2 minute read
Does Your Mind Need Decluttering?
B Y : P R I Y A A L I
While our subconscious minds can process upwards of 11 million bits or pieces of information per second, our conscious minds can only process 40 to 50 bits of information per second. Just because we can do something, doesn’t mean it’s healthy or ideal for us. Just this evening, my husband and I were cleaning out our pantry and disposing of stale snacks and near empty packages. Once everything was cleared out, he turned to me and said, “Now we have all this space, I don’t know what to fill it with, ” to which I replied, “Nothing. It’s ok to have space. ”
Similarly, it’s ok to lighten up your mind and have some free space. There are a few ways to do this:
Use Less Words Many people today feel compelled to overshare or use too many unnecessary words when communicating. Practice being more concise with your conversations. When you use less words to communicate, you use less energy from your mind. Some people use extra words or details in order to prolong a conversation or because they enjoy being listened to. Allowing a natural flow in conversation or communication creates energetic space for others to receive what you are saying.
Let Go of Thoughts that Don’t Serve You Whether it's your own negative self talk, or judgmental thoughts towards others, clearing out these lower frequency thoughts will help you to declutter your mind. Take stock of your thoughts for a few days and see what thoughts don’t serve you. Make a conscious effort to let them go. Preparing a list of positive thoughts that elevate your mood and vibration can be helpful. Use these uplifting thoughts to replace negative ones, the same way you would throw away something old and broken from your home and replace it with something new.
Practice Quieting Your Mind Learning to quiet your mind can be an effective way to help you declutter. When we attempt to quiet our minds, oftentimes we actually realize what thoughts we are having and how often we are having them. Quieting your mind can be likened to cleaning your home; it gives you a chance to reset with a clean slate.
In today’s world we are being bombarded with information which can stimulate our thoughts both knowingly and unknowingly. Just like our homes, when things slowly pile up it doesn’t take long for clutter to develop. Take the time to do regular daily maintenance to stay on top of things and keep your mind organized and clear.