Northern Division News - April 2010

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News Engineers Australia Northern Division

April 2010

Survey House 14 Shepherd Street Darwin GPO Box 417 Darwin NT 0801 Telephone (08) 8981 4137 Fax (08) 8941 3449 Email Website:

In this issue ... • •

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President’s Report Meet the Management Committee - Capt. Tim Hajenko - Maj. James Dugdell - Jaswent Deo Lt. K Patel, CPEng Structural Dynamics Course - 1 - 2 June Director’s Report Young Engineers Meet n Greet 2010 Engineering Excellence Awards Registration online Nilsen Poole’s Ponderings Gala Dinner Calendar of Events

President’s Report It's hard to believe how fast this year is going and we are into April already. The past two months have been extremely busy not only for myself but for Bronwyn and her staff plus the other management committee members. The highlight of the past two months has to have been the Gala Dinner which attracted around 130 people and featured Professor Jonathan Carapetis, Director of The Menzies School of Health as our keynote speaker. Jonathan gave an inspiring talk on leadership and management . The lighter side of the night took us into the realms of Star Trek and Star Wars as each table attempted to build the best teleporter which was judged by our political friends Rob Knight and Kezia Purick. We have had a couple of excellent lunch time CPD presentations so far this year, broadly aimed at our Structural and Civil members. The first from Professor David Lilly Chair of Structural Engineering at CDU and the second from structural engineer Charles Jetann. I did not attend these functions myself due to previous engagements, however I have had excellent feedback from those that did attend . I attended the National President Forum meeting in Canberra on 2 March where, among other things, we reviewed the proposed revisions to the Division Regulations, the Bye-Laws and the Code of Ethics. EA national president Doug Hargraves spoke in some length on this year's theme “The Year of Engineering Leadership” and has asked all Divisions and members to aim at promoting the following four key messages during the year.

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Members of the engineering team are identified as leaders in providing sustainable and innovative solutions to society's challenges. The community identifies engineering as the desired profession Engineers Australia for those who want to become leaders in the future. Engineers Australia is an organisation that fosters and develops engineering leaders through out all stages of their careers. Members of the engineering team value and are proud to be part of the engineering profession.

On closing I would like to welcome Jaswant Deo to the management committee as the new National Engineering Associate member. Len Chappell President Northern Division


Northern Division’s Management Committee Members Capt. Tim Hajenko, GradIEAust

Major James Dugdell MIEAust CPEng BE(Hons)Chair, Young Engineers

Captain Tim Hajenko took up his James Dugdell is the new Chair of appointment as the Staff Officer, Technical Young Engineers Northern Division. An Regulatory Framework at the 1st Brigade in Army Major at Headquarters Northern January 2010. Prior to taking up this apCommand in Darwin, he is currently pointment he had served in a variety of employed as the Personnel Officer. roles in cavalry regiments, managing the James joined the Young Engineers in workshops of a signals regiment, an inDarwin in February 2009 so as to mainstructional role at the Army Recruit Traintain contact with other young engineers. ing Centre and several years of long term schooling to complete his degree. Tim’s James began his career in the current role involves monitoring compliArmy in 1995, attending the Australian ance and implementing improvements to Defence Force Academy where he rethe maintenance systems for the 1st Brigade. ceived a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil). He was commissioned to the Royal Australian Engineers after completion of training at the Tim studied electrical engineering at the University of Royal Military College, Duntroon in 1998. New South Wales, Australian Defence Force Academy and in his final year focused on high frequency acoustic signal processing in After completing his degree, James’ first posting was as a the underwater environment. He particularly enjoyed the re- Mechanised Troop Commander at the 1st Combat Engineer Regisearch component of his studies and hopes to recommence re- ment at Robertson Barracks in Darwin. He then moved to 19th Chief Engineer Works in Sydney as a Project Engineer for the search in this area in the near future. Defence Cooperation Program works in Fiji. This saw him manPrior to joining the Army Tim spend several years work- aging small to medium construction and refurbishment projects, ing as a deckhand on various types of boats. This led to him race using local contractors and Fijian and Australian Army Tradesin several Sydney to Hobart yacht races and work for a period men to complete the tasks. James also participated in a five month civil military exchange to Sinclair Knight Merz St Leonards office crewing yachts in Europe. as a structural engineer. Tim and his partner Corinne are ecstatic about returning Following his posting to Fiji, James then moved to Infrato Darwin where they met 12 years ago. They both enjoy the tropics and the outdoor lifestyle that it offers. In particular they hope structure Asset Development Branch in Canberra where he was to make use of their boat which has been neglected during the last responsible for the development and delivery of a number of major and medium works projects. One of those projects was the few years in Canberra. $207.2 million fourth stage of the Townsville Lavarack Barracks Redevelopment and Helicopter Underwater Escape Training Facility. It was during this time at Infrastructure Asset Development Upcoming Conferences 2010 Branch, that James became a Chartered Professional Engineer.

Engineering Leadership Conference 2010 5th—7th May 2010 Venue: Brisbane Convention Centre Visit:

James has also been deployed to Honiara on the Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands (RAMSI) as a project manager for the completion of the construction of the Police and Army accommodation at the Guadalcanal Beach Resort. He has also deployed to Basra in Iraq as an embedded officer with the British Division where he was responsible for the design, development and delivery of physical force protection measures and for the supervision of contract delivered infrastructure works in support of the British Forces. James will return to Canberra in January 2011 for twelve months in order to further his studies.

CPD Webcasts on line visit search/events/media vision

He is keen to see as many young engineers as possible support the events this year.


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Northern Division’s Management Committee Members and New Members Jaswent Deo, OMIEAust Northern Division Welcomes new Associate Representative The Management Committee of Engineers Australia Northern Division would like to welcome Jaswent Deo as the Associate representative on the committee. Jaswent is a member of Engineers Australia, the Australian Institute of Project Management, the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediation Australia and the Australian Institute of Refrigeration Airconditioning and Heating. He is currently a certified Practising Project Manager and is in the process of obtaining is chartered professional engineering certificate with Engineers Australia. He is involved with Junior Rigby Union, Basketball and Australian Rules Football as his children are activitely participating in the sports. Jaswent has lived in the Northern Territory since 1982 and his qualifications include Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, Diploma in Project Manager, is currently completing his Professional Certificate in Arbitration and is also has a Practising Certificate in Mediation.

Northern Division welcomes the Following new members Mr J Sebastian StudIEAust Mr A J Dugan MIEAust Mr R D R Milner StudIEAust Mr S Giess StudIEAust Mr R Airlangga StudIEAust Miss E D Folley StudIEAust Miss J K Jones StudIEAust Miss J M D C Tchong StudIEAust Mr J K Parsons StudIEAust Miss C Mac StudIEAust Mr B T Baby StudIEAust Mr C Mathew StudIEAust Mr J J M Kapi StudIEAust Mr K Periyaiya OMIEAust Prof B K Cockson MASME MIEAust

Jaswent will be the voice for Associates on the Management Committee, along with representating the Northern Territory on the National Associates Committee.

An introduction to Dynamic Loading and Response of Structures Course 1 - 2 June 2010 - Everything you wanted to know!

For further information contact: Karen Relph by email


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Congratulations Lt Keyurkumar Patel, MIE, CPEng. First Lieutenant in Army to receivie CPEng and NPER for Mechanical Aerospace and Information, Telecommunications, Electronics Engineer (ITEE)

Stage Two competencies (and overall CPEng accreditation) is achieved via documenting three compulsory competencies and two elective competencies. In total, over thirty sub element competencies need to be proved. The introduction of electronic CER reporting makes the CPEng procedure simple and traceable. Once the engineer, the mentor and the supervisor are satisfied that the engineer’s CERs prove the engineer’s competencies, the CERs and a summary of the engineer’s academic and professional work experience documents are submitted to the Institute of Engineers Australia for assessment.

Lieutenant Keyurkumar Patel achieves accreditation as a Chartered Professional Engineer Lieutenant Keyurkumar Patel joined the Army on 31st March 2008 as a RAEME Aerospace SSO and was posted to the Army Aviation Training Centre (AAvnTC). He was later detached to the Army Aviation Systems Program Office (AASPO). He became a member of the Institution of Engineers Australia and commenced work to become a Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng). He wrote Career Episode Reports between his training continuum courses. Working at AASPO helped achieve CPEng as he was missing a few sub elements from his civilian career, but these gaps were soon filled. His CPEng status was conferred on 29th July 2009. Lieutenant Patel is very proud to be the first Lieutenant in the Army to achieve the status of CPEng with National Professional Engineers Registration (NPER) for Mechanical, Aerospace and Information, Telecommunication, Electronics Engineer (ITEE). He says: “For me the entire CPEng application process was a very worthy experience as a practising engineer and above all it is great to be recognised as a professional among peers, defence contractors and APS members.” Lieutenant Keyurkumar Patel’s Commission and CPEng certificate were awarded by the Commander of AASPO, COL Rob Crowe, FIEAust, CPEng in presence of the Director General of the Army Aviation Systems, BRIG Charles (Jock) Crocombe, AM on 21 Aug 09 during AASPO’s 17th Birthday.

Once the Institute of Engineers Australia has completed its assessment, the engineer undertakes a professional interview featuring three industry members and an Institute of Engineers Australia assessor. During the interview, the engineer presents and is assessed on all facets of their professional competence and experience. Professionalism, engineering ethics, leadership, up-to-date expertise, environmental considerations, quality, safety and the ability to undertake independent practice are hallmarks of the interview step. The Engineers Australian website has further discussion and guidance on how to become CPEng certified The Army supports CPEng via a variety of professional development programs. Unit senior engineers are able to provide guidance on how to access these programs.

Emeritus Professor Rod Troutbeck FIEAust Director, Troutbeck & Associates Date: Wednesday 26th May 2010

How to achieve CPEng status? The first CPEng step is to prove the Stage One competencies. Competencies are documented via Career Episode Reports (CER). When considering how to write up their CERs, engineers can draw on their experience of a large project and hence write only one CER, or they can draw on several small projects and therefore write several CERs. At the end of Stage One, the engineer progresses to become a professional member of the Institute of Engineers Australia with MIEAust as a post nominal.

Time: 12noon for 12.30pm Start Location: Auditorium, Engineers Australia Northern Division, Survey House, 14 Shepherd St, Darwin. Visit and follow the link to register for this event.


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Director’s Report 2010 is well underway and we have been having some interesting presentations for our Continuing Professional Development Program. There are many more to come so please keep looking at your emails and come along so that we can continue to provide these for you.

ments for those wishing to become chartered. Chris will provide expert support for the Professional Development Program companies as well so please let him know your requirements. We will be holding sessions here so, again, keep looking for these events.

I attended a job show in Brisbane recently (ReinveNT your Career) which was sponsored by the Department of Business and Employment. There were several professional associations invited to attend and we were overwhelmed by the number of people we spoke to over the weekend (5,200 in total came through the door). You will already have realThere were many unemployed engineers making enquiries and ized that the Engineering Excellence some of our members who had listed vacancies have had an opAwards are in July again this year portunity to talk to these people. Thanks to those companies who and we are going to a new venue at listed their positions, there were 350 in total. the Turf Club. Our project entries are coming in and we would like This is the Year of Engineering Leadership and we are you to consider who you might want to nominate for the People planning a series of breakfasts to celebrate some of our talented in Engineering Awards. You will recall that Tom Maher won the NT leaders. If you have any ideas that you wish to put forward national Engineering Technologist of the year last year. Please see please contact your national CELM representative, Kevan Blake. who you know that might follow in his footsteps. Get your table bookings in and consider sponsoring a student to the event. I am looking forward to seeing many of you at events during the year. I am sure those that attended the Gala Dinner are Our newest staff member Chris Jenkins has started in Dar- still talking about it and are in recovery mode! Bronwyn Russell win. We are privileged to have Chris’s expertise, having wrested Director him from Newcastle Division, to provide support and assess-


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Young Engineers Meet n Greet On Friday 12 Young Engineers held their annual Meet-n-Greet at the University Pirates Bar. The Meet-nGreet is a chance for all the young engineers within Darwin to get together to establish networks and catch up with other engineers. The Meet-n-Greet also provides a chance for senior engineers to meet the up and coming graduate and student engineers and provide them some encouragement on the path to their engineering career. This year's function was very well attended with about 40 young engineers and students and a couple of senior engineers as well. The Meet-n-Greet was a very relaxed affair with a barbecue put on by the generosity of Wallbridge and Gilbert and a small challenge where members needed to find answers to seemingly random questions by asking around their peers . The eventual winner, Mina, took away a nice bottle of red wine.

You can now register for tickets on line 2010 ENGINEERING EXCELLENCE AWARDS Where: “Skyline Marquee� Darwin Turf Club, Fannie Bay When: Thursday 22nd July 2010 RSVP: 22nd July 2010 Dress: Black Tie Tickets: $155.00 each $115.00 students (if your organisation would like to sponsor a student, please also include number in the registration) Visit the website and click on the link to register for your tickets on line.

Youth Partner

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Our Partners are proud to support Engineers Australia Northern Division


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Poole’s Ponderings Older engineers and the general public often can be heard talking of “the good old days” but in one particular field of our existence the old days were probably “the bad old days”. Architects (some) and builders generally have us working and residing in structures that would be uninhabitable if it were not for air conditioning. Refrigeration, Ventilation and Mechanical Engineers have certainly made our Caravans Sullivan Camp 1969 lives more comfortable and productive by developing air conditioning systems for modern commercial, service and residential buildings.

The Bad Old Days (BAC)

A brief history of the development of air conditioning Earlier civilisations such as the Romans and Ottomans constructed buildings that had heating or cooling systems to make life more comfortable. Hollow walls were filled with snow brought down from the mountains, slave’s powered fans (punkahs) to force air over blocks of ice and lattice screens with wetted absorbent material placed in openings in walls through which air flowed were some of the early systems adopted to modify the “climate” in an occupied space.

became accepted practice with the development of systems for trains, aeroplanes motor cars and residential accommodation also occurring. The medium used for the refrigeration process has evolved over time; early systems used substances dangerous to human health such as ammonia; chlorofluorocarbons developed in the 1920’s were not harmful to health but were subsequently shown in the 1980’s to harm the ozone layer. Synthetic refrigerants such as R-134a are now utilised. Ammonia is still used in some industrial systems. Air conditioning in the Northern Territory The Northern Territory climate is one of extremes in temperature and humidity with the Centre being very cold, very hot, dry and / or humid and the Top End warm, hot, humid or very humid depending on the time of day or year. In 1925 Sir George Buchanan (reportedly a selfopinionated English engineer who after being expelled from the Institution of Engineers in England spent time giving advice to governments in Australia) stated, “If there is a place in the world where electric fans or punkahs are an absolute necessity for six months of the year it is Darwin”.

An Architect W T Haslam from the Central office of the Commonwealth Dept of Works and Housing undertook a study tour to the Dutch East Indies and Singapore in 1936 to study tropical architecture. “He concluded that the main factor in obtaining comfort in tropical areas was to ensure the free movement of air’ Housing subsequently constructed in the north by the government was of Cooling methods utilising evaporation, timber frame construction with a large percentage condensing, vapour compression and absorption of the external and internal walls containing louwere identified and developed by researchers over a vers. Internal walls were not constructed to conperiod of 1000 years. Refrigeration for industrial and nect with the ceiling further enhancing cross flow commercial purposes was developed in the nineventilation. In 1961 two ceiling fans were installed teenth century, scientists and engineers applied the in government owned residences, one in the living room principles of physics to develop refrigeration systems Caravan Lonely Springs 1967 and one in the master bedroom with provision made for that chilled food or produced ice to preserve food. Most of this work occurred in Europe and North America however, an Austra- three additional fans to be installed at a later date. In 1964 these three fans lian James Harrison developed the first practical ice making and refrigera- were installed as part of the initial construction. The five fans increased tion room for industrial use in Geelong Victoria in 1856, and a William the cost of a house by a mere $75 in 1964 dollars. Davidson fitted a refrigeration unit to a New Zealand ship in 1882. Albert In 1957 the federal government committee Einstein and Leo Szilard invented the Einstein responsible for housing standards in the north refrigerator in 1926; this was one of numerous agreed that all houses in tropical areas should be systems suitable domestic refrigeration develair conditioned on the proviso that the capital and oped. operating costs were at a level that tenants could afford. Air conditioning was inefficient in those Air conditioning was a development days and the estimated electricity cost of $14 per of refrigeration and ventilation which evolved week was deemed to be too expensive. (The averfrom late in the nineteenth century and early age weekly wage was probably three or four twentieth century into the industry and applicatimes the $14 running cost). The government set tions whose development continues to this day. up a system in the late 1960’s room where air William Carrier is recognised as the person who conditioners were in fact made available at a fortconstructed and patented the first machines that nightly rental of $3.39 to cover installation maintecould produce air at selected temperature and nance and depreciation, with the tenant responsible humidity, prior to this either temperature or humidity for power costs. Few people took up this option. was modified to a required level by the equipment but CDW Offices Cape Crawford 1969 not both. Early air conditioning systems were develA large proportion of the government and private houses oped for industrial buildings such as printing works, textile factories and pharmaceutical plants where temperature and humidity variations had constructed up until the occurrence of cyclone Tracy were elevated with louvres and cross flow ventilation. The Housing Commission had tradiimpacts on the production rate and quality of the products produced. tionally built ground level brick houses but with a large proportion of the The installation of air conditioning in public buildings such as walls being louvre windows and with part height internal louvered walls government offices, hospitals, operating theatres, picture theatres quickly to provide cross flow ventilation.


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Poole’s Ponderings The house designs adopted in the immediate post cyclone An old Civil Engineers experiences with and with out air conditioning. period were relatively massive concrete structures, Grollo shot crete Back to the Bad old Days; my first experiences with airwalls, PDC precast slabs and Barclay cast in situ concrete walls. These houses had a relatively high thermal mass and small windows so comfort conditioning in the Territory were in November 1967. The narrow gauge Ghan carriages were air conditioned howfrom natural ventilation ever you could open the “stable“ type doors was minimal. The Comat the end of the carriages and enjoy the dry monwealth and NT governheat of the Simpson Desert as you rolled ever ment did continue conso slowly across it. When it got too hot you structing elevated steel clad just went back inside the carriage. The Ghan framed structures with was scheduled to arrive in Alice Springs late louvre windows into the in the evening; the Commonwealth Railways 1980’s however when they had a policy that if the train arrived before stopped providing houses midnight every one had to get off; after midfor public servants connight passengers could stay on the train till struction ceased. On morning. As luck would have it we arrived ground concrete floor slab just before midnight so off the air condiwith block work walls has tioned train into the heat and head for the now become the norm for motel advertised as “air conditioned for your house construction with the comfort”. consequence that air conditioning is now a necessity. The motel reception was closed due to the late hour however a black board listed the The type of air names and room numbers of expected guests. Found my conditioning available for domestic use has changed Tents (left) Steelcon Camp room complete with air conditioner however the RAC lead from small industrial units with ducting systems to all Victoria River 1969 was not plugged into the power point, strangely when I rooms 1930’s; to room air conditioners or RAC / window rattlers 1960/70’s to package units or Weatherwalls 1970/80’s to attempted to plug it in it was about a foot short!!! A small sign by the the now common split systems 1990’s. Those who can afford it still get power point advised that “Extension leads can be hired from reception for $X per day” Reception as I mentioned earlier was shut! Next day the best value from ducted systems with small industrial units. Pioneer bus to Katherine was air conditioned. Houses in Central Australia were constructed with evaporative I spent the next six years working in the Katherine Region cooling from 1965. The operational cost of evaporative systems was low with a fan being the only energy absorbing component. Ducted systems where the new town office was air conditioned, however all facilities in the bush and on day labour construction sites had natural heating or allowed the whole building to be air-conditioned relatively cheaply. cooling. Accommodation for supervisors and engineers were large aluThe construction of office accommodation with air condition- minium clad caravans equipped with 12volt DC and gas lighting and gas ing for public servants in Darwin was first considered in 1939. The deci- stoves. Workers lived in tents supplied by the government or in caravans sion was made not to install air conditioning as ‘it was considered that they purchased them selves. Site offices were concrete slabs with timber greater comfort and convenience would be afforded and healthier condi- framed walls with fly wire or louvres and sheet iron roof. If 240v A C tions maintained by providing commodious working space and ensuring power was available then a pedestal fan could be used. adequate ventilation”. The offices were not constructed as war interThe first demountable offices and accommodation I remember vened. It was not until 1963 that new air conditioned offices were constructed; well ventilated Sydney Williams huts obviously provided com- were installed by Thiess Bros on the Roper Beef Road construction in 1970 RAC’s were installed in the demountables. fort and convenience in the years after the war. Katherine had two cars with air conditioning, the Area Manager had a Sedan and a four wheel drive Toyota Land Cruiser station wagon, known as the Royal Barge, was available to transport visiting dignitaries. All other vehicles were stock standard air condition less; as car air conditioning became available as an option some people put effort into trying to justify its installation through the government system very Two recent examples of large scale air conditioning projects are few succeeded. It was not until the NT Government came into being in the chilled water inlet air cooling on some of the turbines at the Channel 1978 that vehicles were purchased with air conditioning as standard. Air Island power station; cool air increases the efficiency of the turbine; and conditioning is now installed as basic equipment in a motor vehicle. the “stratified thermal storage tank” at CDU where water is chilled at The Commonwealth government, in the 1960/70’s supplied night and stored for use in the air conditioning system during the day. houses for married public servants, the prerequisites were you had to be The design, construction and operation of air conditioning in married and you had to go on a waiting list; if you had an important the tropics are specialised tasks. Numerous examples exist of large and position you could get priority positioning on the list and get the next small scale installations designed or constructed by the unwary / inexpe- available house, if you were engaged to be married you could go on the rienced that have not performed satisfactorily and have required rework list and once married and a house became available you could move in. to make the system perform satisfactorily and repair the structural or cosmetic damage. Since the mid 1960’s most office and commercial buildings have had air conditioning installed, the Darwin High School, Darwin Hospital ICU and operating theatres were some of the first non office or accommodation buildings constructed. The Hot and Cold bar of the Darwin Hotel was an early air conditioned watering hole.


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Poole’s Ponderings cont….. Adina and I were engaged in February 1972 and were married in December 1972 we moved into an M7 type house on Giles St Katherine in January 1973. The house was eminently suitable for the tropics, louvered windows let the air flow through the house, and the ceiling fans caused air movement when the breezes stopped. Life with out air conditioning was bearable. In November 1973 we moved from Katherine to Darwin. The advantage of renting a government house in Katherine was that rather than going on the Darwin housing list and waiting years for a house to become available you could hand back the keys to the Katherine house drive to Darwin and pick up the keys to a house. The only technical part of this process was that you had the choice of two houses and you had to select one over the telephone. I asked the person on the other end of the line if I could get some one to go out and look at each house and call them back? They responded No! But I can tell you we have an old one next door to Bagot and a new one in Wanguri. Adina and I became the proud renters of a C19 type house it was so suitable for the climate that we needed a blanket on the bed in November, Katherine is warm relative to Darwin! We purchased the place from the government in December 1974.

Karelhouse Designs

Cyclone Tracy partially destroyed the superstructure and made the supporting columns lean over so we built a new ground level house of block work walls with face brick, very narrow double hung windows were installed to minimise exposure to debris in the next cyclone. It was a secure house but totally unsuited to the climate and unpleasant to live in un air conditioned. We learnt from our mistakes and when we moved to Berrimah built a steel framed, steel clad building not unlike a C19 type, on short columns with large louvres and oriented north south to allow the prevailing wind to flow through. The house is ideal for the tropics with out air conditioning! We have in recent times constructed a room with air conditioning for the dog (the TV is also now in this room) In these times of climate change, ETS, carbon taxing and rising electricity prices we should question whether every building needs to be constructed in a manner that makes air conditioning a necessity; operating theatres, performing arts centres and some offices maybe every dwelling and work place maybe not! The bad old days of no air conditioning were not that bad. The views expressed in this article are my own. Additional information has been obtained from George Redmond’s unpublished work “A History of Public Works in The Northern Territory” and from discussions with Dominic Fracaro on his memories of working in Darwin, Katherine and the bush in the 1960’s

Karelhouse Designs

I apologise in advance to those Engineers whose expertise lies in the air conditioning field for errors in the content

Another Image of Tropical Designs Living in unsuitable dwellings


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Gala Dinner 2010 - Celebrating the “Year of Engineering Leadership”

“Take me to your Leader” The theme for this year’s Gala Dinner With great enthusiasm and gusto over 130 members and their guests took up the mission of building a “spaceship or transporter” to take them to their leader at this year’s gala dinner which was held in the Arafura Ballroom at the Holiday Inn Esplanade on 18 March.

task of choosing the winning table with some very inspiring designs being displayed on the stage area. The overall winners were the Aurecon table. Their design focused on eco and carbon friendly transporter with Kevan Blake being nominated as the transportee. Many of the designs included “body parts” too rude to mention in our newsletter and many “out there” ideas. The Chair of Structural Engineering, Prof. David Lilley from Charles Darwin University keenly displayed his attempts of fishing to get a ball of string over the top of a roof structure – he finally required the assistance of the Deputy Leader of the Opposition (who incidentally has a good throw) to get it over the top.

Guests were provided with airconditioning ducting (kindly donated by our sponsor Airducter), cardboard boxes, The Holiday Inn kindly provided a $300 prize voucher slinkies, coloured icy-pole sticks, string, steelo pads, silver foil, tape and pipe cleaners and many more interesting components for use at the restaurant for the winning table. to make their transport of choice. The keynote speaker for the evening was Professor Jonathan Carapetis, Director of Menzies School of Health. Jonathan’s talk was extremely inspirational and focused on the need for great leaders not only in business but in all aspects of life. He spoke passionately about his work at Menzies and keenly joined in the evening’s activities. The judges for the evening were Rob Knight, Minister for Business and Employment and Kezia Purick, Deputy Leader of the Opposition. They had the unenviable


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Engineers Australia Northern Division Calendar of Events 2010 Date



27th—29th April

Science and Engineering Challenge/SMART


7th May

Science and Engineering Challenge

Alice Springs

10th May

National President’s Visit

Prof. Doug Hargreaves

10th May 6.30pm

Dinner with the National President Alice Springs

Windmill Restaurant Palm Court, Alice Springs (Off The Gap)

12th May 12 noon

Meet N Greet National President

Engineers Australia 14 Shepherd Street, Darwin

13th May 5:00pm sharp

Sponsor’s Thank You Function

Cruise, Stokes Hill Wharf

26th May 12 noon

Eminent Speaker—National Transport

Professor Rod Troutbeck

1– 2 June

Structural Dynamics Modelling & Analysis

Engineers Australia

22nd July 6.30pm - 12 midnight

2009 Engineering Excellence Awards

Darwin Turf Club

2nd—6th August

Engineering Week


4th August 4:30—6:30pm

Engineering Week Heritage Tour culminating in BBQ

Start and finish at Qantas Hangar Parap

6th August


Royal Darwin Showgrounds

16th August

Science Week


10th September


Alice Springs


SMART (remote)

Island communities

28th & 29th October

October Business Month Immediate Past President of the World Federation of Engineering Organisations—Luncheon

Alice Springs (TBA) Darwin—Holiday Inn

30th November

Young Engineers AGM


1st December

Annual Meeting - Engineers Australia

14 Shepherd Street, Darwin

Young Engineers Northern Division monthly meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at Lizards Bar, 5:30pm. All Young Engineers are welcome to come along and get involved.


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