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Sage advice

Trevena Cross garden centre offer their top tips to the budding coastal gardener.
keeping the plant lower to the ground during the autumn and winter months. Autumn is a great time to plant for establishment beneath the ground, however, we advise top growth be kept down, and plants be pruned right back where vulnerable. It may seem drastic in the short term but it could save your plant in the long term.”
Poor, free draining soils, and salt-laden winds are typical of coastal locations, so choosing plants that tolerate such conditions is key. Graham recommends a good quality, slow-release fertiliser (like Trevena Cross Fertiliser) that will feed your plants for a complete season. He concludes: “Warmer coastal temperatures mean you can take advantage of a huge range of plants. Why not introduce seasonal patio plants? Many of which do exceptionally well by the coast, and last many months. You can’t beat succulents, foliage and subtropical plants for wonderful contrast and texture too”.
If you’d like to see your coastal garden ȵourish, why not pop by and visit Trevena Cross and ask the green fingered experts for more of their top tips? TREVENA CROSS NURSERIES 0 1 7 3 6 7 6 3 8 8 0 sales@ trevenacross.co.uk www.trevenacross.co.uk Find more like this: www.cornwall-living.co.uk W est Penwith, or the ‘wild west’, and its people, are accustomed to coping with seriously challenging weather conditions. It is crucial to living in and enjoying such a beautiful place, nowhere more so than in the garden. Creating a sustainable coastal landscape requires enthusiasm, a peek over the fence to see what your neighbours are growing, and a little advice from some plant-savvy folk. This is where Trevena Cross comes in.
Located a mile from the sea in west Penwith, Trevena Cross has been successfully growing plants adapted for this very landscape, across 35 acres, for more than four decades in its nursery and garden centre.
Trevena Cross owner, Graham Jeffery, shares a few words of wisdom to help inspire ‘wannabe’ coastal gardeners. “A coastal garden with a decent windbreak is crucial to the success of everything else growing there, helping to create the garden’s very own microclimate. We recommend the toughest of hedging for west Penwith, like Elaeagnus ebbingei Compacta or Olearia traversii. Griselinia littoralis is also perfect for a position set a bit further back from the sea.” He also advises being aware of wind rock: “Wind rock is destabilisation of a plant’s roots by strong winds, and can be avoided by

ë é ABOVE Take advantage of a huge range of plants in your coastal garden
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