enchantment The Voice of New Mexico's Rural Electric Cooperatives
Northern RÃo Arriba Electric Cooperative August 2019
August 2019 • enchantment.coop
August 1, 2019 • Vol. 71, No. 08 USPS 175-880 • ISSN 0046-1946 Circulation 88,974 enchantment (ISSN 0046-1946) is published monthly by the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association, 614 Don Gaspar Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87505. enchantment provides reliable, helpful information on rural living and energy use to electric cooperative members and customers. Nearly 89,000 families and businesses receive enchantment Magazine as electric cooperative members. Non-member subscriptions are available at $12 per year or $18 for two years, payable to NMRECA. Allow four to eight weeks for delivery. Periodical Postage paid at Santa Fe, NM 87501-9998 and additional mailing offices. CHANGE OF ADDRESS
Postmaster: Send address changes to 614 Don Gaspar Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87505-4428. Readers who receive the publication through their electric cooperative membership should report address changes to their local electric cooperative office. THE NEW MEXICO RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION
provides legislative and educational services to the cooperatives who are members of the Association that deliver electric power to New Mexico’s rural areas and small communities. The mission of the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association is to strengthen, support, unify, and represent Cooperative member interests at the local, state, and national levels. Each cooperative has a representative on the association’s board of directors, which controls the editorial content and advertising policy of enchantment through its Publications Committee. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Charles Pinson, President, Central Valley Electric Cooperative, Artesia Tim Morrow, Vice President, Springer Electric Cooperative, Springer Duane Frost, Secretary-Treasurer, Central New Mexico Electric Cooperative, Mountainair
"Ice and Stone 2020" global educational program Learn more about the "small bodies" of the solar system.
Smokey Bear's birthday Smokey Bear turns 75 years old.
2019 photo contest winners Winners of the Icons of the Southwest photo contest.
Life hacks to beat the summer heat Tips to stay cool.
Energy terms quiz Brain quiz for kids.
Chris Martinez, Columbus Electric Cooperative, Deming Keith Gottlieb, Continental Divide Electric Cooperative, Grants Lance R. Adkins, Farmers’ Electric Cooperative, Clovis Robert Caudle, Lea County Electric Cooperative, Lovington Robert Quintana, Mora-San Miguel Electric Cooperative, Mora Thomas G. Rivas, Northern Río Arriba Electric Cooperative, Chama Preston Stone, Otero County Electric Cooperative, Cloudcroft Antonio Sanchez, Jr., Roosevelt County Electric Cooperative, Portales George Biel, Sierra Electric Cooperative, Elephant Butte Joseph Herrera, Socorro Electric Cooperative, Socorro Travis Sullivan, Southwestern Electric Cooperative, Clayton Wayne Connell, Tri-State G&T Association, Westminster, Colorado Charles G. Wagner, Western Farmers Electric Cooperative, Oklahoma
David Spradlin, Springer Electric Cooperative, Springer MEMBERS OF THE PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE
Thomas G. Rivas, Chair, Northern Río Arriba Electric Cooperative Chris Martinez, Columbus Electric Cooperative Robert Caudle, Lea County Electric Cooperative Joseph Herrera, Socorro Electric Cooperative Wayne Connell, Tri-State G&T Association NEW MEXICO RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION
614 Don Gaspar Avenue Phone: 505-982-4671 Santa Fe, NM 87505 Fax: 505-982-0153 www.nmelectric.coop www.enchantment.coop Keven J. Groenewold, CEO, kgroenewold@nmelectric.coop Susan M. Espinoza, Editor, sespinoza@nmelectric.coop Tom Condit, Assistant Editor, tcondit@nmelectric.coop
Rates available upon request. Cooperative members and New Mexico display advertisers email Shaylyn at enchantmentads@nmelectric.coop or call 505-2522540. National representative: American MainStreet Publications, 800-626-1181. Advertisements in enchantment are paid solicitations and are not endorsed by the publisher or the electric cooperatives that are members of the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association. PRODUCT SATISFACTION AND DELIVERY RESPONSIBILITY LIE SOLELY WITH THE ADVERTISER. Copyright ©2019, New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Inc. Reproduction prohibited without written permission of the publisher.
On the Cover A collared lizard suns itself on a lava rock near Manzano Peak. Photo by Kristine Hughes, a member of Socorro Electric Cooperative.
Current News
View from enchantment
Hale to the Stars
Enchanted Journeys
Energy Sense
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Youth Art
Your Electric Co-op
enchantment.coop • August 2019
current news I research • trends • letters
2019 YOUTH TOUR Highlights
his past June, 35 New Mexico high school students sponsored by 14 electric cooperatives; ventured outside their hometowns for one week to join 1,800 other students from across the nation to attend the electric cooperative Government-in-Action Youth Tour (Youth Tour) in Washington, D.C. For several, it was a first time leaving far from home and travelling by airplane. For many, a first in seeing Washington, D.C. in person. Before leaving to our nation’s capital, the delegates spent one day in Santa Fe, our state capital, visiting with Lt. Gov. Howie Morales, hearing from a Supreme Court Justice, touring the state capitol building, and other government buildings and historic sites. “It was such a rewarding experience to see our youth visit with New Mexico’s lieutenant governor, and to visit with New Mexico’s congressional delegation in Washington, D.C. These youth are our future,” says Vince Martinez, New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association’s (NMRECA)
Congratulations to this month’s photo winner: Sofia Salas takes the July 2019 enchantment for a swing. Sofia's mom, Marie, writes: “Our daughter, Sofia, likes to read the enchantment magazine and she appreciates the pictures too." They are members of Springer Electric Cooperative.
They win $20!
August 2019 • enchantment.coop
Grassroots Development Coordinator and Youth Tour director. Kiah Thompson, sponsored by Southwestern Electric Cooperative, was selected as the New Mexico Youth Leadership Council (YLC) delegate for 2019-2020 by the chaperones. She returned to D.C., in July as one of a select group of youth representatives for the NRECA Youth Leadership Council to learn more about electric co-ops and leadership skills. Read next month’s enchantment about Thompson’s experience on Youth Tour and being chosen as the YLC delegate; and that of Natalie Rychener who also attended the Youth Tour. She is sponsored by Continental Divide Electric Cooperative. This is NMRECA’s 22nd year participating in Youth Tour. This lifetime opportunity allows the students to experience government firsthand by visiting the nation’s capital, engaging in interactive workshops, learning about the electric cooperative spirit, and building lifelong friendships from across America. Visit www.facebook.com/NMYouthTour to see more Youth Tour photos.
monthly photo win ner Take a photo of you holding YOUR MAGAZINE AND WIN! Simply take a photo of you or someone with the magazine and email it with a few words about the photo. Include your name, mailing address, and co-op name, send to: enchantment@nmelectric.coop
One lucky member will win $20. Deadline is August 9, 2019. Submitting your photo(s) gives us permission to publish the photo(s) in enchantment, Facebook, and other media outlets.
How to Contact enchantment Phone 505-982-4671 Email enchantment@nmelectric.coop Facebook facebook.com/enchantmentnmreca Mail 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87505 Community Events events@nmelectric.coop Display Ads enchantmentads@nmelectric.coop Book Chat Inquiries enchantment@nmelectric.coop
view from I enchantment
Electric co-ops working to meet EV member needs
lectric powered autos are not a new technology. Although electric vehicles may seem like the latest and greatest invention, in reality the technology has been around for more than a century. In the 1890s, electric cars were more popular than gas-powered autos because of their simplicity, reliability, and low cost of operation. In fact, Henry Ford’s wife drove an EV. For a variety of reasons, EV technology languished with the rise of gas-powered engines, but today, electric vehicles—once again—are charging to the auto transportation forefront. This resurgence is fueled by significant advancements in power electronics and energy storage technologies. Electric vehicles (EVs) today are a “hot item” in the auto world, with many auto manufacturers offering at least one model. Improved versions are on the near horizon, even a pickup truck scheduled for release in 2020. Electric vehicles provide environmental advantages and, even though they may carry a higher price tag initially, tax credits and lower operating costs often balance out the initial investment. Electricity as a vehicle fuel is typically onehalf to one-third the cost of gas or diesel, and EV batteries now enable longer ranges. The upfront price of an EV is still higher than its gas-powered cousin, but the cost is coming down. It’s important to note you may have to pay upfront costs to charge your EV at home, but it depends on which charging option you select. There are two basic types of EVs: the allelectric vehicle, which is commonly referred to as an AEV or EV, and the plug-in hybrid elec
tric vehicle, also known as the PHEV, which can run using an electric motor or a gas engine. Unlike the gas/electric hybrid that started with the Toyota Prius in 2000, where the battery assists the gasoline engine, yet the car is fueled solely by gasoline, the PHEV features a larger battery that fuels an electric motor, which can power the car independently. A PHEV can run solely on electricity for about 15 to 50 miles depending on the model. This electric-only range may be sufficient for running errands or for those with a shorter daily commute. Most EVs travel 3 to 4 miles per kilowatthour (kWh). Level 1 charging units distribute charge to the battery at 1 to 2 kWh, giving the battery roughly 3 to 8 miles range per hour of charging. So, if you drive your car 40 miles or less during the day and can charge it for 10 hours a night, this will probably be adequate. Level 1 charging makes the most sense for PHEVs and early EVs with smaller batteries and shorter ranges. Level 2 units typically supply power levels from 6 to 12 kWh, depending on the amperage of the circuit and the power level the EV can accept. This is comparable to an electric dryer or electric range outlet. This means the Level 2 chargers will provide between 18 and 48 miles of range per hour of charging. A Level 1 charging unit comes with the car and will meet the needs of most PHEVs and early-model, short-range EVs. A Level 2 charging unit can cost $500 to $700, with installation between $500 and $2,700, depending on how far your electrical panel is from where you will be charging the EV.
Now that you know the basic options, you should talk to your electric co-op if you are looking at making an EV charging decision. Many electric co-ops offer special incentives for members installing Level 2 chargers or members willing to schedule EV charging during non-peak energy hours. Give them a call to learn more!
Is EV Right for You? Visit www.nmelectric.coop to read if an EV is right for you. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and select "Get Started" on the Choose EV New Mexico landing page to read more about EVs.
By Keven J. Groenewold. P.E. Chief Executive Officer New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association
enchantment.coop • August 2019
hale to the stars I by alan hale
Psyche the asteroid
he two nearest planets to Earth, Venus and Mars, are both on the far side of the sun from us and are not visible during August. We’ll start to see them by the end of October, with Venus poking into the evening sky and Mars emerging from the dawn. Meanwhile, the two largest worlds of our solar system are both well-placed for viewing this month. Jupiter, located slightly to the east of the “head” of the prominent constellation Scorpius, is high in our southern sky when darkness falls and sets an hour or so after midnight. Saturn, which is east of the “teapot” shape of Sagittarius, is highest in the south about an hour after the end of dusk and sets during the mid-morning hours. The four large “Galilean” moons of Jupiter, and Saturn’s system of rings, are easily detectable with small backyard telescopes. Our solar system’s innermost planet, Mercury, emerges into our dawn sky by the second week of August. It remains visible, and actually brightens
some, over the next couple of weeks before disappearing into sunlight by month’s end. August is the month of the annual Perseid meteor shower, but unfortunately this year, its predicted maximum date of August 13 is only two days before full moon and the sky will be too bright for a good show. At any given time, numerous asteroids are detectable with backyard telescopes; they normally look like dim “stars” that shift position against the background stars from night to night. One asteroid that is well-placed for viewing this month is Psyche, which was discovered in 1852 and which is about 140 miles across. It will travel westward against the stars in the northern portion of the constellation Capricornus—east of Sagittarius—and is easily detectable in even small backyard telescopes. Psyche appears to be made up almost entirely of iron and other metals, and may be the metallic core
Artist’s conception of NASA’s Psyche mission in orbit around the asteroid Psyche. Image courtesy NASA.
of a no-longer-existing planet. If and when we are ever able to mine asteroids, it would seem to be a logical place for mining operations. NASA’s Psyche mission is currently scheduled for launch in August 2022 and would arrive at Psyche in January 2026, where it is expected to spend at least the next 21 months in orbit.
enchanted journeys: Submit your community event to: events@nmelectric.coop August 2-4 • Lincoln Old Lincoln Days Lincoln Historic Site • 575-653-4025
August 9-11 • Mosquero Mosquero Camp Meeting Bell Ranch Camp • 575-447-8302
August 18 • Cloudcroft Church in the Park • Pavilion at Zenith Park • 480-823-5407
August 24 • Las Vegas People’s Faire Carnegie Library Park • 505-454-1401
August 2-4 • Winston Adam Petersen Memorial Dutch Oven Cook-Off • Petersen Arena • 575-743-5202
August 10 • Angel Fire Festival Eclectica • Colfax County Airport 575-377-3232
August 22-25 • Deming Great American Duck Race Courthouse Park • 575-546-2674
August 24 • Mountainair Sunflower Festival • Dr. Saul Community Center • 505-847-2321
August 5 • Roswell Paddle Board Races • Bottomless Lake State Park • 575-624-6058
August 10 • Portales Star Party Oasis State Park • 575-356-5331
August 22-25 • Red River Bluegrass & Traditional Music Festival Brandenburg Park • 575-754-2366
August 31 • Edgewood Harvest and Fiber Festival • Wildlife West Nature Park • 505-281-7655
August 6 • Lovington Lea County Fair Parade Downtown • 575-396-5311
August 10 • Watrous Candlelight Tours • Fort Union National Monument • 505-425-8025
August 24 • Artesia Red Dirt Black Gold Festival Heritage Plaza • 575-746-2122
August 31 • Hillsboro Celebrating 1,000 years • Hillsboro Community Center • 575-895-5154
August 8-11 • Chama Chama Days 2019 Robert Gallegos Park • 575-756-2184
August 16-18 • Carrizozo Carrizozo Arts Weekend Downtown • 575-336-4061
August 24 • Kingston Antiques & Art Anniversary Celebration Entry to town • 575-895-5461
Aug. 31-Sept. 1 • Cleveland Cleveland Millfest • Cleveland Roller Mill Museum • 575-387-2645
August 2019 • enchantment.coop
ATTENTION READERS Have a story suggestion? Send your suggestions about people, places, history, or anything you believe will be a good story.
feel the rush of 12mph. Steal away a day on the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad. It’s a 64-mile journey that zig zags through steep mountain canyons, the high desert, and lush meadows between Antonito, Colorado and Chama, New Mexico. Begin your adventure in either town. The trip includes a hearty lunch buffet and luxury motor coach shuttle back to your car. Enjoy the pace of a bygone era and the breathtaking beauty of the unspoiled West.
book now at cumbrestoltec.com 1-888-286-2737
Email: sespinoza@nmelectric.coop Enchantment_Rush_7.33x5.2.indd 1
5/29/19 9:28 AM
America’s most historic scenic railroad
Installations • Repairs and Supplies
enchantment.coop • August 2019
energy sense I by patrick keegan and brad thiessen
Ceiling fans provide air movement to cool anyone sitting on the deck. Photo Credit: Flickr user ntm1909.
lot of heat. Replace them with LEDs. • Unplug devices you aren’t using, like chargers, computers, monitors and consumer electronics. Many of these use phantom power that keeps them on constantly (even when they’re not in use!), which generates heat. • Maintain appliances for peak efficiency. For example, clean your refrigerator coils. • Lower your water heater temperature to no higher than 120 degrees Fahrenheit and your refrigerator to no lower than 38 degrees Fahrenheit. Also consider insulating your hot water pipes.
tion properly. If you do not have central AC, window units can be an efficient solution if they are ENERGY STAR®certified and only used to cool part of the home, part of the time. Make sure to seal any openings around the window unit. The least expensive way to cool yourself is air movement. A ceiling fan or portable fan can make a room feel up to 10 degrees cooler, but keep in mind, fans cool people. Turn them off when you’re not in the room. If you live in an area where the night air is cool and not too humid,
Play it cool Tips to help you stay comfortable this summer Dear Pat: My energy bill was pretty high last summer. Do you have any tips for how to keep comfortable this year without breaking the bank? —Don Dear Don: Absolutely! There are several ways to make your home more comfortable this summer. Some of the solutions are low-cost, while others require a bigger investment. In the end, you can be more comfortable and have lower energy bills this summer. The first step is to reduce your home’s solar gains—the heat energy it collects from the sun. Since most solar gains originate through your home’s windows, awnings are an effective solution. They can reduce solar heat gain by as much as 65 percent on south-facing windows and 77 percent on west-facing windows. You can also try less expensive solutions on the outside or inside of your windows, like reflective films and solar 8
August 2019 • enchantment.coop
screens. Heavy window coverings also work and have the added benefit of reducing heat loss in winter. Two areas that can be major sources of heat gain are skylights and attics. Reflective film or specially designed window coverings are potential solutions for skylights. Attics can become extremely hot and radiate heat through the ceiling into your living space. Abundant venting through the roof, gable or eaves is one solution, but you also need adequate attic insulation. Another important step is to seal air leaks around windows, doors, plumbing and wiring penetrations to keep warm air out and cool air in. Excess heat can also be generated inside your home—and at your expense. Here’s a quick list of simple steps you can take: • Make it a habit to turn off lights and TVs in rooms that aren’t in use. • Incandescent light bulbs generate a
Since most solar gain enters through your home’s windows, awnings and shade trees are effective in making your home cooler during summer months. Photo Credit: David Sawyer, Flickr. • Minimize use of your oven, and don’t run the dishwasher or washing machine until they are full. Now that you’ve worked on keeping heat out of your home and minimizing the waste heat generated inside, let’s look at how to make the inside air cooler. That starts by assessing your air conditioning (AC) system. If you have central AC, make sure it’s working efficiently. Replace the filters regularly, and check to see if your supply registers are open. AC systems need to push an adequate amount of air into the supply ductwork to func-
you can exchange your hot air for cool outdoor air by opening the windows and turning on your kitchen and bath fans. Or you can place a fan in one window to exhaust the warm air and open another window at the opposite end of the house to allow the cooler night air inside. The permanent (but more expensive) option is to install a whole-house fan. Remember, there are several ways to keep cool and increase comfort. We hope these tips will make your summer more enjoyable than the last!
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enchantment is circulated to 80% of the state. Advertise your business, service or products in the enchantment which is circulated directly to over 89,000 homes and businesses statewide! We offer a variety of rates, sizes, and discounts. If you are a co-op member, you automatically qualify for a 25% member discount, and your ad is designed for FREE! For details, contact Shaylyn 505-252-2540 enchantmentads@nmelectric.coop
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6/21/19 3:41 PM
enchantment.coop • August 2019
"Ice and Stone 2020" global educational program
ou’ve seen his column each month in the enchantment, Hale to the Stars, and you’ve heard of Comet Hale-Bopp. That’s right, our very own Alan Hale is known for his work with comets, which includes his co-discovery of Comet Hale-Bopp in 1995, and his participation in the International HalleyWatch during the return of Halley’s Comet in 1986. Hale is founder of the Southwest Institute for Space Research, now known as the Earthrise Institute. This organization is pleased to announce “Ice and Stone 2020,” a global educational program that focuses on the “small bodies” of the solar system, i.e., comets and asteroids, and that will be unveiled throughout 2020. These worlds may be small in physical size, but have played a significant role in the natural and cultural history, and will continue to do so into our future. “Ice and Stone 2020” will explore not only the scientific and cultural facets of these worlds, but when appropriate will also examine economic, legal, and other issues associated with them. Each week of 2020, “Ice and Stone 2020” will feature presentations examining various topics associated with the solar system’s small bodies, and will also examine events that have occurred in the past; the various past, present, and future spacecraft missions to these bodies; and some of the events that will take
place in the future. At times feature presentations will be prepared by experts in their respective fields. Since there are always comets and asteroids visible in the nighttime skies— including occasional passages of these bodies close to Earth—the Earthrise Institute will, when appropriate, incorporate observations of them. Along these lines, the Earthrise Institute will collaborate with the Las Cumbres Observatory—a worldwide network of automated telescopes based at some of the top astronomical observatory sites in the world—and some of these telescopes will be available for use by participants in the program. In keeping with the overall mission of the Earthrise Institute, “Ice and Stone 2020” is available free of charge to all students and educators around the world. Via online forums, participants will be able to share results of scientific observations, stories, art, and, other facets of their studies with their fellow participants all over the world. “Ice and Stone 2020” formally launches on January 1, 2020. For more information visit www.earthriseinstitute.org
SMOKEY BEAR CELEBRATES HIS 75TH BIRTHDAY, AUGUST 9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SMOKEY BEAR! Visit www.smokeybear.com to learn more about how you can prevent wildfires. If campfires are allowed, remember to extinguish your campfire: Pour lots of water on the fire. Drown ALL embers, not just the red ones. Pour until hissing sound stops. NEVER leave a campfire unattended. 10
August 2019 • enchantment.coop
Mueller_NM_Roofing-Great-Looks_OL2.indd 1
3/29/19 5:08 PM
enchantment.coop • August 2019
2019 PHOTO CONTEST WINNERS Icons of the West
Wagon, rain showers and rainbows. By Brad Hunton, Roosevelt County Electric Cooperative.
You submitted more than 200 photos to the Icons of the West enchantment Photo Contest. Our judge combed through all the entries, and here, you will find the winners. A collared lizard suns itself on a lava rock near Manzano Peak. By Kristine Hughes, Socorro Electric Cooperative.
Heading back to the p By Kyla Gray, Roosevel
Southwest cactus. By Ronnita Montoya, Socorro Electric Cooperative.
A spark of color in the beautiful Southwest. By Lilia Ruiz, Central New Mexico Electric Cooperative. Western Meadowlark south of Moriarty. By James Taulman, Central New Mexico Electric Cooperative.
August 2019 • enchantment.coop
Red sunset. By Eugenia Oglesby, Farmers' Electric Cooperative.
Horse trainer at work. By Shawn Logsted, Central New Mexico Electric Cooperative.
pens after pushing the cattle out to the pasture. lt County Electric Cooperative.
One stormy night near Lovington. By Pat McNabb, Lea County Electric Cooperative.
Gone Forever (T or C scene). By Richard Prosapio, Central New Mexico Electric Cooperative.
enchantment.coop • August 2019
on the menu I by sue hutchison
Reel in the BIG one
ummer is in full swing, the fish are biting and the ponies are running at Ruidoso Downs Racetrack. Executive Chef Brendan Gochenour scores at the racetrack’s Jockey Club (open to the public), creating one-of-a-kind entrees and desserts. Try your hand at reeling in fresh fish to create the following recipe as summer carries forth.
produce tough fish as well as burned pecans, while under-baking will produce raw fish. 5. Squeeze juice of lemon over fish when finished. May be garnished with sliced lemon, lime and rosemary sprigs.
Pan Roasted Veggie Frittata 2 cups pan roasted fresh vegetables, such as green bell peppers, cauliflower, broccoli, green onions, roma tomatoes 2 Tbs. butter 4 large eggs ¼ cup greek plain yogurt ½ cup milk 1 cup finely grated cheddar cheese 1. To pan roast vegetables, preheat oven to 425⁰.
Pecan Encrusted Baked Fish 2 tsps. olive oil ½ cup finely chopped pecans ½ cup flour 1 tsp. crushed, dried rosemary (or 1 Tb. fresh, snipped rosemary) 1 tsp. lemon pepper 2 cloves garlic, finely minced 7-8 white fish filets 1 egg, beaten 1 cup half and half 1 lemon 1. Preheat oven to 400⁰. 2. Prepare and set aside the following: medium
sized baking sheet lightly coated with olive oil, pie plate with pecans, pie plate with mixture of flour, rosemary, lemon pepper, garlic, and, if desired, salt to taste, shallow bowl with beaten egg and half and half whisked together. 3. Dip each filet in egg mixture, then press each side of filet into flour mixture, shaking off excess. Dip in egg mixture once again, then press each filet into pecans turning to coat both sides. 4. Place coated filets on baking dish on center rack in oven, turn after 3 minutes and bake until corner of a filet flakes easily with a fork. Baking time will vary according to oven as well as thickness and type of fish. Note: overbaking will 14
August 2019 • enchantment.coop
Brush rimmed baking sheet with olive oil to coat, combine vegetables and season with choice of spices. Toss with additional olive oil and place in oven. Stir occasionally until vegetables are roasted. Remove from oven and set aside, keeping oven on. 2. In heavy, ovenproof skillet, melt butter over medium heat, swirl to coat inside of skillet. 3. In separate bowl, whisk eggs, yogurt and milk together. Stir in cheese. 4. Place vegetables in skillet to warm.
Caramel-Coconut-With-A-Kick Bars 10-12 cinnamon graham crackers 2 cups mini-marshmallows ¾ cup butter ¾ cup brown sugar 1 tsp. ground cinnamon 1 tsp. cayenne pepper 1 tsp. vanilla 1 cup sliced almonds 1 cup flaked coconut ½ cup semi-sweet chocolate chips 1. Preheat oven to 350⁰. 2. Line a 15x10x1-inch baking pan with heavy-
duty foil, covering sides. 3. Place graham crackers in pan in a single layer. 4. Sprinkle graham crackers with marshmallows. 5. In sauce pan over medium heat, cook and stir
5. Pour egg mixture over vegetables and cook on
stovetop until nearly set. 6. Place frittata in oven broiler approximately 3 minutes to complete cooking and lightly brown. 7. Remove from broiler and serve. Serves 4-6, depending upon portion size. Executive Chef Brendan Gochenour's culinary interest began while working as a dishwasher which he thought at the time was, “the coolest job in the world.” His education and cooking skills grew, which resulted in his present status of Executive Chef, his creativity taking center stage. Chef Gochenour is also a founding member of the White Apron Society, a group of chefs with the goal of service to the community utilizing their talents to provide inspiration and encouragement in developing the next generation of chefs. The Society’s community involvement is legendary in its offerings of innovative and mouthwatering menu items. His current Jockey Club menu features lobster and crab bruschetta, salmon and trout, in addition to other delectable items.
butter, brown sugar, cinnamon and cayenne until butter is melted and sugar is dissolved. 6. Remove from heat, stir in vanilla and drizzle mixture over marshmallows. 7. Sprinkle with almonds, coconut and chocolate chips. 8. Bake for 20 minutes or until light brown. Cool completely on wire rack. 9. Remove bars from pan by sliding foil onto flat surface. 10. With pizza cutter, slice bars into squares, slicing each square diagonally to form triangles.
Life hacks to beat the summer heat By Abby Berry, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
At Tri-State
s summer temperatures continue to rise, there’s no need to let the heat get you down. There are ways you can keep cool this summer—without wreaking havoc on your home’s air conditioner! Use these simple life hacks to beat the summer heat. 1. Make aloe vera cubes. Whether you’re nursing a sunburn or just wanting to cool off, aloe vera cubes will offer some relief. Simply fill an ice tray with aloe vera gel, freeze it, then place the cubes on your body’s pulse points, like the neck and wrists, for a quick cooling sensation. 2. Just add mint. Menthol makes our bodies feel cool, so by adding spearmint essential oil to products like body wash and lotion, you can get an instant cooling effect. Essential oils can be purchased at most drugstores or online. 3. Spend a few bucks on a handheld fan mister. Sure, you may feel a little silly carrying around a tiny fan, but you’ll be more comfortable than everyone else— and they’ll probably ask to borrow it.
Our cooperative approach to a clean grid starts now. Learn how we’re transforming with our Responsible Energy Plan. www.tristategt.coop/cleangrid
There are additional ways to keep you and your home cool this summer: • Close blinds and curtains during the day, and open them during the evening when the temperatures are cooler. • Use ceiling fans and portable fans to stay comfortable. But remember, fans cool people, not rooms. • Use appliances that put out heat, like clothes dryers and dishwashers, during the evening to minimize indoor heat during the day when temperatures are higher.
enchantment.coop • August 2019
book chat I by phaedra greenwood Visit your local community bookstores to purchase books. Bandelier National Monument By Paul R. Secord • The History Press • www.arcadiapublishing.com
Bandelier National Monument near Los Alamos, in deep canyons on the edge of an extinct super volcano, is one of the most popular ancient sites of Native American culture in New Mexico. Anthropologist Adolph Bandelier was the first Euro-American to encourage its preservation. Ten thousand years of continuous habitation is linked with the present Cochiti population. The Monument, established in 1916, covers 50-plus square miles and protects about 3,200 documented archeological sites. This fascinating book includes photos of cliff dwellings, D-shaped villages, sacred kivas, petroglyphs and cave paintings, maps and drawings, visitors’ museum and accommodations, early and recent archeologists and anthropologists, trail construction crews from the Civil Conservation Corp, the first female pilot to fly over Santa Fe, and 1976 women rangers in suits, nylons, and pillbox hats. (Later they were granted ranger outfits, hats and trousers, like the men wore.) A great read before you visit.
Death in the Dolomites: A Rick Montoya Italian Mystery By David P. Wagner • Poisoned Pen Press • 800-421-3976 • www.poisonedpenpress.com
Murder and expresso, please! Wandering around in the deep snow of the Italian Dolomites, Rick Montoya is investigating clues when he is supposed to be taking a ski break from his translation business in Rome. The first Rick Montoya Italian Mystery, Cold Tuscan Stone, was awarded a Library Debut of the Month. The author, who lived and worked in Italy for nine years, has a BA in English from Michigan State and served in the Peace Corps in Chile. He now lives in Santa Fe. The characters in this novel are well defined. The beautiful, weary divorcee, Cat—Katherine Taylor—is “aging before his eyes” as she waits for her estranged husband’s body to be released. And the next thing Rick knows, he’s heading to the snowy slopes with her. Then there’s the tangle of Italian politics and skullduggery when it comes to real estate, especially where you can “ski out the back door.” Occasional humor and good description immerse the reader in this engaging mystery.
Banged-Up Heart: Dancing with Love and Loss By Shirley Melis • Terra Nova Books • 505-466-9333 • www.terranovabooks.com
Widowed twice in four years, this skillful author writes in deep and honest detail, about how she confronted her double loss and eventually transcended it. This is not a memoir for entertainment, but for the comfort of those who have been through or are facing similar losses. When the nurse reads the results of the CT scan that shows three frontal masses on her husband’s cranium, Shirley teeters between faint hope and utter devastation. “I sat in front of my desk staring at the blank, dark computer screen. Our life was over—our plans dashed…” Consumed by doctor’s visits. Radiation. The dreaded infection. She and her husband both consider how to end life with dignity, a passage that throws the reader into painful suspense. “When a patient is deemed terminal, all vestiges of medical care disappear one by one,” she writes. His fall in the bathroom. Depends. Caregivers. Hospice. Cremation. Life flows on. And then one long-distance day, “Oh my God! I’m dancing!” Five stars. 16
August 2019 • enchantment.coop
How Chile Came to New Mexico By Rudolfo Anaya • Rio Grande Books 505-344-9382 • www.RioGrandeBooks.com
This outstanding book has won numerous awards including the Best Children’s Fiction Picture Book, 2015 Latino Book awards and the Book of the Year, 2015 Border Regional Library Awards. These beautiful illustrations and glossy pages entice the reader into this charming hero’s story. Young Eagle falls in love with Sage, but to marry her he must venture alone on a dangerous journey south to the Aztecs to ask for chile seeds and bring them back to the people to flavor their food. This is a classic hero’s tale of selfless courage and magical helpers that assist him because his heart is pure. He is opposed by angry spirits but Sage’s necklace prevents a boulder from crushing him. A large eagle flies him across the deep copper canyon, which it would have taken months to cross. In the land of Jaguars and pyramids he is welcomed the chief of the clan, who says Young Eagle has earned the reward of the seeds. And we have chile rellenos. Five stars! Mail your book with contact information and where to order to: enchantment Book Chat, 614 Don Gaspar Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87505.
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enchantment.coop • August 2019
vecinos I by sharon niederman
Saving four-legged pals
s president of the Raton Humane Society, Raton native daughter Barbara Bonahoom is known for her love of dogs, as well as for all she does to improve their lives. Since she founded the Humane Society in 1979, she has saved and sheltered strays, transported pets to new homes and foster events in Albuquerque and Denver, raised money to create a no-kill shelter, worked with the city’s animal control programs, gotten animals needed medical care, and she continues to inspire volunteers to give energy to the cause. Due to her efforts as well as those of other dedicated volunteers, Raton’s city commission passed spay and neuter regulation and barred the chaining of dogs. Along the way, she became friends with noted animal lover Doris Day and visited Day at her sanctuary in Carmel. “I keep all her letters,” Bonahoom says. She has clear memories of her lifelong love of dogs that began when she was growing up the daughter of beloved Raton police chief “Mr. Bonahoom.” “We picked up every stray that we found and took them home, even brought a pup from Trinidad. Our very first pet was named Prince, a white pitbull/boxer. He actually belonged to our grandfather, but we 18
August 2019 • enchantment.coop
Another remarkable dog encounter was with the pup she named Kenny. considered him our pet because we were all together. “When my grandfather passed away and following the funeral, we missed Prince because he had taken off, which was very unusual. We found him in the cemetery lying on top of my grandfather’s grave. How he knew that, we’ll never know.” A graduate of Raton High School, Bonahoom received her BA from University of Northern Colorado in Greeley and her MA from University of New Mexico. Following teaching experience in Fountain, Colorado, she was called home to help family when her father passed away in 1966. There, she taught at Raton Junior High and ninth grade history and general busi-
ness. She also did a teaching stint at St. Pius in Albuquerque. Another remarkable dog encounter was with the pup she named Kenny. “I was helping clean the shelter one day. As I shoveled a pile of poop, the pile moved. It was Kenny. He was about an hour old with the umbilical cord still attached. I don’t know how he got there. We had no pregnant dog there. I think St. Francis dropped him just for me. “Immediately we got him to the vet and the rest is history. My sister, my aunt who was living with me, and I bottle fed, and my female heeler mothered him. Kenny was constantly by my aunt’s side. When she passed away at 106 years old in 2017, Kenny
stayed on her bed until she passed, then he went outside and let out the most horrendous howl I had ever heard. I guess he was letting her go. Kenny will be 7 years old on September 6. He’s a great representative for the Humane Society—at the schools and any event. He loves it.” Bonahoom now works with the Colorado Canine Companion program in which prisoners train dogs for adoption in a one-on-one six week program. She transports the dogs to Trinidad for pickup. Her dedicated work is paying off. When she began in 1982, she would see 500 dogs per year come into the shelter. Recent numbers show 200 dogs coming through the door. She is justly proud of the shelter’s atmosphere, which is welcoming, clean, smells good, and has music playing, “to keep the atmosphere as pleasant as possible.” Her hopes for the future include getting the shelter computerized. Right now, Bonahoom does all the paperwork and relies on her sister, Dianna Best, and a handful of volunteers to share the tasks of caring for the animals. “We are working on trying to get Colfax County to get an animal control program going,” she says. “And we need another full time worker.” “It’s a continual battle, but we’ll do anything for the animals,” she says.
THE MARKET PLACE GENERATOR STANDALONE GENRAC/ CENTURION 2012 Model 0058911 Serial 7403835, purchased from Lowes. Runs on Propane or Natural Gas. $1,995 or best offer. Call 505-221-3006.
Animals NEW MEXICO DRINKING Water Storage Tanks, Heavy Duty Black Poly. Fittings customized to your needs NRCS and EQUIP approved. High Specific Gravity, Heavy Weight, Long Warranty, Algae Resistant, Black NRCS Water Tanks. Call 1-800-603-8272 or 575-682-2308. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPY for sale. Colorblack or black/silver. Call 575-868-2243. SHEEP! DORPER CROSS 3 year old bred ewes, 9 each; 1 Ram, 9 March/April lambs. In Hillsboro, NM-can deliver. Adults, $150 each. Weaned lambs, $100 each. Call 575-895-5118 or 575-740-2458, Dennis Franklin. Will sell separately. Healthy gentle sheep. Will trade for Hay or ??? MOUNTAIN-TOP GOATS HAS great goats for great deals! You need it-we have it! Milkers, Kids, Bucks, 4-H, weed eaters, pets. Nubians, mini Nubians, La Manchas, mini La Manchas and Nigerian Dwarfs. In Capitan, New Mexico, call 575-937-0342 or 575-354-2846. NOT ALL WATER Tanks Are Created Equal! Is Quality, Value and Longevity important to you? Buy High Specific Gravity, Heavy Weight, Long Warranty, Superior Black NRCS tanks. Lowest prices only provide minimum standards, lower weights, and shorter warranties. Find out more! 575-430-1010.
Equipment 1982 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER 5088 Tractor: 2-wheel drive, 2 remotes, 3 pt. hitch, duals, weights, 5782 hours, average condition, serial #589515, $16,500. New Holland 1049 Bale Wagon: 160 bale capacity, average condition, serial #3980, $10,000. Call 505832-4212, Estancia Valley.
UNIWORLD PLANETARY COMMERCIAL Mixer: used once, paid $895, will sell for $600. Stainless steel mixing bowl, wire whip, dough hook, flat beater. Complete with all these accessories. Pictures available. Call Richard or Terry at 575-336-7755.
Great Finds HEADSTONES (i.e. CEMETERY MONUMENTS) IS OUR BUSINESS. Over 1,000 designs. An eternal memory of a loved one. TAOS MOUNTAIN HERITAGE. Call 575-770-2507 or email: taos_mt_heritage@msn.com Website: www.taosmountainheritage.com
RAILROAD ITEMS WANTED: KEROSENE LANTERNS, BRASS locks, keys, badges, uniforms, bells, whistles, and pre-1950 employee timetables. Always seeking items from any THREE EACH: 4,000 gallon, used storage early New Mexico railroad, especially D&RG, tanks. Two-poly, one-steel, plus one 300 gallon C&S, EP&NE, EP&SW, AT&SF, SP or Rock cone-shaped mix tank and support frame. Island. Call Randy Dunson at 575-356-6919 or Located 60 miles south of Gallup. Call 505-863575-760-3341. 6991 for pictures and more information. WATERMAN HEAD GATE, 10 inches, never WANTED: GALVANIZED STEEL windmill tower with or without head. Will pick up. Call used, new, $800. Saddle: black, silver buttons, hooded stirrups, breast strap, Alan at 505-670-5382. back cinch, blanket, bridle, complete, 10 HASTINGS 750 GALLON stock tanks. Two (2) years in storage, $1,200. Cattle chute, WW for sale, never been used. Price is $400 each. Manufacturing, Dodge City Kansas, excellent Originally paid $450 each. Call 505-259-7007. condition, $1,675. Call Archie, 505-852-2581. DRINKING WATER STORAGE Tanks, Heavy Duty Black Poly, proven algae resistant. 125 to 11,000 gallons, NRCS and EQUIP approved. Please give us a chance to serve you! MasterCard or Visa accepted. Call 575-6822308 or 1-800-603-8272. THANK YOU FOR advertising in the enchantment magazine. We appreciate you. SOLAR WATER PUMPS at an affordable price. NRCS compliant. Contact via email at: solutions4u@yucca.net or call 575-742-8050. www.solutions4u.info FOR SALE: FOUR 24” JD Agriculture Fans with Luvers. New, never used. $250 each. Call 505-384-5163. GREAT OFFER ON Solar Submersible Shallow/ Deep well pumps! ‘NRCS’ approved with 2-year warranty on selected pumps with affordable, easy installation! For a custom quote, call 505-429-3093 or email us at: sales@solarsubmersiblewellpumps.com 24/7 service. Order online at our website at: www.solarsubmersiblewellpumps.com
LOOKING TO SELL your RV? We will sell your RV for a reasonable rate. Kay’s RV specializes in consignments for 5th Wheels, Travel Trailers & Motorhomes. Because we are a consignment-focused lot, we don’t have our own inventory competing with the sale of your unit. Kay’s RV, Moriarty, NM. 505-2205796. www.kaysrv.com HORSE-DRAWN, 2-WHEEL CART, good condition, ready to go, $950. Has rubber over steel tires with wooden spokes. Call 505-3844128 in Estancia area. RELOADERS-FOUR 25 POUND bars of Linotype. Call 575-773-4353 for more information.
WANTED: VW VOLKSWAGEN Bus or Pickup 1967 or older, any condition, to restore or for parts but will consider any other older VW. Or any bus parts. Call or text 575-544-5999. To Place a Classified Ad 1. Visit www.enchantment.coop/classifieds and complete form. You will be contacted with price and to pay by credit card (5% processing fee). 2. Or, complete form and select category. 3. Write ad on another sheet of paper. 4. Price: $20 up to first 40 words per ad, per category, per month. After 40 words, each word is 50 cents. Add $5 for small graphics such as cattle brands. Phone numbers, emails and websites count as one word. To Send and Pay Your Classified Ad 1. Mail ad and payment (Payable to NMRECA) NMRECA • 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87505
1. Due the 9th, one month prior. Ex: Ads due February 9 for the March issue.
Good to Know 1. Only members of New Mexico electric co-ops may place ads. 2. We reserve the right to reject any ad.
3. Questions: Call 505-982-4671. 4. Advertisements in enchantment are paid solicitations and are not endorsed by the publisher or the electric cooperatives of New Mexico. PRODUCT SATISFACTION AND DELIVERY RESPONSIBILITY LIE SOLELY WITH THE ADVERTISER. Name:________________________ ___________________________ Address:_______________________ ___________________________ City:_________________________ State:_________ ZIP:_____________ Phone:________________________ Cooperative:____________________ Select Category Below
Great Finds
Real Estate
enchantment.coop • August 2019
GUITAR LESSONS: OFFERING both guitarplaying (beginning through intermediate) and one on one guitar-building classes (acoustic or electric). Guitar repair and restoration also available. Located south of Thoreau near Bluewater Lake. Information, please call Robert at 505-399-1689, bluewaterguitars@gmail.com
MONTICELLO/PLACITAS: SMALL MANAGEABLE farm, horse property. Irrigation water. 3 bedroom, 2 full baths, 100 year old adobe. On Zillow, 222 Calle del Norte, Monticello, 87939. Or call Craig at 575-743-0135.
HUNTING RANCH/FARM. 2,217 Deeded acres located 18 miles south of Chama, NM on Highway 84. Unit 4 fantastic hunting with Landowner Elk Permits: 5 Bull, 4 cow, 2 ES Bow. 7500 elevation, Pinon and Juniper. Incredible mountain views. Acquired in 1948, 11.49 WOODED ACRES Pie Town, fenced. this tract has a long history of dryland wheat $149,900. Owner financing. 642 square foot production, with 1445 acres of cropland, house, one bedroom, 3/4 bath, plus bathhouse FENCE LAKE, 295 Pine Hill Road. PRICE currently planted with cool season grasses with full size tub and shower, 10x33 porch, CRAFT SHOW: HEIGHTS First Church of REDUCED! 2 bedroom, 3 bath log home on just and previously enrolled in the CRP program. 30x50 shop/barn/garage, 12x24 Tuffshed with over 60 acres. Well, outbuildings, corrals, huntthe Nazarene, 8401 Paseo Del Norte NE, Several ponds for wildlife and livestock. loft, a full hookup RV site, gazebo. Excellent Albuquerque, NM 87122. Date: November ing opportunities. $295,000. Big Mesa Realty, Priced low in order to settle estate at $600 per 23rd, 2019. Time: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Contact well, septic, electric, propane, landline phone 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL acre. Call Cristie, estate administrator, 505Kelly Dorris by email: kydcrafter@yahoo.com and excellent cellphone service. Includes all 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com 400-7114 or Jeff at 505-927-9855. appliances and most furniture. Secluded yet or text: 505-239-7377. SAN ANTONIO, NM. Zanja Road. 4.66 acres only 3 miles west of Pie Town and a mile off ELEPHANT BUTTE, 89 Lost Canyon Drive. 3 WANTED: NEW MEXICO Motorcycle License irrigated farmland in Middle Rio Grande Highway 60. 505-859-2293. bedroom, 2 bath home with computer room/ Plates, 1912-1959. Paying $100-$500 each. Conservancy District. Has produced alfalfa office, custom interior features, covered patio, MOBILE HOME PARK For Sale. Pecos, New Also buying some New Mexico car plates and grass hay crops. Utilities nearby. $69,000. 30x30 shop with attached carport, lakeside Mexico. 6.7 Pinon tree covered acres, 10 lots. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, 1900-1923. Visit NMplates.com for history view. $129,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456Private well. 25 miles from Santa Fe. Call Rey Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. and 3,500 photographs of NM plates. Bill 2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575at 505-471-6957 or 505-470-6247. Johnston, Box 1, Organ, NM 88052-0001. www.bigmesarealty.com 760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com Email: Bill@NMplates.com or telephone FOR SALE: 20 acres with 40-foot 5th Wheel, GRADY, 300 MARSHALL. 3 bedroom, 2 bath CLOVIS, 209 PLAZA. PRICE REDUCED! 3 575-382-7804. electricity at Pie Town, New Mexico. $40,000. two-story home. Corrals and outbuildings. bedroom, 1bath, refurbished with new GRASSFED BEEF: NEW Mexico 100% Grassfed Call 575-835-6445. Village water. $59,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575- appliances. $105,900. Big Mesa Realty, 575beef. No hormones, No growth stimulants. 456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, CONCHAS, 000 BOAT Dock Drive. Vacant land 456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, Processed to your specifications. From $2.85 just over 1/2 acre. Water access at high mark. 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com per pound plus processing. Mention this ad $40,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. MORA/EL CARMEN. TBD County Road A012. SUMNER LAKE, TBD State Road 203. Lot in for a discount. Edgewood/Cedar Grove, NM, Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760SOLD! 10.5 fenced acres, electricity, beautiful River Ranches Estate, highway frontage just 505-286-0286. www.moonbeamranch.com 5461. www.bigmesarealty.com mountain views. $52,000. Big Mesa Realty, over 20 acres. Scenic views just west of lake. COFFINS, CASKETS & URNS. Individually 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL $25,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul CONCHAS, 0000 BOAT Dock Drive. Vacant handcrafted of solid wood. SIMPLE. Natural. 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. land just over 1/2 acre. Water access at high Unique. Quality Craftsmanship. Go to www.bigmesarealty.com mark. $40,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456PORTALES, 1715 WEST 17th Lane. PRICE www.theoldpinebox.com or call 505-2862000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575REDUCED! 2 bedroom, 1 bath home with PIE TOWN, 142 Webb Ranch Road. Lot in 9410 for FREE funeral information. Proudly 760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com small studio in back. Recent paint and carpet. Wild Horse Ranch Subdivision. Just over 20 serving New Mexico since 2004. acres with well and electricity. Small cabin CONCHAS, 107 CAMP Circle. 2 bedroom, 1 bath $69,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. BUYING OLD STUFF: Gas Pumps and parts Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760and corral. $75,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575mobile home on .68 acres. Community water. 1960’s or earlier, advertising signs, neon 456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, $39,500. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul 5461. www.bigmesarealty.com clocks, old car parts in original boxes, motor 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. ELEPHANT BUTTE, 208 Pinto Trail. 3 bedoil cans, license plate collections, Route 66 www.bigmesarealty.com room, 2 bath home on permanent foundaWANTED! FARMS AND ranches. Broker has items, old metal road signs, odd and weird tion with large front porch, shop, carport, over 45 years of experience working on a stuff. Fair prices paid. Have pickup, will travel. CONCHAS, TBD 1, 2 and 3 Big Mesa Avenue. pine trees, just over 1 acre. Recent flooring family farm in New Mexico and has been Gas Guy in Embudo, 505-852-2995. Waterfront accessible lots. TBD 1 is 4.4206 acres, upgrades. $198,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575a farm owner and operator since 1988. Big $75,000. TBD 2 is 1.231 acres, $25,000. And 456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, TBD 3 is 0.908 acres, $25,000. Big Mesa Realty, Real Estate Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com www.bigmesarealty.com 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com SUMNER LAKE, 0 and 00 River Ranches Road MOUNTAIN CABINS. 1800+ and 700+ square 10 ACRE LOT on Mesa above Villanueva, New (near intersection with State Road 203). Two foot cabins on 25+ acres. At 8,000 feet in the WEST OF CONCHAS/GARITA, 134 Paisano. 1 Mexico. Power, water and road. Great views. Wildhorse Ranch Subdivision, Pie Town, adja- bedroom, 1 bath home with 1 bath guesthouse. lots just over 20 acres each. Scenic views just west of lake. $18,900 PER LOT. Big Mesa Realty, $60,000. $3,500 down, $420 a month, owner cent to the community property with pond. Just over 7 acres. $34,000. Big Mesa Realty, financing. Mobile Homes OK. Call Doug 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL Excellent well, 5000 gallon storage. $400,000. 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL Contact Dave at: hannemans@cox.net 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com Baltzley at 505-690-0308. 20
August 2019 • enchantment.coop
CONCHAS, 631 CONCHAS Drive. 3 bedroom, 2 bath manufactured home on 1.02 acres. Detached garage/shop. Front and rear covered desks. Community water. $149,900. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com
640 ACRES, FENCE Lake-tree cover, fenced and well, new pipeline and drinkers, lots of elk, County Road two sides, $300,000. 78+/- deeded acres, 16 miles west of Pie Town, NM of treed seclusion, on property is a 3/2 Fleetwood doublewide and outbuildings, great well, completely fenced on County Road with lots of wildlife, $149,900. 160 acres, Fence Lake-paved SH 36 scattered tree cover, some fencing, electric, phone, possible owner terms, $88,000. 40 acres, very secluded north of Pie Town, trees, views, $15,900. 12.92 acres off SR603 NW of Pie Town, nice tree cover, community well backs up to large places, $17,500. Contact Gregg Fix, Broker #14699, Tri-County Real Estate, 575-838-6018. www.landsofamerica.com/member/12695 160 ACRES, WESTERN NM highlands. Rolling hills, bordered by County Road. Electric nearby, well water approximately 300-400 feet. No electric or water on property. Great views. Not off the grid, but, close. $72,000. 2 miles north and 2 miles west of Fence Lake, NM. Call 505-363-2265. SOCORRO:CHOICE OF 2 or all! Two 5-6 acre irrigated organic farms with homes. Located in city limits with all utilities with direct access to Rio Grande. 360 degree mountain views, all water rights, mature fruit trees. New 30 million dollar levy with miles of trails and parks. Call for pictures or details. $170,000, OBO. Call owner, 505-550-3123. WAGON MOUND, 2 bedroom, 3/4 bath house with nice view of village from deck. Village water, sewer and electricity. 3 village lots located at 613-615 Stonewood Street. $24,600. Call Lou at 505-715-8924. MORA/GUADALUPITA. HIGHWAY 434. 4 bedroom, 2 bath, office, open porches, attached carport, two-story home. Shop, barn, water well, 80+/- acres, pasture and pine trees. $450,000. Call owner at 817-559-9778 or email: ehg36@yahoo.com FOR RENT: NICE 3 bedroom, 2 bath home in Tajique, New Mexico. Large living room, dining area, laundry. $900 per month. Deposit and security. Call the owner at 636-294-4075. THE SEPTEMBER DEADLINE to advertise in the enchantment is August 9.
LOGAN. TWO ADJOINING, lake view lots in Ute Creek Subdivision. Designated open spaces on east and west. State park on west. Very private. Utilities available. 1.17 acres$59,900. 1/2 acre-$39,900. Broker “Deanna”, 575-487-3434. THE TRUSTED CHOICE SINCE 1976!
BUILD YOUR HOME on good land. 1 acre properties, improved and unimproved. In Highland Meadows Estates, 25 miles west of Albuquerque. Low Down, Owner Financed. Call 505-814-9833.
We stock the area’s largest supply of all things pertaining to water! • Solar well systems • Plumbing fittings • Water storage tanks • Pressure tanks
WATER DOWSING AND Consulting. Proven success. 43 years experience. In Lincoln County, will travel. Call Elliot Topper at 575937-2722 or 575-354-2984.
• Full septic systems • Poly pipe • PVC pipe • Fencing supplies
We are proud to serve our local community and provide cost-effective solutions for any water or well project. On behalf of everyone at Williams Windmill, we want to thank all our customers for their patronage and look forward to serving the Southwest for many more years to come!
Vehicles 1979 MERCEDES 240D, $3,999, MOTIVATED SELLER. Upgrades: Glow Plugs, Voltage Regulator, Electric Cooling Fan, Water Pump, A/C. Needs: Vacuum Brake Booster, Battery & Ignition Switch installation. Email pictures upon request. Contact: 505-715-6730.
Exit 156 • Frontage Rd • Lemitar NM (575) 835-1630 williamswindmill.com
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Residential Internet Plans include: • 24x7 dedicated support! • UNLIMITED data download! Special • 5 email accounts! Promo ** • Private IP address! Free Instal l with a One-Yea r Te rm December • enchantment.coop • Wireless router!
866.215.5333 . twncomm.com *Services provided by TransWorld Network, Corp. Not available in all areas. With approved credit. Restrictions, terms, & conditions apply. Taxes, regulatory, installation/activation, surcharges & other charges not included. Call for details or visit www.wi-power.com or www.twncorp.com for additional information and for terms and conditions of services. Customers on qualifying internet plans may receive maximum download speeds ranging from 1.5 Mbps to 15.0 Mbps. Actual download speeds will vary. 2. Wi-Power Phone not available with satellite Internet. Minimum 512 Kbps Internet connection speed required. International call rates apply. Unlimited calling applies to local and long distance calls within the contiguous United States. Digital Phone 911 Service operates differently than traditional 911. See http://www.wi-power.com/911.html for information. Unlimited usage subject to “fair and normal” usage limitations as described in terms and conditions. **Offer expires September 30, 2019. Free installation available on a one year term Internet plan. Certain terms and conditions apply. Offer available for new customers. With approved credit.
enchantment.coop • August 2019
youth art
Kynlee Davis • Age 10 Lovington
Santiago Gallegos • Age 11 Ribera
Everett Cortez • Age 9 Lemitar
Zach Barela • Age 9 Moriarty
Kimberlyn Garcia • Age 10 Portales
Vanessa Mirabal• Age 7 Grants
Can you match the definitions below with the correct energy terms? Use the word bank for clues!
1. These energy sources, like coal, oil and natural gas, were formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals buried underground and are used to generate electricity.
2. This is the network of poles and power lines that sends electricity from where it’s generated to homes and businesses all over the county.
3. These energy sources include natural energy from the sun, wind and water and are used to generate electricity.
4. This is the flow of electrically charged particles like electrons within a conductor or circuit.
5. This is the act of using less energy.
August 2019 • enchantment.coop
Gorgeous and fun cacti drawings.
Submit your drawing by the 9th, one month prior to publication.
September's Topic: State Fair Fun Draw what you like at the State Fair. The food (turkey legs), carnival rides, barn animals, vintage cars, the clowns. Have fun.
October's Topic: Funny Pumpkins Draw big and colorful funny-faced pumpkins. Have a spooktacular time.
Send Your Drawing by Mail or Email Answer Key: 1. fossil fuels 2. electric grid 3. renewable resources 4. current 5. energy conservation
Prickly Cacti
Mail: Youth Editor 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87505 Email: enchantment@nmelectric.coop
Hooray! You Get Paid! Each published artist receives $15.
Have a Youth Art Topic? Mail or email your suggestion to us at enchantment@nmelectric.coop or with your current entry. Or, call us at 505-982-4671.
Include on the back of your drawing:
Name:________________________ Address:_______________________ ___________________________ City:_________________________ State:_______ ZIP:_______________ Phone:__________________ Age:___ Cooperative:____________________ Accept artwork up to age 13.
Mateo Leyba Represented NORA at the Youth Tour Mateo Leyba, a junior at Escalante High School, had the opportunity of a lifetime to represent Northern Río Arriba Electric Cooperative at the 2019 National Rural Electric Cooperative Association Government-in-Action Youth Tour on June 15-21 in Washington, D.C. Mateo was selected for the allexpense paid trip after submitting an application and a 500-word essay on how he would help his Co-op. His ideas featured the use of renewable resources including wind and solar power. On Friday, June 14, Mateo met with fellow delegates representing other electric cooperatives from across New Mexico at the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association office in Santa Fe. There, they got to meet one another, meet their chaperones, receive their itineraries, and prepare for the week ahead. The students also went on a guided tour of the State Capitol Building and met with Lieutenant Governor Howie Morales. The agenda in D.C., included youth conferences featuring keynote and inspirational speakers, as well as tours of the historic monuments and attractions in our nation’s capital. Delegates had the opportunity to meet with New Mexico’s Congressional Delegation leaders to learn first-hand about “government in action.” The topic of one of the seminars was on rural electric cooperatives, how they operate, and how they support and benefit the communities they serve. Mateo learned that although many electric cooperatives are small, they can be just as effective as a larger corporate “big business” utility provider. NORA Electric Cooperative highly recommends more students take advantage of this enriching opportunity in the future. Mateo’s words of advice to next year’s applicants are to, “Be social and meet lots of people. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.” During the week, he made new friends from around the state and across the country he intends to keep in touch with for years to come. Mateo Leyba is the son of Lea and David Leyba of Canjilon. He will begin his senior year at Escalante this fall where he is active in National Honor Society, athletics, and 4-H. After graduating in the Class of 2020, he plans to attend college at either UNM or CSU to study chemical engineering.
Interested in attending the 2020 Youth Tour?
The next opportunity for Escalante’s junior class to apply for the Youth Tour is either in December or January. For more information, incoming juniors may contact their school counselor or the NORA office at 575-756-2181.
NORA to Launch Outage Management Notification System NORA Electric Cooperative will launch a mass notification alert system for consumer members. This will allow NORA to provide the most up-to-date communication to members with information on any scheduled outages or outage status updates. In order for the notification system to work as accurately and efficiently as possible, NORA is asking members to provide our office with current contact information and preferred method of notification. Members can choose to be notified in any or all of the following ways: • Text message to mobile/cell phone number • Voice message to mobile/cell phone number • Voice message to land line phone number • Email notification Please refer to the August billing insert, and return your updated contact information to our office as soon as possible.
Important Upcoming Dates Mark your calendars. For more information, regarding these important dates, please contact Victoria Gonzales at the NORA office at 575-756-2181. • August 1: Deadline to submit sponsorship graphics and business cards for golf tournament. • August 12: Deadline for golf tournament player registration forms. • August 17: 20th Annual Chama Valley Open Golf Tournament—Cattails Golf Course, Alamosa, Colo. • September 23: NORA’s 69th Annual Meeting.
Board of Trustees President Chama District 2 Vice President Chama District 2 Secretary Los Ojos District 3 Treasurer Canjilon District 4 Trustee Tierra Amarilla District 3 Trustee Lumberton District 1 Trustee Canjilon District 4 Board Meeting The board of trustees meets the fourth Tuesday of the month at 1:00 p.m. in the cooperative boardroom. Steve Rendon Thomas G. Rivas Gilbert Martinez Leroy Martinez Paul Cordova Michael Gomez David M. Martinez