3 minute read
Divine provenance

Food in Cornwall has become something of a hot topic in recent years, and it’s no wonder. Surrounded by the sea on all but one side and with local farms growing the fi nest Cornish produce, Penwith is something of a microcosm of the entire county – an out and out foodie destination that continues to thrive. For those hoping to make the most of Penwith’s incredible foodie offering, here is just a taste of what the peninsula has to offer.
MAIN A passion for locally caught seafood shines through the menu at the Tolcarne Inn

Tolcarne Inn, Newlyn 2ne of the fi rst chefs in Cornwall to hold a Michelin Star, Ben Tunnicliffe is something of a pioneer of the Cornish restaurant scene. Passionate about local produce, particularly seafood, his enthusiasm can be seen throughout his menus at Newlyn’s Tolcarne Inn. With one of the 8K’s most important fi shing ports literally on the pub doorstep, where more than 50 species are landed, with the help of Head Chef Matt Smith, Ben is able to deliver show-stopping seasonal menus, from ‘small plates’ in the summer, to roasts by the fi re in the winter. If a proper, nononsense ȵ avour of the Cornish coast is what you’re after, look no further than the Tolcarne Inn, Newlyn. www.tolcarneinn.co.uk after, look no further than the Tolcarne Inn, Newlyn.
Î RIGHT Tuck into something delicious at Archie Browns
Î RIGHT Cream teas by the sea at Land's End Hotel
Archie Browns, Penzance If you’re making the most of a self-catering escape, again, you’ll be hard-pushed to fi nd better produce and ingredients than those available in Cornwall. Archie Browns in Penzance is a perfect example of where to go if you’re stocking your cupboards for the week; from organic produce, to eco-friendly cleaning products, as well as an expanding refi ll range including local eggs, local milk, dried foods and more), Archie Browns is constantly reviewing and reducing its environmental impact, so you can feel good about eating well! Why not pop along to an Archie Browns Supper Club, held on the last Friday of every month? www.archiebrownscornwall.co.uk If you’re making the most of a self-catering escape, environmental impact, so you can feel good about eating well! Why not pop along to an Archie Browns Supper Club, held on the last Friday of every month?

Land’s End Hotel, Land’s End Any trip to Cornwall is surely incomplete without a Cornish cream tea, and any trip to Penwith simply must tie in with a trip to Land’s End! Combining the two, the Land’s End Hotel serves food throughout the day, giving you the opportunity to enjoy the most quintessentially Cornish foodie treat with the most impressive of backdrops. Enjoy your cream tea as you gaze out across the Atlantic ocean, and why not stay awhile? It’s the perfect place to settle down for the evening and enjoy your choice from the restaurant menu, examples of which can be found online. www.landsendhotel.co.uk Any trip to Cornwall is surely incomplete without a Cornish cream tea, and any trip to Penwith simply and enjoy your choice from the restaurant menu,