enchantment The Voice of New Mexico's Rural Electric Cooperatives
Lea County Electric Cooperative May 2019
saving small-town movie houses
May 2019 • enchantment.coop
May 1, 2019 • Vol. 71, No. 05 USPS 175-880 • ISSN 0046-1946 Circulation 88,947 enchantment (ISSN 0046-1946) is published monthly by the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association, 614 Don Gaspar Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87505. enchantment provides reliable, helpful information on rural living and energy use to electric cooperative members and customers. Nearly 89,000 families and businesses receive enchantment Magazine as electric cooperative members. Non-member subscriptions are available at $12 per year or $18 for two years, payable to NMRECA. Allow four to eight weeks for delivery. Periodical Postage paid at Santa Fe, NM 87501-9998 and additional mailing offices. CHANGE OF ADDRESS
Postmaster: Send address changes to 614 Don Gaspar Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87505-4428. Readers who receive the publication through their electric cooperative membership should report address changes to their local electric cooperative office.
provides legislative and educational services to the cooperatives who are members of the Association that deliver electric power to New Mexico’s rural areas and small communities. The mission of the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association is to strengthen, support, unify, and represent Cooperative member interests at the local, state, and national levels. Each cooperative has a representative on the association’s board of directors, which controls the editorial content and advertising policy of enchantment through its Publications Committee. Charles Pinson, President, Central Valley Electric Cooperative, Artesia George Biel, Vice President, Sierra Electric Cooperative, Elephant Butte Tim Morrow, Secretary-Treasurer, Springer Electric Cooperative, Springer BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Current News
View from enchantment
Hale to the Stars
Enchanted Journeys
Energy Sense
On the Menu
Book Chat
18 Vecinos
David Spradlin, Springer Electric Cooperative, Springer MEMBERS OF THE PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE
Thomas G. Rivas, Chair, Northern Río Arriba Electric Cooperative Chris Martinez, Columbus Electric Cooperative Keith Gottlieb, Continental Divide Electric Cooperative Robert Caudle, Lea County Electric Cooperative Joseph Herrera, Socorro Electric Cooperative NEW MEXICO RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION
614 Don Gaspar Avenue Phone: 505-982-4671 Santa Fe, NM 87505 Fax: 505-982-0153 www.nmelectric.coop www.enchantment.coop Keven J. Groenewold, CEO, kgroenewold@nmelectric.coop Susan M. Espinoza, Editor, sespinoza@nmelectric.coop Tom Condit, Assistant Editor, tcondit@nmelectric.coop
Saving Small-Town Movie Houses Classic yet state-of-the-art movie theaters in rural communities.
Duane Frost, Central New Mexico Electric Cooperative, Mountainair Chris Martinez, Columbus Electric Cooperative, Deming Keith Gottlieb, Continental Divide Electric Cooperative, Grants Lance R. Adkins, Farmers’ Electric Cooperative, Clovis Robert Caudle, Lea County Electric Cooperative, Lovington Robert Quintana, Mora-San Miguel Electric Cooperative, Mora Thomas G. Rivas, Northern Río Arriba Electric Cooperative, Chama Preston Stone, Otero County Electric Cooperative, Cloudcroft Antonio Sanchez, Jr., Roosevelt County Electric Cooperative, Portales Joseph Herrera, Socorro Electric Cooperative, Socorro Travis Sullivan, Southwestern Electric Cooperative, Clayton Wayne Connell, Tri-State G&T Association, Westminster, Colorado Charles G. Wagner, Western Farmers Electric Cooperative, Oklahoma
Safety Poster Coloring Contest Winners This year's theme: Never stick anything into an electrical appliance that doesn’t belong!
Market Place
Backyard Trails
Youth Art
Your Electric Co-op
Rates available upon request. Cooperative members and New Mexico display advertisers email Shaylyn at enchantmentads@nmelectric.coop or call 505-2522540. National representative: American MainStreet Publications, 800-626-1181. Advertisements in enchantment are paid solicitations and are not endorsed by the publisher or the electric cooperatives that are members of the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association. PRODUCT SATISFACTION AND DELIVERY RESPONSIBILITY LIE SOLELY WITH THE ADVERTISER. Copyright ©2019, New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Inc. Reproduction prohibited without written permission of the publisher.
On the Cover Photos of the Luna Theater in Clayton and the Lea Theatre in Lovington.
enchantment.coop • May 2019
current news I research • trends • letters
Kudos to Springer Electric Cooperative
n March 13, New Mexico learned from experience the meaning of bombogenesis and how a bomb cyclone looks, feels, and sounds. For most of us it was a day to stay inside, keep the fires burning, block the winds from blowing into our homes, and wait. Electrical service was out in Wagon Mound. It was suspected that electricity was out throughout the region. On I-25 near the village semis and RVs had been toppled and tossed by over 80 mph winds. Only the bravest or craziest maneuvered in the landscape. As the dark of evening approached, kerosene lamps were prepared for the night. Most certainly we expected to be without power for 24 hours. None of us who receive service from Springer Electric Cooperative would request or demand linemen to work on poles across the prairie in that weather. The winds began to calm somewhat. We knew the entire crew of Springer Electric Cooperative would work through the night to restore power to the region. In just over 12 hours, power to the village was restored. Remarkable! Amazing! We hoped no one had been injured working through the storm.
Having lived in many a city and hamlet around the world, I can personally say with certainty the service Springer Electric Cooperative provides its customers, especially in this sparsely populated expansive terrain, is highly commendable. To most, another aspect of the cooperative may not be known. Led by David Spradlin, general manager; Don Schutz, president; and the other board members, graciousness, kindness, and community support is understood to be the way business must be conducted. This way of graciousness and kindness is the very best of Northeastern New Mexico. Bravo! In the Village of Wagon Mound, an effort is underway to accomplish the near impossible— salvage an historic adobe on Railroad Avenue. The dream is to transform the adobe building from deplorably dilapidated to operational to be used as an art center for military veterans and a movie house for the youth. Who is doing the work of clearing decades of debris, making adobes, and rebuilding the walls? Our youth. Who is supporting the endeavor? Friends, veterans, and strangers from around the country, across the world, and Springer Electric Cooperative. No words exist to express the gratitude felt for the support given to the little New Mexico state non-profit project. This Memorial Day weekend, the project, “A Veteran Affair,” shall host a third art festival in the village sponsored, again, by Springer Electric
Congratulations to this month’s photo winner:
Wendy Caldes, a member of Central New Mexico Electric Cooperative, submitted this photo of kids and pups looking at the February 2019 enchantment. Wendy writes: “Even kids and dogs like reading the magazine!"
She wins $20!
Cooperative. Why would “A Veteran Affair” host an art fest during the most emotionally sorrowful holiday of the year? Because “Life” is a gift…and is short. Because art heals. Because beauty abounds. Because for two days of the weekend, camaraderie might be shared with loved ones and friends in a little village in the middle of the prairie. We thank Springer Electric Cooperative from the bottom of our hearts. Most sincerely, Edwin, Irene, Ernie, Dorothy, Brandi, and all the vets and kids who understand the mission, have the determination and motivation to accomplish the near impossible.
monthly photo win ner Take a photo of you holding YOUR MAGAZINE AND WIN! Simply take a photo of you or someone with the magazine and email it with a few words about the photo. Include your name, mailing address, and co-op name, send to: enchantment@nmelectric.coop
One lucky member will win $20. Deadline is May 9, 2019. Submitting your photo(s) gives us permission to publish the photo(s) in enchantment, Facebook, and other media outlets.
May 2019 • enchantment.coop
How to Contact enchantment Phone 505-982-4671 Email enchantment@nmelectric.coop Facebook facebook.com/enchantmentnmreca Mail 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87505 Community Events events@nmelectric.coop Display Ads enchantmentads@nmelectric.coop Book Chat Inquiries enchantment@nmelectric.coop
view from I enchantment
Electrical safety: All day everyday
he month of May not only means spring storms and potentially severe weather, it also heralds the beginning of the celebration season for many high school students, especially seniors. Proms, graduation parties, and other social gatherings are often associated with this time of year. While we naturally focus on the sunny aspects this season brings, we also sometimes hear about preventable tragedies involving young people and vehicle accidents. This brings me to the topic at hand: safety. Does your teen or loved one know what to do in the event of a collision with a utility pole resulting in a downed power line? Do your loved ones know what to do if they come upon an accident with a downed power line? This month, I’d like to share a few safety tips I hope you never have to use. But if you do, they could save your life and those of your loved ones. If a vehicle collides with a utility pole, the vehicle may be charged with electricity. Anyone exiting the vehicle could come in contact with thousands of volts of electricity from the downed line. In essence, when you step out of the vehicle, you become part of the electricity’s path to the ground and could be electrocuted. It’s critical to stay in the vehicle and tell others to do the same until an emergency crew has told you it’s safe to exit the vehicle. If the vehicle is on fire or you must exit for other safety reasons, jump clear of the vehicle. Do not let any part of your body or clothing touch the vehicle and ground at the same time. Land with your feet together and shuffle away
(in small steps with your feet still together) to avoid electric shock. Keep moving away until you are at least 40 feet from the vehicle. If you come upon a vehicle accident involving a utility pole and downed power lines, keep your distance. A downed power line can energize the ground up to 35 feet away. While your natural instinct may be to rush to the vehicle to help, instead pause. Do not approach the vehicle or scene of the accident. Tell others to stay away. While you may be concerned about injuries to those involved, the best action you can take is to alert emergency officials, who will in turn coordinate with the power provider. For the same reasons described above, never drive over a downed power line or through water that is touching a downed power line. If you have a downed power line on your property as a result of a falling tree, storm or other circumstance, do not go near the power line. Assume the downed line is energized and dangerous. Never try to move the power line even if you think it’s not energized or if you are using a non-conductive material. We recognize you may be anxious to clear your property of tree limbs or other debris near the downed line, but please wait until after an electric co-op crew or emergency officials have confirmed it is safe to do so. May is a time where we are even more mindful of safety because it is Electrical Safety Month. According to the Electrical Safety Foundation International, thousands of people in the United States are critically injured and electrocuted as a result of electrical fires,
accidents, and electrocution in their own homes. Many of these accidents are preventable. We know firsthand how dangerous electricity is because New Mexico’s electric cooperatives work with it all day, every day. Safety is more than a catch phrase. It is a duty and responsibility to keep co-op employees safe and to help keep our communities safe. Your well-being and that of the communities we serve are always high on the list.
Visit www.enchantment.coop to view a brief video about staying safe when coming across downed power poles and lines.
By Keven J. Groenewold. P.E. Chief Executive Officer New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association
enchantment.coop • May 2019
hale to the stars I by alan hale
Omega Centauri
or the past few months we have been able to view all five bright planets within the course of a single night, but that situation comes to an end during May, albeit only temporarily. Somewhat in exchange, our evening sky starts to become more populated with planets than it has been in quite some time. Mars continues to remain visible in our western sky during the evening hours, setting an hour or so after the end of dusk, although since it is now quite far from Earth it is not especially bright. Meanwhile, our solar system’s largest planet, Jupiter, rises in the east a little before the time Mars sets, and is highest above our southern horizon a couple of hours before the beginning of dawn. Saturn follows along about two hours after Jupiter and thus is at its highest above the southern horizon during dawn. After dominating the morning skies earlier this
year, Venus has now sunk into the dawn and does not rise very high above the eastern horizon before being overwhelmed by the brightening twilight. It remains in this configuration for another month or so before disappearing into the sunlight. One sort of decent meteor shower occurs during May: this is the Eta Aquarid shower, which peaks around the end of the first week of May and which can best be seen in the eastern sky before dawn. The Eta Aquarids come from grains of dust ejected from Halley’s Comet, and sky-watchers willing to be up before dawn may see up to 20 or 30 meteors per hour. The moon is as its “new” phase on May 4 and thus the skies should be relatively dark. One prominent constellation visible around midnight and during the early morning hours this month is Centaurus, the mythological centaur, which can be seen low in our southern skies above the southern horizon. Centaurus is home to a
The “globular star cluster” Omega Centauri, as imaged by the European Southern Observatory in Chile. Image courtesy European Southern Observatory. large “cluster” of stars known as Omega Centauri, which is the largest and brightest example of what is known as a “globular star cluster” in the entire sky. Omega Centauri is visible to the unaided eye as a dim fuzzy “star,” and studies indicate it may contain as many as ten million stars.
enchanted journeys: Submit your community event to: events@nmelectric.coop May 3-4 • Tucumcari Rawhide Days • Quay County Fair Grounds • 575-403-7274
May 5 • Pecos Lost Church Hike • Pecos National Historical Park • 505-757-7241
May 17 • Red River Bacon and Brews Festival • Red River Chamber of Commerce • 575-754-2366
May 25 • Mountainair Dark Sky Event The Abo’ Ruins • 505-847-2585
May 4 • Capitan Annual Plant & Garden Sale Capitan Public Library • 575-354-3035
May 5 • Truth or Consequences Truth or Consequences Fiesta Downtown • 575-894-1968
May 17-19 • Española 3rd Annual New Mexico Fiber Crawl Across Northern New Mexico • 505-747-3577
May 25-26 • Farmington Riverfest Berg and Animas Parks • 505-716-4405
May 4 • Gallup Mother’s Day Craft-tea! ART123 • 505-488-2136
May 11 • Velarde Prieta Petroglyph Project Public Tours Mesa Prieta Petroglyph Project • 505-852-1351
May 18 • Raton World Migratory Bird Day Festival Sugarite Canyon State Park • 75-445-5607
May 25-26 • Wagon Mound Wagon Mound Art Fest • In the Village on Railroad Avenue • 575-668-2057
May 4 • Mora ConmeMORAción: Historic Cultural Event Mora High School Atrium • 575-387-6669
May 11-12 • Placitas 22nd Annual Placitas Studio Tour Artist Studios in Town • 505-515-4323
May 25 • Cerrillos Amigos Art in the Park Cerrillos Hills State Park • 505-474-0196
May 31-June 2 • Grants Seven Trails of Gold Outdoor Festival Fire & Ice Park • 505-285-3573
May 4-5 • Magdalena Magdalena Gallery & Studio Tour Village of Magdalena • 575-854-3253
May 16-18 • Ruidoso AspenCash Motorcycle Rally Ruidoso Convention Center • 575-258-5445
May 25 • Glenwood Glenwood Street Market • Mile Marker 51 on Highway 180 • 575-539-2373
June 1 • Magdalena Magdalena Frontier Festival North Main Street • 575-854-2261
May 2019 • enchantment.coop
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enchantment.coop • May 2019
energy sense I by patrick keegan and brad thiessen
Keep cool for less Dear Pat: We moved into our home last spring. It’s pretty new and seems wellinsulated in winter. But it was hot last summer, so we had to run the A/C a lot, and the electric bills were a killer. Do you have any tips on how we can cool our home this summer—without going broke? —Brandon
That old fridge or freezer in your garage could be taking a bite out of your wallet. Photo Credit: Alex Weimer. A Duct Blaster test can identify air leaks in your home’s ductwork. Photo Credit: Ket555.
Make sure your window A/C unit is installed flat or according to manufacturer’s directions, so that it drains properly. Photo Credit: Your Best Digs. Dear Brandon: We’ve discussed some of the easiest ways to make your home more efficient, like reducing solar gains, insulating and ventilating the attic, and sealing air leaks. You may need to focus on inefficiencies in your home’s cooling system. But before we address that, let’s look at some other potential problems: • Do you have freezer or second refrigerator in the garage? This can be a major energy hog, especially if it’s old and you live in a warmer climate. • Do you have a well? Your pump may be draining your energy use as you rely on it more during the summer. Start by looking for leaks in the system, and if necessary, reduce irrigation. • How about a swimming pool? It may be time to overhaul or replace the pool pump. If the pump is in good shape, try putting it on a timer. If you have central air conditioning (A/C) or a heat pump, make sure your filter has been changed or recently cleaned. The next step is to call an HVAC contractor for a tune-up and a complete an assessment of the system. A tuneup can improve the efficiency and extend the life of the unit. The tune-up includes cleaning the condenser coil, a check of the refrigerant levels and a good look at the pump and electrical contacts. Talk to the contractor about the efficiency of the A/C unit. If it’s old, it may be cost-effective to replace it, even if it’s still functional. Ductwork is equally important as the A/C unit, so make sure the contractor you choose is capable and willing to provide an expert assessment. A real pro will know how to measure the air flow at each supply and return register. If 8
May 2019 • enchantment.coop
you’re not getting cool air to the rooms that need it, the contractor may be able to make modifications to the ductwork. Leaky ductwork could be your problem. If the ducts are in unconditioned areas like a crawl space or attic, it’s especially important to make sure they’re sealed and insulated. It will also help to seal ducts that are in conditioned spaces. Some HVAC contractors can do a duct-blaster test to measure duct leakage. Discuss whether you should ever close any supply registers. Most experts recommend that supply registers are always open. If you cool your home with window A/C units, there are a few things you can do to maximize your cooling while keeping costs as low as possible. • Use window A/C units in rooms that can be closed off with a door, to make the cooling as effective as possible. • Make sure you have the right sized unit for the size of the room. A unit that’s too big will cool the room before the humidity has been lowered, which will make it feel less cool, while a unit that’s too small will have to work harder, causing a shorter life span—and it may not do the job. • Use an electric fan or ceiling fan to help distribute the cold air throughout the area you are cooling. • Turn off the A/C unit when no one is in the room. • If your window A/C unit isn’t cooling properly, it may need to be replaced. Look for an ENERGY STAR-certified unit to make the most of your cooling dollars. Of course, the simplest way to save money on your A/C is to not use it. As much as possible, keep your activities limited to rooms that are easily cooled. Try to spend more time cooking and eating outside. If you have a basement, think about setting up a second bedroom down there where it’s cooler. Think of it as your new summer hideaway!
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3/21/19 10:15 AM
enchantment.coop • May 2019
Congratulations to the safety poster coloring contest winners Congratulations to the winners of this year's Safety Poster Coloring Contest. On March 6, Phil Baca, who coordinates the production operation for digital and conventional printing at Paper Tiger in Santa Fe, judged 14 electric co-op first place statewide winning posters. After much in-depth review, he selected the first, second and third place winners. This year's theme was, “Electrical Safety: Never stick anything into an electrical appliance that doesn’t belong!” Electric cooperatives strongly support the communities they serve. One way of showing their support is by sponsoring the annual Safety Poster Coloring Contest. The contest, which first began in 1984, is held to promote electrical safety and awareness among the youth. Electric cooperatives in conjunction with the New Mexico Marketing & Member Services Association hold this contest for second, third and fourth grade students in cooperative service areas. Annually, over 10,000 posters are distributed across the state. Each cooperative then selects an overall winner for the statewide competition where first, second and third place winners are selected.
1st Place • Amberlee D. Apachito Socorro Electric Cooperative, Socorro
Better together We work all hours of the night so she can have her happily
2nd Place • Braxton Williamson Farmers’ Electric Cooperative, Clovis
ever after. Together, Tri-State and our family of electric cooperatives power all the moments your life has to offer. We are brighter, stronger and better together. www.tristate.coop/together
3rd Place • Marcus J. Quintana Mora-San Miguel Electric Cooperative, Mora
0119 Together Campaign NM.indd 1
May 2019 • enchantment.coop
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enchantment.coop • May 2019
n w o t l l a m s g n i v a s s e s u o h e i mov l Sloan
by Wende
hanks to the New Mexico Historic Theaters Initiative (NMHTI), an ongoing statewide effort led by the Economic Development Department (EDD) and New Mexico MainStreet to rehabilitate historic theaters and install new digital projection and sound equipment, several small New Mexico towns have been able to keep their theaters from going dark. Other contributors to the initiative are the New Mexico Historic Preservation Division and the University of New Mexico’s School of Architecture and Planning. Since January 2013, EDD has provided grants to eight classic theaters throughout New Mexico: the Flickinger Theater for Performing Arts in Alamogordo, the Luna Theater in Clayton, the Lyceum Theater in Clovis, the El Morro Theater in Gallup, the Lea Theatre in Lovington, the Shuler Theater in Raton, the Silco Theater in Silver City, and the Odeon Theater in Tucumcari. Avery Christy, executive director of Clayton MainStreet, and Mara Salcido, executive director of Lovington MainStreet, discuss how the initiative and other grants saved their town’s movie houses.
luna theater in clayton According to Christy, the Mission Theater in Clayton was opened in 1916 as a Nickelodeon, then the following year converted to a theater with a film projector to show silent movies, then around 1919 began showing “talkies.” In 1935, with a change in 12
May 2019 • enchantment.coop
ownership, the theater changed names from the Mission Theater to the Luna Theater. The last private owners were the Leightons, who acquired the theater in 1984. Because of age and technological changes, they were unable to continue and in 2005 sought a buyer. “The Luna Theater was the only entertainment venue in the tiny town of Clayton—an important quality of life factor for the community—so Clayton MainStreet took action to prevent the theater’s closure,” Christy says. Forming a partnership with the municipal government, Clayton MainStreet acquired funding for the Town of Clayton to purchase the building in 2010. The city owns the building and leases it to Clayton MainStreet—which undertook the laborious process of renovating the building and making the technological change from 35 mm film projection to digital projection and sound. “The Luna Theater now operates as a modern, state-of-the-art theater offering a movie-going experience no different than any other advanced theater in the nation,” Christy says. The 200-seat, one-screen theater shows current movies, some in 3-D, and older ones for special occasions, or when the theater is rented by private individuals. All funding acquired by Clayton MainStreet for the purchase, renovation, and improvements to the Luna Theater, the building and its equipment, have been through the NMHTI and grants through state, federal, corporate, and institutional avenues.
Front view of the 200-seat, one-screen Luna Theater in Clayton. Photo by Avery Christy. Clayton MainStreet has cumulatively acquired over $900,000 since 2009 for the theater. Christy says saving the movie house came “through both great difficulty and from the welcome generosity of those who believed in the organization’s vision of saving the Luna Theater and its importance to this community.” According to Christy, the theater “continues to enjoy enormous community support under the management of Clayton MainStreet. The organization’s philosophy is to ensure the theater is a
community-wide resource to benefit all and we attempt to be very generous in our usage of the theater as a resource.” In a town with a population of just over 2,000, the theater continues to be a prosperous business despite the competition of online movies. Some movies attract a full house—roughly one-tenth of the town’s population. Ticket prices and concessions are far lower than most other theaters. According to Christy, the theater renovation has brought in tax revenue close to a million dollars in construction work. There is also tax revenue on maintenance and repairs, and secondary economic activity such as the local purchasing of theater supplies. There are currently eight people employed. “We attempt to ensure young people have an opportunity to work at the theater because we believe someday it will be a young person returning
hand. I know this same experience is treasured by other families and their children in this community,” Christy says. “Attending the Luna Theater is an experience which retains that magical ambiance from the golden era of movie palace entertainment. It is not just entertainment, certainly far removed from the vapid entertainment our larger culture is so steeped in, but a cultural pillar of our community.”
lea theatre in lovington According to Salcido, in 2013 the Lea Theatre was for sale. Lovington MainStreet, knowing the theater’s cultural importance in the community, seized the opportunity to save and restore the historic icon. Through the Lovington Economic Development Corporation, the City of Lovington, and the Local Economic Development Act, funds were acquired
State-of-the-art digital projection and audio equipment were installed June 2015 in the Lea Theatre located in Lovington. Photo courtesy of Lea Theatre. to the community, with fond memories from their youth at the Luna Theater, who will take over the theater for the next generation,” Christy says. “I am a parent and my children are growing up in this peaceful small town far removed from the chaos of the world. Part of that peaceful childhood is the ability to go to the small, comfortable local theater to see movies. Already my toddlers hold great excitement at the special occasion of attending a movie at the Luna Theater, bag of popcorn in
for the purchase of the Lea Theatre in 2014. Lovington MainStreet helped in developing the Lea Community Foundation for the Arts to take the project on. In September of 2014, the one-screen theater was chosen as a recipient of a grant from the NMHTI. Those funds were used to help purchase state-of-the-art digital projection and audio equipment, which was installed in June of 2015. The theater, which shows first-run movies from all genres, is owned and operated by the City of Lovington;
Eight classic theaters to visit anytime of the year. 1. The Flickinger Theater for Performing Arts in Alamogordo 2. The Luna Theater in Clayton 3. The Lyceum Theater in Clovis 4. The El Morro Theater in Gallup 5. The Lea Theatre in Lovington 6. The Shuler Theater in Raton 7. The Silco Theater in Silver City 8. The Odeon Theater in Tucumcari and receives electric service from Lea County Electric Cooperative headquartered in Lovington. Rosie Insilan, manager of marketing and member services at the co-op, recollects when her children were young they “enjoyed the movies in the classic seating, especially the animated shows. Since then, the theater has had some renovations. The sound system is state-of-the-art and the seating is updated. We have always enjoyed our local theater and try to support it locally as much as possible.” “Having the Lea Theatre open means more than just watching a movie,” Salcido says. “It has created six part-time positions and one full-time position. “Small towns are the heartbeat of America; our resilient communities are hard-working and selfsufficient. I love working with our business owners and hearing their dreams and aspirations.” Salcido says keeping the theater alive adds to the town’s ambiance because “there is nothing like dancing on Main to live music with the smell of barbecue in the air and a cool breeze—and seeing all the volunteers who get together to make these events happen. Not only has the Lea Theatre directly impacted economic development, but has increased the entertainment options for our citizens which has improved the quality of life.” Round up the family, get movie tickets, popcorn, and enjoy a movie at any of these classic theaters. enchantment.coop • May 2019
on the menu I by sue hutchison but should amply cover the side which has been placed down. 8. Dip each frozen chile first in egg mixture and then flour mixture, repeat dipping process. 9. Fry both sides until golden brown.
Grilled Cheese Caliente For late night snacking or a lunchtime treat, very little compares to grilled cheese. Try this recipe to upgrade a simple sandwich to a spicy, gourmet pleasure. Serves 4.
Muy Caliente! F
or more than 25 years, if one asked which steakhouse was the cream of the crop in Clovis, directions would be given to Poor Boys, situated on Prince Street. Poor Boys was owned by Bill Adams and Margaret AdamsHutchison. After Bill passed, “Miss Margaret” became the predominant owner along with her two daughters, and the restaurant became even more successful. The restaurant was sold in May 2005, however, its recipes are still some of the finest.
Poor Boys’ Chile Rellenos During Cinco de Mayo season, Poor Boys famous rellenos are not only delicious, but simple to prepare. Serves 4; 2 chiles each. 8 roasted, peeled, whole green chile, including stems 2 cups grated cheddar cheese 2 cups flour Salt and pepper to taste 2 cups crushed, unsweetened corn flakes 1 egg 2 cups buttermilk Canola oil for frying 1. Rinse green chile and slit length-
wise through one side of chile. If desired, remove seeds. 2. Form a quarter cup of grated 14
May 2019 • enchantment.coop
cheddar cheese into a lengthwise roll and insert in chile. 3. Fold chile skin over exposed cheese to seal. 4. Wrap prepared chile individually in plastic wrap and freeze until firm; approximately 2-3 hours. If desired, Steps 1 through 4 may be prepared several days in advance. 5. Prepare flour mixture by mixing flour, salt, pepper, and crushed, unsweetened corn flakes until well incorporated. Set aside. 6. Prepare milk mixture by mixing egg and buttermilk. NOTE: 2 cups standard milk with 2 tsps. lemon juice stirred into milk may be substituted. 7. To fry: if in heavy skillet, heat enough canola oil to fry chiles. Oil does not need to cover chiles
8 slices Sourdough bread 4 slices American Cheese 4 slices Monterey Jack Cheese 4 roasted, peeled, sliced green chile 8 slices cooked bacon 4 eggs, cooked sunny side up Softened butter
1. Spread softened butter on one
side of each slice of bread. 2. In skillet, melt enough butter to prevent sandwiches from sticking. Place one slice of bread, buttered side down in skillet. 3. On bread, layer in the following order: One slice of American cheese, 1 green chile, 2 slices bacon (broken to fit), one fried egg, one slice Jack cheese 4. Place one slice of bread on top, buttered side up. 5. Fry to golden brown on each side, turning with wide spatula. NOTE: if desired, mix minced green chile into butter prior to spreading on bread for an extra kick in taste.
Brandied Peach Trifle To end a zesty meal, a fruit and cream dessert hits the spot. Serves 6-8. 1 yellow cake mix 1 8 oz. package cream cheese 3 cups powdered sugar 2 cups prepared whipped topping 2 cans prepared peach pie filling ½ cup brandy (optional) 1 tsp. ground nutmeg ½ cup sugar 1. Prepare cake mix as directed,
bake in 9 x 13 dish, cool, and cut into 1 inch squares. Set aside. 2. Blend cream cheese in medium bowl until smooth. Add powdered sugar and blend. 3. Stir in whipped topping. Set aside. 4. In saucepan, mix one can peach filling, brandy, nutmeg, and sugar. Simmer until thickened, about 10-15 minutes. Cool. 5. To assemble in trifle dish or glass bowl, layer in the following order: ½ yellow cake squares (spread over bottom of bowl), 1 can plain peach pie filling, 2⁄3 cream cheese mixture, remaining yellow cake squares, brandied peach pie filling. 6. Refrigerate to cool. 7. To serve, top with remaining cream cheese mixture and spoon into individual bowls. May garnish topping with sifted ground nutmeg, if desired. Serve and enjoy.
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enchantment.coop • May 2019
book chat I by phaedra greenwood
As Far as the Eye Could Reach: Accounts of Animals Along the Santa Fe Trail, 1821-1880 By Phyllis S. Morgan • University of Oklahoma Press • 800-848-6224 ext. 1 • www.oupress.com
Imagine gazing out over the prairie at a fluctuating “black mass” that spreads all the way to the horizon. This is what the buffalo herds looked like to trappers, traders, and other travelers along the Santa Fe Trail in the mid-1800s. Hundreds of wolves followed the herds and rattlesnakes were so plentiful a man walked in front of the wagon train with a stick. Morgan offers eyewitness accounts of abundant wildlife from pronghorns, prairie dogs, roadrunners, mustangs, and grizzlies to domesticated animals. She calls on noted scientists to explain how animals are rooted in mutual relationships with their ecosystems, how far they ranged and what became of them. Historian Marc Simmons says, “It was a kind of bloodlust that led to pointless slaying of the buffalo.” “Extirpated,” is the scientific word. Fascinating. Five brilliant stars!
Birds in Watercolor, Collage and Ink: A Field Guide to Art Techniques and Observing in the Wild By Geninne D. Zlatkis
From Place to Place: Personal Essays
Quarry Books • 978-282-3582 www.quartoknows.com/Quarry-Books
By Judy Ray • Whirlybird Press • jray@gainbroadband.com • whirlybirdpress@mail.com
This prosaic title does not do justice to the author's wide-world experience of separation and distance. Born and raised in green southern England in a house 300 years old, she does not claim a sense of place, but a sense of displacement. She is disturbed by the reality of disasters she does not actually remember like a stray German bomb that dropped on a boys’ school three miles away, killing the headmaster and 28 boys. As she broadens her view of life in East Africa, India, Australia, and New Zealand. She juxtaposes her experience of growing up “under” war to children in the Congo growing up in refugee camps. She contemplates the forced removal of Native Americans or a whole village in Indiana uprooted for munitions testing during World War II. Her prose is meticulous, but her poetry sings on the page. She asks “Dear God of Small Things” to make a silver mirror that reflects us as the “heroic others we strive to be.” Bravo!
Mysteries of Love and Grief: Reflections on a Plainswoman's Life By Sandra Scofield • Texas Tech University Press • 800-832-4042 • www.ttupress.org
“What happens when a woman cannot let go of her grief for her dead mother?” She writes a scrapbook memoir and tosses in the most poignant scenes. Convoluted relationships bubble up through the karst of family history, “Sinkholes everywhere,” Scofield writes. It’s a long, dark journey, spiced with hot apricot pie, a forbidden hug between grandmother and granddaughter, a chain link fence between them. “Frieda is one of a legion: women who have stood at graves and at the doors of empty houses and seen a sea of empty prospects.” The love and loyalty Grandmother Frieda pours over her granddaughter keeps the reader afloat through a chronicle of poverty and death. Suddenly Scofield startles you with self-reflective revelations—she was a happy kid. You’re allowed to burst out laughing at “Good Times:” Frieda takes her to a wrestling match: Gorgeous George fights the Farmer and his Pig. And Frieda, dressed in a cape to scare the Halloween kids, falls out of a tree and breaks her ankle. 16
May 2019 • enchantment.coop
In these lustrous pages this Santa Fe artist reveals her photography, watercolor and collage, and ink techniques so that would-be-artists can follow them step-by-step. She generously offers a selection of collage papers and two of her own prints that can be removed from the book. She is also the author of Making an Impression: Designing & Creating Artful Stamps. She lures the reader into her sunny studio to show her pencils, brushes, paints, paper and ink. Every page is aflutter with wild, graceful birds and flowers. Photography was her first love, so she employs close-ups of nature. She paints a whimsical “conspiracy of ravens” within a hare, flying over prickly pear cactus. She captures textures from walls, doors ,and other surfaces; and collects stamps, old letters, and hand-made paper for collage. Five stars. Mail your book with contact information and where to order to: enchantment Book Chat, 614 Don Gaspar Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87505.
Mueller_NM_Roofing-Great-Looks_OL2.indd 1
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enchantment.coop • May 2019
vecinos I by chris eboch
ichard Swenson’s home is a museum of fantastical metal creatures. Shoulder-high horses greet you at the street. The walkway flows past pelicans and owls, dragons and a T-Rex. Inside, a giraffe and more horses tower behind the couches. A wall holds a dozen flying pigs. Smaller pieces sit on shelves, tables, and counters. Art is everywhere. The closer you look, the more you see. Old tractor parts, tools, bicycle chains, and silverware transform into realistic or mythical animals. The static metal sculptures have playful expressions and a surprising sense of movement. Some include hidden puns: a spoonbill with a spoon for its beak, a lightning bug made from a burned-out light bulb, a horseshoe crab built around a horseshoe. The horses are Swenson’s favorites. “I have what appeared to be the misfortune of being raised in poverty on a subsistence farm in North Dakota,” he says. In reality it was fortunate, because, “I was raised with horses.” He took care of them, and during World War II, he ran the plow with them.
Such advances in technology “made us who we are today,” he says, so “it’s a symbol to me.” When his wife, Vivien, retired, they moved to Los Alamos. “We wanted to retire in a community that’s still intellectually engaged,” Swenson says. “We didn’t want to live in a big city. We wanted to get closer to nature. You put those things together, and Los Alamos comes out.” Swenson began sculpting metal animals in 2000. To prepare for an upcoming gallery show, he worked seven hours a day. Most of the time, he doesn’t use pictures for reference. Instead he relies on his memory. A cheetah sculpture is one exception, because, he says, “I didn’t grow up with cheetahs.” Vivien, formerly a world-renowned cancer researcher, says, “He’s really good at looking at something and seeing what you can turn it into.” Railroad spikes form the bodies of grasshoppers. A dog sculpture shows little resemblance to the bicycle that provided its parts. Yet somehow Swenson sees the potential in these chunks of junk metal.
From junk metal to creatures of art Life took him in many directions before bringing him to scrap sculpture. He served as a Navy Seal. “I got to dive and learn marine animals, so I have a rapport with the ocean too.” The G.I. bill got him to college where he earned advanced degrees in Physics and Mathematics. He then worked on underwater acoustics for anti-submarine warfare. “In that capacity, I was on the front end of technology. On the other hand, I came from this agrarian background. I was raised with animals in nature. So I had this duality. The theme I use is the primacy of nature over the industrial society. I witness our society losing its rapport with nature, especially with kids. I think that’s a tragedy. The message I try to bring is that we’re mesmerized by technology, but we are still a creature, we have to respect nature.” After retiring, he collected old John Deere tractors. “You can imagine how as a boy I coveted tractors!” He collected and restored 64 tractors over a decade. Then, he says, “I had all this junk left over, so I started welding it together.” His science background comes through as he describes his artwork. Many of his sculptures use connecting rods, a major advance in the industrial revolution.
May 2019 • enchantment.coop
Swenson didn’t expect to have his work shown in galleries and museums. “I don’t do it for money. I could make more money as a welder. The reason I do it is to get rid of it so I can make more.” Vivien adds, “I tease him that other wives get diamonds. I get junk metal.” Then she shows off the beautiful little treasures he makes her, such as an abstract couple embracing. Vivien, “totally a city girl” from Hong Kong, prefers his smaller pieces. “When he makes a big horse, I want a little pony,” she says. “When he makes a giraffe, I want a baby giraffe.” Thus pieces of all size fill their home. For a new gallery show in Santa Fe, he completed what will be the last of his large sculptures. Los Alamos doesn’t provide a lot of old farm machinery, and he’s running out of the metal left over from his tractor renovations. “But I’m 85, so that’s okay,” Swenson says. Still, he shows few signs of slowing down. He keeps up with politics and technology, and he worries about the future of the planet and humanity. But, he says, “When I do junk art, that relieves me of all that concern.” Even better, “It brings joy to people. I can see it in their smiles.” Photos by Phil Miller.
THE MARKET PLACE CHAROLAIS BULLS. REGISTERED yearling bulls, polled and dehorned for sale. Bar A Ranch. Charles Sullivan. Call 575-772-5619.
Business Animals GRASSFED BEEF: NEW MEXICO 100% Grassfed beef. No Hormones, No growth stimulants. Processed to your specifications. From $2.85 per pound plus processing. Mention this ad for a discount. Edgewood/Cedar Grove, NM, 505-286-0286. www.moonbeamranch.com BLACK ANGUS BULLS for sale. Thick, easy fleshing, low maintenance, high elevation. Range raised, not pampered. Trich and fertility tested. Herd and low birth weight heifer bulls available. Yearling bulls available April 10th. $1,800 each. Delivery available. Bobby Salvo, 575-642-0962. NOT ALL WATER Tanks Are Created Equal! Is Quality, Value and Longevity important to you? Buy High Specific Gravity, Heavy Weight, Long Warranty, Superior Black NRCS tanks. Lowest prices only provide minimum standards, lower weights, and shorter warranties. Find out more! 575-430-1010. NEW MEXICO DRINKING Water Storage Tanks, Heavy Duty Black Poly. Fittings customized to your needs NRCS and EQUIP approved. High Specific Gravity, Heavy Weight, Long Warranty, Algae Resistant, Black NRCS Water Tanks. Call 1-800-603-8272 or 575-682-2308. PUPPIES FOR SALE. Full blood guard dogs, livestock protection. All shots currents. In Roswell, New Mexico. Call 575-637-4767. REGISTERED MALE STANDARD Poodle looking for Labrador or Poodle female for breeding. Owner would want one puppy for stud fee. Contact 575-420-8759. REGISTERED ANGUS BULLS, sons of SAV Resource, Coleman Charlo, and Coleman Juneau. Moderate frame and big ribbed bulls to fit our NM environment. $2,000-$2,750. Cimarron Angus, Maxwell, 575-375-2972 or cell: 575-643-5294. Email: bgoebel@bacavalley.com MOUNTAIN-TOP GOATS HAS great deals on great goats-milkers,weedeaters, 4-H and pets-Nubians, mini Nubians, LaManchas, mini LaManchas and Nigerian Dwarts. If you need it, we have it! In Capitan, call 575-937-0342 or 575-354-2846.
IRRIGATION PIPE. USED and half price of new. 6”, 8” and 10” PVC and aluminum pipe. Also have T’s, elbows, plugs, valves & bonnets. Quantities vary, call today to order. Delivery available. Contact Sierra at 575-770-8441.
FOOD VENDORS, ARTISTS and Artisans welcome. No charge! May 25th & 26th, Wagon Mound Art Fest. I-25 exit 387. For information, call 575-668-2057.
MOST COMPLETE MANUAL Sheet Metal Shop in southeastern New Mexico. Equipment onlyno property. For sale, all or none. Will not sell by the piece. Located in Clovis. For list, call 575-763-3295 and leave message. Or email: bfitz@plateautel.net
LARGE ESTATE AUCTION. May 11th, 9:00 a.m., 2109 S. Broadway, Sierra County Fairgrounds, Truth or Consequences, NM. Large assortment of furniture, coins, jewelry, shop tools, vehicles, trailers. Consignments welcome. For more information, contact Willard Hall Auctions at 575-740-0757 or email: willardhallauctions@msn.com
GREAT OFFER ON Solar Submersible Shallow/Deep well pumps! ‘NRCS’ approved with 2-year warranty on selected pumps with affordable, easy installation! For a custom quote, email us at: sales@solarsubmersiblewellpumps.com or call 505429-3093. 24/7 service. Order online at: www.solarsubmersiblewellpumps.com
FARM ESTATE AUCTION. June 1st, 9:00 a.m., 1815 Shalem Colony Trail, Fairacres, NM 88033. Over 100 years collections: large assortment of antiques-furniture, glassware, household items, vintage clothes. For more information, contact Willard Hall Auction at 575-740-0757 or willardhallauctions.com
FOR SALE: 1940 Ford tractor. Runs great. Doesn’t burn oil to work. And the equipment Lift works also. $2,000. Call if interested, 505-281-1771. Ask for Bob.
CLOUDCROFT ART WORKSHOPS! Plan now to attend this summer! Enjoy our cool, alpine climate and the camaraderie of working among other artists while honing your skills under the attentive instruction of some of the premiere artists in the nation! www.cloudcroftart.com
Equipment SOLAR WATER PUMPS at an affordable price. NRCS compliant. Contact 575-742-8050 or solutions4u@yucca.net • www.solutions4u.info OVERHEAD FEED BINS. 1 to 4 compartment, 12 to 48 tons. Any size free standing cattle guards, no footing needed. Bobby Emery Welding, Clayton, NM. 575-374-2320 or 575-207-7402. eweld98@yahoo.com WANTED: 2 REAR tires and rims for a Model A John Deere tractor 1942 model to use as yard art. Will consider buying whole tractor, if priced reasonable. Call 505-384-2695. Ask for Antonio or leave a message. DRINKING WATER STORAGE Tanks, Heavy Duty Black Poly, proven algae resistant. 125 to 11,000 gallons, NRCS and EQUIP approved. Please give us a chance to serve you! MasterCard or Visa accepted. Call 575-682-2308 or 1-800-603-8272.
NH 1044 BALEWAGON pull-type, good working condition, cab controls. Makes three-wide eight high stack, 120 bales. $5,500. Cimarron Angus, Maxwell, 575-375-2972 or 575-643-5294. RHEEM PERFORMANCE 40 gallon propane water heater. Used 2 years. Went all-electric. Like new. Cost $650. Asking $325. Call 505-417-6516. Leave message.
To Place a Classified Ad 1. Visit www.enchantment.coop/classifieds and complete form. You will be contacted with price and to pay by credit card (5% processing fee). 2. Or, complete form and select category. 3. Write ad on another sheet of paper. 4. Price: $20 up to first 40 words per ad, per category, per month. After 40 words, each word is 50 cents. Add $5 for small graphics such as cattle brands. Phone numbers, emails and websites count as one word. To Send and Pay Your Classified Ad 1. Mail ad and payment (Payable to NMRECA) NMRECA • 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87505
1. Due the 9th, one month prior. Ex: Ads due February 9 for the March issue.
Good to Know 1. Only members of New Mexico electric co-ops may place ads. 2. We reserve the right to reject any ad.
Great Finds HEADSTONES (i.e. CEMETERY MONUMENTS) IS OUR BUSINESS. Over 1,000 designs. An eternal memory of a loved one. TAOS MOUNTAIN HERITAGE. Call 575-770-2507 or email: taos_mt_heritage@msn.com Website: www.taosmountainheritage.com RAILROAD ITEMS WANTED: KEROSENE LANTERNS, BRASS locks, keys, badges, uniforms, bells, whistles, and pre-1950 employee timetables. Always seeking items from any early New Mexico railroad, especially D&RG, C&S, EP&NE, EP&SW, AT&SF, SP or Rock Island. Call Randy Dunson at 575-356-6919 or 575-760-3341. FOR SALE: OLD Barn wood, Viga poles, knotty Pine tongue & groove panels, oil cans, tools, doors, records, Lionel 313 Bascale Drawbridge, collectibles, much, much more. Must see! Plus: 1949 Chevy Cabover truck, 1939 Chevy, 2 ton truck, 1953 Pontiac 4-door, antique Hussman walk-in cooler. In Floyd, New Mexico. Call 575-478-2574. WILL TRADE: NEW, 4-burner glass-top electric stove for VW Buggy-bus in running condition, or anything of equal value. Call 575-387-2243. WANTED: NEW MEXICO Motorcycle License Plates, 1912-1959. Paying $100-$500 each. Also buying some New Mexico car plates 1900-1923. Visit NMplates.com for history and 3,500 photographs of NM plates. Bill Johnston, Box 1, Organ, NM 88052-0001. Email: Bill@NMplates.com or telephone 575-382-7804. 3. Questions: Call 505-982-4671. 4. Advertisements in enchantment are paid solicitations and are not endorsed by the publisher or the electric cooperatives of New Mexico. PRODUCT SATISFACTION AND DELIVERY RESPONSIBILITY LIE SOLELY WITH THE ADVERTISER. Name:________________________ ___________________________ Address:_______________________ ___________________________ City:_________________________ State:_________ ZIP:_____________ Phone:________________________ Cooperative:____________________ Select Category Below
Great Finds
Real Estate
enchantment.coop • May 2019
YOU ARE CORDIALLY Invited to celebrate creativity with participating artists, Saturday and Sunday, Memorial Day weekend. Railroad Avenue, Wagon Mound, I-25 exit 387. Hosted by A Veteran Affair art center project. Sponsored by Springer Electric Cooperative. 575-668-2057. www.awagonmoundveteranaffair.org WANTED: OLDER AIRSTREAM, Spartan, Silver Streak, Avion or similar style travel trailers. Any condition considered. Wrecked or gutted trailers included. Please call Rick at 505-690-8272. SPRING HAS SPRUNG at Rough Rider Antiques in Las Vegas. We have yard art, plant stands, benches, gardening tools and brightlypatterned oilcloth to cover your picnic table. There’s more: colorful furniture for inside and out, cast iron, crocks, lovely lamps, handmade quilts, tables and desks, corner cupboards, wonderful wicker. for the collector: coins, cowboy, signs, toys, military, railroad trains, Victorian photos, books, records, religious items and a mother lode of license plates. Our dealers travel far and wide to add to our growing collection of costume and fine jewelry as well as sterling sliver and turquoise jewelry made by native American artisans. Open 7 days. 501 Railroad and Lincoln, across from the Castañeda, a Fred Harvey Hotel. 505-454-8063. COFFINS, CASKETS & URNS. Individually handcrafted of solid wood. SIMPLE. Natural. Unique. Quality Craftsmanship. Call 505-286-9410 or go to www.theoldpinebox.com or for FREE funeral information. Proudly serving New Mexico since 2004. WANTED: VW VOLKSWAGEN Bus or Pickup 1967 or older, any condition, to restore or for parts but will consider any other older VW. Or any bus parts. Call or text 575-544-5999. BUYING OLD STUFF: Gas Pumps and parts 1960s or earlier, advertising signs, neon clocks, old car parts in original boxes, motor oil cans, license plate collections, Route 66 items, old metal road signs, odd and weird stuff. Fair prices paid. Have pickup, will travel. Gas Guy in Embudo, 505-852-2995. FLOYD COMMUNITY GARAGE/YARD Sales. Multi-locations, downtown Floyd, NM, on New Mexico Highway 267. Saturday, June 8, 2019. Starts at 7:00 a.m. “Something for Everyone!” Concession stand, Floyd Methodist Church. Information on: Craigslist garage sales, Portales Goodies. Facebook: Floyd Umc CLOUDCROFT ART WORKSHOPS! Plan now to attend this summer! Enjoy our cool, alpine climate and the camaraderie of working among other artists while honing your skills under the attentive instruction of some of the premiere artists in the nation! www.cloudcroftart.com 20
May 2019 • enchantment.coop
MOSLER BANK VAULT Door. This door was on the vault at the Bank in Encino, NM, on historic Highway US 60. A former governor, R.C. Dillon owned the property. He ran a mercantile store across the street. We purchased the door from Mr. Dillon in the late 60s. The cut-out was that way when bought. The door was in the wall and the rock structure was collapsing. I have the combination for the door. Our intent was to use the door for a walk -in gun safe. Buyer must arrange their own shipping. $3,500 or best offer. Call 575-838-7047.
Real Estate MOUNTAIN CABINS. 1800+ and 700+ square foot cabins on 25+ acres. At 8,000 feet in the Wildhorse Ranch Subdivision, Pie Town, adjacent to the community property with pond. Excellent well, 5000 gallon storage. $400,000. Contact Dave at: hannemans@cox.net 12 ACRE PARCEL beautiful view of Rowe Mesa. Easy access to I-25 and park & ride to both Santa Fe and Las Vegas. Includes well. $75,000. Call 505-426-5565. BLUEWATER LAKE (PREWITT side). 1900 square foot, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1.23 acres. New high-efficient furnace. All major appliances included. Great room with large stone fireplace. 1200 square foot garage. $110,000. Call Trish at 505-290-2699. BLUEWATER LAKE SOUTH (Thoreau side). 40 minutes to Gallup or Grants, less than 2 hours to Albuquerque, 5 minutes to National Forest. Nice two bedroom, one bath, furnished mobile home on community water. Refrigerator, washer, dryer, wood stove, evap cooler; propane furnace, water heater and stove. Great views from the 8x12 deck. 6x10 shed. Excellent neighbors, superior views and great access. $36,500 cash sale or part trade for classic car, truck or pontoon boat. Call 505-604-0635. IN TAOS, 2 bedroom home, private well on 1.193 acres. Call 505-238-8675 HOME FOR SALE in Las Cruces on 1.25 acres, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2-car garage, detached workshop, finished basement, ref air, central heat, sunroom, gazebo, city water, swimming pool, EBID irrigation, $319,000. And/or 21 acre Pecan Farm for sale, Las Cruces, 2 wells, Elephant Butte irrigation water rights, owner financing available on the land, $589,000. Call Sam at 575-647-0320. 1.5 ACRES IN Taos/Los Cordovas. $25,000 FIRM. Call 210-649-0939. INVESTOR’S DREAM. LARGE 4 bedroom on 1.9 acres, shop, garage and 2 apartments! Call 505-238-8675, leave message. Won’t last!
10 ACRE LOT on Mesa above Villanueva, New Mexico. Power, water and road. Great views. $60,000. $3,500 down, $420 a month, owner financing. Mobile Homes OK. Call Doug Baltzley at 505-690-0308. RETIRE TO CUSTOM 2-story Adobe home on 10 acres with stunning Manzano Mountain view! Or live full-time with year-round access. Approximately 40 minutes from Albuquerque. Low taxes, trees, privacy! Horse stall/shop. FSBO, $199,900. Call 505-350-5756 or 505-239-6581. CONCHAS DAM, NM. Beautiful lake views from this 2-story home located at 204 Cove Raod at Conchas Lake. Oversize detached garage. Priced at only $105,000. Pete Golden Realty LLC, Lic# 3065, 505-918-2075. Email: goldpete1@gmail.com 78+/- DEEDED ACRES, 16 miles west of Pie Town, NM of treed seclusion. On property, is a 3/2 Fleetwood doublewide and outbuildings, great well, completely fenced on county road with lots of wildlife, $149,900; 160 acres, Fence Lake, paved SH 36 scattered tree cover some fencing, electric, phone, possible owner terms, $88,000; 40 acres, very secluded north of Pie Town, trees, views, $15,900; 12.92 acres off SR603 NW of Pie Town, nice tree cover, community well backs up to large places, $17,500. Contact Gregg Fix, Broker #14699, Tri-County Real Estate, 575-838-6018. www.landsofamerica.com/member/12695 WAGON MOUND. 613-615 Stonewood. 1 bedroom, 1 bath house on 3 lots with nice view of the village from deck. $21,000 cash or partial trade for vintage 4-wheel vehicle in running condition. Call Lou, 505-715-8924. CABALLO LAND FOR Sale. 7/8 acre, metal boat shed, 12x44 mobile home, well with submersible pump, septic tank, 2 propane tanks, and storage shed. $64,000 OBO. #12 Palo Road. Call 575-437-1810 or 575-921-1478. 6TH STREET APARTMENTS in Socorro. 4 units (1-2 bedroom and 3-1 bedroom) and 2 mobile home spaces. Property is on 4 large city lots. Live in one or rent all out. Good income property. Call Greg at 505-220-0824 or email: skit2stein@gmail.com
CONCHAS, 141 GREEN Place. 3 vacant lots at 1.02 acres. Has new septic system with RV hookups installed February 2018. Community water. $37,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com CONCHAS, 107 CAMP Circle. 2 bedroom, 1 bath mobile home on .68 acres. Community water. $39,500. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com CONCHAS, TBD 1, 2 and 3 Big Mesa Avenue. Waterfront accessible lots. TBD 1 is 4.4206 acres, $75,000. TBD 2 is 1.231 acres, $25,000. And TBD 3 is 0.908 acres, $25,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-4562000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-7605461. www.bigmesarealty.com WEST OF CONCHAS/GARITA, 134 Paisano. 1 bedroom, 1 bath home with 1 bath guesthouse. Just over 7 acres. $34,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com FENCE LAKE, 295 Pine Hill Road. Price Reduced! 2 bedroom, 3 bath log home on just over 60 areas. Well, outbuildings, corrals, hunting opportunities. $295,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com SAN ANTONIO, NEW Mexico. Zanja Road, Price Reduced! 4.66 acres irrigated farmland in Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District. Has produced alfalfa and grass hay crops. Utilities nearby. $69,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com GRADY, 300 MARSHALL. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, two-story home. Corrals and outbuildings, Village water. $59,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-4562000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-7605461. wwwbigmesarealty.com
FOR SALE BY Owner. 5 lots in Pineywoods Estate #3, lot #10,11,12,13 &14, on block 8. $50,000 for all. Call 575-430-0747.
TULAROSA, 509 RIATA Road. 4 bedroom, 2 bath log home on 70+/- acres with office room and detached garage. 13 acres have pistachio orchard, barn. $640,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com
CONCHAS, 000 BOAT Dock Drive. Vacant land just over 1/2 acre. Water access at high mark. $40,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com
MORA/EL CARMEN. TBD County Road A012. 10.5 fenced acres. Electricity, beautiful mountain views. $59,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealy.com
CONCHAS, 0000 BOAT Dock Drive. Vacant land just over 1/2 acre. Water access at high mark. $40,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com
PORTALES, 1715 WEST 17th Lane. 2 bedroom, 1 bath home with small studio in back. Recent paint and carpet. $79,500. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com
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WEST OF PORTALES, 41392 US 70. Sold! 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, 1.5 stories on just over 3 acres. Outbuildings, small corral. $175,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com ELEPHANT BUTTE, 208 Pinto Trail. 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on permanent foundation with large front porch, shop, carport, pine trees. Just over 1 acre. $198,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com CLOVIS, 915 ASH. Sold! 2 bedroom, 1 bath, detached garage. $35,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com CLOVIS, 209 PLAZA. Price reduced! 3 bedroom, 1 bath, refurbished with new appliances. $109,500. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul December enchantment.coop Stout, Broker• NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com UTE LAKE: MOBILE home, vehicle & boat storage, clean level lot, paved road close to boat ramp. House updated inside, new bathrooms, electrical, plumbing and flooring. New appliances. City water and sewer. Fish are healthy and plentiful. 2019 will be a banner year! In Amarillo, call 806681-8782 or email: brent@moneymethods.com
SUMNER LAKE. 0 and 00 River Ranches Road (near intersection with State Road 203). Two lots just over 20 acres each. Scenic views just west of lake. $18,900 per lot. Big Mesa Realty, 575-4562000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-7605461. www.bigmesarealty.com WANTED! YOUR FARMS and Ranches. Let us list and sell your rural property today. Broker has over 40 years of experience working in production agriculture in New Mexico and is currently a farm owner and operator since 1988. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com FOR SALE: 2 acres, 21 miles south of Portales. A lease Post Office, a 3 bedroom house, a 1 bedroom mobile home, garage, several outbuildings, well, septic tank. Live in one, rent one, rent both. Call or text, 505-573-0661 or 505-450-8428. 3 ACRES LEMITAR, Mechanic Shop with hoist, Paint Booth, Wash Bay, Mobile home, storage trailers and RV hook-up. Also ‘70 Chevy C10 restoration project. Exit 156 Lemitar, New Mexico. $160,000. Call 989-292-2741. WATER DOWSING AND Consulting. Proven success. 43 years experience. In Lincoln County, will travel. Call Elliot Topper at 575-937-2722 or 575-354-2984.
BEAUTIFUL SOUTHWESTERN ESTATE; former Bed/Breakfast. Twenty-two rooms; five bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, 5517 square feet. Floors brick, tile, carpet. Three masonry fireplaces; 109 vigas; 18-foot ceiling. Casita 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1550 square feet, 3 masonry fireplaces. Treehouse apartment (unfurnished) 350 square feet. 26+/acres on Nogal Mesa. Best vista in state. Borders National Forest. 660’ of small perennial stream. Eighteen minutes to Ruidoso. $725,000, Finders fee $25,000. For brochure and list of positives/negatives, send SASE to: Desperate Old Man: 317 Sherrill Lane #12, Roswell, NM 88201. EL AUGILA PROPERTIES: Located in The Mora Valley. 250 acres for sale or parcels from 10 acres to 25 acres. Great building sites and a private setting with spectacular views. Power and telephone at country road which is easy access for these properties. Starting @ $3,000 per acre. Info: 575-741-1814.
Vehicles 2004 FORD F-250 “King Ranch”, loaded, crew cab, diesel, 121,000 miles, 4x4, sunroof, premium sound system, Leer camper shell, Ravelco. $14,000 on NADA and KBB. Serious offers only call 505-721-9564.
2000 FORD MUSTANG GT 5-speed. Black with tan convertible top. 12,000 original miles. Pretty much a brand new car! $13,900. Call Patrick at 720-205-8831. LOOKING TO SELL your RV? We will sell your RV for a reasonable rate. Kay’s RV specializes in consignments for 5th Wheels, Travel Trailers & Motorhomes. Because we are a consignmentfocused lot, we don’t have our own inventory competing with the sale of your unit. Kay’s RV, Moriarty, NM. 505-220-5796. www.kaysrv.com FOR SALE: ‘06 Chevy 1500 4x2 Silverado Quad cab, tow package. Located in Logan, New Mexico. Call 575-347-8308. Asking $8,300 or look and make offer. Must sell! IT'S THE ANNUAL ENCHANTMENT PHOTO CONTEST: ICONS OF THE WEST. (Ristras, cacti, spurs, sunsets, rodeos, wagons, and more) Your photo could be the grand prize winning photo. The photo gets published as the cover on the August edition, and you win $150! Other winners receive $75. Don't wait. The deadline is June 21, 2019. We didn't have room this month to publish the details. Look at last month's issue; visit the enchantment website (Photo Contest Tab); or visit the enchantment Facebook page for more details: www.enchantment.coop facebook.com/enchantmentnmreca enchantment.coop • May 2019
youth art
backyard trails I by craig springer
Metal Made the Place: Mogollon Muggy-YONE. That’s the local pronunciation of the tiny town that refused to die. The town takes its name for the Mogollon Mountains in which it is situated, in far southwest New Mexico. The mountain range memorializes a former provincial governor of Spanish Colonial New Mexico, Juan Flores Mogollon, who served 200 years before his province would be admitted as the 47th American state. Located about 75 miles north to Silver City, Mogollon saw a great deal of activity in mining. Metal made the place, and when the gold and silver played out, the people moved on. A survey of old newspaper stories circa 1880 to 1910 regarding mining in and around Mogollon is curious for what does not appear in print. Unlike a lot of other proclamations of riches to be had, Mogollon’s mines weren’t billed as the next El Dorado—there’s not a lot of “get here quick to get your own” sort of stories—one so often sees when new mining districts opened up in the West. And that certainly wasn’t for lack of value in what would eventually be brought forth from the bowels of the earth, and reduced from ore to metal at Mogollon’s stamp mills. Loads of precious metal made their way over a teamster’s nightmare down the mountain to Glenwood and then on to Silver City. Mining started in earnest in the area in 1877, and save for being prostrated a time or two by threats from Apaches or business disputes, the mines operated until we were fully immersed in opposing tyrants in World War Two. The Mogollon mines never operated again to any large degree. But the little town tucked in a notch of a canyon formed by Silver Creek seems rooted like a gnarled juniper palms its veins into craggy rocks, never yielding to time or abrasive elements. Several false-fronted buildings looked upon one another across Silver Creek. The creek bed, channeled for quick conveyances down hill, slices through town. You can get there on the paved Bursum Road/Hwy. 159 that hugs piñon- and juniper-studded hillsides. What took eight hours travel time in 1920 out of Silver City, one way, can be done significantly faster. But what’s the fun in that? Instead of digging dirt, you can dig history with a walk through the grave yard, a visit to the Mogollon Museum or a stay at the Silver Creek Inn. 22
May 2019 • enchantment.coop
Jordan Aragon • Age 10 Roy
Leticia Campos • Age 6 Santa Rosa
Paul Cates • Age 5 Grenville
Brooklyn Keene • Age 9 San Fidel
Lilly Arnold • Age 6 Roswell
Abram Yazzie • Age 6 To'Hajiilee
What fun and colorful drawings of your cap and gowns. Awesome job!
Submit your drawing by the 9th, one month prior to publication.
June's Topic: Rockin' Veggies
Hooray! You Get Paid!
Eat Your Vegetables Day is June 17. So, stew up some rockin' drawings of your favorite veggies. Have fun!
Each published artist receives $15.
July's Topic: Barn Day July 14 is "Barn Day." So gather your crayons and draw barns. Any color, any design. Your drawings will brighten Farmer John's day.
Send Your Drawing by Mail or Email Mail: Youth Editor 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87505 Email: enchantment@nmelectric.coop
Have a Youth Art Topic? Mail or email your suggestion to us at enchantment@nmelectric.coop or with your current entry. Or, call us at 505-982-4671.
Include on the back of your drawing:
Name:________________________ Address:_______________________ ___________________________ City:_________________________ State:_______ ZIP:_______________ Phone:__________________ Age:___ Cooperative:____________________ Accept artwork up to age 13.
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enchantment.coop • May 2019
Use Caution Near Co-op Equipment
s you find yourself spending more time outdoors this summer, exercise caution near power lines and other electrical equipment maintained by Lea County Electric Cooperative. Substations and power lines carry extremely high voltage, and if contact is accidentally made, the results can be dangerous—or even deadly. Never climb trees near power lines. If you make contact with a tree that is touching a power line, your body could become a path for electricity, from the line to the ground. If you encounter an animal trapped in a tree near power lines or inside a substation, do not attempt to remove it—no matter how furry and cute! Call LCEC for assistance. If there are underground lines in your area, you’ll notice big green boxes on the ground that hold our equipment. It’s important that landscaping and other barriers be kept clear of these pad mount transformers. Co-op technicians need at least 10 feet of clearance around the equipment to be able to safely access them when needed. Pad mount transformers are connected to primary high-voltage lines, and secondary lines can extend in several directions to distribute power to homes and businesses. That’s why it’s important to call 811 before planting shrubs or trees, setting fence posts, installing sprinkler systems or digging where it might damage underground lines. These days, we are seeing more remote-controlled devices, like drones and other aircraft, which can be a great way to have fun outdoors. But these gadgets also bring new safety concerns. Never fly them near power lines, substations or other electrical equipment.
Remember these safety tips when flying a drone: • Keep a safe distance from electrical equipment when you fly. If contact is accidentally made with a power line or a transformer inside a substation, many members of your community could be left without electricity. • Keep the drone in your sight at all times. • Avoid flying if weather conditions are unfavorable. High winds could cause you to lose control of the drone. • Your safety is important to us. We hope you will share the message of electrical safety so that you and others can enjoy plenty of summer days filled with fun!
May Is Electrical Safety Month Every May, National Electrical Safety Month reminds us to sweep our homes of hazards that could lead to accidents and fires.
This year, resolve to: Install ground-fault circuit interrupters. These devices can protect your family from electrocution. In fact, the Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates that GFCIs could prevent half of all home electrocutions. Install them in any room that could get wet, including bathrooms, garages, kitchens and laundry rooms, and on outdoor receptacles and any outlet that’s within feet of a faucet. Prevent fires with arc-fault protection. When electrical wiring or devices get damaged or overheated, an arc fault can occur. An arc fault is a discharge of electricity that turns into heat and can break down a wire’s insulation. That can cause a fire. In fact, the National Fire Protection Association estimates that , home fires every year involve some sort of electrical malfunction, and half of those fires could be prevented by arc-fault circuit interrupters. Childproof your home. Your - to -year-old child can remove plastic outlet caps within seconds, according to research by Temple University. Foil your little one’s attempts by installing tamper-resistant receptacles, which are designed with toddlers in mind. Every room of your house needs childproof outlets so your child can’t insert anything into them, which would otherwise cause a shock.
Happy Mother's Day Sunday, May 12
Lea County Electric Cooperative will be closed on Monday, May , , in Observance of Memorial Day. Regular office hours to resume on Tuesday, May .