r t i f i c i a l L i f t S y s t e m s B e a r A w a r e n e ss B u r i e d Fa c i l i t i e c a t o r Ca n a d a ' s O i l & G as I n d u s t r y D r i l l i n g E q u i p m e n t l l C o m p l e t i o n P e t r o l e u m E x p l o r a t i o n , La n d a n d L e as i t r o l e u m I n d u s t r y O v e r v i e w P r o d u c t i o n , P r o c e ss i n g a r a n s p o r t a t i o n o f O i l & G as R e f i n i n g a n d Ma r k e t i n g O i G as C A ODC S e r v i c e R i g C o m p e t e n c y A ss e ss o r s Ca t h o d i ot e c t i o n R e c t i f i e r T r a i n i n g C e r t i f i e d H e a lt h a n d S a f e Au d i to r P ro g r a m C e r t i f i e d H e a lt h a n d S a f e t y Au d i to r n e w a l C h a i n sa w Fa l l e r C o m p e t e n c y P r o g r a m C o i l e d T u b i l S e rv i c i n g B lowo u t P r e v e n t i o n C o m p l e t i o n s a n d Wo r kov t e c t i o n a n d C o n t r o l o f F l a m m ab l e S u bs ta n c e s E l e c t r i c Ma i n t e n a n c e T r a i n i n g E l e c t r i c a l Ma i n t e n a n c e T r a i n i n g f r e s h e r E l e c t r o n i c G e n e r a l S a f e t y O r i e n t a t i o n Es c o V e h i c l e O p e r a t o r Fa l l P r o t e c t i o n f o r R i g W o r k Fa t i g u e n ag e m e n t f o r S u p e r v i s o r s F i r e a n d E x p l o s i o n P r e v e n t a n c e d T r a i n i n g f o r IRP 1 8 F i r s t L i n e S u p e r v i s o r ’ s B l o w e v e n t i o n G as P r o d u c t i o n O p e r a t o r G e n e r a l E n t r y L e v t y G e n e r a l O i l f i e l d D r i v e r I m p r o v e m e n t H 2 S A l i v e ® Ha Ma n ag e m e n t H o u r s o f S e r v i c e a n d Ma n ag i n g Fa t i g u e f o m e r c i a l V e h i c l e Ca r r i e r s a n d O w n e r s H o u r s o f S e r v i c e ag i n g Fa t i g u e f o r C o m m e r c i a l V e h i c l e D r i v e r s I n c i d e n t i d e n t I n v e s t i ga t i o n I n j u r y Ma n ag e m e n t / R e t u r n t o W o t r u c t i o n a l S k i l l s W o r k s h o p I n t e r n at i o n a l W e l l C o n t n i n g I n t r o d u c t i o n t o O i l & G as P r o d u c t i o n a n d E q u i p m t D u t y V e h i c l e s - D r i v e r I m2013 p r o v e m e n t Na t u r a l l y O c c u r Ra d i o a c t i v e Ma t e r i a l s Na t u r a l l y O c c u r r i n g Ra d i o a c t i v r i a l s A w a r e n e ss e L e a r n i n g O f f - H i g h w ay D e f e n s i v e D r i i e l d D r i v e r T r a i n i n g I n s t r u c t o r P r o g r a m O i l f i e l d Ha u G as P r o d u c t i o n O p e r a t o r B as i c s O i l P r o d u c t i o n O p e r l w e l l P e r f o r at w o r s S a f e t y T r a i n i n g O i l w e l l P r o d u c t i p t i m i z at i o n P e t r o l e u m C o m p e t e n c y P r o g r a m P o w e r L i n e t y a n d A w a r e n e ss R i g T e c h n i c i a n T r a i n i n g B C R e s i d e n f e t y Ma n ag e m e n t & R e g u l a t o r y A w a r e n e ss f o r W e l l s i rvision Second Line Supervisor’s Well Control Refres e i s m i c B l as t e r S a f e t y T r a i n i n g S e i s m i c F i e l d O p e r a t i o n p e r v i s o r C h a l l e n g e S e i s m i c F i e l d O p e r at i o n s S u p e r v i s e l 1 - S u p e r v i s o r A c c o u n t ab i l i t y S e i s m i c F i e l d O p e r a t i e r v i s o r s L e v e l II - M o d u l e 1 : P r o g r a m Ma n ag e m e n t S e i s
course guide
Registering for an Enform course? Visit www.enform.ca/coursesearch for the most recent course information and schedules. Our website is updated daily with program descriptions, prerequisites, locations, costs and times. Create an Enform Connect Logon ID to register online and pay with your credit card. You can also register by telephone at 1.800.667.5557 or by emailing customerservice@enform.ca with your contact information, program date, and payment information.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Are you new to the industry? Enform can help provide information and orientation into the industry.
Petroleum Safety Training (PST) 2.0 is a fourhour online course intended for all employees working in the petroleum industry -- as an introduction for new hires or a refresher for experienced workers, supervisors and managers. This course provides an overview of health and safety hazards and how to control them. Participants will also learn about the legal framework that employers must follow and workers’ and employers’ responsibilities with respect to health and safety. The course has been recently updated with new video and graphics to reflect changes in the industry.
Canada’s Oil and Gas Industry is a five-part, interactive program that is an ideal overview of the industry and how it works. Participants can select any or all of the topics and explore them online at their own pace. The series looks at the origins of oil and gas through to exploration, drilling, processing, transportation and refining. The program’s five parts are: »» Petroleum Industry Overview »» Petroleum Exploration, Land and Leasing »» Drilling Equipment and Well Completion »» Production Processing & Transportation of Oil and Gas »» Refining and Marketing Oil and Gas
Visit www.enform.ca/coursesearch for more information.
To Register visit
www.enform.ca OR CALL 1.800.667.5557
Artificial Lift Systems
Bear Awareness
Duration: 3 days Cost: $740
Duration: 1 hour Cost: $25
This course covers the practical aspects of artificial lift in conventional production systems and is designed for field operators, foremen, engineers or anyone directly involved in oil production using artificial lift systems. Topics covered include: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Conventional bottom hole pumps Rod strings Tubing Wellheads Pump jacks and prime movers Electric submersible pumps PC pumps Plunger lift systems Chemicals used in oil production systems.
COMPLETION Upon completion of the course, participants will understand the principles of operations, equipment, and optimizing efficiencies and cost savings for artificial lift. Another course related to this topic you may be interested in: • Oilwell Production Optimization Time
April 8 October 21
8:30 8:30
Nisku Nisku
Bear Awareness is a one-hour course that introduces the three types of bears in North America and how to deal with encounters. Coexistence is the driving message. Participants learn how to identify bear types, their behaviors, ranges and habitats and the difference between defensive and predatory bear attacks. Also discussed is how to handle and/or prevent a bear encounter with deterrents, if an attack should occur. COMPLETION
While this course does not cover heavy oil recovery or the design of equipment, these concepts are discussed.
Session Number
21200004 21200005
This is an awareness course and is graded as either complete or incomplete. Once complete, a registrant can print a program completion report. A permanent certificate will be mailed to the address provided on the registrant’s profile within two (2) weeks.
Buried Facilities Locator - Basic (BFL - Basic) Duration: 3 days Cost: $810 This three-day training course is an introduction to locating buried facilities and is designed for entry-level workers in this industry. Experienced locators will also benefit from taking this course. Topics include: »» »» »» »»
Regulatory awareness and safe work practices Fundamental principles Locating techniques and procedures How to use locating equipment.
The hands-on portion of the training uses a variety of manufacturers’ locating equipment to perform basic locates safely and efficiently. EQUIPMENT LISTING Participants must bring Personal Protective Equipment and are also encouraged to bring their own locating equipment, if possible. If not, locating equipment will be provided. »» CSA Approved seasonal foot wear »» Seasonal coveralls with reflective striping »» Seasonal leather/cold weather gloves
April 23 April 29 May 13 May 28 June 11 June 18 September 10
8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00
Calgary Nisku Calgary FSJ Calgary FSJ Calgary
Session Number
General Course Information 1.800.667.5557 or email customerservice @ enform.ca
41200019 41200020 41200022 41200023 41200024 41200025 41200026
C Buried Facilities Locator - Seismic
Canada's Oil & Gas Industry (COGI)
Duration: 2 days Cost: $810
This online series features five separate programs dealing with the upstream, midstream, and downstream sectors of the oil and gas industry. Participants can select any or all of the topics and explore them online at their own pace. The series looks at the origins of oil and gas through to exploration, drilling, processing, transportation and refining.
This two-day course is designed for locators working in the seismic industry. Participants will learn how to prevent damage to buried facilities through safe and effective planning of locates and the identification and marking of buried facilities. The hands-on training will emphasize the correct use of locating equipment and proper marking and documentation of locates in the seismic industry. PREREQUISITES »» A minimum of 60 days field experience working with an experienced locator in the seismic industry is required. »» Successful completion of the Buried Facilities Locator - Basic. »» Basic understanding of the terminology, facilities, equipment and procedures in locating. APPLICATION PROCESS The application form for the Buried Facilities Locator is available at www.enformconnect.ca. Approval is required prior to registering. You will be notified by email once your application has been reviewed. EQUIPMENT LISTING
Petroleum Industry Overview Duration: 4 hours Cost: $105 Online This four-hour online program is a broad introduction to the oil and gas industry from both a Canadian and global perspective. The program also covers the origins of oil and gas.
Petroleum Exploration, Land and Leasing Duration: 4 hours Cost: $105 Online
In addition to Personal Protective Equipment participants are required to wear clothing suitable for outdoor conditions and their own hand-held GPS receiver. Participants are also encouraged to bring their own locating equipment, if available. »» CSA Approved seasonal foot wear »» Seasonal coveralls with reflective striping »» Seasonal leather/cold weather gloves Date
May 2 May 16 October 3
8:00 8:00 8:00
Nisku Calgary Calgary
Learn about oil and gas exploration, especially through various geophysical and seismic methods, in this four-hour online program. The second part of this program describes how governments and oil companies offer and acquire crude oil and natural gas mineral rights, and how leases for wells are located.
Drilling Equipment & Well Completion Session Number
71200004 71200005 71200006
Duration: 4 hours Cost: $105 Online This four-hour online program looks at the drilling side of the business -- types of drilling rigs, site preparation, the parts and operation of a rig, personnel and the environmental protection issues associated with land-based and offshore drilling. The second part of this program describes completion techniques required in preparation for producing oil or gas.
Production, Processing and Transportation of Oil & Gas Duration: 4 hours Cost: $105 Online This four-hour online program describes how oil and gas is recovered from a well and collected and transported to surface facilities for processing. Oil sands production is also discussed. The second part of this program covers how oil and gas pipelines are built and operated.
To Register visit
www.enform.ca OR CALL 1.800.667.5557
C Refining and Marketing Oil & Gas
April 26 8:30 May 4 8:30 August 23 8:30 September 13 8:30 October 25 8:30
Duration: 4 hours Cost: $105 Online Learn how oil refineries and petrochemical plants change crude oil and natural gas into useful products. The second part of this fourhour online program describes global oil and gas markets and how oil and gas products are marketed to consumers in Canada.
CAODC Service Rig Competency Assessors
Southeast Regional College Energy Training Institute - Estevan Medicine Hat College Nisku Nisku Nisku
131200039 131200040 131200041 131200042 131200043
Cathodic Protection Rectifier Training Duration: 5 days Cost: $1,575 This five-day course is designed for Cathodic Protection Technicians and is authorized under Section 23 of the Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act. Hands-on exercises on working rectifiers are an essential part of the program.
Duration: 1 day Cost: $175
Topics covered include:
This course has been developed for the well servicing division of the Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors (CAODC). The goal is to provide field superintendents and rig managers with guidelines for completing a competency assessment of a floorhand, derrickman or driller. Topics covered include: »» Competence »» Responsibilities of the assessor »» Performing successful assessments. PREREQUISITES The CAODC Service Rig Assessors Committee has set the following requirements for becoming an assessor: »» Must be currently employed with a service rig contractor »» Must be at the level of field superintendent or rig manager »» Must complete this one-day Service Rig Competency Assessors Program »» Must submit at least one assessment every three (3) years. If an employee of a service rig contractor does not meet these prerequisites and wishes to become an assessor, Part B of the Service Rig Assessors Application form must be filled out by the HSE Manager of the service rig contractor.
»» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Basic electricity Regulations Codes and standards Electrical hazards Measurement Lock out procedures Rectifier construction Installation Maintenance Troubleshooting Reading and adjusting the rectifier.
EQUIPMENT LISTING Since participants will be working with operating rectifiers, personal safety equipment is required. »» »» »» »» »»
Safety glasses Dry leather gloves Appropriate footwear Hand-held multi-meter Calculator.
Upon completion of this course, the participant will be issued a CAODC Service Rig Competency Assessors Certificate.
On successful completion of this course and after completing 340 recorded hours of work-related training, participants can perform specific tasks on CP rectifiers as outlined in the authorization for non-electricians. This includes installing, maintaining, troubleshooting, and reading and adjusting the rectifier (DC side only).
Other courses related to this topic you may be interested in:
Another course related to this topic you may be interested in:
• Well Service Blowout Prevention • Coiled Tubing Well Servicing Blowout Prevention • Safety Management & Regulatory Awareness for
• Electrical Maintenance Training
Wellsite Supervision (SARA) • Detection and Control of Flammable Substances Date
March 15 March 15 April 5 April 12 April 12
8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30
Nisku FSJ (Vidcon course) Red Deer College Nisku FSJ (Vidcon course)
March 18 October 21
8:30 8:30
Nisku Nisku
Session Number
Session Number
131200034 131200035 131200036 131200037 131200038
General Course Information 1.800.667.5557 or email customerservice @ enform.ca
1211200004 1211200005
C Certified Health and Safety Auditor Program
Other courses related to this topic you may be interested in: • • • •
Duration: 5 days Cost: $1,030 This program is designed for health and safety professionals with management/supervisory experience who wish to conduct safety management system audits. The Enform Audit Instrument is reviewed in detail throughout the program. The program consists of a five-day training program, followed by a practicum that includes a full health and safety audit which must be to submitted within six months for review and approval prior to certification. This program covers: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Overview of health and safety auditing Review of the Audit Instrument Pre-audit preparation Pre-audit meeting cursory Tour documentation review Interviews Observation tour Close out meeting Report writing and audit submission Pre-quality assurance Review maintain Professional competence.
Hazard management Injury management / Return to work Incident and accident investigation OH&S legislation
February 11 8:00 March 18 8:00 April 8 8:00 April 22 8:00 June 17 8:00 September 23 8:00 October 7 8:00 October 28 8:00 December 2 8:00
Session Number
Calgary 141200016 FSJ 141200017 Nisku 141200018 Southeast Regional College 141200019 Energy Training Institute - Estevan Calgary 141200020 Nisku 141200021 Shamickel Safety (St. Johns 141200022 Ambulance Building) - Red Deer Calgary 141200023 Nisku 141200024
Certified Health and Safety Auditor Renewal Duration: 1 day Cost: $250
PREREQUISITES »» Enform’s Safety Program Development course, within three (3) years »» Approved application to become either an Internal or External Enform Auditor
This one-day course is offered to Enform auditors wishing to maintain their auditor certification. All certified auditors must take this program once every three (3) years prior to the expiry of their certification. Auditors with current certification looking for an update on the audit process are also encouraged to attend. Participants have the opportunity to ask questions throughout the day.
This program covers:
An application form is available at www.enformconnect.ca. All applications must be approved prior to registering for the course. You will be notified once your application has been reviewed.
»» Updates from the Safety and Certifications (SAC) department »» Critical topics from Enform’s five-day Certified Health and Safety Auditor course »» Updates from government agencies related to the Certificate of Recognition (COR) program.
Participants must apply for one of the two auditor streams, Internal or External Auditor: a) Internal (maintenance) auditors are able to perform internal audits for the single company at which they are employed full-time. b) External auditors are able to perform Certification audits, Renewal audits, and Maintenance audits for any company; keeping in mind the expectations outlined in the Enform Auditor Code of Ethics which is reviewed in class. For more information regarding the two auditor streams, including the necessary applications and prerequisites, please visit: www.enform.ca/safety_audits_certification NOTES PC laptop is required.
PREREQUISITES Applicants must: »» Hold a current Enform Certified Health and Safety Auditor Certificate. If your certificate has expired, the standard allows up to six months from the expiry to complete the renewal program. The standard does not allow any new audit registrations until re-certification is complete. »» Have maintained auditor certification by having performed two (2) audits or maintenance audit options in the previous threeyear certification cycle. If this requirement has not been met, the auditor will be required to conduct and submit a regular Certificate of Recognition (COR) audit within six months of the renewal program before re-certification can be granted. NOTES
COMPLETION Following successful completion of the course and exam, a qualification audit must be submitted within six months of the last day of class for review by Enform Audit Reviewers. Once the qualification audit is approved, a certificate will be issued, valid for three (3) years.
To Register visit
For more information on the COR process please visit www.enform.ca/safety_audits_certification
www.enform.ca OR CALL 1.800.667.5557
C Other courses related to this topic you may be interested in: • • • • •
Hazard Management Safety Program Development Incident and Accident Investigation Injury Management / Return to Work Certified Health and Safety Auditor Program
February 19 8:00 March 14 8:00 April 19 8:00 May 2 8:00 July 11 8:00 July 18 8:00 September 6 8:00 September 19 8:00 November 15 8:00 November 15 8:00 December 13 8:00
Level II - Faller Entry Duration: 5 days Cost: $2,625
Session Number
Calgary Shamickel Safety (St. Johns Ambulance Building) - Red Deer Nisku FSJ Nisku Calgary Calgary Nisku Nisku FSJ Calgary
151200043 151200044 151200045 151200046 151200047 151200048 151200049 151200050 151200051 151200052 151200053
Chainsaw Faller Competency Program The oil and gas industry adopted the BC Faller Training Standard as the standard level of training for workers falling trees over six inches in diameter. Enform has developed multiple level training which has been endorsed by WorkSafeBC for those wishing to become fallers in the oil and gas industry.
This five-day course covers theory and practical training in falling operations, including preparation and management of falling hazards and falling procedures and techniques. PREREQUISITES »» Successful completion of Level I - Chainsaw Basics or a valid Enform Chainsaw Safety course certification »» Minimum of 25 days of work experience after completion of Level I - Chainsaw Basics. APPLICATION PROCESS An application form is available at www.enformconnect.ca. All applications must be approved prior to registering for the course. You will be notified by email once your application has been reviewed. Date
April 8 May 27 June 17 August 19
8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00
Lac La Biche Job Corps FSJ Lac La Biche Job Corps FSJ
Duration: 1 day Cost: $850
For more information on our Chainsaw Faller Competency Program please visit http://applicationmanager. enformconnect.ca/uploadedfiles/ams/Chainsaw_Faller_ Chart.pdf
Duration: 3 days Cost: Contact Enform for pricing information.
241200009 241200010 241200012 241200013
Level III - Faller Evaluation
Training progresses in a graduated manner with on-the-job work experience required between each level. Participants are taken through the basic steps of site assessment and safe work procedures for chainsaws, through to falling operations and the assessment of falling hazards. These programs have been designed so that 75% of the time is spent in the field practicing the skills taught.
Level I - Chainsaw Basics
Session Number
When the Level II - Faller Entry participant has acquired 25 days of work experience under the supervision of a Faller Tutor and has a fully completed Chainsaw Faller Competency Record, they may apply for Level III - Faller Evaluation.
Participants must have: »» Successfully completed Level II Faller Entry course with a minimum of 25 days of work experience with a Faller Tutor »» Acquired 25 days of work experience conducting falling operations with a Faller Tutor documented in their logbook prior to applying for entry into the Level III Faller Evaluation. APPLICATION PROCESS
This three-day course covers instruction in personal and work site safety, hazard assessment and control, chainsaw inspection and maintenance, chainsaw handling and operations, and safe climbing and bucking practices.
Complete the Level III - Faller application form available at www.enformconnect.ca. All applications must be approved prior to registering for the program. You will be notified by email once your application has been reviewed.
»» Participants who successfully pass this course are not prepared to safely fall trees on the worksite. »» Courses are delivered by Enform Franchised Instructors. »» Contact Enform for a listing of certified instructors.
»» Courses are delivered on an as needed basis. »» Oil and Gas Fallers Certification expires every 5 years. Oil and Gas Fallers wishing to recertify should complete the Oil and Gas Faller Recertification application.
Visit enform.ca for the most current session information.
COMPLETION Upon successful completion of this one-day program, participants will receive full certification as an Oil and Gas Faller. Visit enform.ca for the most current session information.
General Course Information 1.800.667.5557 or email customerservice @ enform.ca
C Level IV - Faller Tutor
Oil & Gas Faller Recertification
Duration: 1 day Cost: $120
Duration: Half day Cost: $850
Faller Tutors are able to supervise Level II - Faller Entry participants after completion of their training. This supervision would occur when these participants are practicing their skills in the workplace. This one-day training outlines the roles and responsibilities of the Enform Faller Tutors and provides some behavioral training and training in mentoring and conflict resolution.
Oil and Gas Faller certification expires every five (5) years. To recertify you must complete the Oil & Gas Faller Recertification Form and select the option you are recertifying by.
(i) Automatic Recertification
APPLICATION PROCESS There currently are two options for recertification:
»» To qualify for the Level IV - Faller Tutor course candidates must receive 85% or higher on their evaluation as a Faller. »» They must also be recommended for the Faller Tutor Training by the Qualified Supervisor Trainer who conducted their evaluation. Date
May 22 May 22 November 6 November 6
8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00
Nisku FSJ (Vidcon course) Calgary FSJ (Vidcon course)
»» Show that you have worked a minimum of 80 days in the last two (2) years of certification by submitting your logbooks. »» Have had three (3) successful competency checks done in the last two (2) years of certification by an Enform Qualified Supervisor Trainer and must be submitted to Enform. »» The competency checks must be at least 30 days apart to qualify towards Faller recertification.
Session Number
0261200008 0261200009 0261200010 0261200011
(ii) Full Faller Evaluation »» This option is for Fallers who do not qualify for automatic recertification.
Oil & Gas Faller Challenge
Duration: 1 day Cost: $1,300 Workers who have conducted falling operations for a minimum of 120 days may challenge the Oil and Gas Faller Evaluation. When accepted into this program, candidates will be contacted to complete the written examination. Upon successful completion of the written exam, they will be contacted to set up the practical field evaluation. The field evaluation will be conducted by a Qualified Supervisor Trainer chosen by Enform.
If you are a certified Oil & Gas Faller Tutor and you want to maintain your status, you must have a Full Faller Evaluation completed on you to be recertified. Enform will verify information and collect payment, then the Faller can be re-evaluated. Another course related to this topic you may be interested in: • Seismic Field Operations Supervisor (SFOS) Level 1 -
Supervisor Accountability
Visit enform.ca for the most current session information.
PREREQUISITES »» Candidates must have 120 days of work experience as a faller. »» An application with verifiable contacts concerning their 120 days of falling experience must be submitted to Enform for approval.
Coiled Tubing Well Servicing Blowout Prevention
Duration: 1 day Cost: $265
»» Complete the Oil and Gas Faller application prior to registration. You will be notified by email once your application has been reviewed. »» Oil and Gas Fallers Certification expires every five (5) years; Oil and Gas Fallers wishing to recertify, should complete the Oil and Gas Faller Recertification Application at www.enformconnect.ca
This one-day course is designed for coiled tubing operators and wellsite supervisors involved in well control operations that use coiled tubing for well servicing. Topics covered include:
Failing the evaluation could result in the candidate being required to take the Chainsaw Level II course.
»» »» »» »» »» »»
Upon successful completion of this one-day evaluation, participants will receive their full certification as an Oil and Gas Faller.
A valid Enform Well Service Blowout Prevention Certificate.
CT equipment CT tools and accessories CT BOPs Wellhead equipment Flowback systems Well control responses.
Visit enform.ca for the most current session information.
To Register visit
www.enform.ca OR CALL 1.800.667.5557
C NOTES »» Participants may attend this course up to three (3) months in advance of the expiry of their certification. »» If participants fail the exam following the program, they are allowed one rewrite within a 30-day period. Rewrite fees apply. »» The Coiled Tubing Certificate will expire on the same date as the individual’s Well Service Blowout Prevention Certificate and will be subject to the same renewal requirements. »» Fees may vary outside of Enform regional offices. »» Students renewing their valid Coiled Tubing Well Service Blowout Prevention certificate for the first time, after five (5) years, may challenge the exam. If the challenged exam is failed, the student will be required to attend the full one (1) day course. No second exam challenges will be allowed. Date
January 11 8:30 January 18 8:30 January 25 8:30 February 8 8:30 February 8 8:30 February 15 8:30 March 1 8:30 March 1 8:30 March 8 8:30 March 15 8:30 March 15 8:30 March 22 8:30 March 22 8:30 March 22 8:30 April 5 8:30 April 5 8:30 April 5 8:30 April 5 8:30 April 12 8:30 April 12 8:30 April 12 8:30 April 12 8:30 April 19 8:30 May 3 8:30 May 3 8:30 May 3 8:30 May 10 8:30 May 10 8:30 May 10 8:30 May 10 8:30 May 17 8:30 May 17 8:30 May 17 8:30 May 31 8:30 May 31 8:30 June 7 8:30 June 14 8:30 June 21 8:30 July 19 8:30 August 2 8:30
Session Number
Nisku Calgary FSJ Clearwater Safety Services (Lakeland Inn) - Cold Lake Calgary Nisku Calgary Astec Safety - Lloydminster Nisku Grande Prairie Regional College Calgary Medicine Hat College Grande Prairie Regional College Procede Occupational Health & Safety - Brooks at Super 8 Motel Grande Prairie Regional College Red Deer College Nisku Calgary Nisku Red Deer College Clearwater Safety Services (Lakeland Inn) - Cold Lake Calgary Southeast Regional College Energy Training Institute - Estevan Medicine Hat College Nisku Calgary Medicine Hat College FSJ Red Deer College Drayton Valley Grande Prairie Regional College Calgary Nisku Astec Safety - Lloydminster Nisku Procede Occupational Health & Safety - Brooks at Super 8 Motel Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary
271200117 271200120 271200121 271200122 271200123 271200124 271200125 271200126 271200127 271200129 271200128 271200131 271200132 271200130 271200133 271200134 271200135 271200136 271200138 271200139 271200140 271200141 271200142 271200143 271200144 271200145 271200148 271200146 271200147 271200149 271200152 271200150 271200151 271200153 271200154 271200155 271200156 271200157 271200158 271200159
August 16 8:30 August 23 8:30 August 30 8:30 September 13 8:30 September 13 8:30 September 13 8:30 September 20 8:30 September 20 8:30 September 27 8:30 October 4 8:30 October 4 8:30 October 11 8:30 October 11 8:30 October 11 8:30 October 25 8:30 October 25 8:30 October 25 8:30 November 8 8:30 November 8 8:30 November 22 8:30 November 22 8:30 November 22 8:30 November 29 8:30 November 29 8:30 November 29 8:30 November 29 8:30 December 13 8:30 December 20 8:30
Nisku Calgary Nisku Southeast Regional College Energy Training Institute - Estevan Calgary Astec Safety - Lloydminster Nisku Red Deer College Calgary Grande Prairie Regional College Nisku Medicine Hat College Calgary Nisku Grande Prairie Regional College Nisku Calgary Calgary Nisku Grande Prairie Regional College Nisku Clearwater Safety Services (Lakeland Inn) - Cold Lake FSJ Medicine Hat College Astec Safety - Lloydminster Drayton Valley Nisku Calgary
271200160 271200161 271200162 271200163 271200164 271200165 271200166 271200167 271200168 271200169 271200170 271200172 271200171 271200173 271200174 271200175 271200176 271200177 271200178 271200180 271200179 271200181 271200182 271200185 271200183 271200184 271200186 271200187
Completions and Workovers Duration: 5 days Cost: $970 Designed for personnel with limited experience in completions or workovers, this course is intended to expose participants to all facets of workover operations on both the engineering and practical levels. Topics covered include: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Wellheads Tubing Energy Resources Conservation Board (ERCB) regulations Service rigs Cased hole formation evaluation Evaluating cement bonds Casing integrity Perforating Fracturing Acidizing Production service tools Cementing Snubbing Wireline Coiled tubing Cased hole fishing.
Participants will also work through a well program to gain knowledge on completing a well.
General Course Information 1.800.667.5557 or email customerservice @ enform.ca
D Date
May 13 October 21
8:30 8:30
Calgary Calgary
Session Number
281200004 281200005
Detection and Control of Flammable Substances Duration: 1 day Cost: $150 This one-day course is designed for personnel working with or near flammable substances in the oil and gas industry. The primary focus is to safely monitor and control these substances. The program includes: »» »» »» »» »»
Introduction to flammable substances Principles of flammable gas/vapour detection Care and preparation of combustible gas monitors Interpreting combustible gas readings Control methods.
A variety of instructional techniques are used including lectures, demonstrations, class discussion, group exercises and handson practice. NOTES This course starts at 8:00 a.m. Participants who are late may be refused admission. Fees may vary outside Enform regional offices. COMPLETION Upon successful completion of the prescribed practical skills and written examination, participants receive a Certificate of Completion. Other courses related to this topic you may be interested in: • Fire and Explosion Prevention Advanced Training for IRP 18 • H2S Alive ® Date
Did you know? Enform has Guidelines, Web Tools and Other Safety Resources available for you at www.enform.ca/safety_ resources
To Register visit
January 11 8:00 January 18 8:30 January 25 8:00 February 1 8:00 February 8 8:00 February 8 8:30 February 15 8:00 February 22 8:00 March 1 8:00 March 8 8:00 March 22 8:00 April 5 8:00 April 12 8:00 April 19 8:00 April 20 8:30 April 25 8:30 April 26 8:00 May 3 8:30 May 10 8:00 May 10 8:30 May 17 8:00 May 24 8:00
Session Number
Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Southeast Regional College Energy Training Institute - Estevan Southeast Regional College Energy Training Institute - Estevan Calgary Nisku Calgary Southeast Regional College - Weyburn Nisku Calgary
www.enform.ca OR CALL 1.800.667.5557
301200237 301200279 301200238 301200239 301200240 301200280 301200234 301200241 301200242 301200235 301200243 301200236 301200245 301200246 301200281 301200282 301200247 301200283 301200233 301200284 301200248 301200249
May 31 8:00 June 7 8:00 June 14 8:00 June 21 8:00 June 28 8:00 July 5 8:00 July 12 8:00 July 19 8:00 July 26 8:00 August 2 8:00 August 9 8:00 August 16 8:00 August 23 8:00 August 30 8:00 September 6 8:00 September 7 8:30 September 13 8:00 September 20 8:00 September 27 8:30 October 4 8:00 October 11 8:00 October 18 8:00 October 25 8:00 November 1 8:00 November 8 8:00 November 8 8:00 November 15 8:00 November 22 8:00 November 29 8:30 December 6 8:00 December 13 8:00 December 13 8:00
Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Southeast Regional College Energy Training Institute - Estevan Calgary Nisku Nisku Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Nisku Calgary Southeast Regional College - Weyburn Calgary Nisku Calgary
301200251 301200252 301200250 301200254 301200253 301200255 301200256 301200257 301200258 301200259 301200260 301200261 301200262 301200263 301200264 301200285 301200265 301200266 301200286 301200268 301200269 301200270 301200271 301200272 301200273 301200287 301200274 301200275 301200288 301200276 301200277 301200278
Electronic General Safety Orientation (eGSO) Duration: 30 min Cost: Free
*Available January 2013*
Online This free 30-minute, online safety orientation program is designed for all workers in the petroleum industry. The eGSO meets the requirements of the General Safety Orientation Guideline for the Oil and Gas Industry (Enform, December 2012). It includes the minimum occupational health and safety information that all employers are required to provide to new, inexperienced workers upon hire or transfer. NOTES The eGSO does not contain company specific, prime contractor or site specific information. COMPLETION Upon completion, the user can print a Record of Completion. Enform does not mail a wallet card to the user. This record is to be used to verify completion only. The record of completion does not expire. Another course related to this topic you may be interested in: • Petroleum Safety Training
Electrical Maintenance Training Duration: 2.5 days Cost: $820 This 2.5-day course has been designed to meet the training requirements for non-electricians performing tasks under Section 24 of the Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act. This course focuses on electrical safety and covers: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Electrical fundamentals Regulations Electrical hazards Hazardous locations Electrical lights Batteries Cathodic protection Catalytic heaters Sensing devices Disconnecting small electrical motors Motor controller panels and control panels.
PREREQUISITES Electrical Maintenance Training Applicants must be currently employed in the petroleum industry, with at least three (3) years related experience.
General Course Information 1.800.667.5557 or email customerservice @ enform.ca
E APPLICATION PROCESS Download and complete the Electrical Maintenance Training Application form found at www.enformconnect.ca and submit to emt@enform.ca. You will be notified when your application has been reviewed. COMPLETION Successful participants will receive the Electrical Maintenance Training Certificate which is valid for three (3) years. Upon completion of this course, owner companies are responsible for providing information and hands-on training to workers as per the limitations and conditions for types of work. The expectation is that a qualified person, such as an electrician, would provide the training and qualify trainees to perform the specific tasks they would be asked to do.
Emergency First Aid - Level A CPR Duration: 1 day Cost: $110 Learn to recognize and provide intervention for life-threatening emergencies until medical aid arrives. Designed to meet industry, business and government requirements, Emergency First Aid is a state-of-the-art, modular program of basic first aid skills and select subjects needed to sustain life and manage the scene of an injury. Topics include:
Other course related to this topic you may be interested in:
»» »» »» »» »» »»
• Cathodic Protection Rectifier Training
April 15 June 3 September 23 November 4
8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30
Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku
Session Number
321200006 321200007 321200008 321200009
Electrical Maintenance Training Refresher Duration: 1 day This one-day refresher course was developed for individuals whose current Electrical Maintenance Training Certificate will expire three (3) years following the program completion date. The course includes a review of the Electrical Maintenance Training course, along with new regulations and other updates. PREREQUISITES Applicants must hold a valid Electrical Maintenance Certificate from Enform. NOTES This course is available on a contract basis only. Please contact Bill Tinkess at 403-516-8046 or bill.tinkess@enform.ca for details. COMPLETION Upon completion of this course, participants will be issued an Electrical Maintenance Training Certificate valid for an additional three (3) years.
Emergency scene management Choking Shock and unconsciousness Severe bleeding One and two rescuer CPR for an adult casualty Automatic External Defibrillation (AED) training.
The administration of CPR in combination with AED has proven to be one of the most effective methods in saving the lives of sudden cardiac arrest casualties. Date
January 10 January 10 February 7 February 7 April 11 April 11 May 9 May 9 June 6 June 6 July 11 July 11 August 8 August 8 September 5 September 5 October 10 October 10 November 7 November 7 December 5 December 5
8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00
Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Nisku Calgary Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Nisku Calgary Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku
Session Number
1031200044 1031200045 1031200046 1031200047 1031200048 1031200049 1031200050 1031200052 1031200053 1031200066 1031200054 1031200055 1031200056 1031200057 1031200059 1031200068 1031200061 1031200067 1031200062 1031200063 1031200064 1031200065
Escort Vehicle Operator Duration: 1 day Cost: $150 This theory-based, classroom-only course is intended for operators of escort vehicles (pilot and trail) in the oil and gas industry. The instructor-led course is the result of a collaborative effort of regulators, industry members from the Petroleum Services Association of Canada (PSAC) and subject matter experts who use escort vehicles on a daily basis.
To Register visit
www.enform.ca OR CALL 1.800.667.5557
Topics covered include: »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Review of professional and defensive driving Fatigue management Legislation Components and basic procedures of escort vehicles Hazards Inspections Trip planning.
PREREQUISITES In order to take this course, participants must have one of the following valid tickets: »» »» »» »»
Light Duty Vehicle (LDV) General Oilfield Driver Improvement (GODI) Oilfield Hauler (OH) Escort Vehicle Operator.
COMPLETION The course will provide escort vehicle operators with the basic information they need to assist drivers of over-dimensional loads in the transport of equipment and materials in the oil and gas industry. Date
April 12 October 24
8:00 8:00
Nisku Nisku
Session Number
351200010 351200011
Fall Protection - General Duration: 1 day Cost: $155 This one-day course is intended for workers who need general fall protection training in preparation for work in areas where fall hazards exist. The focus is on general fall protection legislation and best practices across a broad industry spectrum. Participants will engage in hands-on training activities, including inspecting, fitting, adjusting and connecting fall protection systems and components. The program covers: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Fall protection concepts Legislation Safety measures and best practices Selection and safe use of fall prevention Work positioning Fall arrest systems and equipment Fall hazard identification Protection planning Discussion on fall effects and fall rescue.
NOTES As part of the practical exam, each participant will be briefly suspended in a harness. Participants should be physically capable of safely executing this procedure. For more comprehensive, hands-on fall protection training specific to the work on rigs, refer to Enform’s “Fall Protection for Rig Work” course. COMPLETION
Did you know? Fall Protection for Rig Work is now being offered in Calgary using a mobile rig simulator. Please visit www.enform. ca/coursesearch for scheduled classes and additional information.
Participants must pass both a written and a practical skills exam to obtain a certificate of successful course completion. Visit enform.ca for the most current session information.
Fall Protection for Rig Work Duration: 2 days Cost: $315 This two-day course was developed in conjunction with the Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors (CAODC). The course is intended for workers and other personnel involved in drilling and service rig operations, with a primary focus on using fall protection equipment safely at height. Topics include: »» »» »» »» »» »»
Fall protection principles Anchorages Body support devices Connecting components and devices Life lines Ladder-climbing systems.
The hands-on portion of the training includes climbing to height using fall protection equipment, work positioning, anchorage connection and transfer between fall protection systems.
General Course Information 1.800.667.5557 or email customerservice @ enform.ca
F NOTES »» Successful completion requires that participants be able to climb to a height of approximately four metres. »» This course starts at 8:00 a.m. Participants who are late may be refused admission. »» This course is a prerequisite for the Fall Rescue for Rig Work. »» Qualifying individuals can instruct this program on a franchise basis. EQUIPMENT LISTING
COMPLETION Upon successful completion of the prescribed practical skills and written exam, participants are issued an industry standard Certificate of Completion. Time
January 7 January 16 February 4 February 13 February 25 March 11 March 20 April 8 April 22 May 1 May 15 May 27 June 10 June 19 June 24 July 15 July 24 July 29 August 19 August 21 August 28 September 9 September 11 September 23 October 7 October 23 October 28 November 18 November 27 December 2
8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00
Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Calgary Nisku Nisku Calgary Nisku Nisku Calgary Nisku Nisku Calgary Nisku Nisku Calgary Nisku Nisku Calgary Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku
Duration: 1 day Cost: $315 This one-day course was developed in conjunction with the Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors (CAODC). The course is intended for workers, supervisors, managers and safety personnel with a primary focus to perform rescues safely at height. Topics covered include:
»» CSA Approved hard hat with chin strap »» CSA Approved safety glasses »» Seasonal leather/cold weather gloves
Fall Rescue for Rig Work
Session Number
To Register visit
381200276 381200275 381200277 381200278 381200279 381200281 381200282 381200283 381200284 381200329 381200287 381200286 381200288 381200291 381200290 381200292 381200293 381200294 381200295 381200296 381200330 381200299 381200297 381200300 381200301 381200302 381200273 381200303 381200304 381200305
»» »» »» »» »» »»
Rescue team roles Rescue equipment Ropes and knots bryce Mechanical advantage Management of escape buggy Rescue scenarios.
PREREQUISITES »» Participants enrolling in this course must hold a valid Fall Protection for Rig Work Certificate. NOTES »» Successful completion of the course requires that participants be in good physical condition and be able to climb to a height of approximately 10 metres. »» This course starts at 8:00 a.m. Participants who are late may be refused admission. »» Qualifying individuals can teach this course on a franchise basis. Date
January 9 January 18 February 6 February 15 February 27 March 13 March 22 April 10 April 24 May 3 May 29 June 12 June 26 July 17 July 31 August 21 August 30 September 11 September 25 October 9 October 30 November 20 November 29 December 4
8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00
Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku
www.enform.ca OR CALL 1.800.667.5557
Session Number
401200249 401200250 401200251 401200252 401200254 401200255 401200256 401200257 401200258 401200259 401200260 401200261 401200262 401200263 401200264 401200265 401200266 401200267 401200058 401200268 401200269 401200270 401200271 401200272
F Fatigue Management for Supervisors Duration: 1 day Cost: $170 Human fatigue is recognized as being one of the primary causes of accidents in the industrial sector. The costs of fatigue are a major human and financial burden to companies, workers and their families. Employers must ensure that everyone in their workplace is aware of potential workplace hazards (such as fatigue), and take steps to prevent workplace accidents, injuries and illnesses that may be a result of fatigue. COMPLETION Upon completion of the program, participants will be able to: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Recognize the effects, signs and symptoms of fatigue Develop the Five-Level Fatigue Hazard Control Model Assess and document a worker’s level of fatigue Describe the workings of your body clock, also called circadian rhythms Understand the stages of sleep and develop good sleep habits Implement a healthy lifestyle management plan Understand the role of relaxation and exercise Develop appropriate corrective measures to reduce fatigue Develop a Fatigue Risk Management System assessment checklist.
April 18 April 18 April 18 April 18 October 16 October 16 October 16 October 16
8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00
Nisku Calgary (Vidcon course) FSJ (Vidcon course) Regina (Vidcon course) Nisku Calgary (Vidcon course) FSJ (Vidcon course) Regina (Vidcon course)
Session Number
0411200016 0411200018 0411200019 0411200020 0411200017 0411200021 0411200022 0411200023
Fire and Explosion Prevention Advanced Training for IRP 18 Duration: 1 day Cost: $150 This one-day training course was developed to address the advanced level of training specified in Industry Recommended Practice 18: Fire and Explosion Hazard Management. The training is intended for supervisors, managers, designers and planners who are involved in the planning/supervising of work where there is the possibility of a fire or explosion. The primary focus is to provide generic fire and explosion prevention program content to minimize fires and explosions. Topics include: »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Expanded fire triangle Fire and explosion hazard assessment Control Prevention plans Industry regulations Roles and responsibilities Communications.
Other courses related to this topic you may be interested in: • Detection and Control of Flammable Substances • H2S Alive ® Date
April 17 October 16
8:00 8:00
Nisku Calgary
Session Number
421200005 421200007
First Line Supervisor’s Blowout Prevention Duration: 4 days Cost: $685 This four-day course is designed primarily for the First Line Supervisor (driller) on a drilling rig, and is also a prerequisite for the Second Line Supervisor’s Well Control course. Topics covered include: »» »» »» »» »» »»
Source and magnitude of pressure Causes and warning signs of kicks Shut-in procedures Crew positions and duties during well control operations Procedures for circulating out influxes Government regulations.
NOTES »» Participants may make arrangements with Enform to challenge the First Line exam. The manual is available through the e-store or in person at one of our four Enform locations. This material consists of the First Line manual and exercises. »» The exam challenge is offered at any of our four Enform locations as well as other various locations throughout Canada. Please complete the Exam Challenge application at www.enformconnect.ca. The cost of the examination is not included in the fee of the manual. Fees may vary outside Enform regional offices. »» Exam challenges may be conducted up to 90 days prior to the expiry of the current certificate. This also applies to the four-day program. »» If participants fail the exam following the course, they are allowed one rewrite within a 30 day period. This also applies to the exam challenge. Rewrite fees apply. If at anytime the exam is failed twice, the participant is required to take the full four-day program. »» You must have a valid First Line Blowout Prevention Certificate before registering into the Second Line Supervisor’s Well Control course. »» Government issued photo ID is required to write the exam. COMPLETION If successful, participants receive a First Line Blowout Prevention Certificate valid for three (3) years. Participants should be able to use warning signs to recognize a kick and safely shut-in a well. Participants will receive their new certificates by mail dated three (3) years from the course completion date or from the expiry date of their old certificates. Another course related to this topic you may be interested in: • Safety Management & Regulatory Awareness for Wellsite
Supervision (SARA)
General Course Information 1.800.667.5557 or email customerservice @ enform.ca
G Date
January 7 January 14 January 28 February 11 February 25 March 11 April 1 April 1 April 15 April 29 May 6 May 13 May 27 June 10 July 2 August 12 September 3 September 3 September 16 September 30 October 7 October 15 October 28 November 12 November 18 December 2 December 9
8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30
Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Regina Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Nisku Calgary Nisku Nisku Calgary FSJ Nisku Calgary
Session Number
431200086 431200087 431200088 431200089 431200090 431200091 431200092 431200093 431200094 431200095 431200096 431200097 431200098 431200099 431200100 431200101 431200102 431200103 431200104 431200105 431200106 431200107 431200108 431200109 431200110 431200111 431200112
Gas Production Operator Duration: 5 days Cost: $1,190 This five-day course is designed for field or gas plant operators, engineers, technologists, or anyone looking to enhance their skills in gas plant operations. Safe operating practices are stressed throughout the program. Classroom theory and handson training are combined so that participants learn to operate gas processing equipment at the gas production training facility at Enform’s office in Nisku, Alberta. This facility is a fully operational gas plant allowing hands-on training in: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Field dehydration Gas sweetening Compression Mechanical refrigeration Pumps Metering and instrumentation Line heaters Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Chemical injection.
Additional topics covered include general safety, gas detection, understanding hydrocarbons, process drawings, wellhead equipment and hydrates. EQUIPMENT LISTING Since this course includes hands-on training, please come prepared with the following: »» »» »» »» »»
CSA Approved hard hat CSA Approved seasonal foot wear CSA Approved safety glasses Fire retardant coveralls Calculator.
COMPLETION Upon successful completion of this course, participants will have a good understanding of gas field handling and processing, including the duties and responsibilities of a gas field operator. Other courses related to this topic you may be interested in: • Oil & Gas Production Operator Basics • Oil Production Operator Date
February 25 May 27 October 7 December 2
8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30
Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku
Session Number
461200007 461200008 461200009 461200010
General Entry Level Safety (GELS) Duration: 1 day Cost: $40 General Entry Level Safety is a self-study course intended for new employees entering the petroleum industry and for other workers who would benefit from a review of basic safety practices. In this self-study program, participants can work through the program manual, take and mark their own quizzes, and pace their learning according to their own schedules.
To Register visit
www.enform.ca OR CALL 1.800.667.5557
G This program consists of six units: 1. Basic safety 2. Personal protective equipment 3. Back injury prevention 4. Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) regulations 5. Hazard identification and elimination 6. Hand tool safety COMPLETION Once completed, the participant’s supervisor will submit a certification request form to Enform.
January 10 February 14 March 7 April 11 April 25 May 15 June 13 September 18 September 26 October 23
8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00
Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Calgary Nisku Nisku
Session Number
Visit enform.ca for the most current session information.
General Oilfield Driver Improvement (GODI) Duration: 1 day Cost: $150 This one-day theory-based, classroom only, instructor-led course is designed to provide oilfield truck drivers with the knowledge to improve their on-road safe driving behaviors and attitudes. The target audience is oilfield truck drivers operating vehicles with GVW of 5500 kg and over. Topics include: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Professional driving attitude Defensive driving skills Regulations and policies National Safety Code (NSC) requirements Proper vehicle inspection Off-highway driving techniques Road conditions and hazards Non-driving skills (map reading, hand signals, vehicle equipment operations, load securement and tire chain installation).
APPLICATION PROCESS Complete the Oilfield Driver Training Instructor application form. You will be notified by email once your application has been reviewed. NOTES »» This course is approved by Alberta Transportation as a Professional Driving Improvement Course (PDIC). »» Qualifying individuals can instruct this program on a franchise basis. Please go to www.enformconnect.ca for more details. COMPLETION Participants with an Alberta Operator’s License who receive 80% or better on the written examination are eligible for a reduction of up to three (3) demerit points from their driving record from Alberta Transportation through any Alberta registries agent.
Did you know? in 2013 Enform is celebrating the 25th Anniversary of H2S Alive®
General Course Information 1.800.667.5557 or email customerservice @ enform.ca
481200828 481200328 481200833 481200834 481200835 481200836 481200837 481200831 481200840 481200841
H H2S Alive®
Hazard assessments are a formal process of identifying hazards, evaluating the risk presented by each hazard and controlling those hazards where it is not possible to eliminate them outright.
Duration: 1 day Cost: $150 This one-day course is intended for all workers in the petroleum industry who could be exposed to hydrogen sulphide (H2S). The primary focus is to help people work safely in and around H2S environments. The course covers the physical properties and health hazards of H2S, how to protect oneself and basic rescue techniques. Each participant is required to operate a self-contained breathing apparatus and perform rescue lift and drag exercises. NOTES »» Course starts at 8:00 a.m. sharp. Participants who are late may be refused admission. »» Appropriate clothing is recommended (i.e. jeans, pants). »» Participants should be physically capable to perform the required exercises to pass the program e.g., employees not on Workers’ Compensation or light duty. »» Qualifying individuals can instruct this program on a franchise basis. Please go to www.enformconnect.ca for more details. Other courses related to this topic you may be interested in: • Detection and Control of Flammable Substances • Fire and Explosion Prevention Advanced Training for IRP 18
To stress the importance of the Hazard Management System (HMS) in conducting worksite hazard assessments, key federal, provincial and local regulatory requirements will be reviewed. Special emphasis will be placed upon the legal concept of due diligence. This one-day, competency-based course includes the following: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Legal, moral and business obligations for managing hazards Hazard categories Hierarchy of controls Formal hazard assessments Site-specific Hazard Assessments Workplace Inspections Hazard reporting Preventative maintenance Hazardous materials management.
NOTES Once every three years, the owner or senior manager of all companies who hold a Small Employer Certificate of Recognition (SECOR) must take a program related to health and safety in order to ensure continuous improvement of their HSMS. Attendance in such programs is required to prevent small employers from having their SECOR status interrupted or terminated. This is one such program.
Session Information: In Calgary: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday In Nisku: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Other courses related to this topic you may be interested in:
H2S Alive® Specific Instructor Training
January 9 January 23 February 27 March 6 March 20 April 12 June 12 June 27 June 27 September 12 September 12 October 9 October 23
8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00
Calgary Nisku Estevan Calgary Nisku Estevan Nisku Calgary FSJ (Vidcon course) FSJ Red Deer Calgary Nisku
Duration: 1.5 days Cost: $210 This one and a half day course covers specific H2S Alive ® lesson plans and program standards for those wishing to become instructors for H2S Alive ® program. PREREQUISITES The Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) is required to take this course. Please go to www.enformconnect.ca to view ISW program availability. Visit enform.ca for the most current session information.
Session Number
1541200001 1541200002 1541200003 1541200004 1541200005 1541200006 1541200007 1541200008 1541200009 1541200010 1541200011 1541200012 1541200013
Hours of Service and Managing Fatigue for Commercial Vehicle Carriers and Owners
Hazard Management Duration: 1 day Cost: $415 Many nationally and internationally recognized standards, such as: CSAZ1000-06, ANSI/AIHA Z10-2005, ILO-OSH 2001, OHSAS-18001-1999, and the Certificate of Recognition (COR) standards specify that health and safety programs and Safety Management Systems should be developed around the results of your hazard identification and risk assessments.
To Register visit
• Safety Program Development • Incident and Accident Investigation
Duration: 1 day Cost: $160 This one-day training session will train commercial vehicle carriers, owners and other supervisory personnel on the requirements of the Federal Commercial Drivers Hours of Service Regulations and the Oil Well Service Vehicle Permit issued by Alberta Transportation.
www.enform.ca OR CALL 1.800.667.5557
Materials referenced in this program: »» Enform’s Guide to Safe Work - An Employer’s Guide to Designing and Implementing a Fatigue Management Program Version 2 »» A Worker’s Guide to Preventing Incidents and Injuries Related to Fatigue »» AI&T Alberta Reference Guide for Hours of Service COMPLETION This training will also provide vehicle carriers and owners information to better manage their drivers level of fatigue, in order to help reduce injury and death to drivers, co-workers, and to the motoring public who share the road. Visit enform.ca for the most current session information.
Hours of Service and Managing Fatigue for Commercial Vehicle Drivers Duration: 1 day Cost: $160 This one-day training session will train commercial vehicle drivers on the requirements of the Federal Commercial Vehicle Drivers Hours of Service Regulation. It will also provide them with information to better manage their level of fatigue, in order to help reduce injury and death to themselves, co-workers, and to the motoring public who share the road. Materials referenced in this program: »» Enform’s Guide to Safe Work - An Employer’s Guide to Designing and Implementing a Fatigue Management Program Version 2 »» A Worker’s Guide to Preventing Incidents and Injuries Related to Fatigue »» AI&T Alberta Reference Guide for Hours of Service. Visit enform.ca for the most current session information.
Incident and Accident Investigation Duration: 1 day Cost: $415 Learn how to investigate incidents and accidents in order to prevent them from recurring, and turn incidents into positive learning opportunities. This competency-based course focuses on learning from both potential and actual incidents/accidents. Topics covered in the course include: »» »» »» »» »» »»
Initial response to incidents and accidents Gathering evidence and information Analyzing the information Determining the real root causes Implementation and follow-up actions Constructive communications.
NOTES Once every three (3) years, the owner or senior manager of all companies who hold a Small Employer Certificate of Recognition (SECOR) must take a program related to health and safety in order to ensure continuous improvement of their Health and Safety Management System. Attendance in such programs is required to prevent small employers from having their SECOR status interrupted or terminated. This is one such program. COMPLETION This course qualifies for 0.5 Certification Maintenance Points (CMP) through the Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals and 1.0 Certification Maintenance (CM) points through the American Board of Industrial Hygiene. Other courses related to this topic you may be interested in: • Safety Program Development • Hazard Management Date
January 10 January 24 March 7 March 21 April 11 June 28 June 28 October 10
8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00
Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Estevan Calgary FSJ Calgary
Session Number
591200047 591200049 591200050 591200042 591200052 591200055 591200054 591200056
Injury Management / Return to Work Duration: 0.5 day Cost: $80 This seminar is for Certified Enform Internal and External Auditors who wish to use the Injury Management/Return to Work (RTW) audit tool. The seminar is designed to inform auditors about the standards for conducting Injury Management/RTW Audits in British Columbia, and will include a review of how to use the new Injury Management/RTW audit tool. The seminar must be attended before an auditor can use this audit tool in British Columbia.
General Course Information 1.800.667.5557 or email customerservice @ enform.ca
Employers in British Columbia may qualify for incentives if they maintain their Certificate of Recognition and may receive further incentives if they pass and maintain the Injury Management/ RTW audit.
»» Download the IWCF Practice Test and Answer Key at http://applicationmanager.enformconnect.ca/uploadedfiles/ ams/iwcfpracticetestanswerkey.pdf. If you cannot answer these questions, you should reconsider registration until you are familiar with the material. »» Basic math skills, prior well control training, experience related to your certification needs (Surface vs. Subsea, Fundamentals or Driller vs. Supervisor) and active participation. If you do not possess this prerequisite knowledge prior to registration, you should reconsider your application. »» It is strongly recommended to have previous formal well control training before attempting IWCF Certification.
APPLICATION PROCESS Programs are scheduled as required. For access, please complete the application form. Once approved, you will be prompted to register. Other courses related to this topic you may be interested in: • Safety Program Development • Certified Health & Safety Auditor Program
Visit enform.ca for the most current session information.
Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW)
»» Complete the International Well Control Form (IWCF) and Candidate Registration Form (CPIF). These forms must be completed and submitted at least 10 days prior to the requested program date. NOTES
Duration: 3.5 days Cost: $890 This workshop is designed to provide participants with the skills and knowledge to deliver Enform's programs using the industry's instructional delivery model. The workshop covers instructional delivery, principles of adult learning, learning domains and classroom management practices. APPLICATION PROCESS Participants who have applied for Franchised Instructor Certification must complete all steps of the application process prior to registering in the workshop. If you are applying for ISW and haven’t completed one of the Franchise Instructor Application forms, please complete the form found at www.enformconnect.ca Enform will contact successful applicants to register in the workshop. Visit enform.ca for the most current session information.
International Well Control Training (IWCF) Duration: 5 days Cost: $2,495 This five-day course is intended for drillers, rig managers, wellsite supervisors, drilling engineers, drilling superintendents and shore-based supervisors who are responsible for the execution and supervision of well control during drilling operations. Topics covered include: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Causes of well kicks and surface hole well control Kick detection Basic pressure concepts and calculations General secondary well control procedures Gas behaviour Drilling fluids Basis of secondary well control and the driller’s method Wait and weight method Alternative well control methods Well control equipment Subsea well control Subsea BOP, control systems, risers and wellheads
To Register visit
»» International Well Control Training Forum (IWCF) is presented in Nisku, Alberta. »» IWCF may not be challenged. »» Contact Information for Enform Nisku, Alberta: IWCF Advisor Phone: 780.955.6077 or 1.800.667.5557 (in Canada). Email: iwcf@enform.ca »» A valid IWCF Certificate is a prerequisite for Enform’s Second Line Supervisor’s Well Control program. »» A valid passport is required to take the IWCF course and to write the exam. ID must be valid for at least two (2) years from date of taking this course. If less than two (2) years, please provide additional identification i.e. photographic driver’s license or ID card. If unsure please contact Enform. COMPLETION »» Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to identify the appropriate well control techniques and practices, as well as the importance of proper selection, inspection, testing, operation and field maintenance of well control equipment. »» Certificates, valid for two (2) years are available at the driller’s or supervisor’s level in either surface or combined surface/ subsea certification levels. Date
January 14 February 4 March 11 April 8 May 13 June 10 July 8 August 12 September 16 October 21 November 18 December 9
8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30
Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku
www.enform.ca OR CALL 1.800.667.5557
Session Number
631200024 631200025 631200026 631200027 631200028 631200029 631200030 631200031 631200032 631200033 631200034 631200035
Introduction to Oil & Gas Production and Equipment
Light Duty Vehicles - Driver Improvement Duration: 1 day Cost: $150
Duration: 2 days Cost: $790 This two-day course balances practical and theoretical study at Enform’s office in Nisku, Alberta. Designed specifically for petroleum non-technical staff, the course allows participants to learn through demonstrations in actual facilities. With approximately seven hours in the classroom and seven hours in the facilities, it is an excellent introduction for employees of service and supply companies, insurance companies and producing companies, as well as for accountants, environmentalists and financial staff. It is also a perfect opportunity for relief staff to get up-to-speed with field operations very quickly. Topics covered include: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Origin and Exploration of Hydrocarbons Well Surface Equipment Battery Equipment Process Control Compression Instrumentation and computer control Measurement Pipeline operations Environmental concerns
• The Petroleum Industry in Canada
February 7 March 27 May 2 June 20 September 9 October 24 November 6
8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30
Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku
Professional driver attitude Defensive driving skills Safe vehicle operation Safety and survival equipment Driving practices for off-highway and adverse conditions Non-driving skills (map reading, hand signals, vehicle equipment operations, load securement and tire chain installation).
Another course related to this topic you may be interested in:
»» »» »» »» »» »»
Qualifying individuals can instruct this course on a franchise basis. Complete the Oilfield Driver Training Instructor application form. You will be notified by email once your application has been reviewed.
While candidates attending this course are encouraged to bring their own coveralls, hard hats and safety glasses, Enform will loan the necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to those candidates who require it.
The course covers:
This one-day theory-based, classroom only, instructor-led course is designed to provide oilfield truck drivers with the knowledge to improve their on-road safe driving behaviors and attitudes. The target audience is personnel who drive light-duty vehicles, such as pick-ups, cars and hot shot units to and from field locations and is designed to reduce company vehicle accidents.
Session Number
641200008 641200009 641200010 641200011 641200012 641200013 641200014
This course is approved by Alberta Transportation as a Defensive Driving Course (DDC). Participants with an Alberta Operator’s License who receive 80% or better on their written examinations are eligible for a reduction of up to three (3) demerit points from their driving record from Alberta Transportation through any Alberta registries agent. Date
March 12 May 14 September 17 October 22
8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00
Nisku Calgary Calgary Nisku
Session Number
General Course Information 1.800.667.5557 or email customerservice @ enform.ca
651200084 651200089 651200090 651200087
N Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) Duration: 1 day Cost: $155 This one-day course has been developed in conjunction with the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) and other industry and government stakeholders. It focuses on issues arising from the handling of concentrated sources of NORM encountered during operation and maintenance of NORMcontaminated equipment or disposal of NORM-contaminated waste materials.
»» Petroleum industry workers who are actively engaged with NORM-contaminated equipment and processes should consider taking the one-day classroom-based worker-Level NORM Safety Training course. It has greater detail on radiation detectors, including waste management and handson operations. For more information please see Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM).
The course covers: »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
General radiation and NORM principles NORM sources, locations, labels and barricades Health hazards of NORM Options for personal protection Detection of NORM Work practices for NORM-contaminated equipment Management of NORM-contaminated waste.
NOTES This course is available by contract only. Date
February 13 April 17 May 15 September 18
8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00
Calgary Nisku Calgary FSJ
Session Number
671200027 671200029 671200030 671200031
Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) Awareness eLearning Duration: 4 hours Cost: $65 Online This online course is designed for people who are not actively engaged with NORM-contaminated equipment and processes but need or wish to know more about NORM. Topics include: »» »» »» »» »»
Introduction to NORM Radiation basics Health hazards Worker protection Worker rights and responsibilities.
APPLICATION PROCESS To register for this course, visit www.enformconnect.ca
Need computer access? Enform has computer terminals at its offices in Calgary, Fort St. John, Nisku, and Regina for people to take Enform computer-based training.
NOTES »» This course is currently not supported to play in Internet Explorer 7 or on Vista platforms. An updated version will be available soon.
To Register visit
www.enform.ca OR CALL 1.800.667.5557
O Off-Highway Defensive Driving Duration: 4 hours Cost: $37 This self-study course is intended for all personnel who drive on off-highway roads. This includes field staff, office personnel, summer students, etc. who drive out to the field. The emphasis is on practical, usable techniques and procedures. It also stresses the importance of a good driving attitude in creating safer roads and preventing accidents. Materials include a workbook, which includes certification, and an optional video. This course contains five sections: »» »» »» »» »»
Basic Driving Principles Safety Vehicle Operation Safety and Survival Equipment Off-Highway Driving Practices Driving Practices for Adverse Conditions
NOTES This course is only available by self-study. To purchase the selfstudy guide, go to our website www.enformconnect.ca Visit enform.ca for the most current session information.
Oil & Gas Production Operator Basics Duration: 10 days Cost: $1,730 The course is designed to give basic field terminology and operations instruction to those who wish to begin a career in the petroleum industry and have no work experience in the field. It is also excellent for summer students. Safety is a prime concern and is stressed throughout the course. This 10-day course (Monday to Friday each week, no classes on weekends) combines classroom instruction and hands-on experience in an actual oil battery and gas plant at Enform’s Nisku office. Each topic is discussed in the classroom, and then participants learn how to operate actual equipment at Enform’s oil and gas training facilities. Class size is limited to maximize the hands-on component for each participant. Topics covered include: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Downhole equipment Surface equipment Instrumentation Pressure vessels Basic measurement Wellheads Flowlines Well testing.
Also included in this course are the following safety courses: »» H2S Alive ®, which provides a basic knowledge of H2S and its hazards, along with practice exercises using a self-contained breathing apparatus. »» St. John Ambulance Standard First Aid, which give participants the theoretical and practical knowledge of basic first aid procedures.
»» WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System) Fundamentals. »» TDG (Transportation of Dangerous Goods). NOTES »» Participants have the option of attending any or all of the safety courses included during the first four days of this program (TDG/WHMIS, First Aid/CPR and H2S Alive ®). Course fees are discounted $100/day for each day not attended (maximum $400 total discount). This discount applies during the first four days of the course. Participants wanting to apply for this discount must register by calling Enform customer services at 1.800.667.5557. EQUIPMENT LISTING Since participants will be working with equipment in actual operating facilities, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is required: »» »» »» »» »»
Hard hat Protective foot wear Safety glasses Fire retardant coveralls Leather gloves.
Other courses related to this topic you may be interested in: • Gas Production Operator • Oil Production Operator Date
February 11 May 13 September 23 November 18
8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30
Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku
Session Number
721200008 721200009 721200010 721200011
Oil Production Operator Duration: 5 days Cost: $1,190 This five-day course is intended for oil battery operators, technologists and technicians or anyone wanting to enhance their skills in oil battery operations. This course combines classroom theory and hands-on training with actual oilfield production equipment in the Enform production training facility in Nisku. Safe operating practices are stressed throughout the course. Topics covered include: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Separators Treaters Wellhead equipment Pumping equipment Flowlines Battery equipment All major measurement devices and practices Production reporting General safety.
General Course Information 1.800.667.5557 or email customerservice @ enform.ca
Recertification is subject to compliance within certain criteria including delivery of minimum number of programs, maintaining provincial driving instructor and/or school license, and maintaining a satisfactory driving record.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is required: »» »» »» »» »»
Hard hat Protective foot wear Safety glasses Fire retardant coveralls Calculator
Visit enform.ca for the most current session information.
Oilfield Hauler
COMPLETION Upon successful completion of this course, participants will have a good understanding of the duties and responsibilities of a battery operator, the process involved and how to operate typical oil battery equipment. Other courses related to this topic you may be interested in: • Oil & Gas Production Operator Basics • Gas Production Operator Date
March 4 June 3 October 14 December 9
8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30
Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku
Session Number
731200006 731200007 731200008 731200009
Oilfield Driver Training Instructor Program
Duration: 1 day Cost: $150 This one-day, theory-based, classroom-only course is designed to provide oilfield truck drivers with the knowledge to improve their on-road safe driving behaviors and attitudes. The target audience for this instructor-led course is truck drivers in the rig moving sector of the oil and gas industry who drive trucks with a GVW of 15000 kg and higher. Course topics include: »» »» »» »» »» »»
Rig moving (tear down and set up procedures) Equipment hauling Hazard evaluation Tie-down procedures Winching procedures Load positioning.
PREREQUISITES A valid General Oilfield Driver Improvement course certification is required for first-time Oilfield Hauler participants. Subsequent Oilfield Hauler recertification requires only a valid (unexpired) Oilfield Hauler Certificate.
Duration: 1 day Cost: $210 PREREQUISITES »» Minimum of three (3) years oilfield driving experience in the class of vehicle related to the specific program. »» Must meet regulatory eligibility (i.e. driving experience, convictions or suspensions) criteria from the province where the applicant has a driver’s license (refer to the applicable Provincial Traffic Safety Legislation). »» Obtain a minimum of 90% grade on the specific program that the applicant wishes to teach, within six months of application.
»» Submit an application. »» Successfully complete an instructor pre-entrance exam as required. »» Successfully complete the Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW). »» Where required, obtain a provincial driving instructor and/or driving school license form the jurisdiction that the applicant is licensed in. »» Successfully complete an audit of first program delivered within one year of completion of ISW.
May 16 October 24
8:00 8:00
Nisku Nisku
NOTES Interested applicants should read specific criteria on the application form at www.enformconnect.ca (log in required). COMPLETION Certification is valid for one (1) year to December 31 of each calendar year.
To Register visit
Complete the Oilfield Driver Training Instructor application form. You will be notified by email once your application has been reviewed. NOTES Qualifying individuals can instruct this course on a franchise basis. Session Number
751200136 751200138
Oilfield Swamper Duration: 1 day Cost: $150 This one-day theory-based, classroom only, instructor-led course is intended for swampers, primarily in the rig moving sector, who assist the equipment operator in the safe loading, transportation, off-loading and erection of oilfield equipment and materials. Swampers work primarily on bed trucks, winch tractors and boom trucks, but it is not uncommon for them to be employed in a variety of tasks in the industry. Swamping is a physically demanding and rewarding occupation.
www.enform.ca OR CALL 1.800.667.5557
O Topics covered include:
To use the self-study option the company:
»» »» »» »» »» »»
»» Assigns someone as the company Administrator. »» The administrator attends a one-day workshop which includes an overview of the Oilfield Swamper program and a session on the Program Standard and Administrative process on the self-study option. The workshop is scheduled on a wait-list basis based upon a minimum number of participants. »» Upon completion of the workshop, Administrators will be provided with a video and are then authorized to order student manuals and exams from Enform to facilitate the training and certification process. »» Approval to obtain student manuals and exams remains with the approved Administrator and not with the Company. »» Cost of the workshop will be determined depending on the number and confirmation of participants.
Legislation Pre-job preparation Field equipment preparation Lease activities Travel Post-job duties.
SELF- STUDY OPTION Companies interested in the self-study option should assign someone in the company as an Administrator to oversee the training and certification process. The company provides a swamper student with the training materials (student manual and video provided by Enform) and ‘on-the-job’ training with a competent operator to supplement the training in the student manual. The participant will write the closed-book exam under the direct supervision of the Administrator when the participant feels they are ready. To use the self-study option the company: »» Assigns someone as the company Administrator. »» The Administrator attends a one-day workshop which includes an overview of the Oilfield Swamper program and a session on the Program Standards and Administrative process on the self-study option. The workshop is scheduled on a wait-list basis based upon a minimum number of participants. »» Upon completion of the workshop, Administrators will be provided with a video and are then authorized to order student manuals and exams from Enform to facilitate the certification process. »» Approval to obtain student manuals, exams and program numbers remains with the approved Administrator and not with the company. »» Cost of the workshop will be determined depending on the number and confirmation of participants. NOTES »» The Oilfield Swamper program is available on a wait-list basis, subject to minimum registration requirements. »» Qualifying individuals can instruct this program on a franchise basis. Complete the Oilfield Driver Training Instructor application form. You will be notified by email once your application has been reviewed. Visit enform.ca for the most current session information.
Oilfield Swamper Self-Study Administrator Duration: 1 day Cost: Contact Enform for pricing information Companies interested in the self-study option to obtain Oilfield Swamper certification for their workers should assign someone in the company as an Administrator to oversee the training and certification process. The company provides a swamper student with the training materials (student manual and video provided by Enform) and ‘on-the-job’ training with a competent operator to supplement the training in the student manual and video. The participant would write the closed-book exam under the direct supervision of the Administrator when the participant feels they are ready.
Visit enform.ca for the most current session information.
Oilwell Perforators Safety Training Duration: 2 days Cost: $490 This two-day course has been developed in conjunction with the Petroleum Services Association of Canada (PSAC) and government representatives from Western Canada and the Territories to provide a minimum industry-training standard for blasting in oil and gas wells. The purpose of this course is to provide workers with a base knowledge and understanding of oilwell explosives in order to prevent incidents and to protect themselves, the public, property and the environment. This course was designed for workers engaged in a number of related well operations such as wire line perforating and completions, TCP perforating, explosive fracturing, pipe recovery and tool services. Topics include: »» »» »» »»
Safe storage Transportation Shop handling and well-site handling of explosives Related regulations.
Slickliners are welcome to take this course, however, they should be aware that the course deals primarily with electric line perforating. PREREQUISITES Individuals seeking an interprovincial Oilwell Blasters permit must: »» Be at least eighteen years of age, »» Have the ability to communicate effectively in English, both orally and in writing, »» Have a minimum of six months hands-on experience in preparing and firing oilwell explosive charges in the field in the past 36 months immediately preceding the application date, OR have equivalent experience acceptable to the Oilwell Perforators Safety Training and Advisory Committee (shop gun assembly experience on its own is not sufficient to acquire a blasters permit). »» Be physically capable of performing the duties of an Oilwell Blaster.
General Course Information 1.800.667.5557 or email customerservice @ enform.ca
O APPLICATION PROCESS »» You must complete the application. You will be contacted when you application has been reviewed. »» The course may also be taken solely for general informational purposes. In this case, there are no prerequisites, no examinations, and no interprovincial certificate issued. Only an Enform Certificate of Attendance will be issued. »» Applications must be received for approval by Enform at least two (2) working days prior to the program date. »» Participants without a pre-approved application form will not be accepted into the course. No walk-ins will be allowed.
»» »» »» »»
Dynamometer surveys Pumping systems designs Control systems Safety issues.
Another course related to this topic you may be interested in: • Artificial Lift Systems Date
April 11 October 24
8:30 8:30
Nisku Nisku
Session Number
781200003 781200004
NOTES »» Participants must present government issued photo identification (i.e., driver’s license, passport, etc.) at the start of the course. Those without photo identification will not be permitted to write the interprovincial examination. »» Fees may vary outside Enform offices. COMPLETION »» An industry standard training certificate, valid for 5 years, is issued upon successful completion of the written examination. »» Enform also issues an interprovincial Oilwell Blaster’s permit, valid throughout the Yukon, Northwest Territories, Alberta, British Columbia, and Manitoba, to those successfully completing the prescribed interprovincial Oilwell Blaster’s examination. Date
January 9 February 13 March 21 April 18 May 8 June 6 June 27 August 15 September 18 October 16 November 7 December 11
8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00
Calgary Nisku Nisku Calgary Calgary Nisku Calgary Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary
Session Number
771200040 771200028 771200029 771200030 771200031 771200032 771200033 771200034 771200035 771200037 771200038 771200039
Oilwell Production Optimization Duration: 2 days Cost: $485 This two-day course is ideal for operators, foremen, engineers and technologists who wish to maximize production using existing artificial lift equipment. This course covers the process of production optimization using practical examples in a workshop setting. The main concern of any producer is getting the oil out of the ground easily and inexpensively, which makes production efficiency, or optimization, a key issue for everyone involved. Topics covered include: »» »» »» »»
Acoustic fluid level testing Annular fluid gradients Inflow Performance Relationships (IRPs) Bottomhole pressure buildup systems
To Register visit
Did you know? Enform offers customized training. With handson facilities, Enform customizes training for people in many different roles in the industry – from finance and insurance to providing a lab environment for the next generation of industry workers. Get exactly what you need, when you need it.
www.enform.ca OR CALL 1.800.667.5557
P Petroleum Competency Program Duration: 2 days Cost: $600 The Petroleum Competency Program (PCP) was launched in 1995 to address the need for job standardization and occupational recognition within the oilfield service sector. The PCP established, for the first time, an industry standard for field occupations in the petroleum industry. Formation of the PCP was initiated by the Petroleum Services Association of Canada (PSAC) and transitioned in 2003 to the Petroleum Human Resources Council of Canada, a national collaborative forum that addresses human resources within the upstream petroleum industry. A PCP Steering Committee establishes and monitors procedures for assessment and the competency process. The committee is comprised of representatives from companies in each sector that currently have competency standards, or that have competency standards under development. Competency standards are developed for specific occupations by teams of experts from those industry sectors. Currently there are established competency standards for occupations in oil and gas transportation, well testing and snubbing services. Through the Apprenticeship and Training Board, Alberta Advanced Education will grant certification under their Designation Occupation program to workers in some occupations who hold a valid PCP Certificate and apply to the Minister.
PREREQUISITES Complete the applicable Petroleum Competency Program application form found at www.enformconnect.ca. You will be notified once your application has been reviewed. Application forms include Oil & Gas Transportation services, Snubbing Services Supervisor, Well Testing Services Supervisor, Assessor Certification Renewal, and Candidate Re-Certification. APPLICATION PROCESS »» Complete a Competency Assessor Application form for the applicable occupation service group and submit to Enform for review and approval »» Successfully complete the Competency Assessment training program »» Successfully complete audit of first competency assessment performed (additional audit fee apply) »» Complete the required number of assessments over the three-year certification period COMPLETION »» All Assessor Certificates have a five-year expiry date »» All PCP Candidate Certificates have a five-year expiry date Date
January 22 May 7 September 10 October 22
8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00
Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary
Customers: Reduced insurance costs from use of qualified service personnel, cost effectiveness from use of established correct practices, enhanced professional image.
Petroleum Safety Training (PST 2.0)
Companies: Demonstrated emphasis on training, assessment and quality of personnel, reduced administrative costs, training designed to more effectively meet future company needs, fewer accidents and incidents translating into lower costs and overhead, demonstrated due diligence. Employees: Ability to make long-term learning and career plans, better remuneration, improved promotion opportunities, demonstrated due diligence. TRAINING Enform provides training for Competency Assessors and administers the competency certification process: »» The assessor training covers such topics as the definition of competencies, theory and know-how of performing assessments, the administrative process, dealing with common problems, and a comparison of units, outcomes and performance criteria. »» The monitoring process includes maintaining assessment records, responding to inquiries from candidates, certifying successful candidates, participation on the PCP and directing auditor activities. Further information on the Petroleum Competency Program is available on the Petroleum Human Resources Council of Canada website at: www.petrohrsc.ca. Further information on Designated Occupations is available on the Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training website at: www.tradesecrets.gov.ab.ca
Session Number
791200009 791200010 791200011 791200012
Duration: 4 hours Cost: $75 Online Petroleum Safety Training (PST) is an introductory online course for all employees – as an introduction for new hires to the petroleum industry or as a refresher for experienced workers, supervisors and managers. The course provides a general introduction and overview of health and safety hazards and how to control them. It discusses the legal framework that employers must follow and focuses on workers’ and employers’ responsibilities with respect to health and safety at work. PST is an interactive multi-media course with video, audio, and interactive lessons. Topics include: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Petroleum industry processes overview Rights and responsibilities Hazard recognition, assessment and control Personal Protective Equipment and clothing Education, training and competency Safety communication Emergency Response Planning and incident reporting Special topics in the petroleum industry.
General Course Information 1.800.667.5557 or email customerservice @ enform.ca
R NOTES Effective July 1, 2009 PST Certificates no longer expire. This policy change pertains to certificates with or without printed dates of expiry. There is no Enform requirement to retake the PST if current certificate carries an expiry date. COMPLETION Each topic is followed by a short skills test. Once the course is completed, a completion report can be printed indicating that you have completed the course and Enform will mail out a permanent certification card to the address we have on record.
Power Line Safety and Awareness Duration: 1 day Cost: $160 Power line contacts are a daily occurrence and can cause serious injury and death. Statistics from electrical utility providers show that every day, three Albertans risk their lives needlessly by contacting a power line… because they didn’t ask themselves “Where’s the Line?” People working in close proximity to power lines must know how to protect themselves and their coworkers from coming in contact with both overhead and underground power lines. Workers who move equipment or other high loads on roadways must know how to identify and avoid the power line hazard. In the event of a contact with a power line, people need to know how to respond to this emergency. This one-day course, developed by industry for industry, with input from electrical utility providers, addresses all of these issues, plus much more. Enform’s Power Line Safety and Awareness course is of value to anyone working around power lines. Date
May 14 June 12 June 18 June 20
8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00
Calgary Nisku FSJ Regina
Rig Technician Training BC Residents Duration: 4 weeks This program will provide valuable information about the equipment you work with and give you greater confidence as a supervisor of junior crew members. Alberta law requires that motorhands, derrickhands and drillers working in the province be trained as an apprentice or hold a journeyperson certificate. The Alberta government recognizes the BC Rig Technician trade as equivalent to the Alberta trade. In both provinces, apprentices who fail to register for Technical Training (and therefore are unable to progress to the next level of their trade) risk having their apprenticeship registration revoked. You must be a British Columbia registered Rig Technician apprentice to be eligible for this program. Drilling rig employees are eligible to participate in the rig technician trade once they begin working as a motorman with a drilling rig contractor. To be eligible for the Rig Technician Program you must have experience at the floorhand position. The three levels of Rig Technician are: 1. Motorman position (Level 1) 2. Derrickman position (Level 2) 3. Driller position (Level 3) Candidates wishing to pursue an apprenticeship for this program must first submit a completed Apprenticeship and Sponsor Registration Form to BC’s Industry Training Authority (ITA) for approval. Application forms are available from the ITA website www.itabc.ca or from your company sponsor. Upon acceptance as a Registered Apprentice, the candidate must register for the program and examination by filling out the Enform program registration form. Additional information on the Rig Technician trade is available at the Industry Training Authority’s website www.itabc.ca.
Session Number
821200005 821200006 821200007 821200008
Rig Technician Training -Level 1 (Motorman) BC Residents Duration: 4 weeks Cost: $830 This four-week course is split into four sections: »» Industry, Communication and Leadership (15 hours including five Individual Learning Modules) »» Rig Safety and Safety Supervision (37 hours including six Individual Learning Modules) »» Driving and Loader Safety (12 hours, including two Individual Learning Modules Tools and Equipment (25 hours including 10 Individual Learning Modules) »» Power Systems (31 hours including 11 Individual Learning Modules) The topics covered include fall protection and confined space training, blowout prevention equipment, preventative maintenance and rig move awareness. PREREQUISITES To register as a BC Rig Technician you must: »» Be registered with the Industry Training Authority »» Have a BC fixed address.
To Register visit
www.enform.ca OR CALL 1.800.667.5557
Other courses related to this topic you may be interested in:
Complete the BC Rig Technician application available at www.enformconnect.ca. You will be notified when your application has been reviewed.
• First Line Supervisors Blowout Prevention • Second Line Supervisors Well Control • Fall Protection for Rig Work
»» »» »» »» »»
May 6
Okanagan College - Kelowna
CSA Approved hard hat with chin strap CSA Approved seasonal foot wear CSA Approved safety glasses Seasonal coveralls with reflective striping Seasonal leather/cold weather gloves
Session Number
Rig Technician Training -Level 3 (Driller) BC Residents
COMPLETION Successful candidates will receive an Enform Fall Protection for Rig Workers Certificate. Other courses related to this topic you may be interested in: • First Line Supervisors Blowout Prevention • Second Line Supervisors Well Control • Fall Protection for Rig Work Date
May 6
Okanagan College - Kelowna
Session Number
Rig Technician Training -Level 2 (Derrickman) BC Residents Duration: 4 weeks Cost: $830 This four-week course is split into four sections: »» Communications and Leadership (31 hours including six Individual Learning Modules) »» Drilling Fluids (47 hours including 11 Individual Learning Modules) »» First Line Blowout Prevention (30 hours including five Individual Learning Modules) »» Derrick (12 hours including four Individual Learning Modules) PREREQUISITES To register as a BC Rig Technician you must: »» Be registered with the Industry Training Authority »» Have a BC fixed address. APPLICATION PROCESS
Duration: 4 weeks Cost: $830 This four-week course is split into four sections: »» Communications and Leadership (14 hours including two Individual Learning Modules) »» Rig Management and Safety (42 hours including seven Individual Learning Modules) »» Rig Operations (34 hours including nine Individual Learning Modules) »» Downhole Operations (30 hours including five Individual Learning Modules) PREREQUISITES To register you must: »» Be registered with the Industry Training Authority »» Have a BC fixed address »» Have completed Level 1 & 2 in order to be eligible to write the Red Seal exam at the end of this program COMPLETION Upon successful completion of all three levels of this program, the practical skills assessments and the Industry Training Authority’s written examinations, candidates will receive the Rig Technician Journeyman Red Seal Certificate. Other courses related to this topic you may be interested in: • First Line Supervisors Blowout Prevention • Second Line Supervisors Well Control • Fall Protection for Rig Work Date
May 6
Okanagan College - Kelowna
Session Number
Complete the BC Rig Technician application available at www.enformconnect.ca. You will be notified when your application has been reviewed. EQUIPMENT LISTING »» »» »» »» »»
CSA Approved hard hat with chin strap CSA Approved seasonal foot wear CSA Approved safety glasses Seasonal coveralls with reflective striping Seasonal leather/cold weather gloves
General Course Information 1.800.667.5557 or email customerservice @ enform.ca
S Safety Management & Regulatory Awareness for Wellsite Supervision (SARA) Duration: 3 days Cost: $625 This three-day course is been designed to ensure wellsite supervisors and prime contractors are aware of their responsibilities and roles with respect to health and safety at the wellsite. Key legislated rules and industry practices for Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan will be discussed and are summarized in an index with references so that the wellsite supervisor/prime contractor can research further details as needed. The course covers: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Responsibilities for health and safety legislation Health and safety program elements Supervisor’s role Hazard identification Risk assessment and control Inspections Incident investigation Emergency response Leadership skills.
April 15 8:30 April 22 8:30 April 22 8:30 April 22 8:30 April 29 8:30 April 29 8:30 April 29 8:30 May 6 8:30 May 6 8:30 May 13 8:30 May 13 8:30 May 13 8:30 May 21 8:30 May 27 8:30 May 27 8:30 June 3 8:30 June 10 8:30 July 8 8:30 July 22 8:30 August 12 8:30 August 19 8:30 September 3 8:30
Clearwater Safety Services (Lakeland Inn) - Cold Lake Southeast Regional College Energy Training Institute - Estevan Medicine Hat College Red Deer College Nisku Red Deer College Calgary Southeast Regional College - Weyburn Nisku Grande Prairie Regional College Medicine Hat College Red Deer College Calgary Nisku Procede Occupational Health & Safety - Brooks at Super 8 Motel Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Calgary Nisku Southeast Regional College Energy Training Institute - Estevan
871200115 871200116 871200117 871200118 871200119 871200120 871200121 871200122 871200123 871200125 871200126 871200124 871200127 871200128 871200129 871200130 871200131 871200132 871200133 871200135 871200136 871200137
Prices outside of Enform regional offices will vary. COMPLETION Certificate of Completion valid for three (3) years upon successful completion of the written examination conducted on the last day of the program. Other courses related to this topic you may be interested in: • • • • •
Well Service Blowout Prevention Coiled Tubing Well Servicing Blowout Prevention First Line Supervisors Blowout Prevention Second Line Supervisors Well Control Safety Program Development
January 7 8:30 January 14 8:30 January 28 8:30 February 4 8:30 February 11 8:30 February 11 8:30 March 4 8:30 March 4 8:30 March 11 8:30 March 18 8:30 March 18 8:30 March 25 8:30 April 1 8:30 April 1 8:30 April 8 8:30 April 15 8:30 April 15 8:30 April 15 8:30
Session Number
Calgary Nisku Astec Safety - Lloydminster Nisku Calgary Clearwater Safety Services (Lakeland Inn) - Cold Lake Medicine Hat College Calgary Nisku Astec Safety - Lloydminster Calgary Calgary Grande Prairie Regional College Red Deer College Nisku Grande Prairie Regional College Calgary Drayton Valley
To Register visit
871200097 871200098 871200099 871200100 871200101 871200102 871200104 871200103 871200105 871200106 871200107 871200108 871200110 871200109 871200111 871200112 871200113 871200114
Did you know? There is a new online refresher course -Safety Management and Regulatory Awareness for Wellsite Supervision – Refresher (SARA). If you have a valid ticket with an 85% pass mark, you can now take the course online. This new e-learning version makes recertification more convenient and accessible for wellsite supervisors.
www.enform.ca OR CALL 1.800.667.5557
S September 9 8:30 September 23 8:30 September 23 8:30 October 7 8:30 October 15 8:30 October 15 8:30 October 15 8:30 October 21 8:30 October 21 8:30 October 21 8:30 October 21 8:30 November 4 8:30 November 12 8:30 November 18 8:30 November 25 8:30 December 9 8:30 December 16 8:30
Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Grande Prairie Regional College Nisku Procede Occupational Health & Safety - Brooks at Super 8 Motel Medicine Hat College Astec Safety - Lloydminster Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Medicine Hat College Southeast Regional College - Weyburn Calgary Nisku
871200134 871200138 871200139 871200140 871200143 871200141 871200142 871200147 871200144 871200145 871200146 871200148 871200149 871200150 871200151 871200152 871200153
Safety Management & Regulatory Awareness for Wellsite Supervision Refresher Duration: 1 day Cost: $315 This one-day refresher course was been developed in conjunction with the Drilling and Completions Committee (DACC) to assist industry in maintaining the minimum training levels identified in Industry Recognized Practice 7: Standards for Wellsite Supervision of Drilling Completions & Workovers. (DACC is a joint industry/government committee consisting of oil and gas industry associations and government agencies that are stakeholders in this industry sector.) This course is designed to ensure that wellsite supervisors and prime contractors maintain a high level of awareness of their responsibilities and roles with respect to safety management and regulatory compliance at the wellsite. Key legislated rules and industry practices for Alberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan are discussed and summarized in an index with references so that the wellsite supervisor/prime contractor can research further details as needed. With particular emphasis on regulatory changes and key industry issues from the preceding three (3) years, the course covers: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Responsibilities for health and safety legislation Health and safety program elements Supervisor’s role Hazard identification Risk assessment and control Inspections Incident investigation Emergency response Leadership skills.
PREREQUISITES »» A valid Safety Management & Regulatory Awareness for Wellsite Supervision certificate (current three-day course), with a grade of 85% or higher.
NOTES »» This course has been designed for recertification only. Participants are expected to have a good basic understanding of IRP 7 and the material covered in the full three-day version of this program. »» Prices outside of Enform regional offices will vary. »» Safety Management and Regulatory Awareness for Wellsite Supervision Refresher is also available online. COMPLETION »» Each participant will receive a new certificate for this course valid for three (3) years upon successful completion of a written examination with a score of 70% or higher (85% or higher must be achieved for eligibility into the one-day refresher course). Other courses related to this topic you may be interested in: • • • • •
Well Service Blowout Prevention Coiled Tubing Well Servicing Blowout Prevention First Line Supervisors Blowout Prevention Second Line Supervisors Well Control Safety Program Development
January 10 8:30 January 17 8:30 January 31 8:30 February 7 8:30 February 14 8:30 February 14 8:30 March 7 8:30 March 14 8:30 March 21 8:30 March 21 8:30 March 28 8:30 April 4 8:30 April 11 8:30 April 18 8:30 April 18 8:30 April 18 8:30 April 25 8:30 April 27 8:30 May 2 8:30 May 2 8:30 May 2 8:30 May 9 8:30 May 9 8:30 May 16 8:30 May 24 8:30 May 30 8:30 May 30 8:30 June 6 8:30 June 13 8:30 July 11 8:30 July 25 8:30 August 15 8:30 August 22 8:30
Session Number
Calgary Nisku Astec Safety - Lloydminster Nisku Calgary Clearwater Safety Services (Lakeland Inn) - Cold Lake Calgary Nisku Astec Safety - Lloydminster Calgary Calgary Red Deer College Nisku Calgary Drayton Valley Clearwater Safety Services (Lakeland Inn) - Cold Lake Holiday Inn - Red Deer Southeast Regional College Energy Training Institute - Estevan Nisku Red Deer College Calgary Southeast Regional College - Weyburn Nisku Red Deer College Calgary Nisku Procede Occupational Health & Safety - Brooks at Super 8 Motel Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Calgary Nisku
General Course Information 1.800.667.5557 or email customerservice @ enform.ca
881200076 881200077 881200078 881200079 881200080 881200081 881200082 881200083 881200084 881200085 881200086 881200087 881200088 881200089 881200090 881200091 881200092 881200094 881200095 881200096 881200097 881200098 881200099 881200100 881200101 881200102 881200103 881200104 881200105 881200106 881200107 881200108 881200109
S September 6 8:30 September 12 8:30 September 26 8:30 September 26 8:30 October 10 8:30 October 18 8:30 October 18 8:30 October 24 8:30 October 24 8:30 November 7 8:30 November 15 8:30 November 28 8:30 December 12 8:30 December 19 8:30
Southeast Regional College - Estevan Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Procede Occupational Health & Safety - Brooks at Super 8 Motel Astec Safety - Lloydminster Nisku Nisku Calgary Southeast Regional College - Weyburn Calgary Nisku
881200126 881200111 881200112 881200113 881200114 881200118 881200119 881200115 881200116 881200120 881200122 881200123 881200124 881200125
Safety Management & Regulatory Awareness for Wellsite Supervision Refresher - Online
»» This course has been designed for recertification only. Participants are expected to have a good basic understanding of Industry Recognized Practice 7 and the material covered in the full three-day version of this course. COMPLETION »» Each participant will receive a new certificate for this course valid for three (3) years upon successful completion of a written examination with a score of 70% or higher (85% or higher must be achieved for eligibility into the one-day refresher course). Other courses related to this topic you may be interested in: • • • • •
Well Service Blowout Prevention Coiled Tubing Well Servicing Blowout Prevention First Line Supervisors Blowout Prevention Second Line Supervisors Well Control Safety Program Development
Safety Program Development Duration: 2 days Cost: $625
Duration: 3 hours Cost: $315 Online This online refresher course was developed in conjunction with the Drilling and Completions Committee (DACC) to assist industry in maintaining the minimum training levels identified in Industry Recognized Practice 7: Standards for Wellsite Supervision of Drilling Completions & Workovers. (DACC is a joint industry/government committee consisting of oil and gas industry associations and government agencies that are stakeholders in this industry sector.) This course is designed to ensure that wellsite supervisors and prime contractors maintain a high level of awareness of their responsibilities and roles with respect to safety management and regulatory compliance at the wellsite. Key legislated rules and industry practices for Alberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan are discussed and summarized in an index with references so that the wellsite supervisor/prime contractor can research further details as needed. With particular emphasis on regulatory changes and key industry issues from the preceding three (3) years, the course covers: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Responsibilities for health and safety legislation Health and safety program elements Supervisor’s role Hazard identification Risk assessment and control Inspections Incident investigation Emergency response Leadership skills.
This course is required for the COR Program, and the Small Employer Certificate of Recognition (SECOR) Program for employers with 10 or fewer employees. Completion of this course is the first step in the development of a HSMS leading to the issuance of a COR or SECOR. It is also the first step for small employers intending to enter in the MECOR auditing process on their way to achieving a large employer COR. In order to represent their company for SECOR purposes, the participant must be the owner or the most senior operational person or the employee most familiar with the overall work operation. The following topics will be covered in the course: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
PREREQUISITES »» A valid Safety Management & Regulatory Awareness for Wellsite Supervision certificate (current three-day course), with a grade of 85% or higher.
To Register visit
This two-day course is designed to enhance the skills of management, supervisors, safety professionals and those responsible for the development and/or implementation of safety programs. This training course emphasizes the value of the fundamental elements found in an effective Health and Safety Management System (HSMS) and concentrates on the development and implementation of a Safety Program that will meet the expectations of the Enform Health and Safety Certificate of Recognition (COR) Audit Protocol.
The benefits behind developing a HSMS Policies, procedures and accountability systems Hazard identification and risk assessments Hazard control and the hierarchy of controls Training and competency Emergency Response Planning (ERP) Incident investigation and analysis of trends Constructive communications Continuous Improvement of a HSMS.
COMPLETION »» Upon completion of the course, the candidate will be able to understand, develop and implement company safety programs in preparation for a successful audit.
www.enform.ca OR CALL 1.800.667.5557
S Other courses related to this topic you may be interested in: • • • • • • • •
Hazard Management Incident & Accident Investigation Injury Management / Return to Work Safety Inspection Skills Supervisor Competency Assessor Training Petroleum Safety Training (PST) Fatigue Management for Supervisors Certified Health and Safety Auditor Program
January 7 8:00 January 14 8:00 January 21 8:00 February 4 8:00 February 4 8:00 February 19 8:00 February 25 8:00 March 4 8:00 March 11 8:00 March 18 8:00 April 3 8:00 April 3 8:00 April 8 8:00 April 15 8:00 April 29 8:00 April 29 8:00 May 6 8:00 May 23 8:00 June 3 8:00 June 10 8:00 June 24 8:00 July 8 8:00 July 15 8:00 August 8 8:00 August 19 8:00 September 3 8:00 September 9 8:00 September 9 8:00 September 16 8:00 September 23 8:00 October 7 8:00 October 16 8:00 October 21 8:00 November 4 8:00 November 12 8:00 November 12 8:00 November 18 8:00 December 9 8:00 December 16 8:00
Second Line Supervisor’s Well Control (Test Well) Duration: 5 days Cost: $1,355 This course is designed for the rig manager, wellsite supervisor, drilling engineer or drilling superintendent responsible for the execution and supervision of well control operations in the field.
Session Number
Calgary Grande Prairie Regional College Nisku FSJ Calgary Nisku Southeast Regional College Energy Training Institute - Estevan Calgary Shamickel Safety (St. Johns Ambulance Building) - Red Deer Nisku Calgary Grande Prairie Regional College Southeast Regional College Energy Training Institute - Estevan Clearwater Safety Services - Bonnyville Nisku FSJ Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Grande Prairie Regional College Nisku Calgary Calgary Nisku Calgary FSJ Shamickel Safety (St. Johns Ambulance Building) - Red Deer Nisku Location Alberta Calgary Grande Prairie Regional College Nisku Calgary Nisku FSJ Southeast Regional College Energy Training Institute - Estevan Calgary Nisku
901200058 901200059 901200060 901200061 901200062 901200063 901200064 901200065 901200066 901200067 901200068 901200069 901200070 901200071 901200072 901200073 901200074 901200075 901200076 901200077 901200078 901200079 901200080 901200081 901200082 901200083 901200084 901200085 901200086 901200087 901200088 901200089 901200090 901200091 901200092 901200093 901200094 901200095 901200096
During this five-day course, each participant is given the opportunity to perform well control procedures and demonstrate the proper response to hole and equipment problems using the live test well equipment. Test well training is taught at Enform’s office in Nisku Alberta. Topics covered include: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Purpose of well control Understanding wellbore pressures Leak-off tests Over-pressure and kick warning signs Causes of kicks Kicks with oil based mud Blowout prevention equipment and operation Well control methods Advanced well control situations, including: Managed pressure drilling and underbalanced wells Horizontal and multi-lateral wells High pressure high temperature wells Case studies Hands-on training at live test wells and computer based simulators.
PREREQUISITES To register online, you must hold a valid Second Line Supervisor’s Well Control Certificate OR one of following which are also considered valid pre-requisites. You may be asked to provide proof of certification: »» First Line Supervisor’s Blowout Prevention (BOP) Certificate »» International Well Control Forum (IWCF) Certificate (Supervisory) »» International Association of Drilling Contractors (WellCAP) Certificate (Supervisory) »» United States of America, Department of Mines and Minerals Service approved Well Control Certificate. NOTES »» Participants may attend this course up to three (3) months in advance of the expiry of their certification. If the written exam mark is between 60% and 69%, the participant may rewrite the exam one time only within 30 days of the first exam. Rewrite fees apply. »» All exams with marks between 65% and 69% will have the mark verified. »» If the exam mark is below 60%, or both the original and rewrite failed but the participant has passed the test well, the participant need only repeat the classroom portion of the course and rewrite the exam. The classroom repeat must be done within 90 days of the second failure and classroom repeat fees apply. »» Test Well failures must be rescheduled within 30 days of the program. »» Fees may vary outside of Enform regional offices. »» Government issued photo ID is required to write the exam.
General Course Information 1.800.667.5557 or email customerservice @ enform.ca
S COMPLETION »» Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive their new certificates, dated two (2) years from the expiry of their old certificates. Certificates for this course are valid for two (2) years. »» Participants should be able to identify the appropriate techniques and procedures necessary for proper operation of equipment used in well control. Participants should also be able to apply wellbore pressure concepts, and well control strategies while on bottom, tripping and while out of the hole. Other courses related to this topic you may be interested in: • First Line Supervisors Blowout Prevention • Safety Management & Regulatory Awareness for Wellsite
Supervision (SARA)
• International Well Control Training (IWCF) Date
January 2 January 3 January 7 January 8 January 9 January 14 January 15 January 21 January 28 February 4 February 5 February 11 February 19 February 20 February 25 February 26 March 4 March 5 March 11 March 12 March 18 March 19 March 20 April 1 April 2 April 8 April 9 April 10 April 11 April 15 April 16 April 17 April 18 April 22 April 23 April 24 April 25 April 29 April 30 May 1 May 6 May 7 May 8
8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30
Nisku Nisku Calgary Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Calgary Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Calgary Nisku Nisku Nisku Calgary Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Calgary Nisku Nisku Nisku Calgary Nisku Nisku Nisku Calgary Nisku Nisku Nisku Calgary Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku
Session Number
To Register visit
931200202 931200203 931200204 931200205 931200206 931200207 931200208 931200209 931200210 931200211 931200212 931200213 931200214 931200215 931200216 931200217 931200218 931200219 931200220 931200221 931200222 931200223 931200224 931200226 931200225 931200227 931200228 931200229 931200230 931200231 931200232 931200233 931200234 931200235 931200236 931200237 931200238 931200239 931200240 931200241 931200242 931200243 931200244
May 13 May 14 May 21 May 22 May 23 May 27 May 28 May 29 June 3 June 4 June 5 June 10 June 11 June 17 June 18 July 15 July 16 July 22 July 23 July 29 July 30 August 6 August 12 August 13 August 19 August 20 August 26 August 27 September 3 September 9 September 10 September 16 September 17 September 23 September 24 September 30 October 1 October 7 October 8 October 15 October 21 October 22 October 28 October 29 November 4 November 5 November 12 November 13 November 18 November 19 November 25 November 26 December 2 December 3 December 9 December 10 December 16
8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30
Calgary Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Calgary Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Nisku Nisku Calgary Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Calgary Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Calgary Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Calgary Nisku Nisku Nisku Calgary Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Calgary Nisku Nisku
www.enform.ca OR CALL 1.800.667.5557
931200245 931200246 931200247 931200248 931200249 931200250 931200251 931200252 931200253 931200255 931200254 931200256 931200257 931200258 931200259 931200260 931200261 931200262 931200263 931200264 931200265 931200266 931200267 931200268 931200269 931200270 931200271 931200272 931200273 931200274 931200275 931200276 931200277 931200278 931200279 931200280 931200281 931200282 931200283 931200284 931200285 931200286 931200287 931200288 931200289 931200290 931200291 931200292 931200293 931200294 931200295 931200296 931200297 931200298 931200299 931200300 931200301
S Second Line Supervisor’s Well Control Refresher Duration: 3 days Cost: $1,355 This three-day refresher course is an intensive, condensed version of the five-day Second Line Supervisor’s Well Control Certificate (Test Well) program. It is designed for the rig manager, wellsite supervisor, drilling engineer or drilling superintendent who is responsible for the execution and supervision of well control operations in the field. Each participant will be given the opportunity to perform well control procedures and demonstrate the proper response to hole and equipment problems using test well equipment and simulators. Topics covered include: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Purpose of well control Understanding wellbore pressures Leak-off tests Over-pressure and kick warning signs Causes of kicks Kicks with oil based mud Blowout prevention equipment and operation Well control methods Advanced well control situations, including: Managed pressure drilling and underbalanced wells Horizontal and multi-lateral wells High pressure high temperature wells Case studies Hands-on training at live test wells and computer based simulators.
PREREQUISITES A valid Enform Second Line Supervisor’s Well Control Certificate (Test Well), with 85% or better on the last written exam. APPLICATION PROCESS There is no online registration for refresher courses so please contact 1.800.667.5557. NOTES »» Participants may attend this course up to three (3) months in advance of the expiry of their certification. »» Government issued photo ID is required to write the exam. COMPLETION »» Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive their new certificates dated two (2) years from the expiry of their old certificates. Certificates for this course are valid for two (2) years. »» Participants should be able to identify the appropriate techniques and procedures necessary for proper operation of equipment. They should also be able to apply wellbore pressure concepts plus well control strategies while on bottom, tripping in or out of the hole and while out of the hole.
Other courses related to this topic you may be interested in: • First Line Supervisors Blowout Prevention • Safety Management & Regulatory Awareness for Wellsite
Supervision (SARA)
• International Well Control Training (IWCF) Date
January 2 January 28 February 25 March 25 April 15 April 29 May 6 May 21 June 17 July 15 August 6 September 3 September 23 October 15 October 28 November 12 December 2
8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30
Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku
Session Number
921200025 921200026 921200027 921200022 921200023 921200024 921200028 921200029 921200030 921200031 921200032 921200033 921200034 921200035 921200036 921200037 921200038
Seismic Blaster Safety Training Duration: 1 day Cost: $360 This one-day course has been developed in conjunction with the Canadian Association of Geophysical Contractors (CAGC) and government representatives from Western Canada to provide a minimum industry-training standard for blasting in seismic exploration. It is intended for workers engaged in seismic shot-hole drilling and blasting activities. Topics include: »» »» »» »» »»
Principles of seismic exploration Seismic explosives and accessories Storage and transportation Safe work practices Government regulations.
This course may also be taken solely for general informational purposes. In this case, there are no prerequisites, no written examination and no interprovincial certificate issued. An Enform Certificate of Attendance will be issued. PREREQUISITES To register for this course participants must: »» Be at least 18 years of age »» Have a minimum of six (6) months hands-on experience as a blaster’s assistant in the past 36 months immediately preceding the course date »» Be able to communicate effectively in English, both orally and in writing »» Have completed the prescribed Seismic Blaster Safety Training application form and possess current Standard First Aid certification or equivalent.
General Course Information 1.800.667.5557 or email customerservice @ enform.ca
S APPLICATION PROCESS Complete the Seismic Blaster Safety Training application form and wait for your application to be approved prior to registering. A separate application form is to be submitted to Saskatchewan Industry and Resources by the participant or employer following successful completion of the Enform training course in order to obtain the Saskatchewan permit. This application must be accompanied by a copy of the Enform training certificate, as well as a copy of the participant’s current Standard First Aid Certificate. Applications must be received for approval by Enform at least two (2) working days prior to the course date. Participants without a pre-approved application form will not be accepted into the course. No walk-ins will be allowed. NOTES Participants must present government issued photo identification (i.e., driver’s license, passport, etc.) at the start of the course. Participants without photo identification will not be permitted to write the interprovincial examination. COMPLETION »» An industry standard training certificate, valid for five (5) years, is issued upon successful completion of the written examination. »» Enform also issues an interprovincial Seismic Blaster’s permit, valid throughout the Yukon, Northwest Territories, Alberta, British Columbia and Manitoba, to those successfully completing the prescribed interprovincial Seismic Blaster’s examination. Date
January 8 February 12 May 7 July 9 September 17 October 15 November 5 December 10
8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00
Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Calgary Calgary FSJ
Session Number
941200044 941200047 941200048 941200049 941200050 941200051 941200052 941200053
Seismic Field Operations Supervisor (SFOS) Challenge Duration: 2 days Cost: $380 This course is a refresher for those who have expiring Seismic Field Operations Supervisor (SFOS) certification and do not wish to move into the SFOS Level II course. These individuals have the following option to renew their SFOS: 1. Complete the new SFOS Level I course. Future programs will not have an expiry date. 2. Challenge the SFOS Level I course exam. A study package will be mailed and the registrant is responsible for scheduling a time to challenge the exam. Failure of the exam challenge will result in the person being required to take the full SFOS Level I course.
Seismic Field Operations Supervisor (SFOS) Level 1 - Supervisor Accountability Duration: 3 days Cost: $815 This three-day course has been developed in conjunction with the Canadian Association of Geophysical Contractors (CAGC) and regulatory agencies in Western Canada to provide a petroleum industry-training standard for geophysical supervision. The purpose of the course is to provide candidates with the necessary knowledge and skills for field supervision of employees. The course is intended for anyone who will be engaged in field supervision or for individuals who want a better understanding of the challenges faced by supervisors on a day-to-day basis. This course replaces the existing Seismic Field Operations Supervisor course. This course covers: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Seismic operations overview Legislated and industry responsibilities Health, Safety and Environmental Management Systems Training and competency Hazard assessment and control Emergency Response Plans Incident reporting and investigation Injury management Supervisor competency.
APPLICATION PROCESS Participants who have expiring Seismic Field Operations Supervisor (SFOS) certification and do not wish to move into the SFOS Level II courses, have the following options to renew their SFOS: 1. Complete the new SFOS Level I course. Future programs will not have an expiry date. 2. Challenge the SFOS Level I course exam. A study package will be mailed and the registrant is responsible for scheduling a time to challenge the exam. Failure of the exam challenge will result in the person being required to take the full SFOS Level I course. NOTES »» Participants wishing to write the SFOS Challenge can purchase the materials by contacting Enform at 1-800-667-5557. »» To make arrangements to challenge the exam, complete the Seismic Field Operation Supervisor Exam Challenge Application. »» Course fees may vary outside of Enform locations. COMPLETION »» Upon successful completion of the written examination, candidates will receive a Certificate of Completion. »» Candidates completing the course will be required to become CAGC members. A three-year membership is included in the program fee.
COMPLETION Candidates completing this challenge will be required to become CAGC members. A three-year membership is included in the challenge fee.
To Register visit
www.enform.ca OR CALL 1.800.667.5557
S Date
January 16 March 13 May 15 July 17 September 25 September 25 October 23 November 13
8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 7:00 8:00 8:00
Calgary Calgary Nisku Calgary Calgary FSJ Calgary Calgary
Session Number
971200020 971200021 971200022 971200028 971200024 971200025 971200026 971200027
Seismic Field Operations Supervisors (SFOS) Level II - Module 1: Program Management
The two-day course is intended to inform existing and prospective seismic supervisory positions of their roles and responsibilities regarding operations, management and regulatory compliance of a seismic exploration program. The title of Seismic Field Operations Supervisor carries a presumption of a wide range of knowledge and experience. Although the course provides an overview of the key accountabilities of Seismic Field Operations Supervisors, some knowledge and skills can only be gained through work experience. This course has been developed in conjunction with the Canadian Association of Geophysical Contractors (CAGC) and regulatory agencies in Western Canada to provide a petroleum industrytraining standard for geophysical supervision. Its purpose is to provide candidates with the necessary knowledge and skills for supervision of employees. The course is intended for people in the following seismic supervisory positions: Falling Foreman Program Managers Recording Crew Managers Health, Safety and Environment Supervisors Operations Supervisors Drilling Supervisors (client).
The course is intended for anyone who will be engaged in identifying, contacting and negotiating with landowners and special interest groups with respect to land access, line fees and damages associated with geophysical exploration projects.
February 5 May 2 August 13 October 10
8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00
Calgary Calgary Nisku Calgary
»» »» »» »» »»
Geophysical operations Agricultural practices Initial and field assessments Geophysical permits and releases Personal safety.
A variety of instructional techniques will be used, including lectures, class discussion, group exercises and role-playing. COMPLETION »» Upon successful completion of a written examination, candidates will receive a Certificate of Completion valid for three (3) years. »» Candidates completing the four-day course are required to become a CAGC member. A three-year membership is included in the program fee. Date
June 11
Session Number
Cost: $75 Seismic Permit Agents (SPA) whose certification has expired or will expire in the near future may now apply for re-certification through an application form. This application requires that the SPA has:
Supervisory accountability overview Program management Program planning and approvals Hazard control Emergency Response coordination Transportation Line construction Line surveying Shot-hole drilling and loading Data acquisition Clean-up and reclamation.
This four-day course has been developed in conjunction with the Canadian Association of Geophysical Contractors (CAGC) and regulatory agencies in Western Canada to provide a petroleum industry training standard for geophysical permitting. Its purpose is to provide candidates with the necessary knowledge and skills to conduct permitting activities in a professional and ethical manner.
Seismic Permit Agent Renewal
This course covers: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Duration: 4 days Cost: $875
Topics will include:
Duration: 2 days Cost: $475
»» »» »» »» »» »»
Seismic Permit Agent
»» Been actively working in this profession »» Has maintained their CAGC membership »» Has sign-off by their current employer. APPLICATION PROCESS Complete the Seismic Permit Agent Certification Renewal application form and submit it to Enform for approval. You will be notified by email once your application has been reviewed. Session Number
1361200004 1361200007 1361200006 1361200005
COMPLETION Certification good for three (3) years. Visit enform.ca for the most current session information.
General Course Information 1.800.667.5557 or email customerservice @ enform.ca
S Small Employer Certificate of Recognition (SECOR) Refresher Duration: 1 day Cost: $195 This one-day workshop is intended to assist employers with the submission of their Small Employer Certificate of Recognition (SECOR) self-assessment audit. This workshop will cover current issues being encountered by Enform SECOR holders or those identified by the Certifying Partners and governing authorities. The workshop will also review the submission requirements of the annual SECOR self-audit by reviewing each of the eight elements found in an effective Health and Safety Management System (HSMS). PREREQUISITES Participants must: »» Hold a Small Employer Certificate of Recognition (SECOR) or be working towards one. »» Have successfully completed Safety Program Development within the last three (3) years.
Once every three years, the owner or senior manager of all companies who hold a Small Employer Certificate of Recognition (SECOR) must take a program related to health and safety in order to ensure continuous improvement of their HSMS. Attendance in such programs is required to prevent small employers from having their SECOR status interrupted or terminated. This workshop is one such program. The other courses currently available to SECOR companies to maintain their COR are: Incident and Accident Investigation Hazard Management OH&S Legislation Disability Management
Other courses will be added as they are approved so please watch for COR updates at: http://www.enform.ca/safety_ audits_certification Other courses related to this topic you may be interested in: • • • • • • •
Alberta OHS Legislation Training Safety Program Development Hazard Management Incident & Accident Investigation Supervisor Competency Assessor Training Petroleum Safety Training (PST) Fatigue Management for Supervisors
Clearwater Safety Services - Bonnyville Nisku FSJ Calgary FSJ Nisku Calgary Calgary FSJ Shamickel Safety (St. Johns Ambulance Building) - Red Deer Nisku Lakeland College, Cold Lake Calgary Nisku FSJ Calgary Nisku
1011200095 1011200077 1011200078 1011200079 1011200080 1011200081 1011200082 1011200085 1011200084 1011200087 1011200088 1011200096 1011200089 1011200090 1011200091 1011200092 1011200093
Special Oilfield Boilers Duration: 3 days Cost: $790
»» »» »» »»
April 17 8:00 May 1 8:00 May 1 8:00 June 26 8:00 June 26 8:00 July 10 8:00 July 17 8:00 September 5 8:00 September 11 8:00 September 11 8:00 September 18 8:00 September 25 8:00 November 6 8:00 November 14 8:00 November 14 8:00 December 11 8:00 December 18 8:00
February 6 8:00 February 6 8:00 February 21 8:00 March 13 8:00 April 5 8:00 April 10 8:00
This three-day course is designed to provide rig personnel with a general knowledge of the safe operation of an oilfield boiler with a capacity of up to 1000 kw. It will also prepare participants to write the ABSA Special Oilwell Operator exam. Topics covered include: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Boiler regulations, basic principles Design of wellsite boilers Boiler construction and materials Parts Boiler fittings Combustion and firing equipment Automatic boiler controls Boiler water treatment, operation and maintenance Pumps and injections Boiler operation and maintenance Trouble-shooting Safety around boilers.
APPLICATION PROCESS Participants are required to fill out the Alberta Boilers Safety Association (ABSA) application form (AB-144 2009-01-Application for Special Oilwell Operator Examination) and submit it to Enform by e-mail to boilers@enform.ca at least 21 days prior to the Special Oilfield Boilers program.
Session Number
FSJ 1011200072 Calgary 1011200073 Nisku 1011200074 Shamickel Safety (St. Johns 1011200076 Ambulance Building) - Red Deer Calgary 1011200075 Southeast Regional College 1011200094 Energy Training Institute - Estevan
To Register visit
Once Enform approves your application, we will submit it to ABSA on your behalf. The application form must be filled out completely before sending it in to Enform as ABSA will not accept forms with missing information. The completed Application form must be approved by ABSA in order to write the examination at the end of the course. Please note that candidate/employer will receive a confirmation invoice from Enform confirming your registration into our course and the candidate will receive a letter from ABSA confirming their registration for the exam on the last day of the course.
www.enform.ca OR CALL 1.800.667.5557
S E X AM PREREQUISITES To qualify for the examination, participants must meet the following ABSA criteria: »» Obtained 6 months’ experience in an installation that involves a boiler or boilers operating as part of a transportable power plant at a drilling or hydrocarbon production site, OR ** »» Successfully completed a vocational program in boiler operation satisfactory to the Administrator. The Enform course is a preparatory program for individuals challenging the ABSA examination. It is not an approved Vocational as describe above. For more information on ABSA Power Engineering, please visit their website at www.absa.ca NOTES »» Participants are required to bring their own calculators. »» Fees may vary outside of Enform Nisku & Calgary locations. »» Cancellations or course date transfers must be done at least 21 days prior to the program start date. If cancellations or transfer is requested with less than 21 days notice, a $94.00 application fee will be charged. For further information please see Enform's cancellation policy at www.enform.ca »» Photo ID is required to write exam. COMPLETION »» Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to identify the components, operation and field maintenance of the boiler, and to apply the necessary troubleshooting and general safety procedures. »» The Alberta Boilers Safety Association (ABSA) conducts the exams and certifies successful candidates. ABSA Certificates are valid for one year. The ABSA Certificate is renewable by paying a yearly fee. »» On successful completion of the exam, participants will be certified by ABSA as a “Special Oilwell Operator”. Date
January 7 March 18 April 8 May 5 May 8 June 17 July 22 August 19 September 4 September 18 October 21 October 27 October 30 November 13 December 2
8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30
Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Holiday Inn - Red Deer Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Holiday Inn - Red Deer Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku
Session Number
1021200022 1021200023 1021200024 1021200025 1021200026 1021200027 1021200028 1021200029 1021200030 1021200031 1021200032 1021200033 1021200034 1021200035 1021200036
Standard First Aid - Level A CPR Duration: 2 days Cost: $175 Learn to recognize and provide intervention for life-threatening emergencies until medical aid arrives. Designed to meet industry, business and government requirements, Standard First Aid is a modular program for those who want to learn more first aid skills. The standard level first aid course is built on the same core and elective lessons as the emergency level program and is intended for workplace use, focusing on adult casualties. Topics include: »» »» »» »» »» »»
Emergency scene management Choking Shock and unconsciousness Severe bleeding One and two rescuer CPR for an adult casualty Automatic external defibrillation (AED) training.
NOTES The administration of CPR in combination with AED has proven to be one of the most effective methods in saving the lives of sudden cardiac arrest casualties. Date
January 10 February 7 February 7 March 7 March 7 April 11 April 11 May 9 May 9 June 6 June 6 July 11 July 11 August 8 August 8 September 5 September 5 October 10 October 10 November 7 November 7 December 5 December 5
8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00
Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku Calgary Nisku
Session Number
General Course Information 1.800.667.5557 or email customerservice @ enform.ca
1041200057 1041200058 1041200059 1041200060 1041200061 1041200062 1041200063 1041200064 1041200065 1041200066 1041200067 1041200068 1041200069 1041200070 1041200071 1041200072 1041200073 1041200074 1041200075 1041200076 1041200077 1041200078 1041200079
T The Petroleum Industry in Canada Duration: 2 days Cost: $790 This introductory two-day classroom course provides a complete overview of petroleum industry operations. The course is ideal for administrative assistants, professionals, clerical personnel, new employees or anyone looking for a general industry overview. Topics covered include: »» »» »» »» »» »»
January 4 February 15 March 1 March 22 April 29 May 17 June 14 October 18 November 15
8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00
Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary
Session Number
1081200032 1081200033 1081200034 1081200035 1081200036 1081200037 1081200038 1081200039 1081200040
The petroleum industry’s contribution to energy in Canada, The origins of oil and gas Prospecting for petroleum Drilling and completions Production Transportation and marketing.
COMPLETION This course qualifies for 13 hours Continuing Education credits with the Alberta Insurance Council. Other courses related to this topic you may be interested in: • • • • •
Introduction to Oil & Gas Production and Equipment COGI - Canada's Oil and Gas Industry Completions and Workovers Artificial Lift Systems Safety Program Development
March 21 June 20 October 24 December 5
8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30
Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary
Session Number
1071200029 1071200030 1071200031 1071200032
Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Duration: 0.5 day Cost: $95 This half-day course has been updated to meet the intent of Clear Language Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) regulations. It is intended for individuals who are involved in the transportation and handling of dangerous goods associated with oil and gas industry operations. The course is ideal for updating personnel with previous TDG training or as an introductory session for new employees. Topics include: »» »» »» »» »» »»
TDG Legislation Classification Safety marks Documentation Safe handling Incident reporting Emergency response.
COMPLETION A certificate, valid for three (3) years, is issued to each candidate upon successful completion of a written examination.
To Register visit
Registering for an Enform course? Visit www.enform.ca/ coursesearch for the most recent course information and schedules. Our website is updated daily with course descriptions, prerequisites, locations, costs and times.
www.enform.ca OR CALL 1.800.667.5557
V Vacuum Truck Operator Driver Improvement
The second day starts at the Genesee Community Hall in the morning, where additional theory and various ignition devices are discussed. This is followed by a hands-on “live-fire” ignition training exercise in the afternoon. Participants will practice hazard assessment techniques and then ignite several vapour plumes (propane) at Enform’s nearby Genesee Ignition Training Facility.
Duration: 1 day Cost: $150 This one-day, theory-based, classroom only course is intended for operators of vacuum trucks in the upstream oil and gas industry. This instructor-led course is the result of a collaborative effort of regulators, industry members from the Petroleum Services Association of Canada (PSAC) and subject matter experts who use vacuum trucks on a daily basis. The course will provide operators with the basic information they need to work in the oil and gas industry. Successful candidates need to continue their training with their employers on the specific types of equipment, tasks and hazards they will be exposed to on the job site. There is an emphasis on safety throughout the course. Topics covered include: »» »» »» »» »» »»
Review of professional and defensive driving Fatigue management, legislation Components and basic procedures Hazards Inspections Trip planning.
NOTES Participants may wish to bring their own flare pistols and flares, however, Enform has a limited number of free “loaner” flare pistols for use. Each participant will receive 10 flare cartridges (this $250.00 value is now included in the course fee). EQUIPMENT LISTING »» »» »» »» »»
CSA Approved hard hat CSA Approved seasonal foot wear CSA Approved safety glasses Seasonal coveralls with reflective striping Seasonal leather gloves
May 28 June 11 October 8 October 22
8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00
Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku
Session Number
1101200009 1101200010 1101200011 1101200012
PREREQUISITES In order to take this course participants must have one of the following valid tickets:
Virtual Rig Experience (VRE) Version 2.0
»» General Oilfield Driver Improvement (GODI) »» Oilfield Hauler »» Vacuum Truck Operator
Duration: 4 hours Cost: $70
March 8 September 27
8:00 8:00
Nisku Nisku
Session Number
1091200003 1091200004
Vapour Plume Ignition Training Duration: 2 days Cost: $1,310 This two-day ignition course has been updated to prepare all ignition team members to safely and effectively deal with uncontrolled vapour plumes from wells, pipelines, production and/or storage facilities. The ERCB’s Directive 071 states that all “ignition teams should have certified ignition training from Enform...” The first day of the course is a classroom session at Enform’s Nisku Training Centre. Topics covered in the course include: »» »» »» »» »»
Emergency response and public safety assessment Operational considerations affecting plume release Plume development and dispersion factors Pre-ignition hazard assessment Plume ignition equipment and procedures.
Online The Virtual Rig Experience (VRE) course is an easy-to-use multimedia presentation incorporating video, graphics, 3D animation and virtual 360 to address every aspect of the typical drilling rig. The VRE is designed to familiarize individuals with drilling rig components and operations. This course covers: »» »» »» »» »» »»
Drilling rig overview Hoisting system Rotary circulation system Blowout system Prevention system Power system.
The course includes industry-related vocabulary, interactive assessments and a comprehensive glossary of terms. Another course related to this topic you may be interested in: • COGI - Canada's Oil and Gas Industry
General Course Information 1.800.667.5557 or email customerservice @ enform.ca
W Well Service Blowout Prevention
Duration: 4 days Cost: $685 This course is intended for service rig operators, service rig managers, wellsite supervisors, field foremen, production foremen and production engineers involved in well killing operations on the service rig. Topics covered include: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Sources and magnitude of pressures Causes of kicks BOP equipment Kick warning signs Crew positions and duties Well shut-in procedures Well killing procedures Calculations and government regulations.
Participants renewing their valid Well Service Blowout Prevention Certificate for the first time after five years may challenge the exam. If participants fail the exam, they will be required to attend the full four-day course complete with the hands-on accumulator function test. Second exam challenges are not permitted. If they fail the exam following the course, participants will be allowed one rewrite within a 30-day period. Rewrite fees apply. Participants may make arrangements with Enform to write the Well Service Blowout Prevention examination by completing the Exam Challenge Application at www.enformconnect.ca NOTES »» Participants may attend this course up to three (3) months in advance of the expiry of their certification. »» Participants taking the course for the first time, or renewing an expired certificate will be required to attend the full four (4) day course, complete with the hands-on accumulator function test. »» Fees may vary outside of Enform regional offices. »» Government issued photo ID is required to write the exam. EQUIPMENT LISTING »» »» »» »» »» »»
CSA Approved hard hat CSA Approved seasonal foot wear CSA Approved safety glasses Seasonal coveralls with reflective striping Seasonal leather/cold weather gloves Calculator
COMPLETION Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive their new certificates dated five (5) years from the expiry date of their old certificates. Other courses related to this topic you may be interested in: • Safety Management & Regulatory Awareness for Wellsite • • • •
Supervision (SARA) Detection and Control of Flammable Substances Second Line Supervisors Well Control Coiled Tubing Well Servicing Blowout Prevention CAODC Service Rig Competency Assessors
To Register visit
January 7 8:30 January 14 8:30 January 21 8:30 February 4 8:30 February 4 8:30 February 11 8:30 February 25 8:30 February 25 8:30 March 4 8:30 March 11 8:30 March 11 8:30 March 18 8:30 March 18 8:30 March 18 8:30 April 1 8:30 April 1 8:30 April 1 8:30 April 1 8:30 April 8 8:30 April 8 8:30 April 8 8:30 April 8 8:30 April 15 8:30 April 22 8:30 April 29 8:30 April 29 8:30 April 29 8:30 May 6 8:30 May 6 8:30 May 6 8:30 May 6 8:30 May 13 8:30 May 13 8:30 May 13 8:30 May 27 8:30 May 27 8:30 May 27 8:30 June 3 8:30 June 10 8:30 June 17 8:30 July 15 8:30 July 29 8:30 August 12 8:30 August 19 8:30 August 26 8:30 September 9 8:30 September 9 8:30 September 9 8:30 September 16 8:30 September 16 8:30 September 23 8:30 September 30 8:30 September 30 8:30
Session Number
Nisku 1141200178 Calgary 1141200179 FSJ 1141200180 Clearwater Safety Services 1141200181 (Lakeland Inn) - Cold Lake Calgary 1141200182 Nisku 1141200183 Calgary 1141200184 Astec Safety - Lloydminster 1141200185 Nisku 1141200186 Grande Prairie Regional College 1141200188 Calgary 1141200187 Grande Prairie Regional College 1141200189 Medicine Hat College 1141200190 Procede Occupational Health & 1141200191 Safety - Brooks at Super 8 Motel 1141200191 Grande Prairie Regional College 1141200192 Red Deer College 1141200193 Nisku 1141200194 Calgary 1141200195 Nisku 1141200196 Red Deer College 1141200197 Clearwater Safety Services 1141200198 (Lakeland Inn) - Cold Lake Calgary 1141200247 Southeast Regional College 1141200199 Energy Training Institute - Estevan Southeast Regional College 1141200200 Energy Training Institute - Estevan Medicine Hat College 1141200201 Nisku 1141200202 Calgary 1141200203 Medicine Hat College 1141200206 FSJ 1141200204 Red Deer College 1141200205 Drayton Valley 1141200207 Grande Prairie Regional College 1141200210 Calgary 1141200208 Nisku 1141200209 Astec Safety - Lloydminster 1141200211 Nisku 1141200212 Calgary 1141200213 Procede Occupational Health & 1141200214 Safety - Brooks at Super 8 Motel Nisku 1141200215 Calgary 1141200216 Nisku 1141200217 Calgary 1141200218 Nisku 1141200219 Calgary 1141200220 Nisku 1141200221 Southeast Regional College 1141200222 Energy Training Institute - Estevan Calgary 1141200223 Astec Safety - Lloydminster 141200224 Nisku 1141200225 Red Deer College 1141200226 Calgary 1141200227 Grande Prairie Regional College 1141200228 Nisku 1141200229
www.enform.ca OR CALL 1.800.667.5557
W October 7 8:30 October 7 8:30 October 7 8:30 October 21 8:30 October 21 8:30 October 21 8:30 November 4 8:30 November 4 8:30 November 18 8:30 November 18 8:30 November 18 8:30 November 25 8:30 November 25 8:30 November 25 8:30 November 25 8:30 December 9 8:30 December 16 8:30
Medicine Hat College Calgary Nisku Grande Prairie Regional College Nisku Calgary Calgary Nisku Grande Prairie Regional College Nisku Clearwater Safety Services (Lakeland Inn) - Cold Lake Medicine Hat College FSJ Astec Safety - Lloydminster Drayton Valley Nisku Calgary
1141200231 1141200230 1141200232 1141200233 1141200234 1141200235 1141200236 1141200237 1141200239 1141200238 1141200240 1141200243 1141200241 1141200242 1141200244 1141200245 1141200246
Wellhead Boom Truck Operator Duration: 5 days Cost: $1,675 This five-day course provides training in the safe operation of boom trucks for personnel engaged in wellhead pumping, wireline, coiled tubing operations, snubbing and perforating operations, and rig up and rig out slant service rig operations. Topics include: »» »» »» »» »»
Boom truck inspections Safe operating practices, rules and responsibilities Reading and using capacity charts Wire rope and rigging safety Hands-on boom truck operation.
PROVINCIAL RECOGNITION »» Alberta -- This course has been approved by Alberta Advanced Education as meeting the training requirement for Wellhead Boom Truck Operator certification. »» Saskatchewan -- The Alberta Advanced Education Wellhead Boom Truck Operator certification is also accepted by the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission for wellhead operations in Saskatchewan. »» British Columbia -- Enform’s Wellhead Boom Truck Operator training certificate is endorsed by WorkSafeBC for wellhead operations in British Columbia; however, operators must register with the British Columbia Association of Crane Safety (BCACS) before they can work in British Columbia. Please visit the BCACS website at www.bcacs.ca for more information. ALBERTA To work as a Wellhead Boom Truck Operator in Alberta, a person has two options: be a Registered Apprentice, or, be a certified Journeyperson or hold a recognized trade certificate. A Registered Apprentice would use the Apprenticeship Training Program. The Qualification Certificate Program is one method of obtaining a trade certificate.
APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING PROGRAM: Candidates who reside in Alberta wishing to pursue an apprenticeship for this craft must first submit a completed Apprenticeship Application Form to Alberta Advanced Education for approval. Application forms are available from any Alberta Advanced Education Career Development Centre or at http://www.tradesecrets.gov.ab.ca/. Upon acceptance as a Registered Apprentice, the candidate may register for the course and examination. Additional information on Wellhead Boom Truck Operator certification is available at the Alberta Advanced Education web site at www.tradesecrets.gov.ab.ca. Upon successful completion of the course, practical skills assessment and an Alberta Learning written examination, candidates will receive an Enform training certificate. Upon successful completion of all apprenticeship requirements (one 12-month period including a minimum of 100 hours onthe-job training), the candidate must apply to Alberta Advanced Education to receive an Alberta Wellhead Boom Truck Operator Journeyman Certificate from Alberta Advanced Education. QUALIFICATION CERTIFICATE PROGRAM: To qualify for an Alberta Qualification Certificate, a person must: »» Have at least 150 hours and 18 months of hands-on work experience as a wellhead boom truck operator. (Time spent on supervisory or foreman duties, counter work, heading the tool crib, or at training courses is NOT credited as hands-on work experience.); »» Complete the Qualification Certificate Program Application located at http://www.tradesecrets.gov.ab.ca/ and submit it to an Apprenticeship and Industry Training Office. There are two options: OPTION #1: Pay the required fees as identified on the application noted above. This application fee covers the verification and assessment of the applicant’s work experience hours/months as well as one attempt at the Qualification Certificate theory examination, which is scheduled by Alberta Advanced Education. The Qualification Certificate practical examination requires a separate fee as identified on the application noted above and is also scheduled by Alberta Advanced Education. OPTION #2: Pay the required fees as identified on the application noted above. This application fee covers the verification and assessment of the applicant’s work experience hours/months as well as one attempt at the Qualification Certificate theory examination. Register for an Enform Wellhead Boom Truck Operator course, which includes the written examination. (Note: This must be coordinated through Alberta Industry Training prior to registering for the Enform course.) Once approved and accepted by Alberta Advanced Education, the candidate may register for one of the Enform courses by filling out the Wellhead Boom Truck Operator Application Form.
General Course Information 1.800.667.5557 or email customerservice @ enform.ca
»» Prior to registering for the Enform course, applicants must have their work experience verified by Apprenticeship and Industry Training Office. »» Prepare for the exam(s) (see Exam Counseling Sheets) at http://www.tradesecrets.gov.ab.ca. »» Review related books and materials (see Textbook and Resource List) http://www.tradesecrets.gov.ab.ca. »» Successfully complete the required exam(s).
This is an awareness course and is graded as either complete or incomplete. Once complete, a participant can print a course completion report. A permanent certificate will be mailed to the address provided on the participant profile within two weeks.
EQUIPMENT LISTING »» »» »» »» »»
Duration: 0.5 day Cost: $95
CSA Approved hard hat CSA Approved seasonal foot wear CSA Approved safety glasses Seasonal coveralls with reflective striping Seasonal leather/cold weather gloves
January 14 April 8 April 15 April 22 April 29 May 6 May 13 June 10 June 17 June 24 September 16 September 23 November 4
8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00
Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku Nisku
Workplace Hazardous Materials Information Systems (WHMIS) Fundamentals
Session Number
1151200054 1151200055 1151200056 1151200057 1151200058 1151200059 1151200060 1151200061 1151200062 1151200063 1151200064 1151200065 1151200066
Wildlife Awareness
This half-day course covers the basics of Workplace Hazardous Materials Information Systems (WHMIS) providing workers with general knowledge and skills to work safely around hazardous materials. It covers worker education, workplace labeling and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). NOTES This course is offered on the same day as the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) program. Date
January 4 February 15 March 1 March 22 April 29 May 17 June 14 October 18 November 15
13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00
Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary
Session Number
1181200033 1181200025 1181200026 1181200027 1181200028 1181200029 1181200030 1181200031 1181200032
Duration: 6 hours Cost: $105 Online This online course promotes safe co-existence with wildlife by providing field workers with basic knowledge for working in remote and wilderness habitats, This highly interactive course is suitable for novice, intermediate and supervisory level field workers. The course delivery format makes ample use of multi-media in a variety of situations. Topics include: »» »» »» »» »»
Regulations for wildlife protection Large ungulates Noxious plants and insects, spiders and reptiles Transmissible diseases associated with wildlife contact Bears and other carnivores.
NOTES This course is endorsed by Canadian Association of Geophysical Contractors (CAGC), Canadian Association Petroleum Producers (CAPP), Petroleum Services Association of Canada (PSAC), and Sustainable Resource Development (SRD).
To Register visit
www.enform.ca OR CALL 1.800.667.5557
Index A
Artificial Lift Systems.......................................................... 2
Fall Protection - General................................................... 12 Fall Protection for Rig Work............................................. 12
B Bear Awareness................................................................... 2 Buried Facilities Locator - Basic (BFL - Basic)................ 2 Buried Facilities Locator - Seismic.................................... 3
Fall Rescue for Rig Work.................................................. 13 Fatigue Management for Supervisors............................. 14 Fire and Explosion Prevention Advanced Training for IRP 18........................................... 14 First Line Supervisor’s Blowout Prevention.................. 14
C Canada's Oil & Gas Industry (COGI).................................. 3
Petroleum Industry Overview.................................................... 3
Gas Production Operator.................................................. 15
Petroleum Exploration, Land and Leasing................................ 3
General Entry Level Safety (GELS).................................. 15
Drilling Equipment & Well Completion....................................... 3
General Oilfield Driver Improvement (GODI).................. 16
Production, Processing and Transportation of Oil & Gas......... 3 Refining and Marketing Oil & Gas............................................. 4
CAODC Service Rig Competency Assessors................... 4 Cathodic Protection Rectifier Training.............................. 4 Certified Health and Safety Auditor Program.................. 5 Certified Health and Safety Auditor Renewal................... 5 Chainsaw Faller Competency Program............................. 6 Level I - Chainsaw Basics.......................................................... 6 Level II - Faller Entry.................................................................. 6
H H2S Alive ®............................................................................ 17 H2S Alive ® Specific Instructor Training........................... 17 Hazard Management.......................................................... 17 Hours of Service and Managing Fatigue for Commercial Vehicle Carriers and Owners...................... 17 Hours of Service and Managing Fatigue for Commercial Vehicle Drivers....................................... 18
Level III - Faller Evaluation........................................................ 6
Level IV - Faller Tutor................................................................. 7
Incident and Accident Investigation................................ 18
Oil & Gas Faller Challenge........................................................ 7
Injury Management / Return to Work............................... 18
Oil & Gas Faller Recertification................................................. 7
Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW)............................... 19
Coiled Tubing Well Servicing Blowout Prevention.......... 7
International Well Control Training (IWCF)..................... 19
Completions and Workovers.............................................. 8
Introduction to Oil & Gas Production and Equipment................................................................... 20
D Detection and Control of Flammable Substances........... 9
E Electronic General Safety Orientation (eGSO)............... 10 Electrical Maintenance Training...................................... 10 Electrical Maintenance Training Refresher.................... 11 Emergency First Aid - Level A CPR................................. 11
L Light Duty Vehicles - Driver Improvement...................... 20
N Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM)............................................................... 21 Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) Awareness eLearning........................ 21
Escort Vehicle Operator.................................................... 11
General Course Information 1.800.667.5557 or email customerservice @ enform.ca
O Off-Highway Defensive Driving........................................ 22 Oil & Gas Production Operator Basics........................... 22 Oil Production Operator.................................................... 22 Oilfield Driver Training Instructor Program.................... 23 Oilfield Hauler..................................................................... 23 Oilfield Swamper................................................................ 23 Oilfield Swamper Self-Study Administrator................... 24 Oilwell Perforators Safety Training................................. 24 Oilwell Production Optimization...................................... 25
Seismic Field Operations Supervisors (SFOS) Level II - Module 1: Program Management...................... 36 Seismic Permit Agent........................................................ 36 Seismic Permit Agent Renewal........................................ 36 Small Employer Certificate of Recognition (SECOR) Refresher............................................................ 37 Special Oilfield Boilers...................................................... 37 Standard First Aid - Level A CPR..................................... 38
T The Petroleum Industry in Canada.................................. 39
P Petroleum Competency Program..................................... 26 Petroleum Safety Training (PST 2.0)................................ 26 Power Line Safety and Awareness.................................. 27
Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG)................... 39
V Vacuum Truck Operator - Driver Improvement.............. 40 Vapour Plume Ignition Training....................................... 40
R Rig Technician Training BC Residents............................ 27 Rig Technician Training -Level 1 (Motorman) BC Residents........................................... 27 Rig Technician Training -Level 2 (Derrickman) BC Residents........................................ 28 Rig Technician Training -Level 3 (Driller) BC Residents................................................. 28
Virtual Rig Experience (VRE) Version 2.0....................... 40
W Well Service Blowout Prevention..................................... 41 Wellhead Boom Truck Operator....................................... 42 Wildlife Awareness............................................................ 43 Workplace Hazardous Materials Information Systems (WHMIS) Fundamentals.................................... 43
Safety Management & Regulatory Awareness for Wellsite Supervision (SARA)...................................... 29 Safety Management & Regulatory Awareness for Wellsite Supervision Refresher................................. 30 Safety Management & Regulatory Awareness for Wellsite Supervision Refresher - Online................... 31 Safety Program Development.......................................... 31 Second Line Supervisor’s Well Control (Test Well)....... 32 Second Line Supervisor’s Well Control Refresher........ 34 Seismic Blaster Safety Training....................................... 34 Seismic Field Operations Supervisor (SFOS) Challenge............................................................................ 35 Seismic Field Operations Supervisor (SFOS) Level 1 - Supervisor Accountability................................ 35
To Register visit
www.enform.ca OR CALL 1.800.667.5557
info@enform.ca | www.enform.ca Enrolment Services and Certificate of Recognition: 1.800.667.5557
phone: 403.516.8000
phone: 780.955.7770
phone: 250.785.6009
phone: 306.337.9600
toll free: 1.800.667.5557
toll free: 1.800.667.5557
toll free: 1.855.436.3676
toll free: 1.877.336.3676
fax: 403.516.8166
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web: www.enformbc.ca
web: www.enformsk.ca
email: bc@enform.ca
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