ICP Research Report 2021 English

Page 55

Research Report 2021

Institute of Computational Physics

K. P. PERNSTICH, Eine App zur Gamification der Übungen in MINT-Fächern. Bürgenstock-Konferenz der Schweizer Fachhochschulen und Pädagogischen Hochschulen, Lucerne, Switzerland, 10–11 January 2020. B. SIYAHHAN, G. K. BOIGER, A dynamic Eulerian-Lagrangian solver for the optimization of powder coating processes. In: Multiphysics 2020, International Conference of Multiphysics, Online, 11-12 December 2020. International Society of Multiphysics, p. 40. 2020, https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5c9f89c101232c1d41297d67/t/5fd1bf288185f4776a0d1807/160 7581490712/MULTIPHYSICS+2020+-+Abstracts.pdf. W. TRESS, Z. WANG, F. EBADI GARJAN, 2020, Understanding transient optoelectronic measurements and operation of perovskite solar cells, In: 7th International Conference on Simulation of Organic Electronics and Photovoltaics (SimOEP), online, 31 August - 2 September 2020.

A.5 Teaching T. BERGMANN, T. HOCKER, Thermische Energiesysteme für Maschinentechnik und Energie- und Umwelttechnik, Vorlesung, FS21, Bachelor of Science. D. BERNHARDSGRÜTTER, Analysis 1 für Aviatik, Vorlesung und Praktikum, HS20, Bachelor of Science. D. BERNHARDSGRÜTTER, Lineare Algebra 1 für Elektrotechnik und Systemtechnik, Vorlesung, HS20, Bachelor of Science. D. BERNHARDSGRÜTTER, Analysis 2 für Aviatik, Vorlesung und Praktikum, FS21, Bachelor of Science. D. BERNHARDSGRÜTTER, Lineare Algebra 2 für Elektrotechnik und Systemtechnik, Vorlesung, FS21, Bachelor of Science. G. BOIGER, Mathematik: Numerik 2 für Informatik, Vorlesung, HS20, Bachelor of Science. G. BOIGER, TSM Advanced Thermodynamics, HS20, Master of Science in Engineering. G. BOIGER, EVA OpenFoam I - Thermo-Fluid-Dynamic Model Development using OpenFoam, HS20, Master of Science in Engineering. G. BOIGER, Fluid- und Thermodynamik 1 für Maschinentechnik und Energie- und Umwelttechnik, Vorlesung und Praktikum, FS21, Bachelor of Science. G. BOIGER, TSM Two Phase Flow / Heat- and Mass Transfer, FS21, Master of Science in Engineering. G. BOIGER, EVA OpenFoam II - Thermo-Fluid-Dynamic Model Development using OpenFoam, FS21, Master of Science in Engineering. M. BONMARIN, Höhere Mathematik für Informatiker 1, Vorlesung und Praktikum, HS20, Bachelor of Science. M. BONMARIN, Physik 1 für Systemtechnik, Vorlesung und Praktikum, HS20, Bachelor of Science. M. BONMARIN, Ausgewählte Kapitel in der Medizintechnik für Elektrotechnik und Systemtechnik, Vorlesung und Praktikum, FS21, Bachelor of Science. M. BONMARIN, Höhere Mathematik II für Informatiker, Vorlesung und Praktikum, FS21, Bachelor of Science. M. BONMARIN, Physik 2 für Systemtechnik, Vorlesung und Praktikum, FS21, Bachelor of Science. D. FEHR, Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik und Digitaltechnik für Informatik, Praktikum, HS20, Bachelor of Science. T. HOCKER, Aviation Projects 1 für Aviatik, Praktikum, HS20, Bachelor of Science.

Zurich University of Applied Sciences



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Articles inside

A.6 ICP Spin-Off Companies

pages 57-59

A.5 Teaching

pages 55-56

A.2 Scientific Publications

pages 50-52

5 Computational Physics and Artificial Intelligence

pages 47-48

4.5 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Heat Pump Controller

page 46

Measurement Technology for Decentralized Energy Systems

page 45

Portable Device for Early Diagnosis of Lymphedema

page 43

Design and Development of Artificial Skin Models for Tactile Sensing Applications

page 44

Detecting Nanoparticles in Complex Environments

page 42

Hardware-Software Integration and Validation of a Compact THz System

page 40

All-Organic Gap-Free Terahertz Photonics

page 39

Silicon Solar Cell Parameter Estimation by a Convolutional Neural Network Trained on Simulated Data

page 34

Investigating Charge Transport in Organic Semiconductors with Electrochemical Methods and Modelling

page 38

Dynamics of Charge Transfer States in Organic Semiconductor Devices: A Combined Experimental and Simulation-Based Approach (CTDyn

page 36

New Tools for Characterizing Quantum-Dot Displays

page 37

3 Organic Electronics and Photovoltaics

page 33

Experimental Validation of an Electro-Thermal Small-Signal Model for Large-Area Perovskite Solar Cells

page 35

3-D model of Water and Heat Transport in PEMFCs during Evaporative Cooling and Humidification

page 30

A New Thermodynamical Framework for Improved Aqueous Flow Battery Modelling

page 31
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