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Prioridad proteger la infraestructura del gas natural
María Luisa Licón, forma parte también del consejo de Berkeley Global Society (BGS) / is also a member of the board of Berkeley Global Society (BGS)
Mujeres debemos desarrollar nuestro potencial en el sector energético
La unión del género se traducirá en más de nosotras no sólo en puestos directivos, sino también en plantas eléctricas y plataformas petroleras.
as mujeres aportamos enorme valor a la industria energética nacional y mundial; juntas cambiamos la mentalidad en el secL tor y minimizamos los obstáculos que el género enfrenta en sus labores cotidianas.
Energy&Commerce platicó con María Luisa Licón, fundadora y presidenta del capítulo México de Woman Energy Network (WEN); tambien se desempeña como directiva en una importante compañía petrolera.
¿Cuáles son las claves del éxito que has logrado en un sector como el energético, por muchos años con límites para la integración de la mujer? A lo largo de más de 10 años de trayectoria profesional, he aprendido, entre muchas otras lecciones, la importancia de la colaboración. Espacios como el capítulo México de Women’s Energy Network (WEN) me han permitido, de la mano de otras mujeres, desarrollar nuestro potencial para fortalecer nuestra integración laboral y crecimiento
Women must develop our potential in the energy sector
The union of gender will translate into more of us not only in managerial positions, but also in power plants and oil rigs.
Women bring enormous value to the national and global energy industry; Together we change the mindset in the sector and minimize the obstacles that gender faces in its daily work.
Energy & Commerce spoke with María Luisa Licón, founder and president of the Mexico chapter of Woman Energy Network (WEN); She also works as a director in a major oil company.
¿What are the keys to the success you have achieved in a sector such as energy, for many years with limits for the integration of women? Throughout more than 10 years of professional career, I have learned, among many other lessons, the importance of collaboration. Spaces such as the Mexico chapter of Women’s Energy Network (WEN) have allowed me, hand in hand with other women, to develop our potential to strengthen our labor integration and professional growth. I believe that it is essential that among women we support each other, learn from other women, collaborate together, and thus we will be able to make our way more and more in the industry.

Along the same lines, ¿what are the main obstacles you have faced? Through my legal practice, I have been a participant in a sector that evolved rapidly with the opening to private investment. Currently I contribute to the growth and consolidation of the energy industry as a lawyer at MPC in Mexico. It has been a challenge and also a responsibility to contribute with good MPC practices to the Mexican hydrocarbon industry and navigate a relatively new regulatory