enchantment The Voice of New Mexico's Rural Electric Cooperatives
Southwestern Electric Cooperative June 2019
Youth Get Away to Adventure
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CORE VALUES Equity Equality Access
PROSPERITY Community Engagement
June 2019 • enchantment.coop
June 1, 2019 • Vol. 71, No. 06 USPS 175-880 • ISSN 0046-1946 Circulation 88,979 enchantment (ISSN 0046-1946) is published monthly by the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association, 614 Don Gaspar Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87505. enchantment provides reliable, helpful information on rural living and energy use to electric cooperative members and customers. Nearly 89,000 families and businesses receive enchantment Magazine as electric cooperative members. Non-member subscriptions are available at $12 per year or $18 for two years, payable to NMRECA. Allow four to eight weeks for delivery. Periodical Postage paid at Santa Fe, NM 87501-9998 and additional mailing offices. CHANGE OF ADDRESS
Postmaster: Send address changes to 614 Don Gaspar Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87505-4428. Readers who receive the publication through their electric cooperative membership should report address changes to their local electric cooperative office. THE NEW MEXICO RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION
Wind power on the rise How fast a wind turbine spins, and more.
Be wise about fires Precautions to help reduce the risk of fires.
4-H youth get away to adventure Fun and educational events at a 4-H camp.
provides legislative and educational services to the cooperatives who are members of the Association that deliver electric power to New Mexico’s rural areas and small communities. The mission of the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association is to strengthen, support, unify, and represent Cooperative member interests at the local, state, and national levels. Each cooperative has a representative on the association’s board of directors, which controls the editorial content and advertising policy of enchantment through its Publications Committee.
Charles Pinson, President, Central Valley Electric Cooperative, Artesia George Biel, Vice President, Sierra Electric Cooperative, Elephant Butte Tim Morrow, Secretary-Treasurer, Springer Electric Cooperative, Springer
Duane Frost, Central New Mexico Electric Cooperative, Mountainair Chris Martinez, Columbus Electric Cooperative, Deming Keith Gottlieb, Continental Divide Electric Cooperative, Grants Lance R. Adkins, Farmers’ Electric Cooperative, Clovis Robert Caudle, Lea County Electric Cooperative, Lovington Robert Quintana, Mora-San Miguel Electric Cooperative, Mora Thomas G. Rivas, Northern Río Arriba Electric Cooperative, Chama Preston Stone, Otero County Electric Cooperative, Cloudcroft Antonio Sanchez, Jr., Roosevelt County Electric Cooperative, Portales Joseph Herrera, Socorro Electric Cooperative, Socorro Travis Sullivan, Southwestern Electric Cooperative, Clayton Wayne Connell, Tri-State G&T Association, Westminster, Colorado Charles G. Wagner, Western Farmers Electric Cooperative, Oklahoma
David Spradlin, Springer Electric Cooperative, Springer MEMBERS OF THE PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE
Thomas G. Rivas, Chair, Northern Río Arriba Electric Cooperative Chris Martinez, Columbus Electric Cooperative Keith Gottlieb, Continental Divide Electric Cooperative Robert Caudle, Lea County Electric Cooperative Joseph Herrera, Socorro Electric Cooperative NEW MEXICO RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION
614 Don Gaspar Avenue Phone: 505-982-4671 Santa Fe, NM 87505 Fax: 505-982-0153 www.nmelectric.coop www.enchantment.coop Keven J. Groenewold, CEO, kgroenewold@nmelectric.coop Susan M. Espinoza, Editor, sespinoza@nmelectric.coop Tom Condit, Assistant Editor, tcondit@nmelectric.coop
Current News
View from enchantment
Hale to the Stars
Enchanted Journeys
Energy Sense
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18 Vecinos
Rates available upon request. Cooperative members and New Mexico display advertisers email Shaylyn at enchantmentads@nmelectric.coop or call 505-2522540. National representative: American MainStreet Publications, 800-626-1181. Advertisements in enchantment are paid solicitations and are not endorsed by the publisher or the electric cooperatives that are members of the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association. PRODUCT SATISFACTION AND DELIVERY RESPONSIBILITY LIE SOLELY WITH THE ADVERTISER. Copyright ©2019, New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Inc. Reproduction prohibited without written permission of the publisher.
Photo contest time Photos for the "Icons of the West" photo contest are due.
On the Cover A 4-H participant poses for a photo taken during the junior photography workshop. Photo courtesy of New Mexico State University.
Market Place
Backyard Trails
Youth Art
Your Electric Co-op
enchantment.coop • June 2019
current news I research • trends • letters
enchantment Photo Contest 2019
Icons of the West
Ristras to cacti • Spurs to sunsets Rodeos to wagons
o es ual
lected -19. As ting.
The winning photos will be featured in the August enchantment.
Prizes: 9 winners receive $75 each; 1 grand prize winner receives $150 and the photo is featured as the August cover photo. Contest Rules: Photos must be taken in New Mexico. Entrants must be a New Mexico electric co-op member. Information Required: Full Name • Mailing Address Phone Number • Electric Co-op Name • Details of Photo Send By: June 21, 2019
Congratulations to this month’s photo enchawinner: ntment
Deanna Walker, amteacher onthlyat Roy phothe to w Elementary, took April inn2019 er enchantment to her class. Take a photo of you holding SheYOUR wrote:MAGAZINE “4th grade AND students WIN!at Roy Elementary are enjoying reading the Simply take a photo of you or someone with the enchantment Magazine, the magazine and email it with a fewespecially words about the lineman poetry page 11,address, as they photo. Include youron name, mailing andare co-op name, send to: enchantment@nmelectric.coop studying poetry this week in 4th grade.”
One lucky member will win $20. Deadline is April 9, 2019. Submitting photo(s)are givesmembers us permission Walker and her your students to publish the photo(s) in enchantment, of Springer Electric Cooperative.Facebook, and other media outlets.
June 2019 • enchantment.coop
Email jpg file to enchantmentphotos@nmelectric.coop Mail to: Icons of the West Photo Contest • enchantment 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87505 Questions: Email tcondit@nmelectric.coop or call Tom at 505-982-4671 enchantment reserves print and web rights for all winning photos.
POWERFUL CONNECTIONS The Economic Impact of America’s Electric Cooperatives In 2017, electric cooperatives...
American jobs. 165,800 direct jobs 170,900 indirect jobs 274,900 induced jobs*
*Jobs that are created as a direct or indirect result of the work electric cooperatives do.
Taxes in billions of dollars 12
$22.5 billion
in federal, state and local taxes. $10.5 billion in federal tax $12.0 billion in state/local tax
6 4 2 0
$88.4 billion to U.S. GDP, including
$40.4 billion
GDP Labor Income
in labor income to American workers.
facebook.com/enchantmentnmreca How to Contact enchantment Phone 505-982-4671 Email enchantment@nmelectric.coop Facebook facebook.com/enchantmentnmreca Mail 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87505 Community Events events@nmelectric.coop Display Ads enchantmentads@nmelectric.coop Book$20! Chat Inquiries She wins
monthly photo win ner Take a photo of you holding YOUR MAGAZINE AND WIN! Simply take a photo of you or someone with the magazine and email it with a few words about the photo. Include your name, mailing address, and co-op name, send to: enchantment@nmelectric.coop
One lucky member will win $20. Deadline is January 9, 2019. Submitting your photo(s) gives us permission to publish the photo(s) in enchantment, Facebook, and other media outlets.
How to Contact enchantment Phone 505-982-4671 Email enchantment@nmelectric.coop Facebook facebook.com/enchantmentnmreca Mail 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87505 Community Events events@nmelectric.coop Display Ads enchantmentads@nmelectric.coop Book Chat Inquiries enchantment@nmelectric.coop
view from I enchantment
This month, it is my great pleasure to introduce the new CEO of Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Duane Highley. Tri-State is the wholesale supplier to two thirds of the co-ops in New Mexico. Duane comes to us from a very successful G&T in Arkansas. I have known Duane for most of my co-op career and admire his vision and thoughtfulness. We are excited to welcome him to our New Mexico co-op family. So, with no further ado, here are some thoughts from Duane. — Keven J. Groenewold, Chief Executive Officer, New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association
Forty-two, plus one In The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams By Duane Highley Chief Executive Officer Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association
n the day that I turned 42-yearsold, my uncle asked me a question, “What’s the answer to life, the universe and everything?” Not being up on my popular literature, I thought he was serious in his inquiry, so I replied with my thoughts on ethics, morality, and religion. He responded to my dissertation with a single number: 42. I was mystified, but those of you who know about Douglas Adams’ book The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy know exactly what this is all about. (In the book, 42 is the number from which all meaning “the meaning of life, the universe and everything” could be derived.) Add one to 42 and you get 43, a number that has a very special meaning for me. That’s the number of member cooperative and public power systems that receive their power supply from Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, a not-for-profit power supply cooperative owned by most of the electric
cooperatives in New Mexico and 32 other similar not-for-profit power companies. Tri-State is governed by a board of democratically elected representatives, one from each member system and likely, including yours. Each board member is also a customer who pays their monthly bill to their local electric provider, with the majority of that revenue landing at Tri-State to provide the power supply behind the switch. At our monthly board meetings, I face 42+1 customer-owners, each committed to greening up our power supply while maintaining reliability and affordability. I cannot imagine a better system of governance, where the CEO and senior staff report every month to a board of bill-paying members. At their direction, our first solar project was built in New Mexico, and we have continually increased our green footprint, so that today one out of every three kilowatthours consumed by our members is sourced from non-emitting renewable resources. Looking ahead, our board has approved additional wind and solar projects that will further reduce our carbon footprint. In my first month as Tri-State CEO, I’ve been asked what my vision is for the association. The answer is always the same— we’re going to determine our future together.
I see it as the opportunity to define what a 21st century generation and transmission cooperative should look like. Members will be at the core, and so far we’ve heard from them that we need to be increasingly flexible and increasingly clean. How we reach those goals is the next challenge, and I’m looking forward to the conversations and debates as we determine our path forward. When these diverse voices come together, the strength of the solutions we can achieve is unmatched. That’s why the 43 photographs in our lobby matter so much to me. They are the images of our board directors, and I see their faces every day when I enter our office, and again as I leave. It is a vivid reminder to me, and to all our employees, of who we work for and why. Their faces reflect the full diversity of our membership and service territory: farmers, ranchers, businessmen, and businesswomen of many backgrounds and beliefs. Serving members is our purpose: powering your communities and empowering you to improve the quality of your lives. It’s a noble purpose, and one we don’t take lightly. Thank you for letting us power your future.
enchantment.coop • June 2019
hale to the stars I by alan hale
M87 Black Hole
ur evening skies during the first few months of 2019 have been relatively sparse when it comes to viewing the other planets of our solar system. Only Mars, which has been steadily fading as it falls behind Earth after being close to our home world last summer, has been a steady fixture in our nighttime sky during the evening hours. That configuration has started to change during the recent past, and, indeed, the warm clear evenings of June provide a bonanza of visible planets for us. At the beginning of June, Mars is still visible low in the west at dusk, although it sinks closer to the horizon each night and is all but lost in the twilight by month’s end. It is joined around mid-month by the brighter planet Mercury, and the two worlds are closest together on the nights of the 17th, 18th, and 19th before separating; for the next week or so Mercury is actually higher in the sky than Mars but by then it, too, is disappearing into the twilight.
Our solar system’s largest world, Jupiter, is at “opposition,” directly opposite the sun in the sky, on June 10, and thus for most of June it rises around sunset, is highest in the sky around midnight (1:00 a.m. per Daylight Savings Time), and sets around sunrise; other than the moon (which is close to Jupiter around mid-month) it is the brightest object in our nighttime sky. Meanwhile, Saturn rises in the southeast during dusk and rides high in our southern sky during the mid-morning hours. Our remaining bright planet, Venus, having dominated the morning skies earlier this year, has been sinking into the dawn for the past couple of months, and perhaps may still be detected during June rising in the east about an hour before sunrise. It passes behind the sun (as seen from Earth) in mid-August and becomes prominent in our evening sky around the end of this year. There has been much reporting in the press lately about the “first photograph” of a black hole. Such an object has a gravitational field so strong that light cannot
The famous image of the black hole at the center of the galaxy M87, obtained in April 2017 with the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), an interconnected network of nine radio telescopes that spans the entire width of Earth. Image courtesy EHT Collaboration. escape it—hence, the “black” —and very large ones exist at the centers of most large galaxies, including ours. The one that has been receiving the recent attention resides in a galaxy known as M87, which is located in the constellation Virgo which is now visible in our western sky after dusk. A moderate-size backyard telescope can easily detect M87 itself as a small and fuzzy patch of light—but detecting the black hole in the center is far beyond the capability of any such telescope.
enchanted journeys: Submit your community event to: events@nmelectric.coop June 1 • Deming Stars-N-Parks Rockhound State Park • 575-546-6182
June 7 • Farmington TGIF Live Music & Food • Civic Center Outdoor Plaza • 505-599-1148
June 15 • Cloudcroft Sacred Heart Mission Feast Day Sacred Heart Mission • 575-430-0034
June 21-22 • Alamogordo Southern NM Festival of Quilts Otero County Fairgrounds • 575-437-4880
June 1 • Magdalena Magdalena Frontier Festival North Main Street • 602-513-1528
June 7-9 • Chama Western Heritage Days Chama Rodeo Grounds • 575-756-2599
June 15 • Edgewood Wildlife Festival Wildlife West Nature Park • 505-281-7655
June 22 • Silver City Stars-N-Parks City of Rocks State Park • 575-536-2800
June 1 • Socorro Etscorn Star Party 801 Leroy Place • 575-835-6802
June 8 • Floyd Community Yard Sales • Downtown Hwy. 267 • Facebook: Floyd Umc
June 15 • Los Lunas Model Trains • Mid Valley Air Park 505-379-7243
June 29 • Cloudcroft 4th of July Parade Burro Avenue • 575-682-2733
June 1 • Tucumcari Western Days • Tucumcari Historical Museum • 575-461-4201
June 8 • Gallup 3rd Annual Bob Dylan Tribute Concert Conference Center • 505-488-2136
June 15 • Portales Heritage Days Car Show 9th & Abilene • 575-356-8541
June 29 • Mountainair Jubilee and Car Show • Salinas Pueblo Missions Headquarters • 505-847-2585
June 2 • Questa Questa History Walk Corner of Hwy. 522 & 38 • 575-586-0651
June 14 • Tularosa Speaker: Michael Farmer, Apache Scouts Tularosa Dry Goods Store • 575-430-8854
June 20 • Taos Taos Plaza Live Historic Taos Plaza • 575-751-8800
June 29-30 • Artesia Smokin on the Pecos BBQ Championship Eddy County Fairgrounds • 575-746-2744
June 2019 • enchantment.coop
What's the Buzz? enchantment is circulated to 80% of the state. Advertise your business, service or products in the enchantment which is circulated directly to over 89,000 homes and businesses statewide! We offer a variety of rates, sizes, and discounts. If you are a co-op member, you automatically qualify for a 25% member discount, and your ad is designed for FREE! For details, contact Shaylyn 505-252-2540 enchantmentads@nmelectric.coop
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Order an enchantment gift subscription for a family member or friend so they can read what's cookin' in the enchantment.
1 Year: $12 • 2 Years: $18 Mail a check or money order payable to NMRECA along with the name and mailing address of the person you would like to send a gift subscription.
Mail to: enchantment 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87505
enchantment.coop • June 2019
energy sense I by patrick keegan and brad thiessen
Get smart! Energy-saving apps and devices Dear Pat and Brad: It seems like I’m always hearing about some new device or app that will save energy, but I wonder if they're worth the time and money. I want to learn about simple ways I can use technology to save energy. Any advice on where I should start looking? —Lily Dear Lily: Every new piece of technology seems to come with a lot of promise, doesn’t it? Then we have to find out for ourselves if it lives up to the hype. Following are a few products we recommend.
Smart Phone Apps There are several energy apps available today, but two stand out. They’re free, easy to use, effective and available for both Android and iOS devices. • JouleBug is a fun app that helps you save energy. You collect points for each energy efficient move you make inside the home, on your daily commute and in daily life. The app helps you make changes and build ongoing energy-saving habits. It’s designed as a competition among friends and can help you and your family create an energy efficient household together. The app also includes fun, educational videos and links to helpful articles. • There are several energy cost calculator apps that help you identify where you use the energy most in your home. You can enter how many hours a day you use each appliance or electronic device (some have a drop down of typical household items) and the rate you’re paying for power, which you can find on your energy bill. The app creates a total operating cost for that specific device. How much is that hallway chandelier costing you every month, and how much would you save by turning it off for an additional hour each day? How about that second freezer or the big-screen TV? The answers aren’t exact, but they will give you a better idea of your overall energy use and help you focus your efforts on the opportunities that will save the most energy.
Smart Thermostats A smart thermostat connects to the internet and 8
June 2019 • enchantment.coop
your computer and/or smart phone through your home’s Wi-Fi and could shave $50 off your energy bill every year. Most fall within the $100 to $250 range. If the price for a feature-rich model is more than you’re comfortable spending, ask yourself if it’s worth buying a lower-cost model, or if your current thermostat is doing the job. Here are some features to keep in mind if you’re considering a smart thermostat: • Learning: A learning thermostat will figure out your habits and adapt—this is probably the best way to make the most of a smart thermostat’s energy-saving potential. • Geofencing: This will detect when you leave home and return, and adjust the temperature up or down so energy isn’t being wasted. • Additional features include remote room sensors and voice control. Before you buy, learn what you can about the functionality of the smart thermostat’s app. And take a look at how easy it is to program the thermostat unit directly. Finally, consider the installation. Some models are more difficult to install and may require re-wiring.
The JouleBug app lets you have fun saving energy while learning a thing or two along the way.
Smart Power Plugs and Switches Smart outlets and light switches are still considered a relatively new technology, and we think there are improvements that will be made over time. That said, if this is a technology you’re interested in, there are a couple of options that consumers seem to like. Hub-based systems like the Currant Dual Smart Outlet and Philips Hue smart lighting systems are highly rated and cost about $200 or more for eight to 10 smart outlets or light switches. That’s a big investment, so we recommend using an energy cost calculator app first to decide if it’s worth the additional cost. We hope these reviews will be helpful as you consider smart technology that promotes energy efficiency. Don’t forget to check with your local electric cooperative on additional programs and services designed to help you save on your energy bills.
Smart phone apps like EnergyCost allow you to see how much common household items are costing you every month, and how much you can save by using them less.
More-advanced (and more-expensive) smart thermostats like the Ecobee4 can work with sensors that detect when someone is in a room and adjust the temperature accordingly. Photo Credit: Ecobee.
“To you, it’s the perfect lift chair. To me, it’s the best sleep chair I’ve ever had.” — J. Fitzgerald, VA
NEW Footrest Extension for even more head to toe support.
We’ve all had nights when we just can’t lie down in bed and sleep, whether it’s from heartburn, cardiac problems, hip or back aches – it could be a variety of reasons. Those are the nights we’d give anything for a comfortable chair to sleep in, one that reclines to exactly the right degree, raises feet and legs to precisely the desired level, supports the head and shoulders properly, operates easily even in the dead of night, and sends a hopeful sleeper right off to dreamland. Our Perfect Sleep Chair® is just the chair to do it all. It’s a chair, true – the finest of lift chairs – but this chair is so much more! It’s designed to provide total comfort and relaxation not found in other chairs. It can’t be beat for comfortable, long-term sitting, TV viewing, relaxed reclining and – yes! – peaceful sleep. Our chair’s recline technology allows you to pause the chair in an infinite number of positions, including the lay flat position and the zero gravity position where your body experiences a minimum of internal and external stresses. You’ll love the other benefits, too: It helps with correct spinal alignment, promotes back pressure This lift chair puts you relief, and encourages better posture safely on your feet! to prevent back and muscle pain.
And there’s more! The overstuffed, oversized biscuit style back and unique seat design will cradle you in comfort. Generously filled, wide armrests provide enhanced arm support when sitting or reclining. The high and low heat settings along with the multiple massage settings, can provide a soothing relaxation you might get at a spa – just imagine getting all that in a lift chair! It even has a battery backup in case of a power outage. Shipping charge includes white glove delivery. Professionals will deliver the chair to the exact spot in your home where you want it, unpack it, inspect it, test it, position it, and even carry the packaging away! You get your choice of bonded stain and water repellent leather or plush microfiber in a variety of colors to fit any decor. Call now!
The Perfect Sleep Chair®
Please mention code 110832 when ordering. Because each Perfect Sleep Chair is a custom-made bedding product, we can only accept returns on chairs that are damaged or defective.
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enchantment.coop • June 2019
Sit up, lie down — and anywhere in between!
Easy-to-use remote for massage, heat, recline, and lift
Wind power on the rise Technology brings history-making updates to the old windmill. By Paul Wesslund, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
he answer to what’s new with electricity is, as Bob Dylan first sang 57 years ago, “Blowin’ in the Wind.” This year, wind power will replace hydro for fourth place on the list of fuels used to generate electricity (behind natural gas, coal, and nuclear.) The U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration projects the growth of wind power will continue into 2020, when it is expected to generate nine percent of the nation’s electricity. Wind’s popularity is propelled by the rising interest in renewable energy and improving technology, which has reduced the cost of wind power to about the same price as electricity generated from coal power plants. The federal Production Tax Credit has also driven wind development, and its pending expiration has led to a rush of new projects that will come online over the next few years. Today’s wind turbines are a lot more high-tech than the old windmills that cranked water up from under farms. Wind turbine blades are huge, and they’re getting bigger to capture more wind. Over the last 20 years, the diameter of a typical wind rotor assembly has increased from about 75 feet to almost 180 feet. And turbine 10
June 2019 • enchantment.coop
towers are getting taller, from almost 200 feet to nearly 300 feet since 1999. Behind each of those rotors is a much smaller turbine, kind of like a miniature version of those that spin to make electricity in a coal-powered plant. The rotors turn 30 to 60 revolutions per minute, and gears inside the turbine ratchet that up to more than 1,000 rpm, which is fast enough to generate electricity. Computerized sensors keep the rotors pointed at the wind. A large wind turbine can generate enough electricity to power about 500 homes—if the wind blew all the time. But it doesn’t, and that makes wind a tricky power source. Developers hope improvements in large battery technology might store power for use during calm days, but for now, for wind to provide reliable electricity, it needs the help of coal, natural gas, and other energy sources that can run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
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BE WISE ABOUT FIRES Know Before You Go: To reduce the risk of fires caused by humans, many state and federal agencies have issued restrictions on public use. Some areas are closed until the fire danger decreases. Before planning a trip to a National Forest, National Park, or other public lands, call the toll-free Fire Restrictions Hotline at 877-864-6985, or click on USFS Region 3 Fire Information Restrictions page.
Campfires: Restrictions vary, in most areas, all wood and charcoal fires are prohibited, but gas or propane campstoves are allowed. Other areas allow campfires only in established campgrounds with fire grills or pits. A few areas have banned all ignition sources, including campstoves. If you do build a legal campfire, never leave it unattended; be sure it is dead out and cold to the touch before you go.
Vehicles: Parking in tall grass or shrubs can start fires because the hot catalytic converter comes into contact with dry plant materials. Dry, windy conditions can turn smoldering grass into a wall of flames. Don’t park where vegetation is touching the underside of your vehicle. Motorcycles and ATVs should have spark arresters.
Smoking: Smoldering cigarettes can start fires hours after being dropped or thrown away. Never toss cigarettes out of cars. Be aware of smoking restrictions in Forests, National Parks, BLM, and other public lands. Smoking may be restricted to inside vehicles or in paved parking areas.
Chainsaws and Other Equipment: Sparks from chainsaws, welding torches, and other equipment can cause wildfires. Use spark arresters. Refrain from welding and all use of spark-creating machines when the fire danger is high.
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4/23/19 8:54 AM
enchantment.coop • June 2019
4-H Youth Get Away to Adventure By Chris Eboch
Photos, clockwise: County agents help the youth prepare to shoot off straw rockets; the youth pose for the youth photographer learning about different types of photo shoots; and youth learn the basics in cake decorating. Photos courtesy of New Mexico State University.
he New Mexico 4-H Youth Camp has something for everyone. Novice attendees (ages 9 to 11) explored their creativity through cake decorating. They learned engineering design by making straw rockets, which are launched from a soda straw. They learned leadership skills and teamwork. They practiced dance steps and sang songs. They even got to try an escape room. The escape room was new this year. “This workshop was designed by one of the 4-H Agents from Chaves County,” says Amy Zemler, 4-H Youth Activities Specialist. “She had different bags and boxes the kids had to open to find the next clue to solve a 4-H mystery.” One Novice shared what she learned from the experience: “Anything can be achieved if you work as a team and have good communication.” 12
June 2019 • enchantment.coop
Youths ages 12 to 13 had different options for the Junior Workshops. Through origami, they learned patience and had a chance to bond with others. They explored science through making giant bubbles. They studied photography and tropical fish. They discussed goals and how to reach them. Both groups helped those in need by creating “blessing bags” for homeless shelters around the state. Each group brought certain items, such as shampoo and deodorant. The young people organized the items into bags, which each county could distribute in their community. “At this event we like to introduce the kids to the different projects the 4-H program has,” says Zemler. “There are the popular ones and we try to bring in projects the kids may not realize are available. The weekend also has activities that help the
“Anything can be achieved if you work as a team and have good communication.” kids learn their strengths in personal development skills as well as teaching about being a leader and working in a team environment.” “I learned how to be confident in myself and my ideas,” one participant said. Confidence, leadership, and helping others came up frequently when young people described the event.
4-H Fast Facts The program was founded in 1912.
The 4-H youth development program is dedicated to providing opportunities for young people to develop leadership and management skills, positive self-esteem, effective communication skills, a solid sense of personal responsibility, and the ability to make sound decisions.
The 4-H name represents four personal development areas of focus for the organization:
The 4-H Youth Get-Away is a three-day, two-night event for 4-H members. Club leaders, chaperones, and other volunteers presented the workshops. The 2019 event took place April 26-28 in Glorieta, with the theme “Wonderful World of 4-H,” a nod to Disney. Senior 4-H members (ages 14 to 19) could attend the event by serving as camp counselors or counselors in training. 4-H provides youth with opportunities to learn skills and have fun. In New Mexico, 4-H offers many programs, such as horse shows, dog schools, and shooting competitions. Young people can exhibit livestock at fairs or compete in the 4-H rodeo program. They can learn leadership skills by becoming officers of their club or participating in fundraisers. Community service is especially important to 4-H. But more than anything else, participants talk about the amazing people they meet and their “forever friendships.” The Youth Get-Away was originally two separate events, one for the Novice age group and one for Juniors. Each camp struggled to get attendance, so in 2008 they combined into the Youth Get-Away, serving both age groups at the same time. This year, 397 youths and 105 adults attended, plus seven 4-H state officers, and 30 counselors and counselors in training. The New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative
involved in the purchasing of livestock that the 4-H youth work on all year round to raise and prepare is a way of giving back to our members. Members who are parents are invested in these individuals and guide them in the caring, feeding, and showmanship for a good sale at the livestock show. We try to be a part of the community and support them in any way possible. Our Cooperative supports the 4-H Youth group by purchasing livestock at the Lea County Fair and Rodeo. We also serve Texas and give funds to some of that youth.”
“Our Cooperative supports t h e 4 - H Yo u t h g r o u p b y purchasing livestock at the Lea County Fair and Rodeo.” 4-H is a nationwide youth development organization, which has been around for more than 100 years. Nearly six million young people from diverse backgrounds have participated in the program. They complete hands-on projects in areas such as health, agriculture, science, and civic engagement.
Photos, left to right: Youth participate in a team building recreational activity; and an instructor teaches a youth about the tool used to launch straw rockets. Photos courtesy of New Mexico State University.
● Head ●
Heart ● Health ●
Association contributes to the youth camp each year knowing how important this program is to the youth. Many of who are co-op members already. Several co-ops also purchase stock from the 4-H livestock shows, supporting the 4-H program. Rosie Insilan, Manager of Marketing and Member Services for Lea County Electric Cooperative, explains why. “The Cooperative believes being
In New Mexico, 4-H is organized through New Mexico State University and has a presence throughout the state. For more information, visit the website https://aces.nmsu.edu/4h/ Young people might have to wait another year for the next Youth Get-Away, but in the meantime they can explore all the other 4-H activities. What a great way to learn and make friends! enchantment.coop • June 2019
on the menu I by sue hutchison
Flavorful Foods For Father's Day It has been stated that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. While the veracity of that statement might not span across the board, the following breakfast recipe may set the tone for a fabulous Father’s Day. Not only is it simple (and easily prepared the day before), leftovers are sure to continue providing a great start to any day. Meat Lovers’ Breakfast Pot Pie 1 roll crescent rolls ½ cup bulk sausage 3 cloves fresh garlic, chopped 1 lb. slice ham steak, pre-cooked and diced 3 slices bacon, chopped 6 eggs 1½ cups half and half 2 green onions, chopped 2 Tbs. flour ½ cup cheddar cheese, finely grated Salt/pepper to taste Red pepper flakes to garnish (optional) Sliced avocado to garnish (optional)
diced ham and chopped bacon until bacon is crisp. 5. In bowl, whisk eggs, half and half, green onions, flour, and salt and pepper to taste. Add cheese. 6. Add drained, browned meat mixture to egg mixture, stir to incorporate and pour in crust. 7. Bake at 325⁰ F for 50-60 minutes. 8. Cool 10 minutes on cooling rack. If desired, garnish with red pepper flakes and sliced avocado. Serves 8. If preparing the day before, cool completely, cover with plastic wrap, and place in refrigerator.
Slow Cooker-Bacon Wrapped Pork Tenderloin Medallions 1 (2 to 2½ lbs.) pork tenderloin ½ cup olive oil 1 tsp. sea (or coarse) salt ½ tsp. pepper 1 lb. sliced bacon ½ cup packed brown sugar 4 Tbs. Dijon or brown mustard 1. Rinse and pat dry tenderloin. 2. Rub olive oil, then sea salt and pepper over
1. Preheat oven to 350⁰ F and prepare a 9-inch,
deep dish pie plate with cooking spray. 2. On floured surface, roll crescents into a flat sheet and fit into prepared pie plate (including sides) and crimp edges as desired. 3. Bake for 10 minutes. Remove from oven and reduce heat to 325⁰ F. 4. In medium skillet, brown sausage with garlic. Add 14
June 2019 • enchantment.coop
surface of tenderloin. 3. In a medium bowl, mix brown sugar and mustard to form a paste. 4. In a large skillet, fry bacon slices until half done. Set aside on paper towels to partially cool. 5. Press brown sugar mixture onto tenderloin surface. 6. Lay bacon slices side by side vertically on flat surface, place prepared tenderloin horizontally in center third of bacon slices. Wrap bacon slices individually around tenderloin, press to adhere. 7. Spray inside of slow cooker crock with cooking spray, place tenderloin in slow cooker and set on
Domino Brownies 2 sticks (1 cup) butter, melted 2 cups granulated sugar 4 eggs 1 tsp. vanilla ½ cup unsweetened cocoa 2 cups flour 1 tsp. salt 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips 1 pkg. semisweet or milk chocolate mini chips 1 pkg. white Almond Bark 2 Tbs. shortening 1. Preheat oven to 350⁰ F. 2. In medium-sized, microwave-safe bowl, melt
butter. Meanwhile, prepare a 9x13 baking pan with cooking spray. 3. Add sugar, eggs, vanilla, and unsweetened cocoa, whisk until smooth. 4. Add flour, salt, continue whisking until smooth. 5. Stir chocolate chips into batter, and pour into prepared pan. 6. Bake for 30 minutes or until edges pull from pan. 7. Allow to cool on cooling rack. Cut into rectangles, the shape of dominoes. 8. In a double boiler, melt Almond Bark and shortening, stir until smooth. 9. Dip half of each brownie into Almond Bark, set each on parchment paper, carefully positioning mini chocolate chips in various domino designs before Almond Bark coating cools. If Almond Bark gets too thick during dipping process, return to double boiler until consistency is workable. 10. Cool completely before serving.
low for 6-8 hours. 8. Remove tenderloin to serving platter, tent with foil, allow to rest for 10 minutes. 9. Slice between bacon slices to serve. Serves 8-10, depending upon slicing.
Mueller_NM_Roofing-Great-Looks_OL2.indd 1
enchantment.coop • June 2019 3/29/19 5:08 PM15
book chat I by phaedra greenwood
She Was Sheriff By Melody Groves • Five Star Publishing • www.amazon.com
“All she wanted was a gold band. Instead, she got a tin star,” says the press release. Poor girl. Pushing 35, the bank president’s spinster daughter is surprised when the town council offers her the job of replacement sheriff. “I was nervous as a cat in a gunnysack,” Maud Overstreet admits. But in this quiet little town in California, what could happen? The Council and half the town are playing tricks on her, laughing behind her back. But it’s 1872 and suddenly there’s a gold rush, which attracts the notorious James Mooney Gang and a lot of other unsavory characters. Maud, who has never been in a bar, learns to drink, shoot, drive a stagecoach, lead a posse, and arrest the villains. Groves narrates with a sure, lighthearted voice and honed sensibility about anything and everything Western. A member of New Mexico Presswomen, she writes for a variety of regional publications, has won many awards, and published both fiction and non-fiction books. An entertaining read.
And Throw Away the Skins By Scott Archer Jones • Fomite Press • www.fomitepress.com
This is a strong, poignant story, masterfully written, about the struggle to heal life’s deepest wounds. Bec is recovering from a mastectomy. Her husband, an army chaplain who can’t bring himself to touch her, abandons her for the war in Afghanistan. She retreats to a ramshackle cabin in the mountains of New Mexico where she allows wounded veterans to build a retreat center. When the village folk discover her courage and generosity, the women welcome and nurture her. She takes comfort in the village cafe and oversees the veteran’s center, but careens into chaos as she sleeps with an unstable Marine. When she sees him put down a deer, break its neck, slice open its belly and plunge his hands in the deer’s warm blood, she flees down the mountain to borrow a gun. Her life has boomeranged out of control. Jones has a genius for portraying a woman’s point of view. He mitigates the drama with a healthy dose of compassion for the underdogs. Five stars!
Through My Eyes: Why Take That Photo? By John Madden • Outskirts Press • www.amazon.com
Madden is an associate advisor and singer for the Kwahadi Dancers which he photographs in full regalia, Northern Shawl Dancers caught in mid-spin. Madden’s grammar and punctuation needs editing, but his Indian dancers are stunning. His multiple lightning strikes and animal photos bring out the “Wow!” moment he is always seeking, especially the intense face of the puma. On a visit to “the wall,” the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Angel Fire, Madden captures the rituals that honor sacrifice. His Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ Ministries, which stand 19 feet high, is haloed by desert sands. This cover photo was a “led to” synchronous moment. Lost and alone on Easter morning, “I felt a tap on my right shoulder.” He heard a voice saying, “Turn around, look up.” In two opposing shafts of sunlight he saw the shape of the cross. “This photo is the gift I was given. I stayed on my knees, cried tears of joy and said prayers of thanks.” Earnest and insightful. 16
June 2019 • enchantment.coop
Raised by Wolves: A Pack Odyssey By CJ Rogers • BookLogix 470-239-8547 • www.amazon.com
Rogers’ field work with wolf packs has been compared to Jane Goodall’s work with primates. Integrated into the pack, studying wolves for her PhD, she shows how playful and joyous wolves can be, how open to life. She strives to change the image society has of wolves as vicious predatory villains. But trying to raise a wolf pack on the edge of the mesa in Albuquerque with doggy neighbors and escape-artist wolves is too challenging. So she moves the pack to Socorro where, sad to say, her wolves learn to bring down cows, which leads to disaster and heartbreak. Eventually Rogers takes refuge with her pack in the Zuni Mountains. She holds a doctorate in psychology and behavioral ecology. “When we started hanging out with wolves, the benefits for us were beyond measure,” she writes. “Wolves protected humans.” Rogers says that paying attention to the dance of life will eventually raise human consciousness about our role in the ecology of this planet. Bravo! Mail your book with contact information and where to order to: enchantment Book Chat, 614 Don Gaspar Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87505.
enchantment Photo Contest 2019
Icons of the West Ristras to cacti Spurs to sunsets Rodeos to wagons The winning photos will be featured in the August enchantment.
Prizes: 9 winners receive $75 each; 1 grand prize winner receives $150 and the photo is featured as the August cover photo. Contest Rules: Photos must be taken in New Mexico. Entrants must be a New Mexico electric co-op member. Information Required: Full Name • Mailing Address Phone Number • Electric Co-op Name • Details of Photo Send By: June 21, 2019 Email jpg file to
The average electric vehicle can save a driver who drives 15,000 miles in a year about $850 annually on fuel. All-electric vehicles start to pay for themselves a long time before they reach the end of their expected lifespans, leading to significant savings over time. -Fleet Carma
Mail to: Icons of the West Photo Contest • enchantment 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87505 Questions: Email tcondit@nmelectric.coop or call Tom at 505-982-4671
enchantment reserves print and web rights for all winning photos.
enchantment.coop • June 2019
vecinos I by ariana kramer
Pots and Poems: Max Early Finds Inspiration in Clay and Words
ax Early was born in San Diego where his father, Harry, was stationed as a Marine. Shortly, after Early’s birth, his father retired and the family moved back to New Mexico. The youngest of four boys, Early grew up in the Albuquerque area, spending summers with his grandparents at Laguna Pueblo. He grew up speaking both Keres and English. When he was in junior high school, Early started living with his grandparents at Laguna Pueblo. “I stayed with them until I graduated high school” says Early. “Usually, I had a chore to do when I got home from school, like chopping wood, or picking herbs in springtime… or gathering wood with my grandfather.” Early also recalls doing a variety 18
June 2019 • enchantment.coop
of chores for his grandmother inside of the house. He painted all the door and window frames a bright, turquoise blue. He whitewashed the entire adobe house with homemade gypsum paint made from rocks gathered on the mesas that were baked and ground into a powder. “It didn’t seem like a chore,” says Early. “It was something new and exciting to do.” Early’s grandmother Linda was a potter. She began having her grandson paint her pots for her. Early learned by trial and error. After about a year, he was able to paint straight lines and his brushstrokes had a smooth and continuous flow. While it was not usual for men to be potters in his village, Early began to make his own pots. Today, his work is shown at King Galleries and Lyn A Fox Fine Pueblo Pottery, both in Santa Fe; and at Thomas Lull Indian Art in Watertown, Minnesota. Early gathers clay from the mountains and mesas for his pottery. The part of the pottery-making process he enjoys most is painting the designs. “That’s when you really see the actual images—like clouds, birds, flowers— start to awaken. It’s exciting to see the design unfold.” After high school, Early attended the University of New Mexico (UNM) for several years, studying engineering. He switched to Albuquerque Technical Vocational Institute (now Central New Mexico Community College) where his program of study taught him to work in the semi-conductor industry. Early was employed in that field for 14 years. Eventually, he returned to UNM where he began studying pre-law. While at UNM, Early took his first poetry class and was encouraged by his professor to apply for a scholar-
ship to the Taos Writers Conference. He was awarded the scholarship and it was at the conference he met Andrea Watson, publisher at 3: A Taos Press. Impressed by his work, she asked him to send her a manuscript when he was ready. A few years later, he did. 3: A Taos Press published Max Early’s first book of poetry. “Ears of Corn: Listen” is a gorgeous book of poems, stories, drawings, and photographs of Early’s pottery. It is available for purchase at www.3taospress.com. Max Early lives in Paguate, a village of Laguna Pueblo. He has three teenage children. His mother, Peggy Rose, recently moved in the household. Their electricity comes from Continental Divide Electric Cooperative, and they use propane and wood for heat. Early enjoys maintaining their adobe home and the many fruit trees and plants in the yard—peaches, apricots, cherries, lilacs, irises, yucca, honeysuckle. “It’s very nice to have those smells around you,” says Early. “It gives you a blessing and an invigorating feeling when you walk outside. You’re nurturing the plants, and they give back to you.” Early is currently enrolled in the low-residency MFA in Creative Writing program at Institute of American Indian Art in Santa Fe. He says his work with clay sometimes
gives him ideas of what to write about. For example, Early was working on a crèche with clay figurines of Mary and Joseph and baby Jesus. He says he began thinking about the Pueblo Revolt, and what it would be like for a small family to run into the hills to start a new life. “That idea occurred while I was making the crèche,” says Early. Asked if there were any similarities he found between making pots and poems, Early reflects, “Clay and writing are similar in a way because you sit for hours on end, you start and you can’t stop, your mind is in tune with the piece you’re working with— the poem or pottery.”
THE MARKET PLACE DESERT BELLS LLC. Cold process Soaps and home made Lotions. Bath bombs, chap sticks, and lotion bars. Made here in New Mexico. Visit our web page and online store. www.desertbellsoaps.com
Animals NOT ALL WATER Tanks Are Created Equal! Is Quality, Value and Longevity important to you? Buy High Specific Gravity, Heavy Weight, Long Warranty, Superior Black NRCS tanks. Lowest prices only provide minimum standards, lower weights, and shorter warranties. Find out more! 575-430-1010. NEW MEXICO DRINKING Water Storage Tanks, Heavy Duty Black Poly. Fittings customized to your needs NRCS and EQUIP approved. High Specific Gravity, Heavy Weight, Long Warranty, Algae Resistant, Black NRCS Water Tanks. Call 1-800-603-8272 or 575-682-2308. ALPACA HERD DISPERSAL. $7,000 for herd of 9 females, 15 males. If purchased individually, females are $500 each and males are $250 each. Package deals are also available. Breeding, fiber production, pets. Moving to area with large predators and concerned for their safety. Call Vivian at 575-430-4882. 27 REGISTERED AND Commercial Red Angus Bulls, yearlings, tested. $1,700 to $3,500. Hope, New Mexico. Call 575-703-5970. www.crockett-ranch.com MOUNTAIN-TOP GOATS HAS great goats for great deals! You need it-we have it! Milkers, Kids, Bucks. 4-H, weed eaters, pets. Nubians, mini Nubians, La Manchas, mini La Manchas and Nigerian Dwarfs. In Capitan, New Mexico, call 575937-0342 or 575-354-2846 ALPINE GOATS, ALL ages. Good Milkers with kids. $150 to $350. In Capitan, call 575-686-0484. PUPPIES FOR SALE. Full blood guard dogs, livestock protection. All shots currents. In Roswell, New Mexico. Call 575-637-4767.
Business LARGE ESTATE SALE: June 7 and June 8, 9:00 a.m. 167 Linda Vista Lane, off Enchanted Forest Loop at Highway 48, Alto, New Mexico. Large assortment of furniture, glassware, household items, extensive media collection, tools, telescopes. Contact 575-226-7704 for more information. THANK YOU FOR advertising in enchantment.
WORK FROM HOME or from anywhere. Simply return calls. Receive $500-$3,500 per month or much more depending on your effort. No selling involved, not a business, not a job. Full on-going training and support. Call 505-423-3525.
Equipment SOLAR WATER PUMPS at an affordable price. NRCS compliant. Contact 575-742-8050 or solutions4u@yucca.net Visit www.solutions4u.info OVERHEAD FEED BINS. 1 to 4 compartment, 12 to 48 tons. Any size free standing cattle guards, no footing needed. Bobby Emery Welding, Clayton, NM. 575-374-2320 or 575-207-7402. eweld98@yahoo.com DRINKING WATER STORAGE Tanks, Heavy Duty Black Poly, proven algae resistant. 125 to 11,000 gallons, NRCS and EQUIP approved. Please give us a chance to serve you! MasterCard or Visa accepted. Call 575-682-2308 or 1-800-603-8272. FOR SALE: FOUR 24” JD Agriculture Fans with Luvers. New, never used. $250 each. Call 505-384-5163. 1982 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER 5088 Tractor: 2-wheel drive, 2 remotes, 3 pt. hitch, duals, weights, 5782 hours, average condition, serial #589515, $16,500. New Holland 1049 Bale Wagon: 160 bale capacity, average condition, serial #3980, $10,000. Call 505-832-4212, Estancia Valley. IRRIGATION PIPE. USED and half price of new. 6”, 8” and 10” PVC and aluminum pipe. Also have T’s, elbows, plugs, valves & bonnets. Quantities vary, call today to order. Delivery available. Contact Sierra at 575-770-8441. MOST COMPLETE MANUAL Sheet Metal Shop in southeastern New Mexico. Equipment onlyno property. For sale, all or none. Will not sell by the piece. Located in Clovis. For list, call 575-763-3295 and leave message. Or email: bfitz@plateautel.net GREAT OFFER ON Solar Submersible Shallow/Deep well pumps! ‘NRCS’ approved with 2-year warranty on selected pumps with affordable, easy installation! For a custom quote, email us at: sales@solarsubmersiblewellpumps.com or call 505-429-3093. 24/7 service. Order online at: www.solarsubmersiblewellpumps.com
Great Finds HEADSTONES (i.e. CEMETERY MONUMENTS) IS OUR BUSINESS. Over 1,000 designs. An eternal memory of a loved one. TAOS MOUNTAIN HERITAGE. Call 575-770-2507 or email: taos_mt_heritage@msn.com Visit website: www.taosmountainheritage.com RAILROAD ITEMS WANTED: KEROSENE LANTERNS, BRASS locks, keys, badges, uniforms, bells, whistles, and pre-1950 employee timetables. Always seeking items from any early New Mexico railroad, especially D&RG, C&S, EP&NE, EP&SW, AT&SF, SP or Rock Island. Call Randy Dunson at 575-356-6919 or 575-760-3341. FOR SALE: OLD Barn wood, Viga poles, knotty Pine tongue & groove panels, oil cans, tools, doors, records, Lionel 313 Bascale Drawbridge, collectibles, much, much more. Must see! Plus: 1949 Chevy Cabover truck, 1939 Chevy, 2 ton truck, 1953 Pontiac 4-door, antique Hussman walk-in cooler. In Floyd, New Mexico. Call 575-478-2574. WANTED: NEW MEXICO Motorcycle License Plates, 1912-1959. Paying $100-$500 each. Also buying some New Mexico car plates 1900-1923. Visit NMplates. com for history and 3,500 photographs of NM plates. Bill Johnston, Box 1, Organ, NM 88052-0001. Email: Bill@NMplates.com or telephone 575-382-7804. WANTED: OLDER AIRSTREAM, Spartan, Silver Streak, Avion or similar style travel trailers. Any condition considered. Wrecked or gutted trailers included. Please call Rick at 505-690-8272. To Place a Classified Ad 1. Visit www.enchantment.coop/classifieds and complete form. You will be contacted with price and to pay by credit card (5% processing fee). 2. Or, complete form and select category. 3. Write ad on another sheet of paper. 4. Price: $20 up to first 40 words per ad, per category, per month. After 40 words, each word is 50 cents. Add $5 for small graphics such as cattle brands. Phone numbers, emails and websites count as one word. To Send and Pay Your Classified Ad 1. Mail ad and payment (Payable to NMRECA) NMRECA • 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87505
1. Due the 9th, one month prior. Ex: Ads due February 9 for the March issue.
Good to Know 1. Only members of New Mexico electric co-ops may place ads. 2. We reserve the right to reject any ad.
BOOKS FOR COWBOYS and City Slickers at Rough Rider Antiques in Las Vegas. Westerns, history, horse care, Hardy Boys, Lone Ranger, Bobbsey Twins. Gently read and low prices. Earl is bringing in signs: Mickey is making wood tops; and Martha has the candy you remember as a kid. Open every day at 501 Railroad and Lincoln (across the street from the Castañeda Hotel, now open for guests). 505-454-8063. FLOYD COMMUNITY GARAGE/YARD Sales. Multi-locations, downtown Floyd, NM, on New Mexico Highway 267. Saturday, June 8, 2019. Starts at 7:00 a.m. “Something for Everyone!” Concession stand, Floyd Methodist Church. Information on: Craigslist garage sales, Portales Goodies. Facebook: Floyd Umc COFFINS, CASKETS & URNS. Individually handcrafted of solid wood. SIMPLE. Natural. Unique. Quality Craftsmanship. Go to www.theoldpinebox. com or call 505-286-9410 for FREE funeral information. Proudly serving New Mexico since 2004. WANTED: VW VOLKSWAGEN Bus or Pickup 1967 or older, any condition, to restore or for parts but will consider any other older VW. Or any bus parts. Call or text 575-544-5999. BUYING OLD STUFF: Gas Pumps and parts 1960’s or earlier, advertising signs, neon clocks, old car parts in original boxes, motor oil cans, license plate collections, Route 66 items, old metal road signs, odd and weird stuff. Fair prices paid. Have pickup, will travel. Gas Guy in Embudo, 505-852-2995. 3. Questions: Call 505-982-4671. 4. Advertisements in enchantment are paid solicitations and are not endorsed by the publisher or the electric cooperatives of New Mexico. PRODUCT SATISFACTION AND DELIVERY RESPONSIBILITY LIE SOLELY WITH THE ADVERTISER. Name:________________________ ___________________________ Address:_______________________ ___________________________ City:_________________________ State:_________ ZIP:_____________ Phone:________________________ Cooperative:____________________ Select Category Below
Great Finds
Real Estate
enchantment.coop • June 2019
4-Plex, Grants NM $160,000 All large 2 Bd Rm, 1 ba, w/ outside storage rooms Fabulous Location: - across street from LDS Church and Cibola Hospital Large lot with additional 550 sq. ft. building in back Great rental history and CAP Rate (12.2%) Annual rental income: $28,500 Call Art (505) 620-4321 leave voice message and Ph# Visit ABQ Craigslist posting# 6884517167, or Zillow for more info and pictures DO NOT disturb residents or visit property without permission
Real Estate MOUNTAIN CABINS. 1800+ and 700+ square foot cabins on 25+ acres. At 8,000 feet in the Wildhorse Ranch Subdivision, Pie Town, adjacent to the community property with pond. Excellent well, 5000 gallon storage. $400,000. Contact Dave at: hannemans@cox.net BLUEWATER LAKE SOUTH (Thoreau side). 40 minutes to Gallup or Grants, less than 2 hours to Albuquerque, 5 minutes to National Forest. Nice two bedroom, one bath, furnished mobile home on community water. Refrigerator, washer, dryer, wood stove, evap cooler; propane furnace, water heater and stove. Great views from the 8x12 deck. 6x10 shed. Excellent neighbors, superior views and great access. $36,500 cash sale or part trade for classic car, truck or pontoon boat. Call 505-604-0635. MORA/GUADALUPITA. HIGHWAY 434. 4 bedroom, 2 bath, office, open porches, attached carport, two-story home. Shop, barn, water well, 80+/- acres, pasture and pine trees, RV hookup. Call owner at 817-559-9778 or email: ehg36@yahoo.com SOCORRO: CHOICE OF 2 or all! Two 5-6 acre irrigated organic farms with homes. Located in city limits with all utilities with direct access to Rio Grande. 360 degree mountain views, all water rights, mature fruit trees. New 30 million dollar levy with miles of trails and parks. Call for pictures or details. $170,000, OBO. Call owner, 505-550-3123. MANZANO MOUNTAINS, 10 acre to 24 acre residential home sites, adjoining USNF. Gated community. Offering homesites for second home, retirement or interim RV use. Located in a highly desirable vacation area, close to the city of Albuquerque and Santa Fe (45 & 60 minutes). The location offers the benefit of investing in an appreciating real estate property. Paved access by way of NM State Highway 337 (Old so, 14). Ten lots available for development. Prices start at $3,000 per acre. By Owner, information & photos, call 505384-3248 or 505-228-2116. 20
June 2019 • enchantment.coop
CONCHAS, 000 BOAT Dock Drive. Vacant Land just over 1/2 acre. Water access at high mark. $40,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com FOR SALE: 3 bedroom, 2 bath house on 30 acres, with water rights. Call for more information, 575-772-5856. SAN ANTONIO, NM. Zanja Road. PRICE REDUCED! 4.66 acres irrigated farmland in Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District. Has produced alfalfa and grass hay crops. Utilities nearby. $69,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com
12 ACRE PARCEL beautiful view of Rowe Mesa. Easy access to I-25 and park & ride to both Santa Fe and Las Vegas. Includes well. $75,000. Call 505-426-5565. WEST OF CONCHAS/GARITA, 134 Paisano. 1 bedroom, 1 bath home with 1 bath guesthouse. Just over 7 acres, $34,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com FENCE LAKE, 295 Pine Hill Road. PRICE REDUCED! 2 bedroom, 3 bath log home on just over 60 acres, well, outbuildings, corrals, hunting opportunities. $295,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com
CHAMA MAINSTREET DOWNTOWN commercial lot across from Railroad Depot. Level, utilities available at lot. Power on property no transformer 48’x150’ +/-. Seller financing, $68,000. Call 505-249-4415.
GRADY, 300 MARSHALL. 3 bedroom, 2 bath two-story home, corrals and outbuildings, Village water. $59,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-4562000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-7605461. www.bigmesarealty.com
CONCHAS, 0000 BOAT Dock Drive. Vacant land just over 1/2 acre. Water access at high mark. $40,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com
TULAROSA, 509 RIATA Road. 4 bedroom, 2 bath log home on 70+/- acres with office room and detached garage. 13 acres have pistachio orchard, barn. $640,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com
CONCHAS, 141 GREEN Place. 3 vacant lots at 1.02 acres. Has new septic system with RV hookups installed February 2018. Community water. $37,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com
MORA/EL CARMEN. TBD County Road A012. PRICED REDUCED! 10.5 fenced acres, electricity, beautiful mountain views. $52,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com
CONCHAS, 107 CAMP Circle. 2 bedroom, 1 bath mobile home on .68 acres. Community water. $39,500. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com
PORTALES. 1715 WEST 17th Lane. PRICE REDUCED! 2 bedroom, 1 bath home with small studio in back. Recent paint and carpet. $69,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com
CONCHAS, TBD 1, 2 and 3 Big Mesa Avenue. Waterfront accessible lots. TBD 1 is 4.4206 acres, $75,000. TBD 2 is 1.231 acres, $25,000. And TBD 3 is 0.908 acres, $25,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-4562000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-7605461. www.bigmesarealty.com
ELEPHANT BUTTE, 208 Pinto Trail. 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on permanent foundation with large front porch, shop, carport, pine trees, just over 1 acre. Recent flooring upgrades. $198,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker, NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com
ELEPHANT BUTTE, 89 Lost Canyon Drive. 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with computer room/office, custom interior features, covered patio, 30x30 shop with attached carport, lakeside view. $290,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker, NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com CLOVIS, 209 PLAZA. PRICE REDUCED! 3 bedroom, 1 bath, refurbished with new appliances. $109,500. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker, NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com SUMNER LAKE, 0 and 00 River Ranches Road (near intersection with State Road 203). Two lots just over 20 acres each. Scenic views just west of lake. $18,900 per lot. Big Mesa Realty, 575-4562000. Paul Stout, Broker, NMREL 17843, 575-7605461. www.bigmesarealty.com SUMNER LAKE, TBD State Road 203. Lot in River Ranches Estate. Highway frontage just over 20 acres. Scenic views just west of lake. $25,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker, NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com WANTED! FARMS AND Ranches. Broker has over 45 years of experience working in production agriculture in New Mexico and is currently a farm owner and operator since 1988. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker, NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com HUNTING RANCH/FARM. 2,217 Deeded acres located 18 miles south of Chama, NM, on Hwy 84. Unit 4 fantastic hunting with Landowner Elk Permits: 5 Bull, 4 Cow, 2 ES Bow. 7500 elevation, Pinon and Juniper. Incredible mountain views. Acquired in 1948, this tract has a long history of dryland wheat production, with 1,445 acres of cropland, currently planted with cool season grasses and previously enrolled in the CRP program. Several ponds for wildlife and livestock. Priced low in order to settle estate at $600 per acre. Call Cristie, estate administrator, 505-400-7114 or Jeff at 505-927-9855. REMEMBER TO ENTER the Photo Contest. Deadline is soon. See pages 4 or 17 for details.
8.15 ACRES; LEMITAR, NM. Agricultural land with Pre-1907 surface water rights in the Rio Grande Valley. Property includes over an acre of heirloom vines, large workshop/garage for equipment and storage, electricity, and groundwater well. Acreage could be expanded for additional farming or specialty crops or greenhouses. Price includes all water rights. $250,000 OBO. For additional information, call Westwater Resources, Bill Turner or Matthew Rawlings at 505-843-7643, NMREL 13371. IN TAOS, 2 bedroom home, private well on 1.193 acres. Call 505-238-8675. 10 ACRE LOT on Mesa above Villanueva, New Mexico. Power, water and road. Great views. $60,000. $3,500 down, $420 a month, owner financing. Mobile Homes OK. Call Doug Baltzley at 505-690-0308. RETIRE TO CUSTOM 2-story Adobe home on 10 acres with stunning Manzano Mountain view! Or live fulltime with year-round access. Approximately 40 minutes from Albuquerque. Low taxes, trees, privacy! Horse stall/ shop. FSBO, $199,900. Call 505-350-5756 or 505-239-6581.
We’re more than doubling our emissions-free solar energy
CONCHAS DAM, NM. Beautiful lake views from this 2-story home located at 204 Cove Raod at Conchas Lake. Oversize detached garage. Priced at only $105,000. Pete Golden Realty LLC, Lic# 3065, 505-9182075. Email: goldpete1@gmail.com 78+/- DEEDED ACRES, 16 miles west of Pie Town, NM of treed seclusion. On property, is a 3/2 Fleetwood doublewide and outbuildings, great well, completely fenced on county road with lots of wildlife, $149,900; 160 acres, Fence Lake, paved SH 36 scattered tree cover some fencing, electric, phone, possible owner terms, $88,000; 40 acres, very secluded north of Pie Town, trees, views, $15,900; 12.92 acres off SR603 NW of Pie Town, nice tree cover, community well backs up to large places, $17,500. Contact Gregg Fix, Broker #14699, Tri-County Real Estate, 575-838-6018. www.landsofamerica.com/member/12695 WAGON MOUND. 613-615 Stonewood. 1 bedroom, 1 bath house on 3 lots with nice view of the village from deck. $21,000 cash or partial trade for vintage 4-wheel vehicle in running condition. Call Lou, 505-715-8924. WATER DOWSING And Consulting. Proven success. 43 years experience. In Lincoln County, will travel. Call Elliot Topper at 575-937-2722 or 575-354-2984.
Vehicles LOOKING TO SELL your RV? We will sell your RV for a reasonable rate. Kay’s RV specializes in consignments for 5th Wheels, Travel Trailers & Motorhomes. Because we are a consignment-focused lot, we don’t have our own inventory competing with the sale of your unit. Kay’s RV, Moriarty, NM. 505-220-5796. www.kaysrv.com FOR SALE: ‘06 Chevy 1500 4x2 Silverado Quad cab, tow package. Located in Logan, New Mexico. Price Reduced! $7,795. Or look and make an offer. Must sell! Call 575-347-8308.
By soaking up the sun At Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, nearly a third of the electricity used by consumers within our cooperative family comes from renewable resources. We are the number one solar generation and transmission cooperative in the nation. The 100-megawatt Spanish Peaks Solar Project will power 28,000 homes and more than doubles our solar resources. Together, we generate possibilities. |
enchantment.coop • June 2019
youth art
backyard trails I by craig springer
Lorelei Canavan • Age 7 Edgewood
Melody Flores • Age 9 Datil
Preslie Hernandez • Age 7 Artesia
Shawn Martinez • Age 10 Solano
Liliana Romero • Age 11 Anton Chico
Kyle Terry • Age 8 Logan
Lady Bugs
Mark June 11 on your calendar. That’s Saint Barnaby’s Day. On the pre-Gregorian calendar, the day coincided with the first day of summer—and as Old World folklore has it, the expected appearance of lady bugs. These red and black speck of a bug the size of a pencil eraser were called Saint Barnaby’s bees in remembrance of Barnaby who brought comfort to the afflicted. The June appearance of lady bugs brought a welcomed utility to orchardists and farmers alike. Lady bugs as cute and dainty as they may be, are voracious predators of other bugs, some too small for the human eye to see. Lady bugs live two years and survive the winter in their adult form, hiding en masse beneath the frost line under rocks and downed timber. As winter turns to spring, longer daylight periods and warmth stirs them to reproduce. Adults lay egg clusters, clutches of about 50 eggs each, near aphid colonies—tiny bugs that might destroy agricultural crops. The lady bug eggs incubate in less than five days and in less than two weeks they change from a caterpillar-like form into an adult. When the lady bugs hatch, the larvae are born into a “grocery store” of scale bugs, mealy bugs, and aphids. And here’s one better: some eggs in a cluster lack an embryo and those are eaten, too. The young larvae under a magnifying glass might give you a scare as they look like a tiny spiny crocodile before transforming into adults. There’s a lot of cuteness in these bugs shaped like, well, a VW Beetle. But lady bugs are an eating machine. They are equipped with razor-sharp jaws that slice and squeeze their insect food. A single adult consumes upwards of a thousand aphids in a single day. Their bright colors don’t provide camouflage in vegetation. Quite the opposite. Their striking colors convey a message in nature that they are toxic. When agitated or picked up by a bird or lizard, lady bugs emit toxins from their joints that repulse would-be predators. Though “lady bug” is their most commonly used name, they go by a variety of curious terms, such as “bishop bug,” “God’s cow,” and “ladybird,” as they are adept flyers. “Lady” honors the Blessed Virgin Mary, as the shell resembles Mary’s red cloak seen in period paintings.
June 2019 • enchantment.coop
Rockin' Veggies
These Rockin' Veggies are awesome! Remember to eat your veggies everyday.
Submit your drawing by the 9th, one month prior to publication.
July's Topic: Barn Day
Hooray! You Get Paid!
July 14 is "Barn Day." So gather your crayons and draw barns. Any color, any design. Your drawings will brighten Farmer John's day.
Each published artist receives $15.
August's Topic: Prickly Cacti Draw "Prickly Cacti" for August or any cactus native to our Land of Enchantment. Maybe there's some in your backyard.
Send Your Drawing by Mail or Email Mail: Youth Editor 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87505 Email: enchantment@nmelectric.coop
Have a Youth Art Topic? Mail or email your suggestion to us at enchantment@nmelectric.coop or with your current entry. Or, call us at 505-982-4671.
Include on the back of your drawing:
Name:________________________ Address:_______________________ ___________________________ City:_________________________ State:_______ ZIP:_______________ Phone:__________________ Age:___ Cooperative:____________________ Accept artwork up to age 13.
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enchantment.coop • June 2019
Congratulations to Southwestern Electric Cooperative Scholarship Recipents Angelina Lopez - Des Moines High School - $1,000 Kiah Thompson - Clayton High School - $1,000 Chase Hittson - Logan High School - $1,000 Rayelle Rivale - Tri State G&T - $1,000 Makenna Hittson - College Student - 1,000 Congratulations to All the Area Graduating Seniors!
June 16 Board of Trustees President Clayton District Vice President Grenville-Sofia District Secretary-Treasurer Cimarron District Trustee Mosquero District Trustee Des Moines District Trustee Hayden District Trustee Sedan District Trustee Nara Visa District Trustee Amistad District Board Meeting The board of trustees meets the first Tuesday following the third Thursday of the month at : a.m. in the cooperative boardroom. Robert Emery Joel Gilbert Bob Weese Jack Chatfield Ron Green Roy Perschbacher Joe Reeser Renee Rinestine Sterlin Shields