National meeting of Architecture Students
ONEA Ecuador The National Organization of Architecture Students of Ecuador "ONEA" was founded to generate integration between the different faculties of architecture in the country, promoting the feeling of fellowship through permanent communication, which encourages the exchange of knowledge and experiences.
ONEA’s Misssion
ONEA’s Vision
The purpose of the Organization is to serve nacional students of different faculties of architecture and to promote the realization of academic, scientific, cultural activities, in connection with the communities and intellectual exchange among its members.
To be an entity of development of knowledge of architecture, through the students of the faculties of architecture of Ecuador; with a view to improving society based on its identity and reality.
ENEA Quito 2018 The National Meeting of Architecture Students "ENEA" is the organization's highest event. This edition lasted 6 days with activities that took place in in different institutions of Quito, capital of Ecuador. During this time, there was the participation of students representing different schools of architecture in Ecuador, through activities of an academic and sociocultural nature such as:
Several Masterclasses
Collective Opinion Platform
Student Presentations
Projects Development
Academic Samples
General Information NAME OF THE EVENT: 2th National Meeting of Architecture Students, "Resilient Movement" PLACE: Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador. DATE: From August 4 to 9, 2018.
Universidad Central del Ecuador (Quito), VENUES
Pontificia Universidad Catรณlica del Ecuador (Quito), Universidad Internacional Sek (Quito),
ASSISTANTS: 150 participants (Students and professionals). EVENT THEME: Urban Resilience of Ecuador. WORKSHOPS: 10 workshops: theoretical and practical. TYPE OF WORKSHOPS: Conceptual dynamics through case studies and neighborhood training through architectural-artistic interventions. WORK SPACES: Neighborhoods and Universities of Quito.
Organizing Committee
Ángela Díaz Academic Advisor
Diana Vivanco General Coordinator
Xavier Verdugo General Deputy Coordinator
Naomi Sánchez Logistics Coordination
Wendy Yépez Academic Coordination
Logistics Coordination
Ney Guerrero
Viviana Sinailin Sponsorship Coordination
Miguel Vázquez Advertising Coordination
Organizing Committee
Ernesto González Logistics Coordination
Dominique Rubio Logistics Coordination
Andrés Ramos Logistics Coordination
Gabriela Hinojosa Logistics Coordination
Renata Naranjo Kimberlin Suárez Logistics Coordination Academic Coordination
Jacqueline Arroyo Logistics Coordination
Andrea Rodríguez Logistics Coordination
José Estrella Green City
Arlet Zamora Green City
Anthonella Pacheco Mobility for all
COLLECTIVE OPINION PLATFORMS Saturday, August 4 "Urban Resilience"
"The public space must be attacked, but it must also be functional"
Sunday, August 5 "Resilient Cities"
Boris Albornoz
Monday, August 6 "How to avoid creating risk?" Tuesday, August 7 "Resilience and the integral city ” Wednesday, August 8 "Resilience in the academy"
"Starting from what is built since it is the most vulnerable, many times it is more important than building something from scratch" Juan Pablo Astudillo
"Search for city models or urban development strategies with conceptual bases to counteract dangers because many solutions are found at the origin of things" Rodrigo Merino
"We create architecture to inhabit, with an adaptable bioclimatic structure" Milena Velástegui
"Cities constitute the habitat of the human species, a complete living system where the qualities that allow the development of optimal conditions for creativity and where new possibilities for the human emerge are integrated" Riccardo Porreca
Arch. Javier Murillo Moderator
Arch. Alexis Parreño Moderator
"We live in a world where the complex becomes useless and we do not worry about who is going to use it and what it may represent"
"You have to change the way you see the elements, we put them in the place where they are"
Makes the new architecture "
Atxu Amann
Ricardo Moya
Diego Guayasamín
Arch. Juan Pablo Astudillo Speaker and Professor
Arch. David Jácome Resilient Quito
"Creativity + Awareness + Technology
Arch. Andrés Cánovas International Speaker
Ensusitio Insitu Construction
Arch. Riccardo Porreca Speaker
Arch. Rodrigo Merino Speaker
“To be resilient or to be resistant? Before any eventuality it is better to be intelligent" Enrique Villacís Arch. Milena Velástegui Speaker
Arch. Ricardo Moya Speaker
Arch. Atxu Amann Speaker and Professor
Data Sheet 1st CHALLENGE: Link-up CHALLENGE THEME: “Build Resilience” CASE STUDY: La Bota neighborhood OBJECTIVE: Build strategies for communities to be resilient. TIPOLOGÍA DE TALLER: Teórico - Práctico Dinámicas conceptuales mediante casos de estudio y capacitación barrial mediante intervenciones arquitectónicas - artísticas. DESCRIPTION: The workshop analyzed the problems of the sector, from the compilation of various points of view of the inhabitants. Including children who gave us a much more objective view of their habitat and without a social adaptation filter, which allowed us to identify specific problems in their environment. The adults, on the other hand, gave us a different and larger-scale view of where they live. Several important points were defined to discuss, concluding in the formal academic proposal for the neighborhood. COMPONENTS: Social, economic, environmental, mobility and territorial.
Participants TUTORS
Arch. Ángela Díaz Urbanist Doctor Researcher teacher, with experience in urban design and planning, risk and disaster management, bottom-up methodologies and organization of events on sustainable development.
Arch. David Dávalos Researcher and teacher Architect by the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. Mention Design Global Specialite Architecture Modeling Environment By École Nationale Supérieure D’architecture De Nancy.
Maryla Reyes WORKSHOP PARTICIPANTS - Tannya Moreno - Ximena Gutierrez - Salomé Carrera - Liss Guaján - Kelly García - Karlita Navarro - Xavier Cevallos - Dominique Almeida - Stalin Peralta - Pablo Riofrío
Data Sheet 1st CHALLENGE: Link-up CHALLENGE THEME: “Build Resilience” CASE STUDY: Atucucho neighborhood OBJECTIVE: Build strategies for communities to be resilient. DESCRIPTION: Analysis of Sloping Housing and Possible Solutions to Circulation Problems (Stairs) We worked with the sloping houses of the neighborhood and its urban circulations. Atucucho is a neighborhood of invasions, therefore its urban organization is not regular, it contains areas where the topography is rugged. The workshop focused on the analysis of four streets with their respective homes and sloping accesses, exploring not only their access from the streets, but also the internal circulation of the homes. COMPONENTES: Sociales, económicos, ambientales, movilidad y territoriales.
Participants TUTOR
Arch. Ma. Belén Granja Urban Planning Master Field research work in the Atucucho neighborhood and very close contact with local organizations. Experience, especially in relation to informal neighborhoods and homes in pending.
Ma. Augusta Cajas Junior Tutor
Paul Mullo Master Tutor Junior
WORKSHOP PARTICIPANTS - Jennyfer Iza - Antonella Asimbaya - José Javier Guzmán - Jacqueline Arroyo - Ma. Belén Tulcanazo - Byron Calderón
- Alejo Cevallos - Sebastián Abata - Sebastían León - Carlos Castro - Juan Pablo Jara
Data Sheet 1st, 2nd and 3th CHALLENGES: Linking, Design and Construction CHALLENGE TOPICS: "Build Resilience", "Resilience as a Design Criterion", "Systems and Mechanisms" CASE STUDY: Solanda neighborhood DESCRIPTION: The architects Juan Pablo Astudillo, Diego Guayasamin and Boris Albornoz joined in a single team to address the following topics: "Wasy, Wayra and urban artifacts", "Housing - Public space" and "Urban Furniture" these approaches were carried out in based on a physical and social diagnosis of the Solanda neighborhood characterized by its urban model (macro blocks and bridge-type housing). Wazy Adaptive Progressive Housing The creation of modules (full, empty and permeable) that constituted both the structure and the facade of the house and the extension of a typical house according to the needs of the user by continuing to place more modules. The workshop had a methodology that focused on the student's practice; A series of models of the modules were made, the plans of the houses were drawn and at the end a full-scale model of the proposed housing module was made.
Participants TUTORS
Arch. Boris Albornoz Urban Specialist Tutor and Speaker
Arch. Juan Pablo Astudillo Social housing expert Tutor and Speaker
Arq. Diego GuayasamĂn Technology expert Tutor and Speaker
Doctor of Architecture from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain. He has more than 20 years of experience in the design and execution of architectural and urban projects.
Architect graduated from the University of CuencaHe has worked as a teacher at the University of Cuenca. Expert in social housing with the use of insitu materials.
An architect from the University of the Americas, he was part of the ONEA founding team. As well as founded the office "Bacteria Lab". Expert in advanced technology and design.
Participants JUNIOR TUTORS
Byron Cadena Junior Tutor
Mayté Cuesta Junior Tutor
José Estrella Junior Tutor
- Dayanara Brito - José Jácome - Erika Aguilar - Majo Pineda - Ernesto González - Carolina Vargas - Bryan Yacelga - Hamilton Paredes - Gabriel Viteri - Miguel Cuaspa
- Gabriel Calle - Mishelle Sarango - Daniela Fernandez - Carolina Guaman - Kevin Bernys - Renata Naranjo - Freddy Chango - Nicolas Yepez - Lizbeth Suarez - Yanira Badillo
WORKSHOP PARTICIPANTS - Paúl Rojas - Galilea Escobar - Said Jaramillo - Joel Rodríguez - Diana Yanez - Jennifer Iza - Fernando Godoy - Andrea Narvaez - Ney Guerrero - Mishelle Catota
T h e Wo r k s h o p CONCLUSION As there was an extension in height of the houses of Solanda neighborhood (due to the progressive change of families), an extension proposal was made, based on modules. The idea was to raise awareness of sustainability in future architects, a concept of adaptability that uses materials with low environmental and economic impact.
Data Sheet 1st CHALLENGE: Link-up CHALLENGE THEME: “Build Resilience� CASE STUDY: La Primavera neighborhood OBJECTIVE: Build strategies for communities to be resilient. DESCRIPTION: The human of each place is not what it contains, it is what it transmits, and how divine it can be by providing wonderful experiences (without having to leave the city). We never imagined that a thousand meters above the city we would find the tranquility that daily life cannot give us. About us? We prefer to live in the heights and we believe that this is the most direct relationship with the essence of Quito. We ignore the spaces that nature offers us, the essence of our city are the mountains and streams like those in the Primavera neighborhood, a place where unfortunately people know it as a degraded place, without knowing all the existing routes, which allow you to discover the true meaning of what Quito really is. La Primavera is a neighborhood with so many possibilities that, through good strategies, it could be inhabited and known for all the wonderful things that are in its entrails.
Participants TUTOR
Arch. Daniel Moreno Tutor Architect graduated from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. Ornato Ciudad de Quito Award and Second Place in the Santiago de Compostela Award for Urban Cooperation with the project Rehabilitation of the old La Victoria Factory.
Emmanuel Mendoza Junior Tutor WORKSHOP PARTICIPANTS - Camila Torres - Diego López - Mishell Alarcón - Andrea Arellano - Karla Marcillo - Mylena Ramos - Francisco Aldaz - Ángeles Miranda - Karla Yepez - Gabriela Mancero - Francisco Díaz
Data Sheet 3th CHALLENGE: Construction CHALLENGE THEME: "Systems and Mechanisms" WORKSHOP NAME: “ConstrUIO” CASE STUDY: La Floresta neighborhood OBJECTIVE: Development of activities focused on applied learning of resilience. DESCRIPTION: Under the guidelines of the early warning systems and the problems of the ¨La Floresta¨ neighborhood, the construction workshop called: ¨CONSTRUIO¨, proposed the creation of three urban pieces of furniture that provide comfort, innovation and interaction in the neighborhood. The proposals are conceived under the concepts of adaptability, modularity and ability to be replicated throughout the neighborhood. A construction system is proposed through the reuse of materials of daily use, durable and low maintenance cost.
Participants TUTORS
Arch. Nelson Veintimilla Arch. Mercedes Rueda Technologies Master Urban Planning Master He develops architectural proposals as proposals for collaborative systems for the intervention of existing buildings to be re-empowered.
His work focuses on the compression of urban space and how it determines the characteristics of both the users and the territory.
María Belén Ayala Junior Tutor WORKSHOP PARTICIPANTS - Luis Marca - Nelson Armijos - Ivonne del Pozo - Steven Pozo - Ian Echeverría - Camila Vizcaíno - Marylin Coronel - Samantha Aguilar - Denisse Navarret - Karen Vásquez - Diego González
Data Sheet
2nd CHALLENGE: Design CHALLENGE THEME: "Resilience as a Design Critera" CASE STUDY: Guapulo neighborhood OBJECTIVE: Incorporation of resilience as an urban design criteria. DESCRIPTION: Experimental Express Workshop of Form and Space The proposal arises from the following question: How to prepare and how to recover from adversity? For us, the most appropriate response turned out to be intervention in the vulnerable public space and a design based on principles that reflect the spirit of the place, which is born in the culture of the community, in its festive spirit, in its public space.
Participants TUTOR
Arch. Verónica Rosero PhD in Architecture Architect from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador and Doctor in Architecture from the University of Alcalá, International Doctorate Mention (History & Design Research Group TU Delft). Master in Architecture and City Projects (University of Alcalá).
Natalia Juca Junior Tutor WORKSHOP PARTICIPANTS - Pablo Romero - Lorena Pinos - Alex Muela - David Aguirre - María Elisa Vivar - Johny Cadena - Andrés Cumbal - Ana Mancheno - Estefanía Fonseca - Doménica Albornoz
Data Sheet 1st CHALLENGE: Link-up CHALLENGE THEME: "Quito with different eyes" CASE STUDY: Quito NOMBRE DEL TALLER: “Otra Quito� OBJECTIVE: Raise awareness in the city that we live every day. DESCRIPTION: This workshop focused on studying the city of Quito from image, sound and sensations. It was developed through a theme of gender and resilience by the architect Atxu Amann, the workshop sought to generate awareness about realities that are not visible, such as dogs, prostitutes or transvestites and especially the role of women and how is his daily life in the city. In the end, it was concluded that there are an infinity of micro-worlds hidden from view, and that with this type of activities you can connect with people, achieving a more accurate vision of reality through a video.
Participants TUTOR
Arch. Atxu Amann ETSAM - Madrid Doctor of Architecture from the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Madrid (Spain). Urban Planning Technician by the Center for Urban Studies of the I.E.A.L. (M.A.P.). Intern at the Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany) at CAAD.
Arch. Ana Medina UDLA Guest
Gustavo Abdo Junior Tutor
WORKSHOP PARTICIPANTS - Selene Caza - Juan Carlos Carrión - Alex Caraguay - Tatiana Paucar - Bismark Paucar
- Nichole Carrillo - Sheila Leiva - Alejandro Aragón - Astridh Flores
Data Sheet 2nd CHALLENGE: Design CHALLENGE THEME: "Resilience as a Design Critera" CASE STUDY: CalderĂłn neighborhood Migrants OBJETIVO: Incorporation of resilience as an urban design criteria. DESCRIPTION: This workshop aimed to develop a project in a way that participants had never done before. The theme of this workshop was the migration of Venezuelans in Ecuador, how to make these people feel welcome without giving them a definitive space to stay. Contrary to the usual methodology of the academy, the place of intervention was not visited or conversed with the users, but rather, a brainstorming was generated (feasible or not) that would help solve the problem. After this, the place was visited and it was analyzed which ideas were closest to a solution. In this way, the way of doing architecture was not conditioned, on the contrary the team arrived at the place with more speculative ideas.
Participants TUTOR
Arch. Andrés Canovas ETSAM - Madrid Architect by the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Madrid. He has his Doctorate in Architecture from the Polytechnic University of Madrid with the thesis entitled "A slight archeology of scale"; Directed by Antonio Miranda Regojo and Ángel BorregoCubero.
Nicolás Silva Junior Tutor WORKSHOP PARTICIPANTS - Cristian Benalcazar - Sarahí Reyes - Victoria Sandoval - Andrés Manzano - David Abad - Micaela Sánchez - Santiago Almeida - Julián Trujillo - Javier Navas
Inauguration Cocktail
To u r i s t R o u t e
Cul tural Night
G R AT I TU D E Thank you very much to all the entities, companies and people that were part of this great event, for having given us their trust and giving us all the necessary support so that this goal is achieved. Without you, the ENEA Quito 2018 could not have been held! ORGANIZING COMMITTEE ENEA 2018 ONEA ECUADOR