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Does Bridal Shopping Feel Bananas?! Engaged River Valley Issue 14

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Airbrush Makeup


If you’re newly engaged, here’s a big masked and muffled congratulations on planning your wedding during one of the most bizarre events in world history! As much as I’d love to celebrate by giving you a bear hug, that seems borderline illegal right now. Nothing feels normal, and it can really break your spirit planning your big day in the face of so much uncertainty and in less than ideal circumstances.

Since we all know that love prevails, despite chaos and anxiety- carry on, girlfriend! Don’t let Rona dampen your wedding planning, like a bridesmaid with a bad attitude who won’t let you shine. If you wait too long to start shopping for your gown and bridal party attire as you anticipate the clearing of corona clouds, you risk being limited on options that will arrive in time. You may also face hefty rush fees on top of inevitably sleepless nights due to cutting it close on your timeline. If you feel like I'm talking to you, or you straight up KNOW the time-warp of 2020 has got ya- I’ve got your back. Hell, if your wedding is next Saturday, do not despair! I’m here to help.

First and foremost, stop putting off making your appointment! Bridal stores are limiting guests, sanitizing, and requiring masks- but we are doing consultations. Feel free to ask when booking your appointment how many groups they will have in the store during your slot and how many guests you can bring with you. Make sure you feel safe and comfortable with the response. Leave anyone who is immuno-compromised at home, and definitely plan to have childcare if you would normally have a little one with you. Ask the boutique if they will allow you to FaceTime or Zoom your posse if some can’t be present.

Some boutiques do a pre-screening prior to your appointment so they are ready to show you options that will match your vibe and budget. At this time (or at the very beginning of your shopping adventure) make it clear to your stylist that you are only

interested in seeing gowns that will arrive in time for your wedding. The boutique knows which designers have stock available, which can produce quickly on a rush, and which require the lengthiest production time. There is no sense in trying on something you can’t have. You will also want to be clear about your budget, if you expect rush fees to be included into that number. It is also a great idea to touch base with an alterationist who can be anticipating the arrival of your gown. This way, you have a carved out time in their schedule with a tentative date. No one likes to be blindsided by a rush job, but if they are aware beforehand they will typically do whatever they can to help.

You can also shop off-the-rack! This would be ideal for someone who has an upcoming date that doesn't allow time to order. Many bridal stores don’t offer off-therack purchases normally, but have been willing to sacrifice their sample gown to help a bride during these trying times. This does not mean the dress will be discounted. The bridal store paid full price for it and will have to re-stock it at full-price. They will have to wait for it to be produced, just like you would have had to. The exception to this is a sample gown they are

discontinuing (often because it didn't get tried-on enough) making it perfect to buy at a discount to be taken home today. Some stores (like mine) routinely offer offthe-rack buying. Because of this, our dresses are kept in bridal bags for full protection so that our last-minute brides can take home a pristine gown. When shopping off-the-rack, make sure you inspect the gown thoroughly. It is totally acceptable to ask the boutique for info on how long they’ve had the dress! It could be that the dress of your dreams came in last week or has rarely been tried on!

Avoid ordering online like the plague (isare too big to be in direct contact with the manufacturer on a routine basis. They will make you promises with no regard for actually being able to fulfill them. After all, they don’t have to look you in the face if they fail to provide your gown on time. They will often refund you- but then you’re back in a local boutique begging an associate to help you find something, anything that will work for your (now even more) limited timeline. Besides, supporting a local bridal store right now when we have been economically injured by months of closing, limiting business, and having to

double up on staff to keep you safe- will mean the world to the entrepreneurs of your community. When shopping for any item in the future, please consider your local economy first (it’s like returning the shopping cart).

Keep in mind that although in the words of the great Gwen Stefani “This $hit is bananas,” we will get through it. Don’t make your planning endeavors harder by delaying your gown search any further, if you can help it. You have a world of local

options awaiting you at your local boutique and people who really do care and want to help you. You may not be able to sip champagne at your initial appointment, but we can always arrange that for your final fitting! All is not lost! After all, you still have the love of your life to hunker down with.

(B-A-N-A-N-A-S! ....sorry, I had to.)

By Kassy Lauer
 Rose & Bliss

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