EWB Australia: Organization Overview and Timor Leste Partnerships

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EWB Australia Organization Overview & Timor Leste Partnerships

Presented by: Bradley Abbott

Engineers Without Borders (EWB) • Founded in 2003 • In 2008/09 – $1.5M turnover – 35 volunteers overseas – 35 volunteers on indigenous projects – Membership of 1,500 – Community of 4,000 – 20 volunteer-run chapters around Australia

• Not just for engineers • Not just for youth

Mission •

Engineers Without Borders works with disadvantaged communities to improve their quality of life through education and the implementation of sustainable engineering projects.

Through the process of helping people in need we become more socially aware and responsible, improve ourselves, inspire others to action and further our ultimate goal of sustainable development.

What we do What We Do Build Partner Capacity  Engineering Skills  Appropriate Technologies  Engineering Curriculum  Educational Television & Film

Who Do We Work With? Local Community Groups • Australian Indigenous Communities • South / Southeast Asia

Universities • EWB Challenge • Student Chapters • Research – Graduate & Undergraduate Engineering • Curriculum Development

Who Do We Work With?

Local projects

• Spokes in the Wheel

Where EWB Works

East Timor Partnerships Dili Based  Rural Water Supply & Sanitation (BESIK)  Bia Hula Foundation  Dili Insitute of Technology Civil Curriculum

Los Palos District  Plan Timor Leste

East Timor Partnerships Rural Water Supply & Sanitation (RWSSP/BESIK)  AUSAID funded partnership with  Build capacity of Timor Government SAS* district tech officers (DTO’s)  Develop standards of practice for DTO’s  Improve competency in survey, design and construction

* SAS (Survicos de Agua Saneamento)

East Timor Partnerships Bia Hula Foundation  Water, sanitation & basic hygeine  Community development around water programs  Active in western districts  Main office in Dili

EWB Volunteer  Basic technical design & general support  Survey techniques & project management  Organize training workshops

East Timor Partnerships Dili Institute of Technology  Private, non profit  Vocational, certificate & bachelor programs:  Engineering  Business  Tourism  Petroleum management

EWB Volunteer  Civil Engineering Curriculum Development  Develop industry linkages  Faculty capacity development  Support institutional development

DIT Aimutin Campus Civil Engineering / Hospitality Training

Automotive Trades

Petroleum Studies / Language Centre


Library / Classrooms Administration

Dili Institute of Technology (DIT) Moto “Matenek Nodi Serbii” “Educated to Serve”

Mission The mission of the Dili Institute of Technology is to provide education, practical training, research and service at the highest international standards, to satisfy the community need for people with knowledge, expertise and skill in science, technology and professions, appropriate for the national development of East Timor and the broader socio-economic advancement of the region.

DIT Institutional Overview Academic Programs  10 Bachelor Degrees, 11 Certificates  Academic Schools  Engineering & Science  Tourism & Hospitality Managment  Petroleum Studies  Business & Management

Facilities (Dili)  6 Buildings – 1 Under Construction  Library, automechanics workshop, Language Centre

Student Body  2081 Total  1228 Male  853 Female

DIT / EWB Partnership  History  Goals of Project  Activities

Partnership History  National working group to strengthen national water/sanitation technical & engineering education (2009)  Partners:  University of Western Australia (UWA)  National University Timore Leste (UNTL)  Dili Institute of Technology  CNEFP

 Good planning and collaboration initially  Initiative stalled due to funding & collaboration issues  DIT most responsive partner  EWB keeping Civil curriculum development alive at DIT (2010) in interim while larger strategy is re-organized

DIT / EWB Partnership Goals  Establish Civil engineering curriculum design process  Improve Civil faculty’s capacity to teach  Build linkages with stakeholders  Improve teaching resources  Support broad institutional development goals

 Achieve Civil Engineering program accreditation  2013 start for national accreditation process

Activities • Assisted completion of accreditation update • Work sessions to map Civil Engineering competency standard to curriculum - Still in process • Initiated partnership with Worley Parsons / Others • Installing / configuring server for intranet • Help develop research guidelines • Cross cultural exchange - Timorese Dancing!

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