Integrating renewable energy and sustainable buildings 13th of February 2015 Lecturer: Mr. Hadley Barrett
Overview 09.45-10.00 Welcome 10.00-10.30 Definitions 10.30-11.00 Why to use renewables? 11.00-11.15 Case study: good energy 11.15-11.30 Short break Analyse 11.30-11.55 The optimum renewable strategy for the project 11.55-12.10 Case study: calculation of payback 12.10-12.40 The decision process: integrate renewables in a development or not? 12.40-13.00 Case study: Energy saving in Estonia 13.00-14.00 Lunch Analyse 14.00-14.15 Additional developer considerations 14.15-14.30 Case study: UK solar 14.30-14.45 Case study: wind in Finland Purchase and install 14.45-15.15 Choosing equipment and manufacturer 15.15-15.30 Case study: Manufacturer checklist 15.30-15.45 Break Operate 15.45-16.15 Operational Considerations 16.15-17.00 Questions and discussion 17.00-17.30 Examination