Energize Enews 15th October 2014

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Issued 15th October 2014

EnergizeSTW E-News

Welcome to the latest issue of EnergizeSTW E-news. This newsletter is here for you‌ to help keep you informed of opportunities and developments influencing sport and physical activity across Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin. Got something that you would like to share? Drop us a line at enews@energizestw.org.uk with an outline of your article and associated pictures / logos. Friends and colleagues who would like to receive this e-news directly can register via our home page: ww.energizestw.org.uk

01743 453495 info@energizestw.org.uk www.energizestw.org.uk @EnergizeCSP /EnergizeSTW

In this issue‌ 1. Latest News: Energize News, Volunteer Academy, Design Guidance, Marketing tips, Grow your Money & Latest Research 2. Funding: Shropshire RCC & Coaching Bursaries 3. Courses & Events: Community Spaces Conference, Social Enterprise Conference, Swimming Workshop, Half Term Activities, Netball Umpiring, DART, Para Athletics & Kidz Up North 4. Job Vacancies: The Albrighton trust & Wolves Community Trust 5. Twitter Highlights > 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Latest news

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Energize News Energize have two pieces of good news to share with you. Firstly, congratulations to Helen Freedman who is expecting her first child in March 2015. Secondly in October and November respectfully we welcome Elliot Pottinger and Jess Lightwood to Energize. Elliot is our Intern for 2014/15, he comes into post this Wednesday 15th October and will be helping out various team members to provide some extra capacity. You can contact Elliot via Elliot.Pottinger@energizestw.org.uk Jess is joining Energize as the Shropshire Inclusion Officer following a successful grant application put together in partnership with the Shropshire Providers Consortium. Jess will focus on mapping current provision for disabled people in Shropshire, grow further opportunities for people to be active and support disabled people into sport & physical activity via a range of options, administrating a transport and equipment bursaries, and development of a buddy scheme. You can contact Jess when she will be in post from the 4th November onwards Jessica.Lightwood@energize.org.uk

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Energize Volunteer Academy Have you heard about the Energize Volunteer Academy? We: recruit, train and deploy volunteers across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin. Volunteers are offered: many sporting opportunities, unique training days, free branded clothing, coaching qualifications along with other incentives For more information please click here, if you are interested in joining the Energize Volunteer Academy please click here to complete a short survey If you are part of a club or know of an event that requires volunteers please contact gemma.britton@energizestw.org.uk

The Energize Coach Bursary is designed to fund individuals Level 1, 2 or 3 coaching qualifications in any sport. For further information please click here to visit our website. This bursary is open to any coach or aspiring coach to apply to and in return all we ask is that you are improving the coaching within that sport in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin. Click here to download the application form

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Design Guidance: Affordable Sports Centre Affordable Sports Centres with Community 50m Pool Options. Design Guidance Notes. This new information, produced jointly by Sport England and the Amateur Swimming Association, builds on the previous Sport England Affordable Centre models to now incorporate 50m swimming pool provision. It offers design and capital cost options for 'Affordable' multi-sports centres to include a 50m swimming pool, secondary pool options, sports halls and health & fitness facilities in a range of sizes. Procurement advice, business and operating models are also included. The document has a particular focus on the 'Affordability' and 'future financial sustainability' of multi-sports centres that can meet a full range of community needs and comply with best practice standards. Download a copy Brochure - Affordable Sports Centres with Community 50m Pool Options A short brochure summarises the key issues that are covered in more detail in the main Affordable Sports Centres with Community 50m Pool Options document and Appendices

Appendix - Affordable Sports Centres with Community 50m Pool Options View all the information on this new guidance on the SE website

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Making the most of Marketing – 10 Top Tips Which are you more likely to read? • Catastrophic club collapse as seven players see red in mass brawl Or • Club loses 3-0 as referee loses control Club Leaders have put together their 10 top marketing tips for sports organisations. View the information

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Grow your Tenner campaign for charities The Grow you Tenner campaign is now live - throughout the campaign localgiving.com will be matching donations pound-for-pound up to £10. All charities with active localgiving membership are eligible to receive the match funding, up to a total of £12,000. You can sign up now for a local giving membership if you haven’t already. Click here for more information

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Latest Research Physical Activity “UK adults spend five times longer per week watching TV & gaming than they do exercising� UK adults spend five times longer in front of a TV, tablet, PC or mobile screen than they do exercising in a normal week, say the results of a poll released by leading not-for-profit health body, ukactive. Half (49%) of respondents say they would do more exercise if they could find opportunities that were free. This figure rises to 54% among women, and almost two thirds (65%) among young adults aged between18 and 24. Convenience is also a significant consideration, with almost two in five (38%) UK adults saying they would exercise more if the location suited them. This figure rises to 41% among women, compared to 35% men, whilst half (49%) of young adults aged between 18-24 are driven by ease of location. Technology also plays a role with over one third (35%) of UK adults and more than half (52%)of those aged between 18-34 saying that being able to track their progress via devices like mobile apps and pedometers would encourage them to exercise. View the full news item The Workplace Challenge is a great way to log sport, physical activity & active travel online. Do you work for an organisation? Sign up now www.workplacechallenge.org.uk

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Latest Research Physical Activity One in five Brits say they don't feel fit enough to exercise with other people New research from Mintel has found that one in five (22%) Brits say they don’t feel fit enough to play sport or exercise with other people. Despite this, over a third (38%) of consumers say they would like to be more active to improve their health, rising to over half (54%) of those who say they don’t feel fit enough to exercise with other people. Today in Britain, 36% of consumers have not played or participated in sport in the past 12 months, rising to over half (61%) of those over 65 and 52% aged 55-64. However, it seems that it is UK women who are finding it harder to get into the ‘no pain no gain’ mindset. Indeed, 41% of women have not played sport in the past year, with a third (33%) agreeing that they find it hard to motivate themselves. Despite this, 44% of women say they would like to be more active to improve their health. View the full news item You can read a blog from scUK on the report that is very useful

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Promoting mental health and wellbeing within and through sport The Child Protection in Sport Unit (NSPCC) has put together this short briefing for all involved in sport; coaches, officials, volunteers and parents, to help proactively promote mental health wellbeing in sport. The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that one in four of us will experience a mental illness at some point in our lives. Sport has a positive contribution to make to a person’s welfare if the experience is one that reflects the positive values of sport that help build a person’s resilience Download a copy

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk


> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Shropshire RCC Funding These three grants from the RCC are all currently open for applications until 7th November at 4pm. Shropshire Community Fund Decisions are made by a grant panel, meetings are held quarterly and grants are for projects in the Local Authority area of Shropshire. Grants must enable groups to deliver work which will contribute to tackling disadvantage associated with health or which make a contribution to prevent health disadvantage. Funding may help with: •Start up costs for newly formed groups •Training costs for staff, volunteers and beneficiaries •Items of equipment •Volunteers out of pocket expenses Grants are limited to a maximum of £750 and this figure will only be exceeded in exceptional circumstances. Grants are not necessarily dependent on matching funding, although this will be welcome. Grassroots Grants Grants of up to £500 are designed to support community and voluntary groups which work with Shropshire’s most disadvantaged residents. The grant could be used to purchase equipment, contribute towards the costs of staff, rent or attending an event, training for volunteers, or activities that meet an identified need. Millichope Fund for Community Buildings Small grants of up to £500 are available to help village halls and community centres in Shropshire purchase equipment to meet their community’s needs. Examples of things that have been funded previously include: •Hearing loops or equipment to assist disabled users •Tables, chairs and other furniture •Kitchen equipment (eg white goods or crockery) •Replacement water heaters or radiators •Curtains, draught excluders and other insulation •Audio and visual equipment (eg a PA system) •Portable staging Click here for more information

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Coach Bursary Scheme The National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS) Coach Bursary Scheme aims to support young people and adults gain formal sports coaching qualifications and empower them to deliver sports activities for deaf children and young people. The scheme is managed by NDCS and will financially support people to gain a coaching qualification or to improve their existing coaching qualification. Round 1 of the Coach Bursary Scheme is now open. Apply today by downloading and completing the below application form: Coach Bursary Scheme - Application Form

Round 1 of the Coach Bursary Scheme will close on 31 October 2014. Applicants will be informed of decisions by 14 November 2014. All applications for round 1 must be for courses starting after 1 December 2014. View the full details

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Courses and Events

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Community Spaces Conference Community Spaces Half Day Conference Would you like to increase usage of your community space to get local people active? Whether it’s an open space, park, village hall or sports facility we want to help you maximise it’s potential to get your community healthy. Our seminars will cover how to develop a project and planning for on-going costs, creating a funding strategy incorporating application techniques, fund raising and sponsorship, how to engage with your community and understanding need and demand. Tuesday 11th November 9am-1pm Whitehouse Hotel, Telford £20pp including all seminars, refreshments and lunch Hear from the Director of Red Kite Network; Nat Healy, Project Consultant at Pleydell Smithyman; Sarah Wheale and Energize’s Chief Executive; Chris Child. Professor Rod Thomson, Director of Public Health for Shropshire and Sarah Royal from the Birmingham Open Spaces Forum, will also share their thoughts and success in this area. Designers and installers of outdoor playground equipment; Proludic, will showcase some of their case studies that have used sports and fitness equipment to create vibrant healthier communities. Sponsored by:

Click here to book now!

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Shropshire Social Enterprise Conference 2014 Breaking Barriers - Building Success in social enterprise November 17th, 2014 from 9.30am - 4.00pm At Craven Arms Community Centre. For all those involved in social businesses in and around Shropshire. Three highly inspirational speakers will headline the conference with a strong focus on overcoming the challenges and growing your enterprise For only ÂŁ35 a ticket or ÂŁ50 if you want to bring a stand, you will be inspired by fabulous, fascinating and motivating speakers, enjoy a luscious lunch, and learn from others in workshops which will give you ideas, answer questions, indicate where you can get some financial help or specialist help to grow. Book your place now! Simply click here to book your place https://eventbrite.com/e/shropshire-social-enterpriseconference-2014-tickets-13548972341

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

ASA Swimming Workshop For Telford & Wrekin Teachers and School Swimming Teachers Wednesday 12th November 9:30am – 1:00pm The importance of School Swimming in Telford & Wrekin A FREE innovative workshop run by the Amateur Swimming Association designed to provide the time and environment for Telford & Wrekin Teachers and School Swimming Teachers to recognise the importance of school swimming lessons and to share best practice. Free to attend – but please register via Eventbrite: Click here to register

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

October Half Term Activities Monday 27th October – Friday 31st October o Take a look at what’s on o Contact the relevant centre to book an activity o Check out the Kids for a £1 promotion o Turn up & take part!

Click here for the activity brochure

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Netball Umpire C Award Venue: Harper Adams University Newport Shropshire, TF10 8NB Date: Sunday 19th October 2014 Time: 10am to 4pm Cost: ÂŁ35.00 Affiliated Members ÂŁ40 Non- Affiliated Members Contact: Ruth Hughes 07545 924992 ruth.hughes@englandnetball.co.uk

Please note places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Aim: To prepare umpires with knowledge of rules and umpires' competencies to umpire at average adult club level. Eligibility and Experience: Must be 14 years or older Umpiring experience at league or England Netball Beginner Level.

* Please bring your own whistle * Candidates are also asked to bring one or two players with them for the practical. Please indicate who will be attending with you on the form below. Click here for more information

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

DART – Disability Running Group Ben Sutton-Jones, Shropshire Health Champion, is organising an event to encourage young people with physical and learning difficulties to take part in a run/walk around The Dingle in The Quarry, Shrewsbury. The project has been set up to support young people who find it difficult to exercise to take part in a group event and to encourage them to start a more active lifestyle. The launch event will take place on Saturday 18th October, starting at 8:45am at The Dingle. Everyone is invited to come to take part and to walk or run up to 5 laps of the Dingle. Click here for more information

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Free Para Athletics Introduction Days for aspiring disabled athletes British Athletics is promoting a series of free Para Athletics Introduction Days for aspiring disabled athletes to train with specialist coaches across the Paralympic athletics events – sprints, ambulant throws, seated throws and wheelchair racing. If you enjoy sport and want to try something new, have met one of the Parallel Success team at an event, or joined an athletics club already these events are for you! The Introduction Days run from 10am to 3pm, are free to attend, and staged at indoor athletics tracks. They are aimed at children aged 11+, and adults who have a sporty background; enjoy P.E, athletics, sport or working out. Athletes need to register in advance for the Introduction Days, stating which Introduction Day and event(s) they are interested in: o Sunday 19th October at Loughborough - contact Job King o Sunday 23rd November at Manchester - contact Shelley Holroyd o Sunday 25th January at Sheffield - contact Shelley Holroyd o Sunday 8th February at Loughborough - contact Job King o Sunday 8th March at Bath - contact Job King o Sunday 29th March in North London - contact Job King Job King (Midlands & South): jking@britishathletics.org.uk or 07841 504311 Shelley Holroyd (North & East): sholroyd@britishathletics.org.uk or 07912 070625 View the full details

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Kidz up North Thursday, 20th November 2014 – 9.30am – 4.30pm EventCity, Barton Dock Road, Manchester, M17 8AS, (Near the Trafford Centre). Free entry, free parking, fully accessible! Visitor’s free entry tickets now available! Do you know or work with children/ young people with disabilities or special needs? Are you a professional working in the same field? Are you a parent or carers supporting a child or young adult with a disability or special need? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions then this FREE event is for you! Gain access to over 135 exhibitors offering advice and information on funding for equipment etc, mobility, seating, bathing, transport, sensory, transition, education, communication, legal matters, sports & leisure, fun and features for the children and much more! A full programme of FREE CPD seminars will run alongside the exhibition. Topics include; sleep issues, continence, sensory, moving and handling, transition, legal matters (including recent changes to SEN and the Families and Childrens ACT) and much more. Other dates for your diary:o o o

Kidz in the Middle – 19th March 2015 – Jaguar Exhibition Hall, Ricoh Arena, Coventry. Kidz South – 4th June 2015 – Rivermead Leisure Complex, Reading. Kidz Scotland – 17th September 2015 - Highland Hall, Royal Highland Exhibition Centre, Edinburgh.

www.kidzupnorth.co.uk info@disabledliving.co.uk Call: 0161 607 8200

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

October – November Calendar Click the events for more information. If you have an event to add email enews@energizestw.org.uk October Wed 1

Thurs 2

Fri 3

Sat 4

Sun 5

Mon 6

Tue 7











18 DART Disability Run

19 Netball Umpiring Course








27 Half Term Children's Activities





Sat 1

Sun 2

Mon 3

Tues 4

Wed 5

Thurs 6 Energize Awards Evening

Fri 7




12 ASA Swimming Workshop






20 Kidz up North event




17 Shropshire Social Enterprise Conference 24

11 Energize's 'Community Spaces' Conference 18








> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Job Vacancies

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

The Albrighton Trust Recreation & education for people with disabilities An opportunity has arisen for an experienced and enthusiastic youth development coordinator with project management skills. He/she will have the practical experience in working with hard to reach disabled and special needs young people. The applicant should experience in leading outdoor activities such as angling, horticulture and conservation. The position is subject to a DBS check in the event of a successful application. Salary, ÂŁ30,000 per annum, 37.5 hours per week (regular weekends) (Post is BIG lottery funded until September 2017)

If the role interests you please contact sandie@albrightontrust.org.uk for an application pack. Closing date 14 November 2014. Click here for more information

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Wolves Community Trust Inclusion Officer

This is a 2 year fixed term contract that will involve working within the local community of Wolverhampton to maintain and develop provision for young people. Location: Wolverhampton Terms: Full time – 2-year fixed term contract Closing date: 20 October 2014 View more details

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Twitter Highlights! Every fortnight Energize will pick out our favourite tweets from team members and partners, from those who’ve been helping hearts beat faster in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin through sport and physical activity! Tweet away @EnergizeCSP

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

Contact Us CHRIS CHILD: Chief Executive BEN HARPER: Senior Sports Manager HELEN FREEDMAN (nee Redwood): Senior Business Manager IAN DUCKMANTON: Marketing & Communications Manager HELEN MADDEN: Office Manager JOE LOCKLEY: Club Development Manager HARRY CADE: Youth Sport Manager

GEMMA BRITTON (nee Harrison): Coaching and Volunteering Manager HELEN WHITE: Business Development Officer firstname.surname@energizestw.org.uk Central telephone: 01743 453 495

> 01743 453495 > info@energizestw.org.uk > www.energizestw.org.uk

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