COLD SWAGED SPLICES OF BAR We have honour to present the newest and the most efficient technology of bar mechanical interlock by swaging by special hydraulic press. Cold-swaged splices are applied for steel bar of 16 - 40 mm diameter and yield stress 400, 500 and 600 N/mm2 Cold-swaged coupling with sleeves provides new possibilities: absolutely full-strength interlock; the most economical interlock type; high efficiency of reinforcement works; accessibility of all necessary consumables;
operation possibility in all weather conditions; cyclic loads stability; easy control of interlock quality.
Absolutely full-strength interlock When using «Enerprom» equipment for manufacturing of cold-swaged splices, their tensile strength exceeds actual force of ultimate strength of coupled rebar (coupling strength equal to rebar strength). Also these rebar interlock persistence is guaranteed, even if rebar interlocks are done for concrete blocks which will be explored under influence of repeated loads, incl. in seismic regions. Numerous tests of the Main Russian Scientific and Research Construction Center and of our customers have proved that destruction of cold-swaged splices always happens in bar, not in sleeve. Savings sources for cold-swaged splices: rebar consumption decrease; low-skilled labour application (one «Enerprom» set HardyBar 80 (100), operated by two one-day trained workers, is able to substitute 10 welding operators of the highest qualification);
consumables’ cost decrease; productivity increase; electric energy consumption decrease; simplification of interlock quality control process.
More over, thread couplers application may have difficulty because every manufacturer of coupling provides its own standard of couplings.
WWW.ENERPROM.RU tel.: +82-10-9271-5767