HHIC Client Report Winter 2013

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Foreword Welcome to the winter issue of the Client Report which covers the period October to December 2012. Well, the latter part of 2012 was very busy and we hope when you read this update you can see just how hard we have been working. Our national campaign, Hole in the Roof was launched in November 2012 and it attracted some serious supporters. We also commissioned a talented animator, Adam Bailey who came up with two creative and funny animations. With the Green Deal cashback scheme our successful campaigning to persuade the government paid off and there are many more exciting projects in the pipeline. If you would like to chat to any member of the team regarding any subject in the Client Report, then please contact us at HHIC. Roger Webb, HHIC Director

“ We need space to be productive; we need places to go to be free.� Laure Lacornette


Image: Chris Yates

Public Affairs

“ A change is brought about because ordinary people do extraordinary things.” Barack Obama

HHIC has stepped up its political campaigning for boiler replacement cashback as part of the £200m funding to stimulate the Green Deal during the course of the year. One of our major achievements has been our successful campaigning to persuade government to put back the cashback scheme by a few weeks so that the struggling heating industry can get more support and market stimulus. The government has agreed to provide instant incentives that will help consumers replace inefficient boilers just in time for those cold winter months and this will make a real difference to their energy bills. The industry is thrilled that DECC has taken action following feedback from the heating industry and HHIC will use its lobbying expertise to pursue further projects in 2013.

Future Policy Developments We have started informal discussions with DECC over the content of a new policy options paper for heating which is expected to be published in spring 2013. This could introduce new measures, including new regulations aimed at accelerating the take up of low and zero carbon heating technologies. To support our position, we have continued our studies of DECC’s 2050 heat strategy and commissioned some modelling to investigate the impact of alternative scenarios. Renewable Heat A comprehensive response to the consultation on the domestic Renewable Heat Incentive has been submitted. We have also provided support to DECC on the marketing of the Renewable Heat Premium Payment Scheme to help generate more immediate opportunities for renewable heat sales.

Eco-design and Energy Labelling European Energy Commissioner Oettinger has again deliberated on the options for energy labelling for space heaters and published a compromise proposal just before Christmas. All product labels will initially have a top band of A++. An additional A+++ band will only be added after six years by which time the regulation will have to be reviewed. It is expected that this new proposal will be approved and the process for adopting this and also the Eco-design regulations can be concluded probably by the summer. The new regulations would become effective in 2015.

02 + 03

Public Relations

“ Publicity is absolutely critical. A good PR story is infinitely more effective than a front page ad.” Richard Branson

Hole in the Roof campaign HHIC launched a national ‘ongoing’ campaign called Hole in the Roof to support raising energy efficiency awareness. This is supported by leading environmentalist Tony Juniper, BBC’s DIY SOS Charlie Luxton, financial expert and daily newspaper columnist Jasmine Birtles, and the former Saga Director General, Dr Ros Altmann. Jasmine Birtles

Hole in the Roof is an innovative and quirky campaign and it will raise the awareness of energy efficiency by encouraging people to make changes in their homes that will save money, improve their living conditions and reduce greenhouse gases too. Through Hole in the Roof, HHIC’s message is that consumers can change their behaviour and stop wasting energy that is metaphorically disappearing through the roof, as well as hitting them in the pocket. The second phase of the campaign was to target MPs so that they could promote our campaign online and in the local press to help their constituents save money.

" Hole in the Roof. Great tips for more climate friendly energy use. I like this." Tweet from Tony Juniper.


Charlie Luxton

Evaluating the first few months of the campaign we have gained much trade and online coverage. Gas Safe Register and Business Green were first to publish our campaign story and this resulted in continued interest. There was a very positive response from MPs and some tweeted, blogged and put the campaign details on their websites. This resulted in some local media coverage. Also our well-known supporters tweeted about the campaign to their followers. Using social media especially Twitter enabled our campaign message to have a Twitter Reach of 500,000. Twitter is also giving us greater website traffic to the campaigning and consumer website. We also commissioned for the first time two animations by talented animator, Adam Bailey to kick-start our campaign and create interest. These animations are on our Hole in the Roof You Tube channel. For further details about Hole in the Roof go to: www.holeintheroof.org.uk

Are you confused when people home? We all know talk financiall how importan about becoming y we are more energy t it is to being will help efficient you to understasqueezed from stop wasting in the energy simple all sides. especiall nd your change The Hole y heating you can in the Roof when system make a andabout real differenc The cartoon Are you confused when people talk more energy efficient in the website show becoming that e to your makingenergy especially when on various style website home?has We all know how important it is to stop by wasting finances. a heating a heat pumps, technolog financially wetwo aredimensio being squeezed from all sides. The Hole in the Roof website nal house ies such controls as thermost your wheresystem enable will many help you to understand heating and you canand show that by making a you to find other measures ats, solar out more money. simple change you can make difference finances. thermal,to yourclick It will about . Thisa real showers, how you user friendly and environm also provide can become website house where you can click ental benefits. Theadvice cartoon style hasenergy a two dimensional from will ourwebsite efficient designate

and save solar thermal, showers, d experts Our experts on various heating technologies such as thermostats, on the financial heat pumps, controls and many other measures. This user friendly website will Daily Mirror may be people youto recogni journal enable you find out more about how you can become energy efficient and save Luxton, se, Jasmine ex Friends istmoney. TVfrom It willBirtles, also provide like advice designated experts on the financial starourand manufa of the Earth BBC’s The cturer. and environmental benefits. DIY SOS Tony Juniper We don’t or a leading Charlie want you heating like TV star and The to feel guiltyOur experts may be people you recognise, immediat e environm for the state provide Mirrorof the journalist Jasmine Birtles, BBC’s DIY SOS Charlie ent much Daily warmer planet living condition better andexthis Luxton, Friends of but theyou Earth Tony Juniper or a leading heating can make s and increase will help with your manufacturer. your family’s your energy costs,


well being. We don’t want you to feel guilty for the state of the planet but you can make your immediate environment much better and this will help with your energy costs, provide warmer living conditions and increase your family’s well being.


of.org.u k www.holeintheroof.org.uk

Heating & Hotwater Heating

& Hotwat er y Counc il

Industr (HHIC)

Camde n House Warwic k Rd Kenilwo rth Warwic kshire CV8 1TH

Industry Council (HHIC) Teleph one numbe Camden House r: +44 (0)1926 Warwick Rd 513777 Fax numbe Kenilworth r: +44 (0)1926 Warwickshire 511923

CV8 1TH Twitter :




Telephone number: +44 (0)1926 513777 Fax number: +44 (0)1926 511923 Twitter: @HoleintheRoofuk

“ HHIC’s mission is to become more energy efficient in the home and it was decided to take a look at how our modern day creature comforts, got so comfortable. The Romans were a good place to start because they created central heating. After some serious sketching from myself, the animation started to take more shape and the cartoon was born.” Animator Adam Bailey.

04 + 05


“ Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.� Arthur C. Clarke



MCS Standards Management Panel

A revised Technical Bulletin about flues in voids was produced to provide guidance for installers and will be published at a later date.

We have been involved in several meetings to review standards and are in the process of considering changes to the BS 6798 (installation and maintenance of gas boilers) standard.

HHIC has been involved with the MCS Competency Review on renewable technologies with a view to ensuring competencies are established for industry.

Work has also continued on the roll out of the new requirement to check the CO levels on the installation of gas boilers.

The Committee for pr EN 50465 has agreed the calculation of the product efficiency methodology for micro CHP and will be submitted to the European Commission. There has been ongoing dialogue over the potential relaxation of gas quality standards in Europe. It was also decided that gas fires fell outside of the scope of the Construction Products Regulation. Competency Review HHIC hosted workshops in the latter part of 2012 to support the competency consultation being facilitated by EU Skills on gas qualifications.


The competency criteria for micro CHP was also reviewed in December 2012 for the working group. EHI: The requirements for connecting microgeneration technologies to European electricity networks are being considered as well as the Construction Products Regulation and hybrid heat pumps. HHIC also hosted the first National Association meeting of EHI and was very successful.


“ I wonder whether there is such a thing as a sense of individuality. Is it all a facade, covering a deep need to belong? Are we simply pack animals desperately trying to pretend we are not?” Rabih Alameddine

Andrew Warren

HHIC Conference


‘Putting Policy into Practice,’ was the title of our annual conference. It is always a popular event and presents opportunity for members to engage with government ministers concerning recent policies that will affect their industry.

HHIC held over 25 member meetings this quarter along with external representation meetings. This was busier than usual due to the Renewable Heat Incentive and Carbon Monoxide (CO) working groups.

We had a diverse selection of speakers from Andrew Warren from the Association of the Conservation of Energy, discussing financial and other incentives with the Green Deal to National Energy Association’s Peter Smith who explored the social dimensions of heating. The conference also provided an opportunity for members to network with other companies in the industry. The Parliamentary Reception is always well attended and this year David Thomas, Deputy Director, Green Deal Demand spoke along with Laura Sandys, PPS to Minister of State, Greg Barker. We are also very grateful for the members that sponsored the reception allowing it to be such a successful evening.

HHIC also presented at the PHEX exhibition held at Chelsea football club and at the Renewables Roadshow held at Wembley stadium. The presentations were on the Green Deal and role of renewables in the future energy mix.

06 + 07

Contact list

HHIC Director

HHIC Deputy Director/


Membership Services

Roger Webb

Technical Director




Chris Yates

Jodie Wiltshire

Isaac Occhipinti




Technical Manager


Glyn Thomas



Natalie Flay natalie@hhic.org.uk

Heating & Hotwater

Telephone number:

Industry Council

+44 (0)1926 513777

(HHIC) Camden House Warwick Rd

Fax number: +44 (0)1926 511923







HHIC is a division of Energy and Utilities Alliance (EUA).

HHIC CR2013 ED003

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