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Language Learning at EPS Division
Spoken Production: Can express him/herself in a series of sentences and simple language tools; for example, on family, others, home, education and professional life.
Written Expression: Can write a descriptive paragraph of present and past events & activities.
Listening Comprehension: Can understand the main point of conversation when it is about known topics such as work, school or free time activities if an understandable and carefully selected language is used. If spoken very slowly and clearly, can understand the main information from radio or television broadcasts on current issues, his/her occupation and fields of interest.
Reading Comprehension: Can understand texts that mainly include daily life and professional language. Can understand letters that discuss events, emotions and wishes.
Spoken Interaction: Can handle many situations faced in travelling the countries especially where the target language is spoken. Can participate in spontaneous conversations on familiar topics such as family, hobbies, occupation and current issues relevant to his/her field of interest, personal or daily life. Spoken Production: Can describe his/her experiences, daily and global events or his/her dreams, goals; can speak in simple but coherent sentences. Can briefly explain his/her thought and plans and reason them. Written Expression: Can write simple, an opinion composition including an introduction paragraph, development paragraph(s) that develop an argument systematically with further detail and a conclusion paragraph based on valid proof.
Language Learning at EPS Division
At FLEPS, the curriculum is CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment) aligned. Therefore, we adopt an ‘action oriented approach’ (Council of Europe Modern Languages Division, 2001) and, plan, implement and assess the achievement of the intended learning outcomes driven from the descriptors provided in the framework accordingly.
We view learning as a developmental, interactive and reflective process (see Table 1). In this regard, we believe that knowledge and learning of an individual develop through interaction in contexts, which are affected by social, cultural and individual backgrounds and competencies of the participants. Therefore, we emphasize the development/use of not only communication but also cognitive, affective, and social processes in meaningful contexts, which involve tasks and the development of these processes as outcomes of learning.