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The Voice of New Mexico’s Rural Electric Cooperatives
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enchantment April 1, 2017 • Vol. 69, No. 04 USPS 175-880 • ISSN 0046-1946 Circulation 102,491
enchantment (ISSN 0046-1946) is published monthly by the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association, 614 Don Gaspar Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87505. enchantment provides reliable, helpful information on rural living and energy use to electric cooperative members and customers. Over 102,000 families and businesses receive enchantment Magazine as electric cooperative members. Non-member subscriptions are available at $12 per year or $18 for two years, payable to NMRECA. Allow four to eight weeks for delivery. Periodical Postage paid at Santa Fe, NM 87501-9998 and additional mailing offices. CHANGE OF ADDRESS Postmaster: Send address changes to 614 Don Gaspar Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87505-4428. Readers who receive the publication through their electric cooperative membership should report address changes to their local electric cooperative office.
THE NEW MEXICO RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION provides legislative and educational services for the 17 cooperatives that deliver electric power to New Mexico’s rural areas and small communities. Each cooperative has a representative on the association’s board of directors, which controls the editorial content and advertising policy of enchantment through its Publications Committee. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Charles Pinson, President, Central Valley Electric Cooperative, Artesia George Biel, Vice President, Sierra Electric Cooperative, Elephant Butte Tim Morrow, Secretary-Treasurer, Springer Electric Cooperative, Springer BOARD OF DIRECTORS Duane Frost, Central New Mexico Electric Cooperative, Mountainair William C. Miller, Jr., Columbus Electric Cooperative, Deming Arsenio Salazar, Continental Divide Electric Cooperative, Grants Lance R. Adkins, Farmers’ Electric Cooperative, Clovis Cristobal Duran, Kit Carson Electric Cooperative, Taos Robert Caudle, Lea County Electric Cooperative, Lovington Robert Quintana, Mora-San Miguel Electric Cooperative, Mora Tomas G. Rivas, Northern Río Arriba Electric Cooperative, Chama Preston Stone, Otero County Electric Cooperative, Cloudcroft Jerry W. Partin, Roosevelt County Electric Cooperative, Portales Leroy Anaya, Socorro Electric Cooperative, Socorro Gary Rinker, Southwestern Electric Cooperative, Clayton Wayne Connell, Tri-State G&T Association, Westminster, Colorado Charles G. Wagner, Western Farmers Electric Cooperative, Oklahoma NATIONAL DIRECTOR David Spradlin, Springer Electric Cooperative, Springer MEMBERS OF THE PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE William C. Miller, Jr., Chairman, Columbus Electric Cooperative Lance R. Adkins, Farmers’ Electric Cooperative Robert Quintana, Mora-San Miguel Electric Cooperative Leroy Anaya, Socorro Electric Cooperative NEW MEXICO RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION 614 Don Gaspar AvenuePhone: 505-982-4671 Santa Fe, NM 87505Fax: 505-982-0153 www.nmelectric.coop • www.enchantment.coop Keven J. Groenewold, Executive Vice President, kgroenewold@nmelectric.coop Susan M. Espinoza, Editor, sespinoza@nmelectric.coop Tom Condit, Assistant Editor, tcondit@nmelectric.coop DISPLAY ADVERTISING Rates available upon request. Cooperative members and New Mexico advertisers, call Susan M. Espinoza at 505-982-4671 or email at sespinoza@nmelectric.coop. National representative: National Country Market, 800-626-1181. Advertisements in enchantment are paid solicitations and are not endorsed by the publisher or the electric cooperatives of New Mexico. PRODUCT SATISFACTION AND DELIVERY RESPONSIBILITY LIE SOLELY WITH THE ADVERTISER. Copyright ©2017, New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Inc. Reproduction prohibited without written permission of the publisher.
INSIDE READS Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
Public Regulation Commission gives notice of hearing.
DEPARTMENTS Co-op Newswire
All Aboard the Electric Bus
View from enchantment 5
The Well-Connected Lineworker
Hale To The Stars
Enchanted Journeys
On The Menu
Energy Sense
Book Chat
Riding in an elegant, whisper quiet electric bus. Tech gadgets lineworkers use to get the job done.
Lineman Appreciation Day
Honoring linemen for keeping the power on.
Stumped: Collecting an Ancient Fossil Tree Stump
A 300 million year old stump finds a new home.
13 14
On the Cover: Applying a plaster jacket to the found fossil stump. From left to right: Casey Messer from KOB TV; former NMMNHS staffer Amanda Cantrell, and Spencer Lucas, Curator of Paleontology at New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science (NMMNHS). Photo courtesy of NMMNHS.
Vecinos 20 Backyard Trails
Trading Post
Youth Art
Your Co-op Page
APRIL 2017
Co-op Newswire
Co-op Officials Attend National Meeting
RECA CEO Jim Matheson called on the nation’s electric cooperative leaders to strengthen their ties with their members by embracing a mood of change that is sweeping across the industry and the country. Addressing the 75th NRECA Annual Meeting, Matheson told co-op directors, managers and staffers they can tap into that change by focusing on innovative solutions for their communities. “This unique direction in which our industry is heading—it plays right to our strengths,” he said. “We are much more NRECA CEO Jim Matheson than poles and wire companies. We are in the relationship business. We always have been. And now is the time to capitalize on that.” Matheson’s first speech to an annual meeting as NRECA CEO came February 27 at the inaugural session of the three-day event. The meeting attracted more than 9,000 participants to the San Diego Convention Center for, among other things, director training, official association business, workshops on issues confronting co-ops and the TechAdvantage Conference & Expo. In describing an era of change, Matheson pointed to technological advances such as solar arrays, smart thermostats and internet-connected devices that he
Cooperative Solar Skyrockets
Venable Attends the NRECA Annual Meeting Alexis Venable, a senior at Grants High School, represented New Mexico's electric cooperatives as the Youth Leadership Council delegate during the NRECA Annual Meeting. Venable is sponsored by Continental Divide Electric Cooperative, headquartered in Grants. Venable said, "attending the NRECA Annual meeting was an incredible experience and I am grateful to Continental Divide Electric for allowing me to participate in this lifetime opportunity."
APRIL 2017
said co-ops must master to fulfill their roles as their members’ trusted energy experts. “We need more information than ever before to be successful in the energy business, among a range of new competitors,” he said. “We need the tools, resources, partnerships and plans to reach consumers with relevant data, flexibility, new value propositions.” A different kind of change is taking place in Washington, in part because rural voters made their voices heard in the presidential election—showing co-op votes matter. “We have the attention of elected officials who now know one thing they perhaps did not know before: Ignore the voters in rural communities at your own risk. The people in power, and anyone who wants to be, must hear you,” Matheson said. For co-ops, that means building on that foundation of strength to influence policies in the new Trump administration on behalf of their members’ best interests, he said. “All over Washington, the new focus on rural America plays to our strengths best of all. We want to make it clear that the good of the co-op and the good of the community are one and the same.” The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association is the national service organization that represents the nation’s more than 900 not-for-profit, consumer-owned electric cooperatives, which provide service to 42 million people in 47 states.
By the end of 2017, the total solar energy capacity of America’s electric cooperatives will be five times what it was two years ago, according to data released today by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. This year, co-ops are on pace to add 480 megawatts of solar, which would bring their total capacity to 873 MW. This more than quadruples the 180 MW reached in 2015 and represents a twenty-fold increase over the 37 MW capacity in 2010. In addition, over the last two years, cooperatives have expanded their solar footprint from 34 states to 44 states. Among states where co-ops have been actively developing solar, Georgia ranks first with a total of 122 MW, followed by New Mexico, Hawaii, Colorado, Arizona, Maryland and North Carolina.
How to Contact enchantment Phone 505-982-4671 Email comments@nmelectric.coop Facebook facebook.com/enchantmentnmreca Mail 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87505 Community Events events@nmelectric.coop
View from enchantment
Thank a Lineman, Today and Everyday T
No matter the conditions, if they can safely perform the work, linemen stay on the job until your electricity is back on.
here are a number of holidays and appreciation days we celebrate. Some more important than others. We don’t observe National Go Fishing Day (June 18) or National Maritime Day (May 22) like we do Memorial Day. And it’s sometimes difficult to pin down the exact date we celebrate an event. The Fourth of July is easy to remember, but for Easter, we go back to a formula determined in 325 A.D. The date of Easter is usually the first Sunday after the first Full Moon occurring on or after the March equinox. This month, New Mexico’s electric cooperatives will celebrate Lineman Appreciation Day on Monday, April 10. This is one of those days that are difficult to pin down, so you might see other dates set aside to recognize these courageous workers. Some quick background: In 2013, the U.S. Senate declared April 18 of that year as Lineman Appreciation Day. This was a one-time resolution, not an ongoing designation. Though the 2013 resolution only applied to that specific year, many electric cooperatives planned on using that date the next year. However, April 18, 2014, fell on Good Friday—not the best day for an appreciation day.
So many utilities used another date. The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association’s board of directors decided that for subsequent years, the second Monday of each April would be Lineman Appreciation Day. The board took this action to ensure the date always falls on a weekday and never falls on Good Friday. So, more than 900 electric cooperatives throughout the nation will recognize this date. Other electric utilities and organizations chose different days: The International Brotherhood of Electric Workers celebrates on July 10; the Edison Electric Institute has also used different dates. No matter what is recognized as the “official” date, the recognition is well-deserved. Linemen are truly “first responders” during storms and other catastrophes, often working to make the scene safe for other public safety personnel. It’s a dangerous job that doesn’t respect family time, distance from home or the hour of the day. Our cooperative linemen leave the comfort of their warm beds to brave the elements, sometimes even crossing co-op boundaries to help neighboring cooperatives. We have sent crews to places as far away as Louisiana and Florida to help repair
Keven J. Groenewold. P.E. Executive Vice President New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association
hurricane-ravaged electric systems. And they do this without expectation or fanfare. Once, a New Mexico lineman was called out at night to rescue a little girl’s cat from the top of a pole—it was Christmas Eve. He went without hesitation. That’s what linemen do. They don’t wait until it’s convenient before beginning to restore power. No matter the conditions, if they can safely perform the work, linemen stay on the job until your electricity is back on. Back to the confusion on the date for Lineman Appreciation Day. What day is really Lineman’s Day? The answer lies in the words of Senate Resolution 95 from 2013: “…linemen work with thousands of volts of electricity high atop power lines 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to keep electricity flowing.” So the next time you see one of these courageous individuals, take a moment to say hi and let him know how much reliable electricity means to you. No matter the “official” date, for those of us who recognize the importance of the job they perform, Lineman Appreciation Day is every day.
APRIL 2017
Enchanted Journeys
Hale to the stars BY ALAN HALE
ur “sister” world, Venus, dominated the evening sky for the past several months, but disappeared into the evening twilight after the middle of last month, and passed almost directly between Earth and the sun about a week later. Mercury and Mars remain visible in our western sky after sunset. Mercury is visible in the dusk sky for about the first 10 days of April. Mars is somewhat higher up but sinks lower as April progresses, setting only half an hour after the end of dusk by month’s end. The primary planet of our April nighttime skies is our solar system’s largest world, Jupiter. Jupiter is at “opposition,” directly opposite the sun on Friday, April 7. On that date, and for a week or two on either side of that date, Jupiter rises around sunset, is highest above the horizon around 1:00 a.m., and sets around sunrise. Jupiter shines brilliantly in our sky throughout April, located somewhat to the northwest of the bright star Spica in the constellation Virgo; binoculars will reveal the four “Galilean” moons, while small backyard telescopes will reveal the various “belts” and “bands” in Jupiter’s clouds. Saturn rises around the same time Jupiter is at its highest, and is at its own highest the begin-
APRIL 2017
In memory: Comet Hale-Bopp from Cloudcroft on April 1, 1997. Photo by Alan Hale. ning of dawn. Even a small telescope will reveal its famous rings, which are about as wide open (as seen from Earth) that they can ever appear. Meanwhile Venus, which has zipped on ahead of Earth in the two planets’ respective orbits around the sun, climbs rapidly into the morning sky and rises at the start of dawn by month’s end. Our “sister” world dominates the morning sky until close to the end of this year. It was 20 years ago this month that Comet Hale-Bopp was closest to the sun, and shone brilliantly in our evening skies. It is long gone, but another comet which goes by the cumbersome name of Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak but which (for obvious reasons) is usually referred to by its designation of 41P, is well placed for viewing this month. It travels through our northern skies, located between the “bowls” of the Big and Little Dippers in early April, and passes near the “head” of the constellation Draco by month’s end. It passes 13 million miles from Earth on April 1 (20 years to the day from when Comet Hale-Bopp was closest to the sun) and should be detectable with binoculars.
April 1 • Artesia Vintage Wedding Dresses Historical Museum 575-748-2390 April 1 • White Sands Trinity Site Tour Trinity Site 575-678-1134
Contact your local newspaper or Chamber of Commerce for any Easter activities in your area.
April 2 • Truth or Consequences Making Indian Cradle Boards Albert Lyon Event Center 575-894-6600
April 15-16 • Estancia Easter Festival Old Windmill Dairy 505-384-0033
April 7 • Grants NMSU Grants Talent Show NMSU Grants Campus 505-287-6678
April 22 • Cerrillos Hills Raptors of New Mexico Cerrillos Hills State Park 505-474-0196
April 7-8 • Taos Poetry and Jazz Harwood Museum 575-758-9826
April 22 • Moriarty Meet Authors for Literacy Moriarty Civic Center 505-832-2513
April 8 • Deming Desert Alive! Rockhound State Park 575-546-6182
April 22 • Mountainair Birthday, Earth Day and Max Cibola Arts Gallery 505-847-0324
April 8 • Eagle Nest Wild Turkeys Eagle Nest Lake 575-377-1594
April 22 • Ramah Earth Day Yard Sale Old School Gallery 505-783-4710
April 8-9 • Rodeo Spring Show Chiricahua Gallery 575-557-2225
April 29 • Hobbs 8th Annual Ray’s Run Hobbs to Portales 575-396-3885
April 15 • Lake Sumner Open House at the Park Sumner Lake State Park 575-355-2541
April 29 • Los Ojos Tierra Wools Spring Fest Tierra Wools Studio 575-588-7231
The Public Regulation Commission gives notice that in case number 17-00033UT it has initiated a proposed rulemaking promulgating revisions to the Commission’s rules for the purpose of rewriting Part 540 of Title 17 of Chapter 9 of the New Mexico Administrative Code (17.9.540 NMAC et seq.) relating to the customer protest process relating to the review of rates proposed by Rural Electric Cooperatives. Copies of the Order Establishing Rulemaking Docket and Issuing Notice of Proposed Rulemaking containing additional information, a copy of the proposed rule changes, and filing instructions may be downloaded from the Proposed Rulemaking section of the Commission’s website at http://www.nmprc.state.nm.us under Case No. 17-00033-UT or by calling the Commission’s Records Management Bureau at (505) 827-6968 (Melanie Sandoval). Written Initial Comments and written Response Comments shall be filed by the deadlines below with the NMPRC’s Record’s Management Bureau at P.O. Box 1269, Santa Fe, NM 87504-1269 or by hand delivery to the NMPRC Records Management Bureau at 1120 Paseo de Peralta, Room 406, Santa Fe, NM 87501 as follows: Written comments shall be filed not later than May 12, 2017 and written responses not later than May 22, 2017. Comments shall refer to Case No. 17-00033-UT. A public comment hearing will be held in this matter on May 31, 2017, beginning at 1:00 p.m. in Santa Fe at the offices of the Commission located in the 4th Floor Hearing Room of the old PERA Building, at 1120 Paseo de Peralta, in Santa Fe, NM 87501. The public comment hearing will be held in order to receive oral comments from interested individuals. Since commenters are afforded the opportunity to submit written comments and written responses to the Commission, any individual who wants to provide oral comments at the public comment hearing shall be limited to five (5) minutes to express those comments, subject to enlargement of such time at the Commission’s discretion. Only oral comments, but no testimony or other evidence, shall be taken at the hearing because this docket is a rulemaking proceeding. The Commission may also determine that a spokesperson be designated to speak on behalf of an organization, a group, or a group of individuals that shares the same message or seeks the same goals, in order to maximize the efficiency of the public comment hearing Unless the Commission or presiding officer rules otherwise, the record in this rulemaking shall close twenty (20) days after the conclusion of the public hearing or on June 20, 2017. Interested persons should contact the Commission to confirm the date, time, and place of this public hearing because hearings are occasionally rescheduled. If you are an individual with a disability and you require assistance or an auxiliary aid (such as a sign language interpreter) to participate in any aspect of this process, please contact Ms. Kathleen Segura at (505) 8274501 at least 48 hours prior to the commencement of the hearing. Constitutional and Statutory Authority: New Mexico Constitution, Section 2 of Article XI (1996); NMSA 1978, Paragraph (10) of Subsection B of Section 8-8-4 NMSA 1978 (1998); Section 8-8-15 NMSA 1978; and Sections 62-3-1, et seq., NMSA 1978.
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APRIL 2017
s d a l a S Spring
pring is here, and with the joy of planting the garden and welcoming the new season comes a lighter appetite. Now is the time to think salads. And not just a side salad of chopped iceberg lettuce. On those first warm spring evenings, making a meal out of a salad is the most pleasing kind of dinner there is. And there is nothing more forgiving to put on the table than a fresh, colorful salad.
Chinese Chicken Salad
Recipe from Simply Simpatico: A Taste of New Mexico, the classic cookbook published by the Albuquerque Junior League. 3 cups water 2 Tbs. lemon juice 1 Tb. salt 1 lb. boneless chicken breasts 2 Tbs. sesame oil 2 Tbs. soy sauce 2 tsps. lemon juice 1 large bunch watercress or 1 head leafy lettuce 1 sweet red pepper, cored, seeded Additions: snow peas, water chestnuts, jicama, black or green olives, dried blueberries, cashews, pecans, peanuts ❧ In a medium saucepan place water, 2 tablespoons lemon juice and salt; bring to a boil. Add chicken, cover and simmer over moderate heat about 15 minutes. Remove pan from heat, cool chicken slightly, then chill in broth several hours or overnight. Just before serving, slice chicken in 3”x ¼” strips and place in bowl. Put oil, soy sauce and 2 teaspoons lemon juice in a jar, cover and shake well. Add half the dressing to the chicken and toss well. Place greens on platter, add remaining dressing and toss well. Pile chicken strips in center of greens. Toss
APRIL 2017
again just befor serving. Serves 3-4.
Quinoa-Kale Salad
Quinoa is a grain so nutritious that its cultivation is being studied by NASA for a forthcoming mission to Mars. Quinoa 1 cup quinoa 2 cups boiling water ❧ Carefully rinse quinoa in a fine mesh strainer before cooking. Toast quinoa in a skillet about 1-3 minutes, then carefully add two cups boiling water. Cover and simmer until water is absorbed. Stir. Add quinoa to the Honey-Mustard Dressing.
Honey-Mustard Dressing ½ cup olive oil 1 Tb. prepared mustard 1 Tb. honey ¼ tsp. salt ¼ tsp. pepper ❧ Mix ingredients, shake well. Taste for flavor. Salad Mixture 1 cup kale, torn into small pieces
¼-½ cup green, red or yellow bell pepper, chopped 1 ripe mango, diced ¼ cup pepitas (optional) ½ lb. butternut squash, cubed, roasted (optional) Handful dried cherries or cranberries Handful sunflower seeds ❧ Toss salad ingredients in bowl. Pour dressing over salad, mix well. Chill until serving. Serves 2-3.
The Best Taco Salad
Recipe from Comida Sabrosa: Home-Style Southwestern Cooking, by Irene Barraza Sanchez and Gloria Sanchez Yund. 2 cups shredded lettuce 2 cups pinto beans, cooked, drained 1 ½ cups ground beef, cooked, drained 1 medium tomato, diced 1½ cups longhorn or cheddar cheese, shredded 1 small bag tortilla chips, crushed ½ cup green chile, chopped 4 Tbs. mayonnaise 1 tsp. onion salt or 1 small onion, minced 1 avocado, sliced 1 bell pepper, sliced 1 small can black olives, sliced ❧ Place lettuce and beans in large salad bowl, add beef, tomato, cheese, and chips. Toss. Mix chile with mayonnaise and onion. Use as dressing to the first mixture. Chill dressed salad. Garnish with avocado, bell pepper and olives. Makes 4 servings.
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APRIL 2017
Energy Sense
Choosing the Right Air Conditioner for Your Home
ear Pat: I have a central air conditioner in my home that is at least 15 years old—it is not very efficient, but still works. Should I look into replacing it now, or wait until it fails? —Bob. Dear Bob: Replacing an inefficient air conditioner (AC) with a more efficient model could significantly reduce your electric bill. A new AC unit is 20 to 40 percent more efficient than one from the 1990s—and Energy Star-certified systems are even more efficient. Replacing an aging system now, before summer starts, could help you avoid delays or price premiums. How much money you save by replacing your current AC unit depends on how often your AC runs and your electric rate. If you are in a hot climate and you keep your home’s temperature in the low 70s, your cost of cooling will be substantial and so will the potential savings from replacing your old air conditioner with an efficient new one. The best way to determine possible savings is to have an in-home assessment conducted by a qualified heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) professional or a certified energy auditor. Electric co-ops are often interested in reducing peak summer loads and sometimes
APRIL 2017
offer information, rebates or a list of qualified professionals. It’s a plus if the contractor has North American Technician Excellence (NATE) certification. Contractors should be knowledgeable about energy efficient systems and have good references. Your contractor needs to size the system to your home. A unit too small will not cool your home to the levels you want. If too large, it may not dehumidify your home sufficiently and will cycle on and off more frequently, which can increase wear and tear on the system and shorten its lifespan. In order to size the system, the contractor will need to look at the efficiency of the home by checking insulation levels. If you add insulation where it’s most needed, you may be able to install a smaller AC unit, and you should enjoy greater comfort and lower cooling costs. The HVAC contractor you hire should also assess your ductwork, which is often poorly designed, leaky or inadequately insulated. Replacing an aging air conditioner is a great way to improve comfort, cut energy costs and reduce peak energy demand. Your co-op may be able to help, and you can learn more on the Energy Star and energy.gov websites.
Photos, left to right: Most homes with central AC are split systems, with the condenser and coil located outside the home. Photo Credit: Raysonho. A mini-split heat pump brings outdoor air up to four zones in your home through blowers like this. They are typically mounted on the wall or ceiling. Photo Credit: Central Electric Cooperative, Inc. (OR).
Air Conditioning Options As you talk to your contractor, it’s good to know there are several air conditioning options suited to different situations. It may or may not be practical to change to a different type of system. • Central air conditioning is generally one of two types: either split or packaged. A split system, which has the cold coils inside the home and an outside unit exhausting heat, is the most common. Packaged systems, which are sometimes installed because of space constraints, combine these functions into one box located outside the home. • A heat pump can provide cooling and heating in homes with or without ducts. If you are currently using propane or natural gas as your fuel source, this may be a good option. • A ductless mini-split heat pump can be an efficient way to cool up to four zones inside the home. If your existing ductwork is in bad shape or poorly designed, this could be a good solution. • Window units are much less efficient than other options, but they can still be effective for cooling a single room. It’s worth paying a little more for a new Energy Star-compliant unit, rather than the dusty $80 unit from the yard sale or auction that wheezes its way through the summer. • Evaporative (or “swamp”) coolers are an alternative in very dry climates. While they use a quarter the energy and are less expensive to install than central air conditioning, they also require more frequent maintenance.
All Aboard the Electric Bus By Thomas Kirk, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
lectric vehicles are revving up! With over half a million electric cars on the road, several companies are turning their attention to a new market niche, electric buses. Several companies, including Proterra, GreenPower Bus, eBus, and Lion Bus are actively selling and manufacturing electric buses while others such as Tesla have announced plans to break into this market. Buses may seem like an odd choice for innovation, but they make ideal candidates for electrification. First, buses have predictable, set routes. This means it’s easy to plan around their battery range limitations. Buses also have long idle periods, typically at night, that are perfect for re-charging. Next, even though electric vehicles are more expensive to buy than comparable fossil-fuel counterparts,
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APRIL 2017
The Well-Connected Lineworker #ThankALineman Must be some kind of hero You know the kind
APRIL 2017 4 4Labor LaborDay Day
By Tom Tate, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
oday, the lineworker rivals any other worker when it comes to having the necessary tech to get the job done safely, quickly and more accurately. A few of the devices includes the tablet. Many electric co-ops send their crews into the field with ruggedized tablets. Depending on the co-op, the content varies. A common use is to load work orders detailing the day’s projects. Not quite as new, but equally important, are GPS units. This functionality might be built into the lineworker’s tablet, a ruggedized smart phone or a handheld unit. As more co-ops map their systems using GPS coordinates, the GPS capability gets the crews where they need to be in a more efficient manner. Another tool used by lineworkers is the forward-looking infrared camera, also known as FLIR. You may be familiar with this technology from the ghost hunter programs on television. With a FLIR camera, crews can rapidly scan power lines, transformers and other equipment when searching for hot spots. A piece of distribution equipment about to fail will often get hot. While not visible to the naked eye, it shows up clear as day on a FLIR display. Scanning the system with a FLIR camera is a fast and accurate means of spotting a problem before it becomes an outage. Sometimes, all the technology in the world is not enough and a good old-fashioned visual inspection is required. During daylight hours, it is easier to see the cause of a problem. But at night, lineworkers need a reliable source of light such as LED flashlights and truck mounted lights. Technology is permeating every aspect of cooperative operations, allowing your electric co-op to constantly improve your service. And the wellconnected lineworker is at the forefront of that technical evolution.
Lineman Appreciation Day • April 10, 2017
Thank You Linemen for All You Do, We Certainly Appreciate You! This month electric cooperatives across the country will celebrate Lineman Appreciation Day on April 10 to honor the hardworking men and women who often operate in challenging conditions to keep your lights on. Take time to thank your linemen and all cooperative employees for their hard work in providing you safe, reliable and affordable electric service.
‌continued on page 16
APRIL 2017
Collecting an Ancient Fossil Tree Stump
By Chris Eboch
ow do you move over 2,000 pounds of plaster-encased fossil wood? In 2014, a team from the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science (NMMNHS) found out. It all began back in the 1990s when two New Mexico Tech students found some fossil wood near Socorro. They showed it to Spencer Lucas, Curator of Paleontology at NMMNHS in Albuquerque. The sample was roughly 300 million years old, from the Pennsylvanian Period, which is a subset of the Paleozoic Era on the geologic time scale. The wood was encased in limestone, indicating a marine envi-
ronment. “The trees were probably part of a coastal forest, and the sea level rose and encased the bases of the dead trees in limestone,” Lucas explains. Lucas sent samples to a paleobotanist, a specialist in fossil plants. The paleobotanist looked at thin slabs of the fossil under a microscope and identified a conifer. These are trees with evergreen needles and cones, such as today’s pine and fir trees. In about 2010, a British paleobotanist grew interested in the fossil conifer forest. Howard J. FalconLang enticed paleobotanists from the Smithsonian Institution to look for more specimens. The scientists explored the Quebradas, a wilderness area east of
Socorro. Today the region features colorful cliffs and canyons with the sparse vegetation of the Chihuahuan Desert. It was different in the Paleozoic Era. The scientists found a fossil forest extending for 5 to 10 miles. Lucas says, “We think this was a coastal forest in a time of relatively seasonal climate.” New Mexico was more tropical then. “We don’t think the seasonality was hot or cold, as it is today,” Lucas explains. “We think it was wet and dry, true monsoon, where it was raining for two to three months at a time. These huge conifer trees were growing along the seacoast.” Over 150 fossil stumps have now been found in the area. The NMMNHS chose the largest and most impressive fossil stump to add to the Museum’s collection. “I could take you out and show you 50 or 60 trees in the forest, but none are even half as big as this one,” Lucas says. Forresters can estimate the height of a tree by its circumference. Only the base stump remains for this specimen, but its circumference suggests it was well over 100 feet tall, maybe even 200 feet tall. Tests show that the stump is at least 300 million years old; it grew 80 million years before the dinosaurs lived. Yet the stump is so well preserved that it shows growth rings for the wet and dry seasons. Moving the stump would save it from being destroyed by erosion as well as provide a dramatic museum exhibition. After an environmental assessPhotos, clockwise: The stump in its preserved state as found. Crew members dig out the 300 million year old stump. Photos by Spencer Lucas, Curator of Paleontology at New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science.
APRIL 2017
ment, the Bureau of Land Management granted permission to the NMMNHS to collect the stump. Unfortunately, the stump was about half a mile from the road, and fossils of that size are heavy. But Lucas says, “I pride myself that this Museum can collect any fossil,” because it has the resources and dedicated staff and volunteers. They drove trucks up an arroyo to the site and camped overnight for the two-day excavation. Besides tents and food for the volunteers, they carried hundreds of pounds of plaster and water. “We had to make a plaster jacket around the stump because that’s the only way it remains intact,” Lucas explains. Petrified wood is a fossil rock, formed when the original plant material is replaced with minerals. However, the fossil may be filled with cracks that could easily split with rough handling. Therefore, paleontologists on a dig usually expose the top of a fossil and cover it in a coating of burlap and plaster. After the plaster dries, they dig around the sides and bottom of the fossil, flip it upside down, and cover the rest for protection. The plaster jacket is removed once the fossil is safely in a museum or research center. On the first day of the dig, they exposed the top of the fossil. They thought it would be difficult to chip the fossil out of the surrounding rock. However, groundwater had seeped between the types of rock and mostly done the job for them. Then they covered the fossil. “We probably put 400 pounds of plaster on it,” Lucas says. The stump encased in plaster probably weighed 2,000 to 3,000 pounds.
On day two, with the plaster set, the team flipped the fossil. “When you roll it over, that’s just done through people power,” Lucas explains. “With machinery, you risk using too much force. Fossils are fragile, with cracks, even though they’re rock.” They then used a large tripod with chains and a hoist to lift the fossil into a pickup truck. Despite a flat tire, Lucas says, “That dig went off pretty much without a hitch.” Back at the Museum, volunteers cleaned up the fossil stump and stabilized it. Roots that were removed at the dig will be reattached when the stump goes on display. It is intended for a new Paleozoic exhibit hall the Museum hopes to build if they can get enough funding. “We might even let people touch the stump,” Lucas says. The Museum storage rooms are full of great finds from the Paleozoic Era. “We have marine invertebrate fossils, we have a bone record of early reptiles and amphibians, we have a fossil leaf record, and New Mexico also has fossil footprints. But the stump dwarfs all those, with the size and the antiquity and the uniqueness of it. Nobody had ever seen a fossil record of a Paleozoic seacoast in New Mexico.” The fossil conifer forest near Socorro is the oldest forest of its type known anywhere, and it offers insight into the evolutionary history of conifers. “People have been looking for fossils in New Mexico for 150 years,” Lucas notes, and yet until recently, they had not seen anything like this. “This shows there are a ton of fossil discoveries still to be made in the state.” Photos, counter clockwise: The 2,000 pounds of plaster-encased fossil wood gets hoisted onto the truck. Crew members stand with the encased fossil wood. Photos by Spencer Lucas, Curator of Paleontology at New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science. The fossil wood stump waits in storage at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science. Photo by Chris Eboch.
How to Become a Volunteer
“Volunteer services are essential to the function of this Museum,” says Spencer Lucas, Curator of Paleontology at New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science. Anyone over the age of 14 interested in volunteering can go to www.nmnaturalhistory.org or call 505-841-2877. After the paperwork and training are completed, the person is then assigned to a place suitable to his or her interests either at the Museum, in the Museum labs or in the field.
APRIL 2017
…continued from page 13
Lineman Appreciation Day • April 10, 2017
Thank a Lineman Today • #ThankALineman
APRIL 2017
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APRIL 2017
MY HEART BELONGS TO NATURE By John Nichols 2017, 148 pages, $29.95 University of New Mexico Press 800-249-7737; www.unmpress.com With a sensitive eye and energetic prose, Nichols shares his peak experiences. Euphoric at 12,000 feet, he photographs the elusive bighorns. Or a dead juniper—“A jagged ferocity defines its branches.” Camping on the mesa, he is “saturated by emptiness and starlight.” Nichols’ vast mountain landscapes both diminish and define two retreating specks of humanity. At Latir Lakes, a friend hand-wrestles a trout to shore. A huddle of boulders snaps to salute. Before the startled eye of his camera, a millisecond freezes like a magpie sprung from his son’s hand. Brilliant yellow aspen leaves spatter like pontillism across the canvas of snow. In snowy sunsets over a frozen stock pond, beauty is Euclidian, austere. Now he’s gliding on skates in a ballerina pose. Following nature’s rough path, Nichols spends the soles of his boots, his high energy and his heart on the wealth of nature’s complexity. This is his gift to the reader—a vision of grace. Quintessential John, all the way. Five loving hearts.
APRIL 2017
THE MINDFULNESS SOLUTION FOR INTENSE EMOTIONS By Cedar R. Koons, MSW, LCSW 2016, 282 pages, $13.68 New Harbinger Publications 800-748-6273; www.newharbinger.com Millions of Americans have been diagnosed with emotion regulation disorders such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression and personality disorder. In New Mexico, the suicide rate is 50 percent higher than nationwide. According to Coons, studies show many suicides are impulsive, in response to the chaos of extreme stress and painful emotions. Using real-life stories, this book offers a drug-free practice to reduce impulsive urges and reconnect with your true self with seven mindfulness exercises derived from Zen Buddhist practice. It’s called dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and has been proven to help. Methods include keeping an emotion diary, recognizing choices, non-judgment and daily meditation with no expectations. Or something simple such as saying a mantra to stay focused while you’re waiting in line. Well written; an excellent tool for expanding consciousness.
By Enriqueta L. Vasquez 2016, 279 pages, $15 El Grito Del Norte Publications www.amazon.com
By Louise Ferraro Deretchin 2016, 194 pages, $11.50 Starshine Press www.amazon.com
Activist and author Enriqueta Vasquez spent decades writing this book, researching tribal oral histories, codices and archeological sites in Mexico. A columnist for El Grito (1968-1972) her essays were published in an award-winning book, Enriqueta Vasquez and the Chicano Movement. Tracing the evolution of Raza women, she recounts the historic struggle for human dignity and respect. The reader may feel outraged by the atrocities and mindless acts of brutality toward women. Yet the feminine triumphs in Mexico with the miraculous appearance of La Virgen de Guadalupe who took over the church by popular demand. From Mexican Independence to Cesar Chaves and the Civil Rights Movement, Vasquez echoes the call to decolonize our society. She says that the future of Chicana/o youth requires informed, supportive parents and educators, and youth who understand the history of their ancestors. Five stars!
Deretchin, who is afraid of heights, cringes when her husband wins a travel package at a charity auction that will lead them to a strenuous trek in the Himalayas. The carrot is a five-star resort in Kathmandu where she hopes to lounge around the pool, enjoy a massage and watch monkeys playing in the rubber trees. Instead, she finds herself climbing with her mountain goat and husband 4,000 feet up slippery stone steps, through mud, leeches, and drenching rain. But she is joyously rewarded by sunrise on the peaks of Annapurna. “Silent and majestic, the summits seem to sunbathe in the crisp air, indifferent to their grandeur.” The captivating beauty of Nepal and its people, the delicate ferns and philodendron trees, rice fields and shrines, still shine in memory. Would she go back and do it again? How about a trip to Africa instead? Tune in for the next high-spirited adventure. To submit a book for review: include contact information and where to order.
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APRIL 2017
th i w e g a t S n O
coby r e t r a c
ou know it when you hear it. It’s a distinctive sound with notes and riffs and melodies as unique as any music genre. Western swing music. And it’s wholly contrived, says its practitioner, Coby Carter. “Bob Wills pretty much invented the sound,” says Carter. He is a 22-year-old dynamo, always on the move, endeavoring to do many things. Perhaps foremost in his life is the music he plays. Carter plays fiddle and is darn good at it. The awards say so. His music speaks for itself. His favorite: western swing. The music that Wills invented is an intentional blend of jazz and country that came to life in the 1930s. “It’s country that swings,” says Carter. Though Wills is still the king of western swing, there were other greats such as Tex Williams, Hank Thompson, Ernest Tubbs, and Tommy Duncan. Carter is coming up behind them keeping this American sound alive. Carter comes from a non-musical family. “There’s no one in my family inclined toward music,” says Carter. “Don’t know why I was so different.” His musicality was manifest at an early age. At age five, he was pounding the ivories. After two years he grew tired of the piano. “But my mom was not
APRIL 2017
going to let me give up music,” says Carter. “She recognized my abilities—and desires. I loved music. I was a quick learner, she noticed.” At age seven, Carter took up the fiddle and that’s been his primary musical instrument since then, though he can play mandolin, bass guitar, six-string guitar, and saxophone. “I guess it was a God thing,” says Carter. “I really wanted to play fiddle and it just took off.” He’s still in contact with his fiddle teacher, Dale Morris. Having him as a teacher makes for a good resume. Morris played with Ray Price and Sons of the Pioneers. “Every now and again, Dale will come to my shows and play some twin fiddle tunes. Dale’s wife, Tobi, is a fiddler of some renown herself.” When not playing music, you’ll never know where you will find Carter. But it won’t be sitting still. He works full time on the 4,200-acre family farm just a little south of Portales where he is a member of Roosevelt County Electric Cooperative headquartered in Portales. He enjoys time on a tractor. His family farms cotton and milo. Carter also has a small cow-calf operation. But that’s not all he’s into. Carter is on the tail end of a college degree, about to button up a bachelor’s in Agricultural Business at Eastern New Mexico University. If you thought he had career aspirations in agriculture you would be wrong. The young man wants to be a commercial airline pilot. “Ag business is a good general business degree, but the major airlines want a four-year
degree. This is a path there,” says Carter. He’s presently learning to fly in a Cessna 152 single-engine airplane, flying out of Spicewood, Texas, near Austin. He may fly high, but Carter is grounded in family and in his music. The Academy of Western Artists awarded him Western Swing Male Vocalist of the Year, back-to-back in 2014 and 2015, and he was nominated in 2016. He was honored to be a top-five finalist for Male Vocalist of the Year for the 2015 Ameripolitan Awards. He’s had the privilege of performing at the Lincoln County Cowboy Symposium for the past 11 years. Music has its upside and downside, says Carter. “In the spirit of Bob Wills, I get a really good feeling playing for the fans and how it touches them. I love dance music,” says Carter. “The downside is trying to find the jobs and managing the books. The competition is a good thing—it pushes me to be better. Whether farming or fiddling, you have to be better to be viable in the market.” He seems to have that viability and certainly the drive. Bob Wills lived for a time in New Mexico, Roy to be exact, as a barber making music on the side. Lore has it that Wills penned the iconic song San Antonio Rose in Roy. Seems appropriate then that a young New Mexican is keeping the genre alive. He will play in Carlsbad at the Children’s Advocacy Center on April 22. Visit www.cobycartermusic.com to see photos and hear Carter’s music. Send your Vecinos suggestion(s) to enchantment@nmelectric.coop
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remember standing on the drive shaft hump in the back floorboard of my dad’s red and white 1966 Chevy Impala in 1974. My head nearly touched the ceiling. The car climbed through Carson National Forest, moving slowly through tight turns. Angular light of the morning, a toasted-orange, streaked through openings in a stand of ponderosa pines. We were on our way to Taos. Leaning into a sharp turn, mom called aloud with much excitement: “A bear!” It was small, probably a year old. We slowed down to watch it. The creature paused for a moment in its lumbering gait on the edge of a glade. It gave us a long sideways glance and then bounded away into the forest. Black bears have captured our imagination. They are clownish, and their size and nature foreboding. But yet our children sleep with teddy bears hearing stories about Goldilocks. Yogi Bear and Winnie Pooh entertain them. And bears have influenced our lexicon: “He's strong as a bear.” Smokey Bear is probably the most famous bruin in the world and he, of course, is a native of Lincoln County. Black bears are solitary animals, save for a momma raising cubs. The boars and sows come together to breed about June. The young gestate six to eight months into winter, but only in the final few weeks does the embryo attach to the uterine wall. The fetus develops incredibly fast in the days before birth. By January the embryos are less than an inch long. The sow gives birth to two to four cubs in her winter sleep. About two months later, the sow and her four-pound cubs are ready to leave the den. Along about the first of April, black bears are shaking off the long winter
APRIL 2017
sleep. They have gone a long time without food and set about eating grasses, inner tree bark and rooted bulbs. As the season progresses their omnivorous nature shows as they devour beetles, fish, frogs, bird eggs, bees, berries, and other fruit. Black bears will eat most any carrion. Young deer and old elk are potential meals. They can root out ground squirrels, chipmunks and mice from their covers. Black bears certainly have the capability of killing people, but attacks are rare. They tend toward timidity and will give wide berth to people. But with some luck, you can see one this spring, from a safe distance of course. Keep a clean yard and a clean camp to avoid close encounters.
The Bear Facts • Black bears are also cinnamon, blueish white or tan. • In captivity, black bears may live 30 years. In the wild, life expectancy is around 15 years. • They run at bursts of 30 mph and climb trees with ease. • An average black bear weighs about 250 pounds; the largest on record weighed 802 pounds. • Solitary black bears are quiet, but a sow communicates to her young with grunts, growls and snarls.
All Aboard the Electric Bus …continued from page 11 Lastly, buses provide enough size for a truly immense battery pack. Proterra’s Catalyst E2 bus debuted last year and can carry a 660 kWh battery the size of a twin mattress, giving it a range of 350 miles. For comparison, the latest Tesla model S only gets 315 miles per charge of its 100 kWh battery pack. On the consumer side, there are two primary benefits, health and noise. Electric buses run much cleaner than their diesel counterparts, though you mileage will vary depending on how a region generates electricity. Massachusetts estimates that switching from diesel to electric power will reduce vehicle CO2 emissions by more than 70 percent. Even if emissions aren’t completely erased, it does change where they
Tel: 575-835-1630
NRCS and EQUIP approved water storage tanks.
are produced. Bus passengers, nearby pedestrians and motorists will have cleaner air as they travel. This is an especially important benefit for children riding electric school buses. The other positive of electric buses is that they’ll run quietly, contributing less noise pollution to the streets they travel. However, electric buses still have a challenging road in front of them. They currently cost about two to three times as much as a similarly sized diesel bus. The Proterra Catalyst E2 bus unsubsidized retails for $799,000, while the electric school buses from Lion bus cost between $200,000 and $300,000 (customized depending on their intended route and use). So when will you be riding to work or school in an elegant, whisper quiet, electric bus? Well, several cities including Philadelphia, Los Angeles
In the near future, consumers can expect to see electric buses as a viable transit choice for cities, towns and school districts. Electric buses currently cost about two or three times as much as a similarly sized diesel bus, but as battery prices fall, these quiet, environmentally friendly vehicles will gain market momentum. Catalyst Bus, Source: Proterra.
and Miami have already launched pilot-programs, and Proterra is planning to triple their production in 2017 from 30 buses to 90. While that might not sound like much, battery costs are falling rap-
idly, which will make electric buses a viable transit choice for more cities, towns and school districts. The downside, of course, is now you’ll have no excuse not to talk to your seatmate.
All Gear Drive (No Belts or Chains) • Lifetime Transmission Warranty • Handles Rotate 180°
• Many sizes available and always in stock. • Lowest Prices in State. • Delivery and Setup Available. We also Manufacture Welded Galvanized Storage Tanks. Also available Galvanized, Poly, Fiberglass, and Rubber Tire Troughs.
Rotary Plow Attachment Albuquerque Power Equipment 8996 4th St. NW Albuquerque, NM 87114 (505) 897-9002
Flail Mower Attachment Noel’s Inc. 601 Scott Ave Farmington, NM 87401 (505) 327-3375
Sante Fe Power Equipment 1364 Jorgensen Lane Sante Fe, NM 87507 (505) 471-8620
New Mexico: Support your in-state, stocking BCS dealers!
To see the full line of Two-Wheel Tractors & Attachments, visit www.bcsamerica.com today.
APRIL 2017
Trading Post
Big Toys
To Place a Classified Ad 1. Type or print ad neatly. 2. Cost is $20 for up to the first 40 words per ad, per category. Each additional word is 50¢. Ads with insufficient funds will not be printed. Ad published once unless paid for several issues. 3. Graphics such as brands or QR codes are an additional $5 to the original cost of ad. 4. Only members of New Mexico electric co-ops may place ads. 5. We reserve the right to reject any advertisement. 6. Ads due the 9th, one month prior. Ex: Ads due February 9 for the March issue. Ads postmarked after the deadline of the 9th will be placed in the next issue. 7. Fill out contact information and select a category: Name:____________________ Address:__________________ Name:____________________ City:______________________ Address:__________________ State:_____ ZIP:_____________ City:______________________ Telephone:________________ State:____ Zip:_____________ Cooperative:_______________ Telephone:________________ Big Toys (Tools______________ & Machinery) Cooperative:_ Country Critters&(Pets) Big Toys (Tools Machinery) LivestockCritters Round-Up Country (Pets)(Livestock) Odd & Ends (Camping, Music, Digital) Livestock Round-Up (Livestock) Roof&Over Head (Real Estate) Odd EndsYour (Camping, Music, Digital) Things That Vroom! (Vehicles) Vintage FindsGo(Antiques & Collectibles) Vintage Collectibles) Roof OverFinds Your(Antiques Head (Real& Estate) When Opportunity Knocks Things That Go Vroom! (Vehicles) (Business & Employment) When Opportunity Knocks 8. Mail your ad and payment to: (Business & Employment) NMRECA 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87505
Make check or money order payable to NMRECA Advertisements in enchantment are paid solicitations are notor endorsed by theorder Makeand check money publisher or the electric cooperatives of New payable to NMRECA Mexico. PRODUCT SATISFACTION AND DELIVERY RESPONSIBILITY LIE SOLELY WITH THE ADVERTISER.
APRIL 2017
DRINKING WATER STORAGE TANKS, HEAVY DUTY Black Poly, proven algae resistant. 125 to 11,000 gallons, NRCS and EQUIP approved. Please give us a chance to serve you! MasterCard or Visa accepted. Call 575-6822308 or 1-800-603-8272. 1992 FORD TIOGA MONTERA 28-FOOT MOTOR Home only 36,700 miles. 4-KWH Onon generator. Completely self contained. Many extras. Good condition. $10,000 or best offer. Call 505-515-1406. TRACTOR PARTS: SAVE 15-50% ON QUALITY Replacement parts for tractors. Large inventory for 8N and 9N Fords and TO20 plus TO30 Massey Fergusons. Visit us at Valley Motor Supply, 1402 E. 2nd, Roswell, New Mexico 88201. Or call 575-622-7450. TROY-BILT HORSE TILLER. 20-INCH TILLING WIDTH, 306cc Briggs & Stratton Powerbuilt Engine. The Troy-Bilt Horse Tiller is a true workhorse. This versatile tiller is designed for gardens larger than 2500 square feet. Perfect for soil preparation and groundbreaking. Excellent condition. Rociada, NM. $950. Call 505-249-8612. BACKHOE: CASE 580 E. 3300 HOURS and runs good. 12” and 18” buckets. Comes with 20,000 lbs. tandem dually trailer with new tires. $13,000 USD. Located in Kingston, New Mexico. 575-895-5150. FORD 9N TRACTOR, 5’ GANNON BLADE, 2 way 3 pt. hitch scoop. Tractor ran good, been sitting 6 years. Needs very little TLC. Tires ok. Take all, $1,600. 505-269-8479. TRAILER, HEAVY DUTY, 32.5 FOOT FLATBED Gooseneck, tandem duals. Each axles 12000 lb., 24 foot Diamond Steel bed, spare. Asking $7,500 or possible trade for RoadGrader in good shape or Cattle. Call 505-384-4380. 1955 JOHN DEER 70D DIESEL TRACTOR. Pony motor. Bot engines in good condition. New front tires. Wide front. After market 3 point hitch with top link. Power steering. New wiring. $4,250. Call 505-425-7443 or email: fstillger@earthlink.net AFFORDABLE SOLAR WATER PUMPS. REPLACE THAT broken windmill with a solar pump. New well with no electricity? THINK SOLAR! Less expensive, easier maintenance. Contact us and see if we have “Solutions 4 U,” email: Solutions4u@yucca.net or 505407-6553. www.solar-waterpump.com POWRQUIP CONTRACTOR SERIES PORTABLE WELDER/GENERATOR, $3,500. Portable Air Compressor, $1,200. Portable Generator, $1,500. Self-priming water pump with hoses, $500. New, demo equipment, $16,000 value, purchase separate or all for $5,500. Las Cruces, 915-202-2956.
NEW APEX INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT. MODEL 75000D Diesel generator, electric start, with wheels, $5,000. Model 8500M Gasoline generator, with wheels, $3,000. Model AC-2T duel tank air compressor, wheel barrow style, $1,000. Model TP-300 3x3 commercial trash pump, with wheels, $1,500. Model PW-2800 industrial pressure washer with wheels, $700. Located in Sierra County. Call 575-743-2736.
REGISTERED OR PUREBRED CHAROLAIS BULLS FOR sale. One year old in February, March. Doubled-polled, excellent bloodlines. Fair price. Call 575-461-3851. If no answer, leave message or call cell phone: 575-815-8155 in Tucumcari, NM.
WANTED: OLDER AIRSTREAM, SPARTAN, SILVER STREAK, Avion or similar style travel trailers. Any condition considered. Wrecked or gutted trailers included. Please call Rick at 505-690-8272.
NOT ALL WATER TANKS ARE CREATED Equal! Is Quality, Value and Longevity important to you? Buy High Specific Gravity, Heavy Weight, Long Warranty, Superior Black NRCS tanks. Lowest prices only provide minimum standards, lower weights, and shorter warranties. Find out more! 575-430-1010.
USED GREENHOUSE FRAMES-BOWS AND PURLINS WITH hardware for 14’ wide 7’ tall overwinter structures or greenhouses, place on 4’ spacing $12 per bow, hundreds available. Air Stapler used very little with thousands of 1”x1” staples. Large amount of 2” and 4” aluminum sprinkler line, 20’ joints with risers and sprinklers, Tees, Ells and End cap fittings available $1 per foot. 575-398-6121. ROAD GRADER, FIAT-ALLIS F85G, FRONT ARTICULATING, 8.3 Cummins Engine, 14 foot blade, 4,364 hours, 80% Michelin Radials, Block Heater, very good condition, work ready. $31,500 USD. Located near Cloudcroft, New Mexico. Call 575-430-1010. GREAT OFFER ON SOLAR SUBMERSIBLE SURFACE/ DEEP well pumps! ‘NRCS’ approved with 2-year warranty on selected pumps with affordable, easy installation! Order online: solarwellpumpsonline.com with a custom quotation or call 505-429-3093. Designer Carports and fencing material available too. 24/7 service.
Livestock Round-Up NEW MEXICO DRINKING WATER STORAGE TANKS, Heavy Duty Black Poly. Fittings customized to your needs NRCS and EQUIP approved. High Specific Gravity, Heavy Weight, Long Warranty, Algae Resistant, Black NRCS Water Tanks. Call 1-800-603-8272 or 575-682-2308. MOUNTAIN TOP GOATS-BABIES ARE ON THE ground-we have Milkers, Bucks, Babies, Pets, Cabrito and Weed Eaters for sale. All 4-H and Show Quality. Nubians, Mini-Nubians, LaManchas, Mini-LaManchas and Nigerian Dwarfs. In Capitan, call 575-354-2846. QUALITY HAY MORA AREA. SMOOTH BROME/ ORCHARDGRASS mix. Barn stored and not rained on. $7 per bale at my barn. Will deliver minimum 100 bale load for additional charge. Call 575-387-5924. BIG, OLD, MULE MARE FOR SALE. Ride, pack, dog gentle. Needs good home, lots of life left. $800. Call Mike at 575-743-2026.
MAMMOTH DONKEY, 6 YEARS OLD. UNUSUAL color, shaggy coat. Hand-reared. Kid friendly. $2,000. Call 505-281-1821.
Odds & Ends JAEGER VIOLIN CASE, VINTAGE 1969 THERMADORE Model. Immaculate condition with canvas Duck cover. $650 firm, Postal Money Order. Will mail free in New Mexico. Return in original condition if not happy by 10 business days. Request messaging photo. Contact griddino@gmail.com or 575-770-1175. COMPLETE SOUND SYSTEM, 8 CHANNEL YAMAHA Mixer. 4 Shure microphones with stands and cords. 2 large Crate Speakers. Excellent condition, only used in a small church and never abused. Call for price at 575-633-2016 or email: y_kimber@hotmail.com COFFINS, CASKETS & URNS. Simple, Natural, Unique. Shipping or delivery available. Call 505-286-9410 for FREE funeral information. Visit our website at www.theoldpinebox.com HOWDY! PECOS PABLO “INTRODUCING MIRACLE MARY!” Capulin jelly, jams and raw mountain wildflower honey. Search: Blue Toyota Tundra and American flag in either Santa Fe or Glorieta. Info: pecospablo@hotmail.com or 505-603-2310. 200 GALLON AIR COMPRESSOR TANK, $100 OBO. Three 100 lb. portable propane tanks, one full, $300. Wide bed commercial grade tool box, $150. Fiberglass camper shell with stainless steel racks for widebed truck, $200. 575-895-5150. BEE-KEEPING EQUIPMENT-PARTIAL LISTING: MEDIUM HONEY SUPERS with Frames, $10 each; 4-Frame Honey Extractor (SS), like new, $600; Heated Bottling Tank (SS), $600; Crimp-wired Foundation 4-3/4”x16-3/4”, $6 per lb. I buy, sell and trade Bee-keeping equipment. Don Mason, 575-623-4858, Roswell, NM. JUMPING JACK COMPACTOR, $200. WALL MOUNT propane heater, 12x28, $50. Electric garden mulcher, $20. Snow tires: two 185/65x15 and two 185/80x14, $25 each. 575-895-5150.
FOR SALE OR TRADE: TWO GRAVE Sites at Memorial Gardens in Las Cruces, Military Section. Includes 2 Vaults, 2 Bronze Headstones, 2 Flower Holders. Value $10,000. Will sell for $7,500 or trade for vehicle, small trailer, etc. Call 575-430-7147. IT’S WOOD SAWMILL AROMATIC RED CEDAR lumber, Tongue and Groove paneling, closet lining, $3 a square foot. Call 575-278-2433 in Folsom, New Mexico.
we want an Internet and Phone service we can trust.
CEMETERY MONUMENTS IS OUR BUSINESS. OVER 1,000 designs. An eternal memory of a loved one. Taos Mountain Heritage. Call 575-7702507 or email: taos_mt_heritage@msn.com Website: www.taosmountage.com
Special Promo ** Free
WANTED: “OLD” FISHING TACKLE. PRE-1950, LURES, reels, complete tackle boxes. Paying cash, “TOP” prices paid. Call Rick at 575-354-0365. Send photos to: tacklechaser@aol.com
Install with a One-Year Term
Roof Over Your Head BOLES ACRES IN ALAMOGORDO, NEW MEXICO. 1/2 acre lot with 4 bedroom, 3 bath manufactured home with 3-bay detached garage. Has Well, established yard, and a wonderful covered deck. Call 575-812-9106 for more information. RURAL RANCH PROPERTY-140 ACRES. EASILY ACCESSIBLE off I-40 between Santa Rosa and Tucumcari. Well with 15 gallon-per-minute yield, full service electricity and RV site. Scenic areas to build home or cabin. Visit www.mcdonell.com/route66/140 for Details, pictures and contact info. 281 FENCED ACRES OF RANCH LAND between Santa Rosa and Albuquerque, NM. Beautiful topography and views. Many great locations for RV pad or permanent cabin/home. Link to detailed description, photos and contact info: www.mcdonell.com/bigboulderranch/ 78+ ACRES IN PIE TOWN. BEAUTIFUL trees, seclusion with 3/2 DW fenced, good well, outbuildings. Reduced to $140,000. TriCounty R.E.L., Gregg Fix Qualifying Broker, 575-838-6018 or 575-772-2508. www.landsofamerica.com/member/12695 GRADY, 300 MARSHALL. 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, attached carport, horse property on almost one acre, village water, $65,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, bigmesarealty.com or 575-760-5461. ILFELD, NEW MEXICO: 83.942 ACRES FOR sale. Property located 36 miles north of Santa Fe, next to I-25. Property is completely fenced and a survey was completed in 2016. A prescriptive easement runs from Ilfeld Frontage Road to property. Asking $12,000 per acre. Please contact David, 575-421-3919 or 505-426-4419.
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Wi-Power Internet serves the following cities: Deming, Edgewood, Elephant Butte, Las Cruces, Maxwell, Moriarty, Mountainair, Raton, Sandia Park, Silver City, Socorro, Springer, Truth or Consequences and many of their surrounding communities. *Services provided by TransWorld Network, Corp. Not available in all areas. With approved credit. Restrictions, terms, & conditions apply. Taxes, regulatory, installation/activation, surcharges & other charges not included. Call for details or visit www.wi-power.com or www.twncorp.com for additional information and for terms and conditions of services. Customers on qualifying internet plans may receive maximum download speeds ranging from 1.5 Mbps to 10.0 Mbps. Actual download speeds will vary. 2. Wi-Power Phone not available with satellite Internet. Minimum 512 Kbps Internet connection speed required. International call rates apply. Unlimited calling applies to local and long distance calls within the contiguous United States. Digital Phone 911 Service operates differently than traditional 911. See http://www.wi-power.com/911.html for information. Unlimited usage subject to “fair and normal” usage limitations as described in terms and conditions. **Limited time offer. Free installation available on a year term Internet plan. Certain terms and conditions apply. Offer available for new customers. With approved credit.
LOVELY 3 BEDROOM KARSTEN HOME WITH many upgrades on 30.56 acres of pinon/juniper fenced land near Magdalena, New Mexico. Includes barn/garage, loafing shed, well house, greenhouse, studio and hen house. Well priced at $159,900. Call 575-418-7333 or email: nmmommallama@gmail.com HOUSE FOR SALE BY OWNER, IN Cimarron, NM. 4 bedroom, 1 bathroom, kitchen-dining room, living room with attached carport. Newly remodeled. 1,400 square feet on 4 city lots plus storage shed 12’x16’. Will consider reasonable offer. Call 575-760-8194 or 575-760-8200. PRIVATE RETREAT NEAR ALBUQUERQUE. DEVELOPED 40 acre ranch, 2 custom log houses, custom log sauna, 2 rock houses, small log cabin, wooden barn house, small shop, chicken house, 2-40’ steel storage containers. 26 miles south of I-40, Tijeras exit. Extras: lower Torrance County taxes, private dead-end county road, pistol shooting range, 3 gates onto property, south facing slope with views of mountains and Estancia Valley, good well, good neighbors, fenced, cross fenced, roads, meadows plus PinonJuniper, access to National Forest. Perfect for large family, movie set, artists colony, MMA camp, church camp or Bed & Breakfast. Compare structures, price, convenience to Albuquerque, amount of developed land, setting, then come see this. $419,000. Owner, 505-898-0509 or 505-270-8935.
CONCHAS, 613 BULLHEAD DRIVE, 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath, boat shed, storage building, coop water, $39,500. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. bigmesarealty.com
LOGAN, 707 FOX. 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, RV port, 6-bay boat storage, 1/2 acre, village water and sewer, $40,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. bigmesarealty.com
CONCHAS, 204 CONCHAS PLACE. 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath, 2-car garage, large open RV storage, upstairs deck, coop water, $179,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, bigmesarealty.com or 575-760-5461.
COUNTRY LIVING! 2 & 3 BEDROOMS, 2 bath, Mobile Homes on 1 acre in Highland Meadows Estates, 25 miles west of Albuquerque off I-40. Low down, low monthly, owner financing. Call 505-814-9833.
160-ACRE PROPERTY WITH CHARMING, COZY RESIDENCE and various out-buildings with two wells. Three bedroom, one bath, with sun-room. Eighteen miles west of Grady, NM; State Highway 209 frontage. View property at www.sidwellfarmandranch.com Tom Sidwell, Qualifying Broker, 575-403-6903. CONCHAS, 609 BOAT DOCK DRIVE. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, large front deck, coop water, $130,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, bigmesarealty.com or 575-760-5461. CORONA. GET AWAY FROM IT ALL! 2,200 sf energy efficient Santa Fe style custom built home. 40 acres. Village water, garage, barn. Great community, great views, quiet living. Easy access to Ruidoso, Albuquerque and Santa Fe. $279,000. Pcitures available. Call 505-350-9450.
4 ACRES OF BEAUTIFUL FARM OR Residential tranquil land in San Acacia, NM. All utilities on property. 31x36 quality steel building with cement slab. 1/2 bath, well-house insulated. Irrigation Rights. Pictures upon request. Call Lisa at 505-992-3716. HAVE: PRIME 60 ACRES! HEAVILY WOODED, with power, 8 miles north of Edgewood, priced slashed to $238,000. Have: 80-300 acres, beautiful grassland with power, 7 miles north of I-40, east of NM 41, price slashed to $1,400/acre. Have: fix up business opportunity! 44 space RV park, Moriarty, NM, needs some TLC, includes all city utilities, zoned commercial, price slashed to $295,000. Seller financing and trades considered! Call Glen today at 505-379-5300. 10 ACRES FOR SALE ON SAN Clemente Addition off of Villa Linda, on Highway 6. A beautiful location 6 miles west and 3 miles south of Las Lunas, NM. $40,000. Call 850-532-8144.
APRIL 2017
21 ACRE CORNER LOT. WILD HORSE area, just a walk away from BLM land. Great area for hunting, with power and well, partially fenced. Also a 10x20 Weather King building, corrals for horses. $79,000. Contact Jerry at 505-573-5982. LOOKING FOR WATER? GIFTED TO FIND underground streams. Reputable dowser 50 years experience. To God Be The Glory! Contact Joe Graves at 575-758-3600. In Taos, 75 miles north of Santa Fe. God Bless You. 21 ACRE PECAN FARM FOR SALE. Las Cruces. 2 wells, Elephant Butte irrigation water rights, $589,000. Possible owner financing. Call Sam at 575-647-0320. I WOULD LIKE TO PURCHASE THE Real Estate Contract, Mortgage or Deed of Trust for which you are receiving payments. Please call for fast pricing and quick closing. Email: pinonview@aol.com or call Barbara Baird at 1-800-458-9847. 20 ACRES IN GATED COMMUNITY, ALL utilities, undergrown Pinon and grassland, private air strip, $125,000. $1,000 down, Owner financed. Call 505-690-0308. 12.5 ACRES, 2 MILES FROM VILLANUEVA, utilities at Lot line, no covenants, $45,000. Owner Financed. Call 505-690-0308. RETIRE IN BEAUTIFUL MORA COUNTY. ENJOY beautiful views and natural beauty. Approximately 20 acres dry land and 15 acres mountain land. If interested, please call Mike at 505-753-6338.
Things That Go Vroom! 2003 FORD F-250 LARIAT 4X4 SUPER cab. 6.0 Diesel, 6-speed manual transmission. Many extras. 159,000 miles. Excellent condition. One owner, one driver. $15,500. Call 575-9731649 or 575-653-4532. 2013 GMC SIERRA SLE 4X4, 5.3L engine, crew cab, matching camper shell, 160,000 miles, $19,950. OR 2011 Jeep Wrangler Sport Package 4x4, 3.8L V6 engine, orange exterior, 81,000 miles, clean, CARFAX, low price $20,950. Call 505-832-5106 or see pictures www.uniqueenterprises.com
2013 YUKON DENALI XL, BEAUTIFUL, LOADED, clean CARFAX, $35,950. OR 2010 Ram 3500 Dually, 6.7L, Cummins, ONLY 81,000 miles, 4x4, automatic, one owner, clean CARFAX, $35,950. Call 505-832-5106 or see pictures www.uniqueenterprises.com. 2011 LINCOLN TOWN CAR SIGNATURE, ONLY 83,000 miles, nice, $12,950. OR 2012 Ford F-250, 6.7L, V8 diesel, leather, crew cab, one owner, clean CARFAX, 111,600 miles, $35,950. Call 505-832-5106 or see pictures www.uniqueenterprises.com DISHWASHER EFFICIENCY TIP: AIR DRY CLEAN dishes to save energy. If your dishwasher does not have an automatic air-dry switch, turn off the dishwasher after the final rinse and prop the door open slightly so the dishes will dry faster. Source: U.S Department of Energy 2004 GMC SIERRA 2500HD, CREW CAB, 6.6L, V8 turbo diesel, leather, 163,150 miles, $21,950. OR 2005 Chevy Silverado 2500HD, 6.6L, V8 diesel, 204,900 miles, one owner, clean CARFAX, $18,950. Call 505-832-5106 or see pictures www.uniqueenterprises.com 2007 TOYOTA TACOMA, SINGLE CAB, 4X4, 5-speed, 203,000 miles, excellent shape, camper shell, $10,950. OR 2004 Ford F-250 SD Lariat crew cab, nice flatbed, clean truck, diesel, 4x4, $13,950. Call 505-832-5106 or see pictures www.uniqueenterprises.com
Vintage Finds
2005 GMC SIERRA 1500 SLE 4X4, 5.3L, V8 engine, one owner, clean CARFAX, 94,000 miles, $18,950. OR 2011 GMC Sierra 2500 SLT, one owner, crew cab, 123,000 miles, 4x4, loaded, ONLY $25,950. For more information see pictures www.uniqueenterprises.com or call 505-832-5106. 2015 GMC SIERRA 3500 DENALI CREW cab, 4x4, Duramax, Dually, clean CARFAX, 43,000 miles, $53,950. OR 2005 GMC Yukon SLT, 99,000 miles, 4x2, leather interior, one owner, clean CARFAX, $13,950. See pictures www.uniqueenterprises.com or call 505-832-5106.
BUYING OLD STUFF: GAS PUMPS AND parts 1960’s or earlier, advertising signs, neon clocks, old car parts in original boxes, motor oil cans, license plate collections, Route 66 items, old metal road signs, odd and weird stuff. Fair prices paid. Have pickup, will travel. Gas Guy in Embudo, 505-852-2995.
APRIL 2017
B & C TRADING COMPANY. NOW open for business. Buying, selling, trading authentic antique Western Colonial memorabilia, saddles, spurs, bronzes, Navajo tapestries, jewelry, rare collectables. Cash paid for antique firearms! Open 10-5, Monday-Saturday. 397 Highway 518, Mora, NM. 512-571-7733. RAILROAD ITEMS WANTED: KEROSENE LANTERNS, BRASS locks, keys, badges, uniforms, bells, whistles, and pre-1950 employee timetables. Always seeking items from any early New Mexico railroad, especially D&RG, C&S, EP&NE, EP&SW, AT&SF, SP or Rock Island. Call Randy Dunson at 575-356-6919 or 575-760-3341.
WANTED: “OLD” FISHING TACKLE. PRE-1950, LURES, reels, complete tackle boxes. Paying cash, “TOP” prices paid. Call Rick at 575-354-0365. Send photos to: tacklechaser@aol.com
When Opportunity Knocks FLAG POLES AND FLAGS. RESIDENTIAL TELESCOPING flag poles up to 25 feet. Poles are interlocking (not push button) very attractive and durable. Installation is available in the Ruidoso area. U.S. and State flags, all sizes. For information call 806-638-5812. BUYING OR INQUIRYING ABOUT AN AD you read about in the enchantment? Let the advertiser know you saw their ad in the enchantment.
~ enchantment photo contest ~
Life on the Ranch
The American Flag ♦ Horseshoes and Ranch Gear on Barn Walls Cowboy Hats on Fences ♦ Boots and Spurs ♦ Ranch Weddings Mama's Favorite Flower Garden ♦ Horses and Cattle
1970 DODGE PICKUP SHORT BOX 383, restoration project, $3,000. 1971 Dodge Pickup, V-8, automatic, $2,500. 1972 Chevy Pickup, only 33,517 miles, sell or trade. 1970 Chevy short Box 454, restoration project with extra parts and 1968 truck. 2001 Freightliner C12 Cat engine, 10-speed, single axel Day Cab, $10,500. 2010 Chevy Aveo, 51,800 miles, 5-speed, $3,500. 440 Dodge motor, $400. Soults Motors in Lemitar, 575-838-0758.
WANTED: NEW MEXICO MOTORCYCLE LICENSE PLATES 1912-1959, paying $100-$500 each; also buying some New Mexico car plates 19001923. Wanted: New Mexico Highway Journal Magazine 1923-1927, paying $10-$25 single issues, $400-$800 bound volumes, library discards OK. Wanted: New Mexico Automobile License Directory (”The Zia Book”) and Motor Vehicle Register books 1900-1949, library discards OK, paying $75-$100 per volume. Bill Johnston, Box 640, Organ, New Mexico 88052-0640. Email: NMhistory@totacc.com or telephone 575-382-7804.
ANTIQUE SPINNING WHEEL, 30-INCH WHEEL. OAK ice box, holds 25 lbs. of ice. 1860’s desk and other antique furniture. Ask for more details. Call 575-626-1947.
Weathered Fences, Chairs and Tables ♦ Making Supper Kiddos Working the Ranch ♦ Rodeos and Roping
Entries Due Monday, June 5 Photos featured in the July enchantment.
9 winners receive $50 each; 1 grand prize winner receives $100, and photo is featured as the July cover photo
Contest Rules
• Photos must be taken in New Mexico • Entrants must be a New Mexico electric cooperative member
Information Required
• Full Name • Mailing Address • Phone Number • Electric Co-op Name • Details of Photo
Enter Submissions By
• Email to: enchantmentphotos@nmelectric.coop • Post to Facebook: facebook.com/enchantmentnmreca • Mail to: Life on the Ranch Photo Contest enchantment, 614 Don Gaspar Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87505
Questions? Call 505-982-4671
enchantment reserves print and web rights for all winning photos. 1704
Ready for a Fossil Dig Good work Youth Artists! Now that we have our tools and clothing gear, we can go on a fossil dig. Let's get in full speed with race car driving. For May, Super Speed, draw a race car or bike at a race track. Have fun and drive safely. Let's go camping in June! Do you camp in a tent, RV trailer or in a sleeping bag under the stars? For June, Sleepy Starry Nights, draw where you get some shut-eye during the summer nights.
Send Your Drawing by Email: We accept Youth Art drawings by email. Send jpg file and required information by the 9th to: enchantment@nmelectric.coop Remember: Print your name, age, mailing address, phone number, and co-op name on your drawings. Otherwise, your drawings are disqualified. Remember: color, dark ink or pencil on plain white 8.50 x 11.00 size paper is best. Accept artwork up to age 13. Mail to: Youth Editor, 614 Don Gaspar Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87505. Entries must be here by the 9th of the month before publication. Each published artist receives $10 for his or her work.
Elise Henderson, Age 6, Edgewood
Christopher Lopez, Age 5, Vadito
Adam Luna, Age 11, Hagerman
Alyssa Maestas, Age 10, Belen
Mia Sena, Age 6, Sena
Lylie Vigil, Age 12, Vadito
Fernando Garcia, Age 9, Lake Arthur
LiLiana Romero, Age 9, Anton Chico
Adelita Trujillo, Age 6, Vadito
APRIL 2017