4 minute read
Living with Enthusiasm & Passion
By: Chris Lee
There is a popular inspirational meme on social media of two men sitting on opposite sides of a bus with one looking out the window at a rock wall and the other looking at a beautiful mountainside. Each man has made a choice as to where they sit on the bus and the resulting scenery.
That meme perfectly illustrates the choice that each of us has to make on a daily basis. Both men are having the same experience (riding a bus), but each has decided to focus on something different. Our life experience is similar to that meme. How much joy we derive from life has a lot to do with what we choose to focus on.
I’m a huge fan and avid practitioner of the Law of Attraction, which states: Whatever I give my energy, intent and focus to I attract more of the same, whether negative or positive. Many people look at the Law of Attraction as a means of manifesting money or a romantic relationship, but the essence of the Law of Attraction, the “secret sauce” if you will, is maintaining as high a vibration as possible. That means living life with enthusiasm and passion. Everyone will experience trials, challenges and setbacks. We have control over little in life - except for our thoughts, actions and words. We have total control over how we react or respond to life.

Here’s the thing; most people don’t realize that we get to choose how we react. We often hear people explaining away a low vibration: Some jerk cut me off on the highway, my favourite sports team lost last night, so-and-so is back to their old tricks again! Let me tell you what they did this time!
Sometimes things happen that will lower your mood; it’s a part of life. When we have focus, direction and purpose we can quickly re-focus and adjust to challenges. Here are some ways to help you live with passion and enthusiasm.
Re-frame Your Experiences
Looking for the good in every situation will redirect your subconscious mind. With practice, you’ll go from searching for problems to searching for things to be grateful for. When setbacks or roadblocks arise, look at them as growth opportunities and you’ll begin to respond differently.
Express Appreciation
Start every day with a gratitude list. What are three things you’re grateful for? Ask yourself the same question as you go about your day. Make it fun, make it silly and most of all, enjoy it! Expressing appreciation attracts more things to appreciate.
Explore your passions. What type of activities make you feel alive? It could be writing, traveling, tennis - whatever you enjoy, find the time to do more of it. Being involved in a project that helps others can also be especially gratifying.
Seek Inspiration
Open your eyes and heart to inspiration and you’ll begin to find it in the most unlikely of places. I recently struck up a conversation with an elderly man in a store. He told me about how he used to teach the “bad kids” at his school how to play musical instruments. He beamed as he told me about all of the kids that he helped over his 30-year career as a music teacher.
Be Intentional
Focus and intent are extremely powerful tools. It may seem simple, but living life with passion and enthusiasm begins with the intent to live life with passion and enthusiasm. Say it with me; affirm it! “I intend to live everyday with passion and enthusiasm.”