3 minute read
Happiness is Good For Your Health
By: Priya Ali
Many people spend the majority of their lives chasing happiness. I say chasing because once they attain the thing or experience that makes them happy, they then desire something else and the chase begins all over again. This can cause a cycle of doubt, struggle, worry and stress, especially if they don’t attain the thing or experience that they have determined will bring them happiness.

There is a catchy little saying that often goes around on memes or motivational posts; “happiness is an inside job.” Not only is it catchy, it’s true. Happiness is a state of being, in particular, well-being or joyful being, which comes from within. People often associate a person, an activity, an experience, a food, drink or other substance with the cause of their happiness, meaning their happiness is coming from an outside source. As happiness is a state of being, you would have to engage a thought, feeling or physical reaction to experience it, all of which come from within.

There are four primary neurochemicals that activate happiness: dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins. Certain activities, sensory experiences, foods and environments can trigger the release of these chemicals, which can drive you towards positive emotions. Similarly, certain activities, sensory experiences, foods and environments can deprive or prevent you from releasing the production and release of these neurochemicals, which can drive you towards negative emotions. You may have heard of or even know of someone who has become addicted to substances or activities that enhance the production and release of these neurochemicals, which can lead them to an unhealthy being.

Engaging in a lifestyle that allows for a balanced production and release of these neurochemicals can create greater health. Stress is usually the root of all disease, whether it be physical or emotional stress. By reducing or ideally eliminating stress, you will likely live a healthier life. When we are in a state of happiness, we tend to feel more enthusiastic, motivated, inspired, with a desire to be physically active.

Through the Universal Law of Attraction, happy people attract happy experiences, happy things and happy people. So while you may have been led to believe that you get the thing, person or experience first, and then you will be happy, I am suggesting it is the other way around. Stop chasing happiness; get happy and happy things will come to you.