Organize, Donate, Haul Away
Declutter your home for a more peaceful space Organizing your home has been a hot topic
charitable donations). However, some items
lately with TV shows like Tidying Up with
will never make it through quality control at
Marie Kondo and Get Organized With the
these locations, and it actually hurts the
Home Edit. If you haven’t watched them, you
supply chain if you take them there (more
should give them a try. Marie Kondo’s
time in sorting/clogs up their trash and
ideology of de-cluttering your home is
dumpsters, etc). That’s where our friends at
referred to as KonMari, and as she describes
REMOVEPRO can step in! REMOVEPRO is a
in the series, it involves going through your
residential and commercial on demand
home section by section “1) Clothing, 2)
business that can haul off your unwanted
Books, 3) Paper, 4) Komono (kitchen,
goods. Big or small, REMOVEPRO will haul it
bathroom, garage and miscellaneous) [and] 5)
all off. They are available to help with
Sentimental items.” Once you have gathered
projects such as moving out of a house,
your items together, you should go through
flipping a home, small remodels, and more!
each item one by one and only keep those
They also have the capability to have small or
items that “spark joy.” The Home Edit
large dumpsters delivered on location
founders Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin
depending on the space as well!
have four main steps in their organization wheel house according to one of their
For more information on REMOVEPRO, visit:
episodes: edit your space by paring down
what you have; categorize your items by
or contact: (812) 455-5570
putting them into manageable groups;
contain everything; and then maintain your space with the use of labels. But what do you do with all the extra STUFF that you DON’T need???? If the items are in good condition, you can always donate them or sell them through resale shops (see our sidebar list of Evansville area stores taking 48 HOME RIVER VALLEY