Energize Enews 7th January 2015

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Issued 7th January 2015

EnergizeSTW E-News

Welcome to the latest issue of EnergizeSTW E-news. This newsletter is here for you‌ to help keep you informed of opportunities and developments influencing sport and physical activity across Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin. Got something that you would like to share? Drop us a line at enews@energizestw.org.uk with an outline of your article and associated pictures / logos. Friends and colleagues who would like to receive this e-news directly can register via our home page: ww.energizestw.org.uk

01743 453495 info@energizestw.org.uk www.energizestw.org.uk @EnergizeCSP /EnergizeSTW

In this issue… Latest News Get Back To It Challenge yourself in 2015 #GetShrewsburyActive Community Amateur Sports Clubs Sport England scenarios resource Please complete our survey Lilleshall case study Sported new website Funding Community Activity Fund Lloyds Bank Funding Community Sport Activation Fund Get Healthy Get Active Courses & Events – Outdoor Adventure Sports Conference – Sportivate launch event – Equestrian workshop – Football mash-up sessions – Jump rope festival Jobs – British Gymnastics Development Coordinator – Active Gloucestershire Marketing & Communications Manager

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Latest news

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Get Back To It! Calling all Shropshire Sports Clubs - do you want to help get Shropshire people back to doing something they love in 2015? In the New Year Shropshire Council’s Leisure Services will be launching its ‘Get Back To It’ programme. This programme looks to provide financial support to Sports Clubs who would like to run a programme of activities that will attract adults back in to sport, building their confidence and providing them with an opportunity to participate again. People stop participating in sport and fitness activities for a number of reasons including; family pressures, work and studies, however when they want to get back in to playing the sport they love or becoming more active there can be a number of barriers in their way. Some of the barriers include believing they’re not fit enough, forgetting the rules or simply not knowing how to go about it. Clubs can help to remove these barriers to participation by providing a programme of activities which will build people’s confidence to encourage them to ‘get back to it’. If your club would like to increase its adult membership and provide an opportunity for people to get back in to something they loved we want to hear from you. To express your club’s interest please contact Leisure Services at leisure@shropshire.gov.uk or 01743 255071.

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Challenge yourself in 2015! Badminton, walking, swimming, zorbing – they all count towards the Workplace Challenge! Chart your progress, compete with colleagues, track calories burnt and CO2 saved in the supportive online community. We have two challenges you can get involved in now!

Introducing #MyTeam2015 and #GetShrewsburyActive Leaderboards are now live for both of these 8 week challenges! Is one of your New Year's resolutions to be more active? Why not take part in the online supportive community and stay motivated! #MyTeam2015 is the annual national challenge, open to all workplaces in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin! #GetShrewsburyActive is in partnership with the Shrewsbury Club’s campaign to get members and non-members more active! Open to everyone working within Shrewsbury. Plus we have two bundles of Workplace Challenge merchandise to give away if you take part in #MyTeam2015 or #GetShrewsburyActive Challenges! A winner from each challenge will be picked at random from users who have logged an activity in the last 7 days. #GetLogging #Winprizes! Here’s how you can get involved: 1.

Sign up to the Workplace Challenge for FREE at www.workplacechallenge.org.uk


Select ‘Join this Challenge’ to take part in #GetShrewsburyActive You will automatically join #MyTeam2015 challenge. #Getlogging activities!


> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

#GetShrewsburyActive Why not take part in the online challenge plus visit The Shrewsbury Club to make your pledge and pick up a free fit pack! You can also register online via http://www.theshrewsburyclub.co.uk/getactive/ Super Saturday Events Join in their free 'Super Saturday' fitness events held around the town, this Saturday 10th January Tracy & Karen will be in the Town Centre from 12pm to #GetShrewsburyActive! Shrewsbury Shake For a bit of fun, and to encourage companies to support their workforce with a more active lifestyle, The Shrewsbury Club are giving companies the chance to win £2000 worth of prizes at The Shrewsbury Club – this includes membership time, spa days, meeting room hire with catering and the chance to promote your business to our members! The competition takes the form of the Shrewsbury Shake – taking it's inspiration from the Harlem Shake You Tube sensation in 2014 – Post your video to their facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/theshrewsburyclub

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Community Amateur Sports Club the CASC site has moved to a new website at: https://www.gov.uk/register-a-community-amateur-sports-club Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASC) Regulations laid in Parliament The Regulations follow a long period of consultation and discussion between HMRC, the Alliance and interested NGBs. The Regulations reflect the policy conclusions reached by HMRC in the consultation back in November 2013. The main changes to the scheme are as follows: • Clubs with a cost of participation over £520 per annum (i.e. £10 per week) must make provision for those on low incomes to participate fully in club activities • Clubs will be subject to a maximum membership fee of £1612 per annum • Clubs will be able to pay players up to a limit of £10,000 pa • The thresholds for Corporation Tax exemption will rise to £50,000 (trading income) and £30,000 (property income) • Clubs will be able to generate up to £100,000 turnover from trading and property income • At least 50% of a club’s members must be participating members (i.e. not ‘social members’) and • Extension of corporate Gift Aid to CASCs. Assuming the regulations are approved they will come into force from 1st April 2015. Further detailed guidance will also be provided at the same time. The Alliance will continue to work with NGBs and HMRC to develop the guidance and to support implementation of the new scheme. Source of information

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Sport England Partnering local government - scenarios Highlighting information from Sport England on various topics for the Local Authority sports sector, including many current issues - some examples: What needs to happen for sport to be commissioned by other services? How can I deliver operational efficiency savings whilst maintaining and increasing participation? How can we increase community use of schools sports facilities? How do I collect the right evidence to demonstrate the impact of community sport? View all the ‘scenarios’

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Please complete our survey! Energize, working with partners are considering putting on some team building activities for workplaces which are fun, social and require minimal commitment. Before we start planning these activities, we want to know what you would like to take part in, when and if there are any special considerations we need to be aware. Please let us know. If you're interested please complete our survey by Friday 9th January. Survey link - https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/F9K97VS

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

New Facility Case Study – Lilleshall National Sports Centre

Lilleshall National Sports Centre is Sport England’s Midlands outdoor sports centre, with a range of high-quality sports facilities serving a number of National Governing Bodies (NGBs). Two water based artificial grass hockey pitches, both with irrigation and lighting to 500 lux, have been built side-by-side on a greenfield site at the centre. Both pitches are used for top-level hockey. The Western pitch is also used for football. The project was funded by Sport England. Access the 4-page case study

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Sported launch new website Sported is a free membership organisation that supports community sport clubs and groups across the UK that deliver Sport for Development. They support local clubs by providing free business and financial support so that they have the skills, knowledge and resources to continue their amazing work. They do this through their network of volunteer business mentors who work with members on a oneto-one basis, providing expert consultancy on business issues ranging from financial planning and fundraising, to marketing and governance. Sported have also helped to develop Sportworks, a pioneering measurement tool to help members quantify the impact of their work through calculating a cost saving to society as a result of the participants being engaged in sport

Their new website is available via www.sported.org.uk

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk


> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Community Activity Fund The Community Holiday Activity Fund has been set up to assist with ideas which are for the sole purpose of benefitting children and/or young people during a school holiday period and who live in either North, Central or South Shropshire. Activities can range from Arts and Crafts, Environmental Projects, Sport and Recreation and Community Cohesion Projects. You can apply for one off project costs of up to £250. Read the funding conditions before you start an application form. There are various deadlines through-out the year to coincide with half term and summer holidays, Round 1 is open 5th January – 20th March. For further info go to http://www.shropshire.gov.uk/leisure/fundingopportunities/community-activity-fund/

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Lloyds Bank Foundation They invest in charities who support people to break out of disadvantage at critical points in their lives. They have two grants: Invest Invest provides longer term core or delivery funding for charities which meet the programme aim and are delivering clear outcomes as a result of their work. These grants are up to £25,000 per year for two or three years, with the opportunity for continuation funding for a further period – up to six years in total. They fund ‘core’ organisational costs (including running costs and salaries). By ‘core’ costs we mean those related to the day to day running of your charity. These include salaries, rent, utilities, insurance, IT and consumables. We will only consider requests for ‘core costs’ where the majority of your charity’s work (over 50% of your work and expenditure) meets our criteria. They also fund costs associated with the direct delivery of your work. These include volunteer expenses, training, travel, promotion, consumable materials, sessional workers, recruitment and salary costs linked directly to the delivery of your work. Enable Enable provides smaller, shorter term grants to strengthen charities which meet the programme aim, helping them to deliver their mission more effectively. Grants are awarded to charities which have identified clear development needs. These grants are up to a total £15,000 over two years. What they fund These costs can be for a wide range of activity related to the development and improvement of the capability of your organisation, for example: • staff training • business and service developments • development of monitoring systems • organisational mergers and shared services • consultancy support • quality standards http://www.lloydsbankfoundation.org.uk

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Community Sport Activation Fund Round 4 opens on 19 January 2015 – closes at 5.00pm 20 April 2015 The kind of projects they expect to fund include: • Activities reflecting a broad range of sports • Informal opportunities which could lead to regular participation • Multi-sport activities which provide people with a range of choices and opportunities to suit them • Family orientated activities with a focus on the 14 plus age group • Local activator roles that focus on directly organising and delivering new opportunities for participation. Projects can be up to three years and grant awards will range from £50,000 - £250,000. View more details

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Get Healthy, Get Active Programme Energize are currently supporting a number of local organisations planning to submit applications to this fund, if you are interested in being involved or would like to find out more information then please contact Helen Freedman. Helen.Freedman@energizestw.org.uk Tel: 01743 453497 Mob: 07852 871587 Current round opened on 4 December 2014 and closes on 26 January 2015 The Get Healthy, Get Active fund aims to: get more inactive people playing sport once a week for at least 30 minutes; achieve a better understanding of sports contribution to improving public health and the prevention, treatment and management of long term conditions; enable sport and physical activity to be regularly commissioned to meet a wider range of agendas but particularly focusing on reducing health and social care costs; achieve a reduction in health inequalities View more details

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Courses and Events

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Outdoor Adventure Sports Conference Only 2 weeks to go until our third Conference for 2014/15 - ‘Outdoor Adventure Sports’! Thursday 22nd January 9am-1pm Telford Whitehouse Hotel, Shropshire £20pp including all seminars, refreshments and lunch

Are we sweating our natural assets? Do we make the most of our natural assets to get local people active and healthy whilst also attracting visitors from further afield? This conference will introduce the latest thinking on how both these issues can be tackled for the benefit of our physical, mental and economic wellbeing. If you're promoting tourism or economic development or an activity provider (whether that be an activity centre, youth group, forest school, outdoor club, educational outdoor provider, provider of wildlife experiences, independent instructor or outdoor education student) this event is for you. The Conference will feature:  Sport & Recreation Alliance will present their latest research ‘Reconomics’ – the value of outdoor recreation  The National Trust will share successes to date from their ground breaking Sport England funded project  Andrea Runkee from Cumbria Tourism will share experience of their ‘Adventure Capital’ project  Learn about local funding and support for adventure sports project  How to promote your offer from the Sports Marketing Network  Plus networking opportunities

Click here to book now! Contact info@energizestw.org.uk if you would like more information.

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Sportivate funding launch night An essential for any group looking to develop a Sportivate project in the new year Date: January 13th 2015, 6:30pm – 8:00pm: (Free Event) Book Here. Venue: Telford College of Arts and Technology. On the 13th January 2015 Energize STW, Shropshire Council Leisure Services & Telford and Wrekin Council Leisure services in partnership are hosting a night to share the new Insight tools, project planning resources and themes of Sportivate 2015, with a view to help projects get on the right track for success with Sportivate in 2015. This event is for anyone interested in developing a project next year for Sportivate. On the night you will have the opportunity to start to develop your project idea, ask questions about the new criteria and access some new planning tools developed from the new Sport England Youth Insight resources. Sportivate has helped thousands of young people across the county get more active and this may be your chance to secure a small bit of funding to get your workplace, school, community or club more active! For more info on the event please email info@Energizestw.org.uk or for more in-depth discussions about projects for the future please contact : Telford and Wrekin: Marvyn Joseph (Marvyn.joseph@telford.gov.uk) Shropshire Council: Emma Tomkins (emma.tomkins@shropshire.gov.uk) Sportivate Overview: Sportivate gives young people between 11-25yrs who are not particularly sporty access to six-to-eight weeks' of subsidised coaching in a range of sports. There’s a wide range of activities on offer including judo, golf, tennis, canoeing, athletics, and parkour/free running (to name just a few).

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Free Equestrian Workshop **Last few places available – only 2 weeks to go!

Wednesday 21st January 2015 Berriewood Farm, Condover 10:30am – 1:30pm Cost: Free After the recent success of the Equestrian: How to deliver engaging sessions to adults workshop, we are delighted to announce there will be a second course running in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin in January 2015! Click here for the event poster Please take advantage of this FREE great learning and networking opportunity taking place for Equestrian and promote within your centres and organisations. For further information or to book on the course please click here

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Football 'Mash Up' Under 16's PAN Disability for ages 12-16

Shropshire FA are delivering a FA Football ‘Mash Up’ session and games for anyone 12-16 years of age (male/female).

Date: Sunday 25th January 2015, 12pm—2pm

To Register your interest contact: Eve Bailey eve.bailey@shropshirefa.com 01743-362769

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

National Speed Competition and Jump Rope UK Festival 2015

23rd May and 24th May 2015 at Lilleshall National Sports Centre

Jump Rope UK have combined the national speed competition and festival into one fun packed weekend of rope skipping! All Schools, Clubs and Competitive Teams Welcome!

For more information please call Rachael on 07415784182 or email info@angeleyesevents.com

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Job Vacancies

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Gymnastics Development Coordinator - Active Clubs Location: Lilleshall NSC, Shropshire Terms: Full time – fixed 4-year contract Closing date: 11 January 2015 View more details

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Marketing and Communications Manager Salary: up to ÂŁ25,000 per annum (depending on experience) Active Gloucestershire is a small charity with ambitious plans. Acting as the County Sport and Physical Activity Partnership we want to enable more people to be more active, more often and be the “go toâ€? organisation for developing physical activity and sport in the county. We now have a vacancy for a Marketing and Communications Manager. The position will suit a skilled and experienced self-starter looking for an opportunity to step into a more strategic role, whilst still retaining day to day delivery of the marketing and communications activities. You will be confident already in the marketing and communications environment including securing and supporting commercial partnerships and sponsor, have experience of integrated multi-channel approaches, and motivated and skilled at making a small budget achieve big things. You will work across a range of target audiences including national governing bodies of sport and other national partners, Sport England, local sports clubs and other community groups, local government and other public sector agencies, commercial organisations, sports coaches, volunteers and officials, county media outlets, schools and educational institutions and the general public. You will be a strong and effective verbal and written communicator with an eye for detail and will use these skills to reinforce our credentials as an effective, innovative and forward thinking organisation. You will ensure that we establish best practice in all our communication activities across all print, broadcast, web, digital and social media channels. Click here for a detailed Job Description

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Twitter Highlights! Every fortnight Energize will pick out our favourite tweets from team members and partners, from those who’ve been helping hearts beat faster in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin through sport and physical activity! Tweet away @EnergizeCSP

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Contact Us CHRIS CHILD: Chief Executive BEN HARPER: Senior Sports Manager HELEN FREEDMAN (nee Redwood): Senior Business Manager IAN DUCKMANTON: Marketing & Communications Manager HELEN MADDEN: Office Manager JOE LOCKLEY: Club Development Manager HARRY CADE: Youth Sport Manager GEMMA BRITTON (nee Harrison): Coaching and Volunteering Manager HELEN WHITE: Business Development Officer JESSICA LIGHTWOOD: Shropshire Inclusion Officer firstname.surname@energizestw.org.uk Central telephone: 01743 453 495

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

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