EnergyBlitz - a bi-monthly energy and environment magazine from Kerala, India

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An Open Invitation

Energy Conservation is an important module in making the earth greener and to reduce the global warming. IAEMP (Indian Association of Energy Management Professionals) is dedicated to any action towards making this world a better place to live - with specific accent on Energy conservation. IAEMP, in its short but eventful journey, is proud to have Energy Blitz as Associate Publication. This journal would reach thousands of qualified energy professionals - A single point reach for those in the field of energy conservation. The efforts of IAEMP founded by a team lead by Mr. Sunil Sood, has resulted in recognition in the form of co-operation in conducting a training program on Home Energy, Energy Conservation and training in the use of energy conservation instruments at Bhopal. This is expected to grow in the near future with the unique experimental site of IAEMP. IAEMP is the first professional organisation set to exploit the combined knowledge of the dedicated group of professionals through the web. It has opened a Portal, where all registered contributors can add content and give suggestions for making it useful for the energy conservation community. I request all those who are interested in energy conservation to visit, register and contribute to the content of the portal Please note that the portal is in formative stages and all suggestions for improvement are welcome. I also invite all those manufacturers - be it instruments / equipments to register and support the site - the format and charges could be evolved on a win-win basis. We are in the process of evolving the format for listing the service providers from the members of IAEMP group - which would be free of charge and for non-members at nominal charge. All the funds generated would be used for furthering the cause of the dissemination of knowledge about energy conservation. All groups which are in the field of Energy Conservation, Renewable Energy, Environment, Clean Energy to exchange banners and logos. Come, Let Us Join Hands and Conserve Energy and Preserve the Earth. T. Jayaraman President IAEMP




Advisory Board Dr. A. Jagadeesh | India Dr. Bhamy Shenoy | USA Er. Darshan Goswami | USA Elizabeth H. Thompson | Barbados Pincas Jawetz | USA Ediorial Board Salman Zafar | India Editor & Publisher M. R. Menon Business & Media P. Roshini Book Design Shamal Nath Circulation Manager Andrew Paul Printed and Published by M.R.Menon at Midas Offset Printers, Kuthuparamba, kerala Editorial Office 'Pallavi' Kulapully Shoranur 679122, Kerala (E-Mail: Disclaimer: The views expressed in the magazine are those of the authors and the Editorial team | energy blitz does not take responsibility for the contents and opinions. energy blitz will not be responsible for errors, omissions or comments made by writers, interviewers or advertisers. Any part of this publication may be reproduced with acknowledgment to the author and magazine October-November 2011 | volume 01 | issue 02 Registered and Editorial Office 'Pallavi, Kulapully, Shoranur 679122, Kerala, India Tel: +91-466-2220852/9995081018 E-mail: Web:

Every day, we all consume electric energy, whether through the use of laptops, stereo systems, televisions or massive air conditioning systems. We all need and consume power, yet most of us have never considered making “homemade electricity.� Can you build your own electric generator? Is that even possible? YES. The most common way to produce homemade electricity is through the use of a solar panel. Solar panel consists of photovoltaic cells, or in simple terms, light energy to electricity converters. Light rays from the sun activate the photovoltaic cells which produce voltage. Another common way to produce homemade electricity is to convert wind to electricity. A wind generator is used for this method. Basically, a wind generator is a dynamo (the general name for any motor or generator) connected to a turbine that is rotated by the force of the wind. The turbine collects the wind energy, while the dynamo converts the mechanical force of the wind to electricity. Residential solar power generators are becoming more and more popular. As individuals struggle to pay their energy bills, the need for alternative energy and fuels are real. Some people are taking it upon themselves to lower their monthly electricity bills and are using alternative means to do so. These devices use the Sun to create electricity for one's home. This typically takes the form of solar panels or some other types of power systems. But they all use the Sun which is a natural and free resource. The energy that is created is used to fuel all sorts of things such as one's appliances and other equipment, essentially anything that runs on traditional fuels. Another great advantage of using a residential solar power generator is that once they are installed, they are more or less maintenance free. You will not have to invest a lot of attention in them, which is fantastic especially for persons who are busy and would rather not be bothered with constant repairs. There are several viable options for creating your own homemade electricity. It is just a matter of a little research, a little trial-and-error, and of course a little patience before you can generate practical amounts of electric energy. Non-polluting and renewable forms of energy (solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, biomass, tidal, etc.) that increasingly occupy people's thoughts now-a-days are called 'Green Energy'. And, this issue is all about the ways and means to produce that Green Energy.

Ramanathan Menon

Listen to Her Cry for Help, Save Our Planet Earth By Ramanathan Menon


“Energy can be neither created nor destroyed,” say our science books, “but can only be transformed from one form to another.” Humankind and nature have been engaged with this transformation since life began on this planet. Nature does this with plants absorbing sunlight, an infinitely large energy resource, and producing oxygen and energy in useable forms not very efficiently, but extensively” Humans are engaged in a similar task of transforming energy into forms they want from the sources that contain it and using this energy for their needs. With time, we have learned to produce and use energy more efficiently and economically from a variety of resources: coal, hydropower, oil, natural gas, nuclear, and so on. The energy contents of these resources vary, but the new ones are richer. Along with this search for new resources, humans have also learned to be more efficient in tapping them. Compare, for example, the animaldung-fueled cooking stove with an

efficiency of a few measly percent with a modern gas-fueled stove. An efficient fuel and better design enabled by excellent materials made this difference. For wider distribution and ease in usage, energy is now transported over long distances through electricity grids or gas pipelines from central locations. In many societies, individual needs are supplied through these centralized systems. Yet we are getting increasingly accustomed to using energy not just for basic needs of life but for enriching it. The world's primary energy consumption increased to 14 terawatt-years per year, almost 50 times the preindustrial level of about 0.3 terawattyears per year. The world population grew about five times in the same period. Every source of energy is like a tributary flowing into a river of energy where all resources combine. Like rivers that enrich agricultural lands, energy streamswherever they have flowedhave also created regions of human development and economic prosperity. Like the geography atlas, the energy atlas of the world is also uneven. There are regions of deprivation and of unmet needs. There are also countries that are racing to produce more and more

energy. The statistics are compelling: Sub-Saharan Africa consumes onetenth of the energy that North America enjoys. China, in 2006 alone, built more thermal power plants than the total installed capacity of Great Britain. Even among developed countries, there are unfulfilled needs for more energy. With all countries clamoring for more energy, are there dangers of energy tributaries running dry? Some analysts suggest that oil wells might be depleted within 7080 years. Natural gas might run out a little later. The present reserves of uranium might be adequate for only 8090 years. Yet, the fears of energy running out might be based on the present economic models. If higher costs are acceptable, oil could be extracted from oil sands, and lean uranium ores could be mined to recover the metal. There are also no imminent dangers of running out of coal, which remains a vital workhorse for energy generation. Moreover, one hour of solar radiation has energy equivalent to the world's annual primary energy consumption.

Energy challenges If we analyze the energy challenges of today, running out of resources does not emerge as the major worry.

Yet there is another worry, greenhouse gas emissions, that is becoming more insidious and urgent. Energy production from fossil fuels results in CO2 emissions. Coal expels the most, almost 1 kilogram for every kilowatt-hour of power produced. The current greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere is about 430 parts per million (ppm), up from 280 ppm in the pre-industrial years. If the present trend continues unchecked, the concentration could well cross 800 ppm by the end of the century. CO2 is a long-lived greenhouse gas, difficult to capture and mitigate. A report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes that most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperature since the mid-20th century is very likely (the emphasis is by the IPCC) due to the observed increase in greenhouse gas concentrations. If nothing is done to mitigate the CO2 problem, the consequences could turn out to be catastrophic for human life and wellbeing. It is paradoxical that the people living in the developing countries like India, who consume far less energy and emit less CO2 than the developed countries, will experience the more serious effects. Although one might argue at length about the nature and extent of environmental damage, it is also important for the scientific community to develop various options to contain CO2 pollution. Are there ways to control the greenhouse gas emissions without harming the environment? What are the energy technologies that emit no or minimal CO2? Are there technologies and policies that help to minimize energy demand and consumption? These questions along with a few corollaries shape the theme for discussions on energy.

Energy saving technologies Many new energy-saving technologies are now emerging. Light-emitting diodes that can replace incandescent bulbs, electric cars and hybrids that substitute for petrol engines and high-voltage directcurrent transmission of electric power

instead of alternating-current transmission are some of the energysaving options. There are also concerns about the availability of more efficient energy storage systems. Storage is going to become increasingly important because some of the renewable resources generate power only intermittently.

“There will be new materials and newer technologies, but these might not come quickly. After all, it took more than a century for electricity to become pervasive, and old materials and technologies will continue to serve until the new ones stabilize� Through this article, I am trying to explain that humanity has achieved an unsustainable pinnacle of population size and consumption rates, and that the road ahead will be mostly downhillat least for the next few decades, until our species has learned to live within Earth's resource limits. I am compelled to say that the industrial expansion of the past century or two was mainly due to our accelerating use of the concentrated energies of cheap fossil fuels; and that as oil, coal, and natural gas cease to be cheap and abundant, economic growth will phase into contraction. I further would like to point out that world oil production was at, or very nearly at its peak, and that the imminent decline in extraction rates will be decisive, because global transport is nearly all oil-dependent, and there is currently no adequate substitute for petroleum. When presented with evidence of depleting stores of fossil fuels and minerals, some still object: New technology will enable us to continue increasing the amount of energy available to us. And if we have enough energy, we can solve our other supply problems: We can desalinate ocean water, grow crops in multi-storey greenhouses, and breed limitless supplies of fish in captivity. We can capture mineral resources from very low-grade ores. We can even mine gold and uranium from ocean water. We can harvest minerals on other planets and ferry them back to Earth. With enough energy, anything is possible!

The urgent need to save our planet earth Mankind has lived on the earth for hundreds of thousands of years in relative harmony with their natural surroundings. The earth and its climate were unaffected by the activities of early man. Within the last two hundred years, however, this peaceful co-existence has drastically changed as a result of our scientific knowledge and its widespread technological application. New agricultural techniques have greatly increased the productivity of the land and enabled the population to rise rapidly. The industrial revolution of the nineteenth century greatly increased the living standards in many countries, but at the same time it has polluted the earth to an unprecedented degree. This pollution is changing the face of the earth and its climate at an unforeseeable rate. If it is not checked our whole civilization is in peril. At the basis of these changes is the demand for more and more energy to drive our industries, to heat or cool our homes and to power our transport and communications. All known ways of generating this energy affect the earth in one way or another, by using up the energy stored over geological timescales as coal or oil and by the pollution they cause. These sources of energy will ultimately be exhausted, but if we continue to rely on them we may well cause irreversible climate change. It is therefore a matter of urgency to find safe and clean ways of generating energy. At the same time it is necessary to reduce and if possible eliminate all the other sources of pollution. When we look to the future it is useful to distinguish between ensuring adequate energy for our needs, and the effects on the earth of the methods we use to obtain that energy. Considering the astonishing technological developments of the twentieth century and the impossibility of predicting the advances that will be made in the twenty-first century, it is unrealistic to look more than about fifty or a hundred years ahead when considering energy generation. When however we are considering the


effects on the earth itself what we do now often has effects that will persist indefinitely. If the earth is polluted, it often remains polluted for a very long time. It is therefore of vital importance to ensure that current and future methods of energy generation do not irrevocably degrade the earth.

“There is intense debate about the choice of new energy sources; should we rely on nuclear power, or could we get the energy we need from the so-called renewable sources, particularly wind and solar? As in most technological decisions, a balance has to be struck between the competing demands of cost, safety, reliability and effects on the environment� As these are incommensurable there is no easy way to reach a generally acceptable decision. It would be difficult enough to decide the optimum balance of energy sources


by a dispassionate objective analysis but the whole decision process is made far worse by psychological, emotional and political forces. This makes it very likely that the wrong decisions will be taken, with disastrous effects in the future. Since countries differ greatly in their natural resources and industrial capacity no one solution is generally applicable; each county has to decide its own energy policy. Inevitably this has a great effect on international relations, particularly concerning the availability of oil during the next few decades, and of coal thereafter. In addition, the increasingly sophisticated energy technologies originate in the developed countries and are then exported worldwide. This implies continuing dependency, and with it the dangers of economic imperialism. These decisions are not just matters of economics or politics; they raise serious moral problems. How, for example, do we decide whether to

increase the level of expenditure on safety measures, or on protecting and conserving the environment, knowing that this inevitably means less money for education or the medical services? To what extent should we take account of people's emotions and fears, knowing that to a large extent they are unjustified and have been stirred up for political purposes?

Energy, Environment and Climate Change The technological problems concerned with energy production are highly complex, and adequate understanding of them requires extensive scientific knowledge. It is one of the perils of democracy that vitally important decisions have to be taken by people who lack this knowledge. This problem is extremely difficult, but at least some of the worst effects can be mitigated by scientists providing whatever information they

can. It is thus the responsibility of scientists to make their knowledge available by writing, lecturing and generally contributing to the public discussion of these vital issues. This responsibility was keenly felt by those scientists who had participated in the development of the atomic bomb during the Second World War. They knew that the discovery of fission and the chain reaction had irreversibly transformed the whole future prospects of the human race. On the one hand, the atomic bomb provided a weapon of unprecedented power that could, given time, be made by any medium size industrialized country. On the other hand, nuclear power opened the way to the provision of world energy needs as the current sources, coal and oil, became exhausted. Immediately after the war, the scientists who had worked on the bomb formed organizations to inform the public of these developments; the Federation of Atomic Scientists in the USA and the Atomic Scientists' Association in the UK. They were supported by practically all the most eminent nuclear physicists, and were soon joined by scientists working in related areas. These scientists, and many others, wrote articles for magazines, organized exhibitions and gave lectures on the potentialities of the new knowledge of the atomic nucleus. The two organizations mentioned above published the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists and the Atomic Scientists' Journal containing articles, discussions and book reviews. Initially, these activities were welcomed by the public, and journalists wrote enthusiastic articles on the coming atomic age. Scientists, wishing to spend more time on their research and thinking that their work was done, gradually slackened their activities. They hoped that their work would be continued in a responsible way by the new generation of scientifically-trained journalists. In this they were sadly mistaken. As will be related in more detail, the public debate was soon overshadowed

by political forces, and the scientists were no longer listened to. This situation persists to the present time, to the great peril of our society. Subsequently, the Atomic Scientists' Association was wound up, and its activities transferred to the newly founded Pugwash Movement, which continues today. This provides a worldwide forum for a much wider discussion of science and public affairs. Its members now include physical and biological scientists, politicians, military men and all those concerned with international relations. Initially its main concern was to prevent the outbreak of nuclear war, and it arranged high-level meetings between Soviet and Western scientists. They were able to agree on basic scientific issues, and by communicating those to their respective Governments helped to encourage realistic policies. In the following years its activities broadened to include studies of a wide range of subjects concerned with the effects of science on human society.

“It is quite extraordinary that many excellent books on the energy crisis, global warming and climate change, such as those by Gore and Maslin, make only the briefest references to nuclear power, brushing it aside with a few critical remarks about nuclear accidents and the disposal of nuclear waste. Conferences arranged by the British Government on the best ways to tackle global warming have many sessions devoted to wind, solar and wave power, with strong recommendations to improve energy efficiency, but fail even to mention nuclear power� The mass media show a similar bias, giving front-page publicity to the most minor nuclear accidents, while barely mentioning major disasters claiming hundreds of lives in dam bursts, oil rig fires and collapse of coal mine tunnels. Since nuclear power is a major source and is nonpolluting, it would seem that it is

necessary to consider their arguments against it, instead of ignoring it entirely. One might expect there to be strong correlation between the scientific and technological feasibility, cost, reliability and safety of an energy source and its public approval, together with Governmental support for its development. This is far from the case. Political and psychological pressures are often far more influential than proven scientific data. It is possible to ignore reality for a time, but the longer this is done the more severe the ultimate reckoning. As Feynman remarked, Nature cannot be fooled. These problems are of serious concern to the more well-developed countries, but they are a matter of life and death for the poorer ones. Already climate change is believed to be causing widespread drought, and with it famine and disease. Most of these countries lack both the will and the means to improve their situation, so it can be maintained that it is the duty of the developed countries to do all they can to improve the living standards of the people in the poorer ones. There are many serious difficulties in achieving this, but they need to be urgently tackled. . In all discussions related to energy it is essential to express the quantities discussed numerically as accurately as practicable. The capacities reliabilities and costs of the various energy sources can be expressed fairly accurately, and also to some extent their safety, expressed as the numbers of persons killed or injured. It is more difficult to express the effects on the environment, as these involve aesthetic criteria about which legitimate differences exist. My main concern throughout is to draw attention to some of the most pressing problems of the present time, to stimulate discussion and to emphasize the moral aspects. The primary responsibility of scientists is to explain the scientific facts and their technological implications. In some cases, once the facts are known, the way forward is obvious, in others any attempt to provide an answer would


Sustainable Lifestyles ? ? ? ? ?

Our planet and the human-earth community will only survive, thrive and prosper by a shift to an economy that is sustainable, equitable, focusing on the elimination of the extremes of wealth and poverty, through responsive citizens and volunteerism; Unsustainable consumption and production patterns have been major contributors to climate change and poverty, and that sustainability can only be ensured if humanity, directed and led by government policies embraces humane sustainable, low-carbon lifestyles and adopts sustainable livelihoods; Sustainable lifestyles and livelihoods must be built on sustainable consumption and production in our globalizing world and equity among generations, genders and nations; Sustainable consumption, in particular, needs to consider the minimization of the environmental impact of purchasing decisions and the maximization of the social impact of our purchases; Individuals, families and communities are key actors in achieving sustainable consumption and production and should be empowered and enabled through education in everyday life competencies to assume responsibility for achieving sustainable lifestyles all around the world

be premature. Scientists as such have no responsibility to decide moral questions; that is the responsibility of the whole of society, including the scientists in their capacities as citizens.

Conclusions During the last decade scientists have made increasingly accurate forecasts of the dangers threatening the world and the actions that must be taken to avert them. More and more people are becoming convinced that these actions are necessary, but virtually nothing has been done. Governments have indeed set up committees to examine these problems and make


recommendations, but they are subsequently ignored if it seems politically expedient to do so. At the end of the day, we are heading into disaster with our eyes wide open!! While it is true that the way in which mankind evolves does not affect the earth on which man lives and produces changes, thereby, it is also true that the body of earth must be nurtured and cared for, as your own body must be nurtured and cared for. It must be given attention and love. It must be nourished according to its own needs, not according to our greed, if it is to serve human needs. You must understand that responsibility for this Guardianship

rests upon you. It is more evidently your responsibility than others because you have awareness, because you profess to be internal beings as well as external beings, because you have the power that is yours and have learned to use it for yourselves. You must realize that, that which you call Earth is in its middle ages and needs to be helped, you must decide, therefore, what you will do, will you accept your responsibility in caring for the Earth or will you leave it to its own resources and take from it what you will and be left with nothing sooner than you planned ?

Ramanathan Menon has more than three decades of experience as a journalist and a writer on Energy and Environment subjects, interacting with energy sectorsboth conventional as well as non-conventionalin India and abroad. In the Eighties, he was the Bahrain Correspondent for 'Middle East Electricity' magazine published by Reeds, U.K. In the 90s he was the editor and publisher of 'Sun Power', a quarterly renewable energy magazine. Also, he had worked as the Sub-Editor-Media Manager for a quarterly energy/environment magazine titled 'energyn manager' published by The Society of Energy Engineers and Managers from Kerala, India. Currently, he is the editor and publisher of a bi-monthly energy/environment magazine 'Energy Blitz'. His contact emails:,

ENERGY means

Earth Never Expects Returns, Guarding You‌..

An Interview with G.G.Dalal, MD, LCG Energy Consultants Ltd. A company by the good for the good of our planet By Staff Writer

“LCG Energy Consultants Private Limited provides total cost effective solutions by optimum usage of energy and resources through the adoption of energy and resources conservation techniques, efficient technologies, best engineering practice, and renewable energy sources to Domestic, Commercial and Industrial Consumers. Its vision is to be recognized as a leading company in the world for exemplary contributions towards equitable and sustainable development�


What is the special point about LCG? LCG is a collaborative venture of multi-disciplinary group of highly experienced energy experts, engineering professionals and entrepreneurs. The genesis of LCG comes from IAEMP (Indian Association of Energy Management Professionals), which is India's largest group of energy professionals. The group is functioning vibrantly as a conscience keeper to the nation on energy issues since past 5 years. What does LCG stands for? The company was formed with the noble intention of making our planet greener and cleaner. The promoters believe that it is possible to do so by creating a culture of being Lean (consuming modestly), Clean (being efficient in use of energy and resources) and Green (using renewable energy). That is how the name of the company has been coined with the first three letters of the name i.e. L, C and G standing for being Lean, Clean and Green respectively. What are the major business activities of LCG? The company has a vision of providing total cost effective solutions by optimum usage of energy

and resources through the adoption of energy and resources conservation techniques, efficient technologies, best engineering practices, and renewable energy sources for all types of consumers. LCG works on four thematic areas namely; energy efficiency and conservation, renewable energy & environment, resource optimization and carbon footprint reduction and creation of trained people & markets. LCG is empanelled with several state nodal agencies working in the field of energy conservation, renewable energy development and energy management. In the very near future LCG is going to be empanelled with some central govt. level organisations like BEE, PCRA, EESL etc. We have been building up our profile and adding value to the LCG brand name consciously. This is being done by providing a very high quality of consulting services, particularly in energy efficiency segment for our esteemed clients like Hindustan Times, Birla Auditorium, AV Pharma, Hindustan Motors and such other corporate and govt. sector establishments. You have mentioned about the collaborative approach. What does it actually mean? LCG was conceptualized to meet three important needs: 1.Need of a common platform to Individual Consultants; both new entrants and experienced ones, and small firms who are not able to provide services to their full potential due to several constraints of small scale operations. These constraints were to be addressed by having a centralized operation of

marketing of services including tendering, follow-up, participation in pre-bid conferences, submitting clarifications and some of the post order activities like submission of bills and follow up for payment. The common statutory requirements like PAN no., applicable taxation registration, maintenance of accounts etc will help in sharing the burden and reduce overheads. 2.

Need of a platform for employed professionals and experts who are not getting any chance to utilize their expertise.


Need for creation of a cost effective and sustainable network of good people, suppliers, manufacturers etc with excellent track record and credentials to set a very high 'Bench Mark' for others to follow. This will ensure that the company is able to compete with the established players.

Those of us, who have been working on our own, know well how difficult it is to survive when one has to do every activity right from generating enquiries to preparation of offer, submission of offer and follow up, discussions with the client, execution of the order, and so on. Added to this, the legal formalities of accounting, IT returns, Service Tax etc add to the troubles of professionals working on

Individual basis. Since professionals from various parts of the country joined hands to work under a single banner, LCG has been able to provide services in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, NCR Delhi, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh right from the day of inception. What is the impact that your LCG 4E initiative is creating? Recognising the need for a meaningful platform for interaction between those who are looking for solutions to specific energy problems or any type of assistance and those who are competent enough to help or provide solutions, we have stated 'Energy Efficiency E-Exchange'.

LCG-4E, presently at its nascent stage, is a visionary business model which is going to change the face of consulting services through providing a platform to all stakeholders related to energy and environment sector for focused, low cost and speedy consulting solutions. LCG-4E is functioning as a global secretariat for energy and environment consulting solutions. The web enabled forum maintains a comprehensive list of services providers, who would be available for various professional services. The standard rates of services are preagreed and signed off with the company. Business development is carried out through common publicity by various media tools by the

company. The assignment is booked in the name of the company. Based on the requirements from the prospective clients, software enabled matching for short-listing of service providers is done. The business opportunity is intimated to the short-listed service providers and thereafter the assignment is delegated to the service provider who give their consent to execute it within the limitations/timelines etc of that particular assignment. If the assignment requires the involvement of more than one service provider, team approach with clear cut roles and responsibilities are drafted, signed-off for that particular assignment.

G. G. Dalal, an electrical engineer, a former Chief Engineer, In-charge of “Energy Accounting” and auditing for reducing Transmission & Distribution losses in MSEB, has 34 years of practical experience in diverse fields of power sector & has to his credit several published technical papers presented on “energy and environment management”. He was the Head of World Bank-aided task force for strengthening environmental capabilities of MSEB. During 2001 & 2002, he was a member of expert committee, set up by Government of Maharashtra for short-listing national & international consultants for energy audit, energy conservation and water audit for various corporations in Maharashtra state. He was head of committee to set up “Energy Conservation Demonstration Project” in MSEB. He has authored a book on “Eco- friendly Technology for Thermal Power Plants” which has been published by “Central Board of Irrigation & Power, New Delhi” in 2002. He is Certified Energy Auditor & has been acclaimed twice as top winner of the award by the “IndoGerman Energy Program GTZ” & “Bureau of Energy Efficiency” in 2004 for contribution in improving quality of Q/A bank of N.C.E. for Energy Auditors and Managers. He was Vice President of 'Indian Association of Energy Management Professional' from 2006 to 2008.


Solar energy is created by harnessing the sun's heat and light. Solar power may be used to heat your home and your water, to cook food, and to generate electricity.

Solar Farming Potential in India By Darshan Goswami, M.S., P.E. “The newest crop in India could be electricity from the sun. “Solar Farming” can help change India's energy economy to clean and efficient renewable energy during the day when it is needed the most, create millions of jobs, and could help India to energy independence and national security” Imagine a crop that can be harvested daily on the most barren desert and arid land, with no fertilizer or tillage, and that produces no harmful emissions. Imagine an energy source

businesses, homes, and drive motors. Solar power is becoming recognized as an important element in the energy supply planning and customer energy management of utilities

worldwide. I firmly believe that, to meet all its energy needs, India should diversify its energy mix by accelerating the use

“Solar energy farms, especially larger ones, can be interconnected into the of all forms of Renewable Energy electricity grid and produce technologies (including PV, thermal significant levels of electricity solar, wind power, biomass, biogas, and hydro), and more proactively offsetting traditional sources of promote energy efficiency. generation. Moreover, largescale solar-power generation has A CPV to installation at the What is a Solar Farming? Courtesy: SolFocus the potential help meet India's Nichols Farm pistachio processing facility in enormous energy needs” Hanford, California

Courtesy: Arizona solar farm so bountiful that it can provide many times more energy than we could ever expect to need or use. Imagine that an hour's worth of sunlight bathing the planet holds far more energy than humans worldwide could consume in a year. You don't have to imagine itit's real and it's here. Solar energy is an abundant enormous resource that is readily available to all countries throughout the world, and all the space above the earth. It is clean, no waste comes from it, and it's “free.” This “free” source of electricity can be used to supply the energy needs of homes, farms and businesses. Through the use of Photovoltaic (PV), Concentrated Photovoltaic (CPV) or Concentrated Solar Power (CSP), sunlight is converted into electricity that can provide power to

sector to view solar energy as a “replacement harvest” and create cleaner forms of energy by transforming vacant or even underused land into farms that produce electrical energy. Solar farming lets individuals with nonincome producing or otherwise useless acreage to generate a really great rate of return on investment. Imagine making 12 to 15% or more assured return on investment for 30 years without any up-front money. If you have a farm or ranch, even if smaller than an acre, in a location that gets direct sunlight consistently throughout the day and year round, you might consider installing a solar energy system as an alternative source of power. Having a solar energy system would allow you to produce your own electricity. Additionally you could sell some of your electricity to your neighbors, local businesses, or even the local utility company. This is a brand new approach to the solar energy business.

On a solar farm, large amounts of power are generated from sunlight. Since solar energy is collected from a wide area, it is important to view the process as “farming” to “harvest” renewable energy from the sun. Solar farming is an opportunity for those in the agricultural

Solar energy provides a new kind of experience to farmers in growing their crops. New commercial solar technologies enable farmers to capture solar energy to produce electricity, heat and hot water to enrich their farms, businesses or homes. Solar power provides economic development and energy independence to farmers.

your farm. The Future of Solar Farming in Modern India India is blessed with a vast Solar Energy potential. About 5,000 trillion kWh of solar energy is

particularly for meeting rural energy needs, thereby empowering people at the grassroots level. Solar electricity could also shift about 90% of daily trip mileage from gasoline to electricity by encouraging

How to Implement Solar Farming Some governments are providing huge grants or subsidies to fundsolar community UK's biggest energy farm connects to national grid solar farm projects as part of their energy programs. Solar farming can help advance India's use of renewable energy and help assure achievement of economic development goals. To successfully implement Solar Farming requires feedin tariffs. This allows farmers Courtesy: SolFocus Efficiency Comparison of Solar Technologies to invest with the security of 20 to 25 year Government Grants. The energy incident over India every year. Each increased use of plug-in hybrid day most parts cars. For drivers in India this of the country means that the cost per mile receive 4-7 kWh could be reduced by one-fourth per square meter (in today's prices)� of land area5. India's deserts A decline in solar panel prices over and farm land the last two years also has contributed are the sunniest to exponential increases in solar in the world, and deployment worldwide and lower thus suitable for project costs. These factors have large-scale allowed developers to offer solar power energy prices comparable to those production. paid for wind and fossil-fuel power. India can lead A new technology that also holds the world by promise is Concentrated Photovoltaic embracing the from these farms is purchased (CPV). First brought to commercial power of the sun, if smart business directly by utilities, who often sign operation in 2008, CPV uses a models and realistic policies can be 10 to 20 year energy purchase concentrating optical system that developed and implemented contracts with solar farm focuses a large area of sunlight onto nationwide as quickly as possible. owners/operators thereby securing the individual photovoltaic cells. The Indian Government should low-cost energy for the end user. This feature makes CPV panels two embrace favorable tax structures and to three times more efficient consider providing financial Solar farms will also play a vital role (approximately 40%) at converting resources to fund projects to put up in reducing greenhouse gas emissions sunlight to electricity as compared to community solar farms as part of that contribute to global warming. silicon-based PV (15% to 20%) and their energy development programs. Just like many other traditional farm thin films (9% to 13%)3. For details India can become the Saudi Arabia of activities, solar farming is truly see the chart above. clean Solar Energy. environmentally friendly. By installing solar farm equipment, Major cost reductions will be realized you'll also considerably boost the “Solar Energy has the advantage through mass manufacturing. The value of your property - it's a great of permitting the decentralized steep increase in system efficiency, selling point should you decide to sell distribution of energy, combined with decreases in


The next generation distributed nature of solar farmed renewable energy will provide a strategic advantage it will make the present utility companies and infrastructure obsolete. In my opinion, all new energy production in India could be from renewable sources by 2030 and all existing Courtesy: Bright Source Energy - Mojave Desert-based generation could Ivanpah Solar ElectricGenerating System to supply be converted to 2,600 megawatts of power to the grid. renewable energy gigawatt solar farm, which would Solar farms are becoming massive by 2050, if deployment is backed by include four square kilometers of for example, the Castilla La Mancha the right enabling public policies. solar panels stationed 36,000 solar farm in Spain occupies an area kilometers above the earth's surface. Farming Solar Energy in Space the size of seventy football pitches The energy that will be produced by the solar farm would be enough to Harvesting solar power supply power to nearly 400,000 from space through average Japanese homes. orbiting solar farms sounds extremely California's next source of renewable interesting. The concept power could be an orbiting set of of solar panels beaming solar panels, high above the equator down energy from space that would beam electricity back to has long been thought as earth via a receiving station in Fresno too costly and difficult. County. Sometime before 2016, However, due to the Solaren Corp. plans to launch the current global energy world's first orbiting solar farm. crisis and concerns Unfurled in space, the panels would about the environment, bask in near-constant sunshine and Japanese researchers at provide a steady flow of electricity the Institute for Laser day and night. Receivers on the Technology in Osaka and will have 100,000 solar panels ground would take the energy have produced up to 180 watts of when fully operational; capable of transmitted through a beam of laser power from sunlight. Scientists generating 30 million kilowatts an electromagnetic waves - and feed it in Hokkaido have completed tests of hour. into California's power grid. Pacific a power transmission system Gas and Electric Co. has agreed to designed to send energy buy power from a startup company in microwave form to that wants to tap the strong, unfiltered Earth. Mitsubishi sunlight found in space to solve the Electric Corp., a growing demand for clean energy. manufacturer of solar panels, has decided to Conclusions join a $24 billion Japanese project to Solar energy represents a bright spot construct a massive solar on India's economic front. If India farm in space within makes a massive switch from coal, three decades. oil, natural gas and nuclear power plants to solar power, it is possible Japan has already started that 70% of India's electricity and working towards its goal 35% of its total energy could be by developing a solar-powered by 2030. This would Courtesy: Nellis Air Force Base solar Farm panels, USA technology for a 1manufacturing costs could levelize the cost of energy for CPV at around $0.10/kWh by 2015. Various incentives by Central and State governments, including tax credits and feed-in tariffs, can further reduce the cost. Also, the “free fall� in solar panel prices has been driven by the growth of solar installations, which is no longer a small business but an over $100 billion industry worldwide. Cost reductions are so dramatic that Bloomberg recently reported solar energy could soon rival coal. The cost has become so competitive during peak times in Japan and California that the U.S. Department of Energy's SunShot goal of $1 per watt for large projects by 2017 may happen a lot sooner.


require the creation of a vast region of photovoltaic cells in the Southwest and other parts of the country that could operate at night as well as during the day. Excess daytime energy can be stored in various forms such as molten or liquid salt (a mixture of sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate), compressed air, pumped hydro, hydrogen, battery storage, etc., which would be used as an energy source during nighttime hours. Solar Energy will be competitive with coal as improved and efficient solar cells, concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) and concentrated solar power (CSP) enter the market. I predict that solar farming advancements and growth would empower India's rural economies. To take advantage of low cost renewable solar energy,

companies will move their operations from urban areas to rural areas due to cheaper land and labor within the solar belt. The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE) says solar photovoltaic is poised to compete with fossil fuels within the next 10 years because the PV systems have the potential to be the most economical form of generating electricity, even compared to traditional fossil fuels. "Solar PV will be a game changer," said James Prendergast, IEEE Senior Member and IEEE Executive Director4. "No other alternative source has the same potential. As the cost of electricity from solar continues to decrease compared to traditional energy sources we will see tremendous market adoption, and I suspect it will

be a growth limited only by supply. I fundamentally believe that solar PV will become one of the key elements of the solution to our near- and longterm energy challenges.� Solar Farming is a renewable source of energy and the greenest form of commercial energy. Solar Energy has become the leading alternative to the costly and eco disasters associated with fossil fuels. I urge the Government of India to accelerate the country's solar energy expansion plans and policies by implementing government subsidies for residential solar power through renewable energy rebates and feed-in tariffs. Solar Farming is a great concept for an efficient use of otherwise barren land. I think it's time to recognize that our energy must ultimately come from

renewable resources, and hasten deployment of renewable energy. India must ramp up its effort to develop and implement utility scale solar energy in conjunction with its private partners to bring solar energy to market as quickly as possible. Large utility scale solar energy farms are part of the answer to implementing energy generated from the sun to meet India's economic development goals. For example, Google is investing $168 million in the biggest Solar Farm ever. When completed in 2013, the Mojave Desert-based Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System will send approximately 2,600 megawatts of power to the grid, doubling the amount of solar thermal power produced in the U.S and generating enough electricity to power 140,000

California homes when operating at full capacity. I personally think there are no technological or economic barriers to supplying almost 100% of India's energy demand through the use of clean renewable energy from solar, wind, hydro and biogas by 2050. India needs a radical transformation of energy system to the efficient use of renewable energies, especially solar power. Solar Energy is a game-changing program for India. India must accelerate and encourage the domestic development of renewable energy now. It is a question of whether we have the societal and political will to achieve this goal to eliminate our wasteful spending and dependence on foreign sources of

energy and save our planet. The Indian Government should provide favorable government policies to ease the permitting process and to provide start-up capital to promote the growth of solar energy. I think that policy changes can go a long way toward reducing costs. In the coming years state and central governments should provide initiatives and other support in order to increase solar power plant capacity. India could potentially increase grid-connected solar power generation capacity to over 200,000 MW by 2030, if adequate resources and incentives are provided. Solar energy is a Win-Win situation for India and the environment, and has the potential to power India's economy, create millions of new jobs and change the face of India as a Green Nation.


Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the writer and are not intended to represent the views or policies of the United States Department of Energy. The article was not prepared as part of the writer's official duties at the United States Department of Energy. Web Sites: Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, Government of India ( U.S. Department of Energy ( SolFocus ( Solar Industry ( Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission - Towards Building SOLAR INDIA Periodicals, Journals, and Articles: “How Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Technology Can

Meet India's Future Power Needs” by Darshan Goswami, Triple Pundit, February 24, 2010; ( “Concentrated Photovoltaics Technology Carving A Compelling Niche,” by Nancy Hartsoch, Solar Industry Magazine June 11, 2011( “Google invests $280 million to spur home solar” Yahoo News by Jonathan Fahey, AP - Energy Writer Jun 14, 2011. “Farming Solar Energy in Space” - Scientific American Magazine July 2008. “Solar Energy Applications for Farms and Ranches” U.S. Department of Energy - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, hes/index.cfm/mytopic=30006

Darshan Goswami has over 35 years of experience in the energy field. He is working for United States Department of Energy (DOE) as a Project Manager in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He retired as Chief of Energy Forecasting and Renewable Energy from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in Washington, DC. Earlier, he worked for 30 years at Duquesne Light Company, an electric utility company in Pittsburgh, PA, USA. He is a registered Professional Electrical Engineer with a passion and commitment to promote, develop and deploy Renewable Energy Resources and the Hydrogen Economy). His contact email address:


AIRWATT -- An innovative technology that can produce electricity at only $0.0137/kWh without any environmental impact! By Dr. Melvin L. Prueitt

“While searching through patents of the U.S. Patent office, one often encounters an invention that looks like it should be a great commercial success. It is not just the cleverness of the invention that determines its success, but rather the manner in which it is “sold” or marketed. A large fraction of the patented inventions could now be in production, helping to solve some of the world's problems and bringing wealth to the manufacturing companies, but the inventor or others involved with the inventions were unsuccessful in promoting the concepts. On the other hand, there are many mediocre inventions that are enjoying large-scale manufacturing and distribution, due to effective marketing” Windmills and wind turbines have been using the energy of the wind for many decades, but only recently the large scale development of wind turbines has attracted the investment of many billions of dollars. What would happen if a totally new energy technology was proposed? Suppose no one had ever heard of it before. The investors would be reluctant to risk their money, even though scientists declare that the principles are sound. Suppose this new technology can produce much more electrical power per unit area of land than solar, wind, or hydro power plants? Whereas, solar power plants work during sunlight hours, suppose this new power plant can usually run 24 hours per day in appropriate locations. Suppose you were told that the machine runs on air and water. Would you believe it?

We call this new patent-pending engine “AirWatt,” which is an abbreviation of “Air” and “Water,” but the “Watt” also refers to power. Heat engines, such as coal-fired plants, require a heat source and a heat sink. AirWatt uses warm air as a heat source and the evaporation of water as the heat sink. It works best in desert areas where the humidity is low.

“Since the latent heat of water evaporation is so large, a small amount of water can produce a lot of power. The average amount of water flowing through the turbines at Hoover Dam is about 500 cubic meters per second as it produces 550 MW of electrical power. If only 1% of that much water were pumped from Lake Mead to an AirWatt Power plant out in the desert, it could produce 630 MW of power. That is over a hundred times as much power per gallon of water compared to the power output of Hoover Dam”

In operation, the intake of warm air into an AirWatt heat exchanger boils a refrigerant, and the high-pressure vapor flows through a turbine to generate electricity. The vapor then flows to a condenser where it is condensed by the evaporation of water. Rather than just cooling the condenser down to wet-bulb temperatures, the AirWatt concept cools it down to near the dew point. Computer programs have simulated the entire operation of AirWatt machines to validate the power output for each given quantity of air and water intake with air of specified temperature and humidity. To build a plant that produces 10 MW of electric power when the humidity is 10%, it would require one-third of an acre of land. No cooling towers are required. A 10 MW solar trough power plant would require 35 acres just for the solar field. A PV field would be about twice that size. Requiring less land should appeal to the environmentalists. Since the AirWatt plants are small, they can be placed in cities, on warehouse roofs,


and even in backyards of homes or on the roofs of houses. In places like Palm Springs or Thermal, California, a 10 MW AirWatt power plant would produce 9 to 12 MW of power from about 11 AM until about 9 PM during the summer (May through September). It would taper off to about 2 to 3 MW by dawn the next morning and then climb back up to 10 MW by 11 AM. Its power curve is in close approximation to the grid requirements, especially in areas where much air-conditioning is required. The plant would produce about 172,000 kWh per summer day. A 10 MW solar trough plant would

Hoover Dam, but people may argue that Hoover Dam puts the water back into the river. However, evaporation of water from Lake Mead amounts to 360 billion gallons per year. With AirWatt, that is enough water to generate 5.47 GW of power 24 hours per day for a year with air at 10% relative humidity. Hydro-power plants usually have lakes that evaporate water.

“Water for AirWatt can come from rivers, lakes, oceans, streams, underground aquifers, or even waste water” Making sure that the technology is unique is important to the future

examination” means that the International Searching Authority had found no patents like AirWatt. By saying that it has “Industrial Applicability,” they mean that it should be valuable in the [energy] industry. AirWatt recently received international attention. We submitted a description of AirWatt to NASA Tech Briefs' annually sponsored contest called "Create the Future Design Contest." Scientists and engineers from all over the world enter the contest each year by sending in descriptions of their new inventions. On December 14, 2010, we received a notice from NASA that AirWatt was one of winners of the “Sustainable Technologies Category” out of 171 entries from around the world into that category. A scientific reviewer said, "This proposal addresses a very important renewable generation opportunity. This innovation would be a significant contributor to [renewable energy]. The scientific approach is sufficient to validate the thermodynamic feasibility of the innovation. To the best of this reviewer's knowledge, this innovation is completely original and unmatched. It is unlikely that similar research is being done anywhere." Another reviewer said, "This proposal is very well thought through and sound and has terrific potential to open an interesting area of research and development."


produce about 100,000 kWh per summer day, and it would require 100 times as much land area as AirWatt. And, AirWatt is less expensive to build. The electricity produced is cheaper than electricity produced by any other power system. Some people may be concerned that AirWatt uses water. In many places in the world, there is abundant water, even though it may be salt water or waste water. It was pointed out above that AirWatt produces over 100 times as much power per gallon of water compared to power produced by

commercial success of AirWatt. Initially we did considerable patent searching for patents of inventions that can do what AirWatt can do, and we found none. We then contracted National Patent Service to perform an independent patent search in the US and elsewhere, and they found no conflicting patents. On 11/26/10, we received notice from the PCT International Searching Authority that AirWatt passed the examination, and they stated that all 9 claims show Novelty, Inventive Step, and Industrial Applicability. The statement that “AirWatt passed the

Fossil fuel plants pollute the air as they generate power. AirWatt actually cleans the air while it generates power. A 10 MW plant would clean 1.44 billion cubic meters of air per day. That is 1.44 cubic kilometers of air per day. Imagine if there were a number of AirWatt plants around Phoenix, Arizona. They would make a cleaner atmosphere. Furthermore, since that would reduce the number of fossil-fuel plants required to produce electric power for the city, the air would be even cleaner. The AirWatt plant actually cools the air a few degrees as it runs. This would produce cooler air for Phoenix residents and would save some air-

conditioning expense. Since the cool air coming out of AirWatt plants is heavier than the surrounding hot air, the cool air would flow close to the ground and would flow down the streets of Phoenix.

Summary Directly using the very large latent heat of vaporization of water for the production of electric power has been overlooked by industry. The evaporation or condensation of water involves about 2,450,000 joules of energy per kilogram (1.06 quarts of water) at the temperature AirWatt uses water. To comprehend how much

energy that is, calculate how high the kilogram of water could be lifted with that much energy. It can lift the kilogram of water 155 miles (250 kilometers) into space. Imagine building a dam that is 155 miles tall and filling the space behind the dam with water. The pressure at the bottom of the dam would be 24,180 atmospheres (350,000 psi) (assuming the water is incompressible). If we let one kilogram of the water per second flow out the bottom into a turbine, it could produce 2.45 MW of power. Of course, AirWatt is operating at only about 6% efficiency, so the power per kg of water per second is 147 kW. Why aren't we using this energy

source? This technology should be developed and take its place among the renewable energy systems of solar, wind, wave, geothermal, and hydropower. Arizona, Southern California, New Mexico, Nevada, and West Texas are good places to start. Other desert areas in the world, such as the Middle East, northern Africa, Australia, northwestern Mexico, and parts of India, are places into which to expand as we build a new method of renewable energy production.

Dr. Prueitt was the first to determine the temperature of lightning strokes. He has received considerable worldwide attention for his development and patents on convection towers for smog reduction and power production. International Express (September 19, 2000) selected Prueitt's convection tower as one of the Top 100 Inventions of the 20th Century. A recent book entitled “Inventing the 20th Century, 100 Inventions That Shaped the World,” had a two-page chapter about Prueitt's work on convection towers entitled “Convection Towers to Cleanse the Air” (ISBN 0814788122). The book has been recommended by Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, Publishers Weekly, HeraldRepublic, and L.A. Daily Breeze. He developed and patented concepts for high magnetic fields with small forces on the conductors. He developed electrical conductor geometries for high magnetic energy storage with low magnetic field pollution. He is recognized as a pioneer in the field of computer graphics. Dr. Prueitt was a theoretical physicist at the Los Alamos National Laboratory for a number of years. For more information, see or contact the author by email: /

21 Wind is a clean, local source of energy, and it is one of the cheapest clean energy technologies. In some areas, wind can compete in price with fossil fuels.

Capacity building to accelerate growth of Renewable Energy Industry in India By Swaminathan Mani and Dr. Meenu Mishra


“The total potential of grid connected, renewable energy sources in India are more than 90,000 MW and till date around 20,000 MW have been tapped. However, only half of this installed capacity of 20,000 MW is currently part of the electricity mix. That will change quickly, as India has several proactive policies in place to accelerate generation of electricity from renewable sources. While a lot of emphasis is given on getting the policy and financial aspects of the renewable energy conundrum right, equal focus must be given to develop human capital that is needed by these renewable energy producers, to achieve projected growth� India's booming service sector industry today recruits most of the engineers and technologists that graduate from thousands of colleges in the country. Renewable Energy companies need to compete with many of these established service sector companies for quality resources to scale their operations. If the Renewable Energy companies don't get their human capital strategies right, it will derail their ambitious growth program. This article will discuss the case of how

the Indian Information Technology sector got their human capital planning right, which helped them to achieve a compounded growth rate of over 30% for last several years� Introduction Renewable Energy (RE) sources form a small portion (around 10%) of India's overall Energy consumption today. However, India has to quickly get RE sources to play a major role in servicing the energy needs of its population, if it has to realize the ambition of 9% GDP growth of its economy, year-on-year. This growth cannot be met by fossil fuels alone. At some point the contribution of Renewable energy sources must form a substantial portion of the overall Energy bucket. The reasons are well known and well documented Environmental concerns, depleting fossil fuel resources, excessive dependency on Oil imports etc. that it hardly merits repetition. Currently in India, emphasis is given to accelerate the growth of clean energy sector by all the stakeholders. Proactive policies, Incentive structures, financing options, capital subsidies, feed-in tariffs etc. are getting adequate

attention. However, the stakeholders need to also focus on ramping up the human capital capacity that is needed by the renewable energy sector to support their ambitious growth plans. Lack of timely availability of high quality resources, alone, can derail the future growth projections of the renewable energy sector. Also, critical resources cannot be 'lifted and shifted' from conventional energy plants to service the needs of renewable energy industry as these capabilities are not fungible across both these sectors. Renewable Energy Industry has unique resource needs that have to be developed rather than acquired from other, albeit related, Industries. Every 100 MW of new capacity addition would need 50 direct employees. So the renewable energy Industry that has plan to add additional 50,000 MW in the next 10 years, needs to identify and groom 250,000 potential employees by the year 2020 to support their growth plans. Indian IT-ITeS sector that currently employs over 2,500,000 resources, has successfully demonstrated how this can be done in a factory mode. Key lessons can be learnt here.

India's Energy Story and Market opportunities for Renewables India has over 20 GW of installed renewable power generating capacity as of June 2011. Installed wind capacity is the largest share at over 14 GW, followed by small hydro at 2.8 GW. The remainder is dominated by bioenergy, with solar contributing only 18 MW. The Eleventh Plan calls

for grid-connected renewable energy to exceed 25 GW by 2012. Renewable energy technologies are being deployed at industrial facilities to provide supplemental power from the grid, and over 70% of wind installations are used for this purpose. Biofuels have not yet reached a significant scale in India. India's Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) supports the further deployment of renewable technologies through policy actions, capacity building, and oversight of their wind and solar research institutes. The Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) provides financial assistance for renewable projects with

funding from the Indian government and international organizations; they are also responsible for implementing many of the Indian government's renewable energy incentive policies. However, the renewable energy sources have huge potential that is yet to be tapped fully. High capital costs, uncertain payback, poor financial health of Electricity boards,

“India has plans to add another 55,000 MW in the next 10 years from Renewable sources which work out to 5500 MW/year of clean energy from multiple sources, wind being the leader in the renewable energy mix. Aggressive plans to scale up solar energy installations, biomass power and small hydro projects are on the anvil, which

evolving evacuation facilities and, most importantly, poor patronage of renewable energy sources by consumers could be plausible reasons for sector to the modest performance of this sector. The table (fig 2.0) gives the estimated potential of renewable energy in India and current generation capacity.

will see overall investments of over US $ 50 Billion in the clean energy sector in the next few years�

The wind industry has achieved an installed capacity of 13,000 MW. India has also installed 2939 MW of small hydro plants and 2632 MW of biomass-based power plants. Wasteto-energy projects have a capacity of 72 MW. India has off-grid renewable power capacities of 450 MW.

However, one important supply side constraint - lack of timely availability of high quality resources on a continuous basis -can derail the future growth projections of the renewable energy sector. Today a lot of attention is given to the policy and financial aspects of clean energy sector. Focus needs to shift to the

Also, increasing participation of private sector companies (as shown in Fig 3) will accelerate the growth of clean energy generation.



human capital availability, soon, to ensure that supply side bottlenecks do not slow down the growth envisaged for the sector. Many of the jobs that will be created in the renewable energy industry are specialized jobs and hence resources cannot be

a small percentage of 3 Million people that graduate from the thousands of colleges in India are readily employable and they have shown a definite affinity to move into the Indian IT sector. Hence renewable energy industry stakeholders need to come up with holistic human capital management strategies to ensure a

transported from other industries. Of course few support roles like Marketing, Finance, Human resources can be made available but Field Engineering, Installations, Support, R&D, Operations, Plant Maintenance etc. need trained resources that have to be identified and groomed.

steady supply of qualified talent pool is available to support its ambitious growth plans. Indian IT - ITeS industry, which currently employs around 2,500,000 people had faced similar resource challenges, for the last 10 years, and has successfully put robust mechanisms overcome these. Clean Energy sector will benefit from observing the best practices adopted by Indian IT companies to access quality resources.

Every 100 MW of new capacity addition in clean energy would need 50 direct employees (allowing for some redundancies). So the renewable energy Industry that has plans to add additional 50,000 MW in the next 10 years needs to identify and groom 250,000 potential employees by the year 2020 to support their growth plans. Most importantly, clean energy sector has to compete with the fast growing services industry in India, like Information Technology, Hotels, Retail and Tourism, for the same available talent pool. Moreover, only

Similarities between Indian IT sector and Renewable Energy sector There are several similarities, at a fundamental level, that exist between the Indian IT sector of the 1990s and the Renewable energy sector of present, in India. A few key ones are listed below 1.Renewable energy sector is in a

'take-off' stage at present, similar to Indian IT sector of the 90s decade Excellent growth potential, enabling policy environment, funds availability, access to technical institutions etc. 2.Private sector involvement driving the growth of Renewable sector in

India. Like the IT industry of the previous two decades, the renewable energy industry is driven by entrepreneurs from the private sector (more than 80% of Renewable energy investments are from private sector) who have access to technical resources, funds, managerial talent, Innovation, Strategic alliances and foreign partners 3.Dependency on engineering talent: In many ways like the IT industry, the renewable energy sector is also a knowledge and innovation driven industry. Thanks to mushrooming engineering and technology institutes of reasonable repute in India, raw talent is available that needs to be groomed for developing this sector the basis of this article. 4.Export markets for services: Renewable sources are witnessing a spectacular growth in many parts of Europe and Americas. While

companies are able to supply the equipment needed, there is a huge shortage of trained skills for maintenance and overhaul of these systems. India is likely to become the global service hub for servicing these equipments (turbines, gearbox etc.) very similar to how Indian IT has become the global delivery centre for the corporations around the world. 5.Linear growth in business tied to headcount: Indian IT grew in a linear way with available talent pool. So an IT company that employed 10,000 people had revenue of $ 100 Million

compounded growth of over 33%. The resources that were employed by Indian IT grew from less than a hundred thousand in 1998 to over 2 Million now, all in a matter of 12 years. Clearly, availability of trained resources contributed significantly to the growth of the sector, as revenue growth achieved was due to headcount. Several proactive steps to develop human capital, during the last decade, helped fuel this engine of growth. Some of the key strategies to

computer education background, who can be groomed to handle programming jobs with a focused training agenda. They provided the much needed oxygen to propel the growth trajectory. Enable Training and Certification programs on a continuous basis to keep the knowledge of the work force current. This helped the engineers to be conversant with cutting edge technologies, which were demanded


and one that employed 20,000 people did around $ 200 Million of business. Access to human resources expedited or limited the growth of an IT company in the foreseeable future, renewable energy sector will grow linear too. Case study of Human Capital acquisition strategies adopted by Indian IT sector The Indian IT and ITeS market grew from less than $ 2 Billion in 1998 to close to $ 75 Billion in 2010 a

develop skills are;

by the customers globally.

Establishment of hundreds of MCA degree colleges, IIITs and similar Technology Institutions of repute, focused on imparting relevant computer r education. These educational institutes became the catchment area for the rapidly expanding IT sector.

Proactive participation in curriculum development in colleges ensured that the engineers who graduated from there had acceptable level of skills as needed by the Industry.

Coaching Institutes to impart software skills to people with non-

Investments in faculty development programs guaranteed that quality of education imparted to the students met standards as

demanded by the Industry. Curriculum development and 'train the trainer' programs ensured that the engineers who graduated from these colleges were immediately deployed on billable client projects as soon as they joined the workforce. Very little efforts were expended in training programs at companies, as much of the relevant learning had happened at the colleges itself. Regular 'Industry Academia' interaction helped the faculty, researchers and students to get a real world view of how the Indian IT industry worked and what needs to be done to prepare themselves for the challenges of the working world. There are several examples of leading IT companies 'adopting' a few colleges and giving them paid technical project work - to ensure the 'finished products' of these institutes needed minimal rework when they join the workforce.


Encourage continuing education programs for the workforce. Several companies have dedicated training departments, with substantial budgets, that work closely with academic institute to offer dedicated courseware programs for the employees. Skill enhancement programs have not only made the workforce more productive but have also reduced attrition, as the employees feel more engaged with the company. Finishing schools. NASSCOM (the IT Industry body) is facilitating the conduct of Finishing Schools in IT by Engineering Colleges for students not yet employed by the industry. The program will help hone the IT skills and soft skills of candidates through a 360-hour (2-month) program covering core subjects in IT and communication skills, and a specialization option in IT, coupled

with 120 hours of self-paced learning. The program was launched in the summer of 2007. NASSCOM has been working with the Indian IT / BPO industry to create a national assessment and certification program - the NASSCOM Assessment of Competence (NAC). There are two different employability tests that have been developed, one for the BPO and the other for the IT industry. The NASSCOM Assessment of Competence series is an employment skills assessment that is applicable for entry into the IT / BPO sectors. The initiative is aimed at creating a robust and continuous pipeline of talent for the industry. This will be done by continuously assessing candidates on key skills through a national standard assessment, thus making it easier for firms to screen candidates and also provide training need analysis to candidates. This will then be tied in to training and development efforts to help more candidates become competent to work in the industry. The target audience for tests is final year students who will be venturing into the job markets. The intent behind assessing these students is to analyze the level of talent which is available in various parts of India, especially in tier-2 and tier-3 cities. Gauging this would eventually help identify the various regions in India where the readily available IT / BPO fit talent pool exists.

Setting up of dedicated colleges (similar to the IIIT for the IT courses) with focussed renewable energy courses with importance to high quality research and consultancy programs. Dedicated MTech, BTech courses needs to be kick-started in these colleges. Augmenting existing universities of repute such as NITs, IITs and other premier colleges, with a focussed renewable energy specific course curriculum. Skill enhancement of professionals through short term training programs conducted by MNRE and other leading Industry association bodies Augmenting the infrastructure and training facilities in the ITIs to focus on skill development at the grass root level - ITI/Technician level. Craftsman training schemes, installation engineers (diploma holders), routine maintenance engineers, support and service technicians. Creation of National Fellowship program (for higher learning like M Tech and PhD programs in IITs) to encourage cutting edge research in the renewable energy sector Augmenting Diploma programs to focus on the ancillary industries (spares needed for turbines, gearbox manufacturing etc.) that need to grow to support the growth of mainstream renewable energy sector

There are several such initiatives undertaken by individual companies, Industry bodies like NASSCOM, educational institutes and the Government to grow the talent pool available for IT sector.

Create a national renewable energy fellowship program to motivate students to take up advance education in the field of renewable energy

Recommendations for building human capital for the clean energy sector

Setting up of several private training institutes (with due accreditation from MNRE or similar

Government body) that offer certification courses of short duration in the area of renewable energy specific to each sector Solar, Wind, Biomass, Small Hydro etc. Faculty exchange programs with leading European Universities: Several education and research organization in countries like Denmark, Germany and UK are leaders in the field of renewable energy, with access to impressive body of knowledge. MNRE and other research institutes need to collaborate closely with those European institutes for exchange programs where faculties from those institutes can train the trainers in India. Multiple part-time/online courses for working professional needs to be created so that people who have challenges to leave their job for a fulltime study can pursue, distance learning programs in the field of renewable energy. Conclusions Energy sector in India needs to grow at exponential rate to keep pace with the rapid growth of the Indian

economy. As a matter of fact, lack of adequate, reliable energy supply alone can derail the pace of growth of the economy. India's dependence on fossil fuels and the attendant consequences on the environment are well documented. If India has to sustain its higher trajectory of growth momentum then more fossil fuels cannot be the answer, as growth cannot come at the cost of completely polluted environment, degraded ecology and depleted green cover.

extend India's dependency on fossil fuels to fire its economy. Thankfully, success stories of others who have covered this journey, like the one mentioned in this paper, would give enough pointers for India to adopt the best practices of growing the talent base to manage the renewable energy sector. Once a critical mass of clean energy generation is reached, then the entire sector will be in an auto-pilot mode. Now, that would be the most desirous goal. References

Adoption of Renewable energy sources or RE Source is a natural progression in India energy basket. As per estimates, the total investment potential of renewable energy sector in India is around US $50 Billion. While the potential for employment generation (likely to employ about 500,000 people) is phenomenal with such huge investments likely to come in; supply side policies need to be geared up to make sure those resources are readily available and employable. There's a lot more ground to cover to build large pool of trained and qualified human capital base that are needed to grow the clean energy sector. Else, lack of access to skilled resources can slow down the growth of the renewable energy sector, which will unfortunately

[1] Central Electricity Authority, Ministry of Power, Government of India.; [2] Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd, Govt. of India Website; [3] Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India. Source Website -; [4] NASSCOM; [5] Planning Commission, Government of India.

27 Swaminathan Mani is a PhD scholar of University of Petroleum and Energy Studies. He has done his BE (Hons.) from BITS Pilani and MBA from Bharathidasan University, Trichy. His contact email address:

Dr. Meenu Mishra, PhD is an Assistant Director (Academics) with UPES, Dehra Dun. Her contact email address:

The 5th Edition of World Future Energy Summit 2012, Abu Dhabi, January 16-19, 2012 By Staff Writer

The 5th edition of the World Future Energy Summit (WFES) 2012 will be held in Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC), United Arab Emirates, January 16-19, 2012. Hosted b y M a s d a r, W F E S p r o m o t e s innovation and investment opportunities surrounding renewable energy and environment. This event is organized by Reed Exhibitions.


Since it was first held in 2008, the World Future Energy Summit is a platform to facilitate practical progress in renewable energy. The urgent global need to find energy solutions that are both secure and sustainable is a challenge that requires a global response. This global event, held every year in Abu Dhabi and hosted by Masdar, provides a crucial platform to address this challenge. In recognition that only an interdisciplinary approach to this enormous challenge will yield tangible results, the annual summit addresses issues of public policy, research and development and business in a coordinated approach. Under the ongoing patronage of H.H. General Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, Masdar hosted the inaugural World Future Energy Summit in January 2008. In a short period, the summit has gained recognition as one of the world's most influential gatherings of leaders in the clean technology and renewable energy sector. In 2011, WFES was proud to bring

together more than 35 official delegations (led by heads of state, royalty and ministers), 26,000 attendees, 600 exhibitors, 200 eminent speakers and 3150 high level delegates from 112 countries to discuss the key issues surrounding the provision of clean and secure energy. WFES is unique in its ability to attract the public and private leaders to address the critical issues and identify the actions that must take place globally at corporate, political and economic levels. As a meeting opportunity, it is unrivalled in linking global project owners and solution providers with investors. WFES combines a high level Summit with two exhibitions focusing on energy and the environment, plus the Young Future Energy Leaders programme, a Project Village, Round Table discussion, Technology Showcases, industry seminars, corporate meetings and social activities. This extensive engagement from decision makers and influencers in the energy industry from across the world is helping to bring about solid and practical solutions to the challenges facing the world in terms of energy and climate change. The selection of Abu Dhabi to host the global headquarters of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) reinforces the UAE's capital's position as the emerging hub for renewable energy, and reaffirms its contribution to the global renewable energy industry. In addition to supporting IRENA as it endeavours to

deliver on its global mandate, Abu Dhabi through Masdar continues to afford considerable resources to the advancement and adoption of renewable energy. As well as providing substantial funding to IRENA and working towards a 7% renewable energy target by 2020, the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development has offered $50 million in annual loans to finance renewable energy projects in developing countries. Reed Exhibitions is the world's leading events organizer, with over 470 events in 37 countries. In 2008 Reed brought together over seven million industry professionals from around the world generating billions of dollars in business. Today Reed events are held throughout the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Asia Pacific, and organized by 38 fully staffed offices. Reed Exhibitions is part of Reed Elsevier Group plc, a FTSE-100 company and world-leading publisher and information provider. In 2007, Reed Elsevier made an adjusted profit before taxation of ÂŁ998 million on turnover of ÂŁ4,584 million. Our journal 'Energy Blitz' (EB) and its associate 'Indian Association of Energy Management Professions (IAEMP)' have been chosen as the India Media Partners for WFES-2012. For participating in this important energy event, we invite you to write to us ( e m a i l :

Prospects for Hydraulic Accumulator Ferry Propulsion By Harry Valentine

“The world price of oil has long affected the economics of airline, road and marine transportation sectors. Ferry vessel technology is unique in the wide variety of possible alternative forms of propulsion. There are propeller-less ferry vessels known as kinetic ferries that are propelled from land or by river currents and oceanic tidal currents. In other ferry operations, an electrically driven overhead cable that is driven from shore pulls a ferry vessel back and forth across a narrow water channel� Rising oil prices encourage examination of alternate forms of propulsive energy for a variety of vehicular applications. The physical size and weight restrictions that apply road, railway and air transport vehicles restrict the choice of alternative energy storage and propulsive technologies. The sheer physical size and fully laden weight of marine transport vehicles combined with an extremely low power-to-weight ratio (EG: 1horsepower moving 10-tons of payload) broadens the range of possible alternative energy storage and propulsive technologies.

Hydraulic Energy Storage:

Hydraulic Accumulator:

Hydraulic accumulator technology has long been used in the construction and automotive industries. In construction equipment, the compressed-airover-oil mobile hydraulic battery has been used to keep hydraulic equipment operational in the event of a sudden engine shut down. Hydraulic accumulators have been used to operate the brake systems of road and railway vehicles. Mining trucks built by Caterpillar and cars built by Citroen applied hydraulic accumulator technology to vehicle suspension systems.

Accumulator energy storage involves an air-over-liquid accumulator system operating at pressures of between 3000-psi and 5000-psi (20mPa to 35mPa). It is possible to adapt the concept to propel ferry vessels used in shortdistance services across deep channels, where building a bridge would be impractical. The water current in the channel would be negligible and using a tension cable across the channel to propel the vessel would otherwise be impractical.

Several city transport buses in Germany and in Sweden were modified to operate with hybrid airover-oil hydraulic propulsion, during acceleration. A diesel engine of half the power output of conventional city transport buses maintained vehicle speed between bus stops. Size and weight restrictions impose limits on the physical size of air-over-oil hydraulic propulsion for a road vehicle. The sheer physical size and weight capability of some shortdistance marine transport vessels allows for possible adaptation to compressed-air-over-water propulsive energy storage.

The energy storage system would involve an array of multiple, spherically shaped pressure vessels made of a maraging stainless steel. The process of maraging involves pumping super-cooled liquid nitrogen into the pressure vessel at extreme pressure, to raise the tensile strength of the steel. In a ship, each pressure vessel would include a membrane or separator to prevent contact between the liquid (water) and the gas (air). The gas would be atmospheric air kept at a minimum pressure of 3000-psi (20mPa) in each tank that would connect to an extensive coil of stainless steel pipe that in turn would connect to a hydraulic pump.


Electrically driven hydraulic pumps would pump water through the coiled pipes and pressurize each accumulator to 5000-psia (35mPa) during layovers at port, at each end of the journey. The electric power would come from the power grid, or local electrical generation installation. At some offshore locations, a submarine would carry electrical power from the mainland, for use on an island. The use of stainless steel would allow the accumulator system to operate in either a seawater or inland water environment.


The choice of compressed-air-overwater involves economics. Hydraulic pumps generate practically no heat in the liquid being pumped during the pumping process. They require less energy that air pumps to pump to the same pressure and are better suited for rapid recharge applications. In transportation service, the efficiency of pumped hydraulic systems has been high enough to offer cost benefits that result from the reduction in diesel fuel consumption. During operation, the compressed

air in the hydrau lic accum ulators would push the highly pressur ized water throug h any of several propul sive technol ogies to provide propulsion. Given the inertia and momentum of a large marine vessel that is moving at near constant speed, the propulsive system may operate in a series of short bursts of power as a means of conserving energy and extending operating range. The propulsive technologies may involve hydraulic motors and propellers, or it may involve a venturi water jet system.

During operation, the high-speed water jets may only account for 1% to 5% of the total water volume flow rate leaving the outlet to provide propulsion. Propeller-less ferry vessels may operate in environmentally sensitive waters where marine life or people may otherwise come into contact with propellers. The absence of rotating machinery also offers the prospects of reduced maintenance requirements. Bow and stern thrusters would use water-jet driven propellers to provide navigation control while the ferry is at port.



An accumulator ferry vessel propulsion system may combine the highly pressurized water driving a propeller via a hydraulic motor and a reduction gearbox. There is also the alternative of installing accumulator-driven water jets may on the outer edges of a large-diameter, slow turning propeller to convert the highvelocity low-mass flow rate of water to a low-velocity large-mass flow rate of water. The layout would raise propulsive efficiency and dispense with the hydraulic motors and gearboxes.

Most ferry services are presently powered by diesel fuel or by bunker oil. A future oil prices rise, ferry vessels powered by a variety of alternative technologies are likely to enter service around the world. Cost-competitive energy storage technologies that involve low complexity and greatly extended service life would likely see service in future designs of ferry vessels. A compressed-airover-water hydraulic accumulator propulsion system could form the basis of propulsion for some future ferry services, especially at geographic locations where oil prices greatly exceed the local price of electrical power.

A propeller-less water jet propulsion system would combine small high-speed jets of highly

pressurized water with a system of concentric venturi-type ducts. The objective of the layout would be to use a small high-speed jet of water to drive a much larger volume of water at lower velocity, to raise propulsive efficiency. Accumulator pressure could propel a water jet at 20C up to 1400m/s or 4600-ft/sec. The concentric duct system would include an adjustable, large-area water intake, with accumulatordriven water jets being installed upstream of the smallest section of duct.

Harry Valentine holds a degree in engineering and has a background in free-market economics. He has undertaken extensive research into the field of transportation energy over a period of 20-years and has published numerous technical articles on the subject. His economics commentaries have included several articles on issues that pertain to electric power generation. He lives in Canada and can be reached by e-mail at

Insights into Composting By Salman Zafar

The composting process is a complex interaction between the waste and the microorganisms within the waste. The microorganisms that carry out this process fall into three groups: bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes. Actinomycetes are a form of fungilike bacteria that break down organic matter. The first stage of the biological activity is the consumption of easily available sugars by bacteria, which causes a fast rise in temperature. The second stage involves bacteria and actinomycetes that cause cellulose breakdown. The last stage is concerned with the breakdown of the tougher lignins by fungi. The composting plants consist of some or all of the following technical units: bag openers, magnetic and/or ballistic separators, sieves, shredders, mixing and homogenization equipment, turning equipment, aeration systems, bio-filters, scrubbers, control systems etc. The composting process occurs when biodegradable waste is piled together with a structure allowing for oxygen diffusion and with a dry matter content suiting microbial growth. The temperature of the biomass increases due to the microbial activity and the insulation properties of the piled material. The temperature often

reaches 650C to 750C within a few days and then declines slowly. This high temperature hastens the elimination of pathogens and weed seeds. Composting Strategies


The methodology of composting can be categorized into three major segmentsanaerobic composting, aerobic composting, and vermincomposting. In anaerobic composting, the organic matter is decomposed in the absence of air. Organic matter may be collected in pits and covered with a thick layer of soil and left undisturbed six to eight months. The compost so formed may not be completely converted and may include aggregated masses. Aerobic composting is the process by which organic wastes are converted

into compost or manure in presence of air and can be of different types. The most common is the Heap Method, where organic matter needs to be divided into three different types and to be placed in a heap one over the other, covered by a thin layer of soil or dry leaves. This heap needs to be mixed every week, and it takes about three weeks for conversion to take place. The process is same in the Pit Method, but carried out specially constructed pits. Mixing has to be done every 15 days, and there is no fixed time in which the compost may be ready. Berkley Method uses a labor-intensive technique and has precise requirements of the material to be composted. Easily biodegradable materials, such as

grass, vegetable matter, etc., are mixed with animal matter in the ratio of 2:1. Compost is usually ready in 15 days. Vermicomposting involves use of earthworms as natural and versatile bioreactors for the process of conversion. It is carried out in specially designed pits where earthworm culture also needs to be done. Vermicomposting is a precision-based option and requires overseeing of work by an expert. It is also a more expensive option (O&M costs especially are high). However, unlike the above two options, it is a completely odorless process making it a preferred solution in residential areas. It also has an extremely high rate of conversion, so quality of the end product is very high with rich macro and micronutrients. The end product also has the advantage that it can be dried and stored safely for a longer period of time. Composting Systems The traditional turned aerobic windrow method of composting is the predominant method of composting. Within the identification of aerobic and anaerobic systems, four main methods are: ?


? ? ?

Turned/static aerobic windrow compostingaerobic and biological; Static pilesaerobic and biological; In-vessel aerobic windrow compostingaerobic and biological; Mechanical breakdownnonbiological;

The turned aerobic windrow composting, in-vessel aerobic composting, and static piles may be considered conventional methods of composting. Static windrow composting is a newer idea still being tested that allows aerobic composting to take place without the need for turning. The mechanical breakdown approach is a more radical attempt to produce a low-cost useable product from non-green municipal solid waste and commercial waste but within the current legislation. Turned Windrows Aerobic windrow composting is the

least technologically advanced and the oldest form of controlled

available and the composition of the material. Either air is blown into the windrow or an accelerator is added. After the windrow has reached the required time temperature profile, it is removed for maturation. In-Vessel Composting

composting. The operation of turned aerobic facilities can take place either in the open or under cover. This factor influences the time taken for the materials to compost, the investment required for the site and the importance of environmental issues such as odor and leachate. The most basic method is to use front-end loaders and conventional agricultural machinery. The alternative is to go for a more sophisticated system, which involves permanent windrow bays, and machinery that turns the windrow in-situ by traveling along the bay wall.

Static Windrows Static windrowing can be undertaken in one of two ways. Air is artificially blown into the windrowthis requires that an aeration system be present. An accelerator can be added to the windrow, which speeds up the process and enables it to remain aerated. Both of these systems can be undertaken either open or enclosed. Static windrow composting works in the following manner: Feedstock material arrive onsite and is either normally shredded or macerated. This helps remove moisture and reduce particle size. Feedstock material containing the correct ratio of carbon and nitrogen is mixed together and formed into windrows. The size of the windrow will depend on space

In-vessel composting uses slightly more advanced technologies than open windrows to ensure that the materials are composted effectively under more controlled conditions. The mixed feedstock materials are placed into the vessel. Conditions are controlled by altering the flow of air into and out of the system. Any malodors are removed as air is drawn out of the system. In-vessel composting technologies are often used to help get the material through the early stages of composting when odors and process control are most critical, and the material is then moved into a windrow or static pile system for the later stages of decomposition and curing. In-vessel composting can be classified into three categories: vertical, horizontal, and rotating composting reactors. Vertical composting reactors are generally over 4 meters high and can be housed in silos or other large structures. The height of these reactors makes process control difficult due to the high rates of airflow required per unit of distribution surface area. Horizontal composting reactors avoid the high temperature, oxygen, and moisture gradients of vertical reactors by maintaining a short airflow pathway. They come in a wide range of configurations, including static and agitated, pressure, and/or vacuum-induced aeration. Rotating drum composting reactors retain the material for only a few hours or days. While the tumbling action can help homogenize and shred materials, the short residence time usually means the processing is more physical than biological. Static Piles Static piles can be shaped much like windrows or in an elongated pile or bed but are not mechanically agitated. Once constructed by conveyor, loader, or truck, the piles remain in place until decomposition slows.



Static piles are often outside and exposed to weather but can be covered with a roof to minimize the impacts of weather and provide an opportunity for odor capture and treatment. There are two methods of aerated static pile composting - active aerated pile and passively aerated pile. The active aerated method has already been discussed. The passively aerated system is the exact same design, with the exception of the air system. The pipe ends are left open on either side. Air flows into the pipes and through the pile because of the chimney effect created as hot air rises upward out of the pile. Mechanical Breakdown This system operates differently from the turned windrow and in-vessel systems already. It is a newer approach to process large volumes of non-green municipal solid and commercial wastes cost-effectively. The system is mechanical in its operation with no encouragement of the biological element associated with normal composting. The system uses proven technology and allows rapid processing of large volumes of material. This type of system works in the following basic way: ?


Feedstock materials can be screened at the start to remove very large and some inorganic fractions of material. The feedstock material is passed through a set of either grinders or hammers to break down its particle size

mechanically. The processed materials can be screened again to remove further inorganic materials such as metals before being transported for application to land. The main advantage with this system is that it enables large volumes of non-green municipal waste and commercial waste to be processed rapidly and costeffectively.

tends to be less labor-intensive. Environmental Impacts Composting can be used as fertilizer for agricultural soils. This practice can be extremely important in order to decrease the amounts of chemical fertilizers used. Composting practices emit into the atmosphere different

Composting Costs Composting costs include site acquisition and development, regulatory compliance, facility operations, and marketing of the finished product. Additional requirements may include land for buffers around the compost facility, site preparation, and handling equipment such as shredders, screens, conveyors, and turners. Facilities and practice to control odors, leachate, and runoff are a critical part of any compost operation. The cost of constructing and operating a windrow composting facility will vary from one location to another. The operating costs depend on the volume of material processed. The use of additional feed materials, such as paper and mixed municipal solid waste, will require additional capital investment and materials processing labor. The capital costs of windrow or aerated piles are lower than in-vessel composting configuration. However, costs increase markedly when cover is required to control odors. In general, costs of windrow systems are the lowest compared to the other two techniques. The in-vessel system is more costly than other methods, mainly with respect to capital expenditures. In addition, it is more mechanized and more equipment maintenance is necessary; however, it

gases: greenhouse gases, volatile organic compounds, and odors. The main issues associated with composting are release of different greenhouse gases (volatile organic compounds, carbon dioxide, and methane) and odors (ammonia, hydrogen sulfide). Volatile organic compounds increase the level of smog, which can modify the temperature structure of the atmosphere, leading to climate changes. In soils and water systems, the major concerns are due to deposition of salts and heavy metals. Pollution of soils is mainly due to the addition of salts, heavy metals, and different organic compounds. Some metals are present in composted soils in higher concentrations than in agricultural soil (e.g. lead, zinc, and copper), which can lead to the impairment of crops. The main pollutants of the water systems are caused by washout processes of soils treated with compost. Therefore, the contamination of water systems includes heavy metals, different organic compounds (e.g., phenols, PAHs, PCBs, etc.,) and salts (e.g., nitrate, ammonium, etc.).

Salman Zafar is a Renewable Energy Advisor with expertise in biomass energy, waste-to-energy, cleantech, waste management and social entrepreneurship. Apart from managing his cleantech advisory firms BioEnergy Consult ( ) and Cleantech Loops (, he is also involved in fostering sustainable energy systems and creating mass awareness on environmental issues worldwide. Being a prolific author, he has many popular publications to his credit in reputed journals, magazines, newsletters and blogs. Salman possesses Master's and Bachelor's degrees in Chemical Engineering from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (India) and can be reached at


Nisargruna Biomass Plants in Kerala By Prof. Sharad P. Kale

(Photo: Nisargruna Biogas Plant at Kottayam Medical College)


NISARGRUNA technology started with a modest effort to take care of biodegradable waste materials produced in the canteens of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) in June 2001. Dr. Anil Kakodkar was Director at that time. His constant encouragement helped to overcome several obstacles in making this concept acceptable at various levels in the society. The other directors, Dr. Bhattacharji, Dr. Banerjee and Dr. Sinha who succeeded him, have continued to extend their whole hearted support in this mission. However even today it is difficult to say that the concept has been fully accepted. Rather it is finding stiff opposition at the level of city, State and Country's administrative wings. They have reasons to oppose. Some of these reasons may be attributed to the inadequate provisions in the code of administration. The major reason, however, is the lack of awareness and

poor perception which can easily be linked to lack of scientific spirit in the society. The idea that something is not useful and therefore it is labeled as waste has to be changed. We have been possessed by the word waste. The housekeeper wants to throw it out of his or her house. Municipality or other urban local body wants to throw it out of its premises. “Not in My Backyard” is the buzzword! This attitude would never help in managing this gigantic problem. Even Shakespeare would have withdrawn his famous statement “What is there in a name?” if he had seen what havoc the word 'Waste” has caused! Since any waste is a resource, it has to be treated like a resource. Consider the banana fruit. How carefully Nature has packed this fruit for us! Even with dirty hands you can eat it without even touching the core. It is our duty to make sure that this packing is returned to Nature for tomorrow's banana. Otherwise our

grandchildren would not have banana. This is true with all other natural products. Probably when the population was limited, resources were plenty. With 7 billion people (and still increasing) the simple arithmetic of Nature is getting disturbed. Nisargruna technology offers a solution to this menacing problem. We have a strong belief that solid waste management has to have a decentralized solution. Carrying waste from all corners of a city to a dumping yard has to be stopped. The creation of waste is decentralized. Hence it is logical that it should be processed in a decentralized manner. We can have various capacity Nisargruna plants at various locations based on population d e n s i t y. N i s a r g r u n a p l a n t supplemented with a dry waste resource shed can reduce more than 80% of waste resource reaching at dumping yards. These dumping yards may be replaced with scientific landfill sites.

NISARGRUNA plants are designed for handling and processing the biodegradable waste materials generated in kitchens, vegetable markets, slaughter houses, food and fruit processing industries, agro-waste, biological sludge generated in effluent treatment plants of food, paper and textile industries and biomass in a decentralized manner. These plants serve following purposes. Environment friendly disposal of biodegradable waste, which is need of hour considering mass pollution everywhere. Generation of fairly good amount of fuel gas, which will definitely support the dwindling energy resources. Generation of high quality manure, which would be weedless and an excellent soil conditioner. This is very important for replenishing fast decreasing resources of productive soils. It would reduce the menace of street dogs and other nuisance animals and pathogens, as major portion of biodegradable waste on dumping yards would no more be available for their feeding.

Employment generation Environmental protection by helping in maintenance of elemental cycles in the nature Nisargruna technology produces organic manure (soil conditioner) and biogas based on the process of biomethanation from biodegradable waste resources. The organically rich bio-degradable portion of solid waste is homogenized with recycled water to form slurry. The slurry is then aerobically digested in predigester, where organic matter is converted to organic acids. The predigestion is accentuated by addition of hot water and intermittent aeration. Predigestion reactions are exothermic and temperature rises to 40ยบC by itself. Hot water obtained using solar energy is added to raise the temperature to 50ยบC. If sunlight is not sufficient especially during winter, provision can be made to use part of the biogas generated to heat the required quantity of hot water using methane stoves. The main role of predigester is to digest proteins and low molecular weight carbohydrates to produce volatile fatty acids. It also helps in removing the scum forming materials. This important step is needed for making the process sustainable.

The smaller molecules like proteins and simple carbohydrates are degraded during Predigestion. The pH of the feed slurry to predigester is around 7-8. the retention time (Hydraulic time) of 4 days is maintained in the predigester. After the Predigestion the pH reduces to 4-5 pH units. The predigested slurry is further digested under anaerobic conditions for about 15 days. The process of methanogenesis takes place in this digester. Methane and carbon dioxide are the terminal products of this process. Methane is produced from two primary substrates viz. Acetate and Hydrogen/ Carbon dioxide (Formate). At this stage the organic acids are converted by consortium of methane bacteria to methane and carbon dioxide. The undigested lignocelluloses and hemi celluloses then flow out as high quality organic manure slurry. The pH of this slurry ranges from 7.5-8. since the waste is processed at higher temperature, weed seeds are killed completely and the manure becomes weed free. The three steps of Biogas production are as follows; 1) Hydrolysis 2) Acidification and 3) Methanogenesis. Various bacteria are involved in these processes.

Hydrolysis In the first step (hydrolysis), the organic matter is attacked by bacteria through extracellular enzymes (cellulose, amylase, protease and lipase) in the pre-digester tank. Converting solid waste into liquid form in the mixer stimulates this step. Bacteria start decomposing the long chains of the complex carbohydrates, proteins and lipids into shorter parts. Proteins are split into peptides and amino acids. Simple carbohydrates and proteins are degraded completely.

Acidification Acid-producing bacteria involved in the second step convert the intermediates of fermentingbacteria into acetic acid (CH 3 COOH), hydrogen (H2) and carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) in the predigester. These bacteria, of the genus bacillus, are aerobic and facultatively anaerobic,

and can grow under acidic conditions. An air compressor maintains aerobic conditions in the predigester. To produce acetic acid, the bacteria use the oxygen dissolved in the solution or bonded oxygen. Hereby, the acidproducing bacteria reduce the compounds with a low molecular weight into alcohols, organic acids, amino acids, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide and traces of methane. The pH of the raw slurry falls from 7.5 to about 4.5 to 5.5 in the pre-digester. It appears that in the predigester, various zones are formed and different bacteria dominate these zones. Addition of hot water helps in eliminating the mesophilic bacteria and selection of thermophilic bacteria. But these thermophilic bacteria can operate at lower temperatures also. Hence hot water added even once a day should be sufficient for maintaining the pure consortium in the predigester. However if it is possible to maintain the temperature of predigester in the range of 42-45oC throughout the day, the performance of predigester will definitely be better and the holding time may be further reduced. The hot water helps in hygienization of the slurry by killing the enteric bacteria that may be present in the waste. Some Gram negative Enterobacteria and Coliform bacteria have been isolated in the raw slurry. However in the second zone these bacteria are totally eliminated. From the pre-digester tank, the slurry enters the main tank where it undergoes anaerobic degradation by a consortium of Archaebactereacea belonging to Methanococcus group. These bacteria are naturally present in the alimentary canal of ruminant animals (cattle). They produce methane from the cellulosic materials in the slurry. The undigested lingocellulosic and hemi-cellulosic materials are then passed on to the settling tank. After about a month, high quality manure can be dug out from the settling tanks. There is no odour in the manure and the organic content is high, which can improve the quality of humus in soil.

Methane formation Methane-producing bacteria, involved in the third step, decompose compounds with a low molecular weight. Under natural conditions,



Prof. Kale is engaged in research on pesticide degradation and environmental pollution for last 34 years at Bhabha Atomic research Centre (BARC), Mumbai. He has worked on microbial degradation of 14C-labelled pesticides viz. Carbofuran, Nitrofen, Chlorpyrifos, DDT, HCH, Phenol, Oxyfluorfen, Endosulfan, Naphthalene, Fluoranthene, PCBs and Anthracene. He has developed rice fish ecosystem and marine ecosystem to study the bioaccumulation of pesticides in rice and fish and marine environment. He has also developed NISARGRUNA plant for solid waste management. This has generated lot of interest in last 10 years. He takes keen interest in spreading scientific awareness in the society through seminars and articles in newspapers and magazines.


Algae as a solution to water scarcity, climate change and energy security By Douglas Aitken and Blanca Antizar-Ladislao perform the process of photosynthesis thus reducing the atmospheric concentration. Finally, when compared to alternative bio-energy feedstocks, such as corn, sugarcane or palm oil, there is no requirement for arable land for cultivation of algae. This avoids competition for the cultivation of food crops, environmentally damaging monocultures and soil degradation. So where is the problem? Despite the advantages of algal biomass for biofuel production there are very few operational biofuel plants cultivating and using algal biomass. There are a variety of reasons for this: high operational energy requirements producing a negligible positive energy balance, a high economic expenditure for operation and poor environmental performance.


With growing concerns regarding climate change, peak oil and the subsequent need to reduce our dependence upon the use of fossil fuels, algal biofuels are considered a potential solution for sustainable fuel production. Despite recent criticisms of the energetic and environmental viability of the concept, if a system of sustainable integrated processes can be developed the system may provide a viable solution. The high oil content and productivity rate of freshwater and marine algae species has been studied and confirmed within many research studies to date. Given that the majority of algal strains grown for fuel are photoautotrophic, a high productivity rate also provides potentially valuable assimilation of carbon dioxide. Theoretically if emissions from material manufacture and system processing were ignored, the process of cultivating algal biomass, converting it to fuel and subsequent combustion of the fuel could be considered a carbon neutral cycle. Additionally in comparison to many first generation bio-energy crops there is no requirement for agricultural land and thus no 'food for fuel' dispute.

Biofuel of the future? The combination of a high productivity rate with a high oil content suggests that algal biomass may well provide the optimum biofuel feedstock. Productivity rates of algae growth have been estimated to be as high as 72 g per m2 per day for freshwater strains under optimal conditions. If this productivity rate is compared to conventional bioenergy crops it is possible to recognise algae as a highly promising feedstock for biofuel production. As well as a high productivity rate, the lipid fraction of most common algae species is also high. Examples of typical species with high oil contents are: Chlorella sp. (30%), Botryococcus braunii (25-75%) and Nannochloropsis sp (31-68%). The lipid fraction can be extracted and processed to diesel relatively easily via the process of transesterification. Not only can the cultivation of algae produce a biomass with year round high productivity and excellent characteristics for the production of biofuel but it may also provide a form of carbon sequestration. As algae grows it requires carbon dioxide to

There are two main types of infrastructure used to cultivate algal biomass: photobioreactors and raceway ponds. Photobioreactors are closed loop systems generally in the form of flat plates or cylindrical tubes manufactured from transparent plastics to allow optimal capture of sunlight. Raceway ponds are large open ponds in the shape of a 'raceway' which often include a mixing paddle to allow diffusion of air into the water and for efficient use of sunlight. Photobioreactors are considered to produce the highest productivity rates due to greater diffusion of air, efficient use of sunlight and better control of temperature and contamination. These efficiencies however are lost due to the energy required to pump air and water throughout the photobioreactors. Current research suggests that currently raceway ponds despite the low productivities are the most efficient method of algal cultivation. Despite the low energy requirements of algal cultivation using raceway ponds the downstream processing of the biomass appears to prevent the energy balance from being anything greater than negligible. The high energy requirement is a result of fertiliser

production, carbon dioxide injection, harvesting of the biomass and drying the biomass. The use of fertiliser containing nitrogen and phosphorous and the injection of concentrated CO2 are necessary for the optimal growth of all strains of algal biomass. Harvesting the majority of the common strains of algae for commercial purpose (Chlorella, scenedesmus) can only be carried out efficiently using either flocculation or centrifugation both of which have high energy demands. Additionally to produce the highest

yields of diesel, drying of the biomass is necessary which unless solar drying is possible a significant amount of energy is consumed. Although considered a potentially carbon neutral process, studies have shown that the process would likely be a net emitter of carbon dioxide. The uptake of CO2 by the biomass and subsequent combustion producing CO2 would indeed be relatively b a l a n c e nevertheless the release of greenhouse gases due to fertiliser and energy production adversely affect the environmental benefits of the process over conventional bio-energy crops. In addition to a positive CO2 output, the cultivation of algae requires

continual high volumes of freshwater which may be a limiting factor and may also indirectly negatively impact food crop cultivation.

reduced. A simple process plan can be viewed below (Fig. 2) that may provide a sustainable solution. Waste to energy

Given the high energy requirements of cultivation and conversion, research upon the economics of algal biofuel suggests that the concept will struggle to compete with conventional fossil fuels. A scenario in which high government subsidies are provided and the cost of oil continues increase may allow the technology to be viable

however this seems unlikely in the short term.

A sustainable solution It seems unlikely that the current method of algal cultivation will provide transport fuel in a manner that is economically or environmentally viable but if low energy processes can

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be used a solution may be possible. Algae require nutrients, CO2 and light to grow, if waste were to be used to supply both nutrients and CO2 the energy intensity of the cultivation process would be significantly

There may be a means of producing algal biofuels using a low impact approach with the inclusion of various waste streams. In many countries worldwide there are now targets for industries (particularly wastewater treatment industries) to reduce energy consumption as well as using a certain amount of renewable energy. The cultivation and processing of algal biomass in waste streams could support these targets. The majority of industrial processes produce a certain flow of wastewater often with relatively high concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorous in various forms. To conform with environmental legislation these nutrient loadings are required to be treated prior to discharge. Recent research has suggested that a variety of algal strains are capable growing and therefore assimilating these nutrients within various wastewater streams. A local strain of Spirogyra was collected and growth was tested in agricultural wastewater, the growth can be observed in Fig. 3. The inclusion of an algal growth pond as a final stage process within industrial wastewater treatment could potentially provide a source of nutrient uptake in addition to a source of biofuel. A l g a e requires not only a source of nutrients but also a source of c a r b o n d i o x i d e which is a major constituent in many industrial flue gases. Most algae is capable of growing in variety of difference concentrations and obviously grows at concentrations found in the

1Adams, Gallagher et al. 2009 2Skoulou, Mariolis et al. 2011 3Chisti 2007 Table 1. Comparison of fuel yields from a variety of bio-energy crops


Table 2. Comparison of the potential to meet key requirements between raceway ponds and photo-bioreactors

1Woertz et al. 2009, Patel et al. 2006 2Karakashev et al. 2008, Wilkie and Mulbry 2002 3Uzal et al. 2003 4Xi et al 2005 5Salomoni et al 2011 Table 3. Industries suitable for the treatment of wastewater using algal cultivation


atmosphere, i.e., CO2 concentration ca. 0.0387%. The optimal concentration of CO2 however for highest productivity rates in most algal strains is found to be around 10% which is also approximately the concentration of CO2 in most flue gases. There is clearly potential for

wasted flue gas to be used as a source of CO2 to promote growth within algae ponds providing the algae are capable of surviving other contaminants within the gas. So far research has suggested that strains tested (Chlorella, Scenedesmus) can survive and that their growth is increased with the

utilisation of flue gas from a coal fired power station. Supposing both the wastewater and flue gas were to be produced within the same industrial facility, implementation could be straight forward. Examples of industries which may be appropriate can be viewed in table 3.

A novel approach The strategies mentioned previously would significantly reduce the energetic cost of the biomass cultivation, nevertheless the conversion of biomass to fuel remains

an intensive process. The energetic gain of this process however could be maximised by an integrated system to use all of the beneficial characteristics of the biomass Algal biomass contains not only lipids but a source of carbohydrates providing a potential source of sugars for the conversion to bioethanol. Following the extraction of the lipid fraction the carbohydrate content of the cells are largely intact which can then be hydrolysed, fermented and distilled to bioethanol. The residual waste produced during each process can be separated and converted to biogas within an anaerobic digestion unit. The produced biogas can then be combusted within a gas turbine producing electricity to return to the system, the waste heat may also be used for the processes which require an elevated temperature (pond heating, transesterification, hydrolysis, fermentation and anaerobic digestion). Alternatively the gas can be treated and

used as a transport fuel, either way the wasted biomass is recycled as a form of energy. The final loop is closed by the anaerobic digestion

of larger celled algae such as Spirogyra may prove more viable. Despite lower productivity rates the size of the algae allows easier

of benefiting the preceding industrial practice through treatment of waste streams and mitigation of greenhouse gases.

effluent being used as a source of nutrients combined with the wastewater to continue the growth of the algae.

biomass extraction (Fig. 5), one of the main inhibiting factors in commercial implementation of algal biofuel systems. As well as lipids there is also a high carbohydrate fraction contained within filamentous algal species which would improve ethanol yields over unicellular strains.

The system is designed to minimise energetic use by low impact cultivation methods (no chemical fertiliser, low energy consuming pond), harvesting methods (gravity filtration) and recycling of heat and nutrients. With the numerous benefits proposed the system may provide an economically viable alternative to the early conventional concepts for algal biofuel systems.

The type of algal strain that is selected for cultivation will have great impact upon the treatment efficiencies, ease of harvesting and biofuel yields. The majority of studies have concentrated on strains of microalgae (Chlorella, Spirulina, Scenedesmus etc.) however the use

The suggested series of processes should allow for the maximum yield of biofuel to be harvested as a result

Douglas Aitken, MEng PhD Candidate, Institute for Infrastructures and Environment, School of Engineering at The University of Edinburgh, UK Douglas graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 2009 following completion of a Masters in Civil and Environmental Engineering. After graduation he carried out a project with Engineers Without Borders in Cambodia to develop a cost effective anaerobic digestion unit for a small community. On his return to the UK he started a PhD at the University of Edinburgh, the PhD project is entitled 'An assessment of the sustainability of biofuel production from algal feedstock'. He is now well into his PhD project and has presented research at several international conferences. His research has received the 2010 Water Engineering Award (UK). Blanca Antizar-Ladislao, MEng, BSc, MSc, PhD Senior Lecturer, Institute for Infrastructures and Environment, School of Engineering at The University of Edinburgh, UK Dr Antizar-Ladislao completed her doctoral studies in groundwater bioremediation in 2002 under the supervision of Prof. Noah Galil at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. During the period of 2002-2005, Dr Antizar-Ladislao did her postdoctoral research in soil and waste bioremediation with Dr A. Beck at the Imperial College London. In 2005-2007, she engaged in the researchers on wastewater treatment at Universidade Catolica Portuguesa and Universidad de Cantabria. She has worked as a Lecturer in Environmental Engineering since 2006 at UCL, and since 2008 at The University of Edinburgh. So far she has more than 100 publications, including research papers with high impact factors, conference proceedings, book chapters and edited books. Thanks to her outstanding achievements in the research field of environmental technologies, in 2006 she became a Ramon y Cajal Fellow.


Energy Conservation: Importance and Necessities By V.



“Our sources of energy are always diminishing by changing to various forms as energy can not be created or destroyed. This calls for a controlled use of it for reducing the ill-effects of the biproducts and discharging them safely, besides meeting the requirement. For example, electrical energy is the cleanest, but what happens to the CO2 emitted from the fuel burned to produce it or how well can the discharged water from Hydraulic turbines�

The cost of energy will always go up only, as the demand is more than the supply. A good practice can lead to save energy and other utilities,

One should go for PL lamps which also will eventually be replaced by LED lamps. Going for individual switching, as far as possible, will help to manage lighting needs without compromising the requirement. Where it is possible, a group of lamps can be controlled by a single switch. An emergency light say for example- near a bathroom may be maintained to avoid hardship to approach the place. In large establishments / household areas same method can be used selectively controlling the requirement.

though it is difficult to start with. We have to co-relate such acts to our own daily routines which were started with great reluctance but cannot deviate for any reason for they have become an integral part of our life.

Electrical Energy: Thanks to the development of energy-efficient products over the years. Incandescent / filament lamps are now almost banned in all countries, for their least efficiency and high power rating

Consideration may be given while constructing a new house, to maximize the use of available sunlight. A small design change can lead to reduced electrical energy. Water heating should be done by using solar energy. Even on a rainy day, natural light from sun is good enough to warm the water to the level of human comfort. Energy-efficient products are introduced and sold in the market very frequently. This is due to the awareness about the limited source of electricity and the compelling need for such items. One should always do


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