EIFIS Editore
Foreign Rights - 2015
Eifis Editore was founded in 2002 by our will of combining spirituality, physical and mental wellness, psychology, yoga and meditation. In this way, we created the perfect formula to thrill and involve the western world. Young, dynamic, with great experience in all of these subjects, Eifis offers contents that have been present for thousands of years in the eastern culture, but with a completely new approach. We base our philosophy on Energy, PHYL速 and on the higher teachings of Master Choa Kok Sui and many others past and present Masters. We believe in a life full of Wellness and Unity and we share these principles with our writers, both italian and foreign. We offer a direct link between readers and authors with meetings, presentations and workshops, in order to spread the teachings in our books and to create a space of entertainment.
Live with Energy!
Always Be HAPPY
SEARCHING FOR HAPPINESS I’VE FOUND THE POWER OF INNER LAUGHTER. In this novel, the Author describes his personal path of research for inner happiness, a path that began when his father told him “Always be Happy” before he left his body. From that moment on, his research has begun. It will be the start of an engrossing voyage, full of incredible encounters with Teachers and wise and learned people. Among these is Madan Kataria, the famous founder of Laughter Yoga, who will show him that the secret to changing ourself and the world around us lies in the simplicity of Laughter. Reading this book will help readers discover ther inner laughter.
Visit Richard’s web site
book details 2th EDITION format: 140 x 210 mm Paperback pages: 192
genre • Novel • Inspiration & Personal Growth
world rights available excluding: french selling territory: world
strong points • The most awaited novel by the italian Master of Laughter Yoga • His Techique is taught and practised across Europe • Thousands of students are awaiting for this book
author Richard Romagnoli, is a Master of the Laughter Yoga Foundation and he was nominated “World Ambassador of Laughter Yoga”. After traveling around the world as an artist, he deepened his studies and his spiritual knowledge in India. His Workshock of Inner Laughter is taught across Europe and all over the world spreading the power of the aware inner laughter.
target audience
Everyone who wants easy meditations, that are very effective on people and on the environment.
“Nel lavoro di ricerca iNteriore,
PRACTICAL HANDBOOK TO LEARN AND o evoluzioNe spirituale, è basilare coNoscersi a foNdo. Questa coNosceNza ENHANCE THEpuò 12partire MAJOR CHAKRAS dallo studio del corpo fisico ma deve poi esteNdersi al moNdo
chakra - mANUALE pRATICO
Finally, the firsteterico book by the most influential aEuropean per poter compreNdere foNdo tutti che ciare compoNgoNo, energy expert on Energy andi meccaNismi PHYL®! Chakras per foNderli coN la coNosceNza della centers, they control and send energy to the vital Nostra persoNalità e delle Nostre risorse organs of the physical body; whenparti Chakras work iNteriori. Queste di Noidon’t vaNNo fuse (vero seNso Yoga) ed properly, the body tends to get sickdello because it isn’t evolute assieme.” receiving enough vital energy. The author gives us a practical manual to discover Chakras, filled with many notes and images to easily understand the functioning of Chakras and the techniques you can use to awaken their healing power. The exercises and meditations are explained in a simple and direct way to allow you to better breathe in the Energy of the Universe. A practical and intuitive guide to the world of subtle energies, it will reveal the ancient secrets of the twelve main Chakras. www.eifis.it 90000 >
OLI, inizia il suo percorso con l’Astrologia, la ca. Nel 1982 studia con rimenta la Camera Kirlian. a Tradizionale Cinese con hi, Micromassaggio Cinese odrenaggio Manuale con e e Chi Kung con Xu Quan e Grand Master Choa onsulente e discepolo e si ranic Healing ed Arhatic Yoga Antico sui testi orkom Saraydarian e 2002 insieme al marito Choa Kok Sui fonda EifiS a il metodo PHYL® di cui ari in italia ed Europa. o e feng Shui anche di dello spettacolo e dello di Meditazione per la 010 fonda ENERGiE, a 360 gradi di Benessere, ità. È autrice di libri sulla
rediscover your
ISBN 978-8875170554 ISBN 978-8875170554
Visit Phyl.org
90000 >
EIFIS Editore
9 788875 170554 9 788875 170554
book details 2nd Edition Format: 140 x 215 mm Paperback Pages: 144
genre • Healing • Alternative Therapies
world rights available selling territory: world
strong points • Practical handbook • Offers a new and broader vision of the Chakras • Rich in exercises and meditations
author Loretta Zanuccoli, started her professional training in the 60’s with Astrology, Dowsing and Radionics. In 1993 she met Grand Master Choa Kok Sui and she became his consultant and disciple. In 2002, together with her husband Leonardo and Master Choa Kok Sui she founded the publishing house Eifis Editore.
target audience
Anyone who wants advice and practical tips on how to use the energy of the chakras.
i Chakra so controllan vitali del c funzioni ps i Chakra n il corpo te riceve suffi anche la m un pratico dei Chakra immagini p il funziona risvegliarn Esercizi e m chiara e di l’Energia d ed intuitiv Sottili, vi s dodici Cha
“Ognuno p evoluzione a se stesso avviate con di restare f inevitabilm
yoga e mantra
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yoga and
mantra sacred sounds of power to bring energy into your life
90000 > 90000 >
I Mantra producono vibrazioni che agiscono sia sul piano fisico sia sui piani sottili. Possiamo utilizzare il canto dei Mantra non solo per lo Yoga Mantra, nel nostro percorso spirituale, ma anche per purificare la nostra Aura o l’energia degli ambienti. Possiamo anche modificare l’energia dei luoghi, degli animali, delle piante, dei minerali e persino delle relazioni. Possiamo guarire il corpo, la mente e possiamo superare gli effetti negativi di eventi passati. A seconda del tipo di energia sulla quale vogliamo intervenire, dovremo scegliere il Mantra più adatto.
IHow many times were we amazed listening to a Mantra without understanding its real meaning? We would like to know the effect that this Sacred Sounds have on us and on our lives. In this new book by Loretta Zanuccoli, we will learn the meaning of Mantras and their “Ognuno può decidere di seguire la sua evoluzione al ritmo che effect on our physical, energetic and emotional bodies. A true and tried ritiene più adatto a se stesso, ma sappiate che, sia che vi avviate guide to choosing with awareness the Mantra that will fill our life with con passo spedito, sia che crediate di restare fermi, l’umanità energy! procede inevitabilmente verso l’evoluzione.”
EIFIS Editore
2 03/04/14 19.24
book details 1st Edition Format: 120 x 168 mm Paperback Pages: 112
genre • Meditation • Inspiration & Personal Growth
world rights available selling territory: world
Inspirations WHISPERS OF LOTUS, INSPIRING MESSAGES FOR YOUR SOUL After Chakra, the long awaited new book by Loretta Zanuccoli. Loretta offers us a new and original text, a book about meditation and inspiration. These messages will bring about positive energy and a powerful insight into your life, by relaxing your mind and dissolving all the stress. Every message is combined with a picture. The book can be used every day: you simply have to choose a page and let it inspire your soul.
book details 1st Edition Format: 120 x 168 mm Paperback, full-color Pages: 112
genre • Meditation • Inspiration & Personal Growth
world rights available selling territory: world
“Elena, in questo libro, rende la meditazione allettante ed invitante con la sua prospettiva fresca e unica.” Gary QuInn, autore di “Vivere nella Zona Spirituale”
SIMPLE EXERCISES TO RESTORE ENERGY IN YOUR“Finalmente LIFE AND STRESS AND un libro cheELIMINATE rende facile a tutti comprendere e praticare la meditazione. Indispensabile a tutti quelli che si avvicinano per la prima volta alla ANXIETY! meditazione e molto utile, per le numerose pratiche descritte, per chi già pratica. Occorre solo scegliere la meditazione più indicata a se stessi e poi incominciare!”
Loretta ZanuccoLI, autore di This Meditation’s notebook is a practical and efficient “chakra” instrument for those who already meditate and for beginners who want to start in the right way! You can choose among different techniques and exercises to meditate and soon regain the inner€ 13.90 wellwww.eifis.it being and quietness that will help you overcome stress90000 > 90000 > and anxiety in your daily life. Meditation is an helpful instrument for both adults and adolescents to face hard working schedules, stress, conflictual relationships with the partner or the family or just as a good habit. ISBN 978-8875170622
ElEna BEnvEnuti
Improve your life with
MIGLIora La tua VIta con La MedItaZIone
Improve Your Life with Meditation!
Un quaderno di Meditazione pratico ed efficace per chi già medita e per tutti i principianti che vogliono iniziare nel giusto modo! Sono presentati diversi metodi ed esercizi per meditare e per ritrovare in breve tempo benessere interiore e calma che vi aiuteranno a sconfiggere lo stress e l’ansia della vita quotidiana. La meditazione è un valido strumento sia per gli adulti sia per gli adolescenti per affrontare con più calma e lucidità mentale periodi di intenso lavoro, stress, problematiche relazionali e familiari o anche solo come buona abitudine.
ElEna BEnvEnuti
oredattore di ta di filosofie ccupa di duale e e integra lla Scuola di i Yoga System.
Simple exercises to restore energy in your life and eliminate stress and anxiety! Foreword by Gary Quinn author of “living in the Spiritual Zone”
ISBN 978-8875170622
EIFIS Editore
9 788875 170622 9 788875 170622
book details 1st Edition Format: 170x210 mm Paperback, full-color Pages: 60
genre • Meditation • Yoga
world rights available selling territory: world
strong points • Practical handbook full of exercises • Easy but extremely complete, it will become a guide for both beginners and enthusiasts
author Elena Benvenuti, Psy.D., has been working for years on subjects related to individual and couples development, integrating body mind and soul. Teacher for the Three Year School of Education – PHYL® Loretta Zanuccoli Yoga System; editor in chief of Energie Magazine.
target audience
Those who want to approach meditation in an easy and natural way.
“Se una p vi si èe
The tree of life
TO FIND JOY AND INNER HAPPINESS. After the great success of his first book “Always Be Happy”, Richard Romagnoli comes back by popular demand with his first meditation CD of the collection Workshock Meditation - Relax, Breath, Laugh. The CD contains a meditation guided by the author, usually taught during Laughter Workshocks. A deep meditation to achieve physical and inner relaxation, also useful as an anti-stress meditation. The guided formula of this meditation allows beginners to practice it to.
Visit Richard’s web site
book details 1st EDITION format: CD + booklet Paperback Tracks: - Intro 1:25’ - The Tree of Life 30’ - Bonus Track 15:40’
genre • Meditation • Yoga
world rights available selling territory: world
strong points
• Guided meditation • The CD collects parts of the many Workshocks held by Richard Romagnoli • You can have at home all the energy of a Laughter Yoga Workshock!
Richard Romagnoli, is a Master of the Laughter Yoga Foundation and he was nominated “World Ambassador of Laughter Yoga”. After traveling around the world as an artist, he deepened his studies and his spiritual knowledge in India. His Workshock of Inner Laughter is taught across Europe and all over the world spreading the power of the aware inner laughter.
target audience
Everyone who needs a practical approach to Laughter Yoga, the funniest way to relax!
UNO Cookbook 100% veg
By the omonimous revelation ofin2012 UNO È stato blog preparato tra la cucina cui ho impastato, spadellato e infornato tutte le ricette, cookbook islaaterrazza gourmet and photografic recipe book, in cui le ho fotografate e il soggiorno dove le ho trascritte, il vegetal giardino, ilingredients tavolo su cui pranzo based exclusively on thatogni willgiorno, le mensole, il frigorifero e la campagna attorno a casa. seduce even the most skeptical palates. From a s eg u i i l b lo g : traditional family lunch “made in Italy”, to an ethnic www.unocookbook.com dinner among friends; from a fanciful cocktail on the terrace, to a kids birthday party; from an intimate romantic dinner, to snacks and beverages for a pic-nic, to a pampering hot and perfumed herbal tea, UNO cookbook presents 100 simple recipes 100% veg, for every occasion, enriched by practical advice and photografic tutorials. ISBN 978-8875170851
ISBN 978-8875170851
uno cookbook
uno coo del 2011 su un mo ogni gen e recensi sarei col poco mi i stare a q intuire m muffin e e bizzarr più di 30 fotografa
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com in cui gan, gustose nto dalla ngredienti più d occhi molto azine cartacei vegan e ltre tiene cconta come egetale.
100% VEGAN
uno coo semplici, stagione indicare mangiare va gusta accompag cucinare di guarda a fare un
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uno cookbook
100% vegan recipes s imple and deliciou s that are good for us, for animals and for our planet 90000 >
segui il pr ascolta su di questo r
90000 >
EIFIS Editore
9 788875 170851 9 788875 170851
Visit Uno Cookbook’s web site
book details 1st Edition Format: 193 x 253 mm Paperback, full-color Pages: 368
genre • Cooking • Vegan Cooking
world rights available excluding: french selling territory: world
strong points
• All recipes are explained step by step, with pictures of the ingredients and the various steps of preparation • Author is very renowned and followed on the web
Manuel Marcuccio, well-known blogger, presents vegan recipes, that are tasty and refined, inspired by tradition to be melded with unusual ingredients, designed for “very demanding palates and eyes”. He writes across the board for magazines on vegan cooking and food; he teaches cooking labs.
target audience
Everyone who loves cooking and wants to learn new 100% VEGAN recipes.
100% VEGAN
UNO Cookbook After Hours 100% VEGAN RECIPES FOR BREAKFAST, BRUNCH, AFTERNOON SNACK OR A MIDNIGHT SNACK. The long awaited sequel by Manuel Marcuccio, creator of UNO Cookbook! A photograph book with 100% vegan recipes, with all you need for breakfast, brunch, midnight snack and for every time you need something after hours. Continental breakfast, with savoury and sweet recipes like: waffles, pancakes, scrambled tofu, veggie wurstels, bacon tempeh and much more. Brunch with sweet muffins, fluffy bagels or tarts with veggies, homemade cheese.
book details 1st Edition Format: 193 x 253 mm Paperback, full-color Pages: 192
genre • Cooking • Vegan Cooking
world rights available selling territory: world
strong points
• After Hours is the sequel of editorial success Uno Cookbook • Creative and beautiful • 100% vegan new recipes • Gift idea
Manuel Marcuccio, well-known blogger, presents vegan recipes, that are tasty and refined, inspired by tradition to be melded with unusual ingredients, designed for “very demanding palates and eyes”. He writes across the board for magazines on vegan cooking and food; he teaches cooking labs.
target audience
Everyone who loves a 100% vegan, fun lifestyle
100% VEGAN
Sugarless A SWEET TURNOVER FOR A NATURAL WAY OF COOKING. Sugarless is a book full of dessert recipes, but without any animal ingredients. It is divided into four sections, each one inspired by a different season. Each recipe is full of seasonal ingredients and combined with a picture taken by the writer herself. Romina tells us a story about natural cooking with unique colors, flavours and pictures.
Visit Sugarless.it
book details 1st Edition Format: 193 x 253 mm Paperback, full-color Pages: 192
genre • Patisserie • Vegan Cooking
world rights available selling territory: world
strong points • From the author of one of the most followed vegan blog www. sugarlessblog.it • New and original • 100% veg desserts
author Romina Coppola, is a foodblogger and enthusiastic vegan and raw food chef. She has a degree in Anthropology and she likes to combine cooking with impressions of different cultures and pictures that describe her personal evolution from vegan to raw food cooking.
target audience
Every vegan lover who needs some sweetness into their life!
Syntechè THE MOTH’S FLIGHT. The future: hundreds of years of technology and pollution led to a natural disaster that almost caused the disappearance of the human race. The survivors, left with few islands, discovered that they are not alone and they aren’t dealing with a defenceless Nature. They found out powerful and aware beings, who offer them a truce: it’s the beginning of the Treaty, the end of technology, the end of violence on Nature. For someone, it is the end of civilization. Many years later, this Treaty between Humans and Nature is still on and it still needs people that can defend it. Yan is one of them, born under the Treaty rules, raised by Nature and rejected by humans. There are many others like him: they call them Conduits and their job is to keep peace between humans and Nature.
book details 1st Edition Format: 140 x 220 mm Hard cover Pages: 500
genre • Fiction • Fantasy
world rights available selling territory: world
strong points • This fantasy deals with sensitive topics by entertaining the reader • Shocking, thrilling, it takes your breath away!
author Carla Saltelli was born near Turin, in a lonely town called “Town of Stars”. She travelled a lot and started writing when she was a kid. After some years she abandoned poetry to begin her first book. Her studies about greek mythology, Italian law and literature have left a mark on her style.
target audience
Every fantasy lover, teen or adult who wants a new, original adventure!
The Tree’s Song PHYTO ENERGY THERAPY MANUAL. Second edition, revised and expanded. The observation of Nature, the trust in life and the recommendation that it gives us to regain our health lead to this brand new therapeutic intuition: a new technique, easy and effective, to draw energies useful for healing from trees and little plants. Not only Fraxinus, Common Hazel and Eldberry but also the smaller plants in our little gardens like sage, bay tree, water spring or wood soil become the masters or, better, the “Singers”; they can guide everyone to the rediscovery of their own nature and their own “song”, that should be in tune with a wider symphony, to bring about Health, Inner Beauty and genuine Healing. This book already has hundreds of fans that have experienced this modern technique with great results.
book details 1st Edition Format: 140 x 210 mm Paperback Pages: 288 + 16 color pages
genre • Self Help • Healing
world rights available selling territory: world
strong points • Practical manual, easy to read • A modern method explained step by step with easy techniques • Second edition, revised and expanded
author Cornelia Giordani, has been working for years on beauty. Her personal search for personal growth has brought her on a path of research on well-being and health. She has studied and developed a new and easy technique to “draw” and use the energies of trees.
target audience
Those who are passionate about Bach flower remedies, Phytotherapy, Herbalism and Subtle energies.
GIUlIaNa GhIaNDEllI author of “The 72 NAMES OF GOD”
lEZIoNI DI cabala
Kabbalah lessons a joUrNEy to DIscovEr thE trUth!
Kabbalah Lessons
A JOURNEY TO DISCOVER THE TRUTH. Fans of literature, philosophy and religion who love mystic sciences will be interested in ancient times’ Jewish Rabbi Kabbalah; whatever their faith is, they will not only gain Knowledge, but they will extend their views on life and destiny. Kabbalah is the mystical and spiritual wisdom contained in the Jewish Bible, an essential guide for the transformation of human awareness. According to Kabbalah experts, the conception of the universe has an energetic emanation, all the elements of the universe come from a unique source filled with energy from which everything flows.
0000 >
0000 >
EIFIS Editore 03/04/14 19.01
book details 1st Edition Format: 170x210 mm Paperback Pages: 368
genre • Religion • Kabbalah
world rights available selling territory: world
strong points
• Clear introduction lessons to Kabbalah • The author simplifies and explains notions that are part of the ancient Jewish culture • For Kabbalah students and for those who want to know more
Giuliana Ghiandelli, psychologist, with a degree in Indovedic psychology specialized in Ayurveda. Well-known researcher and expert in Psychology and Eastern and Western Philosophies and Kabbalah. A highly regarded speaker, she is a teacher and the author of many books on inner disciplines.
target audience
Those who are passionate about esotericism, inner research and mystical Kabbalah.
www.eifis.it EIFIS Editore srl
Viale malva Nord, 28 - 48015 Cervia (RA) t. +39 0544 72215 - f. +39 0544 974262 email: info@eifis.it