3 minute read
Emotional Freedom Using Tapping
By: Chris Lee
One of the most powerful and effective alternative health modalities is tapping or EFT. EFT is short for emotional freedom technique. It does exactly what the name implies: It’s a technique that provides a person with emotional freedom. “Freedom from what?” you may be asking.
EFT and tapping have rescued me from crisis on countless occasions. The term “tapping” refers to literally tapping on acupressure points throughout the body. In the same way that blood flows in a certain path throughout the body, energy also flows through the body. Negative or low vibration emotions impede the free flow of energy. Using your fingertips, focused intent and an affirmation, you are able to release these negative emotions and restore the normal flow of energy throughout the body.
The Set-Up Statement
The basic affirmation or “set up” statementis:
“Even though (insert your issue), Icompletely and deeply accept myself. Icompletely and deeply love myself.”
For example, let’s say you were wanting to address your fear of mice. You would tap on the pressure points with your fingertips and repeat the affirmation: “Even though I am deathly afraid of mice, I completely and deeply accept myself. I completely and deeply love myself.”
If you were experiencing the emotion of resentment toward your ex-partner, you’d tap on the points and say: “Even though I’m feeling resentment toward my ex and it’s preventing me from letting go, I completely and deeply accept myself. I completely and deeply love myself.”
Your mind can influence matter. With tapping, your mind is moving low vibration emotions from your energy field to restore proper energy flow. Your body was wonderfully designed to heal itself and when we provide the right conditions, the body quickly brings itself into balance.
The Basics
Using your index and middle finger on both hands, repeat your affirmation or set-up statement while tapping gently on the tapping points in this sequence:
1. Top of head
2. Eyebrow
3. Side of eye
4. Under eye
5. Under nose
6. Under mouth
7. Collar bone
8. Under arm
9. Liver spot (Not pictured. Tap with the right hand over the liver, below right breast.)
10. Wrists together (Not pictured. Tap wrists together)
You can also tap on the points on your face and on your body, reciting any affirmation that you want - affirmations about money, relationships, health, etc. It's a very effective way of ridding your body of stress and negative emotions.