FMP Proposal - Inspiration

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Inspiration Design



Illustration %previous-home-next%

Inspiration inspiration to influence your creativity by emma wilson





To ensure that the quality of the outcome clearly reflects the standard of the research and development that will be completed to reach this final stage. I wish for them to compliment one another, rather than one of them ending up being weaker than the other.

Being a design student involves alot of experimentation, learning, practicing and finding new skills. I wish to therefore continue this learning process by developing a new type of design that I haven't previously completed. This is so that I can continue to widen my skills as a designer.

To produce a design outcome that I haven't previously completed so that I can continue to challenge myself as a visual designer

I would like to expand on the contents of my portfolio, to make sure that it showcases a variety of final outcomes. Without knowing exactly what area of design I wish to go into when finishing University, I therefore wish to showcase a range of projects.


How can I visually showcase a range of acquired design skills, will sticking to the intended theme? I need to find a clear balance between designing an outcome for my own portfolio and designing an outcome that appeals to my target audience

I wish to enhance my skills in creating successful layouts within the final outcome, as it

To discover how to successfully round up the skills that I have acquired during my design education

is one of the main aspects of design left that I need to work on and improve. When I finish university, I want to feel confident in all of the key areas of design.

To find a successful way to visually communicate a selection of inspiration in an interesting and appropriate way to my target audience. Plus to also incorporate screenprinting in the project, to improve on the skills that I am already gaining from the printing process.


To create a fresh, interesting, engaging and unique outcome to present to my target audience. Plus as well as the project being created mainly for my target audience, I also hope that it helps me to establish my own design interests more. I will apply some of the appropriate research methods that I have used in previous projects, predominantly Strategies for Visual Research, to use successful and interesting ways to engage my target audience in my project and to help me to discover more about creatively inspiring people.

To discover in depth what exactly is inspiration, how people are inspired and how I can find a way to select appropriate inspiration for my chosen theme and audience

How am I going to select inspiration that actually does inspire my target audience and not just myself?







“Inspiration comes from everywhere… from your grandma making odd comments, kids flying kites, nature… everywhere… but the most important thing would be to preserve these memories and apply them when needed.” -ibrand studio


As Jacob Gube, Technical Editor of Design Instruct, states: "For the majority of us, creativity comes and goes-one day you can be producing revolutionary work, and the next, you may be staring at a blank canvas for hours." This is where inspiration becomes key. When creatives are stuck on an idea or a project that they are working on, the best thing to do is to stop and look at something different. Whether this involves taking a walk outside, looking through that collection of postcards that you have been waiting to come in handy or reading your diary from ten years ago, cringing at the pathetic things you were moaning about. It doesn't matter what you decide to do, the important thing is that you are looking at something different, instead of starring at that same blank canvas. Which inevitably will result in a whole chain of fresh thoughts and ideas. %previous-home-next%

My main target audience are students as they are among these creatives, who regularly search and need inspiration for their studies and personal projects. However this target audience may be narrowed down after selecting a theme for the inspiration. By finding a successful and interesting way to showcase a selection of themed inspiration, I can aid the target audience in this vital process of engaging with visual work, outside of their usual sources. Australian graphic designer Jacob Cass provides the perfect explanation: "Seeing what already exists out there allows you to build upon and improve your own work,"


“The most common problem faced by anyone who is trying to create something whether it be a book, painting, sculpture or marketing plan, is losing that vital creative inspiration, and more importantly how to get that inspiration back.� -Noleen Wyatt-Jones


How will I know that my collection of inspiring things will actually inspire anyone but myself?

Ideas 1. By narrowing down the target audience to a selective group 2. Through much testing and experimenting 3. By creating selection methods, such as rating systems, for the target audience to rate the selected work, they could submit their own creations or work from others that they find inspiring 4. By involving my target audience in the selection process 5. Perhaps a voting system 6. To focus on a theme and therefore hopefully the selection of work may inspire members of the target audience who are interested in this chosen theme





possible themes for the collection of inspiration


traditional colour




future beauty


exploration summer craft childhood 100 hearts


memories pattern love

try something new

handmade drawing

print friendship nature reusable


imagination %previous-home-next%


things to make you smile

traditional colour




future beauty


exploration summer


childhood 100 hearts


memories pattern love

try something new

handmade drawing

print friendship nature reusable


imagination %previous-home-next%

things to make you smile



How can I make 'ugly' work/ inspiration appealing and interesting? How can I transform the ‘ugly’ into being considered as being‘ beautiful?’ How can you transform your perception of something you once considered as being ugly?

100 hearts

To include 100 pieces of selected inspiration, both that I and my target audience has selected. To include different themes and categories within this overall title, such as; imagination, texture, print...

The four themes that I have circled are currently the ones that appeal to me the most, as I feel that they are more unique and interesting, than others such as digital. However before deciding on a final one, I wish to test these themes out will experimenting and developing initial ideas at the beginning of my project.


We always enjoy being made to feel happy, so this theme could capture a collection of happy moments, thoughts, wishes, dreams, quotes... Looking at what makes others happy as this will undoubtedly be different from your own ideas and preconceptions.


Different types of memories; happy, sad, unforgettable, childhood, dreams, forgotten. A collection of items (notes, drawings, photographs) from peoples pasts. How to visually present your memories in a contemporary way.

things to make you smile

"Another memory that makes me smile is standing on my Dad’ s feet to dance. He’ d sing me all old songs and whirl me round."

For example... Memories

"Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose." %previous-home-next%










Pop-up shops




Talking to peers


Listening to peers

Your peers Blogs Websites

Existing places of inspiration

Memories Work experience Exhibitions



Talks and events

Flea markets


The street

Street art

Greetings cards






So far I have started a collection of resources that will be useful for finding ideas for the development of my project. Plus from these I may also be able to find work that is appropriate to my chosen theme. I have already started saving creative work that I find is inspiring my own project ideas. These include items such as photographs, illustrations, quotes and prints. By beginning this research it is allowing me to get a great source of ideas flowing.


Illustration Photography Design Quotes

Writing Videos


“Looking at books in your favorite bookstore is a surefire way to getting creatively inspired. Simply stepping outside your work area for a few hours can present you with a much needed hiatus that enables your creative juices to refresh.� -Jacob Gube


A small collection of my own inspiration for this project...




“Inspiration is the life blood that courses through our bodies spurring us on to create and satisfy that need. In part, creativity is about fresh perspective and sometimes the only way to find that fresh perspective is to get away from the blank page and to recharge the batteries.� -Noleen Wyatt-Jones


Looking at existing publications


Looking at existing publications


Looking at existing publications for layouts


Looking at existing publications for layouts


“There's no other way you can find your creativity flowing than the natures could provide.� -Crisologo Ramasasa







How will I select the inspiration?

Ideas 1. Create a rating system for the target audience 2. Testing with the target audience 3. For members of the target audience to submit found inspiration (like ffffound) 4. For members of the target audience to put links to their favourite sites for me to then select work from (like delicious) 5. For the target audience to complete tasks (like Learning to Love you more) 6. A blog with a wide selection of creative work that people can heart the pieces that they find inspiring 7. Focus groups 8. Probe packs 9. Facebook 10. Flickr %previous-home-next%

Initial Research


Initial survey research a selection of results

25% 75% Male%


Some of the ways that they feel creatively inspired 1. Drawing sketches of the scenery around me 2. Walk, run, climb, jump, look, hear, feel, touch 3. Drawing, photography, illlustration 4. Looking at graphic blogs, going to exhibitions, talking about ideas with people, just being out and about, listening to music... 5. Listen to one of my favourite CDs, look through a design book or magazine, have some tea and biscuits (all three at the same time) 6. Talking to people, looking through books and reading blogs %previous-home-next%

65percent students

Initial survey research a selection of results


Please select your top 3 ways of finding creative inspiration











25% Travel



Initial survey research a selection of results

18 When looking for creative inspiration, do you generally visit a specific field e.g illustration/ or graphic design or do you search for all types of inspiration? "I look through everything and just wait for inside response of what I see around! It can be whatever, and it depends on my mood. I can search for flowers, bright colors, or sometimes I want to sink in black."



Always happy to find new resources

Initial survey research a selection of results Would you prefer to see a collection of inspiring work that just the creators of the source have picked, or that many members have submitted or chosen to share, or other? "Many members have submitted. If it is just collected by the creators, unintentionally the collection may be narrow, a specific style." On a website, for example, do you wish to see all different categories of creative inspiration or just one style? "Different, because I like it. I like when you can choose through a lot of stuff, even if it doesn't meet some criteria. Because it's really surprising sometimes where you can find new ideas and inspiration."






Initial Ideas


For example...

Wrap Magazine Wrap showcases design and illustration work and once you are done looking through the magazine, you can get wrapping, using all of the pages as wrapping paper.


Screen printing





Publication (2nd use)



Laser cutting Sewing Appropriate Paper Card

Possible processes, materials and formats for outcome


Online + digital form Activity book Booklet/Fold out poster







The primary research will involve numerous methods to test every development stage of the project. The research methods used will include qualitative methods such as; probe packs, rating systems and focus groups. This is because the target audience needs to play a sole part in the development of the project, so that it can be made sure that the outcome is created to their needs. Also the inclusion of professional design creatives, by finding out what inspires them, will be an interesting part of the research, as creative students always wish to know what the professionals are looking at. The use of email of email will be most appropriate for this stage. Extensive research into inspiration will also be part of the primary research, including developing on my initial survey. To develop on the survey, will next include the implementation of more visual research methods. %previous-home-next%

The secondary research that will be completed, will include the collection of relevant creative work for my chosen theme from such sources as blogs, books, the outdoors, magazines, journals, found photographs and from peoples personal collections. This will play a part in gathering the possible content for the outcome but the target audience will also play an important role in the collection and selecting of the inspirational content. Research into how to inspire and what inspires people will be completed using such sources as the website Design Instruct; How to Get Creatively Inspired. Books such as Publication Design Workbook by Timothy Samara and magCulture by Jeremy Leslie will aid the creation of a publication for the outcome, if this is what is decided upon.


March April

21.03.11-23.03.11 To test and decide on the overall theme

21.03.11-01.04.11 To complete extensive research into the subject area

of creative inspiration, through secondary research methods. -How to creatively inspire people? How are people inspired?

28.03.11-11.04.11 To research into printed design outcomes and other

potential ways that I could possibly present my idea as a final outcome.

04.04.11-07.04.11 To decide on ways that I will include the target 11.04.11-15.04.11

audience in the selection of inspirational work

To further work on my initial ideas and to then test and evaluate these with the target audience

13.04.11-20.04.11 To involve the target audience in a more visual

research method as a way to start the collection of inspirational content (Doesn't neccesarily mean it will actually be used in the outcome)

11.04.11-29.04.11 To find out from a number of professional creatives

what inspires them and ask them to send in an image, quote photo or link.

18.04.11-22.04.11 Development of initial ideas,testing and create quick


22.04.11-26.04.11 Second visual research method with the target audience

to add to the collection of inspirational content

29.04.11-30.04.11 To plan what categories may be included in the overall

theme after completing initial research methods

28.04.11-30.04.11 Evaluation of the stages so far and an overall update

on where the project now seems to be heading


April May

29.04.11-02.05.11 Third visual research method/task with target audience

to gether more potential inspirational content

28.04.11-02.05.11 Develop ideas and prototypes further and test with

target audience

27.04.11-11.05.11 Start creating any of my own content

04.05.11-07.05.11 Fourth visual research method/task with target

audience to gether more potential inspiration content

07.05.11-12.05.11 Start editing content received so far, involve target

audience in the selection process

05.05.11-10.05.11 Improved prototypes and testing with audience 11.05.11-12.05.11 Final ideas

13.05.11-15.05.11 Testing and Evaluation of final ideas with the target


16.05.11-26.05.11 Start creating final outcome- Layouts, design 26.05.11-31.05.11 Printing and Binding 31.05.11

Have the final outcome finished (room for mistakes)



01.06.11-02.06.11 Final evaluation of outcome

01.06.11-06.05.11 Room for any final extra items to accompany final 06.05.11


Final hand in


Bib lio gra phy %previous-home-next%

Websites and Blogs%

Aisle One FFFFound

Found Magazine

Beautiful Photography

From Paris to London

Behance Network

Grain Edit


Graphic Exchange


Hello You Creatives

Cargo Collective

Homemade Polaroid

Carson Mag

Inspiration for Creative People

Cellardoor magazine

Inspiration Lab

Cover Junkie

Kingdom of Style

Creative Review

Knockout Visuals

Design Dust

Lazy Oaf


Lianne Harrison


Learning to love you more


Micah Lidberg


My Animal Farm


Websites and Blogs%

My Last Polaroid Nervures Paper Tastebuds Paper Tissue Photo Bucket Pierre Pang Poppytalk Share Some Candy Something-nothing The Wrap Paper Tigerprint Uppercase weheartit


Books and Magazines%

36th publication design annual by Mimi Pack Book Art by Charlotte Rivers

Mute Magazine by P.Broekman, S.Worthington & D.Jaques

Cellardoor Magazine

The Big Book of Graphic Design by Roger Walton

Creative Review Magazine Designing magazine edited by J.Rothstein Dirty Fingernails by John Foster Eyemazing Magazine Fingerprint by Chen Design Associates For love and money by liz farrelly and O.Trigs Frankie Magazine Graffik Magazine Learning to Love You More by H.Fletcher & M.July

YCN book 0809 Contemporary Graphic Design by C. & P.Fiell The art of looking sideways by A.Fletcher Magazine covers by D.Crowley MagCulture by J.Leslie Oh Comely Magazine The art directors’ handbook of professional magazine design by H.Moser Wrap Magazine

Little White Lies Magazine


Resources Suggested by Target Audience% 9gag

Live Journal


Lovely Package


Not Voodoo

But does it float

Protein talks at bfi

Creative Review magazine

Site Inspire


Stefan Sagmeister books

Debut Art

Street Sketchbook

Doodle Everyday



The Science Museum

Fasion Era


Illustration Mundo

Typography Served

Juxtapoz Magazine

V&A Lates


How can you effectively inspire creative students by showcasing a selection of themed inspirational work? -Research Question


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