Bicentennial Publication

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ill unleash the undeniable potential in each of our girls by fully realizing our distinctive worldview, embracing a nd warmth, and creating an even more deeply personalized educational experience for our girls. Emma Willard niable potential in each of our girls by fully realizing our distinctive worldview, embracing a culture of authentic ating an even more deeply personalized educational experience for our girls. Emma Willard School will unleash ial in each of our girls by fully realizing our distinctive worldview, embracing a culture of authentic passion and g an even more deeply personalized educational experience for our girls. Emma Willard School will unleash the h of our girls by fully realizing our distinctive worldview, embracing a culture of authentic passion and warmth, more deeply personalized educational experience for our girls. Emma Willard School will unleash the undeniable by fully realizing our distinctive worldview, embracing a culture of authentic passion and warmth, and creating ized educational experience for our girls. Emma Willard School will unleash the undeniable potential in each of distinctive worldview, embracing a culture of authentic passion and warmth, and creating an even more deeply experience for our girls. Emma Willard School will unleash the undeniable potential in each of our girls by fully creating an even more deep orldview, embracing a culture of authentic passion and warmth, and ! nalized educational experience for our girls. Emma Willard School will unleash the undeniable potential in each ng our distinctive worldview, embracing a culture of authentic passion and warmth, and creating an even more onal experience for our girls. Emma Willard School will unleash the undeniable potential in each of our girls by distinctive worldview, embracing a culture of authentic passion and warmth, and creating an even more deeply experience for our girls. Emma Willard School will unleash the undeniable potential in each of our girls by fully orldview, embracing a culture of authentic passion and warmth, and creating an even more deeply personalized r our girls. Emma Willard School will unleash the undeniable potential in each of our girls by fully realizing our mbracing a culture of authentic passion and warmth, and creating an even more deeply personalized educational rsonalized educational experience for our girls. Emma Willard School will unleash the undeniable potential in e ng our distinctive worldview, embracing a culture of authentic passion and warmth, and creating an even more onal experience for our girls. Emma Willard School will unleash the undeniable potential in each of our girls by

Her Vision

a culture of authentic passion and warmth, and creating an even more deeply personalized educational experien d School will unleash the undeniable potential in each of our girls by fully realizing our distinctive worldview, em c passion and warmth, and creating an even more deeply personalized educational experience for our girls. Emm h the undeniable potential in each of our girls by fully realizing our distinctive worldview, embracing a culture o d warmth, and creating an even more deeply personalized educational experience for our girls. Emma Willard Sc e undeniable potential in each of our girls by fully realizing our distinctive worldview, embracing a culture of au , and creating an even more deeply personalized educational experience for our girls. Emma Willard School will e potential in each of our girls by fully realizing our distinctive worldview, embracing a culture of authentic pass g an even more deeply personalized educational experience for our girls. Emma Willard School will unleash the u f our girls by fully realizing our distinctive worldview, embracing a culture of authentic passion and warmth, an y personalized educational experience for our girls. Emma Willard School will unleash the undeniable potential y realizing our distinctive worldview, embracing a culture of authentic passion and warmth, and creating an eve ply personalized educational experience for our girls. Emma Willard School will unleash t h of our girls by fully realizing our distinctive worldview, embracing a culture of authentic passion and warmth, e deeply personalized educational experience for our girls. Emma Willard School will unleash the undeniable po y fully realizing our distinctive worldview, embracing a culture of authentic passion and warmth, and creating a y personalized educational experience for our girls. Emma Willard School will unleash the undeniable potential y realizing our distinctive worldview, embracing a culture of authentic passion and warmth, and creating an eve d educational experience for our girls. Emma Willard School will unleash the undeniable potential in each of our r distinctive worldview, embracing a culture of authentic passion and warmth, and creating an even more deeply l experience for our girls. Emma Willard School will unleash the undeniable potential in each of our girls by full each of our girls by fully realizing our distinctive worldview, embracing a culture of authentic passion and warm e deeply personalized educational experience for our girls. Emma Willard School will unleash the undeniable po y fully realizing our distinctive worldview, embracing a culture of authentic passion and warmth, and creating a

200 years later.

“First say to yourself what you would be; then do what you would have to do.” While these are not words attributed to Emma Hart Willard—the Greek sage Epictetus is credited for this wisdom—her life and her school have been “wrought with steadfast will” in a manner that Epictetus would heartily applaud. At each critical juncture, first as the Troy Female Seminary and then as Emma Willard School, she created a pathway forward and then, through the feisty, collaborative grit for which our school community is known, we have built a school of excellence. Now, on the eve of our 200th birthday, we embrace boldness once again. Brilliance always has a beginning, and the founding of our school in 1814 was the beginning of a brilliant trajectory thanks to our founder’s commitment to intellectual rigor, innovative curriculum design, global outreach, and individualized learning. Quite simply, these four elements are our past, our present, and our future.



The way forward will be enhanced by being true to these traditions while understanding that a vibrant school is dynamic, changing constantly to embrace new realities and emerging challenges, unafraid to take risks. The way forward will be enhanced by our commitment to innovation and our willingness to look beyond Mount Ida to the world for inspiration. Our founder set the standard for crossing boundaries elegantly. From North to South, from religion to politics, she maneuvered magnificently between tried and true and newly imagined to craft a vision for girls’ education that was considered best in class.

Our way forward will carry her torch for girls even further, mindful that the education that happens on Mount Ida must reflect a commitment to global problem solving more so than ever before. You hold in your hands a roadmap for the way forward. From the celebration of our history to the fireworks that will occur in May 2014, the way forward includes intellectual festivities and substantive fun. At the other end of the parties and the fanfare, Emma Willard School will be standing taller than ever, prouder than ever, feistier than ever, bolder than ever. This school has rightly earned a place in the history of girls’ education and now it will confidently assume a role in the future of girls’ education. We want you to be a part of our celebration as you have already been a part of our success. The excitement is infectious; the energy is palpable; the way forward for Emma Willard School is bright, distinctive, and befitting our visionary founder’s legacy. TRUDY HALL, HEAD OF SCHOOL

photo: Kristin Rehder

Bicentennial WELCOME

“Emma Willard School will be standing taller than ever, prouder than ever, feistier than ever, bolder than ever.�







“Twas She Beheld The Vision” BY TRUDY HANMER

For both people and institutions, milestone birthdays and anniversaries are typically celebrated with great fanfare. For a young adult, 21 is usually more significant than 19, and for her parents, 25 years of marriage seems far more meaningful than 23. And so it is fitting that we are planning a big celebration for Emma Willard School’s 200th birthday. We have marked each year in some way, of course, but every twenty-five years since 1914, we have saluted successive quarter-century milestones with increasing pomp and ceremony. And yet…what exactly is it that a milestone anniversary signifies? Is it simply persistence or survival? No. The commemoration of Emma Willard School’s 200 years marks far more than longevity, unprecedented though that is. Our Bicentennial honors a conception of women’s education that is as fitting for the 21st century

as it was for the 19th. It revels in the knowledge that for two centuries this institution has modeled for every generation the power of educated women. As part of our Bicentennial we will toast the vision of Emma Hart Willard, a vision that has not only endured, but has retained the relevance to lead the educational conversation into its third century and beyond. Born in the same year as the United States Constitution, Emma Hart quickly developed notions that set her apart from other young women. By the time she was a teenager in rural Connecticut, she believed there was no subject too difficult for a woman to master, and, more



Her JOURNEY important, she believed the ways women studied and learned would profoundly and positively change the way all people learned. By the time she was a young wife and mother in Middlebury, Vermont, she recognized that women’s lives were not fulfilled by housework and that the critical roles they played as wives and mothers would only be enhanced if they

“Then, as now, intellectual curiosity

fueled their desire to obtain the best

education available to young women.”

had greater educational opportunities. When her husband’s fortunes failed, she used her talents as a teacher to bring a second income to the family. Dissatisfied with running a school along the blueprint of other girls’ schools, she used her facility for written logic and persuasion to compose a new plan for “female education.”



This plan supported the framework upon which her school in Middlebury, in Waterford, and finally, in Troy, was constructed. Most certainly, there were 19th century elements of her plan that seem quaint and antediluvian at the dawning of the 21st century; so, too, are the language laboratories, filmstrips, and reel-to-reel tapes of the early Dietel library unfamiliar and nearly unrecognizable for the cell phone and iPad generation that studies there now. But in two hundred years, the passage from crinoline to skinny crops, from twenty to fifty states, from required classes in “Evidences of Christianity” to mandated courses in health and trigonometry, things have changed. Yet, there are core values in Emma Willard’s vision that have remained vitally important for every generation and will be equally important in the future. First was her definition of a sound education. She not only encouraged her girls to study mathematics and science along with English and languages, she also encouraged them to learn in new ways and to utilize new technologies as they emerged. She eschewed rote learning, and her own textbooks featured maps and charts made possible by advances in printing. Under her guidance, good teachers learned a variety of pedagogical techniques

and used everything from field trips to scientific apparatus to enhance student learning. Art and music were integral to her curriculum, as were physical activity and ethics. She recognized the value of requirements across disciplines and placed an emphasis on harnessing technology to enhance learning rather than learning about technology. Emma Willard’s teachers were professionals. They learned from her and each other how and what to teach. Rather than see the best of them as competitors when they left her school, she watched with pride as they headed out across the country and beyond to found their own schools in Troy’s image. As the normal school movement grew, she asserted Troy’s importance in the forefront of professional teacher education. She would heartily approve the current teacher internship program that instructs bright, dedicated young women in the art of teaching, equipping them for careers, often at Emma Willard, but usually elsewhere. In mentoring her corps of young teachers, Emma Willard focused on academic excellence in the same way that she did in her curriculum development. Her school in the 21st century will do no less. The young women who thronged to Troy to learn from Emma Willard shared her thirst for knowledge. Then, as now, intellectual curiosity

fueled their desire to obtain the best education available to young women. Then, as now, they came from a wide variety of backgrounds. Some could pay the full tuition, and some needed scholarship aid. From the very first, they traveled to the school from foreign countries, braving lengthy, dangerous sea voyages to reach Troy. Contrary to the practice at most comparable institutions at the time, Emma Willard did not hitch her school to one religious denomination. The commonality among the Troy pupils was not their religion, nationality or wealth, but rather their seriousness of purpose about education. The definition of diversity has wonderfully broadened over time, but whatever the era, the school’s ability to include students from new places, novel backgrounds, and extraordinarily disparate economic circumstance stems from an early determination to make an exceptional academic experience the shared bond that supersedes all differences.

“A band of sisters” in nineteenth century parlance, those who have studied at Emma Willard are now an “alumnae network.” Individually and collectively, for generations they have received the gift of education with the knowledge that they have a responsibility to use that gift for the betterment of their worlds. In honor of the school’s Bicentennial, we will celebrate not just the accomplishment of Emma Hart Willard and not just the achievements of the thousands of women who have benefitted from her dream. We will also look to the future, knowing the values that undergirded Madame Willard’s school are timeless and those imbued with the founder’s vision will be best positioned to meet the challenges and opportunities of the next century in girls’ education.

Itching for more of the Emma Hart Willard story? The full history of her life and the school

written by Trudy Hanmer is now available for online purchase at



My whole Emma experience was memorable...meeting such wonderful young women from diverse backgrounds and countries was the best..

This school changed my life. I became much more independent and selfassured. I met people from all over the world, and was able to grow into a confident woman, and a person I can truly be proud of.

Michelle ’88

Emma Willard helped to bring together a lifetime of friendships. Katherine ’02

Emma’s 8


Claire ’13

Emma Willard nurtured my creativity and instilled a sense of self worth and the ability to instill it in others. Carrie ’74


At Emma Willard, no one ever told me I couldn’t do anything. Emma Willard did such a great job in empowering women that I started to truly believe I am capable of anything. Ailin ’13

This was a game changer for me: Staying up all night to work on academics was cool.. Erica ’87

My Emma Willard School experience nudged me awake in many ways from the first visit. I am a better, more “thinking” person because of my experience. Deidre ’79

Emma women are generous, intelligent, and destined to change the world. I am honored to have spent my life in their company. Marilyn, Teacher

For me, Emma is as much a part of me today as it was at the time. I realize how much it shaped me as a human being. Jude ’72

Sheri ’94








OUR JOURNEY (and some favorite places)


Exploring the old spaces in the basement of the chapel was a favorite. Maria ’09




The fine art studios in the ba because I learned so much the fun... All the time, enjoying a changing seasons. Sarah ’08


Lyon-Remmington —something so

timeless about it. Audrey ’01

asement of the libraryere and had so much beautiful view of the


The dance studio. The big windows, the tall ceilings, the beautiful wood, not to mention the awesome dancers. Gorgeous space, fantastic memories. Melissa ’10

sunbathed (remember the baby oil and iodine?) Anne ’73


Senior triangle!!! Jeanne ’85



The Chapel. So many meaningful moments happened there ... I walk in there now and it is like a time warp—all the memories come flooding back at once. The overwhelming feeling is enormous gratitude. And it feels like home.

Sylvia ’69


Lab Theater…every time I go to campus I go there. It still smells just the same and always brings me right back.

Catherine ’89


Let us Revel in what we have built 16 E M MA WILLARD SCHO O L



200 years calls for reverence. 18 E M MA WILLARD SCHO O L


EVENTS From the release of a new book sharing our combined Emma history in February 2013 through to the grand Bicentennial Celebration in May 2014, the Bicentennial of Emma Willard School offers a series of intellectual, inspiring, and spirited events—“Emmagings”— that honor a beloved and inspiring institution. We will come together to celebrate our past and kick off our next 200 years in girls’ education with vision, creativity, and pride.

200 years calls for celebration.

200 years calls for champagne. B I CEN T EN N I AL CELEBRAT I ON


Bicentennial EVENTS Emma Willard School: The Book February 22, 2013

Bicentennial Launch Takes Over Troy February 22, 2013

Her face is so familiar. Her oval portraits with stern face, thin nose, and that unusual headdress adorn our hallways. Two full centuries of history separate our founder’s “handsome” face preserved in paper and glass from the modern Emma girls buzzing by with ear buds dangling from polka dot backpacks. In Wrought with Steadfast Will: A History of Emma Willard School, author and Associate Head Emerita Trudy Hanmer takes the reader on a journey from the original spark of our founder through to the bustling hallways of the modern Emma. The story delves deep into the archives to tell of the wide-reaching impact of our founder’s vision through the eyes of our students, teachers, and benefactors through the generations all while weaving in highlights of American history. Fittingly, the book will be available on the official launch of our Bicentennial year on February 22, 2013. Copies of the book can be preordered online at bicentennial.

To launch our 200th year officially, Emma Willard School will literally take over downtown Troy, New York, on February 22, 2013 starting at 5 p.m. Emma girls from throughout the generations and their guests are invited to join the Troy and Capital Region community for an evening filled with Emma-centric activities and honors, as the city’s regular Troy Night Out becomes Emma Willard Night Out. The evening will feature a variety of special events throughout downtown Troy in honor of Emma Willard School and our founder. The evening will include a book signing by Trudy Hanmer at the independent book seller Market Block Books, a special exhibit at the Troy Historical Society, a student art exhibit at the Arts Center of the Capital Region, and much more throughout the city, all in honor of our great school and each of its 200 years. The festivities will conclude with a special performance at the historic Troy Savings Bank Music Hall at 8 p.m. headlined by Emma Willard musicians and performers. The event will be followed by a reception and champagne toast to our 200th year.


The Book Tour (See dates in sidebar) February–December 2013 Looking for your own signed copy of Wrought with Steadfast Will: A History of Emma Willard School ? Emma Willard School will be taking the book and its author on the road from New York City to London throughout 2013. Throughout the tour, Trudy Hanmer will be chronicling our history and the book. Join us at one of these special events to meet the author, receive a personalized signing of your book, and hear a reading. Rally together fellow Emma alums, parents, and friends in your area and bring a little slice of the Emma Willard School Bicentennial party to your home town.

Making Math and Science History: Maker Faire with Girls in Mind October 12, 2013 Madame Willard was among the first women to put opportunities to study math and science in front of girls in compelling ways. That tradition

BOOK TOUR DATES remains at the core of the Emma experience with STEM courses designed specifically for girls in everything from engineering to neuroscience. And so, at the start of our Bicentennial school year, Emma Willard School will turn the traditional high school science fair on its head in her honor. This will not be the place for cheesy baking soda volcanoes and painted foam models of the solar system. Instead, inventors, designers, creators, and problem solvers from academia to industry will descend upon Mount Ida to share their innovations in the form of robots, algorithms, ideas, artistic displays, performances, and workshops. Our technically savvy and scientifically gifted alumnae will also take center stage here to share their stories and lessons on innovation inside and outside the classroom. Together, we will create a girl-centered learning and innovation experience unlike any other on the campus before. The event will be part of the official Maker Faire movement that has swept the country and world since 2006 with dozens of events and counting. Our goal is to have the highest percentage of female participation ever at a Maker Faire. Help us “make� it happen.

Troy, New York Market Block Books February 22, 2013

Washington, D.C. The Whittemore House April 10, 2013

New York City, New York Strand Book Store February 26, 2013

Troy, New York Campus Reunion June 8, 2013

Broomfield, Colorado Omni Interlocken Resort March 4, 2013

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania September

Shelburne, Vermont Heart of the Village Inn March 13, 2013 Wellesley, Massachusetts Wellesley College Club March 20, 2013 Naples, Florida The Club Pelican Bay April 2, 2013 North Palm Beach, Florida Lost Tree Club April 3, 2013

Hartford, Connecticut September Hanover, New Hampshire September Chicago, Illinois October San Francisco, California October Los Angeles, California October London, United Kingdom November



Bicentennial EVENTS The Great Education Debate January 7, 2014 Should we do away with standardized testing? Is the financial model of schools as we know them broken? Is the World Wide Web the classroom of our future? Has a college education lost its cachet? As we look to the future of education, educators and social policy makers are questioning the very existence of schools as we have known them. Emma Hart Willard had faith that a quality education was the foundation that ensured a life well lived. In January 2014 we will bring together educational and social leaders to debate and test her conviction anew, discussing some of the biggest and most controversial educational issues in our modern educational landscape. The entire Emma Willard community from alumnae and parents to current students is invited to attend what we are calling “The Great Education Debate” as we wrestle with these huge educational questions.


EmmaTalks February 21, 2014 Emma Willard School’s global programs promote awareness of the world beyond each girl’s normal radius of operation, cultivate deep and balanced understanding of issues and opportunities, and inspire, prepare, and facilitate action that allows each girl to change the world. In honor of our Emma Willard’s birthday 2014, Emma Willard School will bring together people from a variety of fields at the Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center (EMPAC) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York for an extraordinary Emma-imagined experience focused on global understanding and outreach. Modeling the thought-provoking concept of TEDTalks where speakers from a variety of disciplines are invited to give the presentation of their life in under 18 minutes, our “EmmaTalks” will cross between and among disciplines. Each of the talks will also be made available online, allowing our extensive body of alumnae and friends to share them far and wide. The goal of EmmaTalks is to help our expected 800 attendees—current Emma students, Emma community members, alumnae, parents, and guests—conceptualize the challenges that women and girls face around the globe, and

the meaningful, productive, and participatory ways that they can serve and shape their world.

Growing the “New Girls Network” on Mount Ida May 9–11, 2014 Madame Willard and Margaret Olivia Slocum Sage built an alumnae network second to none in the nineteenth century; we will demonstrate that their vision is alive and thriving two centuries later. Whether it be medicine, mystery writing, or modern art, Emma girls bring their considerable passion to both their professional and personal pursuits. During the celebration weekend on May 9–11, 2014, we will hold forums and networking sessions to help make meaningful and lasting professional and personal connections among our many Emma girls from current freshmen to rowdy octogenarians. The weekend will teach networking skills to our students and connect them to alumnae who are living out the passions they share. Our alumnae will also be given the opportunity to connect with one another as each envisions the next chapter of their own lives. This modern “Career Day” will continue a long-term plan to grow the links between our students and alumnae.

The Big Bang: The Bicentennial Celebration May 9–11, 2014 After all the book tours, talks, faires, and debates, this is a celebration of you. It is a celebration of the past, present, and future of the school we have built together. On May 9–11, 2014, Emma alumnae, friends, faculty, staff, and students will come together to honor our two centuries of education, innovation, and powerful connections. On that weekend, we will celebrate Emma Hart Willard’s grand vision of “Girls Transforming the World” and launch ourselves into the next 200 years of girls’ education with much thoughtful discussion—as well as plenty of wine, friendship, and even fireworks. Mark your calendars now.

Look for additional dates, times, and information on all Bicentennial events at



Emma will be...

2020 VISION Step onto this campus and you will feel it in the air. Each alumna knows it. Every visitor feels it. Our girls breathe it in every single day. We simply do things differently here.


The trappings of the traditional prep school environment go as far as our gothic stone walls and manicured lawns. But, step through our massive oak doors, talk with any of our girls, their teachers, our staff, trustees or alumnae, and it is clear that Emma Willard School holds a distinctive place in the world of girls’ education and education in general. At times others have tried to push Emma into the traditional boarding school box. And, time and again, our feisty community bridled at the attempts. Today, as we stand on the cusp of the next 200 years at Emma Willard School, we will fully claim what makes an Emma education unlike anything else in the world.

We call it the 2020 Vision and it includes a set of key strategic initiatives, programs, and a personalized curriculum that together lays the foundation for the Emma Willard School of the future. At its heart, our vision reimagines our founder’s dream in the 21st century: WE SEEK TO UNLEASH THE POTENTIAL IN EACH OF OUR GIRLS TO SHAPE THE WORLD. Emma will no longer sit humbly in an enlightened corner of the educational world. We will fully embrace who we are and shout it clearly from the top of Mount Ida. Join us on this journey to build on all that we have achieved, all that we were, and all that we were always meant to be.




Deep PERSONALIZATION We believe the most promising girls of this and future generations will seek an education that has a noble aim and allows a traveler to explore her personal passions. This can and should be true for the journey of every Emma girl. We will engage each girl in the development of a graduation destination unique to her. We believe the key to enriched learning is the personalization of a curriculum that expresses richly and meaningfully what she has learned and how her learning has transformed her. Her culminating work will be individual enough to merit the name “Signature.” Create a curriculum that provides a sound interdisciplinary foundation partnered with opportunities for personalization based on the individual strengths and weaknesses of each girl as well as opportunities for deep exploration within subject areas.


Launch the Signature program to create a focused and individualized educational experience for every girl.

Reshape the daily and yearly schedules to provide flexibility, personalization, and balance.

Define and implement an enhanced advisory system necessary to guide each girl through her educational journey.



photo: Mark Van Wormer


Authentic CULTURE For the girl who attends Emma Willard, to live in our community means simply to be oneself and explore who one wants to be. There is a kindness at Emma that is unique in today’s world. Those who have dreams of becoming scientists, athletes, artists, architects or whatever their hearts desire live, study, and play together in a community of acceptance and inclusiveness. Through the genuine relationships among students, faculty, and staff, our community will provide an atmosphere of trust and safety, where each individual feels valued, respected, and supported. Design and implement a wellness program that looks at the whole girl, balancing a rigorous academic program with emotional and social development and team-building physical education experiences.


Complete and implement a campus assessment to plan for the gradual growth of the student body to 360 girls.

Develop faculty housing with an eye toward creating positive community interactions and fostering faculty retention.

Realign our organizational structure and build the culture required to implement our vision fully—a culture based on mutual support, shared vision, and good communications.




Distinctive WORLDVIEW Using this community as a solid base, Emma Willard School will transform the traditional notion of the girls’ boarding school as an insular world to one that launches a girl into a global arena of issues and opportunity. Using the extensive resources available to our community through our parents, the larger community surrounding us, our global connections, and our strong alumnae base, we will develop a set of learning experiences intentionally designed to create Emma girls that are a force for positive change in the world: they will feel at home in the world no matter where they find themselves. Implement a comprehensive curriculum that includes learning and life experiences that extend well beyond the classroom.


Establish a global network of support for our students with alumnae, the Capital Region, and other partners in the workforce and the world of women’s rights and global education.

Create a diverse cultural and global community of both students and adults on our campus.

Define and develop a strategy to increase student awareness of problems facing the world and how they can be involved in their solutions.




Unabashedly EMMA Our deep personalization, distinctive worldview, and culture of authenticity have and will continue to set us apart from any other school. In order to own our position as one of the best schools in the world for girls, we must fully embrace and steward our niche in the educational landscape. Through the fulfillment of the 2020 Vision, these values will run deeper than ever into every Emma experience, whether you are visiting campus for the first time or meeting an Emma girl well into her eighties. We must build our global reputation and philanthropic culture so that the influence of an Emma education will grow and we will have the financial stability required to uphold the promises of the Emma Willard School experience for generations to come. Design and execute an enrollment and marketing strategy to increase applications domestically and internationally with a goal toward reaching a student body of 360 girls.


Staff and implement a parent relations program that fully utilizes the resources of the parent body to enhance parental commitment to support the school’s admissions and financial goals.

Implement an alumnae relations program that enhances the networking potential of alumnae and increases alumnae participation in giving to the school.

Research and implement the school’s next major gift thrust.

Celebrate 200 years in true Emma style.

h, and creating an even more deeply personalized educational experience for our girls. Emma Willard School wi ntial in each of our girls by fully realizing our distinctive worldview, embracing a culture of authentic passion an ven more deeply personalized educational experience for our girls. Emma Willard School will unleash the unden girls by fully realizing our distinctive worldview, embracing a culture of authentic passion and warmth, and crea ply personalized educational experience for our girls. Emma Willard School will unleash the undeniable potenti by fully realizing our distinctive worldview, embracing a culture of authentic passion and warmth, and creating nalized educational experience for our girls. Emma Willard School will unleash the undeniable potential in each lizing our distinctive worldview, embracing a culture of authentic passion and warmth, and creating an even m tional experience for our girls. Emma Willard School will unleash the undeniable potential in each of our girls b e worldview, embracing a culture of authentic passion and warmth, and creating an even more deeply personali 285 PAWLING AVENUE, TROY, NY 12180 our girls. Emma Willard School will unleash the undeniable potential in each of our girls by fully realizing our d bracing a culture of authentic passion and warmth, and creating an even more deeply personalized educational e ma Willard School will unleash the undeniable potential in each of our girls by fully realizing our distinctive wo tive worldview, embracing a culture of authentic passion and warmth, and creating an even more deeply person nce for our girls. Emma Willard School will unleash the undeniable potential in each of our girls by fully realizin w, embracing a culture of authentic passion and warmth, and creating an even more deeply personalized educatio our girls. Emma Willard School will unleash the undeniable potential in each of our girls by fully realizing our d bracing a culture of authentic passion and warmth, and creating an even more deeply personalized educational e ma Willard School will unleash the undeniable potential in each of our girls by fully realizing our distinctive wo ure of authentic passion and warmth, and creating an even more deeply personalized educational experience for School will unleash the undeniable potential in each of our girls by fully realizing our distinctive worldview, em even more deeply per entic passion and warmth, and creating an nce for our girls. Emma Willard School will unleash the undeniable potential in each of our girls by fully realizin w, embracing a culture of authentic passion and warmth, and creating an even more deeply personalized educatio

Let us put her !ignature on "e world

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