Eb june july 2014 issue

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Energy Efficiency in Municipalities By G. Subramanyam

Scope of producing bio-diesel from poultry fats John Abraham and Ramesh Saravana Kumar

Constructive Suggestions sent to the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, GOI, New Delhi By Praveen Kumar Kulkarni

Rural micro-grid lighting through solar PV - field results M.Siddhartha Bhatt & K. Pradeep

Status of RPO compliance in India By Rajesh Kumar Mediratta

Review on Hybrid Power Systems An Effective Way of Utilizing Primary Energy Sources By Dr. L. Ashok Kumar

Make India a 100% renewable energy nation By K.Sivadasan, B.Sc. (Engg,), FIE, FIV



JUNE-JULY 2014 Advisory Board Arvind A Mule | India Dr. A. Jagadeesh | India Dr. Bhamy Shenoy | USA Er. Darshan Goswami | USA Elizabeth H. Thompson | Barbados Pincas Jawetz | USA Editorial Board Salman Zafar | India Editor & Publisher M. R. Menon Business & Media P. Roshini Designs Shamal Nath Circulation Manager Andrew Paul Printed and Published by M.R.Menon at Midas Offset Printers, Kuthuparamba, Kerala Editorial Office 'Pallavi' Kulapully Shoranur 679122, Kerala (E-Mail: editor.energyblitz@gmail.com) Disclaimer: The views expressed in the magazine are those of the authors and the Editorial team / Energy Blitz does not take responsibility for the contents and opinions. Energy Blitz will not be responsible for errors, omissions or comments made by writers, interviewers or advertisers. Any part of this publication may be reproduced with acknowledgment to the author and the magazine. Registered and Editorial Office 'Pallavi, Kulapully, Shoranur 679122, Kerala, India Tel: +91-466-2220852/9995081018 E-mail: editor.energyblitz@gmail.com Web: energyblitz.webs.com

"Energy management" is a term that has a number of meanings, but we are mainly concerned with the one that relates to saving energy in businesses, publicsector/government organizations, and homes. When it comes to energy saving, energy management is the process of monitoring, controlling, and conserving energy in a building or organization. Simple and effective ways to help your business save money through energy management, monitoring and managing your energy use more efficiently. Much of the importance of energy saving stems from the global need to save energy - this global need affects energy prices, emissions targets, and legislation, all of which lead to several compelling reasons why you should save energy at your organization specifically. Energy management is the use of technology to improve the energy performance of an organisation. To be fully effective it needs to be an integral part of an organisation's wider management processes - and any corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy. The management of energy is often neglected, even though there is considerable potential to save energy and reduce costs. Rising energy prices, climate change legislation and the need to be environmentally responsible all require effective energy management. As with any management process, regular reviews are vital to ensure that sufficient progress is being made and that energy management policies, strategies and action plans continue to be up-to-date and relevant. An annual review is typical, but this may need to be more frequent in the early stage. We are dedicating our upcoming August-September 2014 issue to focus on the topics 'Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy' Ramanathan Menon

Energy Efficiency in Municipalities By G. Subramanyam


efficient; however, for the most part they simply lack the means to take advantage of these opportunities.

Municipalities globally dedicate a significant percentage of their budgets to providing water and street lighting services. In India, these two basic services often represent over 80 per cent of a municipality's total energy expenditures. The opportunities for savings are thus enormous.

Energy Efficiency in Municipal Sector:

.Municipal sector consumes 4% of total electricity generated in India .Key areas for Energy Efficiency in Municipalities are .Water pumping systems. .Sewage pumping systems .Street lighting .Municipal Buildings

It is estimated that typical Indian municipal water utility has the potential to improve water pumping system efficiency by 25 per cent. Since many municipal water utilities in India spend over 60 per cent of their budgets on energy for water pumping, the savings could be used to improve service. Similarly, street lighting often represents between 10 and 15 per cent of a typical Indian municipal budget. Various studies by Bureau for Energy Efficiency under Mu DSM has indicated that energy savings of up to 40 per cent are both possible and highly cost effective.

Potential Energy Savings Areas: .Street Lighting Savings Potential- 25-40% .Water Pumping System- Savings Potential 30-40% .Sewage Pumping System-Saving Potential 20-30% .Municipal Buildings Saving Potential 20-40%

In this paper various options, with no cost or low cost measures were identified both in municipal pumping and street lighting. It is highlighted that, by implementing various above options, 42 municipalities in Andhra Pradesh, have achieved total savings of Rs. 12.78 Crores under APUSP scheme. In India there are about 5000 Urban Local Bodies (ULB's) and the total savings potential is about 1300 MU of Electricity worth Rs.800 Crores/annum. The other opportunities for municipalities could be implementing various energy conservation options through ESCO.

Energy Audit of Municipal Water Pumps: Recently Energy audit of 42 Municipalities were carried out under AP Urban Services for Poor (APUSP) and some of the major findings to reduce Energy cost in Municipalities are as follows: In Municipal Water Pumping Efficiency Opportunities Exists In:


.Rationalization of Contract Maximum Demand .Power Factor Improvement .Lights & Fans Segregation .Use of Gravity pumping .Leak reduction in water supply systems .Energy Efficient Pumps .Energy Efficient Motors .Better Operation & Maintenance .Avoiding Late payment charges .Creating Awareness for Operators

Municipalities globally dedicate a significant percentage of their budgets to providing water and street lighting services. In India, these two basic services often represent over 80 per cent of a municipality's total energy expenditures. The opportunities for savings are thus enormous. The typical Indian municipal water utility has the potential to improve water pumping system efficiency by 25 per cent. Since many municipal water utilities in India spend over 60 per cent of their budgets on energy for water pumping, the savings could be used to improve service. Similarly, street lighting often represents between 10 and 15 per cent of a typical Indian municipal budget.

Excess Payments: 20 municipalities have paid excess payments of Rs. 6.59 Crores. The following figures gives the total excess payments made in water pumping alone by various municipalities.

Municipal officials are often aware that opportunities exist for making their water and lighting systems more 5


Excess Payments: 20 municipalities have paid excess payments of Rs. 6.59 Crores. The following figures gives the total excess payments made in water pumping alone by various municipalities.

CMD Rationalizaation? .For each pumping station, the ULB enters into a Contract with DISCOM for fixing the Max. Demand based on the actual pumping load .Due to wrong calculation of CMD/improper operation of pumps/seasonal demand, the actual demand is either > CMD or < 80% of CMD .The excess charges can be avoided if .Actual Demand is properly analyzed for the past 12 months & .the required demand is arrived at which avoids i) excess demand charges & ii) also is above the minimum demand.

The following graph gives the payments made towards excess CMD. 6


.Power factor (PF) - indicates the efficiency of use of input energy - ratio of active power (KW) used for running Pumps to apparent power (KVA).

.Total Power (KVA) is the vector sum of Active Power (KW) and Reactive power (KVAR) PF = KW / KVA = cos phi


The following graphs give the penalty due to low PF paid by different municipalities What Is Power Factor? Power Factor (P.F.) is the ratio of Working Power to Apparent Power. P.F.=KW/KVA What Are The Benefits By Pf Improvement? Benefits

.Improves efficiency of utilization of input energy .Avoids low PF surcharge .Reduces maximum demand .Saves power losses in cable saving for consumer .Beneficial to DISCOM & to ULB How To Improve Pf: .To improve the PF of a plant. .The parameters of the plant are: .Present PF = 0.60 .Desired PF = 0.95 .Plant load = 100 KVA .Calculate the load in KW .Load in KW = 100 KVA x = 60 KW .Identify the multiplying factor from the Table 21 (from APUSP Energy Efficiency Action Plan) with initial PF as 0.60 and desired PF 0.95 Multiplying factor = 1.005 .Calculate the KAVR rating of the capacitor: .KAVR rating = 60 x 1.005 or say 60 KVAR LIGHTS & FANS SEGGREGATION: The following chart gives the excess payments made by different municipalites due to non - seggregation of Lights & Fans:


Rooftop Solar Plants a Viable Business Opportunity By Richa Chakravarty

Late Payment Charges: The following graph gives the excess payments due to late payments by different municipalities


Efficient Pumping System Operation:

need for some pumps.

To understand a pumping system, one must realize that all of its components are interdependent. When examining or designing a pump system, the process demands must first be established and most energy efficiency solution introduced. For example, does the flow rate have to be regulated continuously or in steps? Can on-off batch pumping be used? What are the flow rates needed and how are they distributed in time?

Once flow requirements are optimized, then the pumping system can be analysed for energy conservation opportunities. Basically this means matching the pump to requirements by adopting proper flow control strategies. Common symptoms that indicate opportunities for energy efficiency in pumps are given in the Table.

The first step to achieve energy efficiency in pumping system is to target the end-use. A plant water balance would establish usage pattern and highlight areas where water consumption can be reduced or optimized. Good water conservation measures, alone, may eliminate the


How To Calculate Pump Efficiency? Pump Efficiency = Q (m3/s) x Total head, hd - hs (m) x 9.81 Power input to motor in KW x Motor efficiency Where Q - Water Flow M3/sec ( it can be measured using Ultrasonic Flow meter) hd - discharge head, hs - suction head


Improving Energy Efficiency Through Scada And Automation In Municipal Water Pumping

Some of the pumping issues and their remedies for energy savings are as follows.

Actual Energy Savings By Different Municipalities In AP By implementing various above options, 42 municipalities have achieved total savings of Rs. 12.78 Crores under APUSP scheme. The following figure gives the actual energy saved by different municipalities. 12

Municipal Street Lighting .Street lighting is another service provided by municipalities which is energy intensive. All kinds of installations such as High Pressure Sodium Vapour, High Pressure Mercury Vapour, Tube Lights are prevalent in the state. .Most of the Municipal Corporations have initiated activities for replacement of existing lighting fixtures by energy efficient lighting systems. In Street Light Opportunities Existing: .Use of Controls .Timer Installation .Dimming of lights after mid-night .High-efficiency lamps Comparison Between Various Lighting Systems


Energy Efficient Control For Energy Savings In Street Lighting

Inteliigent Street Light Controllers System Schematic


Use Of Nature Switch For Street Lights

Automatic control of AVIATION OBSTRUCTION LIGHTING (TOWER LIGHT). Automatic switch on at DUSK Automatic switch OFF at DAWN Wide operating voltage range : 150 -300 VAC. Switching load : 16 Amp. OVER VOLTAGE sense, trip and auto reset. AUTOMATION OF HID LAMP DIMMING Use Of Led Lamps: By replacing existing HPSV/ HPMV lights by LED street lights there is a potential to save 50-60% . Use Of Induction Lamps Instead of LED's, the other option could be replacing existing HPSV/ HPMV / high masts lights by Induction lamps, which has a life of about 100,000 hours and also saves about 50%.


Use Of Automation For Street Lighting

Automation of Street lighting could give savings of 20-25% easily with out changing the light fittings. The automation does the following activities. .REMOTE Switch ON/OFF .Set new Timings .Set Dimming timings from Server .Remote Energy Metering .Daily Reports on Glowing hours .No. of working and non-working lamps


ESCO Implementation: Since most of the municipalities are in red in India, and some of the municipalities total electricity bills are more than revenues, are find it very difficult to implement any energy efficiency projects due to budget constraints. For them ESCO model of implementation if one option. ESCO Business Model .ESCO is an 'Energy Service Company' .ESCO PROJECT is an Energy Efficiency Project implemented through EPC ( Energy performance Contract) .ESCO brings in Technology and Finance for the project .ESCO takes the Technological and Financial RISK and offers Guaranteed Savings.

Case Study For Street Lighting: Vijayawada Municipal Corporation street lighting Energy Efficiency project was implemented under ESCO model, and achieved energy savings of 47%, and recently Vijayawada city was awarded World Sustainable city for Energy Efficiency initiatives.

The street lighting population of Vijayawada Municipal Corporation is as follows; 17

. Total Load = 3MW

.Technology = Intelligent Street Light Controllers

.Total number of Lamps = 29000

.Energy Savings = Rs.216 lakhs/Year

. Annual Energy Bill Before = Rs.400 Lakhs/Yr

.ESCo Contract Period = 5 Years

. Savings Achieved = 47%

.Investment Ratio = ESCO 100%. VMC 0%.

.Annual Energy Bill after Esco = Rs.244 Lakhs/Yr

.Revenue Sharing = ESCO 92.70%.VMC 7.3%

.Project Cost = Rs.410 Lakhs Conclusion:

Pradesh, have achieved total savings of Rs. 12.78 Crores under APUSP scheme. In India there are about 5000 Urban Local Bodies (ULB's) and the total savings potential is about 1300 MU of Electricity worth Rs.800 Crores/annum. Since most of the ULB's are in red, the other opportunities for municipalities for implementing various energy conservation options would be through ESCO model

Most of the Municipalities in India are in red. Various studies has showed savings to to the tune of 20-25% in Municipal pumping and 40-50% energy savings in street lighting by implementing automation, LED / Induction street lights. By implementing measures 42 municipalities in Andhra

G.Subramanyam is Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) Certified Energy Auditor and also a IGBC Green Building Accredited Professional with over 22 years of proven success in undertaking Energy Conservation projects. Awarded three times Best Energy Auditor of the Year for the year 2007-08 & 2008-09, 2009-10.. Worked with National Productivity Council for 20 years in the Energy Management Division. Currently heading Siri Exergy & Carbon Advisory Services (P) Ltd., Hyderabad. Presently overseeing Energy Efficiency, Project Development & Registration of CDM projects with UNFCCC & capacity building. Expertise in energy management, project management, financing and implementation of energy efficiency projects under ESCO model, as well as policy analysis. Distinction of winning Rs.56,000/- cash prizes for contributing to Technical writing on various issues related to Energy Efficiency & CDM through the website www.energymanagertraining .com so far. One of Finalist in the Demonstration Marketplace 2006 Global contest of The World Bank�


Scope of producing bio-diesel from poultry fats John Abraham and Ramesh Saravana Kumar

and temperatures. The demand for diesel is five times higher than the demand for petrol in India and any increase in diesel price immediately pushes up inflation. Therefore, the government was forced to decontrol the diesel pricing as it no longer could bear the burden of fuel subsidies. With the Indian economy poised for a robust growth of 9 to 9.5% for the 12th plan period, energy security has become the key issue in policy formulation and planning.

“The world is on a quest for energy, the premier source of which is now petroleum. Energy is the most fundamental requirement of every nation as it progress through the ladder of development� India with 16% of the world population could boast of only 0.5% of the world oil reserves. The current level of production barely caters to 26% of the petroleum demand. India imports 75% of its crude oil requirements. The estimated crude oil import cost comes to about 10% of the country's G.D.P. Besides the billions spent on importing crude oil, we are also importing billions of tonnes of CO2 and other green house gases causing climatic changes as evidenced by changing rainfall patterns, rising sea levels

India's energy security would remain vulnerable until alternative fuels to substitute/supplement petro-based fuels are developed based on indigenously produced renewable feedstocks. In biofuels, the country has a ray of hope. Biofuels are non-polluting and virtually inexhaustible. 19

Biofuels can increasingly satisfy these energy needs in an environmentally benign and cost-effective manner while reducing dependence on import of fossil fuels and thereby providing a higher degree of National Energy Security (Anon. 2009).

Much of the world uses a system known as the "B" factor to state the amount of biodiesel in any fuel mix: .100% biodiesel is referred to as B100, while .20% biodiesel is labelled B20 .5% biodiesel is labelled B5

The national biofuel policy 2009, proposed 20% blending of biodiesel by 2017. This huge demand cannot be met from non-edible vegetable oil feedstock alone. Therefore, development and utilization of new indigenous biomass feedstock for production of biofuel and development of next generation of more efficient biofuel conversion technologies are the needs of the hour.

Blends of 20% biodiesel with 80 % petroleum diesel (B20) can generally be used in all diesel engines without any modification. Biodiesel in its pure form (B100), may require certain engine modifications to avoid maintenance and performance problem. Importance of Bio-diesel

In this context, biodiesel production from animal fats offers new scope as a potential means to stimulate rural development, lower emission of harmful pollutants and decrease greenhouse gas emission, while contributing to national energy security by reducing dependence on oil imports and mitigation of climatic changes vis-Ă -vis providing good fuel properties for the diesel engine.

Biodiesel has good fuel properties, comparable to or even better than petroleum diesel. It has 10% built-in oxygen content that helps it to burn fully. Its number (an indication of its fuel burning efficiency) is 72 for biodiesel derived from tallow and 72.5 for biodiesel derived from chicken oil, higher than 54.4, the number of most petroleum diesels. The esters of the long-chain fatty acids of biodiesel are excellent lubricants for the fuel injection system. It has a higher flash point than diesel, making it a safer fuel. Other advantages are the almost zero sulphur content and the reduced amount of carbon monoxide, unburned hydrocarbons and particulate matter in the exhaust.

Definition of Biodiesel: Biodiesel is defined as “the mono alkyl ester of long chain fatty acids derived from renewable lipid feed stock such as vegetable oil or animal fats, for use in compression ignition (diesel) engines� (National Biodiesel Board, 1996)

Bio-diesel Production Blends: Bio-diesel Feedstock Biodiesel is typically made from vegetable oil though animal fat can also be used. Rapeseed oil has 82 % of the

Blends of biodiesel and conventional hydrocarbon based diesel are products most commonly distributed for use. 20

share of the world's biodiesel feedstock, followed by sunflower oil (10 %), soy bean (5 %) and palm oil (3 %). The choice of feed is country specific and depends on availability. Other feedstocks include waste vegetable oil (WVO), algae which can be grown using waste material and oil from halophytes such as Slicornia bigelovii.

Low free fatty acid content in triglycerides is required for alkali-catalyzed transesterification. Acid Catalysed Process:

Biodiesel Production Process:

Acid catalysed process are used for direct esterification of free fatty acids in a high free fatty acid (FFA) feed stock, or to make esters from soap stock (Keim, 1945).

The major steps required to biodiesel are as follows:

Multiple Step Process:

1. Feed stock pre-treatment: If waste vegetable oil (WVO) is used, it is filtered to remove dirt, charred food, and other non-oil material often found; 2. Determination and treatment of free fatty acids (FFA): A sample of the cleaned feedstock oil is titrated with a standardised base solution in order to determine the concentration of free fatty acids (carboxylic acid) present in the oil sample; 3. Transesterification: Transesterification (also called alcoholysis) is the reaction of fat or oil with an alcohol to form esters and glycerol. The reaction is as shown in the equation below. O O || || CH2 - O - C - R1 CH3 - O - C R1 | | O O CH2 - OH | || || | CH - O - C - R2 + 3 CH3OH => CH3 - O - C - R2 + CH - OH | (KOH) | | O O CH2 OH | || || CH2 - O - C - R3 CH3 - O - C - R3 Triglyceride methanol mixture of fatty esters glycerin Where R1, R2 and R3 are long hydrocarbon chains sometimes called fatty chain.

Canakci and Van Gerpen (2001) investigated an acid catalyzed pre-treatment step followed by a base catalyzed step as an effective conversion method for low cost raw materials. They found that by using methanol and sulfuric acid and a reaction temperature of 60째C the free fatty acid content of a feedstock could be significantly reduced. The preferred method for high FFA feed stock is acid catalysis followed by base catalysis. Animal Fats for Bio-diesel Production: The amount of animal fat used by the bio-diesel industry has more than doubled from 2006 to 2008. According to a report by the Informa Economics, approximately 20% of the bio-diesel manufactured in the United States in 2008 was produced from animal fats greases and recycled cooking oils. Namakkal district of Tamil Nadu at present has 1001 poultry farms with a stocking density ranging from 50,000

Alkali Catalysed Process:




POULTRY to 7 lakh birds per farm (Ananth, 2011). The overall daily mortality rates in these farms were recorded as 0.03% (Sivakumar, 2006). The normal mortality in these farms account for about 4000 dead birds (about 6000 Kg of carcass) available per day for disposal. As such, this huge quantity of dead birds, unless disposed off properly pose a catastrophic threat to the environment and may result in

Alkali-catalyzed transesterification is much faster than acid-catalyzed transesterification and is most often used commercially. For an alkali-catalyzed transesterification, the glycerides and alcohol must be substantially anhydrous (Wright et al., 1944) because water makes the reaction partially change to saponification, which produces soap.


major health hazards and emerging diseases to human as well as livestock.

bodyweight (1.25 kg) to produce 1kg biodiesel by centrifugal fat extraction and it took only 6 dead birds to produce the same quantity of biodiesel by solvent extraction method (John Abraham 2012).

As on now, 90% of these carcasses go unused and are disposed unscientifically leading to ground or surface water pollution, abnoxious odour and health hazards posed by indiscriminate breeding of microorganisms, parasites and house flies.

In an engine trial, the total fuel consumption and brake specific fuel consumption were low compared to commercial diesel at all tested loads, while mechanical efficiency and brake thermal efficiency were high compared to commercial diesel at all tested loads. At the maximum brake power of 58 kW, the smoke opacity of B20 was 47.14% less than that of diesel.

Whole dead poultry carcasses and poultry slaughter wastes can be used to recover fats and oils. The dead poultry birds having an average body weight of 1.25 kg have a fat content of 14.55% and by solvent extraction method 96.1% of this fat can be recovered. A two step processing

Thus, the blending of commercial diesel with 20% chicken

reaction, acid catalysed esterification of FFA followed by base catalysed transesterification of triglycerides could convert 97.62% of this fat to biodiesel.

oil biodiesel leads to less engine wear, a quieter engine and better fuel economy. The better lubricating qualities of chicken oil B20 prevented over heating of engine, which prolongs the engine life. The blending of biodiesel at 20% to commercial diesel can reduce the import of costly crude oil and simultaneously, substantially reduce the engine emissions as proved by significantly lower smoke levels, thus protecting our mother earth from the evils of pollution.

The physicochemical properties (specific gravity, colour, acid value, iodine number, glycerol and ester content) of B100 and B20, (as B20 can be used in all unmodified diesel engines) were studied and compared with Indian Biodiesel Specification and commercially available petrodiesel. Overall, the biodiesel prepared from RCO had good fuel properties and conformed to the BIS specification for biodiesel.

The total weight of the dead birds available in India per year was estimated at 2.4 lakh tons as per the standard mortality of the industrial average (Chandrasekaran, 2009). Which can be converted to 8500 tonnes of biodiesel.

The fuel properties of biodiesel blend B20 was more close to that of commercial diesel except for carbon residue which revealed that B20 and B100 will produce less smoke compared to commercial diesel. The high cetane value of B100 (72.5) and B20 (64.8 ) revealed that biodiesel and biodiesel blend when used as fuel in compression ignition diesel engines had shorter ignition delays, providing more time for the fuel combustion and thus more efficiency and less exhaust emission.

Thus, biodiesel production technology provides opportunity to produce highly valued biofuel from dead animal and birds. (Wealth from waste). At the same time, this concept can also solve the major problem of unscientific disposal of dead birds and slaughter waste. Currently a 5 million dollar plant is being built in the USA, with the intent of producing 11.4 million litres of biodiesel from an estimated one billion Kg. of chicken fat produced annually at the Tyson poultry plant.

The cost of one litre of the biodiesel produced by mechanical centrifugation method after dry batch rendering was Rs.35.68 and the cost of biodiesel produced by solvent extraction method after dry batch rendering was Rs.22.00/L, since it took 16 dead birds of average

Rearing animals for meat and bio-diesel can be the production objectives in days to come. This concept can revolutionise animal production sector. Especially pigs and 22

Anon. 2009. National Policy on Bio-fuel. Government of India, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy 2009.

poultry can contribute in a big way because of their excellent attributes such as prolificacy, short generation interval and quick body weight gain for slaughter. Fat less pork at a premium price is gaining consumer acceptance phenomenally. This provides the separated fat to be converted to biodiesel economically.

Boocock, S.K., S.K. Konar, V. Mao, C. Lee, S. Buligan.1998. Fast formation of high purity methyl esters from vegetable oils, JAOCS 75 1167-1172 7; Canakci, M and J. Van Gerpen. 2001. Biodiesel Production from Oils and Fats with High Free Fatty Acids. Transaction of the Am Soc Agric Eng., 44 (6): 1429-1436;

Conclusion The biofuel industry is poised to make important contribution to meeting India's energy needs by supplying clean domestic fuel. Simultaneously it also provides other advantages like

Chandrasekaran, D, 2009. Poultry waste management- Situation in India. Paper presented at the national seminar on wealth from livestock waste, 12-13 November 2009 Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu;

.It provides a market for excess production of vegetable oils and animal fats. .It decreases, although will not eliminate the country's dependence on imported crude oil. .Biodiesel in renewable and does not contribute to global warming due to its closed carbon cycle. .By biodiesel blending the overall carbon dioxide emission can be reduced by 78% compared with petroleum based diesel fuel. .The exhaust emissions of carbon monoxide, unburned hydrocarbons and particulate emissions from bio-diesel are lower than with regular diesel fuel .When added to regular diesel fuel it can convert fuel with poor lubricating properties, such as modern ultra-low sulphur diesel fuel into an acceptable fuel. .Provide good fuel properties for the diesel engines.

John Abraham. 2012. Utilization of dead poultry birds for biodiesel production. Ph.D thesis submitted to the Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Science University, Chennai; Keim, G. I.1945. Testing fat and fatty oils, U. S. Patent No. 2,383,601. National Biodiesel Board. 2009. [Accessed on 23.02.2012] at http://www.biodiesel.org Nelson, L.A., Foglia, T.A., W.N. Marmer.1996.Lipase catalyszed production of bio-diesel. JAOCS, Vol.73, No.8 Saka, S. K. Kusdiana. 2001. Biodiesel fuel from rapeseed oil as prepared in supercritical methanol, Fuel 80(20010225-231 Sivakumar, K. 2006. Disposal and utilisation of poultry carcasses by aerobic composting. PhD., Thesis submitted to the Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai.

Bio-diesel is not a replacement technology; it is a transition technology to help clean up our existing fuel and stream line distribution by keeping the manufacture and consumer of fuel as local as possible, all the while keeping the revenue in the national economy. It is not about replacing all of our petroleum imports; it is about not importing so much. References:

Sprules, F.J., D. Price.1950. Production of fatty esters. U. S patent2, 366-494 Wright, H. J., J.B., Clark, H.V., Coburn.1944. A report on ester interchange. Oil and Soap 21,145-148

Ananth, M. K. 2011. TN poultry industry plans ten % expansion in 2011-12. The Hindu, 26th April, 2011.

Dr. John Abraham, Assistant Professor, Dept. of L.P.M, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Pookode, Wayand. BVSc& A.H College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Mannuthy from 1993-1999 MVSc-In Livestock Production and Management from Indian Veterinary Research Institute Bareilly from 1999-2001. Assistant Professor, COVAS,Pookode from 2004 continuing. Ph.D-Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Science University-2009-2012. Awarded 4 gold medals for the Ph.D work “Utilisation of Dead Poultry Birds for Biodiesel Production. His contact email: johnabe21@gmail.com

Prof. V. Ramesh Saravana Kumar, M.V.Sc. Ph.D. (Livestock Production and Management) is the Head of Department of Livestock Production and Management, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu. Currently he is the Principal Investigator in ICAR Experiential learning scheme on Commercial pig rearing for UG students. He has won awards, namely, ICAR Senior Research Fellowship; CSIR Senior Research Fellowship; FAO Faculty Development Fellowship and Best Teacher Award (University Level)-2011. His contact email: rskumar@tanuvas.org.in


Subsidy Management Scheme with Responsibility and Accountability for Solar PV Systems and Pumping Solutions-

Constructive Suggestions sent to the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, GOI, New Delhi By Praveen Kumar Kulkarni

As per Print and TV Media, the Subsidy regime always increases the Cost of equipment and the common man will never be the beneficiary and always the Middlemen / agencies or such class will take away the Tax payers money and we have seen in the past and the same is getting continued without any accountability or transparency apart from high cost of equipment due to hidden costs or such commissions for the various middle agencies. There shall be minimum agencies between manufacturers to the End user to reduce the SUBSIDY amount to the Government. Hence, we suggest the following:

ensure many checks before SECI releases the payment to the equipment / product suppliers cum/ and installers. c) Based on the demand or request note from the Buyers of Solar PV pumping system, Roof top PV system, let SECI tender and do the bulk purchase and distribute to their state nodal agencies based on such requests, which thus meet the uniform specifications of SECI and make SECI responsible for the BUYERS. d) Subsidy for Solar PV Pumps is 80% and Punjab government is asking for 90%. Whereas, I suggest 100% payment by SECI only against successful commissioning with the following payment condition:

Ref: As per MNRE Joint Secretary's recent press statement about the poor quality equipment supplied under Roof top Solar PV program and no services after the sales, is the testimony of the Subsidy system failure despite the RATING OF SUPPLIERS from the CREDIT RATING AGENCIES. Who will now rate these Credit rating agencies??

d1) 20% Advance to the suppliers with equal amount of Bank Guarantee valid till the Installation + 1 year after commissioning with a corporate bond guarantee for PV panels for 25 years, etc.

Issue: d2) 60% Against supply to SECI designated ware houses (as it has to be distributed to many states based on the requests from their state nodal agencies, who are responsible for further distribution with their district representative or their appointed Franchise to reduce government employees)

In the name of subsidy the cost of equipment will be high and one need be hippocratic about this fact. This discourages the common man not to go (opt) for solar PV products due to NO ACCOUNTABILITY for the specifications, quality of product and installation and the warranty and guaranty and the more important POST SALES SUPPORT, as in many cases the installer gets extinct.

d3) 20% against final commissioning + 6 months to ensure the proper quality and delivery of products + satisfactory functioning as certified by the BUYER, Third party inspector.

The Possible Solution: a) Let SECI (Solar Energy Corporation of India) prepare the standard specifications to buy a Solar PV pump system (or Roof top Solar PV system) with makes of components, systems from the standard companies / Suppliers (please include Chinese makes also to reduce the cost or to make Indian companies to sell the items at international price parity with good quality) with design and electrics.

e) SECI must raise the debit note to the buyer through a Local Bank from where a BUYER has sent his Purchase request with a loan sanction from this bank for his portion of amount to be paid. The BUYER (the end user and the real beneficiary) can pay either 20% (if subsidy is 80%) or 10% (if the subsidy is 90%) of the Project costs only after 6 months of commissioning of Project equipment to ensure proper working. Since the Solar Pumps are issued to Marginal farmers, government can make arrangements with the local banks to arrange the loans for this 20% or 10% contribution from their side, in equal quarterly installments of 12 or 16, to make the suppliers and installers to remain under warranty and guarantee for 4 to 5 years as minimum with Annual maintenance Contract. Let the AMC costs be built in the Project cost as a separate cost to be paid by SECI through LC or automatic payment.

Make of the equipments, Certified Installers with a Counter Guarantee to SECI to avoid running away due to failures or non-functioning, etc. (we have seen many roof top in Jungles and rural area not working and was stated by MNRE officials in many seminars) through state nodal agencies of MNRE. b) Circulate these specifications on your web site, nodal agencies, suppliers and publish in media in local languages for the customers (End users) to understand the salient points and also the alerts for the buyer's to check few important factors during the installations apart from the inspection from the Supplier, Installer, Third party inspection. This will

f) This kind of Subsidy cum execution responsibility on all 24

stake holders i.e Law Makers / Policy makers, Bureaucrats, Bulk purchase scheme (with RTI and e bid transparency to bring down the cost of equipment through good suppliers and installers to avoid price cartels), State nodal agencies, Installers, Banking sector to recover the money from the Buyers and finally Buyers, Annual Maintenance Contract service providers.

.Price Discovery With Transparency, .Correct Technical Specifications With Design, Thus, .Ensuring Good Quality Product Supply With Guarantee Of Performance With Bank Guarantee To Encash For Spurious Products Or Services Rendered Are The Wonderful Benfits. Could you please ensure such kind of mechanism to save the country from Current account deficit due to diesel or coal burning and also more importantly encouraging Solar PV power generation and utilisation with good ECO system with Responsibility and Accountability at LOW COSTs.

g) The main advantages is the GREAT SAVING ON THE COMMISSIONS or the Corrupt means (if any) to the ?Channel Partners,

Though there will be many improvements on this suggestions with necessary checks, but, drain of money can be ensured and low cost equipment with right technology and service will be the great benefits for the end users who are not Solar PV Educated.

.Padded pricing (hidden pricing) by mushroomed agencies who are supplying poor quality with CREDIT RATING by useless crediting rating mechanism as clear from poor installations and as stated by Government officials, .RUNNING FROM SMALL VILLAGE TO STATE NODAL AGENCY FOR GETTING SUBSIDY AT THE MERCY OF OFFICIALS,

Hope to hear on our suggestion.

.No body need to travel from a village to get subsidy from MNRE Delhi to get Rs. 50,000 by spending Rs. 75,000 in train (some times many trips), hotels, tons of paper work, not knowing which officer to meet due to frequent and convenient transfers or change of Secretaries or Centre or State Government's political ruling etc...

Should you need any support from our company in formulating such Subsidy Management Schemes with Accountability, we can serve MNRE at an appropriate capacity with a Consultancy Contract till we evolve a good procedure with necessary checks and balances on COUNTRY FIRST policy principle.

Instead of just Subsidy, it is the

Regards, Praveen Kumar Kulkarni

.Accountability, 1)The author is a Gold Medalist from SLN College of Engineering, Gulbarga University, Karnataka India with Industrial work experience over 24 years with PSU, MNCs viz. Tungabhardra Steel Products Ltd., SMS Demag German and Alstom Hydro. Implemented hydro business of Alstom in India while heading few export project supplies by being Project Director / Manager for India, Africa and South East Asia Hydro power projects as part of Renewable energy generation promotion.

to create awareness in developing economies to deploy Renewable Energy with cost effective solutions to provide energy at low cost / tariff (refer www.kknesar.com) 6)Participated in Vibrant Gujarat Meets, Solorcon India, World Future Energy Summit 2013 Abu Dhabi, Indo Italian Chamber of Commerce meets, EBTC, Saskatchewan Trade Delegation with Canadian Premier at Mumbai, FP7 Research delegation of Europe and UK, Science and Innovation Center programs 7)Presented Innovative business opportunity and idea of “Agro Power Complex” at European Business Technology Center (EBTC), Bangalore and “Bridging the GAP between Indian Manufacturing and International Players” at UK's PV INSIDER organized seminar in Delhi

2)Due to distinctions achieved, at the age of 28, UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organisation) selected him for a high technology training on Material Handling equipment and was trained at Kyushu International Centre, Japan as JICA (Japan International Co-operation Agency) participant in 1993.

8)Explored NICHE renewable energy business cases with Astonefield, India with Mr. Ameet Shah, who is now Advisor to Mr. Barack Obama's US Department of Commerce Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee (RE & EEAC)

3)Implemented new technology products / projects in India with innovative ideas which are adaptable with low cost technology solutions for the benefit of nation with sustainable business solutions.

9)Shared my opinion on “The Five Year Plan Myth: Will India ever achieve energy security?” with Mr. Ron Somers, President, U.S.-India Business Council, through Observer's Research Foundation, India and also expressed a keen interest to explore to implement NICHE business cases in USA to promote new generation entrepreneurs to deploy renewable energy with low cost solutions with Pilot projects with a financial model.

4)As an entrepreneur, established KK NESAR Project Private Ltd (refer www.kknesar.com) to implement NICHE and Innovative Renewable Energy project Development interest in Projects Development in INDIA, AFRICA, South East Asia & MENA region.

10)His contact e-mail ID: praveenkulkarni@kknesar.com 5)Published many articles for the economic sustainability and


Green Business Idea; Solar For Construction Application By Sandeep Goswami

Our upcoming August-September 2014 issue will focus on the topics

‘Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy' 45


As the World in this March was introduced to the SREX report on Climate Change by the IPC,. The importance of civilization switching itself from fossil fuel to cleaner source of energy cannot be underscored, should it want to survive. However, to really see a boost in this sector there needs to be innovation and active participation from all stake-holders. While there has been some traction in the effort to harness Renewable Energy in India for some time under the National Action Plan for Climate Change (NAPCC). With the various Missions like National Solar Mission: The NAPCC aims to promote the development and use of solar energy for power generation and other uses with the ultimate objective of making solar competitive with fossil-based energy options. The plan includes: .Specific goals for increasing use of solar thermal technologies in urban areas, industry, and commercial establishments; .A goal of increasing production of photovoltaics to 1000 MW/year; and .A goal of deploying at least 1000 MW of solar thermal power generation. Other objectives include the establishment of a solar research center, increased international collaboration on technology development, strengthening of domestic manufacturing capacity, and increased government funding and international support. National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency: Current initiatives are expected to yield savings of 10,000 MW by 2012. Building on the Energy Conservation Act 2001, the plan recommends: .Mandating specific energy consumption decreases in large energy-consuming industries, with a system for companies to trade energy-savings certificates; .Energy incentives, including reduced taxes on energyefficient appliances; and .Financing for public-private partnerships to reduce energy consumption through demand-side management programs in the municipal, buildings and agricultural sectors. National Mission on Sustainable Habitat: To promote energy efficiency as a core component of urban planning, the plan calls for: .Extending the existing Energy Conservation Building Code; .A greater emphasis on urban waste management and recycling, including power production from waste; .Strengthening the enforcement of automotive fuel economy standards and using pricing measures to encourage the purchase of efficient vehicles; and .Incentives for the use of public transportation. National Water Mission: With water scarcity projected to worsen as a result of climate change, the plan sets a goal of a 20% improvement in water use efficiency through pricing and other measures. .Mandating specific energy consumption decreases in large energy-consuming industries, with a system for companies to trade energy-savings certificates; .Energy incentives, including reduced taxes on energy-

efficient appliances; and .Financing for public-private partnerships to reduce energy consumption through demand-side management programs in the municipal, buildings and agricultural sectors. .Extending the existing Energy Conservation Building Code; .A greater emphasis on urban waste management and recycling, including power production from waste; .Strengthening the enforcement of automotive fuel economy standards and using pricing measures to encourage the purchase of efficient vehicles; and .Incentives for the use of public transportation. National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem: The plan aims to conserve biodiversity, forest cover, and other ecological values in the Himalayan region, where glaciers that are a major source of India's water supply are projected to recede as a result of global warming. National Mission for a “Green India�: Goals include the afforestation of 6 million hectares of degraded forest lands and expanding forest cover from 23% to 33% of India's territory. National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture: The plan aims to support climate adaptation in agriculture through the development of climate-resilient crops, expansion of weather insurance mechanisms, and agricultural practices. National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change: To gain a better understanding of climate science, impacts and challenges, the plan envisions a new Climate Science Research Fund, improved climate modelling and increased international collaboration. It also encourages private sector initiatives to develop adaptation and mitigation technologies through venture capital funds. While for a follower of Energy articles, the immediate focus would be with the Missions that are directly related to the industry, it is important for all to understand the reason behind all the missions. For the are inter-related in some ways or the other. For example, with an understanding on the Strategic Knowledge for Climate; the RE sector entrepreneurs would have an understanding of the exact solutions which would not only benefit the planet but also give the right boost to the industry. Likewise if we wish to retain the Himalayan Ecosystem, which is a source for perennial Water, the latter mission also gets addressed. So would be able to retain a forest cover while building a Sustainable Habitat if we look towards innovations which could capture the essence of the Missions as a whole. One such innovation is Solar for the Construction Industry. Let's understand how the Building & Construction Sector works. While they have not been given the sectorial stamp of the Infrastructure Industry, by the Government in all its wisdom. (And perhaps thereby allowing vested interests to continue wanton destruction of the Eco-system; which to an extent would have perhaps be negated with being associated as infrastructure industry which bear more scrutiny.) That the workings are more or less the same can't be denied. So while one builds residential & commercial complexes, there is a need for continuous and reliable source of power. If 27

one is building within the city limits of some Indian megalopolis, “temporary power� as construction power is often termed, is availed by the builder/developer at a price higher than what the DISCOMS would provide to its consumers.

Government, committed to its social obligation. The in-situ option is more for larger construction companies such as L&T Constructions, Punj Lloyd Group, GVK group, GMR group etcetera. Who take up infrastructure projects in remote locations. Where even the Grid Power lines at times not found going over-head. Here the project can be operationalized in smaller time-frame should the portablecabins, ware-houses and worker quarters have in-built Solar panels, which can then feed a minimum power to start work faster, without depending on the large diesel generators.

In some cities it is 14/- per KW. And in places where they need to depend on DG-set, the operating cost with diesel and its maintenance may shoot the cost anywhere between 16 22. The more remote the location the more use of DG. And this shoots up the cost of construction. The additional burden is naturally passed on to the consumer. In most cases the average middle-class home/shop buyer. And if the market is not promising enough, some developers to keep the retail price within acceptable limits compromise on the quality of built space.

And to make it a success innovation and collaboration both is required. The innovation is already explained. The collaboration which is required is that with a design firm which understands both Renewable Energy and Architecture, to create the space where normally there would be none found. Also in the case of infrastructure projects, the SPV have to be designed in a CKD format for easier transport and installation. Further, in this the orientation and latitude also plays a great part which needs to be adjustable every-time.

And it is precisely here that the Solar Industry can play a crucial role. To those who are familiar with construction, they would understand that one of the main draw of energy comes from the Tower Crane and the Batching Plant. As much as 250KVA can be attributed to them which in large construction sites work day and night.

That this idea has already been tested and found approval is from the fact that the article is being written about it by us who perhaps are the innovators, if I may say so. For us, being Sustainable Design Architects; we find this as one of the primary drivers to attain the goal as envisaged in the National Action Plan on Sustainable Habitat. While at the same time carry with us a nascent industry of Solar, which needs all the care and support in this Sun blessed country.

Should this be replaced by Solar Power during day-time use, either in-situ if there is space for it or via wheeling. A quantum jump in the requirement of Solar PV would give the right boost to the industry. The Solar power can be provided in two ways. First and the easiest would be to through Wheeling. Wheeling is the term used for getting an open access to the already established Grid power line and by evacuating the generated power, through a 33/11 KVA transformer as would be the case, to the plot of land where the Solar Park can be established. Some states have a freewheeling policy and it is here that one must focus in growing this form of business. A solar EPC can approach investors or even a builder/developer group and ask them to invest to put up a park which would help them achieve perennial source of Solar power, at a discounted rate. This would help reduce the CAPEX on the project. While how much of the benefit would be passed on to the end-user would be a subject of consultation, unless that becomes a clause by the

He provides consultation and ideas on the Role of Energy Efficient Building in Climate Change and the advantages to Builder / Architect. As COO of the Fountain Head-II, Mr. Goswami has been able to introduce the {EEB, RE & CDM consultant} concept of Energy Efficient Building, Renewable Energy solutions to buildings and Clean Development Methodology to accrue Carbon Credits [funds]. He had been invited to various Union Government policy making panels through CII-IGBC & TERIGRIHA in discussions for Energy Efficiency and his suggestions have been very well received. He was invited to join as member to the {UNEP-SBCI} United Nations Environmental Program Sustainable Building & Climate Initiative. He has been interviewed by ET-Now TV during the Indian Bank Association Climate Change meet. Interviewed by Hindustan Times, New Delhi. Times of India, Mumbai, Mumbai-Mirror. Has been invited to give lecture in Climate Change and Energy Efficient Buildings by: Indian Business School, Powai, Mumbai along with Andrew Light, Ph.D., who is a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress specializing in international climate and science policy, and a professor at George Mason University where he is director of the Center for Global Ethics. Appreciated personally by former India's President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam at the 'Vishwa 09' conference, wherein as a panelist gave a presentation on Climate resilient cities and sustainable township design. His contact email: sandeep@fountainhead2.com


Rural micro-grid lighting through solar PV - field results M.Siddhartha Bhatt & K. Pradeep Abstract: Solar photovoltaic (SPV) powered micro-grids are an alternative option for rural power in locations of weak conventional grid with very low availability of electrical power. A dedicated SPV power plant (4 kWp) with lead acid battery back up(3.24 kAh) provides the energy source for meeting the street lighting needs of the village (50 numbers of 18 W LED lamps adding to 0.9 kW). Dedicated electrical lines and lamp posts are installed which can be later connected to the grid. These will be energized by the SPV system.

.First electrification of the village centre .The grid will next extend to the peripheral areas of the village. .The grid must be designed in a way to integrate it with the conventional grid at a future date without major rewiring or changes in the hardware. Rural micro-grid is one of the collective electrification system. The requirements for rural micro-grids are:

The SPV efficiency is in the range of13-14 % and the inverter efficiency is 87-88 %. The unit is operated under MPPT tracking. The most critical test of autonomy is under spells of cloudy and rainy weather when solar incident radiation is diffuse. Under cloudy weather, the system has shown autonomy of 24.4 hours of power supply which amounts to 6 days of street lighting without solar energy input. The micro-grid is modular and can be extended for other applications such.

.Electrical power generation systems (either one or multiple based on renewable energy) .Energy storage devices such as battery systems .Grid .End user loads Certain micro-grids use fossil fuel generation such as diesel generation but solar photovoltaic (SPV), biomass or wind are the preferred generation systems.

Key words: solar photovoltaics, rural micro-grids, rural street lighting, system autonomy.

Electrical power for micro-grids must confirm to the specifications as given in Table

1. Introduction The electricity access to rural areas is very much lower than the urban areas. There are large number of villages which are sparsely electrified. Rural micro-grids are a solution to provide reliable and good quality power to rural areas for basic applications like street lighting,

The use of SPV as a power source for micro-grids has become a popular option in favour over wind, biomass and diesel plants [2,3]. The SPV being static solid state devices with the use of sufficient storage battery system themicro-grid parameters can be kept under good control [4,5]. The advantages and disadvantages of micro-grids in comparison with individually powered systems are given in Table 2. 2. Micro-grid for rural street lighting

Table 1: Limits of operating parameters of micro-grids A dedicated SPV power plant (4 portable lanterns, community loads, etc. As per IEC [1] kWp) with lead acid battery back up (3.24 kAh) provides micro-grid is a grid with a transfer capability of below 50 the energy source for meeting the street lighting needs of kVA and a voltage level below 500 V. The system may be the village (50 numbers of 18 W LED lamps adding to 0.9 extended to 100 kVA. kW). Dedicated electrical lines and lamp posts are installed which can be later connected to the grid. These There are two types of village electrification systems: will be energized by the SPV system. The SPV efficiency is in the range of 13-14 % and the inverter efficiency is .Individual electrification systems which are applicable to 87-88 %. The unit is operated under MPPT tracking. The individual buildings or individual households. most critical test of autonomy is under spells of cloudy and rainy weather when solar incident radiation is diffuse. .Collective electrification systems which are applicable to the whole village or to major portions of the village.

3. Results and discussion

The generally accepted mode of building up of microgrids is:

Table 2 gives a comparison of the radiation data collected over a 15 minute period over an year and compared on


daily basis on one hand; and hourly average data averaged over the whole month to give the monthly average data

15 minute averaged daily data for a sunny and cloudy day. The monthly data gives averaged values which absorbs the

Table 2: Advantages and disadvantages of microgrids. (for that particular hour). It can be seen the deviation of the average data is +28 % to 94.3% for the 15 minute interval daily data as compared to +23.8 % to -19.8 % for the hourly averaged monthly data. Similarly for the maximum radiation data, the deviation is 0 to -62.9 % for the 15

variations on a few cloudy days. If there are three continuous cloudy days, the micro-grid is put to great stress due to draining out of the energy storage. Hence the design of the power generation system (which includes the power for daily use plus additional margin for storage) as well as the battery energy storage system of micro-grids

Table 2: Comparison of solar radiation data gathered in 15 min interval and hourly data averaged over the month minute interval daily data as compared to 0 to -35.2 % for The hourly averaged monthly data. Thus it can be concluded that the daily 15 minute interval data captures a higher level of variations which get evened out in the monthly average data for a given hour.

Must be designed for higher levels of autonomy to ensure reliable operation even under 3 days of continuous cloudy weather. In the present design the battery capacity is taken as 40 kWh which is 10 hours of storage of the peak energy output.

Figure 1 gives the electrical energy generation based on monthly averaged hourly data. Figures 2 and 3 gives the 30

Figure 1: Monthly averaged electrical output

Irena launches roadmap to double renewable energy by 2030 By Amy Cutter, Editor of Outreach

Figure 2 : Electrical energy generation on a sunny day 31

Figure 3: Electrical energy generation on a cloudy day. The performance of the micro-grid is given in Table 3. The season variation is given in Table 4.

Table 4: Ranges of generation levels during the three seasons.


also contributed to the optimization of energy demand for the intended task of providing street lighting for 4 hours a day. 3. The micro-grid is having compatibility for connecting to the regular grid through modular configuration. 4. Solar data used for estimating autonomy must be on the basis of 15 minute averaged data over the day. References: [1] IEC 62257-1 TS Ed.2: Recommendations for small renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural electrification Part 1: General introduction to rural electrification

The load consists of a street lights mounted onto poles of 6-7 m and spaced at 30-40 m distance. Some of the energy efficiency measures incorporated in the micro-grid are: .MPPT tracking of the SPV output and battery charging .Energy efficient LED based street lights .Street lighting controller for time of day control as well as photo control.

[2] Bhatt, M.S. and Sudir Kumar, R. (1999). Performance analysis of solar photovoltaic power plants-experimental results ,Int. J. Renewable Energy Engg.,2 (2): 184-192. [3] Bhatt, M.S. (2011), Optimization of solar photovoltaic lighting systems, Nat. Conf. on Recent Developments in Wind & Solar Power, Bhopal, July 1-2 2011, p. I3.

The micro-grid has been successfully operating since around 6 months and no outages are experienced due to loss of autonomy on account of poor or low solar incident radiation and the sizing of the battery bank.

[4] Bhatt, M.S. (2011),Integration of Micro Solar (< 5 kW) roof top photovoltaic plants with the grid ,'27th National Convention of Electrical Engineers' , 'Powering India by 2020: A roadmap to greener India' jointly with IE(I), WBSC at Kolkata during 25-27 Nov 2011 at Kolkata.

4. Conclusions 1. Rural micro-grids based on SPV have been in successful operation. The reasons for success are the correct sizing of the battery back up to provide adequate autonomy for a minimum of over 3 days without sunshine.

[5] Bhatt, M.S., Mandi R.P., Pradeep K. [2012], Microsolar photovoltaic plant, AkshayUrja, 6(10, 14-17.

2. Minimizing the energy demand through measures such as energy efficient lighting, lighting controllers, etc., has M. Siddhartha Bhatt is Additional Director and Divisional Head of the Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Division of CPRI. An energy expert he has a professional experience of 30 years at CPRI and has extensively contributed in the areas of energy analysis, energy efficiency & renewable energy. He has published over 40 international journal papers in the area of energy efficiency and one book. He has developed several energy products and holds 5 patents. In the area of industrial consultancy he has undertaken a large number of power audits, energy efficiency studies and studies on renovation, modernization & life extension of thermal and hydro power plants. He has been awarded the Young Scientists Award (1984), Mysore University Golden Jubilee Award for Science and Technology (1988), CBIP Best paper Award (1998).

K Pradeep is working as Engineering Assistant in Energy Conservation & Development Division, Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore since 1991. His industrial experience includes energy auditing and energy efficiency in thermal power plants, hydro power stations, process industries, industrial establishments and electrical distribution system. He is working in the area of testing and certification of solar photovoltaic lighting systems.


Status of RPO compliance in India By Rajesh Kumar Mediratta The REC Mechanism, the first market based instrument for RE power was launched by CERC in 18th Nov'10. State Commissions were required to follow these regulations with subordinate regulations to notify RPO and also allow meeting of RP obligations through REC. The subordinate regulations were launched by SERCs in the following years. The last one was issued by DERC in Oct'12. The first REC trading session was held in Mar'11 at IEX. During FY 11-12, about 2015 MW projects were

Current Market Scenario As on May'14, RECs available at the sell side are much higher than demand. More than 1.32 cr RECs have been issued out of which 64.3 lacs have been traded in 39 REC trading sessions held at exchanges. The low volume of REC getting cleared and low clearing price is due to imbalance in REC demand & supply. In the FY13-14 alone 64 lacs RECs were issued out of which just 27 lacs got cleared leading to

high inventory.

registered under REC mechanism whereas solar projects started registering in the month of Feb'12 and first trading of Solar RECs took place in May 2012. The market started to pick up from May, 2011 with the demand remaining well more than the supply for almost a year. However, since June, 2012 the market saw a reverse trend with the supply over stripping demand. This has forced prices of non-solar RECs to remain at floor price i.e. Rs 1,500/REC since Jul'12 and of solar RECs at floor price of Rs 9,300/REC since Jun'13.

The pie charts shown below illustrate demand and supply gap for solar and non solar RECs available in the market.\ At IEX more than 42 lacs RECs have been traded till March 2014.The REC trade held on 26th March '14 saw the highest Non-Solar REC trade of 3.61 lacs with the fiscal year coming to an end. State Compliance

As on March 2014, the installed grid connected renewable energy in our country is 30,178 MW out of which registered capacity under REC mechanism is 4148.7 MW (Solar 372.9 MW and Non-Solar 3775.8 MW). As shown in the graph below, addition in capacity under Non-Solar REC has decreased significantly over the past two years whereas for the solar projects there is an increasing trend.

A quick analysis of REC/RPO regulations and compliance (shown below) across states as notified by the respective SERCs reveals that there is slackness among obligated entities towards compliance.


implementation across states has become a big concern. The states have shown reluctance in buying RECs from the open market. Compliance enforcement by the Commissions and strict provisions are required to enable SNAs to undertake the responsibility of ensuring compliance by introducing accountability provisions. All policy and regulatory gaps need to be identified and mitigated for large scale deployment of the renewable energy

State-wise RPO Compliance Status (FY 13-14) Almost all regulations have a provision to impose penalty on the obligated entities if they fail to fulfill RPO compliance. A majority of regulations have proposed penalty at REC ceiling price. However, the irony of the situation is that none of the SERCs have invoked penal provisions mentioned in their regulations. Warnings have been issued to various players in different states and UTs, such as Punjab and Tamil Nadu for showing their compliance status. Recently table shown below highlights few SERC's orders likely to impact REC market. The RPO

For creating robust RPO regime Forum of regulators has


suggested SERCs may consider to:

rich and deficit states

.Align RPO targets in line with the suggestion made in the National Action Plan on Climate Change. .Prescribe long term RPO trajectory (say up to 2022). .Stipulate regular monitoring, reporting and verification of RPO compliance status and for submission of Quarterly Compliance report (e.g. MERC's action) .Need for institutional mechanism for monitoring RPO compliance: State level RPO Registry, National level RPO Registry .Include REC purchase cost in the tariff calculations (DERC example) .Invoke penal provisions on non-compliance (UERC,JERC example) .Need for amendment in RPO Regulations: RPO can't be met from co-gen with fossil Fuel. .Need for incentives for RPO compliance for RE resource

We strongly feel that REC mechanism is a necessity since ambitious plans to add Solar and Wind capacities in preferential tariff route is not possible. There is major roadblock in transferring the electricity from RE projects across State boundaries. Moreover, the open access charges and losses increase the price to end-users viz. Discoms, OA and captive consumers make it further unviable to transfer RE generation. REC comforts on both these fronts and also gives option to OA and captive consumers to fulfill their obligations in small quantities of few hundred MWh (RECs) which is very difficult through purchase of power. It is for sure that this mechanism is going to stay. Few corrections in the mechanism viz. re-setting solar floor price, introducing Vintage Based Multiplier,etc. are under serious consideration of CERC. We need to await the outcome of process of revamp of REC mechanism.

Rajesh Kumar Mediratta has over 25 years experience in apex organizations of India's power sector. He was with Central Electricity Authority (CEA), the apex planning organization, for about 8 years as Assistant Director. He worked with Western Regional Load Despatch Centre, POWERGRID (a Regional System Operator) for next 10 years. He played key role in implementing ABT (availability based tariff a new Settlement Systems at regional level), the first region in the country to implement ABT. He has played key role in commencing first power exchange in India i.e., Indian Energy Exchange (IEX) and managed its Business Development and held other key roles in commencing the exchange. He has been with IEX since its inception in year 2007. He has to his credit several papers on power markets, commercial mechanism, power system operation and settlement systems presented at international and national conferences. Mr. Mediratta holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering and an MBA (Finance). He is currently holding the position of Director (Business Development) at IEX. His contact email: rajesh.mediratta@iexindia.com



Review on Hybrid Power Systems An Effective Way of Utilizing Primary Energy Sources By Dr. L. Ashok Kumar Abstract Nowadays, in many countries the increase of generating capacity takes place in small units within the framework of so-called distributed power industry (distributed generation DG, embedded generation), and among them in hybrid power systems (HPS). The following major subjects are considered in this review article

place by utilization of advanced power electronics systems. Mostly, they are connected to the power grid, but they can also work independently feeding separated receivers, from one or several homes/farms, small industrial plants to large local communities. Grid-connected HPS provide electric power reserves and allow surplus power to be fed back to the grid when HPS generate more power than their receivers and local energy storage systems require. Obviously, the major aim of HPS is to supply remote, off-grid communities where the costs of connection to the long-distance transmission or distribution grid are too high. HPS use few technologies connected with power generation such as different power generation devices, different energy storage technologies and advanced microprocessor control / supervision systems.

.the experience of exploitation of a hybrid solar wind power plant, .a solar power plant with a fuel cell, .the concept of a wind power plant with a battery energy storage, .The utilization of a DC micro-grid for the integration of different electrical energy sources.

Hybrid power systems are a good way to increase availability and flexibility of power supply systems and to have available and flexible sources of electricity which optimizes the utilization of primary energy carriers. The organisation of the paper is as follows: need for HPS, different types of HPS, proposed HPS system with its advantages and disadvantages.

Introduction Among the various definitions of Hybrid Power Systems, the best suited definition of HPS is as follows: small set of cooperating units, generating electricity / electricity and heat, with diversified primary energy carriers (renewable and nonrenewable), while the co-ordination of their operation takes


Need for hybrid power System

power generation sources in order to balance each other's strengths and weaknesses.

Currently very fast development of new electrical power sources called renewable sources can be observed. These sources are environmental friendly and use primary energy carriers such as solar, wind and water flow, biogas, biomass etc. The sources mentioned above can be divided into two groups: controlled sources and uncontrolled sources.

Different Types of HPS: (i)Hybrid solarwind and battery power plant Fig. 1 shows a block diagram of the hybrid power plant.

Controlled sources mean primary energy sources giving rise to the possibility of controlling electrical power production, for example coal. It is obvious that power production from uncontrolled sources is unpredictable and independent of human action. Solar and wind power plants are uncontrolled sources. On the other hand, electricity should be produced exactly at the time it is needed. Sun and wind do not meet this requirement. So, special kind of power plants should be built to avoid shortages of power and to utilize all available sun or wind power. There are at least two ways to achieve this aim: electricity with energy storage or power plants using two (or more) primary sources with additional control systems. One of the sources must be a controlled power source. Such power plants are hybrid power plants.

The battery is charged by both solar panels and a wind turbine. The main idea is to use only solar panels. Solar panels could however produce enough energy during summer but in winter the output will be less. Therefore the wind turbine has been added. Fig. 1.Block diagram of the hybrid solarwind and battery power plant Among the number of problems connected to uncontrolled power production and co-operation with the power grid. the most significant problems considered are: - the rapid and unpredictable changes in electricity production, - the sudden disappearances of power generation, - the poor usage of primary energy carriers.

Developers and manufacturers are looking for ways to combine technologies to improve performance and efficiency of distributed generation equipment. Several examples of hybrid systems include:

The uncontrolled sources' power production depends mainly on sun irradiation and wind speed. The power versus time curve, called the production profile, shows that the primary energy carrier availability versus time curve. In that case when many similar power plants are installed, source power changes result in the need to increase the hot capacity reserve in the power grid. The aftermath of this sudden disappearance of power production, could be a large power shortage in the power grid. The shortage has to be immediately replaced by other sources. The problem is that turbine sets or diesel sets cannot be speeded up

.A solid oxide fuel cell combined with a gas turbine or microturbine .A Sterling engine combined with a solar dish .Wind turbines with battery storage and diesel backup generators .Engines (and other prime movers) combined with energy storage devices such as flywheels. Hybrid power generation systems contain two or more 38

enough quickly and the problem could not be solved by increasing the hot reserve. The reason is the poor dynamics of turbine sets. Thus, other methods have to be applied. One such method could be to apply an energy storage

The reserve has to be capable to cover load demand in case electricity production from wind or sunshine fall. Thus additional reserve is necessary in grids with relatively high capacity in power sources like wind turbines.

system or a new, fast enough, controlled power source.


From the block diagram it is evident that it is almost impossible to produce power simultaneously from both renewable sources in plant. The power circuit has diodes in the output side which were necessary to protect the sources (especially solar panels) from opposite polarization (mostly the diodes are structural part of converters). So there are two parallel connected diodes in renewable sources connection. In consequence only one from two sources could supply the load at the same time. If the sun has given e.g. 50% of load needs and wind 40%, it was necessary to supply the load from chemical battery although the sources together could produce enough power to meet needs. But neither of them could supply the load alone.

Advantages and disadvantages of hybrid solar-fuel cell power plant The main reason to build the system described was to supply a stand-alone telecom system using renewable energy sources. So, the power plant has to produce energy independently from any external (weather) fluctuations. This could be obtained by using two sources: weather dependent solar panels and weather independent fuel cells. Such installations can give energy all the time and do not produce any pollutants. On the other hand, the problem with the fuel cell is limited hydrogen tank capacity. So, because solar panels do not need fuel, using both sources permits to maximize refueling period.

The best way, to solve the problems is to build the power plant as a controlled source which is be possible only if an additional controlled source is used. There are several possible additional sources and different possible schemes for connection with wind power turbines. But it is sure that the new hybrid power plant has to be renewable or at least a ''green'' source. The additional source could be green fuel supply diesel generator for example.

In comparison to solar power plant energy production, the described hybrid installation will give high output. In addition, the cost of produced energy has decreased despite the increase in equipment cost increase. This was possible because the total number of PV working hours in the year was almost doubled using a hybrid system. The most important thing is to determine total PV working time in a year with load power. This could be done using meteorological data and statistical information about the weather in the place where the plant is installed. This can be performed such calculation using the PVSIM simulation tool

(ii) Hybrid solar-fuel cell power plant Hydrogen fuelled fuel cells are new, efficient and clean DC power sources, which have also very good dynamic properties. As mentioned above the additional source has to be able to come on line very fast. PEM fuel cell meets this criterion. The block diagram of the system employing photovoltaic and fuel cell hybrid system is shown in Fig. 2a, and its equivalent electrical circuit is shown in Fig. 2b. The photovoltaic panels and PEM fuel cell acts as power sources. The fuel cell is fuelled by hydrogen. The heart of the control system is a special microprocessor control unit. The unit controls power electronic converters transferring power from sources to the load. The unit allows the maximization of the usage of renewable uncontrolled source, thus allowing the supply the load together. So, even if photovoltaic panels are not able to meet the power demand, they could be used. The lack of power is met with fuel cell power. The most important advantage of the proposed system is that it maximizes solar panel working time and minimizes fuel demand. The control system can keep the output power fixed independently of solar irradiation.

(iii) Wind power plant with battery energy storage The improvement of wind power plant availability is a major aim of all international research centers, which are concerned with this subject. One of the ways to achieve this target is to build a hybrid power plant using wind turbine and energy storage. The task of energy storage is to store for the surpluses and supply during shortages of wind power generation. The simplest version to realize it is the connection of the wind plant with battery energy storage (BES). The block diagram of the proposed system is shown in Fig. 3. Besides the major lines of energy flow (wind generatorconverterinvertertransformer-grid), following additional BES blocks: RL block of battery charging current regulator, RZ block of battery discharging current regulator (supply of inverter from battery),B block of battery. Also to increase the availability of power, another source of energy is connected for example a diesel generator or fuel cells. Fig. 4 shows a block diagram of a hybrid wind power plant with a DC transmission line. Research and digital simulations of power electronics devices, which determine the efficiency of this HPS, have

Fig. 2.Hybrid solar-fuel cell power plant block diagram (a) and its equivalent electrical circuit (b).


confirmed that it is possible to build such a construction.

control all components in current distribution network. As a consequence the idea of micro-grids was introduced. A micro-grid is a small, balanced power subsystem which connects distributed power stations and consumers located in a small area.

Integration of DG sources using DC micro-grid Local balancing means that almost all energy consumed in separated area needs to be produced within this area using local primary carriers. Such a solution allows the minimization of power losses due to power transmission and power distribution and encourages investment in local small production units.

Fig. 4 .Block diagram of grid-connected wind plant with DC transmission line The principle of micro-grid operation is balancing production with consumption. In the case of stand-alone micro-grid system this has to be balanced all the time. In the case of a subsystem connected to a power system it has to be constructed in such a way that the power interchange is planned as in case of big power plants. The disadvantage of micro-grids is are problem of voltage and frequency control (reactive and active power flow), voltage distortion due to the wide utilization of power electronic converters. Thus DC micro-grids can be used as a solution which avoids most of problems described above. The solution allows costs to be kept low, reduces issues connected with

The strategic role of distributed generation (DG) and renewable energy resources (RES) in electricity generation is that DG participation in generation will increase further due to economic reasons, which results in the need to make changes in the power system leading to the transformation of the current centralised solutions. The current centralized solutions will have to be transformed. On the other hand, another the main goal is sustainable development. In the case of power it means increasing

efficiency, RES utilization and local energy balancing.

the control of quality parameters by keeping voltage or current in the required range.

Fig. 3.Block diagram of grid-connected wind plant with battery energy storage

An idea, which is fundamental to the DC micro-grid concept, is the realization of the postulate of locally balancing production and consumption as in case of the AC micro-grid high quality parameters will be kept. As the DC does not have problems associated with frequency, shape and reactive power control. A block diagram of the system proposed is shown in Fig. 5. DC micro-grid principle of operation is based on the conversion of all

To achieve the goal, it requires the transformation of the current distribution networks of medium and low voltage, introduction of the possibility of local control of power flows. Protection systems need to work with bidirectional energy flows. Also in the current distribution network, there is no data communication subsystem necessary to 41

kind of produced power into DC. In the case of generators with variable frequency the conversion is always applied. A rectifier and inverter is used for connection with power grid. All power balancing and control functions are performed in DC circuit.

problem identified in the HPS is the integration of distributed generation and renewable energy sources into existing power networks, especially local power networks. The proposed DC micro-grid which integrates all the DG sources is a potential solution to it. The DC micro-grid allows:

The advantage of using micro grids is that it employs DC power circuit by which increase of DC, higher than the minimum threshold value meets the requirement at the output AC side.

-the elimination of many difficulties associated with the control of energy parameters, -a simplification of control strategy and control units, -cost reduction, -a reduction in transmission losses, -the development of a optimized method of energy measurement, -the introduction of load active control methods.

The consumers are supplied with 50 Hz AC supply using sinusoidal voltage inverters , It is particularly interesting that the voltage in DC circuit does not have to be kept with very high precision. Modern inverters can keep a stable sinusoidal waveform with relatively wide changes of DC input voltage. The described solution can have a few variants depending on the number of inverters and their power and localization. The optimal solutions are, the one inverter supplying all consumers on one side, and individual inverters for each consumer on the second side. The second possibility allows for instance for the measurement of energy in a DC circuit. For the bidirectional power flow, the bidirectional converter or parallel connection of a rectifier and inverters are used .

Due to the rapid development of power electronic converters and data communication equipment, a significant reduction in their costs, technical realization of the DC microgrid is possible and simple at relatively low cost. References .Burch GD. Hybrid renewable energy systems. In: U.S. DOE natural gas/ renewable energy Workshops. Golden, Colorado; August 21, 2001.

Fig. 5. DC micro-grid concept

.Blarke MB, Lund H. The effectiveness of storage and relocation

The critical problem is the data communication subsystem and proper control strategy. The strategy will have a direct impact on power quality, power sources utilization, and the balancing level etc. As a consequence it will have a crucial influence on energy costs in the micro-grid.


options in renewable energy systems. Renewable Energy .Dmowski A, Biczel P, Kras B. Stand-alone telecom power system supplied by PEM fuel cell and renewable sources. In: International fuel cell workshop 2001. Kofu, Japan; 1213 November, 2001. .Hoque A, Wahid KA. New mathematical model of a


photovoltaic generator (PVG). The Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh. Journal of electrical engineering 2000;1.

From all the above discussions, it is evident that, Hybrid power systems (plants) are a good source to utilize the have available sources of electricity which optimize utilization of primary energy sources. The important

.King DL, Dudley JK, Boyson WE. PVSIM: a simulation program for photovoltaic cells, modules, and arrays. In: Twentyfifth IEEE PVSC, Washington, DC; May 1317, 1996.

The author has completed his B.E., (EEE) from University of Madras and ME(Electrical Machines) from PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, and MBA (HRM) from IGNOU, New Delhi and PhD (Wearable Electronics) from Anna University, Chennai. He has both teaching and industrial experience of 14 years. At present he is working as Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical & Electronics Engg. He has got 11 research projects from various Government funding agencies. He has published 32 Technical papers in reputed National and International Journal and presented 65 research articles in International and National Conferences. He has received YOUNG ENGINEER AWARD from Institution of Engineers, India. He is a member of various National & International Technical bodies like ISTE, IETE, TSI, BMSI, ISSS, SESI, SSI & TAI. His areas of specializations are Wearable Electronics and Renewable Energy Systems. His contact email: askipsg@gmail.com


Make India a 100% renewable energy nation By K.Sivadasan, B.Sc. (Engg,), FIE, FIV We should learn from history that the country that commands a larger share of the world's energy will lead the world. In other words, a country that depends on another country for its energy needs could be subdued. This basic fact should be understood by our nation's planners.

came the steam engine. It jump started building new production centres where coal or wood were available nearby. After that came diesel engines and electric motors. All these are nothing but activities that involve energy management. It started with water wheel, steam engine, steam turbine, diesel engine, electric motors. No one knows what the next great technology will be for managing energy. The energy for steam engines and diesel engines is from depleting resources. The water wheel disappeared long back and the steam engine is rarely seen. In the next few decades those machines that run on depleting resources will be forced to vanish due to fuel shortage. It is only a matter of time.

It is recognized without contention that energy is one of the key factors required for social, economic and particularly industrial development. The interdependence of energy and industrial sector is of major concern for governments in formulating both energy and industrial policies. The size and structure of the industrial sector determines the amount of investment in the energy sector. The abundance of quality power at affordable costs is a necessity for industrial development and for the well-being of citizens. It means power is one of the most important sectors in governance. Government should have real control for inclusive growth. Handing over the power sector to profit (only) motivated entities invite unprecedented rise in tariff, which is sure to arise from the impending shortage of fossil fuel. A powerful legislative mechanism is essential to make the licensee responsible to ensure abundant power at a reasonable cost.

In the current geo-political outlook, the country that uses more energy is considered 'advanced' since it has a higher industrial output. I call upon leaders of every political party to engage in nation building by framing a suitable energy policy for generating abundant power from renewable energy sources. Scientists search for viable alternatives to conventional energy. They found that WWS (water, wind and solar) could feed an energy hungry world. This is the global ground reality. The ground reality in India will not make us smile. Our coal reserve will not last for too long - a few decades at most. This means India is heading for an energy crisis with unpredictable and unbearable consequences. The mad rush for fossil power should be reviewed and a new era of power generation from renewable sources should be ushered in.

The study of energy started with the establishment of civilizations. A civilization is the manifestation of culture. On deeper analysis, it becomes evident that the growth of civilization is in line with the overall management of energy. GDP and civilization has a latent relationship. GDP and energy consumption are closely related. Energy plays a key role in development.

India's fossil fuel (coal) is depleting fast and will not last beyond 2-3 decades. The estimated coal reserve in India is 285.86 billion tons, out of which proved reserve stand at 114 billion tonnes. However, these reserve estimates include a large share that is not extractable due to technical reasons or because it falls under forest land, among other reasons. Recent estimates now place extractable reserves at 21.8 Billion tonnes (2011), which are expected to last 35-40 years at current rate of exploitation. India also has lignite reserves of 39.9 Billion tonnes (MOSPI 2012)�. This projection is to be viewed with all its seriousness. India has to find ways to meet rising electricity demand from renewable sources. Oil/gas has passed 'peak-in' globally in 2012. An acute shortage of fossil fuel can be expected in a few decades if not in a few years. This would lead to unprecedented rise in cost of grid power. Extent of rise has to be ascertained through detailed study.

Energy management started with development of primitive tools in the early days of civilization. The aqueduct was a revolutionary concept of the time when developed during the Roman period. It made use of the potential energy of water at a higher level for water to flow downstream. Chengiz Khan, the Mongolian invader could expand his empire using horse regiments. He had great insight and skill in horse breeding and rearing. The backbone of his army was mainly composed of horses. Army could move fast from place to place on horses. The clever king-invader did not march into India fearing a backlash from the Indian army which did consist of horse regiments, elephant regiments and cavalry. Note that these are segments for management of energy. India had, at the time, a superior energy management skill required for army.

Switching over to renewables cannot be accomplished overnight. It requires meticulous planning and execution over a long period of time. We need a conversation between professionals in every discipline to join hands to evolve mechanisms that will accelerate renewable

Much later we know that the waterwheel revolutionized industrial production. Production centres were established along river banks creating a new industrial culture. Then 44

India's efforts for enhanced generation from renewable sources does not match the projected target. India has a vision to have 200 GW solar installed capacity by 2050 but could add just 2 + GW in three years through JNNSM. It is time to rethink the policy framework. Seems JNNSM needs a restructuring. We have no time to do a trial and error method to finalise the policy. We should learn successful stories from around the world and frame policies with modifications. Considering the stupendous potential, the solar sector is bound for tremendous growth in the coming decades. India's solar potential, roughly estimated, is 1000 GW which is equivalent to 1000 nuclear plants. Solar sector is going to be a thriving field with huge investments. One GW requires an investment of 6000 crores at the present estimate. With proper planning we can accomplish energy independence in fifty years. No more import of oil/gas. One MW of solar installed capacity saves 3-4 crores rupees per year in import!

Bahrain students develop water producing fuel cell car

India could conserve its huge coal reserve (10% of global reserve) for future by switching over power generation to renewable sources. Further, coal is required for purposes other than power generation. Availability of coal can thus be extended for a few more decades/centuries. Look at the changed approach of EU. 80% of generation capacity additions in European Union for the last three years (average) is from renewable sources. This is a pointer for our planners. We should not waste time arguing on policy options. We can learn from Japan. Japan was quick to redraft their renewable energy policy within a year after the Fukushima disaster, jump starting a steep rise in solar generation from 6 GW in 2012 and is expected to accomplish 37 GW and 79 GW installed capacity by 2020 and 2030. India can frame a policy with the road map that target 200 GW by 2050. Time is running out.

generation, gradually reducing power generation from fossil fuel sources. Around the world, industrialized nations aim to become 100% renewable energy states. They realised the truth that renewable sources alone will provide energy in abundance for indefinite period of time.

The author who had started his career in Central PWD, Madras in 1967 as Section officer Joined Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB) as Junior Engineer in 1970 and worked in various capacities. He retired from the service in 1997 as Deputy Chief Engineer. In between worked abroad for seven years (5 years in Ghana and 2 years in Kuwait). Being a solar energy enthusiast, presently he is working for the promotion of power generation through renewable energy sources. His contact E-mail:sivadasan.k@gmail.com Mob:+919496410857


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