Cornwall Living Best Of 2018

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The Ultimate Lifestyle By The Sea

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YOUR MONEY THEIR FUTURE Helping Cornish families for over a decade. We want to understand your story. et our tea wor with you to create an innovative, custo ised nancial plan The value of pensions and investments can fall as well as rise, you may get back less than you invested. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. For an free introductory consultation please contact our team at: ruro ce ce • en ance •


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The Ultimate Lifestyle By The Sea

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to the very best of Cornwall Living 2018.

his has been a fantastic year for our publications, seeing the biggest ever Cornwall Living hitting the presses and the launch of our new range of area guides. To celebrate we are delighted to present this collection of our favourite articles for you to read and enjoy all over again. We visited some of Cornwall’s most spectacular gardens (page 8) and uncovered the very best of Cornish art (page 102) meeting some amazing artists along the way. We also had great fun researching our food feature (page 108) where we sampled some of Cornwall s finest flavours and experienced some incredible food festivals across the county. Our Got to experience supplement was a visual highlight for me, celebrating the very best Cornwall has to offer with some stunning imagery. Turn to page 49 to be ‘wowed’! The pages of Cornwall Living are always packed full of interiors inspiration and this year has been no exception, so we have selected some of our favourites for you to enjoy. Add to that, great ideas for where to stay for your next Cornish holiday, brilliant days out and tasty treats and you have the very best of Cornwall Living 2018! Happy New Year! .S. As this is a round-up of the year gone by please note that all competitions are now closed and any reference to events or pages may be out of date or irrelevant.

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Our favourite 2018 view from Cornwall...

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“This is not the Mediterranean. Rather, it’s Cornwall: the water may be freezing, but the ocean is sublime!” Catherine McMaster


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ON THE COVER These are a selection of just a few of our favourite covers from 2018, celebrating the Ultimate Lifestyle by the Sea in Cornwall.

C o r n w a ll L iv in g is p u b lis h e d b y : E N G IN E H O U S E M E D IA L T D H olbrook, The M oors, P orthleven, Cornwall TR13 9 JX

@CORNWALLLIVINGUK Witnessed a beautiful sunset? Tried the tastiest fish in Cornwall? We’d love to see what you’ve been up to…

w w w .e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k w w w .le v e n m e d ia g r o u p .c o .u k E ngine H ouse M edia L td is a multi-p latf orm media business with a p assion f or every thing Cornish. Visit to find out more. Our mission is to create RE A D -WA TCH -E X P E RI E N CE media op p ortunities marry ing together consumers with the fabulous businesses across Cornwall. Our publishing and marketing teams are specialists in creating p rint and on-line communications, devised to achieve a range of marketing obj ectives. With over 20 y ears of marketing, brand management and magaz ine ex p erience we develop ef f ective communications that deliver y our message in a credible and creative way . We op erate across all media channels, including: p rint, online and video.



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24/12/2018 11:23



•EXPERIENCE• A V I S I T TO T H E C U S TO M S H O U S E G A L L E RY I N P O R T H L E V E N The fresh, innovative paintings on display here, along with the vast and beautifully displayed array of sculptures, jewellery and ceramics, have helped make this gallery one of the 'must visit' galleries in Cornwall and perfectly suited to its location on the stunning harbourside in Porthleven. Owners John and Louise also run ‘Meet the Artist’ sessions along with Focus Exhibitions, defi nitely worth a visit for anybody wishing to gain revealing insights into various artists and how they draw their inspiration.


Commercial Road, P orthleven TR13 9 J D 013 26 569 3 65

Find more like this:

Trio of Mackerel in tempered steel by Nigel Wills

'Flowing Tangle' - elm on a slate base by Peter Boex

Photo: John Freddy Jones

Seaweed glass bowl by Heather Frary and glass pebble boat by Toana Ellis


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Contents BEST OF 2018 Cover

Some of our favourites from 2018


Cover stories 8

Cornwall in bloom Discover Cornwall’s beautiful gardens


Luxury stays A guide to self-catering in Cornwall


102 Open Studios

Cornish creativity unleashed

108 Foodie feasts

Celebrating foodie Cornwall



106 Got to experience


A trip to Summerhouse, Perranporth

120 A journey of flavour

At Xen Noodle and Wine Bar


Seasonal soup A winter recipe from Bedruthan Hotel


A winter warmer

A must-try recipe from Penrose Kitchen


106 134


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Got to experience


In the frame


The balance of light


Interior inspiration


From strength to strength


In it for the long run


Experience Cornwall


Destination ort Gaverne


Explore the outdoors

A trip to The Customs House Gallery Catch up with Bude Windows Discover Truro Lighting A stunning project by Iroka A bright future for My Place in Cornwall Meet resin drive specialists, Oltco Our guide to Cornwall’s ‘must dos’ Luxury stays with Forever Cornwall With help from Ann’s Cottage

100 Coastal escapes


Some of our favourite seaside stays

94 126


On display


Sink or swim


Got to experience


Escape to the islands

A window into Cornwall’s art scene An inspiring story of creativity A woodburner from Kernow Fires We take a trip to Scilly


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24/12/2018 11:31

David Chapman



IN BLOOM Nothing beats a leisurely stroll through one of Cornwall’s beautiful gardens. Here are just a few ideas of places to visit this summer. WORDS BY

Felix Rowe




DISCOVER MORE There are some inspiring things happening today in the field of landscape gardening and design today, as we discovered when we met landscape architect Elizabeth Staveley of LandArc. Find out more in our feature on page 60. Trebah Garden


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David Chapman



BELOW Pencalenick Greenhouse at Heligan,

Trebah Garden

Trebah Garden, Mawnan Smith One most certainly to put on your list is the subtropical paradise of Trebah Garden in Mawnan Smith, on the edge of the elford just outside of Falmouth – neighbour to the e ually magnificent National Trust managed Glendurgan. hen we met Matt ames earlier this year, he waxed lyrical on the wonders of Trebah. “I love coastal gardens – they demand careful thought I find places like Trebah Garden really inspiring, he explained. “I sway towards natural, relaxed and atmospheric design, adopting a plants-first approach. e catch up with Trebah s ead Gardener, Darren Dickey, to discover more. “Trebah really does have a uni ue wow factor, says Darren, “boasting spectacular valley views to the Helford river beyond at the start of your journey into a ravine of mass planting, before emerging onto our very own private beach with crystal clear waters. Trebah has been designed to have interest and colour all year round, with the water garden and giant rhubarb Gunnera being just two of our summer must sees in the garden.” Complete your tour of the garden with a stop at Trebah itchen, serving delicious homecooked delights. A more recent addition to the garden is the wonderful amphitheatre, home to fantastic open-air theatre and live performance over the warmer months. Discover more about Trebah’s summer programme on page 84.

BELOW Misty jungle at Heligan

James Stephens

t’s a fact. Getting outside is good for you. There’s a real transformative nature in simply filling your lungs with fresh air, taking in the birdsong and enjoying a leisurely stroll through the countryside. Fortunately countryside is something that Cornwall is blessed with a lot of, and with our many gardens in bloom, why not see for yourself this summer? A visit to a garden makes the perfect family day out a great way to bring everyone together, and ideal for young families to enjoy a picnic in a contained environment. More importantly, what better excuse for enjoying a cream tea in a beautiful setting? Cornwall s uni ue microclimate provides the perfect conditions for rare, exotic and subtropical plants to thrive, many of which you won t find in other parts of the . As T gardening expert Matt ames recently told us: “Cornwall has a warmer climate compared to many parts of the , but a wetter one too, so the palette of plants is very different. It’s subtropical, verdant, and larger than life; full of form and structure.” The sheltered south coast in particular has a huge concentration of gardens, stretching from the mouth of the Helford river all the way up beyond St Austell. ou ll find verdant landscapes replete with large ferns and palms, great collections of camellias, and luscious valley gardens such as Trebah and Glendurgan that cascade down to the water s edge. Many of these collections of rare plants have origins in the travels of explorers and horticulturalists of years gone by, who brought back exotic specimens from distant lands, and found the Cornish climate to be perfect for them to thrive. These collections have matured and steadily been added to over the years, becoming the world-class gardens they are today.

Toby Strong



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Copyright National Trust Images/Andrew Butler



Trewaington Gardens

DISCOVER MORE As ever, we’ve just given a small taster of Cornwall’s many beautiful and varied gardens. It’s true, we could easily have chosen an entirely different list altogether. Yet with so many to choose from, we hope our selection gives a flavour of what to expect and spurs you on to discover Cornwall’s many gardens on your own. Here are a few more ideas: • Eden Project • Trelissick • Godolphin • Pinetum Gardens • Glendurgan • Lanhydrock • Potager (turn to page 106 for our restaurant review)

Neil Armstrong

BELOW Protea Cynaroides at Tremenheere

With such an evocative name, you’re simply compelled to discover more about the Lost Gardens of Heligan – a stroke of marketing genius! Owned by the Tremayne family for centuries, Heligan Estate was once home to thriving, pretty gardens. Yet the land on the estate gradually turned to disrepair and became overgrown in the early to mid-20th Century, accelerated in large part by the lack of men to work the ground during the two World Wars, and the house’s acquisition for the respective war efforts. Within a generation or so, almost all trace of the former gardens had disappeared. It was only a chance discovery of small room in the derelict walled gardens on the estate in 1990 that sparked the regeneration project to bring them back to their former glory. And Cornwall is all the better for it. A day out at Heligan is a real adventure for all the family, with acres of land to explore and a huge variety of styles and plant species, contrasting dramatically from the structured Victorian Productive Gardens to the wild and wonderful Jungle. Elle Thackham of Heligan tells us: “There is so much that is special about The Lost Gardens of Heligan, but for me it’s the unusual elements of the garden such as the Pineapple pits and the Jungle. It’s amazing what we can grow right here in Cornwall.” Incidentally, the gardens’ rediscovery and regeneration owe a lot to Sir Tim Smit, the man who was instrumental in creating the neighbouring Eden Project – another spectacle on the outskirts of St Austell that you simply must visit. That two of Britain’s most awe-inspiring gardens are within such close proximity to each other is testament to both Cornwall’s horticultural excellence and the inspiring people who have helped shape these amazing spaces. Heligan is also home to Kneehigh Theatre’s Asylum. Discover more about upcoming summer events on page 87.

Copyright National Trust Images/Andrew Butler

The Lost Gardens of Heligan, St Austell


Trewaington Gardens

Trengwainton Gardens, Penzance The National Trust manages a range of beautiful country homes and gardens across Cornwall, from the grand houses of Trelissick and Lanhydrock, both of which boast equally impressive grounds, to the aforementioned subtropical valley garden Glendurgan, complete with its own maze – fun for both children and adults alike. Another you may not have heard of – but should really seek out – is Trengwainton, one of the most southwesterly gardens on the mainland. Trengwainton is a lush paradise, awash with colour at this time of year. Typical of National Trust managed properties, Trengwainton is particularly family friendly, will excellent facilities and a fabulous café. With plenty of good paths, Trengwainton is particularly accessible for wheelchairs and pushchairs. There’s even an all-terrain mobility scooter available to hire on site. Dogs are also welcome on leads, so you needn’t leave any of the family at home!


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| COVER FEATURE Tremenheere Sculpture Garden, Penzance

Karl Davies

Bonython, just outside of Helston on the Lizard peninsula is a pretty estate centred upon a charming Georgian manor house, sitting in beautiful gardens and grounds. Owners Richard and Sue Nathan have devoted much time and energy into maintaining and enhancing the grounds, creating a haven for all to enjoy. As Sue Nathan has said, “I have put so much of myself into the garden, and it has given me so much joy, that I want to share it with others.” The team at Bonython give us a tantalising taster of what you can expect on a visit: “Indulge in the enchanting atmosphere of what was a traditional garden and, over the last 18 years, has now become passionately infused with innovative planting to become one of the most interesting gardens in the south west. Magnificent in spring with traditional Cornish Rhododendrons, azaleas, woodland flowers and bulbs, colour continues to improve through the summer with soft and gentle harmonies of the herbaceous beds to explosions of hot colour in the South African areas with drifts of ornamental grasses, cannas, rudbeckias and proteas. A ‘must see’ for all seasons.”

Tremenheere View


For further Cornish garden inspiration and to find out more about visiting the beautiful Trebah Garden in the summer, head over to our Cornwall Living Vimeo page.


é ABOVE Dragon boat racing at Falmouth Week

Skyspace - Tremenheere

Every month, Cornwall Living offers a range of wonderful prizes to be won, from luxury spa breaks and weekend escapes, to gift vouchers to spend in one of your favourite Cornish shops. For a chance to win one of the latest prizes, head over to our competitions page online. Enter now at Terms & conditions apply

Courtesy of Anna Photography

Bonython, Lizard peninsula

For all that’s featured in this month’s Cornwall Living and more, head to our website. Fancy being the first to receive updates? Well, you can by subscribing to our newsletter at...

Karl Davies


For something just a little different, there’s Tremenheere Sculpture Garden, on the outskirts of Penzance, beautifully combining natural foliage with manmade sculptures to great effect. Ali Braybrooks of Tremenheere tells us: “Tremenheere Sculpture Garden is set in a beautiful sheltered valley overlooking St Michael’s Mount. The unique blend of landscape, planting and work by international sculptors provides an inspirational place for contemplation and wonder.” Tremenheere is a truly inspiring and thought-provoking garden, where you can appreciate art on a large scale in a unique setting. A beautiful, oak-framed art gallery was also added to the site recently, and there’s a fantastic kitchen serving scrumptious food too. Discover more about Tremenheere and what makes it perfect for exploring with the pooch in our dogs supplement on page 109.


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21/12/2018 14:03


n g i s de SMART

Revamp your property with a visit to interior design specialist Stylehome in Truro.


ith our cover story this issue shining a spotlight on luxury Cornish properties, we catch up with Mark Mitchell of Stylehome to get his take on interior design. Mark provides us with some invaluable tips for anyone who is looking to furnish their Cornish property with some luxurious touches. Stylehome in Truro offers a range of products and design service for those who would like to create the ‘wow’ factor in their home or holiday home. ou ll find many products that are exclusive in Cornwall to Stylehome, and iconic names including the Eames Lounge Chair and Ottoman. “We can provide every part of the service,”

explains Mark, “from consultancy and problem-solving, to furnishing newly purchased properties and holiday homes. e can also help with fitting out, and sourcing contractors and subs.” So where to start if someone wants to breathe new life into their home? “Invest the money into the areas that are most important to you and that give you the greatest payback,” says Mark. “Put it in to something that you really love and that will reward you.” What one thing can people do to their homes to freshen them up, without undergoing a entire overhaul? “There are some simple but effective ways of freshening up the look of your home, without a complete renovation. A great place to start is with blinds the award-winning Luxaflex range is phenomenal.” As Mark tells us, one of the big trends emerging this year is home automation, which is constantly being driven by the smart phone developers (see the ‘ReadWatch-Experience’ panel on the right hand side of the page to view the video). We’re keen to discover, in Mark’s view, how important lighting is in creating the right ambience in a home. “It’s vital! People often realise that, but don’t know quite how to plan this accordingly. They may also be under pressure from their electrician and therefore it becomes a last minute decision. Our advice is think carefully about the finishing touches from the off and not treat them like an afterthought.”


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So, does Stylehome have a particular take on coastal style? Stylehome’s mantra is that uality comes first. The company s design advice is bespoke, and unique to each property and the client’s brief. Key factors are keeping it light and finding ways to bring the outside in. “The interior needs to reflect the surroundings of the home,” says Mark. “If the home is coastal its important to reflect this in colours and textures. The current Scandinavian trend is blended between traditional Scandinavian methods of manufacture and contemporary trends and textiles such a Poda.” That said, Mark also notes: “People can be too easily led in to a style that looks too stereotypically ‘Cornish’ or ‘coastal’. There are so many manufactures out there that produce products that look fantastic and have real benefits. A lot of the time these can be missed by not getting the right professional advice at the planning stage.” So, to make an impression with your home’s interior design, why not pop in to Stylehome and speak to the team?

Log on to our website to see some more inspiring articles featuring Stylehome.



U nit 14, Threemilestone I ndustrial E state, Threemilestone, Truro TR4 9 L D 01872 560500 inf o@sty www.sty Find more like this:

Head to our Vimeo page to discover more about automated blinds – PowerView Motorisation by Luxaflex, available now from Stylehome.


ABOVE Beautiful Silhouette blinds by Luxaflex LEFT The iconic Eames Lounge Chair and Ottoman, a genuine style classic available from Stylehome

Competition in a Luxaflex blind up to the value of Turn to pages to for all the details.


Enter now at Terms & conditions apply


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21/12/2018 14:07



the floor

We touch base with the Alfords Carpets and Flooring team, the rising stars of the flooring world.


RIGHT è BELOW The trend for confident geometric shapes continues


ABOVE Stunning floors, fitted to perfection

t’s been three years since Alfords Carpets and Flooring opened its doors to the public, and since then it has continued to go from strength to strength. The company, run by husband and wife Mark and Melanie Alford, is built upon the backbone of Mark’s extensive experience in flooring. After going it alone as a self-employed carpet fitter for years and gaining recognition for his skill and attention to detail, Mark joined forces with his wife Melanie and established Alfords Carpets and Flooring in . Mark tells us a bit about their ethos: “We pride ourselves on our friendly approach. We’re here to give honest, experienced advice and find the perfect fit for our customers. It s not just about the sale it s about finding the perfect fit for you and your home. ith an ever-increasing portfolio of successful jobs and happy customers showcased online, it looks like this power couple are set to rise uickly in the ranks of uality floor installation. The transformation of the showroom from oily garage into a professional space provides further indication of their abilities, showcasing a large range of uality carpet and flooring brands. Mark continues: “We’ve chosen brands that we believe will serve well for any area of your home, whatever your budget. Stocking names such as Amtico and Harvey Maria, there’s choice enough for everyone down at the Helston showroom. Melanie adds: “Moduleo Luxury Vinyl Tile is currently under the spotlight as one of our favourites, with an array of current designs and some exciting new designs lined up, they’re the ones to watch. The new designs will be available to see in the showroom, alongside many others both for home and corporate spaces. In line with a genuine interest in finding what’s right for you, Alfords Flooring provides a free professional measure of the space you’re interested in flooring, and a free uote for the value of the estimated price of installation, making it a seamless process from start to the finish. So, get down to the showroom today and find the floor that’s right for you.

We’ve chosen brands that we believe will serve well for any area of your home


ALFORDS CARPETS AND FLOORING S t J ohns B usiness P ark, H elston TR13 8H N 013 26 564860 info alfords www.alfords ind more like this


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21/12/2018 14:15

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24/12/2018 09:20

contemporary designs for comfortable living

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10/08/2018 16:18


to adore


South West Carpets’ friendly, no-nonsense approach ensures you get the right flooring to suit both your project, and your budget.


ABOVE RIGHTè BELOW A huge range of chic flooring options at South West Carpets

ith more than 100 years of experience between them and a sales team with more than 50, Heather Williams, Cary Clarke, Michael Storf, Derrick Johns, Neil Bailey and Demi McCarthy of South West Carpets confidently cater to the needs of all their domestic and commercial clients. Inside the 30,000 square foot warehouse and showroom, which you can also explore on the website via the company s virtual tour, you ll find a wealth of carpets, designer flooring, rugs and curtains, all available to give your project that perfect finish. On the ground floor, you ll find the uni ue arndean designer flooring studio, which includes the interactive Karndean design system that allows you to create your own uni ue flooring This is alongside the wealth of other top brands available in store, including Brintons, Axminster, Flotex and Cormar. During your visit, the friendly team is at your disposal, bringing a wealth of experience, knowledge and expert advice to your project. Michael Storf tells us: “ e re a local family firm and we re flexible to meet your specifications, possessing the knowledge and experience to both advise and work with you to achieve your flooring vision. “ e supply to both domestic and commercial customers across the south west and are open six days a week, Monday to Saturday, as well as by appointment The best part is that South est Carpets has its own team of contract fitters, with more than years experience in the flooring trade. Michael continues: “We offer a complete fitting service, including flooring preparation Just looking at the website is enough to get an idea of just how good the South West Carpets service is, with previous projects ranging from Newquay’s RNLI Lifeboat Station, where something hard wearing but practical and slip resistant was needed, to domestic projects including those looking for a bold selection or carpets and others where low maintenance was the aim of the game. But don t just take our word for it ead to the South West Carpets website and see for yourself. While you’re there, be sure to take the virtual tour or better still, pop into the showroom on Treloggan Industrial Estate, New uay and speak to the team


Treloggan I ndustrial E state, N ewq uay TR7 2S X 0163 7 872023 www.southwestcarp Find more like this:


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21/12/2018 14:16


y l d n Frie


You can’t put a price on being warm. Why not increase your living comfort by switching your home to air source heating?


re you looking to install new, more comfortable heating in your home? Maybe you’ve just moved home and you’re looking to invest in a friendlier heating system. Air source heating could be the ideal solution for homeowners looking for a comfier living environment, lower monthly bills and a lower carbon footprint. Air source heat pumps are renewable alternatives to gas and oil heating systems, generating heating and hot water from heat within the air and replacing demand from harmful fossil fuels. Working alongside most central heating setups, air source heating provides friendlier heat distribution and results in a comfier home to live in. Whereas oil and gas boilers provide heat in short bursts, a heat pump provides steady heat more continuously over longer periods. This helps to prevent damp building up and maintains a kinder living environment. In effect, the temperature or the property should remain the same, despite drops in external temperature. The e ciency of heat pumps combined with how they supply heat over longer periods makes them far more cost-effective to run than their non-renewable counterparts – meaning less money leaving your account

each month. A heat pump can produce as much as four times the energy it consumes. As such, installing an air source heat pump can reduce monthly heating bills by as much as 50%. In addition to lower bills, customers installing air source heating can claim subsidy through Ofgem’s Renewable Heat Incentive scheme. The RHI pays homeowners quarterly to encourage the switch to renewable heating and lower their carbon emissions. Payments are deemed based on the demand of the property but can be as high as £1450 a year. Incentive payments and energy savings make air source heat pumps much more lucrative than money in the bank. For expert advice on renewable heating and how air source heating can benefit your home, contact GreenGenUK. The friendly team based in Helston have over seven years of experience designing and installing heat pump systems and are happy to provide all the information needed to make an informed decision.

ABOVE Air source heat pumps – keeping your running costs low and your bank balance high


013 26 564513 Find more like this:


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21/12/2018 14:18
















Image courtesy of: Carla Regler





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24/12/2018 09:29

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24/12/2018 09:32

In the frame


Daniel Kensit of Bude Windows & Conservatories shares the latest trends in outdoor-indoor living.


ABOVE RIGHT è BELOW Bude Windows & Conservatories can help you enhance your home with stunning solutions in a range of styles from traditional to contemporary

t’s the independent family businesses that are the real heart and soul of Cornwall. One such example is Bude Windows & Conservatories, a company that takes great pride in putting the needs of the customer above all else. Alongside quality products, you ll find excellent all-round service, from installation itself, to the advice and aftercare, ensuring your home is the perfect sanctuary that you can’t wait to return to, day after day. e catch up with salesman Daniel ensit, to find out the key to success. Daniel has worked for the family business for about ten years now, having joined the ranks at 16. Daniel went to college to complete a building apprenticeship, before constructing the brick bases for conservatories and orangeries installed by the company. He did this for about eight years, before moving into the o ce, working with customer services and now as a salesman. So, it’s fair to say that he knows every aspect of the business as well as anyone. What does Daniel love most about the job? “Without a doubt,” begins Daniel, “the greatest satisfaction is seeing the end result and the happy faces of our customers, once a job is completed. Creating the perfect home is so important to people and I love helping customers to realise their dreams, giving advice on performance and e ciency of products as well as their aesthetics.” Indeed, having been actively involved in everything from surveying and sales, installation to aftercare, he’s well placed to help you make the right choice for your home, both in terms of functionality and design. This broad ranging experience also means that Daniel is on the pulse with the latest trends. “Over the last couple of years, we ve definitely seen a rise in the popularity of orangeries,” says Daniel. “Recently, we’ve been working on a lovely orangery in Chilsworthy, in a very traditional design. Then another project is right at the other end of the spectrum with a really contemporary design. We can help achieve the look that fits your preferences and style of property.” Word of mouth and reputation are so important for Bude Windows & Conservatories and, as well as the finishing itself, it s largely the continued aftercare that keeps the recommendations flooding in. “I always visit to make sure that it’s everything customers hoped for,” says Daniel. So, with summer on the way, perhaps now is the time to create that orangery you’ve always dreamed of?

BUDE WINDOWS & CONSERVATORIES K ings H ill I ndustrial E state, B ude E X 23 8QN 01288 3 56541

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CL--70--ED--Bude Windows & Conservatories--1.00.indd 47

21/12/2018 14:19

St Just in Roseland AN ENCHANTING PROPERTY WITH COMPLETE PRIVACY SET WITHIN APPROXIMATELY FIVE ACRES OF LAND Pulpry is a fascinating old house that is rarely found in this special geographic location, close to St. Mawes at the tip of the Roseland Peninsula. The mellow stone frontage and massive old stone chimneys suggest the house is several hundred years old. It was extended many years ago and recently renovated providing well-proportioned living accommodation with a self-contained annexe. The property is approached by a long drive flanked by manicured grass and a line of eucalyptus trees. The accommodation comprises three reception rooms, fitted kitchen, three bedrooms, master with en suite, family bath/shower room, plus a one bedroomed selfcontained annexe. There is approximately five acres of land surrounding the property, including gardens, woodland and paddocks. From the top paddock there are superb views overlooking Falmouth Harbour. Viewing is essential for this wonderful property.

Guide Price £1,250,000 Truro 01872 242244 CL--81--AD--Philip Martin--1.00.indd 1

St Mawes 01326 270008 20/12/2018 12:07


Is your home on trend? Update your home décor in a way that’s unique to you, with tips from the interior design gurus at Uneeka.


ith a home furniture store showcasing stylish and unique furniture pieces, and another packed full of fantastic lifestyle accessories for your home, neeka in Truro firmly believes in supporting the local community, forming great and long-lasting relationships with suppliers throughout the south west. Team member ess reen walks us through some current trends in the ever-changing world of interior design, explaining how you can stay up to date with Uneeka. “ e predicted last autumn that brass touches and velvet luxury would begin making an appearance in the interior markets, and that couldn t be more true. On achieving the latest look to suit your personal taste, she explains that there are plenty of options, whether you choose to go all out with a velvet sofa, or add subtle hints with cushions and throws. In terms of colour, while autumn brought pastel shades, “we’re set to see a shift towards slightly brighter colours and richer tones now we edge closer to spring. With antone s colour of the year being ltra iolet, we re expecting a year of vibrancy and interesting textures.

art of the neeka home furniture range, the stunning three-seat Shrewsbury sofa impresses in a vibrant velvety shade of peacock blue, though there are many more choices available, including a warm neutral oatmeal. “ ith our made to order service, you can choose from a huge range of fabrics in a variety of textures and colours to get the perfect sofa for you. And, if size is an issue, then a two-seater option is also available in most of our range. And it doesn’t stop there! There’s also a fantastic range of chairs to choose from, from large to small bedroom to sitting room dark and light legs, meaning that realising your own interior vision is made easy at neeka. The best part, according to ess, is that “you don t have to worry about spending a lot of money on a home makeover. Even the simplest of touches can go a long way. Introducing hints of colour, velvety touches or a statement brass clock can all keep your home looking on trend.

é ABOVE Add some warm metallic touches to your living space, with brass being the tone of choice


P rincess Chula H ouse, City Road, Truro TR1 2J L 01872 88853 3 Find more like this:


CL--70--ED--Uneeka--1.00.indd 3

21/12/2018 14:21




Discover how you can transform your home with lighting solutions from Truro Lighting.

DID YOU KNOW? Truro Lighting is the sister company to expert interior design business, Stylehome, so you know you’re getting the best advice from interior design specialists with years of experience in the industry.


hile natural light is great, it can sometimes be in short supply or at the liberty of the weather. With this in mind, achieving the perfect balance of light, with the right fittings to enhance your design scheme, can have the power to make or break a room. And as the team at Truro Lighting realise, there’s a real knack to achieving this balance. That’s why they’ve worked tirelessly to bring together a range that combines both style and function. We hear from Managing Director Mark Mitchell, who tells us: “We have ranges that you can t find anywhere else in Cornwall and we exclusively deal with the highest quality manufacturers.” So, you know you’re investing in a quality product from a reliable company and can choose from some of the most exceptional designs on the market. Bring your dinner table to life with low hanging light fixtures that will brighten your evening with a soft glow, or maybe even choose a contemporary exposed bulb design, a striking fixture that would look great in your kitchen or living room, especially if you have exposed brick features to marry it with. Even something as simple as choosing a particularly unique lamp design can completely alter the style and ambiance of your home.

The Truro Lighting team can also give invaluable advice on lighting layouts and help plan for all eventualities and requirements, helping you to design the ideal lighting layout to suit you and your home. Mark continues: “Come and see the large display in our showroom in situ, to complement the thousands of additional models available to order on quick lead times. We have studio displays showcasing dedicated ranges of locally designed and manufactured lighting, including those of Tom Ra eld, handcrafted right here in Cornwall. Discover the lighting trends that reflect your style and enhance every aspect of your home d cor from contemporary light fittings to eye-catching lampshades, the Truro Lighting studio features a wide range of high-quality lighting solutions to illuminate your home. So, get down to the showroom today and discover how you can light up your life with Truro Lighting solutions.

é ABOVE Lighting solutions to suit any décor


U nit 14, Threemilestone I ndustrial E state, Threemilestone, Truro TR4 9 L D 01872 560500 inf Find more like this:


CL--77--ED--Stylehome--1.00.indd 2

21/12/2018 14:23

The Home of Real Flame Since 1983

Helston: 01326 572878 Truro: 01872 520010 CL--80--AD--Wendron Stoves--1.00.indd 1

The Finest Range of Stoves, Range Cookers and Fireplaces Full Installation and Service and Sweep 22/11/2018 16:18

Holiday Lodges For Sale

IN NORTH CORNWALL The perfect base at the gateway to Cornwall’s sights and attractions

Juliots Well is perfectly located at the gateway of Cornwall, less than an hour from the M5 yet only a few short miles from idyllic coastal towns and villages like Padstow, Tintagel and Newquay. Something often commented on is how easy we are to reach and that we are the ideal base from which to get out and explore!

5 GREAT REASONS TO CHOOSE JULIOTS WELL • Low running costs • 12 month holiday season • New leisure facility planned • Complimentary golf at neighbouring Bowood Golf Course • Fully managed letting scheme in partnership with Hoseasons


01840 298 596 1.00 Template CLM,DL,FC,KL.indd 1



Or email: Valley Truckle, Camelford, PL32 9RF

16/11/2018 15:40




è RIGHT Could your holiday home do with a coastal makeover?

Design service Iroka creates the ideal coastal theme for a stunning holiday home in Widemouth Bay.


hen it comes to interior design, we’re big fans of coastal chic, here at Cornwall Living. So we were intrigued to discover more about one of the latest projects from interior design agency Iroka. Iroka was contacted by previous clients, based in Worcestershire, to put together a contemporary coastal interior scheme for their newly acquired four-bed holiday rental in Cornwall. The Retreat, a stunning modern new build is located in a sought-after area near Bude, just minutes away from Widemouth Bay for holiday goers to enjoy the stunning coastline nearby. The full interior was designed to be fit for busy holiday letting use, making sure all furniture, accessories and lighting were durable, practical and functional to withstand time and heavy tra c. The stunning open-plan living area features a warm and cosy Nordic coastal style, combining light oak wood finishes, subtle grey tones and splashes of cobalt blue in the seating area. The contemporary textured statement wallpaper installed in the

opposite dining area reflects this, giving a fluid running theme throughout. All four luxurious bedrooms feature modern fitted wardrobes, bespoke headboards in tactile fabrics and are dressed with soft white linen sheets. Finally, quirky accessories such as statement rugs, oversized mirrors and heavily textured, rich scatter cushions were added to complete the look. Iroka has included the super functional ‘zip and link’ bed system in two of the bedrooms to maximise guest capacity. This gorgeous holiday home is now available for booking with The Beach House Co. If you require a bit of expert advice to help create the dream holiday home, perhaps it’s time to contact the Iroka design team now, to see what they can do for you.


15-16 H ay le B usiness P ark, H ay le TR27 5J R 0173 6 7573 3 3 Find more like this:


CL--71--ED--Iroka--1.00.indd 3

21/12/2018 14:25

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CL--70--Westcountry Blinds--1.00.indd 1

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13/02/2018 10:31


your future FURNISH

Make the most of Iroka's subtle style and eye for design to furnish your property.

é ABOVE The colours chosen here suit the home's coastal location perfectly

RIGHT A thoughtful selection of artwork to finish


roka were recently commissioned to furnish Ocean iew, a beautifully finished and contemporary detached property on the north Cornish coast, showing a minimalist flair and eye for detail that blends perfectly with the property's coastal location. The interior has been simply dressed with statement pieces of furniture throughout to offer a clean, cool and modern seaside finish. The property has been designated as a holiday let in Mevagissey, and therefore features a collection of finishes and furnishings to make it stand out from the crowd of holiday rentals in the area. Rich, highly textured wallpapers and little accents of statement paint colours were selected to sit alongside crisp white walls. A palette of blues such as cornflower, indigo, navy and teal have been featured in each room throughout the property to fit in with the client s brief and the contemporary seaside theme. To complete the look, Iroka chose a range of different materials, textures and fabrics such as linens, felts and velvets to give a feeling of comfort and depth. These fabrics contrast beautifully against the earthy light oak accents, and the natural Sisal madeto-measure rug, which was finished in a contrasting cornflower blue binding. This, combined with chunky knit cushions and a gorgeous blue four-seater sofa from Mastrella provides the living area with maximum comfort and a contemporary seaside feel. The sliding patio doors open onto a stunning outdoor space that Iroka have completed

by adding a solid teak outdoor dining set, perfect for a spot of al fresco dining in the sun as you gaze out at the views of Cornwall’s rugged north coast. A chill out area has also been created, and features a wonderfully modern outdoor sofa set using materials such as Sunbrella fabrics and quick-dry foam. The windows throughout the property were treated to a modern refresh and dressed with contemporary Venetian blinds, wave-style curtain track systems, and a selection of statement fabrics with delicate sheers to bring the coastal scheme together. To finish, a selection of artwork has been hung by the thoughtful delivery and installation team, including a range of seascapes and abstract prints – featured in each room to fit with the interior s modern, coastal theme.


15 H ay le I ndustrial E state H ay le TR27 5J R 0173 6 7573 3 3 Find more like this:

DISCOVER MORE If you like the look of this beautifully furnished property then visit and experience the calming coastal interior for yourself!


CL--77--ED--Iroka--1.00.indd 3

21/12/2018 14:26


FROM STRENGTH Ten years on and My Place in Cornwall is stronger than ever with new leadership and bright ideas for the future.


to strength

ere at Cornwall Living, we love a success story, and ten years on, My Place in Cornwall has gone from strength to strength. We’ve loved watching this aspirational company progress and are excited to see what the future brings. The team are celebrating a decade of smooth and successful sales and are proud to introduce their new Company Director, Richard Yeo, who took the business over in February 2018. Firmly established, My Place is now in the best position ever to offer clients a premium marketing experience for their property sale. Richard tells us: “In spring we made the decision to re-brand our agency to create something really special that goes beyond the realms of simply selling property. Our website and social outreach has therefore been updated and designed to help promote the Cornish lifestyle, not just the bricks and mortar,” the affect of this being that buyers can engage with a property on a personal level; they’re not just offered a brochure with a monotonous list of property specifications,

they can actually immerse themselves in what it would really be like to live in a property, and in the area that surrounds it. Richard continues: “Our love of Cornwall is reflected through our website ournal which features the latest news, blogs, location reports and more, to provide a deeper layer of inspiration for those who want to make the right decision when it comes to buying and selling a property.” Over the last ten years, the way in which property is sold has changed beyond recognition. The digital age has opened property marketing up to a much wider audience of potential buyers and as such My Place has also adapted alongside these changes. Richard explains: “We have embraced the benefits of modern technology to ensure that our agency remains on trend but most importantly, the ability to service our clients’ expectations remains a priority.” For the modern seller, there’s never been so much choice when considering an agent to market your property with. Online estate agents have the ability to offer low fees however, you may


CL--76--ED--My Place in Cornwall--2.00 v2 .indd 2

21/12/2018 14:27


have to undertake some of the hard work such as viewings yourself. Richard continues: “Our approach offers a hybrid solution where sellers have the option to choose a marketing package that suits their lifestyle, é TOP whether it s a low fixed fee with bolt-ons or Richard Yeo, a full commission based service, payable on Director of My completion of the sale.” Place in Cornwall If you’ve sold a property before or you’re INSET about to sell your first, there s no doubt that it Richard and the My can be one of life’s most stressful times! Listing Place team your property for sale is just the start; there are viewings to arrange, offers to negotiate, and solicitors to deal with before a property sale reaches completion. Richard tells us: “If you choose us you’ve got our total support and expertise to ensure that you get the results you deserve.” The My Place team are always on hand to provide professional support throughout the process of buying and selling a property in Cornwall and aim to provide a positive experience. They’re able to speak with honesty and authority and are proud of what they do. One customer has said of their MAIN Get the price your home deserves with help from My Place in Cornwall

experience: “Thank you Candice and My Place for your personal service that has always been of faultless quality. You are skilled, patient, honest, hard working and I couldn’t have asked for more.” In an industry that’s continually changing, people choose My Place to experience the personal touch. To make matters even better, in celebration of the company’s ten-year anniversary, My Place is offering 10% off marketing fees for all new clients during August! So, make sure to contact the team and discover how their modern and tailored approach to selling property in Cornwall can work for you.

MY PLACE IN CORNWALL 01208 813 874 inf o@my p p

Our approach offers a hybrid solution where sellers have the option to choose a marketing package that suits their lifestyle

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CL--76--ED--My Place in Cornwall--2.00 v2 .indd 3

21/12/2018 14:27

Experts in effective furnishing of new or existing holiday properties, from a roller blind to a complete refurbishment ...

Refresh for the new season

with style

...a unique interiors showroom committed to providing the highest quality brands, service and advice

Stylehome • Unit 14 Threemilestone Ind Est Truro • Cornwall TR4 9LD

CL--80--AD--Stylehome--1.00.indd 1

01872 560500 stylehomecornwall

20/11/2018 14:15


SHOW YOURSELF AROUND! If you’ve been wondering where to go to source your new bathroom, why not take a virtual tour of Studio One South West in Plymouth?


Visit Studio One South West to make a statement in your bathroom

ith three fully working bathroom displays, 17 working showers and a further 18 displays to view, as well as a level access wet room complete with spa seat and underfloor heating, Studio One South West’s new showroom in Plymouth is ideal for anybody seeking a stunning new bathroom or wet room, but don’t just take our word for it! ead to the Studio One website and you can take a virtual tour of the whole showroom, which will give you a good idea of just how vast the in store range is. Owner Mark Fowdon and his staff have kitted out this state-of-the-art new showroom from scratch, and Mark explains: “It was always my plan to open our premier bathroom, wet room and tile showroom here in Plymouth. The idea was to create a real home experience for our customers so that when people come here, they won’t need to go anywhere else. With our working displays we can demonstrate different shower systems, flow rates, wet room floor drains and toilet systems. From there, we can either just supply bathroom or tile products, or we can supply and install them for our clients.” As you’ll see on the website, the bathroom and tiles at Studio One South West are all medium-to-high-end, with

some of the top brands from around the world available, including Laufen, Roca, Hansgrohe & Axor, Victoria & Albert, Geberit, Vola, Artelinea and Vado. Italian tiles are imported by Cornwall Tile Centre, where Studio One South est s two Cornish showrooms are based. Mark continues: “ e always want the best for our clients, so we’ll source any brand for anyone to ensure they get their materials of choice.” As well as offering a full virtual tour of the showroom online, when you come in store and begin the consultation phase, the team are able to produce 3D visuals of how your bathroom will look when finished, meaning you know exactly what to expect! Indeed, there isn’t a lot the team doesn’t know about the installation of bathrooms, wet rooms or tiles, and the vast choice of equipment available. “That’s why the majority of our work comes from personal recommendations by customers who’ve been impressed by the quality of our advice and service.”


U nit 3 , 6 D arklake V iew, P ly mouth P L 6 7FB 01752 9 7749 7 Find more like this:


DL--02--ED--Studio One--1.00.indd 3

21/12/2018 14:29


THE WHOLE PACKAGE We catch up with the team at Studio One South West to find out how they can help you create the dream bathroom.

Visit Studio One South West to make a statement in your bathroom


ounded by bathroom designer and plumber Mark Fowdon, Studio One South West creates bespoke, luxury bathrooms and wet rooms, not only providing the materials, but the skills to install them too. With 14 years’ experience in the bathroom industry, Mark is an expert in his field and has built up an experienced team of trusted tradespeople to offer a complete supply and fit service. Just head to one of their showrooms in Plymouth, Pensilva or Wadebridge and you ll find working bathroom displays that have been plumbed in and fitted by the team from scratch. The showrooms fully illustrate the service that the company provides, from sourcing products to installation, allowing you to see first hand how the different showerheads and draining systems work. Mark explains: “With our working displays we can demonstrate different shower systems, flow rates, wet room floor drains and toilet systems. From there, we can either just supply bathroom or tile products, or we can supply and install them for our clients.” Mark continues: “At Studio One South West we have a genuine desire to create truly unique and stylish spaces. We offer a bespoke service, an individual approach to design and an extensive network of suppliers and manufacturers.”

The company provides the whole package in bathroom installation, meaning that you don’t have to worry about the different aspects of a project like sourcing your shower from one company and tiles from another. “Our fitters take care of everything, says Mark, “from plastering and tiling to plumbing, carpentry and painting.” At Studio One South West, prices are fully inclusive and cover everything you need from providing products to fitting and plumbing them. Furthermore, by sharing showrooms with Cornwall Tile Centre, which specialises in importing tiles from European manufacturers, the duo provide a one-stop shop for all your bathroom needs. The company also provides bespoke design and 3D visualisation tools so you can sit down with a member of the team and brainstorm ideas for your bathroom with the benefit of actually being able to see a realistic image of the finished product, so you can rest assured that the design will be right for you.


U nit 3 , 6 D arklake V iew, P ly mouth P L 6 7FB 01752 9 7749 7 Find more like this:


DL--03--ED--Studio One--1.00.indd 2

21/12/2018 14:29

1.00 Template CLM,DL,FC,KL.indd 1

16/11/2018 15:37


In i t f o r t he

LONG RUN When you commission Oltco to complete a driveway project, you can always be sure of both quality and reliability.


hen it comes to employing contractors to carry out work, the two big considerations at the forefront of most people’s minds are quality and reliability. You need to be able to put your full trust in them, especially when you’re not the expert yourself. So when we met Oltco Directors Tom Stringer and John Pearce a few months back, it was so refreshing to witness a company that embraces these traits as part of their business ethos, a company that does things properly and has got the balance just right. Tom and John’s work ethos is very simple: “feeling good about the work we do and the decisions we make.” Ensuring that the customer is well cared for and gets the quality of service they were expecting is paramount. An unusual approach for a driveway company but one that has seen them go from a resin flooring contractor to a leading installer of resin bound gravel driveways in the south west and beyond.

With the popularity for resin bound gravel driveways reaching an all time high it’s not surprising to find a number of new and pop up’ companies have arrived on the market; something Tom and John are keenly aware of given the number of driveways they have had to re-lay for people. Taking the feel good factor of their business to the extreme, Tom and John have fixed a number of driveways in their home town of Newquay which had been partially or badly installed by pop up resin bound gravel installers. John tells us: “A large part of building our business over the years has been to educate people in the benefits of resin bound gravel. In the early days most had never heard of it. Our reputation has been built through hard work and good ethics, we want people to feel confident in our product, which is why we were the first company in the to give a 20-year guarantee.”


CL--74--ED--Oltco--2.00.indd 38

21/12/2018 14:30



The Oltco team have transformed our garden from an untidy, unusable area into a clean and tidy outside space for our family to enjoy. An amazing product installed by a friendly and professional team – they come highly recommended. MR TURNER, NEWQUAY


One happy customer, Mr Turner from Newquay, says: “The Oltco team have transformed our garden from an untidy, unusable area into a clean and tidy outside space for our family to enjoy. An amazing product installed by a friendly and professional team – they come highly recommended.” Oltco resin bound gravel driveways come with a genuine 20-year guarantee. If you’re wondering how they are able to guarantee the product for 20 years the response is simple: experience, research and trial and error. Oltco has been testing and evolving its product for years and the team are constantly looking to improve their service. Tom has some handy hints to making sure you find an installer who you can trust. “Check the company’s reputation, on line and with previous customers. Go and see a few of their jobs locally and speak to the owners. Another important thing to check is the standard of resin being used by each installer

– there are varying qualities and costs and durability are affected accordingly.” Oltco is constantly investing in the company and with huge plans for the future including the launch of nationwide Oltco franchises, the company is definitely in it for the long haul.

é ABOVE Before and after


64 Tower Road, N ewq uay TR7 1L Y 0163 7 83 9 000 inf Find more like this:


CL--74--ED--Oltco--2.00.indd 39

21/12/2018 14:31



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15/11/2018 15:01 24/12/2018 09:45



COMING TOGETHER Following a great year of projects we catch up with the team at Good Life Joinery.

ABOVE é The framework installed at Hinterland House is simply stunning INSETè The team's giant story chair


s the year draws to a close, we reflect on Good Life Joinery’s resounding success on some very exciting projects, which has led to them receiving a well-deserved and prestigious award. Presented to Good Life Joinery by the Local Authority Building Control (LABC), the award is titled ‘Best Change of Use for an Existing Building’ and was given for Good Life’s work on Hinterland House, a stunning property just 11 miles from Bude. The Good Life team framed the house with oak beams in a conversion sympathetic to the barn’s original features and a design that looks utterly gorgeous, making the most of light and space with glass partitions between the oak beams and a beautiful solid oak staircase. Managing Director Stuart BowmanHarris tells us: “We’re delighted and totally surprised by the win. It’s always a great feeling to get praise for a good piece of work. We were nominated for this award so it came completely out of the blue. To be shortlisted was amazing, and to actually win was just fantastic!” Impressively, this coveted award isn’t all the team has to shout about. There are some exciting commissions coming up in 2019 so, be sure to keep an eye out on their website for updates and images of these projects as they happen.

More recently, this accomplished wood working firm also turned its oak framing expertise to making a giant story chair for a local primary school, which has been erected in a conservation area. “This was great fun to make.” Stuart explains. “It has handcarved inspirational words on the chair components. Some of them, the children have to search for and there are a few surprises too! It’s been a real hit.” Moving forward, Good Life Joinery is proud to be expanding its work force and has recently hired more staff and a new apprentice to continue to learn this impressive trade. The professional team also designs and makes kitchens, staircases and furniture, as well as windows and doors. So, if your home could do with an update but you’re not sure where to turn; with an impressive 2018 so far, Good Life Joinery could be the perfect solution for you and your home.

GOOD LIFE JOINERY 01566 781704 www.goodlif e-j oinery

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CL--79--ED--Goodlife Joinery--1.00.indd 3

21/12/2018 14:31



new life

Local business Britannia Lanes helps happy clients from across the country kickstart their dream relocation to Cornwall.


his month, our cover feature celebrates the great Cornish staycation – and who wouldn’t want to visit this beautiful part of the world, time and time again? But, for ever more people, a holiday just isn’t enough and they are making the permanent move here. Cornwall offers both the ultimate lifestyle change and the perfect retirement, especially for those who are escaping the stresses of city life. One company that sees a lot of relocations is Cornish removals company, Britannia Lanes. Established over 40 years ago and built on a solid reputation, this family-run business has helped many happy families start their new lives in Cornwall over the years. Many out of county clients use Britannia Lanes as a company they know they can trust; the string of independent five-star reviews speak for themselves. So, if it’s time to make your own escape, Managing Director, Mark Lane, tells us how he can help make it a reality. Britannia Lanes offers a comprehensive removals and storage service, tailored to your specific needs there s no one-size-fits-all here. “Our approach is centred on listening to our clients’ needs and then accommodating them as best as possible,” explains Mark. “This often includes informing them on alternative solutions that they may not have thought of – giving them options, to either save money or reduce the hassle for them.”

MAIN Live video surveys enable Mark to gain a clear picture of exactly what's needed for each individual move LEFT A careful and considered approach


CL--76--ED--Britannia Lanes--2.00.indd 2

21/12/2018 14:37


RIGHT Items big and small are no problem for Britannia Lanes é INSET Taking the utmost care of your possessions

Indeed, taking the stress away from the client, giving them more time to focus on the relocation and the new lifestyle they are about to enjoy, is what Mark thrives on. This is one of the great benefits of using this Cornish business: they know the roads and practicalities of a Cornish move better than anyone – ideal when you need to contend with narrow country lanes and cobbled harbours, which whilst pretty can be logistically challenging. Mark’s son, Matt Lane, is the company’s Operations Director, tasked with coordinating the trucks, ensuring everything runs smoothly as you would expect. Another perk is the possibility of oneway mileage, offered for selected dates, which can provide savings of up to £700! Two other technical innovations include the online instant price calculator, which gives a good indication of what the removal might cost, and the video survey – ideal for out-of-county clients, where a home visit is unfeasible. Mark personally responds to each quote individually, following up with more detailed information. However, the video survey is the really smart bit – a great example of a service that goes above and beyond. Using specially developed software, the client gives a tour of their house via their smartphone or tablet. “We get a very clear understanding of their needs and concerns,” says Mark. “Having

some face-to-face interaction, albeit through technology, helps to provide a personal touch – we’re not just an anonymous company!” From this video survey, Mark uses his experience to work out the number of boxes and overall volume required, creating a detailed itinerary. It’s an extremely effective way of identifying any issues, such as items that will require extra special care, in advance of arrival. Britannia Lanes has been using this technology for just over 12 months and Mark says the feedback has been phenomenal. “It’s much more accurate than the typical estimate,” says Mark, “plus crews are better informed on what to expect and what packaging they’ll need.” In the last few months, for example, Britannia Lanes has carried out several relocations with high value or irreplaceable items including pianos, large oil paintings, grandfather clocks, mantle clocks and large antique tables. But nothing is too much trouble for the crews, who treat every move with the respect that they would with their own items. This is exactly what you want when moving all your prized possessions and starting your new life elsewhere. So, if you are thinking of making that move yourself, stop thinking and put the plan in action! Why not start by visiting the Britannia Lanes website and going from there? It might just be the smartest move you ever make!


Greenbottom, Chacewater, Truro TR4 8QW 01872 560147

Our approach is centred on listening to our clients’ needs and then accommodating them as best as possible

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Thinking of buying or selling in Cornwall?

We are proud to announce that in 2018 we successfully sold over £35 Million of property across Cornwall. Our aim from the start has been to provide the highest levels of customer service, marketing and advice and in late 2017, we were recognised for this when we were named the Best Estate Agency in Cornwall. Please take a look at the Testimonials and Sold sections of our website to see many of our recent sales and clients’ comments. 01872 306360

CL--81--AD--Rohrs & Rowe--(Corporate Ad)--1.00.indd 1

For 2019, we are further expanding the R&R team along with our marketing presence, enabling us to manage and market a larger property portfolio across Cornwall, whilst retaining our high level of personal service. Regular readers of Cornwall Living will be familiar with our style and so if you potentially see us as the right fit for you, we would love to confidentially discuss how we may be of help. No matter whether your property is new to the market, or you have been unsuccessful in selling in the past, if you are looking for “best in class” marketing and advice, Rohrs & Rowe are the right choice in Cornwall.

24/12/2018 09:48


e n a l y r o mem


We meet Mark Lane, of Britannia Lanes, to discover how this inspiring Cornish business can help you move without the stress.


t’s that time of year when many of us are gearing up to move house in time for summer, perhaps even relocating to Cornwall to enjoy the fantastic lifestyle the county offers. But with all the excitement of getting the keys to that dream home and starting the next adventure, who wants to worry about the hassle of actually moving? There’s so much to think about, from packing your precious items to the sheer logistics of it! Imagine if you could just relax, with the weight taken off your hands, safe in the knowledge that everything is taken care of, down to the very last detail. Well, the good news is you can! We visit the Britannia Lanes flagship depot in Truro, to meet Managing Director, Mark Lane, to discover how his business can help you realise the dream. As we sit down to chat, joined by Mark s daughter Sarah, it’s clear that family is at the heart of this Cornish business. Mark s ABOVE parents founded it in 1974, and he joined Then and now, with his brother in 1978. From there, it family and a grew steadily, gradually expanding into personal touch remain at the heart Devon and Somerset. Lanes o cially of the business became part of Britannia Group in 1989, providing greater the economies of scale of a LEFT national network. Yet for all this impressive Managing Director, Mark Lane expansion, the team never lose sight of their family values and where they came from,


I couldn’t think of living anywhere else MARK LANE



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| LIFESTYLE DID YOU KNOW? Britannia Lanes carries out international and European removals every week. The company offers a comprehensive range of container and self-storage solutions. For long distance UK moving, why not take advantage of oneway mileage, saving you £500 to £700. For an instant price guide see the removal price calculator on the Britannia Lanes website, as well as the many other services that are offered.

The whole approach is geared towards doing the hard work so you don’t have to; giving you more time to focus on what you really want to do – such as enjoying the lifestyle of living in Cornwall – this is so important to Mark and the team, because they cherish the Cornish lifestyle too! Mark loves cycling around the county, often travelling 50 to 60 miles on a weekend, taking a scenic route down to the west then back up the north coast; or taking the King Harry Ferry to St Mawes, sometimes heading to The Nare, Veryan. Another favourite spot is Porthleven, stopping for a coffee at the Brewhouse. This is all significant because the team s love of their home county helps the company connect with customers’ needs. “I couldn’t think of living anywhere else, says Mark. “In the early days, when my brother and I were working on the trucks, we saw all manner of places. While it was great to visit wonderful places all over the UK, I was always glad to be back in Cornwall!” If you have a move coming up, or need a storage solution, why not contact Britannia Lanes now and see how they can help you start living the dream?


retaining that personal and inimitably Cornish touch. “We’re one big team,” says Mark, who is warm and easily approachable. “People come to work here and stay forever! We currently have four fathers and sons working in the business. We take great pride in what we do, actively engaging with customers, asking lots of questions to discover their needs and address them.” Britannia Lanes offers a tailored and bespoke approach for each customer. Whether it’s a short move round the corner, a relocation from Europe, or long-term storage, the team can help you find the solution for you. It could be something as simple as needing a short-term storage solution to keep your furniture safe, while you do that sitting room extension you’ve been talking about for years – the needs of the customer always remain at the forefront. The company has always been at the vanguard of innovation, helping to set industry standards, keen to lead the pack, rather than following it. A recent innovation is remote video surveys, via a downloadable app – perfect for those who live out of county. Another is the online real price calculator, providing you a quick guide quote for a job instantaneously just by answering a few simple questions.

People come to work here and stay forever! We currently have four fathers and sons working in the business MARK LANE



Greenbottom, Chacewater, Truro TR4 8QW 01872 560147 Find more like this:


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YOUR MONEY THEIR FUTURE Helping Cornish families for over a decade. We want to understand your story. et our tea wor with you to create an innovative, custo ised nancial plan The value of pensions and investments can fall as well as rise, you may get back less than you invested. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. For an free introductory consultation please contact our team at: ruro ce ce • en ance •


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The Ultimate Lifestyle By The Sea

4,500 £ T O








n i W IONS • C

Got to

EXPERIENCE Our ultimate guide to some of the best experiences in Cornwall


T R AV E L • A R T • F O O D • C O M P E T I T I O N S • S H O P P I N G • I N T E R I O R S • B O AT S CL--74--ED--GTGT Cover-FINAL.indd 1

06/07/2018 17:03




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onds Go from sky high to freefall in sec ! this do can s Kid on The Giant Swing. g. 25k ght: wei Min k. boo No need to


Mud, sweat & cheers for savages. Book a session & get busy hurling axes. Suitable for 12 years & up. 1.00 Template CLM,DL,FC,KL.indd 1




SINCE 2009

05/07/2018 11:36

Production Editor Hannah Tapping Content Manager Dan Warden Design Manager Chloe Searle Design Jamie Crocker – Spencer Hawes Media & Marketing Assistants Jason Fletcher - Megan Searle Bethany Allen - Caitlin McLintock


For all editorial, production, marketing or design enquiries: 01326 574842


Credit Control Tracy Dart – 01326 574842 Accounts Manager Charlotte Forster – 07714 718471

to Cornwall Living’s GOT TO EXPERIENCE

Business Development Managers Samantha Roberts – 07946 491358 Geoff Pullin – 07535 585613 Ian Grant – 07504 007941

Celebrating the ultimate lifestyle by the sea For our 75th issue we have collated a wonderful selection of shops, stays, destinations and activities that we think you’ve really got to experience! From the coast to the countryside, why not take a moment to sit back, relax, pour yourself a glass of something cold and enjoy the stunning photography which graces the following pages.

Media Sales Executives

Once you’ve soaked up the scenes, make sure you enter our ‘Win it all’ competition, from page 104, with a prize fund worth over £4,500! Enter now at

Ben Wormington – 01326 369432 Des Glover – 01326 369421 Operations Manager Miguel Belert Operations Co-ordinator Adam Parrott


Commercial Director Jonathan Perkins – 07587 072706 Managing Director Ben Pratchett – 01326 574842 Group Director Andy Forster – 07711 160590 Engine House Media Ltd is a multi-platform media business with a passion for everything Cornish. Visit to find out more. Our mission is to create READ-WATCH-EXPERIENCE media opportunities marrying together consumers with the fabulous businesses across Cornwall. Our publishing and marketing teams are specialists in creating print and on-line communications, devised to achieve a range of marketing objectives. With over 20 years of marketing, brand management and magazine experience we develop effective communications that deliver your message in a credible and creative way. We operate across all media channels, including: print, online and video.

ISSN 2049-8462

© All rights reserved. Material may not be re-produced without the permission of Engine House Media Ltd. While Cornwall Living will take every care to help readers with reports on properties and features, neither Engine House Media Ltd nor its contributors can accept any liability for reader dissatisfaction arising from editorial features, editorial or advertising featured in these pages. Engine House Media reserves the right to accept or reject any article or material supplied for publication or to edit such material prior to publication. Engine House Media Ltd cannot take responsibility for loss or damage of supplied materials. The opinions expressed or advice given in the publication are the views of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views or policies of Engine House Media Ltd. It is suggested that further advice is taken over any actions resulting from reading any part of this magazine.

Drone shot of Mousehole harbour by Matthew Burtwell

Featuring 52

The ultimate lifestyle


Creekside Cottages


Budock Vean Hotel


Summerhouse Gallery


Mullion Cove Hotel

76 Waverunner Safari

Cornwall Living is published by: ENGINE HOUSE MEDIA LTD Holbrook, The Moors, Porthleven, Cornwall TR13 9JX


Witnessed a beautiful sunset? Tried the tastiest fish in Cornwall? We’d love to see what you’ve been up to…


Share your stories


From coast to country

A holiday by the Helford A luxurious cliff top stay

Unique and individual Discover something new

Exclusive ocean adventures

58 Penventon Park Hotel


Ancasta Cornwall


Pentire Coastal


Virgin Balloons


Park Leisure


Cornwall Hospice Care


Carvynick Holiday Park


Slickers Doghouse


Natural Retreats

Self-catering luxury


Collington & Co

Updating your home


The Esplanade Hotel


Wadebridge Kitchens


The Oceanic Hotel

An indulgent holiday

A coastal holiday park Beautiful beaches at Bude

A countryside getaway

Overlooking the ocean

Making dreams a reality Flying high above Cornwall

A woodland memory walk

Products for your pooch

The room of your dreams

A slice of Cornish hospitality




•EXPERIENCE• T H E U LT I M AT E L I F E S T Y L E BY T H E S E A From making the most of Cornwall’s great outdoors with the family, to ensuring your home’s interior makes the most of its coastal or countryside location; from luxurious stays in some of the Duchy’s most sought-after locations, to taking to the skies and seeing this marvellous county from above, there are a whole host of ways in which you can make the most of your time in Cornwall. Indeed, whether you’re lacing up your boots and exploring Cornwall’s endless tapestry of woodland walks, gardens and coastal paths, or sipping a flute of something chilled while you soak up the views from your waterside cottage, take our word for it, you’ve simply got to experience the ultimate lifestyle by the sea. This stunning image of M ousehole harbour was cap tured by M atthew B urtwell of A erial Cornwall. Find more like this:


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•EXPERIENCE• A H O L I DAY BY T H E H E L F O R D R I V E R The Budock Vean Hotel and holiday homes are set in 65 acres and surrounded by a nine-hole golf course, gardens and woodlands leading down to the edge of the Helford river. It’s a haven for peace and quiet, a real hidden gem. With an in-house spa to pamper you, tennis courts, croquet lawn, billiards room, bar, restaurant, boat trips and kayaking, it’s somewhere that can keep you busy – or where you can fi nd plenty of uiet places to just relax and do nothing


N r H elf ord P assage, M awnan S mith, Falmouth TR11 5L G 013 26 250288 3 60 budockveanhotel Find more like this:


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Signature room

Pamper yourself

3deep Aerial

The perfect lunch


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•EXPERIENCE• A S TAY AT M U L L I O N C OV E H OT E L Crashing waves and spectacular sea views. Elegant and inviting luxury rooms and apartments, amazing food and friendly staff – these are just some of the reasons guests love Mullion Cove Hotel. Set in a dramatic sea view location on the Lizard peninsula, it offers a breath-taking escape from the everyday. From dog friendly breaks to romantic coastal retreats, an outstanding and luxurious stay in Cornwall starts here.


M ullion Cove, L iz ard P eninsula TR12 7E P 013 26 2403 28 Find more like this:


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•EXPERIENCE• A N I N D U LG E N T A N D U N I Q U E H O L I DAY E X P E R I E N C E AT T H E P E N V E N TO N PA R K H OT E L A stay at the Penventon is a feast for the senses. The Georgian building with Italian heritage and charisma brings an element of fantasy to your visit with 63 boutique rooms, three versatile function suites, a gin bar – with 160 gins to choose from – plus an all day dining restaurant, spa, swimming pool and fitness suite Whether you’re looking for a short romantic break, a family getaway; whether you love walking or visiting Cornwall’s beautiful gardens, Penventon Hotel is well located in the heart of Cornwall between major Cornish towns. Less than a mile from the A30 – the hotel is easily accessed by road, and the train station is just a five-minute walk away, as is Redruth town centre

PENVENTON PARK HOTEL West E nd, Redruth TR15 1TE 01209 203 000 www.p

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•EXPERIENCE• LU X U RY H O L I DAY H O M E L I V I N G AT P E N T I R E Pentire is the perfect location from which to explore the stunning Cornish coastline and countryside. Situated within a short distance of the popular seaside resort of Bude, the park is within easy reach of a choice of beautiful beaches, historic market towns and picturepostcard villages. The area boasts an incredible variety of attractions and entertainment options with freshly caught local seafood being a speciality in a number of local restaurants. The epitome of a walker’s paradise, Pentire is within easy reach of a range of dog-friendly beaches, stunning natural scenery and an abundance of traditional Cornish pubs. Simply put, it’s relaxation at its finest. The Park Leisure ethos is simple: offering the finest holiday parks in the finest locations. Park Leisure owners are given a complete five-star experience from the moment they join and now, you can buy a brand new 2018 Willerby Links holiday home – at 35’ x 12’ with two bedrooms – from just £37,500 with low site fees!

PENTIRE COASTAL HOLIDAY PARK 0 1 2 8 8 3 2 1 6 0 1 A n d r e w .S h u tla r @ p a r k le is u r e .c o .u k w w w .p a r k le is u r e .c o .u k /p e n tir e

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll-liv in g .c o .u k


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•EXPERIENCE• A V I S I T TO P E N T I R E C OA S TA L H O L I DAY PA R K Get away from the hustle and bustle and escape to the Cornish coast. Drop everything in the holiday home before heading down to the beautiful sandy beaches of Bude and dipping your warm toes into the cool surf. Pentire couldn’t be a more perfect setting to create lasting memories, whether you choose to visit one of Cornwall s world-class attractions such as the Eden roject, have a go at surfing, relax at a waterfront restaurant or bar, or simply enjoy browsing the many independent shops. Stay your way with Park Leisure’s stunning holiday homes or touring and camping holidays. Pet-friendly breaks are also available!

PENTIRE COASTAL HOLIDAY PARK 0 1 2 8 8 3 2 1 6 0 1 A n d r e w .S h u tla r @ p a r k le is u r e .c o .u k w w w .p a r k le is u r e .c o .u k /p e n tir e

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll-liv in g .c o .u k


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•EXPERIENCE• C A R V Y N I C K H O L I DAY PA R K Amidst the beautiful Cornish countryside situated at Summercourt you will find Carvynick oliday ark. The first thing you will notice about the park is that it s nestled away from the hustle and bustle of New uay and set around landscaped grounds. The holiday park is the ideal place for either a couple s retreat or a uiet family holiday. Carvynick is set in a perfect location with easy access to nearby New uay, adstow, St Austell, Bodmin and Truro. Carvynick has self-catering holiday cottages ranging in different sizes with a few bungalows too. The park also offers fully serviced hard standing pitches, each with water, electric hook up and foul points. It s particularly designed for motorhomes but new caravan serviced pitches will be available for summer .

CARVYNICK HOLIDAY PARK S u m m N e w q u a 0 1 8 7 2 in fo @ c a r v w w w .c a r v

e rc o y T R 5 1 0 y n ic y n ic

u rt, 8 5 A F 7 1 6 k .c o .u k k .c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll-liv in g .c o .u k


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Caravan park

The Fox’s Revenge

Holiday cottage


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•EXPERIENCE• LU X U RY H O L I DAY S W I T H N AT U R A L R E T R E AT S Offering a spectacular collection of self-catering holiday homes across the Cornish coastline, Natural Retreats are experts when it comes to unforgettable escapes. From cosy cottages in picturesque Port Isaac, to sprawling sea-view penthouses at Fistral beach and spacious family villas near Mevagissey, guests can enjoy the best that Cornwall has to offer, from the comfort of their very own stunning and beautifully designed holiday home. All of this, plus a dedicated concierge service and complimentary welcome hamper!

NATURAL RETREATS naturalretreatsuk I naturalretreatsuk N aturalR_ U K inf Find more like this:


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•EXPERIENCE• A S TAY AT T H E E S P L A N A D E H OT E L The Esplanade Hotel is a picturesque and contemporary hotel overlooking the world famous beach break at Fistral, Newquay. The hotel is more than just a place to sleep – it’s a place where you can enjoy quality family time right next to Cornwall’s stunning coast. Unwind at the end of a long day in the heated indoor swimming pool and dine together in the family friendly restaurant overlooking the waves. The beach makes the perfect playground with rock pooling, flying kites and surfing providing buckets of entertainment. During the holidays the hotel also runs free family friendly activities in Newquay, so be prepared to get messy and make memories. With an onsite Quiksilver Surf School, everyone from beginner to pro can be catered for, so you can spend a day amongst the waves and return to the hotel of an evening with the kids exhausted and ready for bed, and you ready to head to the bar for a welldeserved gin and tonic.


E sp lanade Road, Fistral B each N ewq uay TR7 1P S 0163 7 873 3 3 3 www.esp lanadehotelnewq uay Find more like this:


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•EXPERIENCE• T H E O C E A N I C H OT E L Enjoy a slice of Cornish hospitality at the award winning Oceanic Suite Hotel – Cornwall’s luxury getaway for grown ups. If you have an appetite for adventure and a thirst for unforgettable experiences, you’re in the right place. Relax, unwind and indulge in one of the designer hotel suites for the ultimate mix of fivestar hotel facilities and stylish apartment living. Chill out in the spacious wooden hot tub, soak up the sun on the terrace and enjoy a drink from the well-stocked honesty bar. Ideal as a couple’s retreat or as a base to discover the delights of Cornwall, from the Oceanic, everything is on your doorstep.


1 L ansdowne Road, Falmouth TR11 4B E 013 26 3 89 3 3 0 www.oceanichotelf Find more like this:


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•EXPERIENCE• YO U R V E RY O W N C R E E K S I D E C OT TAG E Nestled amongst the lapping shores and tranquil surroundings of Cornwall’s south coast you ll find Creekside Cottages stunning holiday homes. Located close to the buzzing harbour town of Falmouth, the cottages are in a prime position from which to explore all aspects of Cornwall. Most sit within the peaceful confines of some of Cornwall s most tran uil creeks, with a patchwork of sheltered coves and hidden beaches on your doorstep. Mile upon mile of calm waters and numerous secluded, unspoiled and beautifully wooded rivers and estuaries are just waiting to be explored from your wonderfully uni ue and individual cottage.

CREEKSIDE COTTAGES S trangwith H ouse, Restronguet Falmouth TR11 5S T 013 26 3 759 72

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Bringing the art of gin making to you

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•EXPERIENCE• A V I S I T TO T H E S U M M E R H O U S E G A L L E RY The ethos that sits at the heart of The Summerhouse Gallery is to make art enjoyable and accessible to all. With artists on display varying from the well established to the up and coming there’s always an opportunity to discover something new. The light and welcoming space also includes a children’s table, to encourage your little ones to express their creative side while you wander around. The gallery sits in the picturesque market town of Marazion, just a stone’s throw from the stunning St Michael’s Mount. With regular shows and events held throughout the year, it’s always worth keeping in touch with Director Jayne, Ellie and Ashleigh, the Summerhouse team.

THE SUMMERHOUSE GALLERY M arket P lace, M araz ion TR17 0A R 0173 6 711400 www.summerhousegallery

Photo: John Freddy Jones

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•EXPERIENCE• C O R N WA L L WAV E R U N N E R S A FA R I S Join Cornwall Waverunner Safaris for an exclusive adventure on the north or south coast. Hit the water on one of the powerful Yamaha Waverunner jet skis and explore the coast from a unique perspective as you carve through waves and send streams of spray into the air. If driving isn’t your thing, jump on board the new ten-metre Humber rib for an exhilarating powerboat trip where you can explore Cornwall’s stunning coastline or blast around the bay on a fun-fuelled Banana Boat ride.

CORNWALL WAVERUNNER SAFARIS L usty Galz e B each, L usty Glaz e Road, N ewq uay TR7 2A E 0163 7 806106 www.cornwallwaverunnersaf

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•EXPERIENCE• L I F E A F LOAT W I T H A B OAT F R O M A N C A S TA At Ancasta International, the team have been helping people live their dreams for over 35 years. Owning a boat conjures up many images; of family and friends, of good times and amazing places, of adventures shared. Making owning and changing your boat as fun and hassle free as possible has made Ancasta Europe’s largest boat sales organisation. Share the team’s local knowledge, comprehensive experience and global reach to make your dreams a reality.


Falmouth Y acht M arina, N orth P arade, Falmouth TR11 2TD 013 26 211007 Find more like this:


CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Ancasta.indd 4

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If the cap fits...

What shall we do next?

…scalded cat


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•EXPERIENCE• T H E S K I E S W I T H V I R G I N B A L LO O N S Gently rise into the sky with Virgin Balloon Flights and discover the beauty of Cornwall in a new and unique way. As you drift majestically and serenely in the iconic red balloon, you’re afforded a panoramic view of Cornwall’s stunning countryside in this age-old form of sky travel. Enjoy views of vivid green trees and rolling countryside panning into the distance, and even glimpses of azure seas from the Liskeard location. Then celebrate with a glass of Champagne when you get back down to Earth from a trip you’ll never forget.

VIRGIN BALLOON FLIGHTS 019 52 212750 www.virginballoon

ind more like this


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•EXPERIENCE• A W O O D L A N D WA L K I N M E M O RY O F A LOV E D O N E W I T H C O R N WA L L H O S P I C E C A R E New for 2018 is the Woodland Memory Walk for Cornwall Hospice Care, a special family event that allows the whole family to remember a loved one. Taking place at Trelissick Gardens in Feock on Saturday 15th September, the walk will start just before dusk and promises beautiful views of countryside, woodland and river. Walkers will have plenty of chances to remember their loved ones throughout the evening, walking along the softly lit woodland route and at the end, they’ll be able to light their personally-decorated candle bags. Registration is £20 for adults and £15 for children aged 5-15. Under 5s are free, and family groups of up to five can sign up for just , provided at least two of the group are aged between 5 and 15 years old. Registration also includes your t-shirt, on which you can write the name of the person you’re remembering, as well as a candle bag for you to decorate.

CORNWALL HOSPICE CARE www.cornwallhosp

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•EXPERIENCE• E C O - F R I E N D LY P R O D U C T S F O R D O G OWNERS FROM SLICKERS DOGHOUSE New to Padstow last year, Slickers Doghouse has an array of useful, high quality products for dog owners offering great value for money. Owner Lisa Hope tells us: “As nature lovers, we are on a mission to provide eco-friendly, sustainable products for our planet and oceans, as well as our dogs. Our toys and bowls are all made from eco-friendly materials such as rice husk, hemp and recycled bamboo chopsticks. Our bags are all paper and where plastic is almost impossible to avoid – poop bags for instance – we only stock biodegradable and compostable bags.” There’s also a range of harnesses, lifejackets, coats and drying coats, along with a free fitting service, as well as wet, dry and raw food and treatments for common canine ailments, so be sure to pop in and get everything you and your dog need to make the most of Cornwall.


5 N orth Quay , P adstow P L 28 8A F 079 71 005071 Find more like this:


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•EXPERIENCE• U P DAT I N G YO U R H O M E W I T H H E L P F R O M C O L L I N G TO N & C O Collington & Co is an independent business, established in 1969. The team designs and installs bespoke conservatories, windows and doors, working with the highest quality materials which can be tailor made to suit your personal preferences. Collington s team of fitters are all skilled tradesmen and take pride in their work, which the company backs with a ten-year guarantee to give you peace of mind. But don’t just take our word for it; pay a visit to the Helston showroom and see how the team can help transform your home!


16 Water M a Trout, H elston TR13 0L W 013 26 57259 9 Find more like this:


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21/12/2018 15:04



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•EXPERIENCE• T H E R O O M O F YO U R D R E A M S W I T H H E L P F R O M WA D E B R I D G E K I TC H E N S Wadebridge Kitchens is a well-established and creative family business specialising in fitting kitchens, bedrooms and studies, bringing years of experience to the table. ith so many choices available in the showroom, it s easy to mix door styles, colours and textures to create a uni ue design that really suits your personality. Open-plan living, breakfast bars and islands provide multipurpose social spaces, allowing you to make the most of the space available and take steps to truly make your kitchen the heart of the household. our new kitchen should look great on the outside, but it s what goes on behind the scenes that really makes a difference. ull out bins for rubbish and recycling help keep your kitchen tidy, deep drawers with dividers provide extra storage space and clever internal designs including innovative corner solutions make a tricky layout easy to manoeuvre, achieving the ultimate use of space and design. The adebridge itchens team pride themselves on attention to detail, installing uality fitted furniture throughout your home. roviding in-house computer design and a full installation service, they can create your dream kitchen, bedroom or home o ce, whatever your budget.

WADEBRIDGE KITCHENS Foundry H ouse, P olmorla Road, Wadebridge P L 27 7N B 01208 813 23 1

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21/12/2018 15:05


g n i n i f e d e R

LUXURY We explore the changing face of self-catering and how stunning properties and amazing services are creating a real experience for the discerning guest.


e’ve all experienced that memorable week away in a holiday cottage... The furniture was shabby without the chic. Evidently the owners no longer deemed the threadbare sofa to be good enough for their own home, demoting it for others to use. Crockery and cutlery didn’t match – and why waste the good stuff on random strangers? All in all, it didn’t quite live up to those cleverly taken photos. The WiFi (if existent at all) was presented as a luxurious extra. Ultimately,

though, you’d put up with all these little quirks as part of the holiday’s charm and, anyway, it was just a base near the beach. That once may have been acceptable. But things have come on a long way in the selfcatering holiday market over the last decade or so. Perhaps it’s down to the rise of the staycation, with ever more people shunning the airport queues to enjoy a week away on home soil. People are becoming ever more discerning in their requirements, and faced with growing competition, the market is responding in kind.


Ednovean House from Perfect Stays é ABOVE

Sands Studio in St Ives


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ABOVE RIGHT Sand Dunes from Perfect Stays è MIDDLE The Old Barn, Cornish Traditional Cottages

BELOW Perfect Stays – the clue is in the name!

Phil Gendall, of Forever Cornwall Unique Retreats, says: “We’re seeing a shift in expectation where luxury is the new normal. That’s always been the case at the high end of the holiday market but it’s now more universally true. TV shows from Grand Designs to Love Island expose potential customers to new aspirations, and social media gives an outlet for bragging rights.” These days, people expect more than just a base in a convenient location; they want the accommodation to offer a real experience in itself. Yes, we all want a home for home. But surely it actually has be better than home, otherwise why bother making the trip! George Edward-Collins of Cornish Traditional Cottages puts it neatly: “Gone are the days of providing the basics for guests coming on holiday. To keep guests coming back year in year out, you need to wow them and go above and beyond their expectations. With so much choice and quality rising in properties guests expect that, but they are also wanting to create experiences and memories and this is your chance to do that – you need to blow their socks off!” Emily Turner, Sales and Marketing Director of Perfect Stays, agrees. “The luxury holiday home market is very competitive and as a result, customer expectations and the quality of homes available are increasing year on year,” says Emily. “Guests are looking for the wow-factor. They expect outstanding facilities and completely unique features, from sensational views to indoor pools and high-tech cinema rooms.” So, with everyone upping their game, luxurious aspects are filtering down the market. Naturally, though, you can expect to pay a bit more for the top features, and it’s worth the additional expense if you can. What’s more, if you are renting a larger property – perhaps to bring friends and family together for a long overdue reunion – then the cost per person is often actually quite reasonable. Without the expense of flights to consider, it s worth investing a little

Gone are the days of providing the basics for guests coming on holiday

bit more into the accommodation to make it memorable for all the right reasons. For the foodies, the experience often starts as you open the front door, as you find yourself greeted with a hamper crammed full of locally sourced delicacies – perhaps a Cornish cream tea of freshly baked scones, local jam and clotted cream. A sachet of instant hot chocolate and a couple of custard creams no longer quite cuts it! People want and expect luxury, but they also want convenience and accessibility. Style is essential, but not at the expense of comfort. It has to be practical and hard-wearing too. Guests want to relax without the fear of breaking family heirlooms – especially if they have young children with them. Those of us who’ve begun a holiday by moving an army of glass miniature figurines, anti ue vases and doilies onto the top shelf of the wardrobe (out of the prying hands of the over-active toddler) will know all about this.

David Griffen

é ABOVE A stunning seaside retreat, typical of the Forever Cornwall portfolio


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Seaside luxury with Aspects Holidays

BELOW Fabulous interiors at Samphire Studio

Jenna Ali, of Aspects Holidays, says: “Many of our guests seek properties with additional features that they wouldn’t ordinarily have in their own homes. Our properties with sea views, hot tubs and other unusual features, such as an outdoor pizza oven, sell particularly well. e find that our guests enjoy the added luxury when on holiday.” Indeed, as Phil Gendall points out, “holiday cottages can’t all have the greatest sea views, but all owners can invest in better interiors and facilities.” This is evident in Sands and Samphire Studios, set in the heart of St Ives and run by husband and wife team Olivier and Angela Noverraz. Both have a background in running high-end hotels around the world and have now brought this experience and knowledge of luxury accommodation to their own properties. The studios are furnished to the highest standards and as Olivier explains: “It s important to us that we offer a five star service. We have discerning guests that visit from across the globe and we believe that a beautifully furnished property, with those little luxurious extras make all the difference. We also offer our guests a concierge service. It doesn’t matter that the properties are self-catering, we feel that this level of service is something that should be available to all guests.” So it’s clear that it’s not just the features and specifications of the property that matter. More and more self-catering providers are recognising that it’s the services

offered that can make or break the entire experience. As a result, many are offering a full concierge service, with staff on hand to cater for any conceivable need. “Our customers want more than just a bucket and spade holiday, and require additional services from the moment of booking,” says Emily of Perfect Stays. “That’s why we offer an inclusive concierge service as standard, and frequently organise anything from private chefs to wine tastings, in-house massages and bespoke surf lessons. In fact, we often arrange a full week’s itinerary for our guests, complete with daily activities, restaurant reservations and transportation.” Indeed, a growing trend is hiring a personal chef to cook for guests inside their home – this can entail the full table service and a bartender, with even the washing up taken care of. Enjoy the best seat in the house and the region s finest ingredients, with a menu that’s tailored exactly to you and your guests. This is all about focussing on what really matters – catching up with family and friends, without one person perennially tied to the cooker or sink. Many guests are booking health and beauty treatments at their property. This could be a quick massage to relieve your back after a day in the surf or a full pop-up spa if the garden is big enough. Some opt to hire a nanny to look after the little ones for a few hours.


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21/12/2018 15:11


The beautiful Court House in Padstow, from Cornish Horizons

For all that’s featured in this month’s Cornwall Living and more, head to our website. Fancy being the first to receive updates? Well, you can by subscribing to our newsletter at...


You may hate the thought of your whole holiday being planned out for you, and that’s fine. But if you do want some activities laid on, many self-catering companies will help organise these for you – boat trips, kayak or SUP hire and other watersports are always popular. Booking a surfing lesson, for example, can be a great way to keep teenagers entertained while the grown-ups enjoy some proper ‘me’ time. But, if on the other hand, you are the holiday homeowner rather than the guest, what can you do to stand out from the crowd? Harriet Wills, of Cornish Horizons, tells us: “The world of holiday homes in Cornwall is highly competitive and whilst it’s still a very big cake with plenty to go around, it’s imperative to make sure that your slice is going to be profitable. ith the holiday let market estimated at less than 1% out of a total of 23 million UK households, there’s great rewards to be had if your property has an edge over the holiday home down the road.”

Harriet continues: “The properties where owners invest in hot tubs, log burners or open wood fires often command higher prices and get more bookings that easily cover the costs of the initial investment and installation. We also see properties with off-street parking attracting more bookings as do those with character, privacy and those within walking distance to community amenities like a local pub.” Sometimes, a very simple (and relatively inexpensive) touch will do the trick: “Perhaps your edge is to go the extra mile and make the experience a memorable one for your customers by leaving your guests a bottle of fizz in their welcome hamper the options are endless!” So, when you’re planning your next holiday, remember this: whatever your budget may be, everyone is vying for your business and you no longer have to settle for second best!

Now that you've got some ideas for accommodation, head to our Vimeo page and get some inspiration on how to fill your holiday itinerary!


é ABOVE Dragon boat racing at Falmouth Week

DISCOVER MORE Planning a holiday? Here are a few ideas for enjoying a slice of luxury in Cornwall: Aspects Holidays: Cornish Horizons: Cornish Traditional Cottages: Forever Cornwall Unique Retreats: My Favourite Cottages: Padstow Breaks: Pen Y Mor, yet another stunning holiday home from Cornish Horizons

Perfect Stays: Sands Studio: Sampshire Studio:

Every month, Cornwall Living offers a range of wonderful prizes to be won, from luxury spa breaks and weekend escapes, to gift vouchers to spend in one of your favourite Cornish shops. For a chance to win one of the latest prizes, head over to our competitions page online. Enter now at Terms & conditions apply

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21/12/2018 15:11


Gaverne PORT

We discover the perks of staying in one of Forever Cornwall’s welcoming Port Gaverne properties.


hile it may be small, Port Gaverne has plenty to offer visitors, with two fantastic restaurants, a dog-friendly cove and the popular fishing village, ort Isaac, just moments away. Put simply, it’s the ideal base for exploring the rugged north Cornish coast. What’s more, with ten unique cottages and apartments all in Port Gaverne, Forever Cornwall has a retreat in this picture perfect cove to suit everyone. If you’re after a foodie break, these cottages couldn’t be in a better location; in moments you can stroll to Port Isaac and experience exquisite dining at Restaurant Nathan Outlaw. Famed for its seafood taster menu, this Michelin starred restaurant is the perfect place for a celebration or romantic treat for two. Or, if you’re accompanied by children, why not follow your nose to the Angry Anchovy and take a seat for an excellent pizza and (for the adults) a Cornish craft ale. In the heart of the hamlet is Port Gaverne Restaurant & Hotel. Voted Cornwall’s best gastropub, this fantastic establishment was recently awarded the Michelin Plate. The local team serve Cornish produce wherever possible, and everything comes fresh and absolutely delicious. You can also try a

range of gins, taste local ales and let the bar staff recommend a fine wine, of which there are plenty to choose from! But it’s not all about food here. Outdoor enthusiasts will also be pleasantly surprised by the extent of activities this beautiful hamlet has to offer. With miles of coastal footpath on your doorstep, the excellent north coast surf and some of the best beaches in Cornwall, you won’t be left short on things to do. Why not let Cornish Rock Tors give you an expert lesson in coasteering, kayaking, paddleboarding or wild swimming in and around Port Gaverne’s sheltered cove? Or, if you’d rather be watching the water than in it, cross the little bridge overlooking the cove as you walk out to ‘the Main’ – the locals’ name for the headland. If you’re visiting with your four-legged friend, you’ll be pleased to know that Port Gaverne is dog friendly all year round. Directly behind two of Forever Cornwall’s apartments you can join the coastal path and walk along the dramatic clifftops towards Tintagel – a brilliant way to tire them out. It’s a great place for families too, especially those looking to enjoy a bucket and spade holiday by the sea. As the tide


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MAIN The beautiful beach at Port Gaverne LEFT This location is perfect for explorers and foodies alike

retreats in the cove, a sandy beach, rockpools and caves are all revealed. And, because it’s so well sheltered, it’s great for kids to explore. If you’re looking for somewhere where they can really run free, simply drive a few miles west to Polzeath, where you’ll find a surfer s haven with lifeguards and clean surf, as well as a fantastic family beach. Alternatively, for something a little more secluded, seek out Tregardock beach. Roughly a 20-minute walk from the road, fantastic surf and a stunning waterfall await, and the fact that there’s often hardly anybody else there makes it well worth the effort of getting there. Indeed, you’ll feel as though you re the first person to discover it After a day of activities, there’s nowhere better to retreat to than one of Forever Cornwall’s Port Gaverne properties. Rinse sandy feet and enjoy an al fresco dinner, or dry off in front of the wood burner as you get cosy in your cottage. The two Tregudda apartments are perfect for larger groups of families and friends, with their generous outdoor space, mesmerising views and comfortable living areas. For a more intimate break, why not stay in one of the cottages? With their wooden floors, exposed beams and historic


character, the cottages date back to the 18th century, and have been renovated sympathetically to their days as an old pilchard parlour. Two still have their original evocative names (Venus and Rashleigh), and their location in the heart of Port Gaverne indicates their importance to the hamlet in years gone by. Whether you’re looking for an out-ofseason couple s retreat filled with dog walking and storm watching, or a classic family beachside break, Port Gaverne is the perfect place for a retreat to Cornwall, and Forever Cornwall has everything you need to make the absolute most of it.

A selection of welcoming seaside cottages await in the heart of Port Gaverne é INSET

Make the most of a holiday with the hound!

FOREVER CORNWALL 013 26 56783 8 inf o@f www.f

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We talk to Georgie White and Amy Wood, owners of professional administration management firm, White Woods, who are leading the way in freeing up business owner’s time.

What kind of administration support do you offer? “We take care of all the tasks that you struggle to find enough time for anything from filing receipts, organising your emails or booking appointments, to processing payroll, answering en uiries or constructing reports. hatever the nature of your business, we ll learn your processes to fit in seamlessly. e work from our own o ces in elston and connect with businesses all around the world, as if we re sat just next door. Can you tell us about your latest projects? “ e ve had lots of exciting projects to get our teeth stuck into. Some of our favourite challenges have been creating an entire holiday booking system using only Excel, writing blog posts and newsletters, and creating or re-vamping websites. No two days are the same which is what we love most What skill set do you each bring to the table for prospective clients? “ e re incredibly proud of the range of expertise within our team. e re meticulous when it comes to admin some of us are more creative whilst others are methodical with numbers. e all play to our strengths and it s our enthusiasm to learn new things that makes it work so well. or many, it’s di cult to admit that they need help… How do you know when you need to start delegating tasks? “The key is realising that you need to stop trying and failing to find time for all those mundane

tasks you never get around to because something else takes priority. They re the ones you should be delegating to somebody else. What services do you offer your Superyacht clients? “Exactly the same services as every other business the only difference is that these ones move They can be in the middle of the Atlantic ocean and we re still able to connect with them every day. e help with a variety of crew tasks such as payroll, ensuring their documentation complies with regulations and arranging their travel to and from the vessel. hat are the benefits of choosing your services instead of hiring a new member of staff to carry out those tasks? “ e take care of your tasks for a fraction of the cost of hiring your own full-time assistant, giving you time to focus on the things you love the most. ou only pay for the actual time we spend on getting those tasks done. There s always a member of the team around to ensure a seamless continuation of service, and you ll have access to the right combination of skills needed for the job.


8 Coinagehall S treet, H elston TR13 8E B 013 26 459 059

WHAT THEIR CLIENTS SAY… “I have worked with Georgie and Amy for several years and cannot recommend them enough; they are professional, smart and have on more than one occasion found solutions to problems when no one else could. I have never known them not to go the extra mile. They are utterly dedicated, resourceful, quick to get the job done and in addition they're great people who we have enjoyed working with immensely.”

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21/12/2018 15:14

Stunning Hardwood Floors TreConcepts creates high quality flooring designs tailored to your requirements.

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19/09/2017 11:31 27/04/2017 16:33



r e t n i t his w From invigorating beach walks to cold-water surfs, Ann’s Cottage has got you covered.


Bethany Allen


fter being graced with what seemed to be the hottest and most idyllic summer on record, the change of seasons brings with it the chance to venture out into the cold crisp mornings, crunch through falling leaves and stroll along empty beaches, with the calm tranquil waters of summer giving way to the more powerful and captivating winter swells. That’s the beauty of living in a seasonal country, the perceptible change in temperature offers respite from the hot summer and there’s something unequivocally satisfying about wrapping up warm on an icy winters day and heading out into the world. When it comes to kitting yourself out for the imminent cold of winter, Ann’s Cottage has got you covered from head to toe. From Barts Beanies to Stance Socks and everything in-between, any trip to an Ann’s Cottage store is sure to be a fruitful one. Let’s start with the humble beanie; this simple piece of kit makes all the difference during those blustery beach walks. After a bit of research, it’s clear to see that Barts has a range of choice that is sure to suit anyone, we particularly love the cool grey tones of the Barts Jasmin Beanie, perfect when coupled with the Superdry Western Cardigan and UGG boots. Arguably one of the most important items in your winter wardrobe, a cosy jacket is an absolute necessity and the Rip Curl Montauk

Parka Jacket does not disappoint. With Aztec detailing and an Eskimo style fluffy hood, you’ll feel like a warm duvet has enveloped you every time you slip into this fashionable jacket – and when it comes to what to wear underneath, the Rip Curl Ana Crew Sweatshirt makes the perfect under-layer. Keep your toes snug this winter with Sorel boots, just at home on the beach as they are in the snow, they’re sure to provide maximum comfort and warmth this winter. lus they have the added benefit of looking utterly gorgeous, especially when coupled with a flattering pair of Levis eans, perfect for a casual stroll along the coast. For the boys, there’s an equally extensive collection of beanies, hoodies, jackets and boots to stay warm this winter. We have our eyes on the

é ABOVE Cosy Sorel or Volcom Sub Zero Boots are a must this winter

LEFT The stunning Rip Curl Montauk Parka and Quiksilver Scalystretch Jackets


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é ABOVE The gorgeous Free People Out All Night Jacket è RIGHT Levis will never let you down with their fashionable and wearable designs

Superdry New Academy Jacket, which will brighten up any winter walk and looks great when paired with Levis Jeans and Volcom Sub Zero Boots. Another great thing about winter is, of course, the swell – it’s between now and December that the surf really excels and we have a good few months before the drop in water and air temperature require the addition of boots, gloves and a hood! If you’re in need of a new winter wetsuit, then make sure to check out Ann's Cottage's wide selection of 5mm winter suits that will keep you as warm in the water as the rest of their winter collection will keep you on land. Whether you're a seasoned surfer, or someone who just loves to get out in the waves for fun, then Ann's Cottage offer a range of wetsuits for men, ladies and children. The knowledgeable and helpful staff in all the stores are on hand to guide you through the technicalities of each suit to ensure you get the correct thickness, fit and design.

Finally, we have Dryrobes, a must have for any surfer to warm up quickly post session and also an extremely good idea to brave the cold while watching a football or rugby match this winter! The waterproof exterior cloaks and protects from the elements and the insulating fabric is unbelievably warm, great for year round outdoor lovers. It never takes long to get the blood pumping, and it actually makes you feel more alive than ever when you confront the elements and set off along the coast path or zip up your winter wetsuit and hit the surf. Cornwall's coastline offers an outdoor playground that is second to none so, make sure to visit an Ann’s Cottage store this winter and kit yourself out for the cold with the fashionable and durable items on offer.

é ABOVE Beautiful Superdry Western Cardigan coupled with UGG Classic boots

MIDDLE Levis Type 3 Truck Jacket and Colorblock Sweatshirt with Vans Old Skool shoes and Nike Chinos


01208 869 9 24 inf A nnscottagesurf Find more like this:


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24/12/2018 08:50



Beautiful stays in Porthleven, Gwithian and Port Isaac

BELOW Customs House Loft is comfortable to the last touch

Customs House Loft, Porthleven This delightful first floor apartment can be found on orthleven s harbourside, housed in a Grade II listed building that dates back to the s. The village is a fantastic base from which to explore the local area, if you can pull yourself away from its excellent selection of restaurants and caf s. There s a sandy beach here too and excellent crabbing can be had from the harbour wall. The small doorway up to the apartment belies what hides behind and as you wind your way up the stairs you ll soon find out why. The apartment, which sleeps four, is bright, spacious and has been carefully decorated with marineinspired tones to complement the coastal location. The two bedrooms, both with en suites, offer an oasis of calm with the addition of hite Company towels and bedding and an Atlantic blanket carefully folded at the end of each bed. The living dining area is vast with a triptych of windows that frame the view out onto the harbour. It s all about the detail here with two comfortable chairs perfectly placed in front of the middle window, which you can open up on a summer s evening to enjoy the view while sipping a glass of something cold. Binoculars are provided for dolphin spotting in summer and storm watching in winter, and your fourlegged friend the property is dog-friendly gets their very own basket of blankets. ou ll also be greeted on arrival with a freshly baked cream tea, courtesy of your charming host Louise. olidays don t come much better than this

01326 569365



24/12/2018 10:08

| STAY Gwithian House, Gwithian The delightful village of Gwithian is a Cornish jewel set along the north coast, where you will find one of the coolest holiday homes around. Gwithian ouse has been recently renovated to an extremely radical and practical standard, and sleeps eight in four spacious bedrooms. This contemporary home exudes luxury as well as a relaxed and welcoming feel and has everything the modern family needs for an enjoyable holiday. Catering for families and groups of all sizes, Gwithian House has a wonderfully bright and airy open-plan living area, as well as a fabulous outdoor space that boasts a beautiful sunny patio complete with an al fresco dining table and a garden ready for all manner of games to be played on. This fantastic home provides every necessary mod con and ticks all the boxes for an excellent place to stay. If you re looking for breathtaking scenery to enjoy then you’re spoilt for choice on this beautiful stretch of coastline around St Ives Bay and the Godrevy Heritage Coast. Explore the miles of golden sand and coast path quite literally on your doorstep. You might even spot some of the local seals basking in the sun at Godrevy Point, looking out towards the iconic lighthouse. Whether you take to the water to try your hand at surfing or simply admire it from the shore, you ll find yourself contented in this idyllic location.

01326 567838

Crow’s Nest, Port Isaac This fabulous bolthole, nestled in the archetypal Cornish seaside village of Port Isaac on the north coast, has been refurbished to a very high standard. You’ll be wowed by the cool, contemporary interiors, sympathetically updated to provide the ultimate in modern comforts whilst retaining the best features and the character of a fisherman s cottage. Relax in comfort in the vibrant living area with its vaulted ceiling, taking in the stunning views or snuggling down by the wood burner. The two bedrooms, a double and a super king double/twin room, have been decorated with a calm colour palette, thick carpets and full curtains to create a relaxing home feel. The kitchen diner is enhanced by the feature Cornish stone wall and wood burner, while the private courtyard garden is perfect for al fresco dining. Sit, relax and enjoy a book with the sounds of the coast as a background. Crow s Nest is just a minute s walk from the harbour and the centre of the village. Watch the daily catch arrive before purchasing a lobster for your evening meal or some fresh fish at a variety of excellent restaurants and caf s. hat s more, there are plenty of local shops, boutiques and galleries as well as an abundance of stunning walks on and around the coastline.

01208 880302



24/12/2018 10:08


Inside the artist’s mind WORDS BY



pen Studios Cornwall 2018 promises the richest mix yet as more than 320 artists, designers and makers – the county’s creative movers and shakers – invite us into curious spaces and beautiful places to experience their artistic practice. From Saturday 19th to Monday 28th May, set-designers and sculptors; milliners and magazine editors; painters, printmakers and potters will throw open their studio doors to the general public to stage one of the UK’s most alluring art trails. From Constantine and Callington to Polzeath and Portlooe, in historic harbours, verdant valleys and glorious gardens, a record-breaking number of participants will unleash their creativity in the 14th year of this popular arts initiative. “Whether working with glass or graphite, in paint or porcelain, with the lathe or the loom, the sheer variety of disciplines this year will captivate and inspire,” says Director of Creative Skills, Jane Sutherland, who leads the scheme. “Not only does Open Studios provide us with an intimate glimpse of the creative process, it also takes us on a journey to previously unseen corners, enabling us to experience Cornwall from an entirely different perspective.” What’s more, this year’s event will take in half-term and the Spring Bank Holiday so that even more people will be able to grab a guide, plot their route and marvel at the diversity of colour and pattern; line and form that is to be discovered. Through their work, artists will also reveal the inner workings of their imaginations, whether they are inspired by the dramatic

energy of the Cornish coastline; the frailty of the human condition or the profound power of the natural world. Set-designer and sculptor, Rebecca McDonald certainly takes inspiration from nature as she works with wool to create engaging creatures in her studio at The Potager Garden in Constantine. “Creating objects and installations that connect us to the landscape and the life within it is really important to me,” Rebecca explains. “It is that familiarity and sense of place that I want my work to evoke in people’s imaginations – a feeling that you are, somehow, in the company of an old friend.” Rebecca’s sculptural felted work is just part of her story. From designing installations for shop windows in High Street Kensington to conjuring up urban forests in London’s East End, or creating floating gardens within corporate HQs, like so many of her generation, Rebecca left Cornwall to pursue a successful career, only to return, pulled back by the heartstrings of home.

é ABOVE The Stag, created for a personal, private commission

BELOW Rebecca was commissioned to create this bear for a children’s charity

Anthony Greenwood

Cornish creativity unleashed in curious spaces and beautiful places at Open Studios Cornwall 2018.


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| COVER FEATURE “Cornwall has always been a major inspiration – not only in terms of its landscape but through its culture and art scene,” says Rebecca. “Witnessing immersive outdoor theatre by Kneehigh and Miracle as a child blew my mind, and showed me an alternative to experiencing art in the formal setting of a gallery or theatre.” These early experiences inspired Rebecca to study Art and Event Production at Bournemouth Arts Institute, and to become a creative producer for arts and music festivals. “This provided lots of scope to make and design interiors for venues and stage sets, often with minimal budgets and resources, but it enabled me to get my hands dirty and create installations that I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to make otherwise. This also gave me confidence and a great testing ground for my ideas as my work had an immediate and often highly exuberant audience!” From giant origami animal totems for Glastonbury to serve as entrance archways and meeting points to 3D sculptures of foxes, rabbits and bears to bring the pages of a children’s book to life, whatever idea Rebecca has in her head always leads to making something with her hands. “For me, the creative process is like a long wiggly road but it all links - much like a Cornish country lane,” adds Rebecca.

Anthony Greenwood


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Art trail

Debbie Rudolph

Why not open your mind to Open Studios Cornwall and chart your own course down a Cornish country lane? Who knows what magic you might discover there… To create your very own art trail, obtain a copy of the Open Studios Cornwall 2018 guide, which is available from hundreds of locations across Cornwall or by ‘phoning Krowji on 01209 313200. Alternatively, you can bookmark on your mobile phone and navigate the studios with the help of Google Maps. Each venue is clearly indicated by an orange O so watch out for them as you travel around. The guide is divided into West, Mid, North and East Cornwall. Within each section, artists are listed geographically then alphabetically. You can either plan to visit a particular location and look up artists who are exhibiting in that area or visit a particular artist and find out who else is in their neighbourhood. For more information about the participating artists and their work, follow Open Studios Cornwall on Twitter, like the facebook page or visit the o cial website.

Max William Burrows

OPEN STUDIOS CORNWALL www.op O p enS tudiosCorn op enstudioscornwall

Debbie Rudolph

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Artists’ profiles Just some of the many artists featured at this year’s Open Studios REBECCA MCDONALD, CONSTANTINE Rebecca creates large and small-scale installations and sets. She works in a variety of media from sculpture to drawing to bring her 3D illustrations to life. Visit her in her studio to see where it all begins... DEBBIE RUDOLPH, FALMOUTH Debbie produces unique textiles that are full of colour and texture. She employs traditional techniques but her approach is bold and modern. Cornwall provides an endless source of inspiration for her scarves, cushions, tapestries, hangings and throws, which are deftly hand-crafted from cotton, mohair, wool, linen, silk and chenille.

Max William Burrows’ Studio


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MAX WILLIAM BURROWS, CRACKINGTON HAVEN Drawing directly from life, sound and music, Max seeks to carry an intuitive, primal response through to a finished painting, where the still, fixed work can hold the fluid temporality of a live moment. His dawn chorus paintings find him working outside in the half-light where he is struck as much by the silence before dawn as by the burst of song that follows.


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LOUISE BENNETT, NEWLYN Whether painting from her home studio, which has an amazing view of Newlyn Harbour and Penzance, or from her vintage horsebox that she has converted into a mobile studio, Louise likes to paint and draw what makes her feel good. She also enjoys the challenge and calm of sitting down and looking because if you sit still for long enough, something magical happens. louisebennettstudio



For all that’s featured in this month’s Cornwall Living and more, head to our brand new, sleek website. Fancy being the first to receive updates ell, you can by subscribing to our newsletter at...

Louise Bennett

SANDY HORTON, PORTLOOE/WEST LOOE Sandy’s interest in glass began with the restoration of a leaded window in her Victorian front door. Broadening her skills through an adult education course and postgraduate study, she now creates unusual art glass inspired by Cornwall. Experimenting with temperatures, techniques and chemical reactions, Sandy produces one-off pieces for the wall, the garden and jewellery to catch the light. JACQUES CABIN, TRENEGLOS/LAUNCESTON Jacques Cabin’s eye-catching alternative to massproduction furniture is responsibly sourced. Each piece is designed and hand built by Rich Inight from reclaimed timber that is steeped in history and imbued with character. The resulting quirky, patchwork look has minimal impact on the environment and complements the contemporary coastal lifestyle that Cornwall offers.


Sandy Horton

Richard Inight of Jacques Cabin

Visit our Vimeo page to see a fascinating video, ‘Under the Wild Stars’, by Rebecca McDonald, along with many more videos inspired by Cornwall and the coast.


é ABOVE Dragon boat racing at Falmouth Week

Jaques Cabin

Every month, Cornwall Living offers a range of wonderful prizes to be won, from luxury spa breaks and weekend escapes, to gift vouchers to spend in one of your favourite Cornish shops. For a chance to win one of the latest prizes, head over to our competitions page online. Terms & conditions apply

Courtesy of Anna Photography

BRICKWORKS, PENRYN Brickworks is an open access ceramic studio that promotes and fosters creativity in clay for all abilities from complete beginners to experienced professionals. Located in the heart of Jubilee Wharf’s creative community, with stunning views down the Penryn River, the collective will be showcasing members’ work and offering drop-in workshops.

Enter now at



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24/12/2018 09:05

foodie |


•EXPERIENCE• C L I F F TO P D I N I N G AT T H E S U M M E R H O U S E , P E R R A N P O R T H B E AC H New this year, The Summer House restaurant has been built into beautiful cliffs overlooking Perranporth beach, making it a spectacular place to enjoy a spot of al fresco dining. It also boasts a stylish interior dining room with dramatic coastal views, so it’s ideal whatever the weather. Whether it’s a quick bite off the lunch menu or a three-course meal, the Summer House team pride themselves on sourcing the best quality ingredients from the peninsula, catering for all tastes and requirements. One of Cornwall’s most idyllic restaurants, a visit to The Summer House comes highly recommended!


3 8 The D unes, P onsmere Road, P erranp orth TR6 0FJ 01872 228222 Find more like this:


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| foodie


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Felix Rowe


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Tuck into autumnal flavours at Greens of Padstow

LEFT, BELOW Just a preview of what you can expect at the Bedruthan Hotel

Once again it’s that time of year to enjoy the warmth of the woodburner, getting all snug and cosy as the nights draw in. But while we leave the longer days behind us for the year, there’s no need to resist the change of season – instead, positively embrace it! After all, it’s an opportunity to indulge in some hearty, warming food, stuff that’s great for both body and soul. This month, as well as providing tips on seasonal culinary delights from some of Cornwall’s top chefs, we share a few highlights from some fantastic upcoming foodie festivals. Bryok Williams, Head Chef at The Square at Porthleven, explains what he loves most about the changing season. “As the weather cools,” enthuses Bryok, “my mind turns from the crisp, bright summer ingredients to think about earthy flavours, slow roasts and the deeper colours of autumn... Braised lentils, roast squash and caramelised apples to go with a lovely piece of pork, crackled to perfection!” If that thought gets you salivating, turn to page 28 to discover more about The Square at Porthleven. Andrew Snell, Head Chef at Greens of Padstow, agrees that this is a time of year to champion from a culinary perspective. “Autumn for me is a great season!” says Andrew. “At the start, you can still get some of the great summer produce like

the local Cornish salad veg. Then closer to winter the hearty root vegetables arrive, ready for some more warming dishes. This season is great for local fish too, with the water still warm enough to keep a lot of species around. We will be using hake on the menu throughout autumn.” Andrew continues: “I love to go out blackberry picking with my family around the Cornish hedgerows, collecting the freshest berries. The best thing to do with them is a classic apple and blackberry crumble, served with clotted cream, and this will be arriving on our menu soon.” Sound tempting? Turn to page 15 to discover more about Greens of Padstow. Tom Hunter, Head Chef at the Bedruthan Hotel, tells us: “We chefs love autumn! We see the beginning of the game season and root vegetables and mushrooms become readily available. What I also love about the beginning of autumn is that we have this great little micro-season where some of the summer vegetables like peas and runner beans are available at the same time as roots, squashes and pumpkins. This allows us to create dishes with ingredients that are only available at the same time for such a short period.” If this plethora of produce has inspired you to get tasting, head to one of these Cornish foodie festivals where you can sample some delicious seasonal produce yourselves...

David Griffen

With autumn upon us, we celebrate the fabulous produce coming into season with tips from the chefs, alongside some upcoming foodie festivals.


Bedruthan Hotel Head Chef, Tom Hunter


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COVER FEATURE | The Budelicious Food Festival (22nd and 23rd September)

BELOW Tuck into something delicious at the Falcon Hotel è RIGHT The Falcon Hotel is the perfect headquarters for Bude’s new foodie festival

This wonderful foodie festival is supported by the Falcon Hotel, and led by celebrity chef Peter Gorton. Peter tells us what we can expect: “A weekend celebrating everything that is great about food in Bude and its surrounding areas, showcasing local chef demonstrations, talks from artisan producers and a chance to buy their wonderful produce.” And what a wonderful range of Cornish produce there is! The festival will shine a light on some stunning seasonal produce, including wild mushrooms, sweetcorn, tomatoes, blackberries, elderberries, plums, greengages, chestnuts, and damsons. Of course, it’s not just vegetables to enjoy. Also coming into season around September are hare, mallard, partridge, rabbit, eel, mussels and oysters native. Beer tents courtesy of St Austell Brewery will be on hand to keep everyone refreshed, while the range of artisan producers includes (at time of writing) Sue Proudfoot, Cornish Crumbly, Charcutier from Norton Barton, Cornish County Cordials, The Kernow Sausage Company, and Whalesborough Cheese among the many other delights. The organisers are doing their bit to promote environmental issues this year, as they explain: “We want everyone to learn about Greener Bude, Cleaner Seas and what a great job they are doing.” What’s more, the festival is not just for the grownups, with a range of great activities laid on

for families with younger children. They can have a go at decorating chefs’ hats, for example, and learn about different fruits and vegetables, finding out why they are good for you. All producers, owners and chefs across Bude are encouraged to get involved with related events over the ‘Foodie Fortnight’, running between 15th and 29th September, at their venues. Details of all events can be found on the o cial website. So if you re looking for your foodie fix this autumn, there’s no better time to visit Bude!

xxxxxx é ABOVE

Peter Gorton, former Great Britain Master Chef, will be leading Budelicious


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DISCOVER MORE There are many wonderful places to enjoy autumn’s larder across Cornwall. The Alverne in Penzance is an independent, family-run restaurant serving fresh seasonal food and tempting tapas. Turn to page 28 to discover more. Another to put on your list is The Lookout Restaurant at Retallack. And, of course, Rick Stein will be celebrating hearty autumnal dishes across his restaurants too. Also keep a look out for Jack Stein’s fabulous new book.

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| COVER FEATURE Falmouth Oyster Festival


(Thursday 11th October to Sunday 14th October) One of Cornwall’s most popular foodie events returns to Falmouth this October. The organisers tell us more: “The annual festivities celebrate the start of the oyster dredging season, the native Fal Oyster and the diversity of Cornish seafood.” Across four days, you’ll be treated to a feast of cooking demos, live music, food and craft stalls. “The vibrant programme includes Cornish food produce, arts and crafts, real ale and wine bars, oyster and seafood bars, working boat racing, a grand oyster parade and a most fiercely contested oyster shucking competition. Set to a soundtrack of live music and sea shanties sung with gusto, this four-day event is best enjoyed with a pint of local ale or a glass of fizz and, naturally, a freshly shucked oyster.” Across its duration, the festival plays host to many of Cornwall s finest chefs, including Ken Symons from Falmouth’s own Michelinrecommended Oliver’s. Proud Cornishman

George Pascoe from Philleigh Way will be championing ‘proper Cornish cooking’, whilst adding his own culinary flair. Festival regular Nick Hodges, Executive Chef at the Greenbank Hotel’s awardwinning Water’s Edge Restaurant, will be on hand to celebrate the freshest ingredients in Cornwall. Arty Williams from The Cove in Maenporth showcases local produce. And the Michelin-starred Chris Eden of the Driftwood Hotel in Portscatho will be sharing his secrets of success. As you’d expect, there’s a whole host of fantastic seasonal seafood to indulge in, including monkfish, seabass, mackerel, hake, gurnard, crab, squid, scallops, and of course, Fal Oysters! If you fancy delighting in potted prams, fresh Cornish crab sandwiches, or perhaps an entire seafood platter, then Falmouth really is the place to be this October. We’ll see you there!

Last month we took a look ahead to this year’s Taste of Scilly Festival. To read the full article and to find out more about Cornwall s incredible foodie scene, head to the Cornwall Living website!



Daytime entry to the festival is free. Evening tickets cost £5, and are available online as well as various outlets in Falmouth.

What better way to whet your appetite than exploring the coast of Cornwall? To get inspiration for your next outing, why not visit the Cornwall Living Vimeo page?


é ABOVE Dragon boat racing at Falmouth Week

George Pascoe from Philleigh Way

Hungry? We are! Fortunately, this month we’re offering you the chance to win a meal for four courtesy of the Cornish izza Company, along with a wealth of other fantastic prizes from across the Duchy. There’s even a wedding up for grabs worth , Turn to page to find out more. Enter now at Terms & conditions apply

Courtesy of Anna Photography


Enter now at


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Conservatories & Orangeries

A wonderful way to extend your home om ve o e k si wr We as o a M Sh ys o r Da do 7 In pen O To Bristol & London M5

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To Cornwall


20/12/2018 12:00


n o g n i s s a P

KNOWLEDGE Cornwall Hospice Care is working hard to ensure the quality of knowledge of our future doctors and palliative care givers.


DISCOVER MORE The charity recently ran its first free training session for GPs at St Julia’s Hospice, with a great turn out. The aim is to help GPs increase their knowledge and skills in palliative care. Any GPs interested in future opportunities can email to find out more.

ornwall Hospice Care’s Dr Jane Gibbins recently spoke at a conference in Manchester about the provision of tuition for medical students. The event was run by the General Medical Council (GMC) and Hospice UK and the aims were two fold: to set the scene about the current provision of palliative care and end-of-life care teaching to medical students during their undergraduate training, knowing that this can be an overwhelming area of care for them when they start as newly ualified doctors; to consider how such tuition can be improved in the future. Dr Jane was asked by Dr Bee Wee – the National Clinical Director for End of Life Care – to present research from a small national group of researchers. They’ve collaborated to obtain a clear picture of what palliative care teaching is taking place and where. The results, according to Jane, show that there’s a huge variability. Some medical schools provide extensive teaching programmes, while others provide very little. There was a clear agreement that hands-on learning with patients and their families is the best possible type of learning, although this isn’t always possible in all medical schools. Dr Jane tells us: “The discussions have enabled open reflection on what we provide for our future doctors at Cornwall Hospice Care in our partnership with Exeter Medical School. Medical students have weekly handson clinical placements within both our hospices, where they’re able to overcome fears and misconceptions about what hospices do. They also observe a wide range of healthcare professionals all providing quality care to patients. “We’re fortunate to be able to provide such meaningful experiences for our students. We know they rate this highly as they nominated

our Palliative Care Team as the Best Clinical Teachers in 2017, a real achievement for the team and proof of the benefits our partnership provides.” Cornwall Hospice Care’s passion for sharing knowledge and expertise with the medics of the future was formally acknowledged recently by Anna Broadbent, a student from the University of Exeter. She was able to spend time working on a research project with Dr Jane and the results have since been published by the European Journal of Palliative Care. Anna’s work also won a runners-up prize for medical students in a competition run by the Royal Society of Medicine looking at innovations in palliative care.

é ABOVE Dr Jane Gibbins, speaking at the Manchester conference é INSET Jane is keen to ensure the quality of future care givers

CORNWALL HOSPICE CARE 01726 83 9 156 education@cornwallhosp www.cornwallhosp

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to castle

We find out more about Cornwall Hospice Care’s next big adventure.


he team at Cornish charity, Cornwall Hospice Care, have launched their next big adventure, the Camel to Castle Cycling Challenge. This fiveday trip will take a group of 50 intrepid cyclists from the mouth of the River Camel to France, traversing Cornwall from west to east and ultimately cycling a total of 280 miles. Each and every mile cycled will be helping to fund the specialist care the charity provides to patients with terminal illnesses and to their carers, families and friends. The route explores the beauty of Cornwall before an overnight ferry crossing to France where the challenge features much of the famous La Vélodyssée, the Atlantic cycling route. The grand finale will be in the heart of Nantes, the largest city in north-west France, where the cyclists will finish in the walled courtyard of the stunning Château des ducs de Bretagne (the Castle of the Dukes of Brittany). This exciting challenge follows on from the success of the charity’s ‘Mount to Mont’ Cycle last autumn, when 39 cyclists set off from St Michael’s Mount, Marazion on a

journey to Mont St Michel in Normandy. The record-breaking team raised a stunning £111,469. Oli Hoare, Cornwall Hospice Care’s Head of Fundraising, was one of the cyclists: “never before has an event or challenge raised such a phenomenal sum for Cornwall Hospice Care. After costs, the team funded the equivalent of 3,422 hours of nursing care. With just 19% of our care costs funded through a contribution from Cornwall’s NHS Commissioners, we hope people will join us to help raise the funds we need and for what we are sure will be a fantastic experience.” The event is limited to 50 cyclists and just £149.00 secures a place. The charity is asking participants to raise a minimum of £1,960 and if the last Cornwall Hospice Care cycling challenge is anything to go by, this is an adventure not to be missed!

CORNWALL HOSPICE CARE 01726 66868 ( op tion 3 ) f undraising@cornwallhosp www.cornwallhosp

é TOP Cyclists taking on last year’s ‘Mount to Mont’ challenge é INSET

Château des ducs de Bretagne – the challenge’s finale

DISCOVER MORE If you’re interested in taking part be sure to visit www.cornwallhospicecare. or call 01726 66868 (option 3) for more details of how you can be part of this amazing adventure on two wheels!

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24/12/2018 09:15

On Display

Showcasing local artists and art galleries 1. EAT ART

Bespoke framing service Eat Art is a collaboration of artists, designers and craftsmen with many years’ experience in the art of picture framing. The team collaborate with some of the best artists working in Cornwall today and clients from all over the UK to supply art and frames to the trade and public. With simple solutions from just a few pounds to unique handcrafted designs, Eat Art offers a complete bespoke framing service. 01326 375917 |



Sublime Light – oil, liquid gold and copper on spruce ply by Jo Crusoe Jo loves to paint Cornwall in all its glorious seasons; the wildlife on land, in the sea and everything in between. Jo’s seascapes, landscapes and delicately detailed wildlife depictions are created in original oils and acrylic paintings, and you can find this piece at The Customs House Gallery in Porthleven. A collection of her original works can also be found at The Picture Parlour in Boscastle. 3 FOUNDRY COURT, WADEBRIDGE PL27 7QN 01208 368120


Surf at Trebarwith Strand by Vincent Basham

Looking out over Porthleven’s historic harbour, Albatross Gallery presents stunning photography, original paintings, printmaking and glass art. Established over two decades, the gallery showcases a host of local artists. op in and you might even find Georgia at work in the studio

Vincent is a self-taught artist; he was born in Maldon, Essex and educated at Thurstable School, Tiptree where his love for painting first developed. e lived in Cornwall in his early twenties where he gained his passion for painting seascapes and moved back to Cornwall in 2017, where he has a purpose built studio/gallery in the garden, which opens daily. Come and meet Vincent and have a chat about where he gets his inspiration and see how he transfers this to canvas.




Porthleven Snowstorm by Georgia Raybould

5. JEREMY SANDERS STUDIO Snow Day by Jeremy Sanders

Jeremy Sanders is an oil painter working from his studio in Drift. This beautiful painting captures Penwith in the wake of the ‘beast from the east’. Inspired by the light and colour of the Penwith peninsula, you can watch him at

work by appointment and view his work online. THE OLD WORKSHOP, LOWER DRIFT, BURYAS BRIDGE, PENZANCE TR19 6AA



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6. LITTLE PIECE OF CORNWALL Seascape Collection by Claire Bentley

At Cornwall Living we’re all about helping you create memories and live the ultimate lifestyle by the sea, wherever you live. At Little piece of Cornwall, you can subscribe to our magazine, discover the best ways to enjoy your time in Cornwall, or capture a memory from your stay with a beautiful collection of seascape greetings cards or a Cornish print. clairebentleyillustration



Moonstruck by Carolyn Pavey Atishoo Gallery has a fantastic selection of original paintings and limited edition prints alongside handmade crafts and giftware made in the UK, providing lots of Christmas gift inspiration. The gallery can be found in a pretty courtyard opposite the old Methodist Chapel in Charlestown. They also offer a bespoke picture framing service. Open Monday to Saturday 10am to 5pm.

Underground Mining by Sarah Blakey The Craft Kiln (Cornish crafts), Sail Loft Emporium (antiques and collectables) and Cscape Art are part of The Old Workshop, next to the main Charlestown car park. Many originals, prints and cards by artist Sarah Blakey and photographer Mick Blakey are available at the gallery. See the website for winter opening hours. THE OLD WORKSHOP, CHARLESTOWN, PL25 3NJ 01726 66639 |


9. ALCHEMY TILES Sincerest Feelings by Mel Chambers “The most sincere feelings are the hardest to be expressed by words.” Bringing ancient 13th century inlay techniques into a modern day era, Alchemy Tiles individually hand carves, rather than paints, inspiring images, quotes and poetry into beautiful bespoke and unique creations. All held eternal in earth and time. Commissions welcome. THE STUDIO, GOLDMARTIN GARAGE, SAMPYS HILL, MAWNAN SMITH, FALMOUTH TR11 5EW


Mixed Media by Lorna Hirst Johnson

07768 193848 |

Located in the picturesque coastal village of Perranuthnoe, The Cowhouse Gallery is run by a group of local artists and craftspeople, offering a wide range of original work at very affordable prices. Open daily, paintings, sculpture, printmaking, photography, ceramics, jewellery, textiles, woodturning and leatherwork are all beautifully displayed in this light and bright art space. LYNFIELD CRAFT CENTRE, PERRANUTHNOE TR20 9NE 01736 710538

11. STEVE SLIMM ONLINE GALLERY Soft Integration Beneath Cliffs by Steve Slimm

Steve’s evocative, mystical oil paintings are renowned for their quality of light, creating a landscape of textures and contrasting colours. This oil on panel piece is currently being displayed in an exhibition at

Market House Gallery Marazion for £1628 (framed size 57×74cm) and displays a sublime coastal sense of atmosphere and place. MARKET HOUSE GALLERY MARAZION 07968 979367



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We hear from BA (Hons) Graphic Design graduate, Shaun Williamson, about what has and continues to drive him on his personal quest to raise awareness and help others.





I discovered a love of design and making people smile, solving problems and creating new things. Now I live, eat and breathe design.



lymouth College of Art believes that high-quality education for life in contemporary arts practice is the creative catalyst for personal and cultural transformation. Its manifesto includes ten propositions, written by Principal Andrew Brewerton. These, added to the themes of Creative Learning and Social ustice, define the college s strategic plans for the future. Current students, recent graduates and alumni were invited to contribute their own propositions. Graphic Design graduate, Shaun Williamson, joined Plymouth College of Art as a mature student, driven by a passion for people and a desire to petition for change through his work. Shaun believes that you have to fight for what you want. He tells us: “I was a late starter due to an illness I had as a child. Between the ages of 14 and 20 I was in and out of hospital with cancer and am now an amputee. I went to college to find my new adventure and my new passion. I discovered a love of design and making people smile, solving problems and creating new things. Now I live, eat and breathe design. It s something I really enjoy doing, to be able to use my skills to push forward awareness movements to help others.” Shaun s proposition, Sink or swim , is demonstrated in the pictured artwork – designed using the college's themes of Creative Learning and Social Justice. He explains: “For so long anything I wanted or needed, whatever I wanted to do, I had to fight for. Going back to college after leaving education at , I really felt the sense of sink or swim . “It s easy to apply my ethos to this industry there is always someone better than you

and there is always someone right on your tail, so you have to keep going and keep learning. I like learning – I want to continue to grow and expand on what I know.” Shaun continues: “For my latest project, Silent Signs , I designed an awareness campaign with the objective of educating employers about invisible disabilities. I want to help employers create a safe space for their employees, so they can openly discuss their disabilities. The campaign is a voice for those who don t have one, helping others understand the challenges they face.” If you re interested in creative study, why not explore the diverse range of design programmes that Plymouth College of Art has to offer? Simply go online and book into one of the college s open days.

é ABOVE Silent Signs, Shaun Williamson 2018

MAIN Shaun and his proposition – designed using the college's themes of Social Justice and Creative Learning.


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24/12/2018 09:16

foodie |

A JOURNEY OF Discover Xen Noodle and Wine Bar – a true hidden gem in Cornwall’s cathedral city. INSET South Korean barbeque grills, cooked at the table! RIGHT è Take a culinary journey through Asia


r u o v a fl

visit to Truro’s Xen Noodle and Wine Bar means a tasty experience of South Korean and Asian cuisine. The sweet and the sour, the hot and the salty, all mixed with a rainbow of fresh, wholesome ingredients. Prepared with no artificial flavours, the array of colour and explosions of flavour speak volumes of the type of food Xen delivers and the best part is, the menu is positively healthy! All food is free of MSG and there are plenty of vegan and gluten free options available too. Eating different food groups has often been linked with a preferable diet, and is possibly a reason for why obesity rates are a third lower in Asia than the Western world. Healthy amounts of soup, according to the team at Xen, mean low calories. They also offer a range of meat free dishes, which are low in saturated fat. As you might expect, there are a number of marinated beef dishes, but all in all the input of seafood swings en s food firmly into the healthy category! From the aromatic spices of Thailand and Malaysia to the delicate flavours and textures of Japan, the menu promises to take you on a journey across the continent. en s menu benefits from the chefs true Asian heritage, using traditional cooking techniques and delivering authentic, modern and delicious dishes from the heart of Asian culture. In particular, we love the sound of the all-new South Korean barbeque grills, cooked at the table

But the team couldn’t have done it alone, and owner, Chris tells us: “We are passionate about our place in the heart of Truro and are thankful for the continued support and custom we’ve received from locals and visitors alike. Whatever the occasion, whether you’re celebrating a birthday or organising the annual o ce Christmas party, Chris and the team welcome anybody to sample a true taste of Asia, so why not get in touch and book a table

XEN NOODLE AND WINE BAR Calenick S treet, Truro TR1 2S F 01872 2229 9 8 www.x

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24/12/2018 09:18


Cornwall & Devon’s Premier Electrical Retailer Visit us in store or online today

delivery and installation throughout Cornwall and Devon* *Terms and conditions apply


24/12/2018 09:54


smoke free? WANT TO GO

Kick your smoking habit this New Year with help from VapeHQ Cornwall.

T é MAIN The Newquay store, with a relaxed café atmosphere

SAVE! As well as offering Blue Light Discounts to members of the NHS and British Forces, VapeHQ offers an in-store locals’ loyalty reward scheme, so you can make even more savings while you quit smoking!

hose who keep up with us here at Cornwall Living may remember that we recently featured VapeHQ Cornwall, Cornwall’s leading vape specialist. While it’s not always an easy subject to broach, quitting smoking is at the top of the list for many, especially as we approach 2019 and start thinking about New Year’s resolutions. ape , a national brand, has five prime Cornish locations in Truro, Newquay, St Ives, Wadebridge and now Helston, and Managing Director, Daniel Brogan France tells us: “There are more new stores opening soon!” On the ethos of his business, Daniel explains: “At VapeHQ, our mission is to assist in helping people to stop smoking traditional cigarettes, with customer-centric service and quality products being the hallmark of our culture.” According to the NHS website, e-cigarettes carry but a fraction of the risk of traditional cigarettes, and can be particularly effective as a tool for quitting, especially when combined with extra quitting support. VapeHQ launched in 2012, with the goal of helping as many as possible shake their smoking habit, beginning as a humble internet store retailing authentic devices and

products within the industry that Daniel and the team found to be the most reliable. “Our goal was to empower people to make the leap from smoking to vaping, reducing their exposure to harmful chemicals and saving up to 90% of their cigarette spend every month,” which can often amount to a lot of cash! Daniel continues: “As the company grew, we realised that simply having an online presence did not allow us to provide the level of customer service we wanted. ith this in mind, we opened our first physical retail stores in 2013, with an unwavering focus on customer satisfaction and education.” Since then, VapeHQ has grown exponentially, opening over 40 new locations across the UK! The company is proud to be recognised for their state-of-the-art stores, exceptional customer service and an extensive range of quality products and accessories – some of the best on the market. On quitting smoking, Daniel tells us: “We know that each individual’s journey to becoming smoke-free is different, so in each of our stores you ll find friendly and professional Vape Advisors, each driven


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24/12/2018 09:18



Pop in and discuss your needs over a coffee è RIGHT

Choose from a wealth of products, all tried and tested in-house by the team

by the goal of helping you to quit smoking. They provide one-on-one consultations to understand your current habit and recommend the right products for you. “We’re dedicated to serving the vaping community we know and love, and we continue to adapt and grow to stay at the forefront of this fast-moving industry, with innovative vaping products sourced, tested and reviewed internally to provide our loyal and new customers with the safest and most enjoyable vaping experience possible.” So, whether you’re already trying to quit or would like to make it a successful New Year’s resolution for 2019, why not pop into one of this fantastic company s five premier Cornish stores, where Daniel and the team will be waiting to welcome you with open arms to the VapeHQ family!


Clif f Road, N ewq uay TR7 2N F K enwy n S treet, Truro TR1 3 D J Tregenna P lace, S t I ves TR26 1S D M eneage S treet, H elston TR13 8A A The P latt, Wadebridge P L 27 7A D www.vap ehq

In each of our stores you’ll find friendly and professional Vape Advisors, each driven by the goal of helping you to quit smoking

DISCOVER MORE Find a VapeHQ near you: Newquay Truro St Ives Helston Wadebridge

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24/12/2018 09:18

Photo: John Freddy Jones



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24/12/2018 09:20



•EXPERIENCE• A B E AU T I F U L W O O D B U R N E R F R O M K E R N O W F I R E S hen you re looking for a woodburner in Cornwall you expect to fi nd a nicely designed showroom with a wide variety of woodburners in different shapes and sizes. You do not expect a service that’s more akin to a design studio where your heating requirements, style preferences and room are treated as a whole. From the smallest fi re, to huge feature walls, ernow Fires ensures that all the details are thought about, providing an aesthetically pleasing fi nish for each and every fi re. With everything covered from advice and design to installation, building and woodwork, ernow Fires have got it all covered.

KERNOW FIRES ind more like this


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24/12/2018 09:20



s d n a isl F

MAIN A spectacular view from the historic Garrison on St Mary's INSET Scilly is renowned for its vast stretches of idyllic, deserted beaches

Discovering the enchanting archipelago of the Isles of Scilly.

or those with busy lives trying to arrange a weekend away and find a date that suits family, work and animals can be a challenge. Add to the mix the unpredictable nature of the great British weather and the challenge becomes very real. Had someone told me we could make this happen, with hotter weather than the Mediterranean, I’d have answered: “Yeah right! And England will win their uarter-final against Sweden in the orld Cup!” They did and so did we, but for us that was only the start of an amazing adventure. ith the stars aligned and all children, dogs, cats and horses accounted for we set off in the early part of this summer on an amazing Scilly adventure. Flying to the Scillies on the Skybus from Land's End is, in my view, the only way to travel to the islands. As you leave the mainland behind, with the Longships lighthouse in the distance, each passing second of the short minute flight sees your worries and stresses just slip away. Shoulders drop, frowns disappear and a

sense of peace and tranquillity takes hold as St Mary s approaches. As if by magic the whole world changes and becomes a much better place. On arrival we are collected from the airport by the Tresco Shuttle team who transfer us to St Mary s uay and our boat transfer to Bryher. There’s nothing quite like the sights, sounds and smell of the quayside to make you feel at home on Scilly salty air, azure blue skies reflected in clear waters and the bustle of boatmen helping visitors board the off-island launches. After a short trip across the water we arrive at our home for the weekend the awardwinning Hell Bay Hotel, a private oasis, set in an idyllic cove overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. e are shown to a lovely suite, with our own secluded patio on which to relax and soak up Scilly. Once unpacked, with tummies rumbling, we set of in search of lunch. e have heard that Bryher-based Island Fish not only serves the freshest catch but that proprietor, and Scillonian, Amanda ender has a great story to tell.


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24/12/2018 09:48


DISCOVER MORE The Islands Partnership is a non-profit making organisation, funded entirely by membership subscription together with some corporate sponsorship. It is responsible for marketing the Isles of Scilly as a destination and for managing the Visit Isles of Scilly brand in all its facets including the management of the Tourism Information Centre on St. Mary’s. It is the only dedicated destination marketing and PR organisation on the islands for the islands.


Hell Bay Hotel, our home for the weekend

Meeting Amanda, and listening to her reflections on her life on Scilly really resonates with me. A self-confessed, mid-life crisis saw her leave Islands artnership, Scilly s dedicated marketing and R organisation and, with brother Mark, start Island Fish from the conservatory in her house. It’s a compelling story of passion and perseverance involving a Scillonian family who, for three generations, have followed in the footsteps of their ancestors’ proud fishing tradition. For visitors, life on Scilly appears idyllic, but there’s a certain resilience required to survive island living and the ender s story depicts this perfectly. Amanda tells us that fishing has always been part of family life. Her father Mike, brother Mark and now her own 18 year old son Shamus bring the catch of the day back to Bryher, where it is cleaned and prepared for customers at the newly built shop and fishworks that opened in April this year. Island Fish can be found just up the track from the quay and, like everything on the island, is easy to find as Bryher has an area of just acres.

Offering an eat in or takeaway menu, my choice of lobster, served with potato wedges and coleslaw lunch is a steal at only and both this and my wife’s crab quiche are to die for. Both dishes are part of an extensive selection of fish, and it s award-winning to boot! A stroll around the island follows, much needed to work off our splendid lunch.

éTOP Amanda and Mark of Island Fish é ABOVE Taking time to relax

BELOW A tranquil scene on Bryher


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24/12/2018 09:48



David Wynne's iconic 'Children' sculpture

DISCOVER MORE Walk Scilly Long Weekend 11th - 15th October Autumn is the perfect time of year to experience the islands. The fifth Walk Scilly Weekend is bigger and better than ever, with 24 walks taking place across eight islands, including, for the first time, some special walks with walking artists. Tickets are now on sale.

As often happens with childfree weekend getaways our time mostly revolves around food and so, after an afternoon exploring, we end our first day on Bryher with a fish and chip supper at the Fraggle Rock Bar. After a wonderful night’s sleep, induced by all that fresh air and the sound of the ocean, we breakfast in the hotel (I wasn’t joking about the food!) before heading out for a day on Tresco. e have always wanted to visit the Tresco Abbey Garden and were intrigued as to what we would find. e weren’t disappointed – the garden is stunning, a sub-tropical gem, home to thousands of exotic plants from around the world. Built in the 19th century around the ruins of a Benedictine abbey, a meander around the garden reveals David ynne s magnificent ‘Children’ sculpture that rises majestically behind a border of vibrant Agapanthus. The Abbey Garden just keeps on giving at every turn and the unique Valhalla museum, with its figureheads from Scillies shipwrecks honour the final century of sailing tradition dating back some , years, is a fitting end to our garden tour.

And you guessed… it’s lunchtime again! And what a lunch it is, declared to be: “one of the best ever by my wife. Ruin Beach Caf has quite possibly one of the most idyllic locations – the sand is golden and the water is the clearest blue. Our vegetarian sharing platter and succulent pan-fried fish are enjoyed overlooking this exquisitely beautiful and peaceful bay. alking off lunch takes us to the north end of Tresco and a visit to the ruins of King Charles’ Castle before completing the six-mile walk that circumvents the entire island.


The lush, tropical planting in Tresco Abbey Garden

BELOW One of the figureheads from the Valhalla Museum


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24/12/2018 09:39

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Holiday home waste is now labelled as commercial waste “By law, holiday lets and self-catering accommodation are not permitted to use the Council’s household collection service. The Controlled Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2012 set out how councils must deal with waste from holiday lets and selfcatering accommodation. The legislation says that these premises are businesses and should pay for a commercial waste service, including collection and disposal charges.

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24/12/2018 09:58



Al-fresco dining at its best at Ruin Beach Café on Tresco é INSET

"The best sharing plate ever!' at Ruin Beach Café

After a happy day exploring we return to Hell Bay Hotel sun kissed and happy. The weather has been amazing for our trip and has transformed Scilly into what could easily be mistaken for tropical islands. It’s warm enough for us to dine outside and we are blessed with a romantic sunset to accompany our delicious supper. Sunday sees us divide and conquer. My wife heads off to enjoy a relaxing treatment at the hotel while I pay a visit to Bryher’s shop and ost O ce packed full of produce they offer an invaluable delivery service for self-catering visitors, bringing everything you need for your stay direct to your holiday home door. Next stop for me is Hillside Farm where I am warmly greeted by owners Ruth and Graham who take me on a tour of their working farm. The spring and summer

months see them harvesting vegetable, salad and soft fruit crops that are sold from their roadside stall. They also raise a herd of North Devon cattle and British Saddleback pigs that supply the island with rare breed, free-range pork and beef, and are another example of the entrepreneurial spirit that makes the island’s businesses unique. As our final day draws to a close, and we prepare for our return to the mainland in the morning, we both comment on how our visit has been one of sheer relaxation. The Scilly way of life has a different pace to the mainland one that perhaps we should all adopt in order to take in the finer in things in life and all that Cornwall and its unique islands have to offer. If you’ve never visited, book soon you won t regret it

FIND OUT MORE Isles of Scilly Travel 01736 334220 Isles of Scilly Tourist Information Centre 01720 620600 Islands’ Partnership 01720 620601


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24/12/2018 09:39

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098.indd 1

To make a reservation please use our “book now” button through our website NEWQUAY – CORNWALL WWW.KAHUNARESTAURANT.CO.UK 01637 850440

28/09/2018 10:04

foodie |

Seasonal SOUP

As the seasons change, a bowl of hot soup, made from hearty autumn produce, is the just the thing. TOM HUNTER'S JERUSALEM ARTICHOKE SOUP WITH SMOKED HADDOCK



xecutive Chef at Bedruthan Hotel, Tom Hunter, shares one of his favourite soup recipes, Jerusalem artichoke soup with smoked haddock. “This dish is a fantastic combination of flavours, says Tom. “ ery simple, but also impressive. Great as a starter or a light lunch with some fresh bread.


First, peel and slice the artichokes. Add butter to a large pan and sweat the onion, leek and celery over a gentle heat until softened.


Add the artichokes and continue to cook for a further 10 minutes or so. Just cover with water and bring to a simmer. Cook until the vegetables are very soft, then add the cream.


Blend in a li uidiser until very smooth, pass through a sieve and season well.


Poach the smoked haddock in the milk over a gentle heat for about 4-6 minutes until cooked.

1kg Jerusalem artichokes 2 sticks of celery, washed and chopped 1 onion, chopped 1 leek, washed and chopped 100g butter 100ml cream 4 pieces smoked haddock (approx 150g each) Milk for poaching Salt and pepper


Spoon the soup into bowls add a piece of haddock to each bowl and serve.

BEDRUTHAN HOTEL AND SPA M awgan P orth, TR8 4B U 0163 7 861200

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24/12/2018 09:51

You can always expect seasonal, local food and a warm welcome at our wonderful rful new restaurant. Edie’s is run by acclaimed ed chef, Nigel Brown, who has returned to his home county of Cornwall to open Edie’s Kitchen, a family restaurant with local produce, high quality food and great service at its heart.

Specialists in outdoor clothing, footwear, camping, hiking and much more…

BIG ENO TO TRUSUGH T small e to canreough

After a twenty year career spent working with culinary luminaries such as Raymond Blanc at Le Manoir aux Quat’ Saisons and Bill Granger at his eponymous Sydney restaurant, Nigel has brought his well-honed skills and food flair to the beautiful Cornish setting of Carlyon Bay. ••••••••••• 10 Beach Rd, Carlyon Bay, St. Austell PL25 3PH 01726 813888



080.indd 1

Enjoy full use of the swimming pool followed by our delicious wood fired roast. Only available with a reservation Una Kitchen, Laity Lane, Carbis Bay, TR26 3HW | 01736 257 000

23/11/2018 10:59

foodie |

A winter


Warm your cockles with this mouth-watering duck cassoulet dish bursting with flavour and deeply satisfying. PENROSE KITCHEN’S SLOW-COOKED DUCK CASSOULET WITH CARAMELISED ONIONS, PRIMROSE HERD HAM HOCK, SAUSAGES AND BACON.

SERVES 4-6 INGREDIENTS: 1kg haricot beans 1kg primrose herd ham hock


enrose Kitchen is an award-winning restaurant on the outskirts of Truro. Serving a prestigious menu packed full of freshly cooked seasonal produce, the restaurant champions delicious food and drink, coupled with great hospitality and served alongside the beautiful surroundings of tranquil lily ponds. This recipe promises to be a warming meaty feast, full of flavour and ex uisite produce.


In separate bowls of cold water, soak the dried beans and ham hock for 12 hours, changing the bean water three times.


In a large frying pan, heat 30g of the duck fat over a medium heat, add the onions and cook slowly until caramelised, about 10-15 minutes.

55g of duck fat 4 large onions, chopped 12 cloves of garlic, large, thinly sliced 800g of carrots, cut into 5mm thick slices 1 large onion, cut into quarters


2 bay leaves 1 sprig of thyme 4 primrose herd pork sausages


4 small Cornish duck legs 800g unsmoked primrose herd bacon, cut into rashers 1cm thick tbsp flat leaf parsley, chopped Cornish Sea Salt, to season Freshly ground white pepper 100ml red wine


Reduce the heat, add the garlic and cook for a further minutes, or until the mixture is close to a purée consistency. Remove from the heat and set aside. In another large saucepan, place the drained haricot beans, ham hock, carrots, onion quarters, bay leaves, thyme and red wine. Cover with water, about an inch above the beans. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and leave to simmer for 1 hour during this period. Drain the beans, reserving the cooking liquor, and place into a large bowl. Discard the herbs and onion quarters and remove the bone from the ham hock, reserving the meat.

TOP TIP The cassoulet is ready when the crust is deeply caramelised and a knife goes through the beans easily when inserted. Sprinkle with the chopped parsley and serve.


Heat half of the remaining duck fat in a large saucepan, over a high heat. Once hot, add the sausages and cook until browned all over. Remove the sausages and leave to drain on kitchen paper.


In a large earthenware cassoulet dish, spoon the bean mixture in. Add the sausages, duck and back bacon rashers.


Pour enough reserved bean cooking liquor over the top so that everything is just covered.


Preheat the oven to 150 °C/ gas mark 3


Cook for 4 hours but check after 2 hours to ensure the liquor hasn’t evaporated, if so top it up with a little water.


S chool H ill, S hortlanesend, Truro TR4 9 E S 01872 22569 7 p www.p Find more like this:


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24/12/2018 09:57

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22/11/2018 09:41

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16/11/2018 15:03

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