4 minute read
The Aries FullMoon
By: Savita Moon Child
I am bold, bright and full of light.
I listen to the voice inside me and honour my intuition and impulses.
I have the stamina and strength to overcome obstacles and manifest dreams.
I am eager and ambitious to accomplish worthwhile goals for myself and others.
I lead with kindness.
I choose to shape my future in a balanced way between comfort and challenge.
The Aries full moon brings an energy of intensity, where we can feel extremely positive or heavily emotional, depending on the circumstance and/or situations happening in our lives. Aries being the first sign of the zodiac and a cardinal sign, deals with new beginnings. It will help us become the leading role in our own lives. Known to be impulsive and action orientated, our emotions search for expression in a creative way, and the best way to deal with our emotions is by doing it alone. We become self-focused and can act quickly. The impulsivity of this moon can cause us to become impulsive, to have a burning desire to create change in our lives, looking for something new, more exciting, and more interesting. We will suddenly have the courage and tools to make all our desires happen. This amplified energy can also make mundane routines that require patience and perseverance a little more difficult, so bear that in mind when making decisions. Make note of where, to whom and at what our frustrations are directed, as this can give a clearer understanding of what we may be avoiding or when we are not listening to what needs to change in our lives.
The moon in Aries brings motivated physical energy and enhances our active day to day lives. It is a great time to focus and dedicate our free time to sports activities and exercise. This can help forge out any emotional frustrations. To work with this moon, we need to get clear on what our souls ’ calling is, rather than what our ego wants. When we choose to listen to what our intuition is telling us, that is when we can discover things about ourselves and our true souls ’ purpose. Aries ’ one true wish is to give up doubts of what you should do and trust exactly what it is you want to do. This moon allows us to gain clarity on our emotions, our beliefs, our relationships and identities and all the things we need to let go of. Old wounds may resurface, enabling us to acknowledge the work needed for deep inner healing and shifting any stagnant energy that may be holding us back to be released.
The surge of passion the Aries moon brings will motivate and inspire us to move forward, take action and get things done. These could be unfinished projects or those plan B ideas that we had put aside because we thought we ‘ weren ’t good enough’ to execute the project or make that dream materialize. The energy of this moon will help to propel ourselves forward in the direction we intend to head in and not allow anything to stand in our way. If we have deliberately been avoiding a known change that needs to take shape in our lives, the Aries moon will literally ram us into action to make the changes that are needed. This is a great time for taking risks and being spontaneous and a perfect time to follow our instincts and intuition to help us see past any doubts and fully believe in ourselves, our deepest passions and souls ’ calling.
It is a time to shine our light, put ourselves first, allow the ram to help us take charge of our destiny and courageously stride towards the unknown fearlessly. This moon is about taking action and encourages us to do so. The sun currently resides in the sign of Libra, where the themes consist of relationships with ourselves and others, finding balance and self-love, all highlighted by the energy of the Aries moon. Allow time for self-care when we feel as though the energy of this moon takes us into a heightened emotional state. When making decisions, be sure that we are not being overly impulsive or irrational and check in with our hearts. A light may shine upon any issues with relationships under this moon, but we are being guided toward finally making the changes needed, to set boundaries and release old habits and behaviours, even letting go of relationships completely.
To reiterate, this is the first full moon of the new season, making it a time for inner harvest. Think back to the intentions that were set in the spring and allow for this daring full moon to reveal what may have blocked us from attaining what we desired. Look at how we can now use this full moon to complete those intentions that we set for ourselves to achieve. Now is the time to let go of any limitations, fears and expectations we had on ourselves. We know deep down what we would like to be doing and where we would like to be in our lives, and this full moon is here to help illuminate how and what we need to do to obtain our goals. Try writing a list of what holds you back from securing the outcomes you want, and work on releasing them using this moon ’ s energy. The key word for Aries is ‘I’ , so confidently promote and share your light and greatness with the world. Make an action plan towards something you have been putting off, and work towards confronting it headfirst to get to where you want to be, commit to it, and have faith that all will work out just as you planned. Happy Full Moon in Aries.