FREE Bonus Reports! #1 - 10 Simple But Delicious Low Calorie Holiday Food And Drink Recipes. Get It Here: #2 - 5 Bestselling Diet And Weight Loss Product Reviews. Get It Here:
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FREE Bonus Reports! #1 - 10 Simple But Delicious Low Calorie Holiday Food And Drink Recipes. Get It Here: #2 - 5 Bestselling Diet And Weight Loss Product Reviews. Get It Here:
Introduction The holidays are a fun yet hectic time. You're trying to make sure you get time with all of your friends and family. There are parties at your house, at their house, at work... and there is so much shopping to be done! On top of it all the kids are home from school and there is food and temptation EVERYHERE. How is a person supposed to lose or even maintain their weight in a time that's so busy and full of temptation? Everything revolves around food from the big Thanksgiving dinner to the candy canes you put on your Christmas tree. The average person is much more likely to gain pounds over the holidays but you don't need to give in to that statistic. With some planning and a bit of work you can maintain your current weight or even lose a few pounds during the holiday season! It’s not going to be easy. A lot of people say “the holidays only come once a year” but think about this. Mid-October through Mid-January are usually referred to as “the holidays” but that’s three whole months. That’s a quarter of the year! Sure, you should be a little easier on yourself off and on through the holidays. Don’t skip out on all of your favorite foods, but don’t get off track completely. Don’t spend a quarter of the year undoing all of your hard work from the rest of the year. These 21 tips will get you on the right track.
FREE Bonus Reports! #1 - 10 Simple But Delicious Low Calorie Holiday Food And Drink Recipes. Get It Here: #2 - 5 Bestselling Diet And Weight Loss Product Reviews. Get It Here:
1 - Set goals before the holiday season Are you aiming to actually lose weight or just not gain weight? That will decide how strict you need to be with your regimen. Try to be specific with our goals. “On Christmas I will weigh the same as I weigh right now.” “I’ll continue to lose one pound a week all of the way through January 1st.” If you know what your goal is you can work harder to reach it as well as have a way to measure your progress.
2 - Start early Don't wait until the parties and dinners to start watching what you eat and working out. Start establishing healthy habits now. It’s going to be hard if the months leading up to the holidays have already been a free-for-all as far as diet goes you’re going to have a lot more trouble getting on track.
3 - Realize you aren't going to be perfect You're going to slip up and that's okay. The holidays are supposed to be fun! You should be mindful but don't worry about incessantly counting calories at every dinner or get-together. It'll just add to your stress and make it harder to enjoy yourself. If you make a mistake and overeat, just don’t let it get the best of you. Get right back on track.
4 - Get your workouts out of the way early in the day If you work out first thing in the morning you'll burn calories but still have time to shower, get ready, and enjoy the rest of the day. It’ll give you less time to make excuses and talk yourself out of it!
FREE Bonus Reports! #1 - 10 Simple But Delicious Low Calorie Holiday Food And Drink Recipes. Get It Here: #2 - 5 Bestselling Diet And Weight Loss Product Reviews. Get It Here:
5 - Don't go shopping hungry It doesn't matter if you're grocery shopping or gift shopping. If you're hungry you're more likely to make poor decisions like getting less healthy ingredients for side dishes or overeating at fast food or the food court. The last thing you need is to be picking up some toys for the kids and walk out with a bottle of egg nog in one hand and a chocolate bar in the other when you’re watching your weight.
6 - Eat small snacks leading up to a big dinner If you don't eat anything all day you're going to be starving when you get to the party and eat way too much. It may be tempting to hold out and save room for your favorite foods but if you go all day without eating much you’re going to be famished. Not only will you overeat but you’ll eat quickly rather than taking time to enjoy your food.
7 - Drink plenty of water Not only is it important to stay hydrated but it'll help you feel fuller when it's time to eat. If you don’t like plain water, add a bit of lemon or peppermint to it.
8 - Be careful not to overdo it on the alcohol Even a few small alcoholic drinks really pack a lot of calories. If you want a lower calorie option you can make your own homemade low calorie egg nog. Instead of wine try a wine spritzer. There are also plenty of options for low calorie cocktails.
9 - Take a walk before you eat After you eat you won't be in the mood! Getting exercise in before you eat will also help curb your appetite so you’re less likely overeat.
FREE Bonus Reports! #1 - 10 Simple But Delicious Low Calorie Holiday Food And Drink Recipes. Get It Here: #2 - 5 Bestselling Diet And Weight Loss Product Reviews. Get It Here:
10 - Fill up on the healthier options Before you go for the stuffing or other calorie filled foods. Hit the veggie plate and any other lower calorie side dishes people bring.
11 - Make sure to get a portion of all of your holiday favorites you only eat during the holidays Do you really need a scoop of that mac and cheese that you make all year long or would you rather get some of the yams that you only make during the holidays? This goes for desserts too. You know you only get pumpkin pie during the holidays so it’s a better choice than the apple pie people eat all year long!
12 - In a buffet style dinner only take two items each time Having a lot of variety on your plate will increase your appetite. Keep going back and grabbing all of the different foods you want, but only in small portions of two at a time. As an added bonus you’ll eat more slowly so it’ll be easier to tell when you’re getting full.
13 - If you don't think there are going to be any healthy options where you're going, bring one! Not only does it give you a good option when it comes time to eat but the host or hostess will appreciate it. Try low calorie deviled eggs, a healthier version of green bean casserole, or your own veggie dip.
14 - Take smaller bites Enjoy your holiday treats! If you’re going to eat higher calorie foods you might as well savor the flavors.
FREE Bonus Reports! #1 - 10 Simple But Delicious Low Calorie Holiday Food And Drink Recipes. Get It Here: #2 - 5 Bestselling Diet And Weight Loss Product Reviews. Get It Here:
15 - Stop eating when you feel full Don't feel guilty or worry about insulting the host. It doesn't matter if there is still food on your plate. When you start to feel full, push the plate away and be done. Do you really want to feel sick all night from overeating anyways? This one is probably the hardest for most people. It’s easy to just keep eating because it tastes good. Remember your goals and remember the “holidays” last nearly three months so that’s plenty of time to get in all of your favorite foods.
16 - When you're planning family activities don't just stick to just dinners and parties with food Get creative and try to plan some activities! A Christmas movie marathon with popcorn (which is naturally lower in calories unless you put tons of butter on it), a craft night, snowman building contest, sledding... there are so many great activities that can bring family together besides eating. A light snack accompanied by a great activity is going to be a lot more memorable than just eating.
17 - Don't beat yourself up. Let go of guilt Stress can ruin all chances at losing or maintaining your weight. The more stressed out you are the more likely you are to turn to emotional eating. Besides, there is nothing WRONG with eating. Guilt is your biggest enemy in weight loss.
18 - Talk! If you’re at a holiday party you’re going to be surrounded by friends and family. Start a conversation. Catch up, tell jokes, and share stories. If you’re talking you’re not eating and you’ll actually find the entire experience more enjoyable when you take the focus off of food.
FREE Bonus Reports! #1 - 10 Simple But Delicious Low Calorie Holiday Food And Drink Recipes. Get It Here: #2 - 5 Bestselling Diet And Weight Loss Product Reviews. Get It Here:
19 - If you’re having trouble staying on track, try writing down your goal and putting it where you’ll see it You can put it on your fridge, on your mirror, or in your purse or wallet. Just make sure it’s somewhere where you’ll see it and be reminded often.
20 - Get a buddy! Dieting is really hard to do alone so find a diet buddy. It can be a friend or family member. In fact, the more the merrier. When possible go to parties together so you can remind each other of your goals. Talk often about your progress.
21 - Reward yourself, but not with food Set milestones and when you reach one make sure to give yourself a reward. Avoid rewarding yourself with food. It’s unhealthy and leads to bad habits. Instead, reward yourself with that new outfit you wanted, a mani/pedi, or that new watch you were eyeing. The holidays are definitely a time for fun, but don’t let them soil your goals for better health! So many people just give up through the holidays and come out of the season with extra pounds they have to lose just to get back where they started. Remember, more than food the holidays are about friends and family. Focus on them! Focus on creating memories rather than eating food. The food is just supposed to be an accompaniment.
FREE Bonus Reports! #1 - 10 Simple But Delicious Low Calorie Holiday Food And Drink Recipes. Get It Here: #2 - 5 Bestselling Diet And Weight Loss Product Reviews. Get It Here: