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The bigger picture
RRL’s ‘Intelligent Working’ system could not have come at a better time.
One of the region’s leading tax and accountancy fi rms, , and its private client legal business, Wills imited, has fi nalised its new forward-thinking ‘Intelligent Working’ initiative, ready to implement as soon as government guidance around o ce working allows. rior to the fi rst lockdown restrictions, prompted by the Covid pandemic in arch , had been introducing a remote working system. aperless working had been implemented in addition to safe, secure remote connection to the fi rm’s IT network something often dramatically overlooked by those attempting to implement such a structure.
The latter has involved a signifi cant amount of IT investment over a number of years in fact, part of the fi rm’s business strategy in recent years has seen it invest heavily in its IT infrastructure, in partnership with its IT support provider and cyber security consultants. The objective, has been to ensure confi dence for clients in the security and robustness of the fi rm’s infrastructure, as well as enabling staff the e ibility offered by remote access. The process has been a long
one the culture development re uired to implement all of the changes has re uired buy in by all arms of the business. owever, it enabled the fi rm to immediately, and seamlessly, switch to home working from 4th arch , and move to a e ible Intelligent Working’ structure when the easing of restrictions allowed. Indeed, client service has remained uninterrupted throughout the pandemic, and the fi rm has continued to disseminate vital information for both clients, and the wider Cornish business community, with proactive advice on the government’s many and varied, fast changing business support schemes. ast forward to spring , when the government announced its most recent proposals for the easing of lockdown restrictions, and consulted with all of its staff as to how they wished to work – a process which saw the business continue to move forward, irrespective of the pandemic, as staff were able to work e ibly either from home or the o ce.
The result of the fi rm’s Intelligent Working’ approach involves hybrid home and o ce working, secure and robust IT infrastructure, providing e ible options to clients around methods of communication to facilitate a uality and tailored service, whilst ma imising both productivity and the wellbeing of the team. ut it is so much more than hybrid working’ it encompasses so many different developments that, between them, enhance ’s service e ciency, as well as the development, health and wellbeing of the team.
At , culture development is as fundamental to the business as infrastructure, and without either, it would not have been possible to implement such an initiative. This is a signifi cant challenge for many businesses wishing to make changes immediately, but for , the team’s vision and proactivity have enabled an invaluable lead in time. ut simply, as we come out of what is hopefully the brighter side of the pandemic, is proof that while it has clearly been devastating, it has, in many ways, prompted radical change, a lot of which is most defi nitely positive.
Peat House, Newham Road, Truro TR1 2DP 01872 276116 Nick.latimir@ rrlwills.co.uk www.rrlcornwall.co.uk Find more like this: www.cornwall-living.co.uk
ABOVE RRL’s ‘Intelligent Working’ initiative is a culture change that is fundamental to the business and its infrastructure