Automation Update - September 2015

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September 2015

Your automation partner in packaging

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News Innovation, Automation And Skills Gap At The Forefront Of PPMA Show 2015 Seminar Programme The PPMA Show 2015 will play host to an extensive seminar programme at this year’s show with visitors invited to join the likes of Lloyds Bank Commercial Banking, Nestle, PepsiCo and Siemens who will speak about the latest industry trends and hottest issues impacting processing and packaging professionals. Headlining the 2015 seminar programme, former Sainsbury’s

Demonstrating the future trends in manufacturing

4 - Automation Update September 2015

Manufacturing skills gap under the spotlight


Weber’s Latest High Speed Logistics Systems

Print, Apply & Verify On-The-Fly The UK’s warehousing, distribution and logistics sectors continue to expand to meet increasing demand from traditional and on-line retail sales. This has in turn placed ments of these sectors. There is little doubt that the humble label is a crucial element in the manufacturing and logistics chain. Whilst we the consumer, take little notice of this small and unassuming piece of paper, without it being properly applied and the correct information being printed to it, our eagerly awaited package or parcel would probably never arrive. With over 80 years of experience in labels and labelling Weber has become recognised as a market leader and the companies latest systems, targeted at pallet and package labelling serve to reinforce this reputation. The company’s new LA4050P pallet labeller, with its modular construction, is ideally suited to continuous pallet labelling in a high volume environment. The system is designed to apply labels to two adjacent sides of a pallet whilst the pallet is on the move. Depending on application, throughput of up to 7 pallets per minute can be achieved. Just prior to the label being dispensed, any variable data or barcodes are clearly and legibly printed to the label. An optional integrated scanning system

Weber’s LA4050 Parcel Line system can cater for a wide variation in package sizes.

Variable Height Labelling OnThe-Fly The growth of on-line shopping means logistics companies must deal with an ever-increasing range of package and box sizes to cater for the wide variety of products, which we applied and invariably each package

the label, as it is being printed and prior to application. An automatic door is also incorporated as a safeguard. For applications where greater HVE version provides the capability to deal with varying heights. This is achieved using an AC motor drive to raise or lower the system, at speeds of between 150 and 250 mm/second, being presented. 6 - Automation Update September 2015

previous one.

busy logistics environment. Mounted to a gantry, the system can also be automatically moved to the side of the line for replenishment or maintenance Weber Packaging Solutions software, materials and expertise to meet the exacting printing and labelling distribution and logistics sector. Many blue chip companies are currently using Weber technology, with each solution precision engineered to address a

Weber’s LA4050 Parcel Line system caters for these variations which can sensing the product as it approaches the labelling system and adjusting the application height accordingly. Capable of printing and applying up the system has been designed for continuous 24/7 operation within a

For more information please contact: Mr Patrick Hughes Telephone - +44(0)1875 611 111 E-Mail – Web –

Innovative product and packaging coding systems

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Editors Choice

Industry 4.0 drIves the future of the IndustrIal connectors By Kevin canham, hartInG ltd. the concepts involved in Industry 4.0 mean that industrial networks based on cyber-physical systems are advancing dynamically. It is therefore no surprise that the scope of duties performed by industrial connectors is also changing. connectors must not only transmit electricity reliably and without error: they must also relay data in real time. In the future, however, all lifelines – data, signals and power – will come into play. as a result, concepts such as smart power networks are being developed which go beyond pure communication and integrate functions such as power management into the switch. this illustrates a key point about Industry 4.0: that it is all about turning passive components – objects that until now have functioned purely in a mechanical manner – into intelligent ones. this trend has a huge impact on the design and construction of the connector of the future. We are already seeing components like han® industrial connectors being equipped with rfId technology, Id modules and sensors to turn them directly into “smart objects” (fig.1). the han-Modular® system allows power, signal and data all in one connector, providing future proof, customisable connector solutions that support industrial developments as equipment gets faster and more intelligent. the decentralisation and modularisation of production 8 - Automation Update September 2015

systems is at the heart of the concept of Industry 4.0. as a result, the need for industrialgrade connection technology to link the various modules and control cabinets will also rise. these connectors will have to embody certain characteristics: the components used in the respective manufacturing environment must be ensured, and must meet the appropriate levels of protection. communication situation within a plant will have a direct impact on the number of mating cycles. connectors now cease to be purely an installation-related feature and increasingly become multi-use components that must be repeatedly plugged in, disconnected and locked on a daily basis. therefore, industrial connector inserts and housings are now available that permit up to 10,000 mating cycles (fig.2). this feature is pertinent in industries such as testing or mobile machinery in which each step is accompanied by a mating cycle. the durable han® hMc range has been developed


HARTING Han® industrial connectors equipped with RFID technology


HARTING’s HMC family of connectors combines the capability for more than 10,000 mating cycles with protection against harsh environmental conditions

applications, offering reliable connections of more than 10,000 mating cycles. together with the han-Modular® hinged frame, han-Modular® components can be integrated into hMc connectors.

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for shock and vibration with extreme temperature variation and intense orientation changes has been developed by the piezo-ceramic motor and systems manufacturer Nanomotion. Represented in the UK by motion control specialist Heason Technology, Nanomotion’s direct-drive piezoceramic motor technology is characterised by extreme accuracy and precise movement with high resolution and low settling times, coupled with extensive velocity and force dynamics.

The single-axis linear focussing stage and motion system directly drives an optronic device with a mass of around 25 to 35 grams over 20 mm travel to within 2.5 microns accuracy, based on an encoder resolution of 0.25 microns.

Nanomotion’s Edge 4X which provides 1.3N of force with a maximum velocity of 200 mm/sec. With a linear encoder integrated into the stage, the micro-sized motor is powered and controlled by a XCD2 drive/control chip which would

With shock to 40g and vibration to 12g, the stage, which features a preloaded bearing arrangement, achieves the high accelerations and fast settling times required to maintain

programmed using a simple user interface that facilitates set up and downloading of motion scripts.

65 x 45 mm and weighs less than 50 grams. Temperature extremes of -40°C to +50°C can be tolerated. The piezo-ceramic motor used in the focussing stage is

Proven applications for Nanomotion’s piezo-ceramic technology includes non-uniformity correction (NUC) shutters and variable aperture devices on aeronautical and military instruments as well autofocus stages for target acquisition and FLIR spectroscopy equipment.

Automation Update - 11 September 2015

Suckers for efficiency Robotic end-effectors are a hotbed for innovation in pick and place lines right now, and attached to each is a powerful vacuum system that delivers the suction required to move products Effectively, any type of end-tooling, from suction caps to grippers, clamshell or magnets can work with these vacuum systems, emphasises Paul Wilkinson, Business Development manufacturers and contract packers to opt for multi-use endeffectors which can perform multiple tasks, resulting in fewer popular with the last couple of years witnessing a 30%

The design of a vacuum system has to take into account load being handled, automation engineers need to consider “Generally speaking you can lift almost anything by vacuum providing you get the science right and calculate the holding

similar to a compressor, it relies on having a good seal especially suitable for rigid packaging, such as ready meals or plastic pots, as the suction cup sits comfortable high level of vacuum, even through small bore piping and

With a choice of hundreds of various end-effectors to accommodate different products as well as lots of different

in vacuum and can provide anything from pumps, cups,

the suction pads don’t make 100% contact with the

enables us to incorporate the very best and most appropriate automated vacuum handling solution to suit each customer’s The versatility of vacuum

depending on the application and manufacturing sector you pad options, which can accommodate different products and

12 - Automation Update September 2015

This type of vacuum is ideal for handling pots of cream or yogurt or fresh pasta sauces, as well as bagged products, like crisps or products with rough or porous leakage and the ability to mount the pump away from

A SELF CLEANING FILTER IS THE SOLUTION ! Croft Filters can supply high quality self-cleaning filters manufactured by Heco A/S Denmark, and as it is the sole distributor in the UK, can offer a variety of assemblies to suit any business sector. These filters reduce the manual cleaning process and help to decrease downtime, ensuring your production stays efficient. Heco Auto-line Filters are compact self-cleaning automatic filters made from stainless acid-proof EN 1.4404 steel and can be used for a wide range of applications.

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The robust construction of the filter makes it suitable for cleaning the majority of liquids, including paint, lacquer, lubricating oil, bitumen, HFO, grease, paint, toothpaste, water, germination liquids, petrol, syrup, condensate, CIP liquids, antibiotic suspensions and many types of waste water.

唀渀椀琀 䴀愀最渀攀琀椀挀 䈀愀最 䘀椀氀琀攀爀猀

During the cleaning process, dirt is scraped into a sludge chamber from where it is drained away from the filter at appropriate intervals resulting in a defined and absolute cleaning of the filter. The drainage of the filter takes place through the bottom valve, which can be set to be activated after a certain number of scrapings. As a result, the sludge is concentrated before it is pushed out of the filter, meaning that product loss is reduced to a minimum. Heco filters can also offer huge savings as bag filters or cartridges do not need to be replaced, avoiding the inconvenience of disposing of them correctly.

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Dairy - Chemical - Pharmaceutical - Manufacturing Food & Beverage - Petrochemical - Industrial Water - Pulp & Paper

䴀椀挀爀漀-氀椀渀攀 ㄀ 㔀 䘀椀氀琀攀爀猀

Paint & Coatings - Ethanlo & Biofuels - Municiple Water - Power Generation

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AutoCoding Systems extends Partnership Relationship with SICK AutoCoding Systems is one of SICK UK’s largest System Integrators in commercial goods. If you consider that the AutoCoding solution is installed on over 600 packaging lines in food and beverage factories throughout the UK and Ireland, with each line having at least one SICK barcode scanner on each, SICK understandably values AutoCoding Systems’ business partnership and is keen to extend this across other countries and markets. The past 10 years has seen the relationship grow, both commercially and technically, in the UK and across Europe and this is now extending internationally to North America, Australia and Asia. AutoCoding Systems’ coding and a variety of SICK products to meet the challenges of a range of applications. SICK’s range of CLV6xx and Lector scanners are used for 1D and 2D barcode scanning to check retail barcodes, backweb label barcodes and packaging artwork barcodes. Additionally, AutoCoding Systems has a number of vision installations incorporating SICK ICR inspectors and IVC 3D cameras. With the increasing complexity of packaging types and the rising frequency of artwork changes and promotional offers, it is becoming more important to manufacturers to reduce, if not eliminate, any opportunity for error in relation to coding and packaging of products, particularly where mistakes can result in a risk to health. By implementing AutoCoding Systems’ software solution, integrated with SICK’s extensive product range, manufacturers can be sure of the integrity of their products. As well as setting up SICK scanners, inspectors and cameras, AutoCoding’s advanced coding management software is designed to control and manage a wide range of different packaging line devices including inkjet, thermal transfer and laser printers, labellers, print & apply units, checkweighers and metal-detectors, irrespective of equipment manufacturer. By automatically managing the set-up of all the devices, not only is the opportunity

14 - Automation Update September 2015

for date coding errors greatly reduced, but the downtime experienced in product changeovers is kept to a minimum. Additional modules offer enhanced functionality including paperless quality checks to reduce the need for paper records, automatic capture of real-time manufacturing data to provide accurate machine performance information and The full solution includes dynamic control of packaging line behaviour ensuring that the packaging line stops in the event of too many wrong or no reads from the SICK scanners or a device malfunction is detected. AutoCoding Systems and SICK UK have worked on numerous projects together to achieve the most effective solution for the customer. A major bakery manufacturer has AutoCoding installed across 18 of their lines controlling inkjet printers and SICK scanners. The factory uses multiple packaging and to avoid errors and ensure the correct artwork versions are used, the AutoCoding solution manages 1D and 2D scanning to verify all packaging types including film, labels, skillets, base card inserts, flow wrap card slippers, sleeves and menu cards. Whilst training on AutoCoding’s solutions is underway with SICK in Australia, Asia and the US, AutoCoding Systems are continuing to work with SICK UK to identify target markets where AutoCoding Systems’ solutions, using SICK products, can solve both basic and complex applications to deliver measurable results. They will be running short demonstrations of the

AutoCoding solution on the SICK stand at the forthcoming PPMA exhibition at the NEC – Stand E60. For further information, please contact: Janet Harrison – AutoCoding Systems Ltd Email: Tel : 01928 790444


Fristams New Product Launching! At this year’s PPMA show, Fristam Pumps will be presenting its complete portfolio of hygienic powder mixers, centrifugal, positive displacement and high shear pumps. However, the company will be placing a special emphasis on unveiling its most recent hybrid innovation – the FPC pump.

In fact, the newly developed FPC hybrid pump is as capable at evacuating pipelines on the suction side as it is at emptying tanks and vessels.

This new hybrid was designed by Fristam to transport gaseous liquids, after being compelled by the food and beverage industry to craft a pump offering a superior solution to pumping liquids with

On the suction side, this pump combines its open impeller with an upstream rotor screw. It’s this combination of the eccentrically mounted rotor housing and recirculating pipe which makes this hybrid the ideal pump to provide trouble-free pumping of liquids that contain gas.

“The decision came after hearing from customers for years that other pumps on the market were struggling to ensure continuous product flow through the system due to air locking” stated Alastair Black (Fristam Pumps UK).. In addition to being a product pump, the FPC also features a built in CIP self-priming function, which Fristam is notorious for including in their designs.

The design of the FPC is based on the non-self-priming FP centrifugal pump series.

The FPC Is one of Fristam’s most proving it has a staggeringly low energy consumption and produces hardly any noise as it runs. is 80 m³/h, with a maximum discharge pressure of 6 bar.

For more information please visit or call +44 1323 849 849

Automation Update - 15 September 2015

Des – in

Designers and technical buyers in mechanical engineering can now plan machinery and process cooling more easily than ever thanks to the new Rittal TopTherm

Enclosures from the smallest to the largest. ENCLOSURES



signing a chiller n just four steps The online tool will help users precisely determine the necessary cooling output, quickly select the appropriate solution, and automatically compile all the technical data –in just four steps.

The range of functions includes interactive product information on the extensive system accessories.

for engineering can be quickly downloaded in “We have had more than 8,000 requests about dwg, pdf, and 3D-pdf formats, and users can also underlines just how interested Customers

texts, as well as cooling and pump performance characteristics. It means all the necessary technical Westwood, Rittal’s product manager for climate. data is available with just a few clicks of the The tool, which is available in seven languages, mouse and data can be easily transmitted to the manufacturer during the tendering and ordering helps designers and technical buyers in mechanical engineering to design chillers German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch (recooling systems) quickly and easily. The and Russian on the web. basis for calculating the cooling output Further information at and required, and helps in quickly selecting the, appropriate chiller in the 1 to 40 kW power or on twitter @rittal_ltd. range.



High Speed Laser Marker Launch: Designed with Engineers and Manufacturers in Mind

High Speed Metal Marking Galvos and Flatbed Laser Cutters

Visit our galvo demonstration suite

Mark up to 900 characters per second with a high speed galvo from Trotec Laser. With flatbed lasers from A3 to 2.2m x 3.2m in size, Trotec offers the optimum solution for your precision marking, cutting and engraving requirements.

Book a demonstration at our recently launched galvo demonstration suite where you can see four of our precision marking lasers including the brand new SpeedMarker 1300, boasting a working area of 1120 x 635mm.

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18 - Automation Update September 2015

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High Precision low cost MEMS IMUs DMU10 & DMU30 - Two all new products DMU10 is Silicon Sensing Systems’ latest precision MEMS IMU offering class-leading accuracy, in a small and affordable, yet powerful 6 DoF inertial engine. DMU30 due for release in the summer, creates a MEMS IMU alternative to more costly FOG-grade IMUs for use in exacting marine motion sensing applications.

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