Energy insight yearbook 2017 online

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Crude oil price


New bigger players

The development

Ensuring a low level of accidents

Foreign markets Opportunities and challenges

Standardising the offshore wind industry Will reduce the cost of energy further




Consolidation in wind industry to continue


When four becomes one



Standardising the offshore wind industry


APQP4wind kicks off


Difficulties and opportunities ahead on existing and new markets for wind



The current crude oilprice is likely here to stay


Dong energy puts e&p up for sale to focus on green transition


Offshore wind ports


Vattenfall wins record-low kriegers flak tender and sees further price reductions


Close cooperation in the offshore industry ensures low level of accidents




Highlighted events of 2017 Index - an overview of the companies and roles in the offshore industry

Editors: Karin Jensen, Ninna Andreasen, Arne G. Nielsen and Mohammed Ali Wachah.

Print: Green Graphic & Signtec Reklame Mediapartners:

Graphics & Layout: Kapteina Reklame Nem Media Høffdingsvej 34 2500 Valby Denmark E-mail: Web:

Advertisement: Mohammed Ali Wachah, +45 23238080, Rasmus Andersen, +45 42811110,

ISSN: 2445-6217

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2016 ended with a bang when it comes to offshore wind power. We signed the concession agreements for Kriegers Flak, Vesterhav Syd and Vesterhav Nord. The three wind farms will supply approx. 1 million Danish households with green energy at bid prices much lower than any of us probably expected or dreamed about. Tender prices for offshore wind turbines have fallen significantly in recent years, and the bid for Kriegers Flak is the lowest ever bid (37.2 øre/kWh) for offshore wind turbines globally. So there is good reason for green optimism. This is reflected in our government platform, where we have set a goal that at least 50 % of Denmark's energy demand should be supplied from renewable energy by 2030. The latest projections show that to meet this goal, we need investments that roughly correspond to 10 new wind farms the size of Kriegers Flak. This is obviously a hypothetical example, which would be both an expensive and unwise energy policy, but it provides a picture of the needed investments in the future. Offshore wind plays an important role in the future Danish energy mix, and the government will launch a screening of potential offshore wind sites, as part of the government's vision of Denmark being the first country in the world, where offshore wind is subsidy free. While it has been a strong year for wind power - it has not been a year without waves for the oil and gas sector. The industry is faced with a recent history of low oil prices and a growing need for investments in aging 4 Energy Insight Yearbook

installations and infrastructure. However, there are still commercially attractive resources in the North Sea. The 7th licensing round was concluded in the spring. Here it was encouraging to see that both existing North Sea licensees and new companies have an appetite for working in the Danish part of the North Sea. The result of the round was 16 new licenses to 12 different companies. This result demonstrates that the Danish Shelf is still attractive even though it is a mature basin. I also find the productive dialogue between the government and industry actors encouraging. The dialogue focuses on securing an optimization of the production of the remaining resources in the North Sea. We have a common interest in promoting an attractive environment for oil and gas exploration, promoting the utilization and development of new technology, optimization of infrastructure, reducing costs and securing a qualified workforce for the North Sea. Looking into the future, projections show that the global demand for oil and gas will grow by 12 percent in 2040 according to the IEA’s World Energy Outlook 2016. In Denmark the consumption of oil and gas is only expected to drop a little in 2035 compared to the current level. Considering the substantial state income and benefit of improved security of supply stemming from Danish oil and gas activities, I see all the more reason to reaffirm the government’s commitment to ensuring a continued optimal recovery of the resources in the North Sea.

We work to find new solutions and demonstrate how the recovery of oil and gas can increase in the Danish part of the North Sea in a commercially viable way. This will happen through research and development in collaboration across universities and the industry to ensure that the innovative solutions work in the laboratory and in the North Sea.

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Drilling in the North Sea has taught us about tough conditions and heavy seas. Experience has taught us that there will be slopes and highs, but regardless of whether it goes up or down, North Sea oil and gas will continue to contribute to Danish welfare for generations to come.


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“… the suppliers have to prepare for a future reality, which will look very different,” Jan Hylleberg, CEO at the Danish Wind Industry Association (DWIA).


Consolidation in wind industry to continue Consolidation is rife in the wind energy industry and is expected to continue in coming years. Not least offshore service is expected to see a multitude of companies getting together to form new bigger players in this growing market.

“I expect significantly more consolidation in coming years. We might even see a slightly higher level of consolidation in the coming year or two than we saw in 2016,” says Jan Hylleberg, CEO at the Danish Wind Industry Association (DWIA). In the past few years several major wind turbine producers have taken part in mergers, US’ GE with France’s Alstrom in 2015, Germany’s Nordex with Spain’s Acciona Windpower in 2016 and most recently Germany’s Siemens Wind Power with Spain’s Gamesa. The latter is expected to be finalised this year. “When you see such big changes at the top of the value chain then it will have consequences all the way down the supplier chain. This will be the new reality going forward, competition intensifies once more and this is something the suppliers have to address,” says Hylleberg. Further to new large players at the top of the supply chain, the industry is booming with several offshore farms planned for the years towards 2020 while cost of energy (COE) is coming down drastically. In November 2016, Vattenfall won the tender to establish the 600MW Kriegers Flak offshore farm in the Baltic Sea at a record-low price of 37.2 øre per kWh, around 60% lower than the Energy Agreement had forecast in 2012. For the supply chain this means lower costs too, and scale and industrialisation is paramount, Hylleberg says. “Many suppliers find themselves in a perfect storm. Everything changes around them, both at the top of the value chain and in relation to the cost level all the way down the value chain, and the suppliers have to prepare for a future reality, which will look very different,” Hylleberg says.

8 Energy Insight Yearbook

When the producers at the top of the value chain becomes bigger and wider, suppliers will need to be bigger and wider too to see off competition. Volume will play an increasing role, so will capital base and the logistics and infrastructure the company is able to offer its customers going forward, the DWIA head says. “When Siemens Wind Power and Gamesa merge, for example, it’s only natural that you have internal discussions to find out which suppliers to continue to use. Some may have been supplying to both the companies, or perhaps it was two different suppliers. Will there be room for both, and who will continue? Most likely the answer will be the biggest and most flexible supplier, the one that can supply exactly what is required by the merged group,” says Hylleberg.

Service market to change The Danish supply chain consists of hundreds of small- and medium-sized companies and the trend seen in recent years, where suppliers get together in different constellations, a cooperation, a merger or acquisitions, is likely to continue. “This trend has been driven by capital funds and other industrial investors in recent years, investors who see a potential in bringing companies together within special business areas. I think this trend will continue,” says Hylleberg. One area where the industry will likely see a major change in future is the offshore service market. “Service, both onshore and offshore, is such a large market now that it’s only natural that we’ll see a consolidation and a

Jan Hylleberg, CEO at the Danish Wind Industry Association (DWIA)

consolidation which will probably stretch across borders to a larger extent than we have previously seen,” says Hylleberg. Historically, it has been the norm that German turbines were serviced by German service providers, Danish turbines by Danish service providers, and Spanish turbines by Spanish service providers, but this is likely to change going forward, Hylleberg believes. “The service market is so large now that we to a larger extent will see companies crossing the borders and consolidate in this market segment,” he says. Furthermore, more and more offshore turbines are reaching an age which will help see the emergence of a separate offshore service market, which may just as well be operated by independent service providers. “A new separate offshore service market will need to find a whole new set-up with new large service providers,” says Hylleberg. The service providers are typically the turbine producers, carrying part of the service obligations for part of the time, the owners of the offshore farm, usually energy companies, which have some

responsibility for servicing the farms, and then the independent service providers. “I think we’ll see more cooperation, more mergers and acquisitions in relation to the offshore service market and its players because we need to find a set-up which reflects the fact that the future offshore service market will be much larger than we have previously seen,” says Hylleberg. He mentions Vestas’ acquisition of Availon and UpWind as well as EnBW’s acquisition of Connected Wind Services as very good examples of what we are likely to see in future. Whereas the consolidation in the traditional supply chain is a result of fewer players at the top of the supply chain, consolidation among service providers is more a question of buying volume, access to competencies and access to the value chain. Volume is needed to take on the bigger and bigger offshore projects, which in future will be located further out at sea and at much deeper waters. “But also new markets. If you want to enter new markets then you need to acquire access to positions there,” says Hylleberg.

In a recent survey conducted by the Danish Wind Industry Association among Danish suppliers to the wind industry, 53% of suppliers said they expect their company to participate in M&A activities within the next 12 months. Of those, 14% expects to be involved in M&A activities on a national level, 19% at international level while 20% said they expect to participate in M&A activities both nationally and internationally. Of those suppliers interested in taking part in M&A activities internationally, a staggering 35% say the aim is to get easier access to new markets. The primary reasons for participating in M&A activities were to “obtain volume in sales and thereby economy-of-scale,” “gain access to new knowledge,” “get control of larger parts of the value chain,” and to “get easier access to new markets.”

Energy Insight Yearbook 9

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WHEN FOUR BECOMES ONE – ALL NRG a new strong service provider in offshore energy Consolidation is ongoing in the wind energy industry and is expected to continue in years to come. One company, which has already taken the step, is ALL NRG, a provider of services to the energy industry.


t started in 2014 when private equity firm Via Equity acquired VB Enterprise. Over the following two years a further three companies, APRO Wind, Q-STAR Energy and WTG Partners, were acquired and merged into one, the ALL NRG group. The idea to form a large service provider through the merger of four companies came along during the due diligence process when VB Enterprise was acquired. “I spoke with numerous players in the energy sector back then, some of the largest energy companies and wind turbine producers around, and I asked why they used a relatively small company such as VB Enterprise to service the large wind farms. The answer was that the independent service providers available were all the same size,” chairman and Via Equity partner Peter Thorlund Haahr explains. Today ALL NRG offers a wide range of services for the energy industry, it employs approximately 700 people and operates in six countries. Volume is essential when servicing the energy industry now and in future, not least with offshore wind farms getting bigger and bigger all the time. “As a supplier to the offshore industry you are met by greater requirements all the time. To be able to meet those requirements you need to have muscle.

this will be even more evident going forward. “The idea was to create a foundation that was strong enough to enter markets such as the UK and Germany and that’s what we’ve done. We’re in the UK and Germany now and soon we will also be in the Netherlands, which will be an interesting offshore market going forward,” says Haahr. Opening offices in new markets is another thing which have been made a lot easier with the new ALL NRG group. “On their own, it would not have been that easy for any of the ALL NRG companies to open new offices,” he adds.

New group largely in place Integrating four companies into one new group is not done overnight but Haahr says the merger and new organisation is now largely in place. Apart from joint functions such as economy and administration, the new group consists of numerous business units, each responsible for their own product area but also working together with each other to ensure that the customer gets the best possible service.

“Our customers appreciate that we can take on even very large jobs without it causing us any problems and are also confident that we will deliver,” Peter Thorlund Haahr says.

“The way we have set up our organisation makes it easier to establish new business areas and open up new business units. For example, the new engineering unit, which offers engineering services to our customers. There’s a good synergy with the other units,” says Peter Thorlund Haahr.

From the beginning, it was clear that the offshore wind industry is not just a Danish industry, it is an international industry, and

The main difference the merger has brought along is that ALL NRG is today much more involved in strategic discussions with

12 Energy Insight Yearbook

"We now have the muscle to come up with solutions that will benefit the entire value chain and help bring down cost of future energy." its customers, for example in product development, and it does not have to wait for the customer to make requests. “We can suggest solutions and offer specific answers to problems. Basically, it’s all about saving money and do things smarter. We now have the muscle to come up with solutions that will benefit the entire value chain and help bring down cost of future energy. This is an area where we really see value creation,” says Peter Thorlund Haahr. The really big potential going forward is service of offshore wind turbines and offshore retrofit. With the new larger organisation and its extra resources, ALL NRG can offer additional services when visiting the offshore turbines, which will save man hours and vessel time. “A five-year old turbine, for example. If you by replacing a few components or parts can make the turbine just a little more efficient, then it will be valuable for the customer. We see a lot of value creation through an upgrade of the turbines, and even a few percentage extra kWh per day is a lot of money for the customer,” he says.

Energy Insight Yearbook 13


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Ensures consistent training on With over 15 years of experience in the offshore wind industry, Danish contracting Per Aarsleff all yourfirm locations is a pioneer and still going strong within design, fabrication and installation of foundations Replaces all your training papers and slideshows “We cover the entire range, from development to installation of favour concrete gravity base foundations,” says Linnet. the offshore wind foundations, and our experienced designers and production teams contribute with innovative solutions in all phases of the projects,” says Esben Linnet, Senior Project Manager at Aarsleff’s Offshore Wind unit. Further to the specialised Offshore Wind unit, Per Aarsleff also benefits strongly from the Design & Engineering department, which has several people on board with many years of experience within offshore wind. Per Aarsleff is, among other things, a leading supplier of gravity foundations in concrete for the offshore wind industry, having supplied 170 units so far. “We also came up with the concept of using a work platform in concrete, a solution which today is widely used in the industry, not only in Denmark, but in the UK and Germany too. We invented this solution together with a former joint venture partner and we have the patent for it,” says Esben Linnet. Per Aarsleff has a fondness of concrete solutions and sees numerous advantages: concrete is cheaper than steel solutions, it is more accessible and is also a more price stable material than steel, which bodes for a less volatile market in terms of price fluctuations. Most importantly, concrete is superior to steel when it comes to operation and maintenance. “Concrete Gravity Base Foundations, however, are not the standard today but I see lots of unused potential for this solution, especially in the Baltic Sea where water depth and soil conditions

14 Energy Insight Yearbook

The 600MW Kriegers Flak offshore wind farm will be located in the Baltic Sea while an additional number of offshore wind farms, Learn more about e-learning for the with a total capacity of several gigawatt, are also being planned offshore industry here: in the Baltic Sea, according to Linnet.

Per Aarsleff’s concrete foundations and platforms are built at its Polish plant, which has been producing continuously since 2008. The plant has a full production set-up with own concrete mixing plant, reinforcement production and test laboratory. “We’re very experienced in steel foundations too and have to date supplied more than 300 monopiles and transition pieces (MP/ TP’s). We design, produce, transport and install the MP/TP’s,” says Esben Linnet. Among Per Aarsleff’s strengths are its versatility and innovativeness and its ability to be solution-oriented. It performs a variety of tasks and its many offshore wind projects cover everything from anemometer masts to demo-projects to fullscale offshore wind farms. “We work for some of the biggest players in the offshore wind industry, e.ON, Vattenfall and DONG Energy, and we have very happy customers. They are satisfied and pleased that we always deliver on time,” says Linnet. The most recent project awarded to Per Aarsleff is a contract to install four Siemens gravity jackets, a combined steel and concrete solution, as well as production and installation of the four transition pieces.

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“Starting all over each time you win an order is not exactly supporting lower prices,” Anja Pedersen, Senior Advisor at the Danish Wind Industry Association (DWIA).

Standardising the offshore wind industry


Standardisation will help bring the cost of energy further down for the offshore wind industry. Many, and very varied, projects are under way but there is still some way to go.


he offshore wind industry is still a young industry, dependant on subsidiaries. A multitude of steps have been taken to reduce the cost of energy to make the industry more competitive. One important tool to help lower costs, is standardisation. “The industry knows that if we don’t reduce prices then it will be very difficult to sell offshore projects around the world. “The industry has already come a long way but standardisation will help lower prices further. We also end up with better products, which lowers prices even more. And if we can reduce defects in the wind turbines, then it will get cheaper overall,” says Anja Pedersen, Senior Advisor at the Danish Wind Industry Association (DWIA). At, director at the Renewables division, Hans A. Pedersen, says costs must come down for offshore wind to be competitive with other forms of energy but also to show that the industry has a future. Because subsidiaries are only temporary, he says. “When looking at the most recent concessions awarded in the offshore industry, then we can see that prices are falling significantly and by more than the goals set by the industry. “Volume is the biggest driver to lower costs in any industry and repetition is what makes it cheaper,” says Hans A. Pedersen. Many players in offshore wind come from other industries such as oil & gas, building or maritime, and it complicates the process and makes it more expensive when using different rules from different industries. There may also be different legislation in different countries. “Two offshore wind farms located side by side may be in different national waters with different legislation or rules,” explains Hans A. Pedersen.

Hans A. Pedersen, director at the Renewables division at

Standardisation in the offshore wind industry covers numerous different areas. Anja Pedersen is currently working on standardisation in research & development activities and how to standardise tests and documentation. “We are currently looking at the cylinders used in the hydraulic system and how to design tests that reflects the reality in the wind turbine. The entire value chain, the supplier of the cylinder, the producers of the hydraulic systems and the turbine manufacturers, are working together on designing these tests,” says Anja Pedersen. As many as 15 companies representing the entire value chain may be sitting together around the table, discussing how to design the test, all providing input and sharing their experiences. Just a few years ago, this set-up was almost unthinkable, she says. “Back then you would just be handed the requirements and what happened out in the turbine was a no-go area. It’s completely different today in the sense that we have a dialogue, we have openness and we share experiences,” she added. At the end of the day it is all about doing things smarter. Smarter products and smarter production processes.

Energy Insight Yearbook 17

Tower lightning A project under DWIA is currently looking at tower lighting and how to work out a Shared Environmental Description, which can be used as a template and applied on other systems. “Tower lighting is not the most expensive area but there’re money to be saved. It’s a place to start and once the process is in place, you can apply it to more complex systems,” Anja Pedersen explains. The standardised Environmental Description for tower lighting has been divided into different classes such as temperature, vibrations and vapor. If the temperature, for example, is minus 30 C, you find the environmental requirement and test that fits the temperature. If it is plus 60 C, it is another requirement and test you use. “The industry agrees there should be a standard, so that the supplier can be sure that when tests are made on for example temperature or vapor, it’s in alignment with the customers. You don’t have to do two different tests for two different customers, you do one test for both and thereby reduce costs,” the DWIA consultant says.

Anja Pedersen, Senior Advisor at the Danish Wind Industry Association (DWIA)

On the side-lines is a new pop-up project initiated by Bladt Industries with focus on costs of jacket foundations. Producing foundations is costly and time-consuming and making standards or even industrialising production can have a major impact on prices, Anja Pedersen explains.

“The industry works together to find common standards, or just guidelines, which usually comes before a standard, to agree on how to do this the smartest way based on the experiences we have so far,” says Hans A. Pedersen.

“Starting all over each time you win an order is not exactly supporting lower prices,” she said, adding that it could end up with three different jacket foundation sizes, standard base diameters or modules.

One of the projects has initiated is the CRIFproject, or Cost Reduction Innovation Forum. In CRIF, industry leaders such as DONG Energy, Siemens and Vestas MHI are invited to discuss strategic challenges and problems. If there is demand for a specific problem, then companies representing the supply chain is invited to join discussions alongside universities and researchers.

“Other things to look at are the secondary steel structures and transition pieces, which today are specially designed for each project,” says Anja Pedersen.

“Together they solve the problem or the challenge and the solution is implemented in the companies automatically. We have run several projects under the CRIF and our job is to facilitate the projects,” says Hans A. Pedersen. Another standardisation project facilitated by offshoreenergy. dk is the PPE-project, Personal Protection Equipment, which has set up common standards for safety equipment, clothes and shoes used in the offshore wind industry. The Danish cluster and innovation network organisation is also facilitating a project, which is looking at the service area and whether there are advantages in providing service on offshore wind turbines 24-7 and not just during the day. Calculations are being made of potential savings but the project is also looking at how it will impact staff while service companies share their experiences.

18 Energy Insight Yearbook

Still a long way Even though the offshore wind industry has already taken many steps to align the industry and adopt standard tests, processes and products, there is still quite some way to go. “There’s still some way to go with standardisation inside the turbine. There’s plenty of opportunities and plenty of work ahead. But the fact that offshore wind has become so much cheaper means that the big chunks have been taken,” says Anja Pedersen. For many years, the industry tried to reduce the cost of energy by making the turbines bigger and bigger. Now the industry is looking at internal processes and this work will continue for a while, she added. “The offshore wind industry is still a young industry and we cast a glance at the work done in the oil & gas industry over the years. I think it’ll still be quite some years before we have pure offshore wind standards,” says Hans A. Pedersen.

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APQP4Wind kicks off The APQA4Wind manual is developed by wind turbine producers, sub-suppliers and utilities and stems from a common wish to simplify and strengthen the entire quality planning and product release process in the wind industry. APQP: Advanced Product Quality Planning APQP4WIND is inspired by the American quality management tool ‘Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)’, which was originally developed for the US automotive industry. APQP is a recognized standardization tool focusing on production processes and quality assurance. It can be used to systematically reduce production-related defects in the final product (the wind turbine), before components, subsystems and the finished product leave the factory.

20 Energy Insight Yearbook


t has been long-awaited but now it is here: the APQP4Wind manual, which provides industry-specific quality assurance standards to optimise production and bring down LCOE, was launched in January 2017. “It’s all about minimising risks and thereby lowering prices. To deliver on time without errors, then we will see prices come down,” said Henning Bach Jochumsen, project manager at Vestas Wind Systems A/S. The project began in earnest in 2015 when a steering committee consisting of quality managers from Vestas Wind Systems A/S, Siemens Wind Power A/S, KK Wind Solutions and LM Wind Power started developing the APQP4Wind (Advanced Production Quality Planning)

manual. The project is facilitated by Danish Wind Industry Associations and founded by Industriens Fond. “There’s been an excellent cooperativeness all the way through. We might be competitors but we also have a joint interest in lifting the wind industry and now we have established these joint agreements with sub-suppliers,” said Henning Bach Jochumsen. The APQP4Wind manual will enable the industry to speak the same language when it comes to quality assurance. The manual will also be supported by a training concept to ensure a uniform application of the tool. “When talking to suppliers we now have a common language. This will also help

From left to right: Bent Weibel (Siemens), Arun John Selva (Vestas), Henning Bach Jochumsen(Vestas), Henrik Hjortkjær (Siemens), Flemming Skov Iversen (LM Wind Power), Kim Schmidt Petersen (KK Wind Solutions) and Kim Nedergaard Jacobsen (DWIA)

implemented through training sessions. All suppliers will eventually go on a course but to begin with, focus will be on high-risk components. Suppliers of those high-risk components will be selected to go on a four-day course while managers will have a half-day training session.

mature the wind industry. By setting common requirements and get feedback from each other, we will all be sharper and better and production will be optimised,” said Henning Bach Jochumsen.

“These training sessions will provide the suppliers with the basic knowledge to go home and start using the APQA4Wind manual and workbook. At a later stage, there might be some additional specialist courses,” said Jochumsen.

As an example of how to make workflows more efficient, Jochumsen mentions the many documents subsuppliers fill out, different documents for different clients. Now suppliers can use a standard and scalable template for all their customers, using down to only 25 per cent of the time it would normally take using different templates. (QA supplier network feedback).

The APQA4Wind is still a project in progress but it will be turned into a proper organisation. Once the manual is completed, other wind turbine producers such as GE and Gamesa will be invited to join and training will be offered to the entire industry and throughout the value chain.

“We have to optimise to be competitive with other industries,” Jochumsen said.

Training sessions The APQP4Wind manual will be

“We will kick off in Denmark and Europe and next year perhaps the US and Asia. We are global players and a year from now, we will begin to roll out the training sessions globally,” said Jochumsen.

How it started In 2008, 14 suppliers and the Danish Wind Industry Association (DWIA) decided to start a network named MidtVind. A group within MidtVind was developed to help the other companies in the network across the value chain while DWIA decided to facilitate a new network in which wind turbine manufacturers and utilities could participate on equal footing with the suppliers.

In February 2014, the first meeting of the new network took place and the idea of the APQP4Wind project was born.

With the help and support from DWIA and funding from the Danish Industry Foundation, the APQP4Wind started in 2015 and will run till 2018.

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“… there is already a lot of potential in operation and maintenance which could be a very interesting field for Danish companies,” Mikkel Juul, head of internationalization,


Difficulties and opportunities ahead on existing and new markets for wind BY N I N NA A N DR E A SE N PHOTO: OF FSHOR E E N E RGY.DK

Wind is on the rise across the board. It offers both incredible opportunities and challenges. Some challenges need to be met by companies working together. Focus on not only installation, but also operation and maintenance, could benefit Danish players.


or the Danish wind industry Europe is still a primary market. As the largest European country, combined with great ambitions to change from nuclear funded energy to alternative sources,

24 Energy Insight Yearbook

Germany has proven to be extremely interesting for Danish players. In 2016 the total capacity grew by 5.5 gigawatts in Germany. In a Danish perspective the neighbouring country is still one of the most significant markets both because of its location, but also because of the current position – especially for Vestas. Offshore there could be troubles with coinciding activities ahead, though. The coming years will offer big projects in several European countries. Depending on how companies react to this rise in activity it could either offer an advantage or a challenge. France has plans to add 3.5 gigawatts to new offshore sites. The Netherlands will add stunning 5 gigawatts, and Belgium also has wind ambitions in the scale of 2 gigawatts. All three countries will begin installation in 2020. These projects could coincide with other big projects in Germany and the UK. “It is hard to tell how it will proceed. If companies are capable of combining activities instead of competing with each other and pressing prices up, it could be to everyone’s advantage,” says Mikkel Juul, head of internationalization at the member based organisation for offshore oil and renewables,

No need to fear President Trump

On the other side of the Atlantic huge projects are also underway. There have been fears that the new political situation in the US would cause a hit to alternative energy in general. But fears are disproportional. The level of installation in the US has been at just above 8 gigawatts in 2016. That is consistent with the level of the previous year. The growth has been powered by commitments from individual states and the prolonging of the PTC-deal giving tax benefits to investors. “I see no reason to worry about the American market. Presidents always have a lot of influence, but it is beyond my imagination that a majority would roll back these decisions,” says CEO at trade organisation Vindmølleindustrien, Jan Hylleberg. “States like Massachusetts has already committed to expand offshore in a scale of 1.6 gigawatts by 2027. There have also been consortia that have ensured areas where there will be placed above 9 gigawatts. So there will be activity in the next five to ten years. Exactly when is not yet clear, but an election does not make all that go away,” Mikkel Juul explains. He adds that several Danish companies have entered the battle of market shares in American offshore wind. The companies include DONG Energy which as the first company entered the new offshore areas in Massachusetts. Also Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners has insured an area. “So from a Danish perspective, the US is a market which companies really want to enter. I am not so nervous and pessimistic about offshore wind in the US,” says Mikkel Juul.

China still leads the market

2016 offered enormous growth in wind energy in China. In spite of a downgrading from 30 gigawatts in 2015 the eastern giant still installed around 23 gigawatts last year, though the final results are not yet officially in. Even though the Chinese market represents half of the world market – and likely will continue to dominate – only a small part of this is offshore wind. The downgrading of targets mainly impacted offshore wind, probably because of larger costs. Until now China has 145 gigawatts worth of wind energy on the grid, but only around 1 gigawatt is from offshore turbines. “There are hopes and expectations that offshore will become a larger share of the market. But it is not half or even 10 percent. It is cheaper to install on land, and the Chinese cities are not primarily along the coastline. They do need a lot

Mikkel Juul, Head of Internationalization at

of energy though, and their ambitions are huge,” explains Mikkel Juul.

Big opportunities in Brazil

Among the most interesting markets is Brazil. As the fifth largest market in the world – and by far the largest on the South American continent – the country has kept at a consistent expansion of the wind capacity by 2 Gigawatts a year. This trend continued in 2016. The huge expansion of wind energy in the country has so far mainly based itself on land. The deep waters around Brazil make it difficult to install turbines offshore. It requires further development of pontoon based turbines to open the biggest country of Latin America to the offshore wind industry on a big scale. Although the offshore part of the wind industry is practically non-existent in Brazil at this point, there are good opportunities for companies thinking out of the box. “There is a lot of focus on installation and installation capacity. But there is already a lot of potential in operation and maintenance which could be a very interesting field for Danish companies,” says Mikkel Juul. According to Jan Hylleberg, the greatest challenge to the Brazilian market is the insecurities revolving the political and economic situation going forward. “But there is no doubt that the Brazilian market will be the largest in South America even though countries like Argentina, Peru and Chile are also beginning to expand their wind capacity,” explains Jan Hylleberg.

Energy Insight Yearbook 25

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“It’s quite simple. There has been an excessive production of two million barrels a day,” Morten Hahn-Pedersen, freelance oil researcher, author and consultant.

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THE CURRENT CRUDE OIL PRICE IS LIKELY HERE TO STAY The new OPEC-deal of late 2016 and Russia’s promises of slowing the oil production reinstated hope for the crude oil prices. But it is far too early to start the celebrations. The industry should prepare itself for prices between 50-60 dollars a barrel for the following years. New investments are needed.


t was a great shock when oil prices began to decline drastically in 2014 – only to continue the down fall throughout 2015 and well into 2016. Though the prices miraculously stayed afloat during the recession in the US and the European debt crisis, fuelled to a high degree by Chinese demand and the rate of the dollar, suddenly things started to change rapidly. Every time it seemed the oil price had hit an ultimate new low point, it simply plummeted even further. Last year in January prices hit an all-time low of just under 27 dollars per barrel. Now it looks as though prices have finally stabilized at just above 50 dollars. But will the current price last? Or can the industry even hope for higher prices? The declining oil prices of the past couple of years can basically be attributed to an excessive supply. “It’s quite simple. There has been an excessive production of two million barrels a day,” concludes Morten Hahn-Pedersen, freelance oil researcher, author and consultant. In September 2016 the OPEC-countries decided to limit production with 1.2 million barrels a day. Russia agreed

28 Energy Insight Yearbook

to also reduce production with around 600.000 barrels daily. In total that would mean 1.8 million less barrels in the daily production. The 1.8 million barrel reduction does not quite match the excessive supply of two million barrels a day though. Iran can in turn be on its way to become more affluent on the international market after the nuclear deal with the US which has eased international sanctions against the country. As a direct result, production of Iranian oil skyrocket from 870,000 barrels a day to staggering 3.67 million daily barrels in November 2016. “In addition, Libya has turned its production up, as well as the American production of shale oil is on the rise because of better technological developments than predicted. Add to that President Donald Trump’s wish to limit trade deals and shut out OPEC to ensure safe supply within the US, it looks like we will still have an excessive production and supply going forward,” says Morten Hahn-Pedersen. He adds that this does not even take into consideration the stock around the globe which is merely waiting to be put onto the market. In his view the industry will have to

get to terms with a scenario in which prices will level themselves at around 50-60 dollars a barrel, or – if more optimistic – between 60 and 70 dollars. Dreams of prices above 70 dollars would in Morten Hahn-Pedersen’s eyes only be realistic if the demand would be fuelled by some kind of crisis that would cause a general rise in prices in raw materials. We still need development and investments Martin Næsby, managing director at Oil Gas Denmark, agrees that the current market situation is indeed very unpredictable. He also expects that prices will be very volatile through the following years.

The industry has responded to falling prices by lowering costs and suspending investments. “A lot of companies had constructed their businesses on the basis of an oil price at 100 dollars a barrel. But when the price goes up, so does the activity which means increasing costs. When the oil price then suddenly drops 70 percent, the costs do not automatically follow. That is why we have seen a comprehensive reduction in costs. That reduction is now starting to pay off,” Martin Næsby explains. Cost reductions have resulted in positive figures and balanced books, but new challenges lurk ahead. The reduction in development and the still fewer new finds in the North Sea is a challenge in itself, and while reductions are turning negative figures in the accounting departments into positive ones, it also makes the industry more vulnerable. The global trend is that energy consumption is on the rise, supported by an expanding world population. More and more people move from poverty and enter the middle class which all points to an increasing demand. There will be a need for oil and gas in many years to come. The COP21 is working within a scenario where 44 percent of energy consumption globally is still fuelled by oil and gas by 2040. However, there is

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also a clear trend towards decarbonisation, and some of the rise in demand could very well be swallowed by better technology making all around energy usage more efficient. Even though Denmark is not a great exporter of oil these factors will most likely effect oil prices and thus Danish companies’ revenues and the state’s tax income. All in all, Martin Næsby concludes, the Danish oil industry faces several challenges. The industry is impacted by the oil prices, but most importantly there are fewer finds in the Danish part of the North Sea, and it is getting still more expensive to get the oil out of the ground at existing sites. Moreover, ageing facilities require substantial investments. These factors combined could prove to be a real risk in relation to the future of a self-sufficient Denmark with regards to oil. The main challenge for Denmark is, so to speak, not only the price of oil – although the fall in prices has not exactly helped. It is also a structural issue which Oil Gas Denmark and other organisations and companies are trying to involve the country’s political level in fixing. “When companies become more reluctant to complete new projects it has an impact on their suppliers. We have a very competent supplier industry which is now also starting to focus on wind energy. Therefore good people are disappearing into new businesses. The oil price has made that challenge even greater. There is a need to make investments. That need exists even when not taking the oil price into account. There was a decreasing production in the North Sea, even when the price was high,” says Martin Næsby.

Martin Næsby

Morten Hahn-Pedersen

30 Energy Insight Yearbook

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DONG Energy puts E&P up for sale to focus on green transition DONG Energy has put its E&P business up for sale as part of its green transition. A clean all-cash sale is the preferred deal but this may prove a challenge.


ONG Energy expects to close the sale of its oil & gas business before the end of this year as the Danish energy group plans to focus on a green transition, where offshore wind power plays a key role. “The journey we’ve embarked on means that we’re not the right owners of E&P on the longer term,” said Thomas Thune Andersen, Chairman of the board at DONG Energy. Both E&P and offshore wind projects require heavy investments in future and for DONG Energy it is paramount to canalise and focus resources and money in the direction where its strategy points: continuing the transformation of the group to green energy and to take the lead in the transition to increasingly sustainable energy systems. “Offshore wind will be the core in our future strategy,” said Thune Andersen.

32 Energy Insight Yearbook

Since DONG Energy last October confirmed hiring J.P. Morgan to help reviewing strategic options for the future of its oil & gas business, speculation in the market has been rife with both private equity firms and energy groups being mentioned as potential bidders. The DONG Energy chairman said a clean sale of the entire business for cash is the preferred deal. “Selling the whole E&P business in one go in an all cash deal will clearly be the best solution for DONG Energy. But whether it’s also the most likely outcome, I doubt that,” said Morten Imsgard, analyst at Sydbank. Imsgard said his impression is that there are not many potential bidders left in the process and he believes a temporary joint venture with an industrial partner in return for an equity stake is more likely. But for this to be attractive for DONG

Energy, a clear exit plan is needed too, otherwise it will clash with DONG Energy’s strategy to focus on green and clean energy. “If the way to a sale of the E&P business goes via a temporary joint venture, then it’s the second-best solution. But DONG needs to present a clear exit plan too, otherwise it won’t fit with its strategy,” Imsgard said. He explained that some investors, for example many large pension funds, are currently not investing in DONG Energy because they have a policy of not investing in fossil fuels. Selling E&P, or spinning it off into a temporary joint venture, will help attract new investors. “It will be an even more clean investment case. DONG Energy is already leading in the green transition but without the oil & gas assets, it will be even more attractive and an even better investment story,” Imsgard said, adding that one of the most persistent rumours have been a joint venture with Maersk Oil.

DONG Energy expects to reach a deal on its E&P business this year.

Investing DKK 18-20bn in 2017 DONG Energy expects to invest DKK 18-20bn this year and some 80% of that is earmarked offshore wind projects, Thune Andersen said. “We have a very large investment programme and some 80% of that will be in offshore wind, mainly in the UK, Germany and the Netherlands,” said Thune Andersen. DONG Energy also has wind development projects in the US and Taiwan, and these new markets will help contribute to earnings after 2020. “When looking at geographic expansion, there are certain things you need to focus on. There must be an appetite for wind power and excellent wind conditions. The political situation is another important factor and despite of what you hear from the US, there is still a very strong support for wind power there,” said Thune Andersen.

Energy Insight Yearbook 33

Port of Hirtshals In 2011, the Port of Hirtshals entered the offshore market, and since then the port has been home to several rig renovations and upgrades. The Port of Hirtshals has the facilities to provide the right settings for service, repair and renovation of offshore units. Furthermore, the port is home to a wide range of service companies with experience in the offshore business

The Port of Thyborøn One of Denmark’s largest fishing harbours is under transformation. The port’s infrastructure is being developed and is now fully geared for the disembarkation of equipment and the servicing of the offshore industry, with main focus on offshore wind turbines near the coast. Thyboron Port is a strategic port for Northsea projects. Thyborøn is closest port to Nissum Bredning Testsite and Vesterhav North Windfarm. New heavy load Quay with 12 hectares’ storage area ready September 2016. Perfectly suited as installation, manufacture and decommissioning port.

The Port of Hvide Sande The Port of Hvide Sande offers a range of facilities especially established for offshore wind activities. The western port has water depths of seven meters, its pier is 150 m long with a load capacity of between 5-10 tonnes per m2 (47-80 tonnes’ point load).

The Port of Esbjerg

The Ports of Fredericia, Nyborg and Middelfart ADP, Associated Danish Ports, operates the industrial ports of Fredericia, Nyborg and Middelfart. One of the core competencies of ADP is the cooperation with international companies for the assembly and shipping of offshore wind farms. The Port of Nyborg, for example, is favorably located for shipping wind turbines to offshore farms in the Baltic Sea and the Kattegat and in 2011 a new quay was built in Nyborg, designed for heavy project cargo, enabling the port to accommodate larger and heavier wind turbines.

The Port of Esbjerg is the leading port for offshore wind power in Europe. It’s ideal for the shipment of wind power due to its unique experience and location, modern facilities, flexible areas and supply chain, which includes several of the world’s leading companies specialised in handling and servicing wind installations.

The port of Aabenraa The Port of Rømø The Port of Rømø is ideally located to function as a service base for the construction and service of German wind farms in the North Sea. Water depths alongside the new quay are seven meters (mean level) and five meters in all other basins.

34 Energy Insight Yearbook

The port of Aabenraa has water depths of between four and 11 metres and is close to the European motorway network. It is a port of shipment and disembarkation for the entire Baltic area and offers all the facilities which hallmark an efficient industrial port.


PORTS The Port of Frederikshavn The Port of Frederikshavn is already an enterprising traffic and freight port today, and has taken a strategic decision to go further in the offshore industry. Companies at and near the Port of Frederikshavn currently cover all the facilities for servicing, repairing and refurbishing offshore units. Frederikshavn is attractive to the offshore industry due to its good geographic location in relation to many of the oil and gas fields in the North Sea, a world-calibre maritime service industry,

The Port of Grenaa The port of Grenaa has large areas for pre-assembly directly at the quay as well as large capacity for disembarkation and services. The port has a good distance to urbane areas, easy access to the maritime A-route in Kattegat and good infrastructure to the main land and cities.

The Port of Aarhus Denmark’s largest container port is currently undergoing a major expansion, which will see the port expand to approximately 1,800,000 m2 and with maximum water depth projected at 15.5 meters along the quays. A new Omni terminal will, among other things, be used for storage of windmill projects being prepared for shipment.

The Port of Odense and Lindø Industrial Park The Port of Odense and Lindø Industrial Park offer production and warehouse facilities for large-scale infrastructure/ construction projects and projects in the offshore and wind turbine industries. Lindø has a central location in relation to the North Sea and the Baltic, huge production halls, quays and dry docks and depths of up to 11 metres. It has lifting and transport capacity of up to 1.000 tonnes and can meet the requirements of projects of any size.

Energy Insight Yearbook 35


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VATTENFALL WINS RECORD-LOW KRIEGERS FLAK TENDER AND SEES FURTHER PRICE REDUCTIONS Swedish utility group, Vattenfall, recently won the tender to build Denmark’s largest offshore wind farm, the 600MW Kriegers Flak in the Baltic Sea. The price was a record-low DKK 0.372 per kWh but there is scope for further price reductions in future.


record-low bid of only DKK 0.372 per kWh paved the way for Vattenfall’s newest offshore wind project, the Kriegers Flak project. The winning price was almost 60% below the maximum price of DKK 0.90 per kWh set out by Danish politicians in the 2012 Energy Act but also well below the Horns Rev 3 offshore tender awarded to Vattenfall in February 2015 at DKK 0.77 per kWh. “We’ve been through everything one can imagine will develop and make a difference going forward,” said Ole Bigum Nielsen, Country Manager at Vattenfall Denmark. The bid was to a large extend based on experiences learned from previous projects, both projects that are currently in the process of being build but also projects where bids have been prepared for. Another key factor was an analysis of technology expected to be applied in future. Kriegers Flak is expected to come on stream in 2022, so it was essential to establish what technology will be installed by then. “We believe it will be new technology being installed by then. Wind turbines, for example, will be even bigger than the turbines being installed today and this 38 Energy Insight Yearbook

is something which has made a real difference when forecasting price levels and, ultimately, the bid price,” said Bigum. Vattenfall’s internal technology unit, where a group of engineers are looking at the technology of tomorrow, has been working closely with the industry and research institutions from both Denmark and abroad to be at the forefront of development and try to predict where the technological development is heading. “When you base a tender bid on future expectations, you need to be fairly sure that it will actually happen. That’s why we’ve been in close dialogue with industry and science, to be able to predict what will happen in terms of technological developments,” said Ole Bigum. Some of the heavy cost areas of an offshore wind project are installation and O&M. With turbines getting bigger, fewer units need to be installed, which again can help lower the cost of energy, both in terms of less maintenance and service but also because fewer foundations are needed. “Turbines are also becoming more efficient and don’t

Ole Bigum Nielsen, Country Manager at Vattenfall Denmark

require the same level of maintenance as the turbines of yesteryear,” said Ole Bigum.

large installation vessels and Vattenfall will also need a port for O&M activities.

Internal budgets and expenses were also thoroughly examined to determine areas to cut costs. For example, time and resources spend carrying out internal jobs, work processes and installation work.

“An O&M port does not require the same water depths as we use smaller vessels. We’re currently looking at suitable ports and my guess is that we will make a decision in 2017,” Bigum said.

“We have challenged ourselves in every possible way. Some things we couldn’t do better but there were also places where we could be a lot better,” Bigum said.

Scope for further price reductions

Baltic Sea Building an offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea is very different than the North Sea, where many projects have been built in recent years. Generally, there are better weather conditions in the Baltic Sea with fewer storms, which means different wind and wave loads, which is a vital design parameter when designing foundations. Logistically, however, there are challenges in the Baltic Sea due to the lack of established ports for offshore work. Two ports are needed: whoever is picked to deliver the turbines need one port with great water depths for the

Even though CoE have already been reduced significantly, Bigum Nielsen sees scope for further price reductions, though not at the same steep pace as seen in 2016. “Price reductions will probably level off somewhat but I believe further reductions will be seen going forward. Perhaps a completely new type of turbine, a revolutionary invention, which can lower prices,” Bigum said. Today, a turbine is roughly half of total investments in any new offshore wind farm and can therefore potentially reduce total costs significantly. Kriegers Flak’s total investments are estimated at EUR 1.1-1.3bn. Energy Insight Yearbook 39


“Everybody has the same interest that no one should go to work and risk their lives,� Katrine Krone, at the Danish Working Environment Authority.


CLOSE COOPERATION IN THE OFFSHORE INDUSTRY ENSURES LOW LEVEL OF ACCIDENTS Top-notch safety standards in the offshore industry are paramount. Authorities and industry work close together to ensure that the number of accidents at oil & gas installations are kept at a minimum level. When working offshore, safety is of upmost importance as any accident can potentially be fatal. Industry and authorities work closely together to minimise accidents at oil & gas installations and for several years, the number of accidents in the Danish section of the North Sea has been stable at a low level. However, in 2014 a sudden surge occurred with the number of accidents rising to 22 from nine the year before. It was not a dramatic rise, and the number was still rather low, but it was

enough for the Danish Working Environment Authority (WEA) to approach operators and the sector trade organisation Oil Gas Denmark. “Even if we couldn’t see an upward trend in the number of accidents, and even if the accidents weren’t serious, it was still important to sit down and discuss what to do. Together we launched numerous initiatives, and already in 2015, the number of accidents had fallen again,” said Katrine Krone at WEA.

Energy Insight Yearbook 41

The operators already have internal procedures in place, but one of the initiatives launched after the 2014-data was on how to ensure learning across the industry. Any accident happening at Maersk Oil & Gas, for example, may just as easily happen at DONG Energy and from a prevention point of view, it is vital that operators learn from each other. “I think the culture you see offshore is rather special. It’s a learning culture more than a didactically culture and that makes a decisive difference,” said Katrine Krone. Oil Gas Denmark has launched the ‘Lessons Learned’ on its website where operators, service companies and sub-suppliers can learn from each other. “All the sub-suppliers are there too and it’s incredibly important to have that extra layer included,” Krone said. Another important factor in offshore safety is the very strong management focus and safety is nowadays an integrated part of the operator’s core business, according to Krone. “Their approach is that safe business is good business,” she said. Even if it is not required by law to have work permits when doing offshore work, many operators have a permit system in place, which outlines which precautions must be taken ahead of, during and after the job. No offshore job is done without such a permit, which is normally viable for 12 hours. After 12 hours, you need a new permit. The offshore industry also widely uses the Toolbox Talks system

42 Energy Insight Yearbook

where those working together on the task, talk together and tick off a list of basic questions before embarking on the work. “Do we have everything under control? Do we all know exactly what we’re doing? New employees who perhaps need more guidance. Or the risks identified in the permit, have they changed? Has the weather changed? Questions like these are asked to assess the situation and help minimise risks,” Katrine Krone tells. As an authority, WEA spends a lot of time checking the work permits, whether they have been drawn up for all the offshore jobs and whether they have been renewed. WEA is also checking whether the offshore companies have management system procedures in place, which is a requirement by law. “I think it’s quite unique for the offshore industry that there are no conflicting interests. Everybody has the same interest that no one should go to work and risk their lives,” said Krone.

Viking supplies the safety equipment One company that works with safety in the oil & gas industry is Viking Life-Saving Equipment, which offers both safety products, equipment, servicing as well as training sessions. “Our focus goes beyond the requirements of the law and international regulations. We develop products which can save lives and we always set the bar high,” said Benny Carlsen, SVP Global Sales, Viking Life-Saving Equipment. He said the Nordic countries have always focused a lot on safety in relation to people rather than material damage.

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Basic Safety Training, Refresher All Refresher courses are available at Rescue Center Denmark. New courses at Rescue Center Denmark Advanced Rescue, Confined Space, ActSafe Power ascender training, Slinger/Banksman are also availble. Customized solutions We also offer customized solutions and are dedicated to match your specific training needs. For further information Contact John Møller Jensen, phone +45 3046 4880,

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Evacuation equipment is one of the areas Viking works with. With many offshore installations moving further out at sea, new challenges have occurred. Deeper waters and the height from the platform to the ocean surface is also much larger, making evacuations much more difficult. One type of evacuation system is the Offshore Mass Evacuation System, which is being produced in Bergen in Norway. The technology is transferred from the large evacuation chute systems used on passenger ships and adapted for the offshore industry. “On an oil platform, you don’t have the ship’s side to use when evacuating. You’re hanging in free fall and if you jump, you die. Sometimes there may be 50 metres or even 80 metres to the water surface. “We’re delivering SOLAS approved chute systems where you go down in sections in a controlled evacuation from the platform. This system can evacuate 140 people in ten minutes,” Carlsen said.

Personal protective equipment Using the right personal safety equipment when working on an oil & gas installation is essential and can make the difference between life and death. Suits, which can resist sparks from welding work, anti-exposure suits, ergonomic lifejackets and knee-protectors are just some of the products being offered by Viking. “The immersion suits we produce live up to international requirements which stress that you should be able to stay afloat in the water for six hours at zero degrees Celsius, while the body temperature must not drop by more than 2 Celsius,” said Carlsen. All equipment is developed and manufactured by Viking and it is an area which is constantly evolving. A new series of suits for helicopter aviation have recently been developed and for the offshore wind industry, a new combined work- and immersion suit is soon to be launched. “This special wind farm work suit is very comfortable and has built-in harness equipment,” Carlsen said and added the personal protective equipment is being developed and tested in cooperation with customers. Viking suits are being used both summer and winter and in very different weather conditions and temperatures so it is important that they are comfortable to wear and are breathable, waterproof and durable.

WEA supervises the health and safety aspects of the offshore installations on the Danish Continental Shelf in the North Sea. Regulatory tasks include: •

Approval and permits for design, operation, modification and decommissioning of fixed offshore installations

Supervision of health and safety on offshore installations and certain vessels

Preparation of regulations on safety and health

46 Energy Insight Yearbook


Offshore Energy 2017

OWIB is an annual network event dedicated to making contacts and contracts within the offshore wind industry. At OWIB, participants pre-book meetings with participating companies. The participants are mainly European but not exclusively. The visiting businesses come from different parts of the supply chain - Developers, turbine manufacturers, engineering companies, construction, installation and service companies, etc.

Offshore Energy addresses the technical, operational and commercial challenges associated with future sector growth. The two-day event includes an exhibition where an expected 650+ supply chain companies will showcase their products and services. Next to that, there is an accompanying conference that covers key topics and solutions for the offshore community. Offshore Energy is the fastest growing gathering of offshore industry professionals. Founded in 2008, Offshore Energy has been breaking records year after year. The 2015 edition attracted 11,865 unique attendees representing 86 nationalities. The expected number of exhibitors in 2016 is 650+, 12000+ visitors, 1500+ delegates. The exhibitors, visitors and conference delegates are expected to represent 90+ nationalities.

Date: 17.05.2017 – 18.05.2017 Billund, Denmark For further information:

Offshore Wind Energy 2017 In 2017, WindEurope and RenewableUK will join forces to host the world’s largest offshore wind conference and exhibition, taking place in London on 6-8 June 2017. Offshore Wind Energy 2017 is expected to attract more than 10,000 professionals and showcase over 400 exhibitors from all sectors of the offshore wind industry. This international event will provide a comprehensive view of the trends, technologies and issues facing the offshore wind sector now and in the future. Date: 06.06.2017 – 08.06.2017 London, England For further information:

West Africa Power Summit 2017 Dakar, Senegal will play host to West Africa’s No.1 Business to Business Green Power event, which will bring together the senior decision makers from across the ECOWAS region. The West Africa Power Summit hosted by Vale Media Group, the Sub-Saharan African B2B events company, will provide a platform to address some key challenges of investments for green energy power initiatives, developing new green power infrastructure, integrating green power assets to aging grid infrastructure, regional power pooling and much more. The Summit will bring together Ministries of Power & Energy, State Power providers, Public – Private partnerships (PPP), Independent Power Producers (IPP’s) and key solution providers to tackle some of the most pressing issues within the African Power industry.

Date: 09.10.2017 – 11.10.2017 Amsterdam, Netherlands For further information:

HUSUM Wind 2017 The new concept for HUSUM Wind 2015, with the focus specifically on the important German core market, has proven to be a complete success that was greeted with enthusiasm by exhibitors and visitors alike. The German wind market is as interesting as ever, also for foreign firms. HUSUM Wind, as the national shop window, perfectly demonstrates the diversity, cutting-edge technology and the innovative power of the German market – and in such an authentic location as Husum. In 2017, businesses and industry representatives will once again be exhibiting their products and services along the entire value chain at HUSUM Wind. Date: 12.09.17 – 15.09.2017 Husum, Denmark For further information:

Date: 12.07.2017 – 14.07.2017 Dakar, Senegal For further information:

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48 Energy Insight Yearbook



Energy Insight Yearbook 49


Meterbuen 33 - 2740 Skovlunde

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Industry role: Consultant; Engineering; Installation; Manufacture or Supply


Profile: ABB is a leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve performance while lowering environmental impact.

Accoat A/S

Industry sector: Oil and Gas

+4549126800 / +4549126899

Industry role: Manufacture or Supply


Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

Munkegårdsvej 16 - 3490Kvistgård

Dokken 10 - 6700 Esbjerg

Profile: With over 40 years of business Accoat is a leading European applicator of fluoropolymer coatings and serves wide and diverse industries including offshore ,petrochemical and chemical.

Industry role: Service

+45 75 45 34 00

Industry classification: Legal

Advokatpartnerselskabet DAHL, Esbjerg

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

Dokken 10 - 6700 Esbjerg

Industry role: Consultant; Service

+45 8891 9000 /+45 8891 900

Industry classification: Legal


Industry sector: On- & Offshore Wind, Oil & Gas

Søndre Kajgade 7-9 - 8500 Grenaa +45 87 58 28 10


Spangsbjerg Møllevej 304-306 - 6705 Esbjerg Ø

Industry role: Design; Engineering; Installation; Service; HV Solutions Profile: ALL NRG holds a group of prominent onshore and offshore energy-related companies. Working together, the companies are able to offer comprehensive services for both high voltage and mechanical installations and services. Jointly, the companies in ALL NRG Group hold a globally leading position as a full-service provider to the offshore energy industry. All companies in the group deliver highly qualified solutions to the onshore and offshore energy sector. To customers, the constellation means that they will benefit from more knowledge and better service.

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Training and Education

+45 79140322 / +45 79140300

Profile: AMU-Vestis the leading centre for adult education in service training in Western Jutland.


Industry sector: Oil and Gas

Mejeribakken 8 - 3540 Lynge +4548 25 10 00 / +4548 25 46 40

Ardex Skandinavia A/S Marielundvej 4 - 2730 Herlev

+45 44 88 50 50 / +45 44 88 50 60

50 Energy Insight Yearbook

Industry role: Consultant; Design; Engineering; Manufacture or Supply; Service Profile: The people of AN GROUP are specialists within production IT & Automation systems, SCADA & ESD, Instrument, Electrical and Project Management, Safety Management including Safety Instrument Systems. Industry sector: Oil and Gas Industry role: Manufacture or Supply ARDEX Scandinavia A/S has provided the marine and offshore market with rapid and safe solutions within cement based internal deck coverings for more than 30 years. Our solutions are thoroughly tested on tens of thousands of square meters applied throughout the Nordic countries. The systems will meet most requirements for rapid steel deck coverings, whether it concerns repairs or new constructions.

Atcom ApS

Storstrømsvej 9 - 6715 Esbjerg N +4576123200 / +4576123299

Atkins Danmark A/S

Dokvej 3, Sektion 4 - 6700 Esbjerg +4552519000 / +4552519799

Atlas Copco Rental

Naverland 22 -2600 Glostrup +4543454611 / +4543632120

ATP Instone Marine & Corporate Travel Havnegade 35 - 1058 København K

Industry sector: Oil and Gas Industry role: Consultant; Manufacture or Supply Profile: ATCOM ApS is a vendor of products from leading suppliers of data transmission and network equipment - wireless as well as cable based. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Consultant Industry classification: Fabrication and Construction; Feasibility or Front End Studies; Foundations and Piles; Installation and Commissioning; Instrumentation; Land and Premises; Maintenance, Modification and Operation; Networking and Events; Personnel; Pipes, Pipelines and Risers; Process Control; Project Management; Safety; Training Industry sector: Oil and Gas Industry role: Consultant; Service; Certifications: 923 Certification; iso-9001 Certification; ohsas-18001 Certification Profile: World wide rental supply of compressors, nitrogen and power generators.

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind; Wave Energy Industry role: Service

+45 33915915 / +45 33915916

Profile: ATP Instone is a marine travel service provider.

AVEVA Denmark A/S

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

Sofiendalsvej 5A - 9200 Aalborg SV

Industry role: Design; Engineering

+45 99301100"

Industry classification: Computing and Information Technology; Construction Vessels

Balslev Consulting Engineers A/S

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

"Produktionsvej 2 - DK - 2600 Glostrup +45 7217 7217

Baltic Industries & Consulting A/S Birk Centerpark 40 - 7400 Herning

Industry role: Engineering & Consulting Profile: For offshore projects we design electrical systems and auxiliary systems for transformer platforms and electrical systems (transition pieces) in connection with cabling to wind farms. These services includes, among other things: Design of electrical systems - high to low voltage; Lighting and backup power supply; Lightning and transient overvoltage protection; Safety installations like video surveillance (CCTV). For wind turbines we provide: Design of machinery transformers with related protection equipment; Preparation of material for ”Failure mode and effects analysis” (FMEA); Design verification and validation procedures; Definition of electrical and mechanical interfaces plus co-ordination of these. Industry sector: Offshore Wind; Wave Energy Industry role: Service

+45 70 22 41 05 / +45 96 42 65 34


Langelinie Allé 35 - 2100 København Ø +45 7227 0000 / +457227 0027

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Consultant; Service Profile: Bech-Bruun is among the leading law firms in Denmark. From our offices in Copenhagen and Aarhus, we provide advice on all aspects of corporate and commercial law. Our clients include national and international enterprises, organisations and public authorities.

Energy Insight Yearbook 51

BIC Group

Springbankevej 14 - 7323 Give +45 70 22 41 05

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Service provider; Pre-assembly; Electrical; Maintenance; Installation

Contact person: Maj Winther Møller, Sales Manager, +45 50 43 61 98,

Profile: BIC Electric is a technical service provider in electrical and mechanical installation, maintenance and commissioning for Offshore Wind Power and Oil & Gas. We provide experienced, skilled, competent and hard-working technicians and engineers at competitive rates. Using our services, our partners can adjust their capacities to the current market demands quickly and smoothly and improve competitiveness.

Blue Company ApS

Industry sector: Offshore Wind

Boven 11 - 6700 Esbjerg

Industry role: Service

+45 20 83 83 53

Blue Water Shipping

Trafikhavnskaj 9 - 6701 Esbjerg +45 7913 4144 / +45 7913 4677

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Consultant; Manufacture or Supply; Service; Certifications: 923 Certification; iso-14001 Certification; iso-9001 Certification; ohsas-18001 Certification Profile: Blue Water Shipping is a global provider of all logistics services in modern supply chain management. We operate within seven business areas: • Wind Logistics • Oil & Gas • Industrial Projects • Port Operations & Agency • General Cargo • Reefer Logistics • Cruise Logistics • North Atlantic. Blue Water Shipping offers complete and customized solutions to any shipping requirements anywhere in the world.

Blaaholm A/S

Limfjordsvej 13 - 6715 Esbjerg N +45 7519 5427 / +45 7519 5425

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind; Wave Energy Industry role: Design; Engineering; Installation; Manufacture or Supply Profile: Blaaholm A/S develops special equipment for production, lifting, transportation and installation. We offer turnkey solutions which includes concept development, engineering, production and installation.We have a high quality standard and are focused on delivery on time.

Bolt Specialisten Aps

Competences Industry sector: Oil and Gas

+45 7550 1575 / +45 7550 1575

Profile: Supplier of: Linepipes, Offshore and Structual pipes, Foundation piles, Anchor piles. Flanges - ASTM/DIN and Bolts. Heads, closures and special pressings.

Brammer A/S

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

Klintevej 35 - 6000 Kolding

Cedervej 2 - 8462 Harlev J +4576 40 87 00 / +45 7640 8701

Brunel Denmark ApS

Havnegade 39 - 1058 København K +45 7020 3210

Brüel & Kjær Vibro A/S

Skodsborgvej 307 B - 2850 Nærum +45 7741 2500 / +45 4580 2937

52 Energy Insight Yearbook

Industry role: Manufacture or Supply; Service Industry classification: Bearings; Bolting, Fixing or Fasteners; Brakes; Electrical Equipment, Materials and Services; Electronics; Gears and Gearboxes; Generators; Hydraulics and Pneumatics; Supply Chain Management; iso-9001 Certification; Member of Achilles. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Service Profile: Brunel provides services in recruitment and contract staffing. Brunel Denmark ApS is a part of Brunel International. Brunel was founded in 1975 and is today an international company. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Manufacture or Supply; Service Profile: Brüel & Kjær Vibro A/S is the leading European vibration monitoring company, with more than 50 years of dedicated expertise in systems and services capable of doing protective and condition monitoring of rotating and reciprocating industrial machines.

Bureau Veritas Danmark

Vesterbrogade 149, byg. 4 - 1620 København V +45 7731 1000

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Service Profile: Bureau Veritas Group is uniquely placed to support customers with services that generate high added value and are intended to guarantee the legality and conformity of their operations, reduce the risks they incur, and measure and improve the performance of their organisation. Visit our Energy and Process website at:

Business Connect A/S

A.C. Illums Vej 21C - 8600 Silkeborg +45 3069 8993

Bølgekraftforeningen (The Wave Energy Association) Hamborgvej 40 - 7730 Hanstholm

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Consultant; Design; Installation; Manufacture or Supply; Service Industry classification: Bearings; Business Development; Construction Vessels; Corrosion Protection; Forging and Casting; Foundations and Piles; Insulation; International Trade; Machine Shops; Market Research; Marketing; Metal Materials; Networking and Events; Project Management; Rotor Blades; Supply Chain Management; Surface Treatment; Towers; Wind Turbine Industry sector: Wave Energy Industry role: Support Organisation

+45 2463 2404

Profile: The Wave Energy Association - the Association for the promotion of wave energy is up to date with the development of wave energy in Denmark and abroad. The board holds virtually all Danish experts within wave energy and offers their knowledge to the members of the association.

Cabicon a/s

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

Emil Neckelmanns Vej 5- 5220 Odense SØ +45 7623 4400 Fax +45 7623 4401 Contact: Søren Haslev, Electrical Engineer,, +45 2924 6045

Industry role: Manufacture or Supply Profile: Cabicon a/s is a professional supplier of electrical products and equipment to the Danish and European market. Our core business is: Electrical insulation, connectivity, fixation, cable glands, cable support systems, industrial marking, measurement instruments, tools, Cable handling systems and Megger. A close cooperation with our manufacturers worldwide enables us to provide the best and competitive solutions to our customers. Just in time delivery, customer support and a close cooperation with our customers is a high priority at Cabicon a/s customized solutions is actually one of our strengths. Industry classification: Electrical Equipment, Materials and Services.

Intelligent technology

Carl Backs A/S

Vesterhavsgade 153 - 6700 Esbjerg +45 7515 1177 / +45 7515 1726

Caverion, Fredericia

Vejlevej 123 - 7000 Fredericia +45 7623 2323

Ce-Tec A/S

Kirkegade 9, 2. - DK-6700 Esbjerg +45 7478 3564

Industry sector: Oil and Gas Industry role: Manufacture or Supply Carl Backs was established in 1971, therefor we have many years of experience supplying the offshore oil and wind sectors, we have the experience and knowledge necessary to provide the best service and knowhow. We are proud of our success in aligning our partners’ requirements for Personal Protective Equipment to our easily accessible and bespoke webshops. Our aim is to add value and provide cost reduction for our partners. Located in Esbjerg, we are already involved with the current and emerging offshore market.

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Service Profile: Caverion supply integrated technical solutions and services for a wide range of applications. The company have more than 20 years of experience with work in the offshore industry. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Support Organisation Profile: Ce-Tec A/S matches experienced and specialized engineers and other personnel with relevant assignments e.g. within the oil and gas industry. Ce-Tec also provides consultancy services e.g. within power and instrumentation installations, planning and commissioning, quality assurance of ATEX-installations and electrical safety courses.

Energy Insight Yearbook 53


Vesterbrogade 1E - 1620 København V +45 3840 5423

Clemco Danmark ApS

Niels Bohrs Vej 40 - 8660 Skanderborg +45 7013 1030 / +45 8033 1030

Comtec International Workwear & Safety Equipment Vesterhavsgade 153 - 6700 Esbjerg +45 7512 0930


Vestkraftkaj 4 C - 6701 Esbjerg

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Support Organisation Profile: Promoting green growth and employment in Denmark. CLEAN is Denmark’s leading green cluster organisation with members from the entire cleantech sector. CLEAN is a politically and technologically neutral platform that works across industry boundaries and the public and private sectors allowing domestic and foreign companies, knowledge institutions and public authorities to exchange knowledge and enter into new partnerships.

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind; Wave Energy Industry role: Engineering; Manufacture or Supply; Training and Education Profile: Clemco Denmark is a provider of equipment and tools for anti corrosion coatings such ass and blasting equipment, metallisation equipment and paint spraying pumps as well personal protection equipment. " Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Work Wear; Safety We have more then 15 years of experience supplying the offshore oil and wind sectors, we have the experience and knowledge necessary to provide the best service and knowhow. We are proud of our success in aligning our partners’ requirements for Personal Protective Equipment to our easily accessible and bespoke webshops. Our aim is to add value and provide cost reduction for our partners. Located in Esbjerg and Hull, we are already involved with the current and emerging offshore market.

Industry sector: Oil and Gas Industryrole: Manufacture or Supply

7513 6011 / 7513 6027

Profile: COPCO serves the oil and gas industry with a wide range of chemicals and oil products. Our office and tank terminal is located right on the quay side at the Port of Esbjerg.

CS Accommodation A/S

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

Darumvej 145c - 6700 Esbjerg +45 7512 0093

Danbor A/S

Kanalen 1 - 6700Esbjerg +45 7911 1900 / +45 7911 1901

Danish Export Association Glarmestervej 20 A - 8600 Silkeborg +45 8681 3888 / +45 8681 3114

54 Energy Insight Yearbook

Profile: Around the world we are handling everything from the first survey reports, renovation and reconstruction projects offshore to implementing large accommodation upgrades during Yard Stays. This incluedes: All types of IMO approved floor constructions, IMO approved wall systems, IMO approved ceiling systems (prepared for lights, ventilation etc.), complete solutions from 3D layouts to delivering a fully equipped Galley, IMO approved furniture for all areas in living quarters, complete solutions from the first layouts to delivery of new bathrooms ready for use, Cold storage / Deep freeze rooms (renovate or deliver new storage areas), service and maintenance (from survey reports to operations and maintenance plans).

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role :Installation; Manufacture or Supply; Service; Training and Education Profile: Being a professional contractor operating worldwide, Danbor provides the oil/gas, wind and maritime industries with a one-stop-shop of services ranging from transportation and logistics through supply base facilities to repair and maintenance of drilling/production rigs and the like. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Consultant; Service; Support Organisation; Training and Education Profile: A membership of the Danish Export Association brings you know-how: Through the Danish Export Association you are included in a professional and powerful network. The Danish Export Association addresses suppliers of components, systems as well as services. The Danish Export Association is a strong partner for Danish companies wishing an international impact.

Danish Marine & Offshore Group Nørremarksvej 27 - 9270 Klarup

+45 9831 7711 / +45 9831 7755

Danish Standards (Dansk Standard) Göteborg Plads 1 - DK-2150 Nordhavn +45 39 96 61 01 fax +45 39 96 61 02

Danoil Exploration A/S

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Consultant; Support Organisation Profile: Danish Marine & Offshore Group is a member-based supplier association of companies offering products, consultancy and services to the international offshore industry. The aims of the association is to organise conferences and networking events as well as to encourage cooperation between the members to the benefit of the customers. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; On- & Offshore Wind Industry role: Standardisation Profile: Danish Standards is Denmark’s national standardisation organisation. Through our Danish committees and strong professional networks, we provide knowledge about and influence on international standards to Danish enterprises, trade associations, consumer organisations, the authorities, reseachers etc. We are members of the international standardisation organisations ISO and IEC as well as the European counterparts CEN, CENELEC and ETSI. Industry sector: Oil and Gas

Åhave Parkvej 11 - 8260 Viby J +45 8932 2211

Danske Bank

Strandbygade 2- 6700 Esbjerg +45 4512 6500 / +45 4514 5502

DBI - Danish Institute of Fire and Security Technology Jernholmen 12 - 2650 Hvidovre

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind; Wave Energy Industry role: Service Profile: By providing proactive advice, we enable you to make the right financial decisions for your business. With our market-leading financial tools and expertise, we give you a realistic picture of the consequences of selecting specific strategies. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind; Wave Energy Industry role: Service Industry role: Service

+45 3634 9000 / +45 3634 9001 //

Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab Frodesgade 125 - 6700 Esbjerg

+45 7912 8444 / +45 7912 8455


Agern Allé 5 - 2970 Hørsholm +45 4516 9200 / +45 4516 9292

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Consultant; Service Profile: Deloitte works with a wide range of both private and public organisations. Deloitte offers a range of support services including: Auditing; Accounting; Tax; Relocation; Information technology; Environment; Management consultancy

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind; Wave Energy Industry role: Consultant; Design; Installation; Research and Development; Service; Training and Education Profile: DHI is an independent, international consulting and research organization with headquarter in Denmark. Our objectives are to advance technological development and competence within the fields of water, environment and health. With respect to design optimization, environmental impact assessment, and environmental management of large-scale offshore projects (oil & gas as well as offshore renewables), DHI possesses a body of experience and an array of advanced problem solving tools, which are unsurpassed worldwide.

Energy Insight Yearbook 55

DI Energi

H.C. Andersens Boulevard 18 - 1787 København K +45 3377 3377 / +45 3377 3300

DIS, Esbjerg

Spangsbjerg Møllevej 100 - 6705 Esbjerg Ø +45 8738 7450

DJURS Wind Power

Færgevej 1, 1. sal - 8500 Grenaa

Industry sector: Oil and Gas Industry role: Support Organisation Profile: The Confederation of Danish Industries (Dansk Industri - DI) is a private organisation funded, owned and managed entirely by currently 6,400 companies within the manufacturing and service industries. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind; Wave Energy Industry role: Consultant; Design; Engineering; Manufacture or Supply Research and Development Profile: DIS is a consulting engineering company, delivering product development, special machinery and consultants to the industry. As one of Denmark’s leading engineering companies, DIS’ engineers are experts in creating innovative solutions, with a focus on cost, robustness, quality, safety and implementation. Industry sector: Offshore Wind Industry role: Support Organisation

+45 5122 0222

DNV GL, Esbjerg

Dokken 10 - 6700 Esbjerg +45 7912 8600 / +45 7912 8601

DONG Energy, Gentofte Nesa Allé 1 - 2820 Gentofte

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind; Wave Energy Industry role: Consultant; Design; Engineering; Installation; Research and Development; Service; Training and Education Profile: DNV GL is driven by the purpose of safeguarding life, property and the environment, DNV GL enables organizations to advance the safety and sustainability of their business. We provide classification and technical assurance along with software and independent expert advisory services to the maritime, oil and gas, and energy industries.

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Operator

+45 9955 1111

DTU - Centre for Oil and Gas

Industry sector: Oil and Gas

Elektrovej - Bygning 375 - 2800 Kgs. Lyngby +45 4525 7210

East Metal A/S

Bavnehøjvej 6 - 6700 Esbjerg +45 7525 1799 / +45 7525 1647

56 Energy Insight Yearbook

Profile: The Danish Hydrocarbon Research and Technology Centre at DTU is tasked with researching and developing new technologies with a view to improving utilization of the North Sea reserves of oil and gas. The centre is located at DTU and affiliated with research groups at the University of Copenhagen, Aarhus University, Aalborg University, and the Geological Survey of Greenland and Denmark (GEUS).

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind; Wave Energy Industry role: Manufacture or Supply Profile: East Metal is a Sub-supplier with specialty in heavy complex steel constructions and components. With certified quality and a large capacity we can serve our customers within offshore wind energy, oil & gas, transportation and lifting equipment and other industries.

EKU, E-Learning Kompetence Udvikling Hegnet 28 - DK-6715 Esbjerg N

+45 41 40 67 00 / +45 75 170 500 Contact person: Per Nørsten, Adm. Direktør,

Industry sector: On- & Offshore Wind, Oil & Gas Industry role: Training; Safety E K U offers the best E-Learning solutions! Our electrical safety course “EN 50110 & L-AUS, Safety when working on or near electrical installations” is available in English and Danish. Our courses are available 24/7/365 for enrollment and completion. Enrollment, payment, course completion and print of certificate - All online – whenever it suits you. We have the best competencies in the market, and offer more than just courses.

Endress+Hauser A/S

Poppelgårdvej 10-12 - 2860 Søborg +45 70 13 11 32 / +45 70 13 21 33

Industry sector: Oil and Gas Industry role: Consultant; Engineering; Installation; Manufacture or Supply; Service; Training and Education

Contact person: Oline Westerdahl, Marketing Manager Scandinavia,, +4539558107 / +4523268107

Profile: Endress+Hauser is a leading supplier of measuring instruments and automation solutions for the industrial process engineering industry. Safety, efficiency and availability, whether upstream or downstream, we tackle your specific challenges with partnership and enthusiasm. Our goal is to support you in enhancing and improving overall plant safety, and in enjoying the confidence that comes from working with accurate, robust and reliable measurement instrumentation. Our factory-trained and knowledgeable people are available to support you globally throughout the entire life cycle of your plant.

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind; Wave Energy

Tonne Kjærsvej 65 - 7000 Fredericia

Industry role: Service

+45 70102244

Industry classification: Cables and Connectors; Grid Interface or Substations; Safety


Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

Amaliegade 44 - 1256 København K +45 33926700 / +45 33114743

Envision Energy, Denmark Torvet 11, 2. - 8600 Silkeborg

+45 7244 4439 / +45 8685 9942

Erhvervsakademi Sydvest Sp. Kirkevej 103 - 6700 Esbjerg +4576133200 / +4576133201

Esbjerg Airport (Esbjerg Lufthavn) John Tranums Vej 20 - 6705 Esbjerg Ø +45 7612 1400

Industry role: Support Organisation Profile: The Danish Energy Authority carries out tasks, nationally and internationally, in relation to the production, supply and consumption of energy. This means that the Authority is responsible for the whole chain of tasks linked to the production of energy and its transportation through pipelines to the stage where oil, natural gas, heat, electricity etc. are utilised for energy services by the consumer. Industry sector: Offshore Wind Industry role: Design; Engineering; Manufacture or Supply Profile: Envision Energy is the largest privately owned wind turbine manufacturer in China. Envision is based in China with the core business of developing and manufacturing WTG’s which comprises research & development, manufacturing, sales and maintenance of advanced-technology wind turbine generators. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Training and Education Profile: The Business Academy SouthWest offers different higher educational programs up to bachelor-level with a specific focus on offshore and energy among other areas. The Business Academy SouthWest is closely linked to the regional business and industry and all programs have a strong focus on the practical problems the students will meet in their professions. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Airport Profile: Esbjerg Airport is a vital nerve center for the offshore industry and the many passengers who each day pass through our facilities on their way to and from work. we are a hub for helicopter flights to the North Sea and daily scheduled flights to Aberdeen and Stavanger. Furthermore, we are fully equipped to handle heavy cargo such as containers, anchors, nacelles and other elements that need to be shipped to oil rigs or elsewhere in the world.

Energy Insight Yearbook 57

Esbjerg Business Development Centre Niels Bohrs Vej 6- 6700 Esbjerg +4575123744 / +4536973501

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind; Wave Energy Industry role: Support Organisation Profile: At Esbjerg Business Development Centre we will nourish your business. We offer you new approaches to your opportunities and challenges, regardless of the development stage and line of your business.

Esbjerg Havn (Port of Esbjerg) Hulvejen 1 - 6700 Esbjerg +4575 12 4144

Esbjerg Kommune Rådhuset - 6700 Esbjerg

+45 76161616 / +4576161617

Esbjerg Oiltool A/S

Håndværkervej 67 - 6710 Esbjerg V

Profile: The Port of Esbjerg is Denmark’s western gateway.

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind; Wave Energy Industry role: Support Organisation Profile: The Municipality of Esbjerg is the fifth-largest in Denmark with approx. 115.000 inhabitants. It covers an area of 75,543 hectares or 755 square kilometers. Today the Municipality of Esbjerg is Denmark’s center for energy technology based on a strong business cluster and a strong education and research environment. Go to for more information. Industry sector: Oil and Gas Industry role: Manufacture or Supply

+45 75156400 / +45 75156143

Profile: Stockholders of: Pipes and Tubulars in ASTM/API Qualities.

Esbjerg Shipyard A/S

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

Molevej 28-30 - 6700 Esbjerg +4575 12 01 50


Dokvej 4 - 6700 Esbjerg +4578730730

Europas Maritime Udviklingscenter (EMUC) Amaliegade 33 B - 1256 København K +4533337488 / +4533327938

F. Engel K/S

Norgesvej 12 - 6100 Haderslev +4574223535 / +4574223509

58 Energy Insight Yearbook

Industry role: Engineering; Installation; Manufacture or Supply; Service; iso-9001 Certification; Member of Achilles; Other Profile: Esbjerg Shipyard is part of the Granly Group – a family of highly specialized companies. Esbjerg Shipyard represents the maritime sector within the group and offers all kinds of shipbuilding, repair, maintenance, classification and inspection. Esbjerg Shipyard collaborates with a large number of service companies in Esbjerg Harbour and thus covers all the needs of ship owners. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Service Profile: ESVAGT delivers safety and support at sea, and focus on quality and safety and provide a wide range of specialized services to the offshore oil, gas and wind industries: Standby, rescue and serviceduties, Oilspill response and surveillance, Offshore Wind service support.

Industry sector: Oil and Gas Industry role: Service; Support Organisation Profile: The objective of the Maritime Development Center of Europe is to promote growth and development in the maritime sector.

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industryrole: Manufacture or Supply

Falck Safety Services A/S Uglviggårdsvej 3 - 6705 Esbjerg Ø +45 7612 1314 / +457612 1313

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Training and Education Profile: Falck Safety Services is an international education center which offers standard courses including among other things fire and rescue for offshore, shipping, windmills, industry and service. Furthermore a long line of special courses within maritime security and ISPS security, chemical training, crisis management and safety advise are available.

FORCE Technology

Park Alle 345 - 2605 Brøndby +45 4326 7000 / +45 4326 7000

Fredericia Maskinmesterskole Købmagergade 86 - 7000 Fredericia

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Consultant; Design; Engineering; Research and Development; Service; Training and Education Profile: FORCE Technology is among the leading technological consulting and service companies in Denmark as well as internationally, transforming knowledge into solutions and focused on transforming highly specialized engineering knowledge into practical and cost-effective solutions for a broad range of business sectors and industries. Industry sector: Oil and Gas Industry role: Training and Education

+45 75922833 / +45 75933599

Profile: School providing maritime educations for almost 100 years.

Furmanite A/S

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

Isefjordsvej 3 - 6715 Esbjerg N +45 3534 6080


H.E. Bluhmesvej 77 - 6700 Esbjerg +45 75132266 / +4575139514


Stensgårdvej 2 - 5500 Middlefart

Industry role: Engineering; Installation; Manufacture or Supply; Service Profile: Furmanite, one of the world’s largest specialty technical services companies, delivers abroad portfolio of engineering solutions that keep facilities operating, onshore, offshore and subsea, minimizing downtime and maximizing profitability. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Manufacture or Supply Profile: FURUNO DANMARK AS are providing the maritime- offshore industry with advanced electronic systems and products for navigation, communication and fish-finding. Covering the markets in Denmark, Greenland, Faroe Islands, Island, Russia, Azerbaijan, Poland, Israel and the Baltic Countries. Industry sector: Oil and Gas Industry role: Manufacture or Supply

+45 42 42 50 70

Profile: GasDetect vil eliminere dødsfald på arbejdspladsen, som følge af eksplosioner, forgiftning og kvælning, inden år 2100.

Grenaa Havn A/S

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

Neptunvej 1 - 8500 Grenaa

Industry role: Installation; Service

+45 87 58 76 00 / +45 86 32 43 71

Industry classification: Cranes (Mobile); Decommissioning and Abandonment; Land and Premises; Material and Product Handling; Personnel; Ports and Supply Bases

Grønbech & Sønner A/S

Industry sector: Wind (on- and offshore), Oil and Gas

Malervej 4 - 6710 Esbjerg

+45 33266300 (day) / +45 72171494 (night)

Industry role: Engineering & Consulting; Supply; Other Profile: Grønbech & Sønner is a global player on major projects around the world. Our experienced offshore technicians are able to perform Pressure Safety Valves-campaigns and similar tasks. At our workshop, we are able to perform maintenance, test and repair of valves, pressure safety valves, instruments and pumps. As certified agents of CAMERON valves & measurements, KSB pumps & valves, AUMA Actuators and Bopp & Reuther in Denmark, we have a wide range of possibilities to offer outstanding components and solutions to the offshore industry.

Energy Insight Yearbook 59

Hafnia Law Firm

Nyhavn 69 - 1051 København K

Industry sector: Offshore Wind Industry role: Service

+4533343900 / +4533343920

Profile: Maritime and international lawfirm

Hanstholm Electronik, Esbjerg

Industry sector: Oil and Gas

Fiskerihavnsgade 9 - 6700 Esbjerg

Industry role: Consultant; Design; Service; Engineering; Installation

+45 97 96 18 88

Hempel A/S

Lundtoftegårdsvej 91 - 2800 Kgs. Lyngby 45 93 38 00 / 45 88 55 18

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Manufacture or Supply Profile: The Hempel Group is a leader in the production and sales of protective coating solutions within the marine, container, yacht, decorative and protective market segments. Hempel provides coatingsystems with a proven performance trackrecord for use in both alkaline and acidic environments and foruseonsteel/alloys,as well as concrete.

Hess Denmark ApS

Østergade 26B - 1100 København K 33301233 / 333012 99

HG Electric A/S

Bløden 2 - 9900 Frederikshavn

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Manufacture or Supply; Service

98 42 60 70 / 98 43 90 70

Profile: HG Electric A/S is a licensed electrical installation company which has had tremendous growth within onshore as well as marine installations.

HH-Consult A/S

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

Glarmestervej 22 - 6710 Esbjerg V

Industry role: Consultant;Service

+4576104055 / +4576104056

Profile: HH-Consult A/S employs engineers, inspectors, project managers and other highly qualified personnel in a wide range of disciplines.

Hirtshals Havn

Industry sector: Oil and gas

Norgeskajen 11 - 9850 Hirtshals +45 96 56 50 00

Holtec Automatic A/S

Sallingsundvej 2 - 6715 Esbjerg N +4576767676

Horten Advokatpartnerselskab Philip Heymans Allé 7 - 2900 Hellerup +4533 34 40 00 / +4533 34 40 01

60 Energy Insight Yearbook

Industry role: Service Profile: The Port of Hirtshals has a unique location directly at the North Sea, and right at the beginning of the European motorway network, E39. In 2011, the Port of Hirtshals entered the offshore market, and since then the port has been home to several rig renovations and upgrades. The Port of Hirtshals has the facilities to provide the right settings for service, repair and renovation of offshore units. Furthermore, the port is home to a wide range of service companies with experience in the offshore business. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industryrole: Engineering; Installation; Manufacture or Supply Profile: Holtec Automatic A/S – Safe controls that create value for our customers. Supplier of control products for Oil/ Gas and the industrial automation. Over 25 years of combined controls experience. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Consultant; Service Profile: Horten is specialised within sectors characterised by strict regulation or where technological development and innovative approaches are fundamental - such as energy and supply, Life Science and Healthcare, IT, technology and media as well as the public sector.

A/S Megatrade Beslag Gungevej 5 - 2650 Hvidovre +45 44 91 67 00

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Consultant; Manufacture or Supply; Research and Development Profile: Megatrade offer a wide range of industrial hardware such as; locks and latches, knobs and handles, hinges, rubberprofiles, gas springs, drawer slides, fasteners, etc. Industry classification: Bolting, Fixing or Fasteners; Fabrication and Construction; International Trade; Material and Product Handling; Non-Metal Material; Seals and Gaskets; Supply Chain Management

HSM Industri A/S

Bredstrupvej50 - 8500Grenaa

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Design; Engineering; Manufacture or Supply; Research and Development; Service

+4586326666 / +4586309866

Profile: Production of large scale offshore equipment such as complex handling machines, BOP Elevators, BOP Cranes, Pipe Rackers etc.

Hub North

Industry sector: Offshore Wind

Boulevarden 13 - 9000 Aalborg +45 99 31 15 84


Høgevej 8 - 6705 Esbjerg Ø +45 76 14 19 00 / +45 76 14 19 09

IAT Base & Energy A/S Vestkraftkaj 4 A - 6700 Esbjerg

+45 7513 1022 / +45 7513 1914

IFS Danmark A/S

Arne Jacobsens Allé 15-17 - 2300 København S +4543 28 89 00 / +4543 28 89 01

Insatech A/S

Algade 133 - 4760 Vordingborg +455537 2095

J.A.K. Workwear A/S Energivej 11 - 6700 Esbjerg

+457615 2929 / +457615 2939

Industry role: Support Organisation Profile: Hub North is a northern Danish network with targeted profiling within wind energy. The operators are companies active within the windmill industry, directly or as subcontractors to larger manufacturers. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Consultant; Design; Engineering; Manufacture or Supply; Service Profile: HYTOR designs and builds specialized systems and sells, services and rents out equipment to the oil- and gas industry, wind energy industry and the industry in general. As collaborator and supplier HYTOR is the reliable and solution oriented business partner that with detail oriented specialists, competent experience and precision creates value adding solutions of high quality. Industry sector: Oil and Gas Industry role: Consultant; Manufacture or Supply; Service Profile: IAT Base & Energy is closely connected with the oil and gas activities in the Danish part of the North Sea. IAT Base & Energy’s most important task is - 24 hours a day - to be available for service for the oil companies, operators and other partners, in order to secure that the search for and production of oil and gas can take place under the best conditions possible. Industry sector: Oil and Gas Industry role: Consultant; Service Profile: IFS is a public company (OMXSTO: IFS) founded in 1983 that develops, supplies, and implements IFS Applications™, a component-based extended ERP suite built on SOA technology. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Design; Engineering; Installation; Manufacture or Supply; Service; Training and Education Industry classification: Communication Systems; Control Systems; ElectricalEquipment; Materials andServices;HazardousArea Equipment and Services; Inspection and Testing; Instrumentation; Valves and Accessories; iso-9001 certification, member of Achilles. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Manufacture or Supply Profile: Production of work wear for offshore use. Whole sale of safty shoes and personel protection gear.

Energy Insight Yearbook 61

JKS a/s

Kongensgade 123 - 6700 Esbjerg

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Service

+4576141750 / +4576141751

Profile: JKS is one of the largest temp staff- and recruitment companies in Denmark with more than 15 years experience – especially with personnel in industrial production.

Jobcenter Esbjerg, Team Energi

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

Exnersgade 33 - 6700 Esbjerg


Johnson Metal A/S

Nyholms Alle 20 - 2610 Rødovre +4536700044 / +4536708050

Jutlandia Terminal A/S Amerikavej 1 - 6700 Esbjerg +45 7513 6022

Jyske Bank Esbjerg Torvet 21 - 6700 Esbjerg

Industry role: Support Organisation Profile: Jobcenter Esbjerg offers companies within the oil/gas and wind-sector a professionel and reliable service within recruitment. Cooperating with other Jobcentres in Denmark enabling Jobcenter Esbjerg to provide the companies with labours having the right qualifications. Before employing the labours Jobcenter Esbjerg can provide the labours with required courses (safety courses). Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Manufacture or Supply Profile: Johnson Metal A/S supplies all kind off bronze alloys. Standard bronze bearings and special dimensions up to size Ø1700mm for all applications for marine industial incl. sea water resistent bronze. Agent for registred trademark Ampco Metal. Custom items after drawing. Oiles. CIP composit bearings. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: logistics and Port services "Profile: Jutlandia is a full-service offshore provider dedicated to providing a high level of service and strong individual commitment. Based at the port of Esbjerg, we provide all ""requirements"" for the local exploration and production in the North Sea. Worldwide we are operating at 300 destinations, and we have three big modern warehouses and outdoor storage, including facilities for storage of pipes and tanks."

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Service

+45 89 89 98 20 / +45 89 89 98 21

KK Wind Solutions

Industry sector: Offshore Wind

Boegildvej 3 - 7430 Ikast

+45 9692 4300

Knud E. Hansen A/S

Claessensvej 1 - 3000 Helsingør 32 83 13 91 / 32 83 13 94

62 Energy Insight Yearbook

"Profile: Experts in combining technical knowledge and insights from our extensive experience in the field to create new and improved wind power solutions. With our strong focus on innovation and integration we are constantly breaking boundaries by improving on what we have done before. Our expertise with system integration and our ability to provide integrated supply chain solutions set us apart from others. In every aspect of our business, we strive to not only satisfy but also exceed our customers’ expectations."

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Consultant; Design; Engineering Profile: KNUD E. HANSEN A/S Naval architects, designers and marine engineers - consultancy and a leading provider of innovative and customized solutions for every project phase of the design, construction and installation of offshore windfarms and design of dedicated installation vessels.

Lemvigh-Müller A/S Nordager 1 - 6000 Kolding

+45 36 95 55 00 / +45 36 95 55 01

LIC engineering A/S

Kirkegade 25 - 6700 Esbjerg

Industry sector: Offshore Wind Industry role: Manufacture or Supply Profile: Lemvigh-Müller is Denmark’s largest wholesaler, its primary business areas being: Steel & metals, electrical supplies, tools, technical articles, plumbing and heating. Lemvigh-Müller has Denmark’s largest and widest product range of steels and metals: steel, reinforcing steel, stainless steel, aluminum, copper, brass, zinc, lead and bronze.

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Consultant; Manufacture or Supply; Service

7518 1688 / 7518 1640

Profile: LICengineering is an engineering company specialised in fluid dynamics, geo technics, structural dynamics, subsea engineering and underwater acoustics.

Liftra ApS

Industry sector: Offshore Wind

Stationsmestervej 81 - 9200 Aalborg SV

Industry role: Manufacture or Supply

+45 96 60 03 00 / +45 96 60 03 01

Lindvig Consulting ApS Solbakken 13 - 6510 Gram +45 24 63 92 63


Kystvejen 100 - 5330 Munkebo

Industry sector: Offshore Wind Industry role: Consultant Profile: Lindvig Consulting is a consultancy company offering consultancy and directorship services, primarily for companies within the Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Business. Lindvig Consulting offers professional board membership in management owned companies or in companies with a hired top management. The services also include board membership for institutional investors in fully or partly owned companies.

Industry sector: Offshore Wind Industry role: Research and Development; Support Organisation

+45 70 23 04 30

Industry classification: Foundations and Piles; Generators; Grid Interface or Substations; Inspection and Testing; Welding; Wind Turbine

Lund Skilte A/S

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

Sjællandsgade 39 - 6700 Esbjerg +4575131400 / +4575131445

Maersk Broker (Specialised Tonnage)

Midtermolen 1 - 2100 København Ø +45 33 63 85 94

Maersk Drilling

Jægersborg Alle 4 - 2920 Charlottenlund

Industry role: Consultant; Manufacture or Supply; Service Profile: Lund Skilte A/S manufactures all types off safety signs, IMO, Permalight (photoluminescent), instructions, prohibitions, warnings and fire & safety signs, pipeline stickers, Hazard symbolds. Our signs comes inn all sizes, layout and materials. Both printet and engraved. Tailor-made signs.

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Consultant; Service Industry classification: Business Development; Construction Vessels; Cranes (Mobile); Decommissioning and Abandonment; Foundations and Piles; Installation and Commissioning; Project Management; Support Vessels; Wind Turbine

Industry sector: Oil and Gas Industry role: Service

+45 33 63 33 63

Maersk Training Esbjerg A/S Ravnevej 12 - 6705 Esbjerg Ø

+45 70 22 79 50

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Consultant; Service; Training and Education Industry classification: Material and Product Handling; Personnel; Safety; Training; Wind Turbine

Energy Insight Yearbook 63

Maskinmesterskolen København

Akademivej 56 - bygning 358 - 2800 Kongens Lyngby +45 45257600

Maskinmestrenes Forening

Sankt Annæ Plads 16 - 1250 København K +45 33 36 49 20 / +45 33 36 49 49

Maskinsikkerhed ApS

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Education; Training MSK er Danmarks ældste maskinmesterskole og har uddannet maskinmestre siden 1906. Der er ca. 700 studerende og 60 ansatte. Nederst på formularenMSK er førende inden for det elog køletekniske område og har uden sammenligning landets bedste køletekniske faciliteter, laboratorium og eksperter. MSK er med helt fremme når det gælder styring og regulering samt robotteknologi og tilbyder ekspertviden omfattende de seneste teknologier inden for solceller, vindenergi og brændselsceller. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Training and Education Profile: Engineers’ Association is an organization for graduate engineers, dual purpose cadets and technical manager offshore, all trained - or in training - in an engineering school or a maritimetraining center. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

Lejrvej 17 - 3500 Værløse

+45 4447 3156

Masytec A/S

Vallensbækvej 31 - 2605 Brøndby

We are a team of specialists who offers the full range of Certification for CE Mark compliance for safety of machinery. We guide companies through the complicated product Directives and legislation assisting to correctly CE Label machinery. We inspect machinery for safety hazards. When needed, we offer solutions to machine safeguarding. Industry sector: Offshore Wind" Industry role: Manufacture and Supply; Service

+45 4345 8866

Profile: Lubrication systems for offshore, windpower and other industries.

MHI Vestas Offshore Wind A/S

Industry sector: Offshore Wind

Ministry of Foreign Affairs -TradeCouncil

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

Siriusvej 6 - 6700 ESBJERG

Asiatisk Plads 2 - 1448 København K

Industry role: Support Organisation

+45 33 92 00 00 / +45 33 92 04 30

MT Højgaard A/S

Knud Højgaards Vej 9 - 2860 Søborg +45 70 12 24 00 / +45 70 13 24 21

Mærsk Olie og Gas A/S Kanalen 1 - 6700 Esbjerg

+45 7545 1366 / +45 7545 1158

64 Energy Insight Yearbook

Industry sector: Offshore Wind Industry role: Consultant; Design; Engineering; Installation; Manufacture or Supply; Service Profile: MT Højgaard is one of the leading building and civil engineering companies in Scandinavia. MT Højgaard offers to carry out offshore foundations on an EPCI basis, i.e. engineering, procurement, construction and installation of the foundations. MT Højgaard also offers consultancy services in all fields of offshore wind farm construction. Industry sector: Oil and Gas Industry role: Operator Profile Mærsk Olie og Gas A/S (Maersk Oil) is a company owned by A.P. Møller – Mærsk A/S, and is part of the A.P. Moller–Maersk Group. Maersk Oil was established in 1962, when Mr. A.P. Møller was awarded the concession for oil and gas exploration and production in Denmark. In 2003, the concession period was extended from 2012 until 2042 and terms and conditions were adjusted as of 1 January 2004.

Nellemann Survey A/S Strandvejen 18 - 9000 Aalborg +45 98 13 46 55

Industry Sector: Oil and Gas, Offshore Wind Industry role: Service, Consultant

Contact person: Arne Kjærsgaard, Managing Director,, +45 20 78 35 27

Profile: Nellemann Survey has 30 years of experience from offshore survey projects, and a staff of highly qualified surveyors (M/B.Sc.) performing: - Positioning of Wind Farm foundations (> 500 installations) - Dimensional control surveys - 3D laser scanning and modelling - QC-work for rig moves, jacket- and mono pile installation, rock dumping - Bathymetric- and Geophysical surveys We are a subsidiary of Landinspektørfirmaet LE34 A/S, with +300 employees.

Nordisk Svejse Kontrol A/S

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

Hammeren 5 - DK-6715 Esbjerg N (Day) +45 7524 6980 / (Night) +45 7524 6960 fax: +45 7515 6985

Nordjyllands Beredskabs Uddannelsescenter Rørdalsvej 55 - 9220 Aalborg Øst +45 70 15 15 14

Nortek ApS

Ormhöjgaardvej 4 - DK-8700 Horsens +45 7199 8909

North Sea Shipbrokers Nyhavnsgade37 - 6700Esbjerg

+4575127077 / +4575128312

Ocean Team Scandinavia A/S Vesterhavsgade 56 - 6700 Esbjerg +45 75180077 / +45 75181056"

Industry role: Welding; Testing; Examination Profile: Accredited by DANAK to perform Non Destructive Testing (NDT) together with certification of welders. Solving weld technical problems, Witnessing the welding of procedure test specimens and preparation of WPS, WPQR and WPQ and Destructive testing (DT) for welding of procedure and testing of materials. All our technicians are approved to carry out NDT according to PED with the following test methods: Ultrasonic Testing, Radiography, Magnetic Particle Testing, Penetrant Testing, Eddy Current Examination, Visual Examination, Rope Access. Furthermore we perform Pressure Tests, PWHT and inspection of surface treatment. Approved by Lloyd’s, DNV, Bureau Veritas and ABS to perform Thickness Measurements of Hull Structure. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Training; Safety Profile: We offer a wide range of courses at our two training centres. e.g STCW, LNG, CFS, BOSC/ OPITO, Fire, GWO basic safety training, Height rescue, advanced rescue, Basic height safety & Rescue, Confined Spaces, First Aid, ITLS etc.

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Manufacture or Supply; Service Profile: NORTEK offers a wide range of solutions within industrial and hydraulic hoses, couplings, hydraulic valves, pumps, filters, hydraulic system solutions and costumer-required solutions. Industrial large bore hoses up to 24”; BOP Couplings; ATEX hoses; On-site fully equipped container for hydraulic hose assembly; Steel compensators and hoses; Advanced pipe bending from 4 to 60 mm pipe mounted with wide range of possibilities, among others triple-lok 37°, O-lok 90°, Bördel E-F, EO2 and Vossform; High pressure hose assembly up to 3500 bar; Hydraulic wrenches, bolt tensioner and small jack-up cylinders. Because quality matters.

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind; Wave Energy Industry role: Consultant; Manufacture or Supply; Research and Development; Service Profile: North Sea Shipbrokers is one of the leading Shipbrokers in Offshore Renewable Energy, Seismic support and Oil & Gas. The Broker team and Agency team can offer offshore brokerage, Consulting, Contracting, Tendering and Shipbroker services on Spot charter or long-term requirement. Industrysector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Manufacture or Supply; Service Profile: Ocean Team Scandinavia is your international partner within specialized cleaning of technical and fluid transfer systems. The company is specialized in oil flushing, chemical and mechanical cleaning. Furthermore we offer development, construction and production of customized purification systems.

Energy Insight Yearbook 65

Offshore & Marine - Contacts Silovej 8 - 9900 Frederikshavn +45 31 50 04 44 Dokvej 3 - 6700 Esbjerg

+45 36 97 36 70

Olie Gas Danmark

Knabrostræde 30, st. - 1210 København K 3841 1880 / 3841 1889

Per Aarsleff A/S

Industry sector: Oil and Gas Industry role: Consultant; Service Profile: Offshore & Marine - Contacts (OMC) is specialized in supplying consultants, In-house engineer and service in against the Oil- and Marine industry OMC-Consultants: Worldwide supply of consultants/Engineers in all levels, both design and field area OMC-Engineering: Inhouse structural/mechanical engineering of FPSO’s, vessels, platforms and rigs OMC-Service. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind; Wave Energy Industry role: Research and Development; Service; Support Organisation; Training and Education Profile: is the official national knowledge center and innovation network for the Danish offshore industry. On behalf of its member companies and institutions pushes development with the aim of growth within the Danish offshore industry. Focus areas are oil and gas, offshore wind, the offshore maritime area and wave energy. The goal is to strengthen and support the Danish offshore sector and its continued efforts towards being competitive. This includes supporting the companies in the sector in their strive towards being considered competent partners to the international offshore sector. Industry sector: Oil and Gas Industry role: Support Organisation Profile: Oil Gas Denmark is a trade organization for all companies in the upstream oil and gas production sector. This involves oil producing companies as well as partners, suppliers and service companies operating within exploration and production of oil and gas in Denmark. Industry sector: Offshore Wind

Hasselager Allé 5 - 8260 Viby J +45 8744 2222

Persolit A/S

Tarp Byvej 147 - 6715 Esbjerg N +4570200613 / +4570200631

Phoenix International A/S Industrivej Vest 11 - 6600 Vejen +45 76963400 / +45769634 01

PMC Technology A/S

Lammefjordsvej 2 - 6715 Esbjerg N +45 7514 4444 / +45 7414 4545 Contact person: Hardy Jeremiassen, Sales and Project Manager,, +45 8870 1239 / +45 6120 6339

66 Energy Insight Yearbook

Profile: Aarsleff is a leading Danish contracting company. Our expertise is to devise, plan and implement large-scale projects within infrastructure, climate change adaptation, the environment, energy etc. – from design to handing-over. Our point of departure is a strong position in Denmark and the Baltic Sea region, and we solve projects in most parts of the world. Aarsleff finds it very important to combine the many contracting disciplines of the Group in turnkey projects – for example by entering into framework and partnering agreements. In this way, we are using the synergy potentials between the different qualifications.

Industry sector: Oil and Gas Industry role: Consultant; Engineering; Installation; Manufacture or Supply; Service Profile: Persolit A/S is a Danish engineering, manufacturing and contracting company with 70 years of experience in technical insulation onshore/offshore all over the world. Industry classification: Accommodation Modules; Cooling, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning; Fabrication and Construction; Feasibility or Front End Studies; Installation and Commissioning; Insulation; Integrated Services; International Trade; Maintenance, Modification and Operation; Personnel; Supply Chain Management; Workshop and Hand Tools Industry sector: Oil and Gas Industry role: Manufacture or Supply; Service Profile: PHOENIX INTERNATIONAL A/S is a global knowledge-based company, specialising in high quality corrosion protection for off- and onshore oil & gas pipelines. Industry classification: Chemicals, Oils and Paints; Pipes, Pipelines and Risers. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind; Wave Energy Industry role: Consultant; Design; Engineering; Manufacture or Supply; Service Profile: PMC Technology A/S is a global expert in hydraulic and lubrication solutions and can provide all kinds of customised hydraulic solutions as well as standardised hydraulic components. From simple to extensive solutions, from niche markets to heavy duty industries. We have specialist competences as well as a wide product range. PMC Technology A/S develops, designs, and constructs complete hydraulic systems in close collaboration with our customers. PMC takes responsibility all the way through to an efficient solution, including assembly, service, and maintenance.

Port of Rømø

Havnepladsen 6 - 6792 Rømø

Industry sector: Offshore Wind Industry role: Service

+45 74 33 44 24

Industry classification: Ports and Supply Bases 923 Certification

PP Techniq

Industry sector: On- & Offshore Wind; O&M

Aage Grams Vej 1 - DK-6500 Vojens +45 7930 1133 www.

Industry role: Manufacturer; Training

Contact person: Jan Korff Petersen, CEO, +45 79301133,

PP Techniq manufactures unique intelligent Blade-Guided Access Systems used for maintenance and service of wind turbine blades. The products meet the strictest requirements with regard to personal safety and offer a safe, fast and cost-effective access to servicing of wind turbine blades, both onshore and offshore.

Ramboll Oil & Gas, Esbjerg

Industry sector: Oil and Gas

Willemoesgade 2 - 6700 Esbjerg +4551611000 / +4551611001

Region Syddanmark Damhaven 12 - 7100 Vejle

+45 7663 1000

Rescue Center Denmark

Storstrømsvej 39 - 6715 Esbjerg N +45 7913 4555


Ll.Blovstrødvej 45 - 3450 Allerød

Industry role: Consultant; Design; Engineering; Research and Development; Service Profile: Ramboll Oil & Gas is a business unit with in the Ramboll Group. With four decades’ of experience, Rambill is a well-established, independent and highly regarded provider of offshore and onshore engineering consultancy services for the oil and gas industry. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind; Wave Energy Industry role: Support Organisation Profile: The Region of Southern Denmark supports the national offshore industry because the centre of the cluster is based in the region around the Port of Esbjerg. The regions target is to create more jobs in the industry by financing developing projects from regional and European funds. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind; Wave Energy Industry role: Training and Education Profile: Rescue Center Denmark is a unique center of knowledge and training, with expertise and specialized knowledge in Fire & Rescue, EMT treatment, Transport-, Towing-and Recovery Vehicles and risk assessment and prevention. We aim to match your training needs. With Rescue Center Denmark you will get a partner that can advise you on many issues, for example contingency planning, safety, vehicle constructions, choice of materials and equipment, rules and regulations.

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Service

+454814 6146

Industry classification: Freight, Logistics and Transportation; Inspection and Testing; Maintenance, Modification and Operation; Material and Product Handling; Ropes

Rybners Tekniske Skole

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind; Wave Energy

Spangsbjerg Møllevej 72 - 6700 Esbjerg

Industry role: Training and Education


Profile: Rybners offers a wide range of educations within skilled craftsmanship, service and in-service training.

Semco Maritime A/S

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

Esbjerg Brygge 30 - 6700 Esbjerg +45 79166666 / +45 75156580

Industry role: Consultant; Manufacture or Supply; Service Profile: Dedicated to the energy sector, Semco Maritime is an international contracting and engineering company. For more than 30 years the company has been facilitating design, fabrication, service and maintenance of our customers’ assets, providing comprehensive project management across all phases of energy projects.

Energy Insight Yearbook 67

Shell Olie- og Gasudvinding B.V. (Holland), Dansk Filial Mikado House - 2300 København S +45 3337 2000

Siemens Industry Software A/S Nordre Dokkaj 1 - 6700 Esbjerg +45 4477 4477

Siemens Wind Power A/S, Brande Borupvej 16 - 7330 Brande

Industry sector: Oil and Gas Industry role: Operator Profile: Partner in Dansk Undergrunds Consortium

Industry sector: Oil and Gas Industry role: Consultant; Engineering; Installation; Manufacture or Supply; Research and Development; Service; Training and Education Profile: The Siemens group in Denmark is part of the international Siemens concern, one of the Worlds biggest corporations within electronics and electro technique. The company solves assignments with in the areas: energy, industry, information, telecom, traffic, hospital equipment, hearing aids, light sources, Electrical Transmission and Distribution Equipment and electric installations. Based within the intensive research and development effort of the concern an extensive range of highly technological products and services are offered. Industry sector: Offshore Wind Industry role: Manufacture or Supply

+45 96 33 44 33

Sihm Højtryk A/S

Håndværkervej 42 - 6710 Esbjerg V +4575159700 / +4575159710

Skagen Blade Technology

Danmarksgade 56 - 9900 Frederikshavn +45 9848 1500

Stena Recycling A/S

Damsbovej 20 - 5492 Vissenbjerg +45 56 67 95 50 / +45 56 67 97 41


Kongensgade 62 - 6700 Esbjerg +45 74376500 / +45 74376502

Syddansk Universitet, Esbjerg Niels Bohrs Vej 9 - 6700 Esbjerg +45 65504114 / +45 65501091

68 Energy Insight Yearbook

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Consultant; Manufacture or Supply; Service Profile: Sihm Højtryk is your preferred partner in high-pressure technology, offering unique custom build pumping solutions from world-leading brands. Highly trained specialists guarantee unmatched levels of service and responsiveness 24/7 - 365, taking technical assistance and reliability to new heights. Innovative in design and market leaders in performance combined with fast delivery, saves you both time and money. Supplier of test systems up to 7000 bar / 100.000 psi. Supplier of high pressure hoses up to 4000 bar from day to day delivery. Dealer and service center for : **Hammelmann**Resato**Oertzen**Bolondi**Peinemann**Parker Store** Industry sector: On- & offshore wind Industry role: Service; Maintanance Profile: Vedligeholdelse af vinger world wide • Mere end 30 års erfaring i overfladebehandling • Specialister i glasfiber reparation • Reparation af Vortex generators, powercurve, dinotails, vingelet osv. • Leading Edge Protection påføring/montering • Rope access

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Consultant; Service Profile: Stena Recycling collect and recycle all types of waste and have a large range of customized solutions. The Stena Metall Group have around 200 facilities in the nordic part of Europe. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Service Profile Sydbank – one of Denmark’s largest banks – is a full service bank covering virtually all financial requirements of retail as well as corporate clients. The Bank has special expertise in areas such as investments, pension, housing, financing, payment services and digital tools. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Research and Development; Training and Education Profile: Knowledge is one of the prerequisites for growth in Denmark, where social welfare and competition within industry are increasingly dependent on research, highly skilled workers, and an industry with a flair for innovation and renewal. The University of Southern Denmark, with campuses located in the southwestern part of Denmark - i.e. Funen and Southern Jutland -is a research and educational institution with deep regional roots and an international outlook.

System Teknik A/S

Assensvej 2 - 9220 Aalborg Ø +45 9631 7333 / +45 9631 7330 Contact person: Henrik Pilgaard Andersen,, +45 4080 0609

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Manufacture or Supply Profile: SystemTeknik offers extensive know-how and competencies in development of automation-technology and production of control- and distribution panels. We take hand on project management end-to-end, including software design and on-site installation. Our technical resources hold the education, in-sight and training to provide solutions in compliance with regulations and standards as ATEX and UL. We are custom to the approval process from e.g. DNV, ABS, Lloyd’s and others. Industry classification: Communication Systems; Cooling, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning; Electrical Equipment, Materials and Services; Instrumentation; Process Control; so-923 certification, iso-9001 certification, iso-14001 certification

Teknologisk Institut

DTI Oil & Gas - 8000 Aarhus C +45 7220 2000 / +45 7220 1019

Tente A/S

Birkemosevej 32 - 8361 Hasselager +45 7010 8210

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Manufacture or Supply; Research and Development; Service; Training and Education Industry classification: Academic Institution; Architectural or Building Materials; Business Development; Certification; Environmental Assessment and Monitoring; Inspection and Testing; Metal Materials; Networking and Events; Surface Treatment; Technology Services; Training; iso14001 certification, iso-9001 certification. Industri sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Supplier Profile: TENTE A/S is the leading supplier of casters and wheels for ports, heavy and offshore industries. We supply casters up to 12000 kg capacity, so we are able to transport you most heavy things. All our products are European produced and stands for the highest quality in the industry – your assurance for no interruptions in your daily work. We are innovative and have technical competence, give professional advice and have fast delivery time. It is very important to us that you are a satisfied customer. Industri classification: Iso-14001 classification, iso-9001 classification

TESS Esbjerg ApS

Tværkaj 4 - 6700 Esbjerg +45 7545 7851 / +45 7545 7852 //

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Manufacture or Supply; Service Profile: TESS Esbjerg ApS is a part of the Norwegian company TESS as with over 110 branches in Norway, USA, Brazil, Singapore, Scotland and Denmark (located in Esbjerg & Frederikshavn). TESS is the largest suppli¬er of hoses in Scandinavia, specialized in hoses, couplings, fittings and accesso¬ries to hoses for the offshore- maritime and windmill sectors. Industry classification: Construction Vessels; Drilling and Wells Services; Hoses and Fittings; Hydraulics and Pneumatics; Instrumentation; Material and Product Handling; Pipes, Pipelines and Risers; Seals and Gaskets; Subsea Production and Control; Umbilicals; Valves and Accessories; Welding; Workshop and Hand Tools

TG Technology

Byleddet 3A - DK - 4000 Roskilde +45 2212 2188

Thyborøn Port

Tankskibsvej 4 - DK-7680 Thyborøn +45 9690 0310

Industry sector: Wind (on- and offshore), Oil and Gas Industry role: Service Profile: At TG we laser engrave and laser cut signs in 316 steel, anodized aluminum, and plastics. You can always get a tag sign that fits your needs. We always ensure to provide signs so it is easy for the installer to do the job, often we deliver such number series of belts, which makes it easy and manageable. Our machines can handle engraving of 3Dmatrix codes, bar codes and of course text and numbers.TG Technology is your preferred partner when it comes to tagging, advising and customized services. We deliver on time and within the agreed budget - Always. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Wind (on- and offshore) Industry role: Port; Service Profile: Thyboron Port is Your strategic partner for Installation and O&M at Northsea Wind projects and Oil fields. Thyborøn is the closest port to Vesterhav North Wind Farm, Nissum Bredning Test Site and a big range of the Danish Oil sector. New heavy lift Offshore quay with bearing capacity of 20 tons per square meter, and 15 hectares of available project area. Thyborøn has the best sailing conditions on the Danish West coast with an eastbound entrance.

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Tibnor A/S

Klokkestøbervej 18 - 5230 Odense M + 45 4323 7700

Industry sector: Wind (on- and offshore), Oil and Gas Industry role: Supplier

Contact person: Carsten Holmgaard, Sales Manager,, +45 7740 1264

Profile: A strong partner to the manufacturing industry. We purchase, store, pre-process and distribute steel and non-ferrous metals to the wind, oil&gas, engineering, processing and construction industries. We are the partner that creates conditions for long-term profitable production. We have a long tradition of cooperation with Europe’s leading producers and can offer our customers the market’s most extensive selection of steel and non-ferrous metals.

Vattenfall, Esbjerg

Industry sector: Offshore Wind

Exnersgade 2 - 6700 Esbjerg

Industry role: Operator

+45 8827 5000

Industry classification: Maintenance; Modification and Operation; 923 Certification; iso-9001 Certification; ohsas-18001 Certification

Viking Life-Saving Equipment A/S

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

Saedding Ringvej 13 - 6710 Esbjerg V +45 7611 8100

Vordingborg Kommune

Postboks 200 - 4760 Vordingborg

Industry role: Manufacture and Supply; Safety; Service Profile: Our in-depth knowledge of the offshore wind, oil and gas industry ensures optimized and simplified solutions in all aspects - from putting together equipment packages, producing custom designed evacuation systems, supplying the right combination of personal protective equipment to tailoring flexible, convenient and compliant servicing concepts with full global support. With an unmatched range of quality products, solutions and servicing, we help achieve uncompromising safety.

Industry sector: Offshore Wind Industry role: Support Organisation

+45 55 36 36 36

Industry classification: Local Authority

Wind And Water Technology

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind; Wave Energy

Guldagervej 56 - 6710 Esbjerg V +45 70205771

World Courier Denmark A/S

Avedøreholmen 96-98 - 2650 Hvidovre +45 32 46 06 80 / +45 32 46 06 85

Würth Industri Danmark A/S Merkurvej 5 - 6000 Kolding

+45 73 20 73 20 / +45 73 20 73 70

Zenitel Denmark A/S

Park Allé 350 A - 2605 Brøndby +45 43437411 / +45 43437522

70 Energy Insight Yearbook

Industry role: Manufacture or Supply; Service Profile: Wind And Water Technology is a small and dynamic company working with wind, water and underwater technology. The company has more than 25 years of experience in the onshore and offshore oil and gas sector and in the industrial sector supplying technical solutions. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind; Wave Energy Industry role: Service Profile: Premium Logistic Partner. 24/7/365 Hour service. Industry classification: Freight, Logistics and Transportation; Medical; iso-9001 certification, 923 certification. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Engineering; Manufacture or Supply Profile: Würth Industri Danmark A/S builds on the extensive experience and know-how within fasteners from Arvid Nilsson’s history since 1918. Würth Industri Danmark A/S is responsible for supplying the industrial sector as a full service provider of C-Parts. Under the service brand “CPS® - C-Parts Solutions” the company offers customized supply and service concepts. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Consultant; Design; Engineering; Installation; Manufacture or Supply; Service; Training and Education Profile: Zenitel Denmark A/S is part of the World Wide Zenitel Group, a leading supplier and system integrator of communication systems for the Marine & Offshore segment.

Aalborg Universitet Esbjerg Niels Bohrs Vej 8 - 6700 Esbjerg +45 99 40 99 40

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Research and Development; Training and Education Profile: Aalborg University Esbjerg is Esbjergs research and education institution for higher education in technology and engineering with a wide offer of educations.

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