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1.14 Post Tender Submissions

Inspection to Glass Processor Inspection to Façade Contractor Factory Inspection to Powder Coating During 1st batch of Fabrication, upon approval further work to proceed

During 1st batch of Fabrication, upon approval further work to proceed


1.14 Post Tender Submissions:

Provide all required submissions for a comprehensive performance proposal, to demonstrate compliance with the specified design intentions and performance requirements, to record construction methods and procedures, to record materials and components proposed, and to establish quality standards. Time required for examination of shop drawings, calculations and any other submission will be 15 working days for approval of 1st submission and major resubmission, and allow 7 working days for approval of resubmissions. Production & Fabrication should not commence until approval to use the relevant shop drawings, calculations and material submissions has been obtained. The numbers of copied sets required for drawings, calculations, materials and all submissions will be decided by employer’s representatives and architect.

➢ Shop Drawings Submit comprehensively detailed and dimensioned shop drawings to indicate all set-out and construction details not indicated in the Contract Documents, adjacent work by others, and for all proprietary products where required details are not indicated in the manufacturer's product data. The shop drawings shall include and indicate: • General notes sheet outlining: o material specification o load factors o wind load magnitude o test requirements (pull out test, weld test and the like) o codes of practice used in the design • Set-out of all work, including reference points, edge conditions and joint pattern, indicated on plans, elevations and sections as applicable • Full size sections of all members, including descriptions of structural properties and specifications of materials • Framing, anchorages and fixings supported from base-structure, and embeds in the base-structure, if required • Movement joints • Method statement, including: o Erection tolerances o Machined slots, keyholes and other methods for handling and connecting components o Junctions and trim to base-structure and adjoining surfaces o Fully dimensioned setting-out drawings and templates o Access and materials handling equipment and requirements o Methods of assembly at all junctions, including sealing and fixing, indicated by three-dimensional and exploded views if requested • Glazing details, including: o Glazing materials including sealants, gaskets, tapes, setting and spacer blocks. o Rebate depth, and edge restraint. o Clearances and tolerances. o Methods of in-service glass replacement.

• Method of draining the assembly, including details showing: o Drained joints. o Location, number and size of weep holes. o Mechanical baffles to drainage outlets that are not pressure equalised.

Methods of meeting performance criteria for thermal insulation, fire resistance, sound transmission loss and the like. Location and type of BMU restraints, and method of cleaning in service. • Panelling details, including: o All joints and junctions o Support systems and panel stiffening

• Connection details and provision of lightning protection • Co-ordinate design of BMU restraints and indicate on shop drawings. Verify computations for BMU fixings and for co-ordination of tolerances acceptable to the BMU Supplier.

Shop drawings shall be in strict compliance with "prototype as tested" drawings approved as part of the prototype testing procedure. Provide a complete numbering system and schedule for all cladding and glazing panels. Each panel shall be individually numbered in such a way that the manufacturing and installation history can be traced. Design and implement an approved permanent concealed marking system showing correct location and orientation when installed. Submit details. Indicate the location of each individual panel on shop drawings. Submit as-built elevations progressively indicating the location of each individual panel. The approval of shop drawings is for member sizes, surface treatment and soundness of structural connections. Approval will not be given for any dimensions or fabrication related issues. Any approval does not alleviate the Façade contractor from errors or omissions.

➢ Calculations And Others The façade contractor shall submit comprehensive calculations, which shall include and indicate:

• Contents sheet(s) • Design synopsis detailing the following. • General arrangement of structure accompanied by diagrams to show load paths/stability etc. • Design criteria sheets outlining:

o codes of practice used in design o factors of safety used in design o computer analysis programs used in design o Material specifications (proof stresses, E-values allowable stresses etc.) • Computer analysis print outs should include the following o computer input both tabular & graphical o computer output both tabular & graphical o graphical output shall include the following o deflected shapes o bending moments, shears, plate bending and shear stresses. o graphical input shall include the following o location of pins, stack joints, support type etc. o applied loads

• Detailed calculations shall include the following

o load derivation (include F.O.S.) o justification of stresses/deflections o reference system to drawings by way of diagrams/detail marks

As an appendix, extracts of relevant manufactures catalogues shall be included (load tables and the like).

➢ Local Authority Submissions Where required by local authorities, the Façade contractor shall submit two sets of A1 drawings and calculations that are certified by a Registered Structural Engineer representing the Façade contractor, to the Authority. Approvals and As-built approvals by the Authority shall be scheduled as required to meet the Main contractors programme.

• Include computations and drawings for the following:

o Framing, anchorages and fixings supported from base-structure o Sizes and grade of members and sections o Reinforcement of connections o Glass types and thickness. When Finite Element Analysis is used to engineer glass and other thin sheet components, non-linear method shall be used. o Types and magnitudes of the design loads on the fixing anchors or attachments o Confirmation of all performance criteria, in particular, all movement allowances o Fire resistance requirements o Indexed drawings and calculations, which are fully, cross-referenced o Nominate all materials and finishes (in particular on contact surfaces) o Areas of operable windows are to be shown on elevations o Analysis of stresses in structural silicone o Authority’s approval letter and authorisation letter from the Façade Contractor’s designer permitting the use of any computer software in the design o Thermal and acoustic performance calculations, (scope depending on Contract) o Any other information requested by the relevant authority requirements

➢ Schedule Submissions • Submit (within 3 weeks of the award of contract) the following items:

o Program of submissions for shop drawings, authorities’ submission, samples, etc. o Program for prototype testing and provision of prototype trial assemblies o Program of works indicating links, durations and floats on all activities; this program is to be updated monthly. o Schedule of Materials to be used in the façades together with a list of suppliers. The Schedule of

Materials shall be as specified in Appendix ‘E’ of this Specification. This list shall be completed at the time of Tender and the final contents shall constitute a Term of Award of Contract.

➢ Material And Sample Submissions Submit (within 4 weeks of award) all materials for acceptance prior to purchasing. These shall include, but not necessarily be limited to manufacturer’s test data, manufacturer's quality assurance documentation, preparation, and installation recommendations. • These include product data for:

o Metals and metal alloys, including welding materials. o Glass and glazing accessories. o Applied finishes, including preparation and pre-treatment, application, curing, and maintenance procedures.

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