4 minute read
The Energy of Your Space
By: Anja Lavigne
Before you dive deep into this article, ask yourself, is there a correlation between how we take care of our surroundings and how we take care of ourselves?
Let's look at scenario #1:
It’ s a Saturday morning and you have decided to give your home a good cleaning after a really busy week of work. You have decided to get laser focused on this project, beginning with putting everything in its place and then getting rid of what’ s lying around, for instance, unused items that you no longer need (clothes, books. ect.). Keep in mind this is not a heavy duty decluttering, however if it calls you to, remove it. After you complete decluttering, proceed to dust, wipe, sweep and clean each of your rooms however you please.
While cleaning your room(s) you may experience shifts in your emotions. The top two emotions are happiness because you finally have time to complete your cleaning task since your schedule is always busy, and resentful because you would prefer to do something else, therefore you feel overwhelmed.
To make this a fun experience for you while going through this task, you could listen to music, a podcast, or call someone to chat. However, sometimes it is best to just be in the present while completing a task at hand.
Once you have completed the first hurdle from the cleaning task, you will start to see a transformation as well as feel it. There could be a feeling of clarity, a feeling of being balanced and most importantly, a connection to your space. This could lead you to gain some great inspirations as well as re-connecting with the various spaces in your home and how you enjoy them.
How we take care of our home is a reflection of how we take care of ourselves. Do you have respect for your home? Do you have respect for yourself?
Now let's look at scenario #2.
As you wake up Saturday morning you choose to go out, leaving your home in a messy state. As you are getting ready, you start off with not finding a clean towel for your shower and can ’t find certain items that you need in order to get ready. You are ready to leave your place to hang out with the outside world where you can forget the messy state that you left behind. At this point, you are beginning to connect to your lower emotions which can let your mind disconnect from your home while you are out, however once you have arrived back you are faced with reality.
Your home is your sanctuary. Live in your highest potential; this is your birthright. A home is a reflection of where the individual is in their life right now. For example, living in a cluttered unkempt home makes us feel anxious, overwhelmed and at times, depressed. This can cause a feeling of being stagnant and not moving forward, along with being emotionally sad, anxious and finding it hard to lift ourselves up.

What is behind the clutter that blocks us and carries a heavy vibration? Clutter is what we no longer need; the tangible items in our space Clutter makes us feel that work is never complete Clutter carries a heavy vibration even when it is behind closed doors, such as a closet, an unused room, even the garage Creates obstacles
Remove the clutter
What is behind the clutter that blocks us and carries a heavy vibration?
Clutter is what we no longer need; the tangible items in our space
Clutter makes us feel that work is never complete
Clutter carries a heavy vibration even when it is behind closed doors, such as a closet, an unused room, even the garage
Creates obstacles
Clean Clean Clean
Having a clean home is healthy. There is a lot of dirt coming in from outside. With all the busyness outside, the amount of dust is becoming stronger. Toxins are also all around us. Establishing a cleaning routine is vital to our wellbeing and mindset and helps our mood become much more positive. A clean home provides clarity and positive motivation. Using natural products helps the home breathe more easily. Cleanliness avoids spreading germs from bacteria, keeps rodents away, reduces allergies and keeps you from collecting junk.
Be the Designer in Your Home
Be the designer of your home by allowing the space to reflect your style. Have art on the wall that you love and that makes you feel happy. Choose the colour pallet that attracts your attention, display decor items and pictures that bring you joy.
Walk around your home with a notepad and pen and go through each room and jot down what needs to be repaired. Then make a list of what can be done right away and create a calendar for yourself for when you will complete the repair. After, look at repairs that need more attention, such as time for budgeting (is it in the budget right now?) and do you need to hire someone to do the repair? As well, take a deep look and ask yourself, do you still care to keep it? If not, no need to repair.
Take a look at your room and see if you would like to rearrange the furniture placement or take a look to see if there may be items that can be repurposed in a different room. I call it shopping in your own home; now you have renewed your space.
Everything is energy. Energy has a vibration. If you were to use a microscope you would be able to see a certain frequency that the vibration is emitting. We can feel emotionally sad, anxious and find it hard to lift ourselves up. Or we can be in a positive state with ease, offering a relaxed, balanced surrounding.