Fashion Communication & Styling
Fashion Communication and Styling is a three-year degree course established by Middlesex University in response to the diverse and innovative world of fashion that exists beyond clothing. It is a studio-based degree, which is further enhanced by live projects sponsored by industry. We explore contemporary visual culture and connect with the cultural, political, socioeconomic and philosophical issues that inform our society. This is a multi-disciplinary course, which provides the opportunity to interact with a wide array of visual communication methods, such as styling, photography, film, graphic communication and art direction. Throughout the course, students develop and hone their skills across a variety of media, from reasserting the techniques of traditional practices to fully embracing digital media. Students and staff involved in the course are a varied collective of creatives; together we produce tomorrow’s stylists, bloggers, photographers, filmmakers, animators, graphic designers, art directors, innovators, image-makers and independent thinkers. Fashion
Henri Hanssen henrihanssen@hotmail.com
10 10 10
Years Brands Artists
Emma Sheridan e m m a s h e r i d a n @ l i ve . c o m
Shaun Evelyn shaunevelyn@icloud.com
Alex Sawyer a s aw y e r @ h o t m a i l . c o . u k
Avril Harding a v i h a r d i n g @ g m a i l . c o m
Ciara Stenson ciarastenson@hotmail.co.uk
Sophie Malone sophiemalone@hotmail.co.uk
Pennimarie Feltham pennimarie.feltham@hotmail.com
Phoebe Wilson phoebe_wilson92@hotmail.com
Garance Chaplain garance.chaplain@hotmail.fr
Sophie Murphy sophie_murphy@hotmail.co.uk
Dan Brown contact@danyulbrown.co.uk
Abbie Douglas abbie_douglas@hotmail.co.uk
Diana Anghel diana.anghel88@yahoo.co.uk
Kalsoom Tariq kalsoomtariq@hotmail.co.uk
Laura Smith lauralsmith@ntlworld.com
Charlotte Burke charlottecburke@hotmail.co.uk
Leah Bennett leahbennett34@hotmail.co.uk
Fay Scriven fayscriven-ox@hotmail.co.uk
Jesse Jones jessemayjones@gmail.com
Lucy Barnes lucybarnes1@hotmail.com
Thando Anita t . a n i t a @ a o l . c o . u k
Sophie Bailey s o p h i e . b a i l e y @ s k y. c o m
Ebony Bruce ebonychanelbruce@live.co.uk
Guoda Rutkauskaite r . g u o d a @ g m a i l . c o m
Danny Wigham d a n i e l w i g h a m @ m e . c o m
Melanie Hutson melaniehutsons7@hotmail.com
Nida Syed n i d a _ s @ h o t m a i l . c o . u k
Emma Rose emmarose-0927@hotmail.co.uk
Theo Spencer theospencer@outlook.com
Michelle Lee c h e l l e 9 1 @ h o t m a i l . c o . u k
Giorgia Scavo g iorg ia s cavo@g m a il.com
Katrine Ascic katrine@theeastlounge.com
Katie & Finn en couple depuis 2 jours
Taelor Neary taelorneary92@hotmail.com
Natalie Ball i n f o @ b a l l s p r . c o m
Lisa Marie Johnson l i s a m j h n s o n @ g m a i l . c o m
Hannah Barnes hannah2810@hotmail.com
Shaima Ayoub shaima.ayoub@yahoo.co.uk
Zane Valejuva z a n e e s v @ g m a i l . c o m
Gerda Vaisnyte g . v a i s n y t e @ y a h o o . c o . u k
Amy Yuen a m y . y u e n @ l i v e . h k
Rokas Kamblevicius r o ka s ka m @ h o t m a i l . c o m
Camilla Haugeli camillahaugeli@hotmail.com
Abida Rahman a b i d a . r a h @ g m a i l . c o m
Zianne Codner m a i l @ h e l l o z i a n n e . c o m
Alexsandra Zurakovskaja a l e x s a n d r a . z @ l i v e . c o m
Nicole Edwards-Addo n . k t . e d w a r d s @ m e . c o m
Omar Majiauk o m a r m aj i a u k @ g m a i l . c o m
Belle Jones b e l l e j @ h o t m a i l . c o . u k
Kyle Reece Adams kylereeceadams@hotmail.com
Victoria Carpenter vickicarpenter@live.co.uk
Designed by Emma Sheridan : emmasheridan@live.com