Francisco Javier Flamenco López, Pemex Exploración y Producción. Pemex Exploration and Production.
Petróleos Mexicanos, en maniobra para alcanzar la meta de producción Petróleos Mexicanos, on the move to reach the production goal El subdirector de Especialidad Técnica de Explotación en Pemex Exploración y Producción (PEP), Francisco Javier Flamenco López, compartió las estrategias para sacar adelante la alicaída producción de la Empresa Productiva del Estado. Francisco Javier Flamenco López, deputy director of the Exploitation Technical Speciality at Pemex Exploration and Production (PEP), shared the strategies to carry out the fallen production of the State Productive Company.
Por / By Efrain Mariano
n la Conferencia Plenaria titulada “El nuevo PEP ante el reto del producir 2 millones 654 mil barriles por día en diciembre de 2024”, Francisco Javier Flamenco López resaltó que una empresa operadora como Pemex debe tener restitución de las reservas, que le permitan alcanzar inmenso valor y sustentabilidad. Para Flamenco López, la Empresa Productiva del Estado debe transformarse y, para ello, Pemex Exploración y Producción debe moverse en distintas líneas de acción. “La primera de ellas consiste en reenfocar la estrategia exploratoria hacia aguas someras y cuencas terrestres, debido a que es dónde se ha tenido mayor éxito”, refirió. Asimismo, agregó que es necesario que los especialistas se enfoquen en la adecuada administración de yacimientos, a fin de lograr una mejor ejecución de los proyectos. Igualmente, es necesaria la
n the Plenary Conference entitled “The new PEP facing the challenge of Producing 2 million 654 thousand barrels per day in December 2024”, Francisco Javier Flamenco López stressed that an operating company like Pemex must have restitution of reserves, which will allow it to reach immense value and sustainability. For Flamenco López, the State’s Productive Company must be transformed and, for this, Pemex Exploration and Production must move in different lines of action. “The first one consists on refocusing the exploratory strategy towards shallow waters and land basins, because there is where it has been most successful,” he said. He added that it is necessary for specialists to focus on proper reservoir management in order to achieve better project execution. It is also fundamental to include a sub-directorate for strategic projects that promotes cost reduction and assertive contact with suppliers. “Additionally, operational efficiency, accompanied by increased reliability and
technical quality control, will increase the level of technical skills of the six thousand Pemex Exploration and Production workers, who will now focus on very specific activities and will be distributed by project and discipline (not by area), covering the entire value chain,” he said. Engineer Flamenco López explained that the distribution of talent to take on the challenge of PEP will be done from the core, and with leadership by discipline, which will be defined by specialists suitable for each stage of the projects, in order to maximize their contribution to the process and its development. However, he clarified that more resources and capacity are needed than the ones PEP currently has. “In this sense, it is attracting companies that wish to participate, because the private initiative will strengthen the execution, financial and technical capacity, as well as the reduction and distribution of project-associated risks,” he added. At present, Pemex has 113 exploratory areas comprising 86 thousand km2 and a