam took your car, didn't he, and you were enjoying playing with it. You didn't like it when he took it, did you? It made you feel angry, didn't it, and you hit him'.

We help young children learn to empathise with others, understanding that they have feelings too and that their actions impact on others' feelings. 'When you hit Adam, it hurt him and he didn't like that and it made him cry'.

We help young children develop pro-social behaviour, such as resolving conflict over who has the toy. 'I can see you are feeling better now and Adam isn't crying any more. Let's see if we can be friends and find another car, so you can both play with one.'

We are aware that the same problem may happen over and over before skills such as sharing and turn taking develop. In order for both the biological maturation and cognitive development to take place, children will need repeated experiences with problem solving, supported by patient adults and clear boundaries.

We support social skills through modelling behaviour, through activities, drama and stories. We build self-esteem and confidence in children, recognising their emotional needs through close and committed relationships with them.

We help a child to understand the effect that their hurtful behaviour has had on another child; we do not force children to say sorry, but encourage this where it is clear that they are genuinely sorry and wish to show this to the person they have hurt.

When hurtful behaviour becomes problematic, we work with parents to identify the cause and find a solution together. The main reasons for very young children to engage in excessive hurtful behaviour are that: 

They do not feel securely attached to someone who can interpret and meet their needs - this may be in the home and it may also be in the setting;

Their parent, or carer in the setting, does not have skills in responding appropriately, and consequently negative patterns are developing where hurtful behaviour is the only response the child has to express feelings of anger;

The child is exposed to levels of aggressive behaviour at home and may be at risk emotionally, or may be experiencing child abuse; and

The child has a developmental condition that affects how they behave.

Where this does not work, we use the Code of Practice to support the child and family, making the appropriate referrals to a Behaviour Support Team where necessary.

Bullying We take bullying very seriously. Bullying involves the persistent physical or verbal abuse of another child or children. It is characterised by intent to hurt, often planned, and accompanied by an awareness of the impact of the bullying behaviour. A child who is bullying has reached a stage of cognitive development where he or she is able to plan to carry out a premeditated intent to cause distress to another. Bullying can occur in children five years old and over and may well be an issue in after school clubs and holiday schemes catering for slightly older children. If a child bullies another child or children: 

We show the children who have been bullied that we are able to listen to their concerns and act upon them;

We intervene to stop the child who is bullying from harming the other child or children;

We explain to the child doing the bullying why her/his behaviour is not acceptable;

We give reassurance to the child or children who have been bullied;

We help the child who has done the bullying to recognise the impact of their actions;

We make sure that children who bully receive positive feedback for considerate behaviour and are given opportunities to practise and reflect on considerate behaviour;

We do not label children who bully as 'bullies';

We recognise that children who bully may be experiencing bullying themselves, or be subject to abuse or other circumstance causing them to express their anger in negative ways towards others;

We recognise that children who bully are often unable to empathise with others and for this reason we do not insist that they say sorry unless it is clear that they feel genuine remorse for what they have done. Empty apologies are just as hurtful to the bullied child as the original behaviour;

We discuss what has happened with the parents of the child who did the bullying and work out with them a plan for handling the child's behaviour; and

We share what has happened with the parents of the child who has been bullied, explaining that the child who did the bullying is being helped to adopt more acceptable ways of behaving.

This Policy was adopted by the Footsteps Nursery Management Board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role :

Review date: June 2013

Biting Policy Statement of Intent We recognise that small children for a variety of reasons, bite other children from time to time. Children bite for many different reasons, a child may be teething or tired. Toddler children may bite as they find it difficult to express themselves having limited verbal skills. Practitioners in our setting are vigilant to the needs of the children in their care although due to the speed and sometime spontaneous biting incidents occur which are not always possible to prevent happening. Biting is part of a child’s development process and for younger children who are teething and still developing their verbal skills. It is not abnormal behaviour for younger babies and toddlers to bite; practitioners will support and offer advice to parents/carers who children are persistent biters. Westside Day Nursery under no circumstances will use, agree on physical punishment or the threat of physical punishment on any child.

The steps to take if a biting incident occurs at Footsteps Nursery.    

 

The biting will be interrupted with a firm “No…we don’t bite people” The bitten child will be comforted immediately Staff will remove the biter from the situation; the biter will be dealt with age appropriately which may involve a time out or a distraction. The wound of the bitten child will be assessed and appropriate first aid action will be taken. If it is determined that there was a blood exposure further steps may need to be taken as determined by a Manager or senior member of staff. Both sets of parents will be notified of the biting incident. An appropriate form will be filled out. If the bite requires medical treatment, a copy of the incident form may be copied for parent of the bitten child to present to a medical professional. Confidentiality of all children involved will be maintained The bitten area should continue to be observed by parents and practitioners for any signs of infection.

This policy was adopted by the Footsteps Nursery Management Board.

Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role:

Review date: June 2013

Complaints procedure Statement of intent Our setting believes that children and parents are entitled to expect courtesy and prompt, careful attention to their needs and wishes. We welcome suggestions on how to improve our setting and will give prompt and serious attention to any concerns about the running of the setting. We take all concerns seriously and will investigate all concerns and complaints notified to us. Providers must investigate all written complaints within 28 days. Please feel free to share your views with us - we anticipate that most concerns will be resolved quickly by an informal approach to the appropriate member of staff. If this does not achieve the desired result, we have a set of procedures for dealing with concerns. In cases where complaints have been addressed the completed complaints form can be shared with any parent who wishes to see it and with Ofsted. During such a time we shall maintain the appropriate confidentiality and shall not name the person making the complaint or any other persons –adult or children that relate to the complaint. Aim We aim to bring all concerns about the running of our setting to a satisfactory conclusion for all of the parties involved. It will be conducted in a professional and unbiased way and taking into account all our other policies and procedure with careful reference to Equal Opportunities, Child Protection and Parents as Partners Methods In the event of a complaint: 1. We will attempt to resolve any concerns quickly and effectively through discussion and mediation with your child’s key person. 2. If discussion with key staff does not bring about a desired result the complaint will then be investigated by the manager or deputy manager and an attempt will be made to resolve the matter positively. 3. If a positive outcome can still not be reached parent/carers will be directed to our complaints procedure and Ofsted contact details which are displayed in the nursery foyer. 4. A complaints form will be completed recording all details of the complaint and outcomes of any investigation. 5. Appropriate confidentiality will be maintained at all times. 6. A complaint can be made verbally, over the phone or in writing. A written complaint will be investigated and the outcome notified to the person making the complaint within 28 days of receiving the complaint. A record is kept of all complaints and outcomes.

The address and telephone number of our Ofsted regional centre are:

OFSTED. The National Business Unit Piccadilly Gate Store Street Manchester M1 2 WD Telephone: 0300 123 123 1 OFSTED Registration Number: EY441368 Ofsted website: www.ofsted.gov.uk Email: enquiries@ofsted.gov.uk 

These details are displayed on our setting's notice board.

If a child appears to be at risk, our setting follows the procedures of the Local Children’s Safeguarding Board in our local authority.

This Policy was adopted at a meeting of the Footsteps Nursery Management Board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role:

Review Date; June 2013

Confidentiality and Data Protection Policy Statement of intent It is our intention to respect the privacy of children and their parents and carers, while ensuring that they access high quality early years care and education in our setting. Aim We aim to ensure that all parents and carers can share their information in the confidence that it will only be used to enhance the welfare of their children. Methods We keep two kinds of records on children attending our setting: 1.

Developmental records

These include observations of children in the setting, samples of their work, summary developmental reports and records of achievement. Observations are recorded during the normal day to day activities of the nursery and may be single or group observations. Only the childs first name will be included and details are only kept for as long as necessary.

They are usually kept in the childs room and can be accessed, and contributed to, by staff, the child and the child's parents.

Any developmental records relating to a child is kept within the setting and is not taken home by staff members


Personal records

These include registration and admission forms, signed consents, and correspondence concerning the child or family, reports or minutes from meetings concerning the child from other agencies, an ongoing record of relevant contact with parents, and observations by staff on any confidential mater involving the child, such as developmental concerns or child protection matters. Personal details are kept in a locked file cabinet and are not removed from the nursery.

These confidential records are stored in a lockable file or cabinet and are kept secure by the person in charge in an office or other suitably safe place.

Parents have access, in accordance with the access to records procedure, to the files and records of their own children but do not have access to information about any other child.

Staff will not discuss personal information given by parents with other members of staff, except where it affects planning for the child's needs. Staff induction includes an awareness of the importance of confidentiality. Staff are also made aware of E safety.

Other records

Issues to do with the employment of staff, whether paid or unpaid, remain confidential to the people directly involved with making personnel decisions.

Students on training, when they are observing in the setting, are advised of our confidentiality policy and required to respect it.

Access to personal records Parents may request access to any records held on their child and family following the procedure below. 

Any request to see the child's personal file by a parent or person with parental responsibility must be made in writing to the setting Manager.

The setting Manager /Deputy will send a written acknowledgement.

The setting commits to providing access within 14 days - although this may be extended.

The setting's Manager / Deputy prepare the file for viewing.

All third parties are written to, stating that a request for disclosure has been received and asking for their permission to disclose to the person requesting it. A copy of these letters is retained on the file.

'Third parties' include all family members who may be referred to in the records.

It also includes workers from any other agency, including social services, the health authority, etc. It is usual for agencies to refuse consent to disclose, preferring the individual to go directly to them.

When all the consents/refusals to disclose have been received these are attached to the copy of the request letter.

A photocopy of the complete file is taken.

The setting Manager / Deputy go through the file and remove any information which a third party has refused consent to disclose. This is best done with a thick black marker, to score through every reference to the third party and information they have added to the file.

What remains is the information recorded by the setting, detailing the work initiated and followed by them in relation to confidential matters. This is called the 'clean copy'.

The 'clean copy' is photocopied for the parents who are then invited in to discuss the contents. The file should never be given straight over, but should be gone through by the setting leader, so that it can be explained.

Legal advice may be sought before sharing a file, especially where the parent has possible grounds for litigation against the setting or another (third party) agency.

All the undertakings above are subject to the paramount commitment of the setting, which is to the safety and well-being of the child. Please see also our policy on child protection.

This Policy was adopted at a meeting of Footsteps Nursery Management Board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role:

Review date: June 2013

Contingency Procedures/Closure It is the aim to ensure the health, safety and well -being of the children at all times. We have put in place contingency arrangements in case of emergency or when staff ratios could be threatened. We have a Health & Safety Advisor who provides all our staff with accredited Health & Safety Training so that they are aware of their roles and responsibilities in this respect. It is vitally important that you notify us of any changes to your telephone numbers immediately. Staff Absence All staff absence must be reported directly to the manager at the earliest opportunity. The manager will then contact our other settings to acquire additional staff if possible. If staffs from other settings are not available part time staff not on duty will be contacted to come in to cover. During this period staff should monitor ratio’s and if at any point they exceed the legal requirements the situation should be explained to parents/carers on arrival and no more children should be admitted to the setting until additional staff arrive If two or more staff are delayed, or unable to come we will ring Ofsted to tell them of the situation. This will ensure that if a complaint is received by Ofsted they are fully aware of the situation. Loss of Utilities Our premises are maintained on a regular basis. In the unlikely event of the setting losing one or all of its utility services, the manager or person in charge will assess the situation and the effect it will have on the children and staff. If it is found that the situation will threaten the health, safety or well-being of the children then parent/carers will be contacted to collect their child. We would expect that one of the named persons on the child’s records to collect the child within 2 hours. Parents will then be kept informed about the incident and can contact the setting for updates. Damage to Buildings In the event that staff arrives at the setting to find the building /rooms damaged they will consult with the manager and caretaker to evaluate the damage and impact on the children health safety or well- being. If the problem can be solved in the short term the children will be admitted into the setting. If this is not possible parents will be asked to take their child home with them and parents/children due in will be contacted to stay at home.

Serious Incident In the event of a serious incident involving a child or member of staff, the room supervisor will work with the manager in organising appropriate help etc. All other staff should calmly remove other children from the area and should continue to look after the children unless directed otherwise. Outbreak of contagious Illnesses We are required to notify the Health Protection Agency and Ofsted where we have an outbreak of salmonella or other illness which is present in numerous children. (See notifiable diseases) Sometimes contagious diseases are brought into the nurseries; if this occurs we display notices so that parents/carers are aware and can be vigilant to signs and symptoms which the child may display. Childhood illnesses do not normally necessitate closure of a nursery unless specified by another agency and this would be done by contacting parents as in all other evacuation procedures.

This policy was adopted by the Footsteps Nursery Management Board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the management board: Role:

Date of next review: June 2013

Curriculum Policy Introduction The nursery incorporates the Early Years Foundation stage (EYFS) framework to support and develop children’s play and learning. This was implemented September 2008 and in addition the National Day Care Standards will be integrated into the document. The EYFS covers birth to five years and are divided up through the following A unique child - every child is a competent learner from birth Positive relationships - children can learn to be strong and independent Enabling Environments - the environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children learning and development Learning and development - children develop in different ways and at different times and all areas of learning and development at important. The curriculum is all the planned and unplanned activities that are organised within the nursery and are based heavily on a child’s Personal, Social and Emotional development which underpins all curriculum areas, plus there holistic development and attitude towards coming to the Nursery. Children in the Pre-School room have their own planning board for their own ideas. Values The Early Years Foundation Stage framework is reflected in our practice within an environment which is respectful, kind and considerate to all those who attend. The diversity of individuals and communities is valued and respected, no child or family is discriminated against.

Our objective is to celebrate the age of the children as they are, and not purely see the early years as a pre-runner for something bigger and more exciting. We embrace

the curricula and lay the foundations for the promotion of kind and considerate individuals. Aims and Objectives The aim of our nursery curricula is: 

To enable all children to learn and develop their skills to the best of their ability.

To promote a positive attitude towards learning

To promote self – discovery, exploration and curiosity towards learning

To promote an ethos of mutual respect and kindness, and a sense of what is and what is not acceptable codes of behaviour

To help children understand the importance of truth and fairness, so that they begin to learn the importance of equal opportunities.

To endorse and support children’s high self- esteems so they have the confidence to ‘try’. We advocate the importance of the process of learning, and not necessarily the end product.

Organisation and Planning The planning of activities is carried out in three phases: 

Long Term

Medium term

Short term

Topics and curriculum areas are discussed within rooms, at planning meetings and at staff meetings. In addition, key workers plan for the individual needs of the children in their group, and these are reflective of the curricula which ascertains to the children’s stage of development through observations.

Planning within the EYFS - covers the 6 areas of development, with most activities lending themselves to cross curricula learning, such as a scientific activity, which would involve counting or sorting. The six areas are: 

Personal. Social and Emotional Development

Communication, Language and Literacy

Problem Solving Reasoning and Numeracy

Knowledge and Understanding of the World

Physical Development

Creative Development

Children with Special Needs Footsteps Nursery is designed to provide access and opportunities for all children who attend the nursery. EYFS is delivered creatively by practitioners who will take into account any special needs that your child has that need addressing. Children will not be excluded from any activity because of a special need; the onus will be on the practitioner to deliver it in a manner that meets the needs of all. The nursery complies with the requirements set out in the SEN code of practice, a copy of which can be viewed in the Nursery Managers office. Assessments will be made in accordance with the code. An individual Education plan or an individual health plan will be formulated for children to ensure their needs are met, monitored and reviewed. This is monitored by the settings Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) ………………………………………………….. If a Childs needs are more severe, the nursery may apply for one to one support funding from The Local authority or a statement of special needs. This is always carried out in accordance with the Area SENCO and with support from multiagencies and quality teams.

The EYFS endorses an ethos of learning through play. The children progress along the ages and stages, which breaks down outcomes into small, manageable pieces which the children need to work through until they develop a skill. The children are guided but achieve the ages and stages at an individual rate, at a speed that is reflective of their stage of development and the opportunities they have had. Planning is therefore vital to ensure the children have opportunities to try out new skills and to explore objects, sometimes for the first time. Partnership with parents is a vital component of the EYFS, and one that Footsteps Nursery supports and advocates. When parents and practitioners work together in early years settings, the results have a positive impact on children’s development and learning” EYFS 2.2 . Parents are encouraged to pass on their views and observations through our daily diary, parent discussion sheets and parent/home observation sheets Monitoring and Review The Planning Co-ordinator………………………………………… is responsible for the day-to-day organisation of the curriculum, ensuring that staff are fully trained in all curriculum areas, and recognise the importance of an integrated approach to the curriculum. An amalgamation of evidence of children’s learning is captured on a daily basis through observation and Individual learning journeys, which is monitored and checked by the planning co-ordinator for progression and inclusion. Parents are encouraged to see their child’s portfolios and ask any questions. The planning is monitored termly by the planning co-ordinator.

This policy was adopted by the Footsteps Nursery management board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management board: Role:

Review Date: June 2013

DANGEROUS SUBSTANCE POLICY Definition of dangerous substances  Vomit  Diarrhoea  Urine In the event of contact with any of the above substances staff must follow the following procedure. Cleaning the area  Remove all children and staff from the affected area  The child who is affected should be calmed and reassured then taken to the appropriate place to be cleaned by a member of staff  Gloves and an apron must be worn by the member of staff who is cleaning the affected area  The whole area and surrounding areas should be cleaned thoroughly using disinfectant and relevant cloths.  Cloths used should be disposed of after use  The room / area should be well ventilated  The affected area should remain off limits to all children and staff, until staffs are satisfied that the area is clean and safe.  Details should be recorded on Dangerous substance log sheet  Management should be informed of any health issues.

Cleaning the child When a member of staff cleans the affected child they must adhere to the following procedures  Firstly the child should be calmed and reassured  Disposable gloves and aprons must be worn  The child should be cleaned and soiled clothing should be removed and clean cloths given  Soiled clothing should be rinsed or washed and begged up for parents/carers to take home  Parent/carers should be informed of the incident

This policy was adopted by the Footsteps Nursery management board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the management board: Role:

Next review date: June 2013

ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY Statement of intent Footsteps Nursery is committed to helping preserve the environment and is proactive in the recycling of all its resources and waste. Aim As part of our activities we shall encourage children, parents, carers and staff to dispose of waste in an environmentally friendly way Children are encouraged to separate their waste items in separate containers for recycling. Staff should dispose of plastic items, paper etc in separate containers and encourage the children to do likewise. Staff will leave the appropriate waste out for collection on the correct collection days Footsteps Nursery is aware of the ecological effects on the earth by not disposing of waste in the most environmentally friendly way and will work within its parameters to aid this cause.

Our Ethos The children at the nursery are the future and they need to have an ecologically safe place to grow up into. By helping in this way they are helping to secure their future.

This policy was adapted by the Footsteps Nursery management board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the management board: Role:

Date of next review:

June 2013

Equality and Diversity Policy Statement of intent Our setting is committed to valuing diversity by providing equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice for all children and families. Aim We aim to: 

Provide a secure environment in which all our children can flourish and in which all contributions are valued;

Include and value the contribution of all families to our understanding of equality and diversity;

Provide positive non-stereotyping information about gender roles, diverse ethnic and cultural groups and people with disabilities;

Improve our knowledge and understanding of issues of anti-discriminatory practice, promoting equality and valuing diversity; and

Make inclusion a thread that runs through all of the activities of the setting.

Methods Admissions Our setting is open to all members of the community. 

We advertise our service widely.

We reflect the diversity of members of our society in our publicity and promotional materials.

We provide information in clear, concise language, whether in spoken or written form.

We provide information in as many languages as possible.

We base our admissions policy on a fair system.

We ensure that all parents are made aware of our equal opportunities policy.

We do not discriminate against a child or their family, or prevent entry to our setting, on the basis of colour, ethnicity, religion or social background, such as being a member of a travelling community or an asylum seeker.

We do not discriminate against a child with a disability or refuse a child entry to our setting because of any disability or additional needs.

We develop an action plan to ensure that people with disabilities can participate successfully in the services offered by the setting and in the curriculum offered.

We take action against any discriminatory behaviour by staff or parents. Displaying of openly racist insignia, distribution of racist material, namecalling, or threatening behaviour are unacceptable on or around the premises and will be dealt with in the strongest manner.

Employment 

Posts are advertised and all applicants are judged against explicit and fair criteria.

Applicants are welcome from all backgrounds and posts are open to all.

We may use the exemption clauses of the Race Relations Act and the Sex Discrimination Act where this is necessary to enable the service to best meet the needs of the community.

The applicant who best meets the criteria is offered the post, subject to references and checks by the Criminal Records Bureau. This ensures fairness in the selection process.

All job descriptions include a commitment to equality and diversity as part of their specifications.

We monitor our application process to ensure that it is fair and accessible.

Training 

We seek out training opportunities for staff and volunteers to enable them to develop anti-discriminatory and inclusive practices, which enable all children to flourish.

We review our practices to ensure that we are fully implementing our policy for equality, diversity and inclusion.

Early Years Foundation Stage The E.Y.F.S. encourages children to develop positive attitudes about themselves as well as to people who are different from themselves. It encourages children to empathise with others and to begin to develop the skills of critical thinking. We do this by: 

Making children feel valued and good about themselves;

Ensuring that children have equality of access to learning;

Recognising the different learning styles of girls and boys, making appropriate provision within the curriculum to ensure each child receives the widest possible opportunity to develop their skills and abilities;

Positively reflecting the widest possible range of communities in the choice of resources;

Avoiding stereotypes or derogatory images in the selection of books or other visual materials;

Celebrating a wide range of festivals;

Creating an environment of mutual respect and tolerance;

Helping children to understand that discriminatory behaviour and remarks are hurtful and unacceptable;

Ensuring that the learning environment offered is inclusive of children with special educational needs and children with disabilities;

Ensuring that children learning English as an additional language have full access to the curriculum and are supported in their learning; and

Ensuring that children speaking languages other than English are supported in the maintenance and development of their home languages.

Valuing diversity in families 

We welcome the diversity of family lifestyles and work with all families.

We encourage children to contribute stories of their everyday life to the setting.

We encourage parents/carers to take part in the life of the setting and to contribute fully.

For families who speak languages in addition to English, we will develop means to ensure their full inclusion.

We offer a flexible payment system for families of differing means and offer information regarding sources of financial support.

Food 

We work in partnership with parents to ensure that the medical, cultural and dietary needs of children are met.

We help children to learn about a range of food, and of cultural approaches to mealtimes and eating, and to respect the differences among them.

Meetings 

Meetings are arranged to ensure that all families who wish to may be involved in the running of the setting.

Information about meetings is communicated in a variety of ways - written, verbal and in translation - to ensure that all parents have information about and access to the meetings.

This Policy was adopted at a meeting of the Footsteps Nursery Management Board Held on:


Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role : Manager Next review date:

June 2013

Equipment and Resources Policy Statement of intent We believe that high quality early years care and education are promoted by providing children with safe, clean, attractive, developmentally appropriate resources, toys and equipment. Aim We aim to provide children with resources and equipment that help to consolidate and extend their knowledge, skills, interests and aptitudes. Methods In order to achieve this aim we: 

Provide play equipment and resources that are safe and - where applicable - conform to the BSEN safety standards or Toys (Safety) Regulation (1995);

Provide a sufficient quantity of equipment and resources for the number of children;

Provide resources that promote all areas of children's learning and development, which may be child or adult led;

Select books, equipment and resources that promote positive images of people of all colours, cultures and abilities, are non-discriminatory and avoid racial and gender stereotyping;

Provide play equipment and resources that promote continuity and progression, provide sufficient challenge and meet the needs and interests of all children;

Provide made, natural and recycled materials that are clean, in good condition and safe for the children to use;

Provide furniture that is suitable for children and furniture that is suitable for adults;

Store and display resources and equipment where children can independently choose and select them;

Regularly check all resources and equipment that are available at each session and ensure they are put away at the end of each session. We repair and clean, or replace, any unsafe, worn out, dirty or damaged equipment;

Keep an inventory of resources and equipment. This will record the date on which each item was purchased and the price paid for it;

Use the inventory to: -

Review the balance of resources and equipment so that they can support a range of activities across all areas of play, learning and development;


Record the dates and results of checking the resources and equipment;


Record the date when any item is discarded due to being worn out, damaged or unsafe;


Provide adequate insurance cover for the setting's resources and equipment.


Use the local library and toy library to introduce new books and a variety of resources to support children's interests; and


Plan the provision of activities and appropriate resources so that a balance of familiar equipment and resources and new exciting challenges is offered.

This Policy was adopted at a meeting of the Footsteps Nursery Management Board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role: Manager

Next review date: June 2013

E-Safety Policy Statement of intent E-Safety encompasses internet technologies and electronic communications such as mobile phone (see separate mobile phone policy) and wireless technology. It highlights the need to educate children about the benefits and risks of using new technology and provide safeguards and awareness for users to enable them to control their online experiences. Using the internet safely to enhance the children’s learning 

The internet access will be designed for the children’s use and will include filtering appropriate to the needs of the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Internet access will be monitored and practitioners will guide and support children whilst they are accessing the internet.

Managing social networking 

Practitioners will be advised never to give out personal details for example their email or IM address, full names, telephone numbers or house address or anything which will make them easy identifiable to parents.

Parents and practitioners are advised to place only appropriate photos on any social networking site. Parents are advised to only put pictures of their own children and none of other children which may have been taken at open events i.e. Christmas concert, were written permission is sought of every parent for the consent of photographs to be taken.

Practitioners and parents are encouraged to discuss any concerns or problems with the setting manager and not publish concerns or complaints on a public social networking site.

Parents and practitioners are advised that publishing information which may use the name of the company or a member of staff or child attending the setting which will affect the reputation of the company and the practitioners will be reported to the company legal representative.

The publication on the company website 

Written permission from parents and carers will be obtained during the registration process. No images will be used without permission.

Children’s and practitioners full names will not be used anywhere on the company website or any other material made by the company for publicity.

The company website will be used an informational tool for current and potential parents and carers.

The company directors and the managers of the individual settings will have overall responsibility and will ensure that the content is accurate and appropriate.

Electronic storage of children’s images and information 

The company will keep images of the children used for the diaries and use of observation on a memory stick will be kept in the nursery office at all times and which not taken off site. The images will be permanently deleted once the child has left the setting or once the image has been printed and used for the purposes.

All information gathered which is used to identify children learning will be secured safely and written permission will be sought from parents before the information is shared with other agencies. I.e. Early year’s development overviews and e-cat overview grids.

Cameras are used when observing the children and to assist the practitioners in documenting a child progress. Cameras are kept on site and no camera or memory sticks is taken out of the setting under no circumstance.

Close Circuit Tele Vision 

Close circuit television recording systems are in place in the settings within Westside / Footsteps Day nursery.

The images obtained are stored on a hard drive and delete themselves after two weeks.

The managers and site managers are the only people who have access to the system.

This policy was adopted by the Footsteps Day Nursery Management Board.

Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role: Manager

Review date: June 2013

EXCLUSION PERIODS FOR ILLNESS AND INFECTION Please do not try to rush your child back to the nursery –some children will seem fine quite quickly while others tend to take longer to recover. We have to adhere to the exclusion times so please do not ask us to bring a child back early. Illness Chickenpox Cold Sores Conjunctivitis Diarrhoea and Vomiting

Diphtheria* E.Coli * German Measles (rubella)

Exclusion From Nursery For 7 days from onset of rash Until treated and dry Until treated and there is no discharge Until diarrhoea and vomiting has settled (neither in last 48 hrs)

Exclusion until clear ALWAYS NOTIFIABLE Exclusion until clear ALWAYS NOTIFIABLE 7 days from onset of rash – this time will be extended when there is no record of immunisation or the child appears unwell. Medical confirmation will be asked for

Glandular Fever

Until well

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease Head Lice (nits)

Until cleared

Hepatitis A *

Exclusion until clear ALWAYS NOTIFIABLE Until lesions crusted/healed


Measles German Measles*


Until cleared

7 days from onset of rash – this time will be extended when there is no record of immunisation or the child still appears unwell. Medical confirmation will asked for Until well


7 days from onset of swollen glands ALWAYS NOTIFIABLE


Until treated –can return after first treatment


Usually there will be no specific diagnosis and for most conditions there is no specific treatment. A longer period of exclusion may be appropriate for children under age 5 and older children unable to maintain good personal hygiene

The child is most infectious before the diagnosis is made, and most children should be immune due to immunisation so that exclusion after the rash appears will prevent very few cases. (important: see female carers) No specific exclusion. About 50% of children will get this disease before they are aged 5

Treatment is recommended only in cases where live lice have definitely been seen.

Antibiotic treatment by mouth may speed healing. If lesions can reliably be kept covered, exclusion may be shortened Measles is now rare in the UK. (Important: see vulnerable children)

All types of meningitis are notifiable The child is most infectious before the diagnosis is made, and most children should be immune due to immunisation Outbreaks have occasionally occurred in schools and nurseries. Child can return as soon as properly treated.

Scarlet Fever*

7 days from commencing antibiotics


Until diarrhoea and vomiting has settled and no episodes for previous 48 hours

Slapped Cheek Syndrome Whooping Cough (Pertussis)*

None 7 days from commencing antibiotics This time may be extended where there is no record of immunisation or the child still appears unwell. Medical confirmation will be asked for

This should include all the persons in the household. Treatment recommended for the affected child Children under 5 years may have difficulty with hygiene during this time so additional hygiene precautions may need to be implemented Treatment (usually with erythromycin) is recommended though non-infectious coughing may still continue for many weeks.

Important Notes 


Ofsted –you can email Ofsted details about number of suspected cases but do not include identification of people involved. Also include actions taken to avoid unnecessary spread of the disease Immunisations By the age of two, all children should have received 3 doses of diphtheria/tetanus/whooping cough/Hib and Polio immunisations and at least one dose of measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) immunisation. By the age of five, all children should, in addition, have had a booster of diphtheria, tetanus and polio and a second dose of MMR. Immunisation against Group C Meningococcal infection ("Men C") has recently been introduced. From the end of November 1999, babies will receive three doses of Men C (at 2, 3 and 4 months of age). See the separate Department of Health site on the meningococcal C vaccination campaign. Immunisation against Group C Meningococcal infection ("Men C") has recently been introduced. From the end of November 1999, babies will receive three doses of Men C (at 2, 3 and 4 months of age). See the separate Department of Health site on the meningococcal C vaccination campaign. Hand-washing and Good Hygiene Procedures Effective hand washing is an important method of controlling the spread of infections, especially those that cause diarrhorea and vomiting. Always wash hands after using the toilet and before eating or handling food using warm, running water and a mild, preferably liquid, soap. Rub hands together vigorously until a soapy lather appears and continue for at least 15 seconds ensuring all surfaces of the hands are covered. Rinse hands under warm running water and dry hands with a hand dryer or clean towel (preferably paper). Discard disposable towels in a bin. Bins with foot-pedal

operated lids are preferable. If a food handler has diarrhoea or vomiting, the CCDC's advice should be sought urgently. Cleaning up of Body Fluid Spills - "Universal Precautions" Spills of body fluid - Blood, faeces, nasal and eye discharges, saliva and vomit - must be cleaned up immediately. Wear disposable gloves. Be careful not to get any of the fluid you are cleaning up in your eyes, nose, mouth or any open sores you may have. Clean and disinfect any surfaces on which body fluids have been spilled. An effective disinfectant solution is household bleach solution diluted 1 in 10 with water, but it must be used carefully. Discard fluid-contaminated material in a plastic bag along with the disposable gloves. The glove, once securely sealed can be disposed of as normal "household" type waste. Mops used to clean up body fluids should be cleaned in a cleaning equipment sink (not a kitchen sink), rinsed with a disinfecting solution and dried. Ensure contaminated clothing is hot laundered (Minimum 60 degrees centigrade)

Vulnerable Children Some children have medical conditions that make them especially vulnerable to infections that would rarely be serious in other children. Such children include those being treated for leukaemia or other cancers, children on high doses of steroids by mouth (not inhalers) and children with conditions which seriously reduce immunity. Usually schools or nurseries are made aware of such children through their parents, or carers, or the school health service. These children are especially vulnerable to chickenpox or measles. If a vulnerable child is exposed to either of these infections, the parent or carer(s) should be informed promptly so that they can seek further medical advice as necessary. Female Carers - Pregnancy Some infections if caught by a pregnant woman can pose a danger to her unborn baby. Chickenpox can affect the pregnancy of a woman who has not previously had the disease. More than 95% of the adult population are immune to chickenpox, but if a pregnant woman is exposed early in pregnancy (the first 20 weeks) or very late in pregnancy (the last 3 weeks before giving birth) she should promptly inform her GP and/or midwife so that a blood test can be arranged to check her immune status. If a woman who is not immune to German Measles (Rubella) is exposed to this infection in early pregnancy her baby can be affected. Female staff should be able to show evidence of immunity to rubella, or if that is not possible, have a blood test and, if appropriate, immunisation. If a woman who may be pregnant comes into contact with rubella she should inform her GP or midwife promptly. Slapped Cheek Disease (Fifth Disease, Parvovirus) Occasionally, this infection can affect an unborn child. If a woman is exposed in early pregnancy (before 20 weeks) she should promptly inform whoever is giving her antenatal care.

This policy was adopted at a meeting of the Footsteps Nursery management board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the management board: Role:


Date of next review: June 2013

Fees Policy & Procedure Statement of Intent Although we are a children’s nursery where your child’s wellbeing is put first we are also a business which has to pay for qualified childcare staff, ongoing training and new resources so that your child has the best possible care. We would appreciate prompt payment of your childcare fees within our required time frame. We have put in place a fees structure which is linked to our policy and procedure. If you have a genuine problem which prevents you paying on time you must speak to the nursery manager as soon as possible. We will listen to your reasons for non- payment and try to help. If you can provide us with information to support your non- payment this would help –in all cases you will be asked to sign a binding agreement to reduce your arrears as well as keeping your current fees in line However - If you do not comply with any agreement we will terminate a place and follow debt collection procedures in all cases. Aim We aim to ensure that your child has the highest quality childcare we can provide. To do this we have to pay our bills and outgoings as we do at home. To maintain good quality staff we pay higher than the minimum working wage, we buy good quality resources and we pay for our staff to receive good quality up to date training. Children receive good quality, freshly prepared meals in order to keep them healthy with ample supplies of fruit and vegetables Methods In order to achieve this aim we operate the following fees structure. Weekly Fee x 49 weeks ÷ by 12 monthly or 52 weekly payments. Example: 3 full days @ £34.65 £34.65 x 3 = £103.95 x 49weeks = £5093.55 ÷ 52 weekly payments = £97.95 per week Or: £5093.55 ÷ 12 monthly payments = £424.46 per month In essence we only charge you for 49 weeks per year and divide that total into weekly or monthly payments as above. This Policy was adopted by the Footsteps Nursery Management Board Held on: 07/06/2012

Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role: Manager

Next review date: June 2013

FIRE EVACUATION AND BOMB ALERT PROCEDURE It is the aim of Footsteps Nursery to ensure the health, safety and well-being of the children at all times. We have put in place evacuation procedures in case of emergency. We have a Health & Safety Advisor who provides all our staff with accredited Health & Safety Training so that they are aware of their roles and responsibilities in this respect. Fire Evacuation Bomb Alert Procedure We have regular fire drill practices which are carried out by the centre caretaker, the findings are recorded so that we can evaluate and amend our practice if necessary. These are carried out routinely so that the children are not unduly alarmed and that they are confident in the procedure for evacuating the building. We carry out the fire drill each term and on different times and days of the week so that new children become aware of the procedures and all children are included in the practice drill. Action on discovering a fire or suspicious package 1. Sound the fire alarm this will automatically ring the fire brigade. 2. Evacuate the building, closing all doors behind you. Do not stop to collect personal clothing or equipment 3. Ensure fire brigade has been called 4. Fight the fire with equipment provided ONLY if it is safe to do so, keeping yourself between the fire and means of escape. Action on hearing the fire alarm 1. Reassure the children and keep them calm 2. Evacuate the building quickly and quietly by the nearest exit. Do not collect clothing, bags or personal belongings. 3. Proceed to the assembly point which is……………….……………… 4. The nominated fire warden for each room will check the toilets and other small rooms then bring the register, signing in sheets and visitors book. The fire warden will close all doors behind them when leaving the building. 5. Check all children are present, check all staff, volunteers and students are present, and check all visitors are present. 6. Await a roll call 7. Do not enter the building until being told it is safe to do so by the nominated Fire warden……………………………….. In the event of a real fire the children will be moved to………………………… where a room is available to keep the children safe and warm until parents can be contacted. The staff will then contact parents/carers to come and pick up their children. Contact details for all the children are kept in the baby room emergency bag which is taken out on all evacuations.

This policy was adopted at a meeting of the Footsteps Nursery management board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the management board: Role:


Date of next review:

June 2013

Food and Drink Policy Statement of intent This setting regards snack and meal times as an important part of the setting's session/day. Eating represents a social time for children and adults and helps children to learn about healthy eating. Aim At snack times, we aim to provide nutritious food, which meets the children's individual dietary needs. We aim to meet all legislation in respect of the Welfare Requirements. Drinks are freely available throughout the day in the older children’s rooms and offered to younger babies and children on a regular basis. Methods 

Before a child starts to attend the setting, we find out from parents their children's dietary needs and preferences, including any allergies.

We record information about each child's dietary needs in her/his registration record and parents sign the record to signify that it is correct.

We regularly consult with parents to ensure that our records of their children's dietary needs - including any allergies - are up to date. Parents sign the up-dated record to signify that it is correct.

We display current information about individual children's dietary needs so that all staff and volunteers are fully informed about them.

We implement systems to ensure that children receive only food and drink that is consistent with their dietary needs and preferences as well as their parents' wishes.

We provide nutritious snacks, avoiding large quantities of saturated fat, sugar and salt and artificial additives, preservatives and colourings.

We include foods from the diet of each of the children's cultural backgrounds, providing children with familiar foods and introducing them to new ones.

We take care not to provide food containing nuts or nut products and are especially vigilant where we have a child who has a known allergy to nuts.

Through discussion with parents and research reading by staff, we obtain information about the dietary rules of the religious groups, to which children and their parents belong, and of vegetarians and vegans, and about food allergies. We take account of this information in the provision of food and drinks.

We require staff to show sensitivity in providing for children's diets and allergies. Staff do not use a child's diet or allergy as a label for the child or make a child feel singled out because of her/his diet or allergy.

We organise meal and snack times so that they are social occasions in which children and staff participate.

We use meal and snack times to help children to develop independence through making choices, serving food and drink and feeding themselves.

We provide children with utensils that are appropriate for their ages and stages of development and that take account of the eating practices in their cultures.

We have fresh drinking water constantly available for the children. We inform the children about how to obtain the water and that they can ask for water at any time during the session/day.

In accordance with parents' wishes, we offer children arriving early in the morning - and/or staying late - an appropriate meal or snack.

We inform parents who provide food for their children about the storage facilities available in the setting.

We give parents who provide food for their children information about suitable containers for food.

In order to protect children with food allergies, we have rules about children sharing and swapping their food with one another.

For children who drink milk, we provide whole pasteurised milk.

For each child under two, we provide parents with daily written information about feeding routines, intake and preferences.

In the remote chance that we are unable to provide a cooked meal at lunchtime due to breakdown of cooking equipment we shall make all appropriate arrangements for food to be supplied by a reputable caterer who conforms to all current legislation as laid down by Environmental Health

This Policy was adopted at a meeting of the Footsteps Nursery Management Board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role: Manager Next review date: June 2013

Health and Safety Policy Statement of Intent At Footsteps Nursery we are committed to ensuring the highest standards of Health, Safety and Welfare are established and maintained. We will endeavour to promote activities which will serve to protect the general environment and staff, children, families and visitors within in. Aim Our aim is to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the nursery is a safe and secure place for the children, families, staff, students and visitors who may be entering the setting. We consider Health and Safety to be our top priority in the delivery of our services. Method To achieve our aim we recognise the importance of competent staff and so ensure all our staffs attends Health and Safety training and we provide refresher training every 3 years. We also so far as is reasonably practicable consult with employees to ascertain what measures should be taken to increase awareness of health and safety. We will reduce the risk of accidents through undertaking daily checks on the environment and equipment and also annual risk assessments. All chemical products are kept in locked cupboards and have safety data sheets. We are also subject to regular checks from the environmental Health Service and Ofsted to ensure our premises and practices are safe and healthy. We have a named Health and Safety Officer ………………………………....who along with the manager will ensure that the health and safety policy is kept up to date and reviewed once a year and all amendments and improvements will be actioned and communicated to all members of staff immediately. Footsteps Nursery has a duty to take care of the health, safety and well being of their staff and to report and assist in the investigation of any accident or incident to prevent further recurrence and to report any serious accident or incident to RIDDOR, Ofsted and the Local Authority. Staff also have a responsibility to up hold and follow health and safety procedures for the safety of themselves and others. This policy was adopted at a meeting of the Footsteps Nursery management board. Held on : 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the management board: Role: Manager

Next review date: June 2013

Home Visiting Policy Statement of intent We want children to feel safe, stimulated and happy in the setting and feel comfortable and secure with the staff. We also want the parents to have confidence in their children’s well being. We hope to build an initial bond with parents and children in an environment that is comfortable for them. Individual Responsibility Footsteps Nursery has the legal responsibilities to provide safe of work, and individuals have the responsibility to follow safe working practices in the community. You should: Give families information about your role and make planned appointments so they know what to expect.  Be aware of your own safety at all times whilst travelling and at contact locations continually re-assess the risks and do not enter any locations where you do not feel safe.  Obtain as much information as possible about the families (keep in mind issues of confidentially) Health visitors, support workers and school staff are a good source of information.  Be aware of your own behaviour and how it may have an effect on both preventing and triggering aggression in others.  Ensure you are filling all the correct paper out before and after visits. Ensuring it is recorded clearly and filled/displayed appropriately.  Ensure you return back to the setting as soon as you have finished the visit.  Ensure you inform the setting manager if you are running late, and give another due back time. Work team responsibilities You and line manager should: Maintain links with other health care teams and agencies to maintained  Good information sharing without breaking confidentiality.  Ensure that staff is aware of the safety procedures in case of an emergency. (code words, who to ring)  Ensure that staff have had the appropriate training  Ensure that staff is satisfied with the safety measures are in place.  Ensure all relevant paperwork has been filled out before each visit .( some know where you are going , address, time you went, time you are due back and a contact number)  Ensure the due back time of the practitioner has been recorded, to begin to make phone calls to chase them up if they are not back within an hour of the due time. Home/community Visits Before you set off: Gather as much information as possible about the family and the location you are visiting.  Research the area you are visiting so you know exactly where you are going.

  

   

Where ever possible phone or write to let the family know who you are, your role and the intent of the visit. Try to make an appointment that is convenient for them If you are unable to attend the agreed appointment ensure you inform the family as soon as possible. Ensure you tell someone where you are going. Fill out all paperwork before each and every visit and that it is recorded clearly and given to the setting manager. Including all relevant details, names of parents and children, address, contact number for you, the time you left and the time you are due back. If you are uneasy about making the visit, ask your line manager for some extra support or a colleague to make the visit with you. Ensure that your means of communication and any personal alarms are working fully charged and accessible. Program you r work based number so you can ring it easily by pressing 1 button. If you are driving ensure it has sufficient petrol and is well maintained and that you are covered by appropriate insurances. Wear shoes and clothes that do not hinder your movement or your ability to get away quickly in an emergency.

When travelling or using public transport    

Allow yourself plenty of time for your journey so you are not rushing Be aware of your nearest safe place, such as local shops and how to get there Keep your mobile and personal alarm in an accessible place in case of an emergency Make note of your journey time and the bus times if you are travelling on public transport so you have a means of transport to get back

When arriving at the families home         

Assess the situation and be prepared to postpone or abandon the visit if in doubt of your safety If you do not make contact with the intended person. Ensure you leave a contact slip detailing your name and the time of the visit. Always wear your Nursery blue t shirt and jacket Don not entre the home if you feel uneasy about your safety, make an excuse not to go in to the person answering the door gives you any cause for concern When entering the home, you follow them rather than them following you Be aware of the behaviour of all the people in the house identifying any changes in behaviour or signal that’s there maybe a problem REMEMBER you’re a guest in their home, so act courteously. Have a non- judgemental approach, showing sensitivity and value their family beliefs and culture Refer to Footsteps Nursery policies and procedures regarding confidentiality and child protection issues and act appropriately Be aware of the time without being obvious ensuring you inform the setting manager if you are running behind time.

When your visit are complete    

Ensure everyone is happy with the intention that went on and that everyone has understood what was said, and the next steps have been agreed. Always return to the base setting you set off from in the time you where expected back Complete all relevant reports and informed the correct people if you have any concerns about the family Inform the setting manager of any dates and times set for more visits.

Training 

Employees who will be required to do the home visits will have access to the relevant training

In the occurrence of any incidents While the incident is happening     

Always put your own safety first. Leave a situation if you fell unsafe. It is better leave and then find alternative support for the family In the occurrence of you leaving a situation and your college is still in there, call the police immediately Don not use control or restrains techniques. This could be interpreted as assault Call for assistance from the police or from your work place ( stating your emergency password/code0 Recognise the limit to your ability. If the situation gets too much leave

After the incident has happened    

Allow yourself time to recover, if needed ask for support from your line manager or setting manager Return back to the base setting as soon as possible Contact your setting manager on your return to the setting and inform them of the incident Fill out an incident report forms ensures all the relevant information is on it and stick to the facts.

This policy was adopted at a meeting of the Footsteps Nursery Management Board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the management board Role


Next review date:

June 2013

Key Worker System - Policy & Procedure

Statement of Intent All children in our care will be supported by a named key person. Giving your child a “key person” who has special responsibility for working with a small number of children gives children reassurance. It helps them feel safe and cared for and helps build relationships. Recommended Good Practice Each member of staff who has appropriate training is given a small number of children –to be their “Key Person”. A second person will be available when your child’s main key person is away. Key persons will liaise directly with you on a regular basis regarding a child’s development, progress and highlight any areas for concern. They will also promote joint working between yourselves and the nursery. We encourage parents and carers to be involved in a child’s learning. When your child is ready to move into another group they will have organised time to become familiar with their new peers and key worker within that room. We will record your child’s development and make these records available for when your child is ready to leave to go to school or to go to another provider. We will support this transition with visits and dialogue. Aim When children feel happy and secure in this way it helps them gain confidence to explore and try out new things. We want all the children we care for to have this opportunity and to gain independence in a reassured and comfortable way.

This Policy was adopted by the Footsteps Nursery Management Board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role: Manager

Next review date:

June 2013

Large Sand Pit Procedure Aim We accept that children often put things in their mouths and that they will occasionally ingest sand from the large sand pits. It is our aim to keep the sand pit as clean and aerated as possible and to ensure the children have drinking water available at all times To keep our sand pit clean we will:

 Have a daily outdoor check list which will be done first thing in the morning, after lunch, and after tea when the children have been inside.  Rake the sand to be confident that there are no unwanted foreign bodies in it.  Use a wide rake working in straight lines leaving clearly visible marks. This will be done last thing at night so will show quickly the next morning if we have had any unwanted visitors. Tidying and storing equipment

 We will involve the children in caring for our environment by putting all the equipment away at the end of the session  We will have child sized brushes and dustpans available so that the children can help keep the sand tidy and in the sand pit.  We will regularly wash the sand off the equipment and resources. Long term maintenance   

We will regularly check the sand level and top up when needed. We will aerate the sand regularly with a garden fork to create air holes to prevent compacting We will disinfect the sand every six months using a weak solution of household disinfectant and a watering can to sprinkle over the sand surface. We will do this on a Friday evening and use a hosepipe to water in the disinfectant or alternatively this will be done when it is raining.

This policy was adopted by Footsteps Management Board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role: Manager Next review date: June 2013

LOST CHILD POLICY Statement of Intent It is our intention to make our settings and visits and outings as safe as possible for children in our care Aim We aim to ensure that staff are well trained in our policies and procedures for keeping children safe and in the unlikely event that a child is lost that the following procedures are put into place forthwith. Methods In order to achieve this aim, we operate the following lost children policy. This is supported by in depth risk assessments and other procedures being in place Lost Child Policy –within the setting Staff are to be aware of the number of children in their care both within the rooms and outside in the garden. A register should be recorded at all times. Staff are to have an awareness of the whereabouts of children in their care. You should make sure all doors and gates both internal and external are securely locked or fully closed at all times. If you become aware that a child is lost 1. Check headcount 2. Get another member of staff to supervise other children 3. Retrace all steps and check all rooms in the building, including toilets and cupboards 4. Inform the Manager If the child cannot be found the Manager will then inform the police and parents/carers immediately Lost Child – on an outing During nursery outings it is imperative that the following be carried out 1. Written agreement by the parent./carer of a child 2. If it is appropriate a visit to the venue to check potential risks 3. Risk assessment and outings forms to be fully completed with staff members full names and times etc 4. Children to wear an identification sticker stating name of nursery and telephone number 5. Staff to take children’s identification cards 6. Ensure regular headcounts are taken in accordance with the outings sheet 7. In accordance with the outings sheet check that the mobile telephone is charged

In the eventuality that a child is no longer with the group 1. STAY CALM –ensuring all other children are safe and supervised and that staff know the situation 2. Report any missing child to a staff member of the venue 3. Retrace route checking behind all doors and in cupboards or other obvious places a child may be able to hide or get lost in 4. Inform the Manager at the nursery of the situation who will in turn inform the police and parents / carers. This will allow you to continue the search. 5. Take other children back to the method of transportation ensuring they are still supervised closely

We are required to inform Ofsted at the earliest opportunity of any such incidents. This is detailed in the section in this pack ‘Informing Ofsted’ which indicates all areas which in Ofsted require notification This Policy was adopted by the Footsteps Nursery Management Board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role: Manager

Next review date: June 2013

Mobile Phone Policy Statement of Intent To ensure the safety and welfare of children in our care we operate a personal mobile phone usage policy which stipulates that personal mobile phones cannot be used when in the presence of children or when on outings. Method Parent/Visitors  There are signs throughout the setting discouraging anyone from using mobile phones, anyone seen using a phone will be asked to leave the setting whilst they are using the phone.  All other phones from visitors etc will be kept in a safe place throughout contact time with the children and returned to the owner on leaving the premises Staff  All staff mobile phones will be kept in their personal lockers in the staff room which is not in the main children’s areas. Phones will at no time be permitted in to the children’s area of the setting.  Mobile phone calls may only be taken during staff breaks or in a staff members own time.  Staff having a personal emergency are free to use the settings phone or make a call from their mobile phone in the staff designated area of the setting.  Staff must ensure that managers have up to date contact information and they must make their families aware of emergency work telephone numbers. – This is the responsibility of the staff.  During group outings nominated staff will have access to the settings mobile phone which is to be used for emergency purposes only.  Staff members not adhering to this policy may be subject to disciplinary procedures.

This policy was adopted by the Footsteps Nursery Management Board.

Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role: Manager

Next Review date: June 2013

No Smoking Policy Statement of Intent We believe that children’s health and well- being is of the upmost importance for the children in our care. Smoking has proved to be a health risk and therefore in accordance with current legislation, the nursery operates a strict no smoking policy within its buildings and grounds. Aims We aim to promote a healthy smoke free environment and discourage all parents and staff from smoking whilst around the children and on the premises. Method Parents Parents/visitors etc are not permitted to smoke in the building or on the children centre site. Mock stopping smoking devices are also discouraged as although it is not smoking the presentation is still the same to the children. Staff / Students Staffs are not permitted to smoke in the building or on the children centre site. In accordance with legal guidance staff should not smoke within 30 minutes of working with the children. Staffs are not permitted to smoke when accompanying children on visits outside of the nursery. This policy was adopted at a meeting of Footsteps Nursery Management Board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role: Manager

Next review date:

June 2013

Non-Collection of Children Policy Statement of intent In the event that a child is not collected by an authorised adult at the end of a session/day, the setting puts into practice agreed procedures. These ensure the child is cared for safely by an experienced and qualified practitioner who is known to the child. Aim In the event that a child is not collected by an authorised adult, we will ensure that the child receives a high standard of care in order to cause as little distress as possible. We inform parents/carers of our procedures so that, if they are unavoidably delayed, they will be reassured that their children will be properly cared for. Methods 

Parents of children starting at the setting are asked to provide specific information which is recorded on our Registration Form, including: -

Home address and telephone number - if the parents do not have a telephone, an alternative number must be given, perhaps a neighbour or close relative;


Place of work, address and telephone number (if applicable);


Mobile telephone number (if applicable);


Names, addresses, telephone numbers and signatures of adults who are authorised by the parents to collect their child from the setting, for example a child minder or grandparent;


Information about any person who does not have legal access to the child; and


Who has parental responsibility for the child?

On occasions when parents are aware that they will not be at home or in their usual place of work, they record how they can be contacted on our registration form.

On occasions when parents or the persons normally authorised to collect the child are not able to collect the child, they record the name, address and telephone number of the person who will be collecting their child in the registration form. We agree with parents how to verify the identity of the person who is to collect their child.

Parents are informed that if they are not able to collect the child as planned; they must inform us so that we can begin to take back-up procedures. We provide parents with our contact telephone number. We also inform parents that - in the event that their children are not collected from setting by an authorised adult and the staff can no longer supervise the child on our premises - we apply our child protection procedures as set out in our child protection policy.


If a child is not collected at the end of the session/day, we follow the following procedures: -

The message board is checked for any information about temporary changes to the normal collection routines.


If no information is available, parents/carers are contacted at home or at work.


If this is unsuccessful, the adults who are authorised by the parents to collect their child from the setting - and whose telephone numbers are recorded on the Registration Form - are contacted.


All reasonable attempts are made to contact the parents or nominated carers.


The child does not leave the premises with anyone other than those named on the Registration Form


If no-one collects the child after one hour and there is no-one who can be contacted to collect the child, we apply the procedures for uncollected children.


We contact our Central Duty Team


For full day care, this will be the out of hours Duty Officer:


Telephone number: 01482 788080


The child stays at setting in the care of two fully-vetted workers until the child is safely collected either by the parents or by a social worker;


Social services will aim to find the parent or relative if they are unable to do so, the child will be admitted into the care of the local authority.


Under no circumstances are staffs to go to look for the parent, nor do they take the child home with them.


A full written report of the incident is recorded in the child's file and Ofsted will be notified forthwith.


Depending on circumstances, we reserve the right to charge parents for the additional hours worked by our staff.

This Policy was adopted at a meeting of the Footsteps Nursery Management Board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role: Manager

Next review date: June 2013

Ofsted - Policy & Procedure Statement of Intent All childcare providers such as ours have to be registered with Ofsted in addition to being inspected and regulated by them. All our nurseries have various information available to parents and carers which explains the roles which Ofsted play in ensuring that quality childcare is being provided and that providers of this care remain suitable to do so. Requirements The Childcare Act 2006 introduced 2 new registers for people caring for children. The Childcare Register and the Early Years Register. Childcare Register Ofsted holds this register for providers who care for children aged from birth to 17. The register has 2 parts –Voluntary & Compulsory Voluntary- this is the part for providers who are not eligible for compulsory registration that may choose to add their names. This is mainly for providers looking after children aged 8 and over or providing care in their own homes. Compulsory If providers care for more than one child from 1st September following their 5th birthday until they reach the age of 8 they must register. Early Years Register The following must be registered by Ofsted on this register  

Maintained and independent schools directly responsible for provision for children from birth to the age of 3 Childcares such as child minders, day nurseries, pre schools and private nursery schools that provide care for children from birth to 31 st August following their 5th birthday.

Much more information regarding the role of Ofsted and “The Early Years Foundation Stage” is available in the publication found in our reception areas called “Using Childcare Services”. It can be found alongside our last Ofsted inspection report which we hope you will read. Please feel free to speak to the Ofsted Inspector during any inspection. We pride ourselves in the quality of care we provide and also the relationship we have with families and the community and welcome your input throughout your child’s time with us.

Aim Our nurseries strive to ensure that we fully comply with all the requirements of Ofsted. We do hope that we can share ideas, comments and concerns. Please see our policy regarding sharing your thoughts with us. ** Ofsted also likes to hear from families who wish to share positive experiences with them –not just negative ones. Their contact details can be found on the poster in reception.

This Policy was adopted by the Footsteps Nursery Management Board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role: Manager

Next review date: June 2013

Outdoor Play Policy Statement of intent At Footsteps Nursery-+ we believe being outdoors has a positive impact on children’s health and well- being and helps all aspects of development. The outdoor environment offers children the freedom to explore using all of their senses and allows the children to be physically active and exuberant. Aim It is our aim to provide the children with opportunities to do things on a different scale and to challenge their thinking and abilities in a safe and managed environment. Method 

The outdoor area and all equipment are risk assessed to promote a safe environment.

All outdoor areas are surrounded by high fencing and locked gates and are not accessible to the general public.

The outdoor areas and equipment are checked for safety before any children are allowed outside

All our rooms have direct access to outdoor areas

Our doors are open continually throughout the day to all free flow, with the exception of the baby rooms if the weather is cold to protect smaller babies inside.

We provide waterproof protective clothing for all the children

Parents are requested to provide suitable clothing for the weather conditions.

Parents are requested to provide their own sun cream in hot weather in case of allergies.

Staff members are aware of where the children are and ratio’s indoors and outdoors are altered accordingly

When returning indoors staff check the nursery garden to ensure that no children have been left outside

This policy was adopted by Footsteps Nursery Management Board Held On: Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role:

Next review date:

Parents and Communities Partners Policy We believe that children benefit most from early year’s education and care when parents and settings and Communities work together in partnership. Our aim Our aim is to support parents as their children's first and most important educators by involving them in their children's education and in the full life of the setting. We also aim to support parents in their own continuing education and personal development. Method In order to fulfil these aims we: 

are committed to on-going dialogue with parents to improve our knowledge of the needs of their children and to support their families;

inform all parents about how the setting is run and its policies through access to written information and through regular informal communication. We check to ensure parents understand the information that is given to them;

encourage and support parents to play an active part in the governance and management of the setting;

inform all parents on a regular basis about their children's progress;

involve parents in the shared record keeping about their children - either formally or informally - and ensure parents have access to their children's written developmental records;

provide opportunities for parents to contribute their own skills, knowledge and interests to the activities of the setting;

inform parents about relevant conferences, workshops and training;

consult with parents about the times of meetings to avoid excluding anyone;

provide information about opportunities to be involved in the setting in ways that are accessible to parents with basic skills needs, or those for whom English is an additional language;

hold meetings in venues that are accessible and appropriate for all;

welcome the contributions of parents, in whatever form these may take;

Inform all parents of the systems for registering queries, complaints or suggestions and check to ensure these are understood. All parents have access to our written complaints procedure; and

Provide opportunities for parents to learn about the care and educational opportunities offered in the setting and about young children's learning, in the setting and at home.

Partnership Working will be reviewed at Staff meetings and Managers meetings on a regular basis in relation especially to schools.

In compliance with The Welfare Requirements the following documentation is in place: 

admissions policy;

complaints procedure;

record of complaints; and

Activities provided for children.

This Policy was adopted at a meeting of the Footsteps Nursery Management Board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role: Manager

Date of next review: June 2013

Photography Statement of Intent It is our intention to make our nurseries as safe as possible to children and families from all sections of the local community without removing your right as parents to record your child’s enjoyment and learning at the nursery during events, special occasions and everyday activities. We do appreciate that some of you may not wish for your child to have photographs taken in group settings and we hope that this policy will help us to ensure that your wishes are followed. Taking individual photographs of children will however help us to record progress of your child, record the fun moments and provide memories for you to see in later years as these photographs form part of your child’s development file. You are given the file when your child leaves the nursery to go to school. Our Data protection Policy also provides us with permission to take photographs of your child throughout their time with us to record not only events etc but their development and enjoyment they have had and the interaction they have with their peers and staff. This means that where applicable we have to comply with the Data Protection Act 2003 while also providing good practice guidance to employees. Recommended Good Practice The Data Protection Act is unlikely to apply in many cases where photographs are taken in schools and nurseries and other educational establishments. Fear of breaching the provisions of the Act should not be wrongly used to stop people taking photographs or videos which provide families with much pleasure. Where the Act does apply we apply a common sense approach. Aim This policy aims at providing a common sense approach to safeguarding children and the Data Protection Act. Methods In order to achieve this aim, we operate the following Photography /Video policy. Personal use During any special event where parents/carers etc are present and there is more than one child we shall ask all parents who are present to sign a form giving permission for photographs and/or videos to be taken by other people attending. If you are not able to attend we shall not allow your child to be photographed on this occasion.

This permission is solely for photographs/videos to be taken for personal use i.e. for your family photograph album. IT IS NOT

PERMISSION TO DISPLAY THE IMAGES ON SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES (Facebook, Twitter etc) OR THE INTERNET OR ANY OTHER MEDIA. We cannot allow breaches of this to occur and we shall not condone any misuse. If we do identify such misuse we shall seek further action to have the said images removed and consider what follow action may be needed. Official Company Use You will also be asked to sign our permission slip to allow our staff to take photographs of your child during everyday activities and on visits and outings. Again this is for recording your child’s development and enjoyment, to show how we use the EYFS to help your child’s development and also for display purposes. From time to time we review brochures, marketing etc and if we would like to use photographs of child/children we would seek your permission first. These images are stored electronically within the setting on a password protected computer. The images will only remain on here for as long as they are needed and may be stored on disk which will be kept in locked cabinet. When we dispose of a computer /disc they are completely cleared of information. The above policy was prepared in accordance with guidance given by the Information Commissioners office with whom we are registered. This Policy was adopted by the Footsteps Nursery Management Board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role: Manager

Next review date: June 2013

Permission for Photography I understand the policy for taking photographs and videos of my child within the setting. Signed………………………………………….. Print…………………………………………….. Status (Parent - Guardian) Date

A) I give permission for photographs /videos to be taken of my child(ren) by staff 1. Within the nursery, its grounds and on outings and visits to record everyday development and enjoyment and that they may be displayed within the nursery and contained within their development file. Signed…………………………………………….. Print………………………………………………… Child(rens) Name………………………………………………………………….

Status (Parent - Guardian) Date

B) I do not give permission for photographs /videos to be taken of my child(ren) Signed…………………………………………….. Print………………………………………………… Child(rens) Name…………………………………………………………………. Status (Parent - Guardian) Date ** Please sign the appropriate section A or B

Recruitment Policy Statement of intent Footsteps Nursery feels the safety of our children is essential. We take all reasonable steps to guard against employing people who might harm children. Incorporating safeguarding in to our recruitment process is essential in keeping our children safe from harm. Aim The aim of this policy is to set out our rigorous recruitment process for all staff, students and volunteers, to ensure that those recruited are appropriately vetted to work with children. Process of recruitment Advertising Process 

  

Recruitment advertising must contain a safer recruitment statement ‘Westside Day Nursery is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Successful applicants will need to undertake a CRB enhanced clearance for this position’ Applicants to collect application pack The job description must be clear The Person specification must include the members of staff’s child protection duties.

Interview Process        

Selection for interview will be based on qualifications / qualities identified in the application forms. Successful /unsuccessful applicant letters sent out Applicants will be invited to attend a face to face interview and will be expected to spend some time in the setting participating with the children. Applicants will also undertake a literacy test. The interview will be conducted by at least two senior staff members, one of which will have completed safer recruitment training. At least one Local Authority employee should form part of the interview panel for Deputy and Managers posts. Any gaps in the candidates application form will be explored. This will include gaps in work history. During the interview process open ended questions will be used to explore the candidate’s suitability for the post. Questions will also be asked about the candidate’s knowledge of child protection procedures. Successful/unsuccessful interview letters will be sent out

Successful applicant  If successful candidates must undertake a CRB enhanced check and provide the acceptable I.D required for the check. One must include a picture I.D.

  

Two referees must be taken up prior to starting. One must be the current or most recent employer where ever possible. When requesting references the referee will be asked about the candidate’s suitability to work with children. Any discrepancies with the application will be followed up Candidates must supply all original documents and certificates. Appointments will be made in writing when all checks have been confirmed.

New starters  All new staff will receive induction training and will be given a copy of the staff handbook and the company policies and procedure.  All new staff will be subject to a probationary review after 1, 3 and finally 6 months of employment.  A staff check list will be completed for all new members of staff to ensure that all relevant processes have been carried out.

This policy was adopted by the Footsteps Nursery Management Board

Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role: Manager

Next review date: June 2013

Control / Restraint Policy Statement of intent The purpose of this policy is to safeguard the well-being of children and staff when an incident requires the use of physical intervention. Its intention is to develop and encourage consistent and safe strategies which can be employed on the rare occasions when physical intervention is necessary to prevent a child from either causing injury to themselves or others or causing damage to property. Guidelines: All qualified staff are authorised to use minimum physical restraint in certain limited situations. Minimum physical restraint might be appropriate:  Where there is a risk of injury  Where there is a developing risk of injury  Where there may be significant damage to property  Where a child is behaving in a way that is compromising good order and safety within the setting.  In self defence A qualified member of staff who has reason to be concerned about a child should take action when a child harms or indicates an intention to harm self, others or property. Help should be summoned from colleagues, and staff members will work as a team to resolve the situation The child should be approached calmly but firmly and the consequences of the behaviour should be explained where possible. Communication with the child should continue throughout the incident. It should be made clear that the physical contact or restraint will stop as soon as it ceases to be necessary. The method of restraint must use the minimum force for the minimum time. The degree of force must be in proportion to the circumstances of the incident, the seriousness of the behaviour or the consequences that may have resulted if not prevented. Parent/carers will always be informed of such incidents and invited to discuss the matter in full with senior managers. A written report will be carried out in the event of force to control or restrain and will be signed by the parent/carer, staff member and senior manager. In the event parents/carers are not satisfied with the handling of such incidents and after discussion with senior management they are invited to put their complaint in writing to the managing director and Ofsted. This policy was adopted by Footsteps Nursery Management Board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management Board:

Role: Manager Date for Review: June 2013

RISK ASSESSMENTS PROCESS Statement of Intent Risk assessments are required by a number of Health & Safety Regulations and Ofsted. We will train staff to carry out routine risk assessments, make provision to keep children and visitors to the setting safe and take action when hazards are identified Other areas of risk may be identified as part of the general risk assessment process and would need to be addressed accordingly Aims We shall ensure that all steps are taken to effectively safeguard and promote the welfare of children, staff and visitors to our setting Guide Risk Assessments are a task we all do every day but do not realise it is a risk assessment. .Risk assessments are not new to us but we do have to look closely at them and re-assess on a regular basis. Ofsted require us to review risk assessments at least annually. Risk assessments are done on areas within the nursery such as resources and the rooms, hazards and potential hazards We look for clearly identified hazards and those which have potential to cause harm or damage. Hazards are something with the potential to cause harm and risk i.e. the likelihood that harm will occur When carrying out risk assessments there are certain points we need to identify Hazard =Risk = who it will effect = Outcomes =Control When conducting a risk assessment it should be suitable and sufficient. Outings People with parental responsibility for children will be asked to sign permission for outings form when they register with the nursery. Individual details of outings will be circulated when they are organised. Risk assessments will include travel and destination. The following information details how we grade hazards and risks. Risk assessments are routinely carried out within the setting. This policy was adopted at a meeting of the Footsteps Nursery Management Board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the management board

Role: Manager Next review date: June 2013

Secure storage, Handling, Use, Retention and Disposal of Disclosures and Disclosure Information. Statement of Intention In accordance with statutory requirements and with regard to the CRBs Code of practice it is our intention to ensure correct handling and safekeeping and disposal of Disclosure information. Aims As an organisation using the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) Disclosure service to help assess the suitability of applicants for positions of trust, The Westside Day Nursery complies fully with the CRB Code of Practice regarding the correct handling, use, storage, retention and disposal of Disclosures information. It also complies fully with its obligations under the Data Protection Act 2003 and other relevant legislation pertaining to the safe handling, use, storage, retention and disposal of disclosure information. Storage and Access Disclosure information should be kept securely, in lockable, non-portable, storage containers with access strictly controlled and limited to those who are entitled to see it as part of their duties. Handling In accordance with section 124 of the Police Act 1997, Disclosure information is only passed to those who are authorised to receive it the course of their duties. We maintain a record of all those to whom Disclosures or Disclosure information has been revealed and it is a criminal offence to pass this information to anyone who is not entitled to receive it. Usage Disclosure information is only used for specific purpose for which it was requested and for which the applicants for consent has been given. Retention Once a recruitment (or other relevant) decision has been made, we do not keep Disclosure information for any longer than necessary. This is generally for a period of up to six months, to allow for the consideration and resolution of any disputes and complaints. If, in very exceptional circumstances, it is considered necessary to keep Disclosure information for longer than six months, we will consult the CRB about this and will give full consideration to the data protection and human rights of the individual before doing so. Throughout this time, the usual conditions regarding the safe storage and strictly controlled access will prevail. Disposal

Once the retention period has elapsed, we will ensure that any Disclosure information is immediately destroyed by secure means, i.e. by shredding, pulping or burning. While awaiting destruction, Disclosure information will not be kept in any insecure receptacle (e.g. waste bin or confidential waste sack). We will not keep any photocopy or other image of the Disclosure or any copy or representation of the contents of the Disclosure. However, notwithstanding the above, we may keep a record of the date of issue of a Disclosure, the name of the subject, the type of disclosure requested, the position for which the disclosure was requested, the unique reference number of the Disclosure and the details of the recruitment decision taken. The training body for students is expected to provide an up to date CRB form for each student in our nurseries and once we have recorded the details we return the form to the owner. This Policy was adopted at a meeting of the Footsteps Nursery Management Board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role: Manager

Next review date: June 2013

Settling-in policy Statement of intent We want children to feel safe, stimulated and happy in the setting and to feel secure and comfortable with staff. We also want parents to have confidence in both their children's well-being and their role as active partners with the setting. Aim We aim to make the setting a welcoming place where children settle quickly and easily because consideration has been given to the individual needs and circumstances of children and their families. Methods 

Before a child starts to attend the setting, we use a variety of ways to provide his/her parents with information. These include written information (including our prospectus and policies), displays about activities available within the setting, free phase in sessions and individual meetings with parents.

Before a child is enrolled, we provide opportunities for the child and his/her parents to visit the setting. During this time we ask parents and carers to provide as much information about the child as is possible. With the registration pack we provide what is known as “an all about me sheet”. This provides us with valuable information about your child’s likes and dislikes and this aids the settling in process.

We allocate a key person to each child and his/her family before she/he starts to attend; the key person welcomes and looks after the child and his/her parents at the child's first session and during the settling-in process.

We use phase in sessions at which a child attends to explain and complete with his/her parents the child's registration records.

When a child starts to attend, we explain the process of settling-in with his/her parents and jointly decide on the best way to help the child to settle into the setting.

We have an expectation that the parent, carer or close relative, will stay for most of the session during the phase in sessions, gradually taking time away from their child, increasing this as and when the child is able to cope. There are normally 2 free sessions but where a problem is identified this can be extended

Younger children will take longer to settle in, as will children who have not previously spent time away from home. Children who have had a period of absence may also need their parent to be on hand to re-settle them.

We judge a child to be settled when they have formed a relationship with their key person; for example the child looks for the key person when he/she arrives, goes to them for comfort, and seems pleased to be with

them. The child is also familiar with where things are and is pleased to see other children and participate in activities. 

When parents leave, we ask them to say goodbye to their child and explain that they will be coming back, and when.


We recognise that some children will settle more readily than others but that some children who appear to settle rapidly are not ready to be left, so we expect that the parent will honour the commitment to stay for at least one of the sessions.


We do not believe that leaving a child to cry will help them to settle any quicker. We believe that a child's distress will prevent them from learning and gaining the best from setting.

This Policy was adopted at a meeting of the Footsteps Nursery management board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role: Manager

Next review date: June 2013

Staffing and employment policy Statement of intent We provide a staffing ratio in line with the requirements of legislation to ensure that children have sufficient individual attention and to guarantee care and education of a high quality. Our staffs are appropriately qualified and we carry out checks for criminal and other records through the Criminal Records Bureau in accordance with statutory requirements. Aims To ensure that children below school age and their parents are offered high quality early years care and education. Methods 

To meet this aim we use the following ratios of adult to child: -

Children under two years of age: 1 adult: 3 children;


Children aged 2-3 years of age: 1 adult: 4 children; and


Children aged 3 -5 years of age: 1 adult: 8 children.

A minimum of two staff/adults is on duty at any one time. At least one of the staff caring for your child will have at least a Level 3 qualification in childcare.

We use a key person system to ensure that each child has a named member of staff with whom to form a relationship and who plans with parents for the child's well-being and development in the setting. The key person meets regularly with the family for discussion and consultation on their child's progress.

We hold regular staff meetings to undertake curriculum planning and to discuss children's progress, their achievements and any difficulties that may arise from time to time.

We work towards offering equality of opportunity by using nondiscriminatory procedures for staff recruitment and selection.

All staff have job descriptions which set out their staff roles and responsibilities.

We welcome applications from all sections of the community. Applicants will be considered on the basis of their suitability for the post, regardless of marital status, age, gender, culture, religious belief, ethnic origin or sexual orientation. Applicants will not be placed at a disadvantage by our imposing conditions or requirements that are not justifiable.

Our setting Manager and Deputy hold the NVQ level 3 Diploma in Preschool Practice or an equivalent qualification and a minimum of half of our staff hold the CACHE level 2 / 3 Certificate in Pre-school Practice or an equivalent or higher qualification.

We provide regular in-service training to all staff - whether paid staff or volunteers - through the Pre-school Learning Alliance and external agencies.

Our setting budget allocates resources to training.

We provide staff induction training in the first week of employment. This induction includes our Health and Safety Policy and Child Protection Policy. Other policies and procedures will be introduced within an induction plan.

We support the work of our staff by holding regular staff meetings and appraisals.

We are committed to recruiting, appointing and employing staff in accordance with all relevant legislation and best practice.

We use Ofsted guidance on obtaining references and criminal record checks through the Criminal Records Bureau for staff and volunteers who will have substantial access to children.

This Policy was adopted at a meeting of the Footsteps Nursery Management Board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role: Manager

Next review date: June 2013

Student Placement Policy Statement of intent This setting recognises that qualifications and training make an important contribution to the quality of the care and education provided by early year’s settings. As part of our commitment to quality, we offer placements to students undertaking early year’s qualifications and training Aim We aim to provide for students on placement with us experiences that contribute to the successful completion of their studies and that provide examples of quality practice in early years care and education. Methods 

We require students to meet the 'suitable person' requirements of Ofsted.

We require schools placing students under the age of 17 years with the setting to vouch for their good character.

We supervise students at all times and do not allow them to have unsupervised access to children.

Students who are placed in our setting are not counted in our staffing ratios.

We take out employers' liability insurance and public liability insurance, which covers both trainees and voluntary helpers.

We require students to keep to our confidentiality policy.

We co-operate with students' tutors in order to help students to fulfil the requirements of their course of study.

We provide students, at the first session of their placement, with a short induction on how our setting is managed, how our sessions are organised and our policies and procedures. They also complete their personal details for our records. Reviews are undertaken and students receive a certificate on completion of their work with us.

We communicate a positive message to students about the value of qualifications and training.

We make the needs of the children paramount by not admitting students in numbers that hinder the essential work of the setting.

We ensure that trainees and students placed with us are engaged in bona fide early years training, which provides the necessary background understanding of children's development and activities.

This Policy was adopted at a meeting of the Footsteps Nursery Management Board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management Board:

Role: Manager

Next review date: June 2013

Transition Policy and Procedure Aim It is the aim of Footsteps Nursery to provide high quality care and education; this includes the well-being of our children and parents/carers. We aim to provide a smooth transition for our individual children and their parents as they move from room to room and then onto school. We will ensure that every child has the opportunity to become familiar with their new key person and the environment through regular visits. No child will be moved up to the next room until they feel secure enough to cope with the transition. The following procedures will be followed to support this process: 

We will aim to move several children of the same age together so they will have familiar faces in their new room

At least one month prior to a child moving room their key person will discuss the child’s transition with their parent/carer. A transition form will be filled out.

Parents/carers will be introduced to their child’s new key person.

The child’s key worker will take the child through to visit their new room on several occasions before the move and will support the child whilst they are building the relationship with the new key person and other children.

The number of visits will be adjusted to meet the child’s individual needs.

If the child shows a bond with another member of staff the key person can be changed to follow the child’s choice.

Prior to moving the child’s assessment folder will be completed and passed to the new key person.

Transition into school Our care and education of our children does not simply stop we aim to guide their way into school and make their move as smooth as possible. The manager/EYFS Co-ordinator attends regular moderating meetings with the schools and the early years teams, which ensure we are all working the same with the EYFS so can share information effectively. We aim to do this by: 

During the child’s last term we will discuss with parents and find out when they are leaving and which school they will be attending.

Transition forms are filled out for each child. This has a section for the child’s views to be recorded, a section for the parents view to be recorded and a section for the child’s key worker to report on the child’s development and their interests, likes and dislikes

Staff holds circle time groups with the children to talk about what they can expect and identify any worries they may have.

Staff read books about children’s first day at school to help banish any worries they may have.

All transition forms are then sent to the child’s respective schools giving the new teacher an insight into each child.

This policy was adopted by Footsteps Nursery Management Board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role: Manager

Next review date: June 2013

Volunteers & Visitors - Policy & Procedure

Statement of Intent Your child’s safety is paramount to us and by adhering to the following policy and procedures we can be sure that our nurseries are safe and secure for your child.

Recommended Good Practice Visitors - ALL visitors to the setting are asked to sign in and out via our register at reception. The only exception is when an appropriate named person is collecting or dropping off a child and is not proposing to stay for any length of time. Our Health & Safety policy also requires names of people within the setting in the event a fire drill occurs. Visitors other than those excluded above will be escorted throughout their visit. They will not have access to children except when they have a member of staff with them. For visitors with hearing difficulties we have a door bell on our entrance door. There is a telephone with appropriate room numbers displayed for when children are being collected. Please be patient as sometimes staff cannot just drop whatever they are doing to answer the door. However if you encounter repetitive long delays please speak with the Manager of the nursery as this is not acceptable to us. Volunteers – Appropriate police checks are undertaken for every volunteer within our nursery. No one is allowed to spend time in our nursery unless they have our completed Criminal Records Bureau check and have completed a recruitment process to ensure that it is appropriate for them to spend time in the nursery. Volunteers will not have unsupervised access to children. In 2010 a new system will come into force. It will be law that each and every person who works with or has access to working with children to be registered on a central records list. It will be an offence for any employer to allow anyone to work with staff whose appropriate registration and check has not been completed. The names and identification numbers of our staff CRB checks is scrutinised during our Ofsted official inspections. Following a successful recruitment exercise and CRB check volunteers have inductions into our setting and the Children’s Centre to ensure they are conversant with everything to do with the building and Health & Safety. We check what their training is, their background and skills and what they hope to achieve by helping us in the nursery. We are then in a position to encourage their development and thus aid your child’s development by providing appropriate activities and care. A volunteer will not have responsibility for any personal needs of your child. This is undertaken by fully

trained and experienced staff in our employ. Volunteers will not be left alone with children. Please see our student training policy for other visitors to our setting.

Aim: Children enjoy experiencing visitors coming into our nurseries. It helps them gain confidence to socialise and expand the skills they need in later life. Lots of volunteers have many skills and commitment to offer the children in our care and we will ensure that this is done in the safest way under appropriate guidance and legislation.

This Policy was adopted by the Footsteps Nursery Management Board Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role: Manager

Next review date: June 2013

Weaning Policy Statement of Intent Footsteps Nursery believes that all children thrive when they are well nourished. Aim We aim to work with parents to indentify and support the child’s individual dietary needs Method         

We will discuss with parents when a child is ready to start weaning. We will find out the child’s dietary needs and preferences –including allergies. Information about dietary needs / allergies is recorded on the child’s registration form. Parent / carers are responsible for informing the setting of any changes For he first stage of weaning children’s food provided by the setting will be pureed – i.e. fruit and vegetables When the child is ready small lumps will be introduced Meals will then be mashed leaving larger lumps Gradually meals will increase to three a day with the child’s milk intake decreasing At approximately one year old full fat milk will be introduced.

This policy was adopted by the Footsteps Nursery Management Board.

Held on: 07/06/2012 Signed on behalf of the Management Board: Role: Manager

Next review date: June 2013

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