December 2012/January 2013

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PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Sydney Division Key Sponsors

Realising Our Potential As an engineering profession in Australia, we have incredible potential to identify and address the existing and future needs of society, and do so in an efficient, viable and sustainable way. Engineers learn to ask the ‘right’ questions, and make the ‘right’ things happen. But we can only do so together – and that is the fundamental reason for our involvement with Engineers Australia as the foundation and umbrella of our profession. 2012 has seen Engineers Australia embark on transformational change, and I’m pleased to report that Sydney Division (in collaboration with Newcastle Division) has represented and served the membership and broader engineering profession well throughout New South Wales. Engagement – this the Year of the Regional Engineering Team has reminded us of the need for effective communication and engagement across all functions, levels and geographical areas of our profession. To this end, during 2012 we have established the Board of Engineering Practice and Regional Chairs Group within the Division, with a focus on providing a more relevant and effective programme of professional development and engagement activities. Further, we have better prepared ourselves for engagement with politicians, government and the media. Visibility – I have been encouraged by the strENGth campaign initiated by Victoria Division, which aligns well with our ‘flying the flag’ initiative sparked by celebration of the 80th anniversary of the Sydney Harbour Bridge earlier this year. We must continue to ensure the work of EA is made more visible, and proudly recognise and promote ourselves as engineers. Collaboration – between Staff, Office Bearers and Members; between National Office, Divisions,

and Regional Groups; between Colleges, Branches and Technical Societies; between Engineers Australia, Consult Australia, IPWEA and APESMA. Let’s continue to collaborate for the sake of the engineering profession wherever there is opportunity to share and work together on common objectives. Relevance – the revised Chartered programme launched in July this year has enabled a more streamlined pathway to being Chartered, with a series of modules which provide greater relevance for all engineers across industry sectors and areas of practice, including those involved in engineering education and research. Let’s see more of the next generation attracted towards engineering; more enrolments into engineering qualifications; more engineering graduates; more engineers continuing through formation and becoming Chartered; more engineers being Registered; and more engineers proudly acknowledging their engineering heritage. But while more engineers are needed, it’s the quality and means of connecting those engineers which is paramount to realising our potential and achieving our ultimate purpose of providing for community. Brendyn Williams BE(Civil)(Hons) MIEAust FIPWEA President, Engineers Australia Sydney Division

Deputy President’s Corner

Key Division Staff Executive Director – Steve Finlay Executive Operations Manager – Richard Hanna Events Manager – Aimee Najdovski Events Coordinator – Jenny Ha Communications and IT Coordinator – Nimali Herath Membership Services Officer – Julia Bresolin Membership Services Officer – Danielle Tuazon Membership Services Officer – Anna Holtby Membership Services Officer – Kristina Ek Account Manager – Rimma Kolodizner Industry Relationship Manager – Elana Huthnance Chartered Assessors – Roland De Broglio, Amal Hanna Neil Wyles and Guy Beaubois National Stage 1 Assessor – Guy Beaubois and Maurice Allen National Manager Careers – Jennifer O’Donovan Auditorium Operator – David Zhao

Your Division Committee for 2012 President – Brendyn Williams Deputy President – John Nichols Vice Deputy President – Alexandra Meldrum Immediate Past President – Maryam Khajeh National Councillors – Bruce Howard, Marlene Kanga and Alex Baitch National Congress – Kevin Dixon, Ted Tooher and Michael Myers

Elected Members: David Edwards, Chris Skinner and Michael Lucas

Appointed Members: Young Engineers Australia,

As the year draws to a close, it’s an opportune time to review the past twelve months, our ambitions, our aspirations and our achievements. The past year, without doubt, has been a very busy and productive period for Engineers Australia Sydney Division. For the delivery of Continuing Professional Development the Division has presented seminars and engaged in all of the major disciplines of Engineering through seventeen technical groups and panels, nine regional groups, eight technical colleges and eleven technical societies. Importantly this year saw the establishment of the Board of Engineering Practice as a functioning group in Sydney. The Board, with representative membership from all of the technical based groups, seeks to co-ordinate, refine and further improve Professional Development to its members. Quality, world standard Professional development continues to be one of the foundation elements of our organisation. Promotion of the Engineering profession continued with the staging of Australian Engineering Week in August with twenty four events held in Sydney and regional New South Wales promoting to the non-engineering public the value and importance of the Profession and the people who call themselves Engineers. In addition work continued with both media and government engagement for increased professional recognition. Fostering and promotion of Engineering Excellence throughout the year continued to be a high priority with the running of the Engineering Excellence Awards program culminating in the black tie gala dinner at the Westin Hotel. Excellence in Engineering and its impact on society in the forms of technology, energy, transport, communication, manufacturing and construction are recognised as pivotal in the development of our nation and the preservation of our Australian standard of living. Encouragement of aspiring young potential engineers continued with the Summer Engineering School, Autumn Engineering School and Discover Engineering Days organised and presented with participation with NSW school students. The defense and protection of the Profession also continued with Chartered assessment and work towards consistent national regulation of professional qualification and proficiency. Looking back on the year it has been a very busy one with a great contribution in both time and effort from both EA professional staff and EA volunteer members, to whom I extend the warmest and sincerest of thanks, and I take this opportunity to wish each member and their family a merry Christmas and a prosperous new year for 2013. John Nichols BE (Civil), CPEng, FIEAust Deputy President, Engineers Australia Sydney Division

Sydney Division – Hannah Mahony-Hayes GradIEAust Women in Engineering – Julie Mikhail Regional Group Representatives – John Stornelli College and CELM Representative – Alexandra Meldrum Unit Representatives – Norm Himsley and Allan Sangster

Produced by Engineers Australia Sydney Division Editor – Steve Finlay Designed by Engineers Media

Level 3, 8 Thomas Street, Chatswood NSW 2067 (PO Box 1389, Chatswood 2057) phone 02 9410 5600 fax 02 9410 0000 Sydney Division

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Are your details up to date? Just a reminder to all the Sydney Division members that it may be time to log on to the Engineers Australia Website and confirm that your details are up to date. With everything being so hectic when changing jobs or moving house it is easy to overlook updates to your Engineers Australia membership contact details. While you’re there why not reacquaint yourself with your membership benefits, the advocacy and policy papers, upcoming Sydney Division events or update your CPD record?


Congratulations Alex Baitch – National Deputy President 2013 Sydney Division is delighted that National Congress Congress. He was elected to Council in 2009. His has elected Professor Alex Baitch as National Deputy involvement on Council has included membership of President for 2013. Alex will take up the position of the Special Committees on Charter and Bye-Laws, National President in 2014 following on from the 2013 Reconciliation Action Plan and Chairmanship of the National President, Marlene Kanga (another Sydney Special Committee on Being Chartered and the Audit Division member). and Risk Committees. Professor Alex Baitch is a chartered professional He has also been an active member of various electrical engineer and principal of his electrical committees, including Standards Australia, the engineering consulting practice BES (Aust) Pty Ltd since International Electrotechnical Commission, CIGRE 1993. He has had a long career in the electrical industry, (International Council on Large Electrical Systems) and starting in 1966 as a cadet engineer with Prospect Consult Australia. County Council, the electricity distribution company for Alex said that he is committed to make a difference Western Sydney, and then having a career in private and to place a major focus on Professionalism, Being industry before establishing his consulting practice. He Chartered and Knowledge delivery during his term as had a senior role with Integral Energy between 1999 and National President in 2014. 2002, and is an Honorary Visiting Professorial Fellow at This is a continuation of his efforts over the last Alex Baitch, HonFIEAust CPEng. the University of Wollongong. He was admitted as an few years, including engagement of the membership Honorary Fellow of Engineers Australia in 2011. through LinkedIn, and engagement of National After his initial schooling years at Seven Hills he moved to Baulkham Hills Congress on being Chartered. He has also undertaken to include matters area in the 1970s, where his home and office are. He is married to Diane, such as postnominals, National Registration, co-regulation with the states has three children (one deceased) from his first marriage, 3 step-children and the PPIR protocol as developed by the Warren Centre. Alex considers and Diane and Alex have 12 grand-children between them. that it is important to engage Professional Development Program partners, to He graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Electrical consider the mature age entry process and to have practical approaches to Engineering at Sydney University in 1970, completed his Master of recognition of CPD. Engineering Science degree at the University of NSW in 1974 and completed The structure of College and Technical Societies, and the provision an MBA in Technology Management through Deakin University in 1995. of knowledge access and delivery is another issue that he proposes to Alex has been an active member of Engineers Australia since his student pursue. This includes the provision of a relevant home for cross disciplinary days, with major involvement during the 1980s, 1990s and more recently competencies in engineering management fields. since 2009. He was Chairman of the Electrical College and then National He will continue his efforts to work with Council, National Congress, Vice President in the 1990s. He was Founding Director, Honorary Treasurer Colleges, Divisions and management to make Chartered membership the and Company Secretary of RedR Australia. aspirational goal of all qualified members and for Engineers Australia to Alex rejoined the Sydney Division Committee in 2008, became Honorary engage with employers to encourage achievement of this objective. He has Treasurer of Sydney Division and the Sydney Division delegate to National set the objective as progressing from currently 54% to 90% by 2020.

Young Engineers The past month has been one for planning with the annual YEAS Planning Day on Saturday 10th November. The new YEAS committee made “New Minds, New Ideas” as we defined our objectives and strategy for the year ahead. It was great to see so many new and familiar faces gather to be inspired, challenged and energised. The result is an exciting line up of events for 2013. YEAS represents the interests of all Engineers Australia students and graduate members aged 35 and under. It is a challenge to meet the needs of every group within our charter. I’m pleased to say, with the enthusiasm of our strong new committee we have a diverse range of talks, workshops and networking nights planned for students, graduates and young engineers in 2013. A key initiative that came out of the Planning Day is for two new series of events, “Transitioning from University to the workplace” and “Excellence in engineering”. “Transitioning from University to the workplace” will bridge the gap between university student’s and recent graduates. Are you preparing to make your move into the workforce? Wondering what to expect, what skills are currently in demand and how to better position yourself to find that coveted first professional job? Then this is the event for you! “Excellence in Engineering” will give graduates and young engineer’s access to technical workshops and talks run by experienced engineers. If you’re a young engineer in the workforce looking to develop your skill set then this series is for you! Learn how to approach the next challenge at work. Also in 2013, YEAS will provide support to help young engineers with the new CPEng competencies. If you’re just starting or trying to figure out how the new system works, this event will help answer your questions. Some favourite YEAS events will make a reappearance including; the Young Engineers Leadership Reception (YELR), the YEAS Entrepreneurs Workshop and the YEAS Trivia night! Keep an eye on our website http:// for more details on upcoming YEAS events. To get the ball rolling, Young Engineers will come together to compete

2013 YEAS Committee at the YEAS Planning Day. against Young Architects in our first Engineers vs Architects Sandcastle buildings competition. Do you know the perfect water to sand ratio to win? Prepare your team and spades, the competition will take place Saturday 2nd February. Come to watch, come to compete. What would February be without the YEAS Sundowner in February? Come share a drink after work, network and enjoy summer in late February with YEAS. Finally I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year on behalf of the YEAS committee. We look forward to seeing you at our events throughout 2013. Hannah Mahony-Hayes YEAS Chair If you have transitioning tips to share or are interested in getting involved in YEAS, please email our secretary Derek Cheung at yeasyd@ engineers sydney DECEMBER 2012/JANUARY 2013  3


CELM Sydney Division The CELM Sydney Division held two very successful events during October/ engineering leadership and demonstrated management skills. For this lunch, November. On 16 October Terry Oakes-Ash presented on the topic we were delighted to award sponsorships to, and to host, Allira Hudson“Leadership and Management. Are they the same in today’s business world? Gofers, Jillian Kilby and Adele Hardwick. We were also delighted to be joined There are talkers and there are doers, which one are you?”. Based on his 38 on the day by Honorary Fellow Tim Besley AC, who was very gracious in years of construction and corporate experience with significant firms such sharing his numerous experiences with us. Congratulations to these winners as Boral, Terry discussed his views on what makes a good leader, can you and thank you to Tim, and a very successful and entertaining day was had make them or are they born that way? What about the Manager? Do we by all. The next CELM Fellows Lunch sponsorship will be in March 2013. train our Managers effectively? And how important is technical knowledge to James Phillis leadership and management in our industry, and is the growing role being Chair, Centre for Engineering Leadership played by non-technical people in engineering and construction businesses and Management (CELM), Sydney Division something we should be concerned about or encourage? In this Year of the Regional Engineering Team, CELM Sydney arranged for this interesting discussion to be recorded and placed on the Engineers Australia website to ensure that those unable to attend could still view Terry’s presentation and give some thought to these important issues. You will find this at https:// mediavisionz. You will need to log into the Members Only area to access. The second event was the CELM Sydney sponsorship of the November 2012 Fellows Luncheon. For some years, CELM Sydney has been sponsoring a select number of Young and Women Engineers to be guests at the biannual Fellows lunch at NSW Parliament House. Of the numerous applications received, selection is based on a demonstrated contribution to the engineering profession and to the community, demonstrated Adele Hardwick, Allira Hudson-Gofers, Jillian Kilby and James Phillis.

A year of transition for Chartered It has been a year of transition for the Chartered process with the introduction of the revised 2012 Stage 2 Competency Standards in July; and eChartered, the new application and assessment system, last month. These introductions signify major improvements, without compromising the value of Chartered or the integrity and rigour of the assessment process. The same level of experience is required to achieve this credential as in the past and the process retains the important role of the face-to-face interview and involvement of verifiers and mentors. The 2012 Competency Standards are a result of significant and unprecedented industry consultation and bring our Australian Standards more in line with international Standards. Their introduction provided the opportunity to ensure the Elements of Competency are described to be inclusive of all areas of engineering practice; are appreciative of complexity of engineering activities; and reflect contemporary engineering issues such as sustainability. eChartered provides a predominantly online experience for Chartered candidates. The features of the new system include: • Fully paperless assessment and application system including online verification;

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• A pay-as-you-go fee structure; • More consistent assessment through moderation at point of assessment; and • Improved online program management tools for PDP Coordinators. As a part of the transition process, we looked to all of our PDP partners to renew their current PDP Agreements. This has given an opportunity for all organisations to revisit their programs and recommit to the PDP supporting their engineering team to Chartered. To date, 80% of organisations had signed their agreement renewal, with 90% forecasted to do so by the end of the year. We are also experiencing a spike in demand for our program from new partners to be ready for roll out in 2013. We look forward to working with our new and existing partners in 2013 to build on the Chartered programs and broaden the relationship to increase the engagement between Engineers Australia and the employers of the engineering team. If your organisation would like a demonstration of eChartered or to discuss your partnership with Engineers Australia in 2013 contact Elana Huthnance, Industry Relationship Manager Sydney by email at ehuthnance@


Fellows’ Luncheon The Fellows’ Luncheon on 9 November at Parliament House was hosted by Craig Baumann MP, with guest speaker Andrew Leventhal, and special guests Professor Mary O’Kane, NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer, National Councillors Bruce Howard and Alex Baitch, 15 Honorary Fellows, and 150 Sydney Division Fellows and their guests. During the Luncheon we welcomed 27 new Fellows into Engineers Australia Sydney Division. The New Fellows welcomed at the Luncheon were: • Dr Eric Ancich • Rod Aistrope • Dr Anton Aseervatham • Vikas Bansal • Akhil Bhatnagar • Manuel Caballes • Ian Cox • Leon Fabrikanov • Kevin Leedow

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Zarko Lepojevic Melvyn Maylin Terry Miller Dennis Nothdurft James Patrick James Phillis Dr Jiping Pan Dr Ricardo Peculis Andrew Russell Jamie Shelton

was unrestricted and the rail management systems permitted unrestricted, safe, rail traffic. The messages that the Fellows and their guests gained from the talk included identification of ambient temperature effects upon relatively rigid track structures. The Luncheon was closed by John Nichols, Sydney Division Deputy President, who delivered the Vote of Thanks.

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Peter Souflias Guy Templeton Hamish Tyrwhitt Andrew Vann Christopher Vonwiller • Peter Waugh • Peter Wellings • Gary Zamel

The guest speaker, Andrew Leventhal, Senior Principal Geotechnical Engineer, GHD, and Professional Engineer of the Year 2011, spoke to the gathered Fellows on a few issues associated with the recent longwall mining of the Bulli Seam beneath the Main Southern Railway. Additionally Andrew spoke about the monitoring that was put in place to manage infrastructure elements (such as 100-year old brick arch culverts) which were subjected to 0.6m vertical subsidence. The case history was a world first where the mining

Andrew Leventhal BE(Hons) MEngSc FIEAust CPEng.

New Fellows with Brendyn Williams Sydney Division president and Steve Finlay Executive Director, Sydney Division.

Western Sydney Regional Group 2012 has been a big year for the Western Sydney Regional Group with numerous technical presentations touching topics from Hydrology to Concrete passing Coal seam gas and climate variability in between. Site visits have also been a big hit with the visits to Greystanes Creek Bridge Construction and Warragamba Dam attracting good attendance. And with only weeks of the year remaining we have trips planned to the St Marys water treatment facility and further afield to the Bathurst Rail Fabrication Centre still to come. A big thank you is in order to the committee members and other volunteers that have all given freely of their time to bring all of these events to the members. Jonathan Barnes Chair WSRG

Attendees at WSRG’s recent coal seam gas seminar, held in early November. engineers sydney DECEMBER 2012/JANUARY 2013  5


Discover Engineering Day at Blaxland High School The most recent Discover Engineering Day was held at Blaxland High School on 15 November. The day saw an attendance of students from surrounding schools including Cranebrook High School, Nepean High School, Penrith Christian School, Quakers High School, Kingswood High School and Australian Islamic College as well as students from Blaxland High School. To start the day the students were introduced to the world of engineering with a presentation by our Manager Career Development Centre, Jennifer O’Donovan. Throughout the day the students then saw presentations from both our Student Engineer and Professional Engineer, Maritsa Kacopieros and Jonathan Barnes.

When the students were not captivated by our presentations they were given the opportunity to rotate around to a range of different activities that helped them learn more about engineering as a future career path. Activities on the day included an Education Hub with ambassadors from UWS, UNSW, UTS and TAFE NSW and Defence Force Recruitment. Students also got to try their hand at some engineering of their own by competing in a Crash Barrier competition and creating and testing paper towers. The students also experienced the chemical reactions created by BOC and had the opportunity to eat ice cream made from liquid nitrogen. RoboGals provided the students with an activity where the students had to individually program robots. The engineers of the winning paper tower came from Blaxland High School and the winning crash barrier was from Quakers Hill High School. After all their hard work students were treated to morning tea and lunch provided by Blaxland High School. A big thank you to Blaxland High School for allowing us to use their school venue, and to all the volunteers involved with making the day a big success. We now look forward to the next Discover Engineering Day.

Rehabilitation engineers hold forum on transportation of people with disabilities On Saturday, 3 November the National Committee for Rehabilitation Engineering in association with the Sydney Biomedical Branch, held a forum on the Transportation of People with Disabilities. As with many of the technical meetings held by units of Engineers Australia, this meeting was organised to take advantage of international experts attending a meeting of the ISO Technical Committee 173, Scientific Committee 1, Working Group 6 on transportation of people in wheelchairs in Sydney. Speakers attending that meeting flew in early for the forum from the United States and Europe and joined with attendees from around Australia. Guest speakers included; Miriam Manary from the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute in the USA, Karl-Erik Westman from the Swedish Institute of Assistive Technology, and Aleid Hekstra from the Elderly and Disabled Project Consultancy in The Netherlands. Topics discussed at the Forum included: • The Swedish Approach to traffic regulations for wheelchairs travelling on roads, side walks • The UK PAS 900 Transport Passport System, • Changes to ISO 7176.19 the wheelchair crash test standard, • The PMG International Guidelines for Transportation of People with Disabilities. • Recent changes to US standards and insights from US research. • Common misuses and non-uses relative to wheelchair transportation safety. • The prescription of wheeled mobility systems in Motor Vehicles – a structured risk management approach using AS 4810 6  engineers sydney DECEMBER 2012/JANUARY 2013

• An overview of EU trends in wheelchair seated transport in motor vehicles. As a prelude to the following week’s standards working group meeting this meeting was highly productive and enjoyable for the small number of attendees.

Participants enjoying Karl-Erik’s presentation.


Illawarra/Sutherland region news On Wednesday 14 November the Illawarra/Sutherland Regional Group (ISRG) and the Young Engineers Australia – Illawarra held their Annual General Meeting at the University of Wollongong. 90 Members and Guests attended the AGM and the presentation by Dr Peter Jensen, Managing Director of Hyparcons Pty Ltd. Dr Jensen’s presentation was on “The RMS Titanic Disaster – Human and Financial Failures Versus Communication Success”. The ISRG & YEA-I AGM was proudly sponsored by: • Spruson & Ferguson • Douglas Partners • Soto • KFW • GHD • Coffey Geotechnics • Cardno • Faculty of Engineering at the University of Wollongong. The ISRG Committee sponsor the Best Oral Presentation for the University of Wollongong Faculty of Engineering’s Creative Design Competition which was

held Friday 16 November at the University of Wollongong – this was the 43rd year this competition has been running. Judges for the evening from the ISRG Committee were; Dr Michael Yastreboff and Nick DiBono. The Competition this year was aligned with the Engineers Without Borders (EWB) Challenge and the project this year was focusing on “Habitat for Humanity Vietnam”. The winners of the Best Oral Presentation went to Jordon Arley, Paul Gallina, James Kent and Benjamin Latham for their presentation on “The Adobe Tile Maker”. Each student received a Book Voucher for $100.00 and a Certificate. Elaine Bailey Regional Co-Ordinator

Dr Michael Yastreboff (l), winning students and Nick DiBono.

Dr Peter Jensen (centre) with some of his wireless communications system.

Sydney Division’s Christmas Holiday Closer Engineers Australia, Sydney Division office will close at 12 noon on Friday, 21 December and reopen on Wednesday, 2 January 2013. The management and staff of Sydney Division would like to take this opportunity to thank the numerous volunteers who have given so much of their time to assist with various programs throughout the year and wish you all a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

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YOUR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT – DIARY DATES Most events are held at EA Harricks Auditorium, Ground Floor, 8 Thomas Street, Chatswood with refreshments provided prior to the session. Events are subject to change or cancel at short notice. Please check our website for up-to-date information.

Please note that the car park adjacent to Engineers Australia in Thomas Street, Chatswood has now closed. Visit our website for more information and alternate parking within the area.


DECEMBER Mon 10 Bovill Risk and Insurance Consultants (BRIC) Managing Risk Through Professional Indemnity Insurance Harricks Auditorium 17:30 to 19:30 Contact: Patrick Beaumont Email: Cost: Free

Thurs 14 Joint Electrical Branch – Engineers Australia, IET, IEEE Technical Presentation Harricks Auditorium 17:30 to 20:00 Contact: Allan Sangster Email: allan.sangster@gmail. com Cost: To be advised

Wed 12 Risk Engineering Society AGM and Presentations:ALARP as far as reasonably practicable & What do we mean by level of risk? Harricks Auditorium 17:30 to 19:30 Contact: Ruben Welschen Email: RubenW@scottlister. com Cost: Free

Mon 18 Coastal Ocean and Port Engineering Panel Technical Presentation Harricks Auditorium 17:30 to 20:00 Contact: Kate Panayotou Email: Kate.Panayotou@ghd. com Cost: To be advised

Thurs 13 Joint Electrical Branch – Engineers Australia, IET, IEEE Ultra High Capacity Optical Transmission Systems Harricks Auditorium 17:30 to 19:30 Contact: Graham Town Email: Cost: Free

Wed 20 Society of Fire Safety Technical Presentation Harricks Auditorium 15:30 to 18:00 Contact: Peter Gardner Email: Peter.Gardner@Exova. com Cost: To be advised

Tues 26 Civil and Structural Engineering Panel Practical Application of Safety in Design in the Consulting World Zenith Theatre 4:30 to 7:30 Contact: Ken ONeill Email: Ken.ONeill@ Cost: To be advised Wed 27 Nuclear Engineering Panel Technical Presentation Harricks Auditorium 17:30 to 20:00 Contact: Don Higson Email: higsond@bigpond. Cost: To be advised Thurs 28 Joint Electrical Branch – Engineers Australia, IET, IEEE Technical Presentation Harricks Auditorium 17:30 to 20:00 Contact: Allan Sangster Email: allan.sangster@gmail. com Cost: To be advised

Thurs 21 Mechanical Branch Technical Presentation Harricks Auditorium 18:00 to 20:00 Contact: Geoffrey Stone Email: Cost: To be advised

Online CPD Presentations slides and notes of following events now available online to download at: • • • •

NBN Network Design Delivering the North West Rail Link The Economics of Nuclear Power Detailing of Reinforcement in Concrete Structures

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View video streams of following Sydney events and over 500 more covering all areas of engineering at: mediavisionz • Eminent Speaker Series: Future Submarines – Few Easy Choices • Communicating with Fire and Rescue NSW • Leadership and Management – Are they the same in today’s business world? Are you a talker or a doer? • Wartsila After-treatment Solutions for NOx and SOx Emissions from Shipping

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