Engineering South Australia, August 2011

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Left to Right: Women in Engineering Committee Member Michelle Thompson MIEAust CPEng and Kym Williams of Business and Risk Solutions at the recent WIE and WIPM Leadership and Influence workshop (see page 6 for more details).

Engineering South Australia August 2011



President’s message 1

President’s Message


Vales Division Updates




Division Pictures




Upcoming Events


Division executives President Dr David Cruickshanks-Boyd FIEAust EngExec Deputy President Gerry Doyle MIEAust CPEng Immediate Past President Doug Gillott FIEAust CPEng Executive Director Caroline Argent Deputy Director Sarah Carey Produced By Engineers Australia South Australia Division Level 11, 108 King William Street Adelaide South Australia 5000 tel 08 8202 7100 fax 08 8211 7702

Sponsors Division Partner

Division Supporters

As I write this newsletter item, the 15th International Conference for Women Engineers and Scientists has just begun here in Adelaide. With over 500 delegates, and over 200 from overseas, this is destined to be one of the success stories for Engineers Australia in 2011. Last night I attended a welcome reception at Government house hosted by the Governor of South Australia, Rear Admiral Kevin Scarce AC CSC RANR CompIEAust. It was tremendous to be in the company of outstanding women scientists and engineers from all around the world, including the first ever female President of the World Federation of Engineering Organisations, Dr María Prieto-Laffargue from Spain. Also in attendance were a number of outstanding South Australian women engineers and scientists including: Professor Karen Reynolds FIEAust from Flinders University - the 2010 Australian Professional Engineer of the Year; Professor Tanya Monro from the University of Adelaide the 2011 South Australia Australian of the Year; and Melissa Mellen MIEAust CPEng - the 2010 Telstra South Australian Business Women of the Year. These inspirational women are role models for aspiring young women, showcasing the wonderful opportunities available to our bright and talented young people. A photo from the event can be seen on the front cover of this months newsletter, and further details on the success of the conference can be found in the August 2011 Engineers Australia Magazine. August 2011 has also seen the publication of our inaugural Engineering Wonders document, which was distributed to over 185,000 South Australians as a major supplement to the Advertiser newspaper. The aim of this publication was to publicise and showcase the important contributions that engineers have made to the growth, prosperity and lifestyle of the people of South Australia over the past ten years. I hope that you will agree that the publication has raised the profile of engineers and engineering to the widest ever audience in South Australia, and we will be using the content to excite and stimulate our children to consider the benefits of a career in engineering. I would like to express my gratitude to my Division Committee volunteers who helped in the creation of this publication Michelle Shi-Verdaasdonk MIEAust, Doug Gillott FIEAust CPEng, Dr Cris Birzer MIEAust and Fernando Gonzalez MIEAust CPEng and especially to the Division staff Executive Director Caroline Argent, Deputy Director Sarah Carey and Events Coordinator Sharryn Fensom. Engineering Week has also just recently concluded and I hope that many of you had opportunity to attend one, or more of the varied events on offer. Full details about the outcomes of Australian Engineering Week 2011 will be published in the September 2011 edition of Engineering South Australia. This is one of the biggest opportunities available to promote Engineers Australia and the profession to the widest possible community and I want to extend thanks to all the organisations and volunteers who contributed to making the week what it was. A reminder to all South Australia Division members also that nominations in preparation for the 2011 elections for Division Committee and College Board positions remain open for only a short time. While engineering is about the team, a strong team needs leadership and I encourage all those who feel they may be able to provide this leadership to nominate themselves using the details available in this edition of Engineering South Australia as soon as possible. A notice to members that registration for the South Australian Engineering Excellence Awards Presentation Dinner is open and that all tickets sold out in 2010! If you have not yet registered or would like more details, visit the South Australia Division events page at or contact Events Coordinator Sharryn Fensom via or by calling 08 8202 7140. Dr David Cruickshanks-Boyd FIEAust EngExec President Engineers Australia South Australia Division


Engineering South Australia

Vale - Malcolm Heard FIEAust CPEng June 1935 – June 2011 Malcolm Heard FIEAust CPEng will be remembered as a gifted sportsman, a respected engineer and a community leader. Malcolm was farewelled at the Blackwood Hills Baptist Church - where he was a member for more than 50 years – on Thursday 21st April 2011 with over 400 friends and family members in attendance. “He was a man who had tremendous capabilities but a marvellous humility,” Malcolm’s nephew Gary Heard said of his uncle. “He set himself high goals and worked hard to achieve them but he was very careful not to do that at the expense of his relationships. “Everybody always said you couldn’t have met a nicer bloke.” Malcolm was president of the SA Olympians Club and represented his country at basketball in the 1960 Rome Olympics. He won Woollacott medals in 1964-65 as the state’s best and fairest basketball player. He also enjoyed lacrosse, tenpin bowling, cricket and tennis. Malcolm represented Australia at the World Tennis Championships in Turkey, claiming a bronze medal in the men’s doubles.

Malcolm Heard FIEAust CPEng with tennis partner Roger Davey.

Malcolm worked as a civil engineer at the former Highways Department for 40 years, from 1956, before he joined Mitcham Council as its city engineer, a post he held for 12 years. Malcolm enjoyed his time with the Mitcham Council; having been born in Mitcham his work there allowed him a great opportunity to renew many friendships from the past. Malcolm was a Chartered Fellow of Engineers Australia and a member for over 50 years. Malcolm is survived by his wife Jo, children Stephen and Alison and grandchildren Michaela, Shelby and Joel. Engineers Australia South Australia Division Our thanks to Malcolms’s wife Joanna Heard for providing the vale information.

Vale - Alan Frost MIEAust CPEng April 1943 – May 2011 Alan Frost received his 50 year Service Award with Hatch Associates last September, something he took an immense amount of pride in. Alan, a senior electrical engineer, spent the majority of this career in Whyalla where he built strong client and community relationships. In the late 70’s he worked in Indonesia and was the only expat running engineering at the Belitang Island Tin Mine. Through the 80’s and 90’s he worked in the BHP Engineering North Sydney Office working on a wide range of projects from the Port Hedland HBI plant to an Automatic fare collection system for NSW State Rail. Alan finished his career back in Whyalla where he was the Acting Capital Superintendent, a mark of the respect he was given by OneSteel. Hatch Associates Pty Ltd

Simon Malin (Hatch Managing Director, South East Australia), Alan Frost MIEAust CPEng and Geoff Ensor FIEAust (Project Delivery Group Director, South East Australia) - 2010 Hatch Service Awards.


South Australia Division Elections Open In accordance with Royal Charter By-Laws and Division Regulations, Engineers Australia South Australia Division calls for nominations for the positions below. All participants in the election process shall be members of the Division. A ballot will be held for positions contested by more than one candidate.

South Australia Division Committee Six elected positions exist on the Division Committee for a one year term.


College Boards Vacancies exist for South Australia Division members on the following College Boards for a two year term. Chemical


2012-2013 Nominees, proposers and seconders shall be members or affiliates of the relevant college.

16th Engineering Heritage Conference Registration for the 16th Engineering Heritage Australia Conference in Hobart in November 2011 is now open. Full details are on the website where the registration brochure, registration form and on-line registration are all available.


Engineering South Australia

Run For A Cause Engineers Australia South Australia Division will be participating in the Sunday Mail City-Bay Fun Run on the 18th September 2011 to raise funds for the humanitarian organisation Engineers Without Borders (EWB) as part of the 2011 Year of Humanitarian Engineering. EWB works in partnership with developing communities both within Australia and overseas. Their focus is on developing the capacity of the local technical sector through small scale, grassroots engineering programs to ensure that innovative, appropriate and sustainable solutions to issues that impede development are locally generated and driven. Some common issues facing the communities they work with include access to drinking water, sanitation, energy, basic infrastructure, waste systems, Information Communication Technology and engineering education.

We would like to invite all members interested in showing off their fitness for a good cause to join us on the day for the 12km, 6km or 3km options. This is a chance to get out in the community and raise the profile of engineers while promoting an exceptional cause. Date:

Sunday 18th September 2011


Meet in Adelaide CBD


7.40am for fitness dependent start


$55.00 for 12km/6km $49.00 for 3km

Cost includes GST, and includes entry fee, runners hat and donation to Engineers Without Borders RSVP:

Sunday 28th August 2011

Registration is available through after reading the compulsory Declaration, Waiver and Indemnity at Donations to Engineers Without Borders, for those not running or those wishing to contribute further, can be made through For any enquiries contact Events Coordinator Sharryn Fensom via or by calling on 08 8202 7140.

Congratulations To Our Members! The South Australia Division would like to congratulate the following members on obtaining Chartered Status between 1st April 2011 and 30th June 2011. •

Philip Castles MIEAust CPEng

William Fuller MIEAust CPEng

Michael Hopton MIEAust CPEng

David Johnston MIEAust CPEng

Dr Michael Mundy MIEAust CPEng

James Plant MIEAust CPEng

Rachael Zeuner MIEAust CPEng

Steve Ludlam FIEAust CPEng

Congratulations also to Mark Brownley FIEAust CPEng EngExec on obtaining Engineering Executive Status in July 2011. Finally the South Australia Division would also like to take this chance to welcome the 208 new members, 24 readmitting members and 52 members who have moved to South Australia. Are you interested in becoming a member? Contact Member Relationship Coordinator Nathan Jones via or by calling 08 8202 7170 to discuss any questions.


Black Tie Ball 2011 South Australian Engineering Excellence Awards Presentation dinner Friday 16th September 2011 to register please visit: or phone events coordinator sharryn fensom on: (08) 8202 7140




7.00 pm Pre-dinner drinks


Friday 16th September 2011


Level 3, Western Stand

Dining Room, Adelaide Oval

War Memorial Drive

North Adelaide, SA


Black Tie


2nd September 2011

(All prices quoted include GST) Members: $125.00 per person Students: $110.00 per person Non-Members: $135.00 per person It is recommended that you book early to avoid disappointment as seats fill fast.

Engineering South Australia

Fun at the YEA-SA Networking Night Young Engineers Australia-SA Division held its second Networking Night of the year on Friday 8th of July 2011. Networking nights like this one are held to encourage and provide a medium for young engineers and engineering students to mix and mingle in a casual environment. Young engineering professionals can meet other engineers from various fields and expand their contact database while aspiring students can make contacts in the industry, which could later help them with work experience or a graduate position. This second event was yet another hit with close to one hundred young engineers and students gathering together at The Elephant British Pub on Cinema Place for a few after work drinks. The usual attendees from the YEA-SA Committee were there including Committee Chair, Cristian Birzer and YEA National Committee Representative, Amelia Stoeckel. Committee members spent the night chatting to engineers and engineering students about upcoming YEA events and the benefits of being an Engineers Australia member.

Attendees having fun at the second YEA-SA Networking Night. See page 9 for more photos from the night.

The night was a great success with great drink specials, smiling faces and most importantly, business card swapping. Objective achieved! Ana Dragomirescu StudIEAust Committee Member, Young Engineers Australia South Australia Group (YEA-SA) Engineers Australia South Australia Division

Leadership and Influence Combine On the 24th of June, Women in Engineering and Women in Project Management (AIPM) hosted a special event on Leadership and Influence. The event included a workshop, special guest speaker and networking opportunity. The event was focussed on leadership and how important the skill of influence is as you progress through your career. The event began with a two hour interactive workshop, facilitated by Kym Williams from Business and Risk Solutions and covered three specific skill building topics and activities: attributes of leaders on collaborative projects and balancing people and tasks; leadership and influence; and the creation of a professional development plan. The audience actively participated in conversations around leadership and shared ideas on what leadership meant to them. The workshop was followed by a presentation from Melissa Mellen, 2010 Telstra SA Business Woman of the Year. Melissa is a chartered professional engineer and is the sole Director of Murray F Young and Associates, a firm providing traffic engineering advice to developers and all tiers of government. Melissa spoke to the audience about her path and gave some great pieces of advice about how several personal points along her career path have influenced her leadership style.

Melissa Mellen MIEAust CPEng, 2010 Telstra SA Business Woman of the Year

The event concluded with a professional networking opportunity. The event attracted around 80 people, and some great feedback has been received from those who attended. A big thank you to all who helped to organise the event and those who volunteered their time to make it such a success. Michelle Thompson MIEAust CPEng Committee Member Women in Engineering - South Australia Group Engineers Australia South Australia Division

Kym Williams, Business and Risk Solutions

Chartered Status Interviewers Required In particular engineers are being sought who have Chartered Status and experience in: Computer Systems; Software Engineering; Environmental Engineering; Aeronautical or Avionic Hardware or Software; or Submarines however all interested Chartered members are welcome. As well as giving back to the profession and experiencing new perspectives time spent assisting with Professional Interviews can be used towards Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements. To register as an interviewer please complete the short form at or for any questions please contact Member Relationship Coordinator Nathan Jones via or by phoning 08 8202 7170.


Report on International Year of Chemistry lecture held on 6th July 2011 The International Year of Chemistry lecture was presented by Professor Robert Burford FIEAust CPEng to a combined meeting of the South Australian Joint Chemical Engineering Committee and the SA Branch of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute on 6th July 2011 at 108 King William Street, Adelaide. The title of the presentation was “Is the Plastics Age Over? (Polymers from the 1960s to 2010)”. Professor Burford is the Head of School of Chemical Engineering at the University of New South Wales. Professor Burford based much of his presentation on the Economics-Technological-Socio-Political triangle suggesting that all these factors contribute to the production and acceptance of polymers in society. After tracing the characteristics and manufacture of polymers, the history of their production was described. Next, the differences between issues and problems were highlighted focussing on Professor Robert Burford FIEAust CPEng presenting at public perceptions of either loving or loathing polymers. The the South Australia Division offices. lecture also included a section on economics and highlighted some Australian polymer innovations including shrink proofing wool, polymer lens technology and polymer bank notes which are being introduced worldwide. Professor Burford has kindly provided the PowerPoint presentation to be uploaded on the Engineers Australia website ( Joint Chemical Engineering Committee (JCEC) Engineers Australia South Australia Division

Chartered Status Leads To Opportunities Within a week of receiving CPEng status (and NPER) GPA Director, David Johnson was contacted by Alex Copeland, Managing Director and Owner of SA based Search Exploration. Alex urgently needed his Induced Polarisation Equipment certified by an NPER Electrical Engineer (mandated by the Western Australian Dept. of Commerce) where Search Exploration operate. Alex lives in Adelaide in the next suburb to GPA’s head office and David was one of two options he found on the NPER website. “I was surprised by how quickly my registration has turned into work”, stated David Johnson, whom has now completed the certification for Search Exploration. GPA Engineering is a highly experienced consulting engineering group providing services to Australia’s oil and gas, mineral processing, pipeline, power, and water industries for 24 years. GPA recently embarked on the well structured Engineer’s Australia PDP to accelerate the development of its engineers to Chartered Status. Sean Flaherty General Manager - Operations GPA Engineering

Left to Right: Industry Relationship Manager Jason Thornhill, GPA Engineering Director David Johnson MIEAust CPEng and GPA Director Geoff McKinnon FIEAust CPEng

When you employ engineers with Chartered Status your company will benefit now and for many years to come. Engineers with Chartered Status, an internationally-recognised symbol of professionalism, are committed to keep pace with advancing engineering knowledge. Your stakeholders, customers and the community can be confident that Chartered practitioners represent the best in their field.

Only Engineers Australia grants Chartered Status, attained through our Professional Development Program. It gives your engineers the skills needed When you employ engineers with Chartered Status your company will buildanthe reputation and bottom line of your company. benefit now and for many years to come. Engineers with Charteredto Status,

When you employ engineers with Chartered Status your company will benefit now and for internationally-recognised symbol of professionalism, are committed to keep many toengineering come.knowledge. Engineers with Chartered Status, symbol To learn more about an howinternationally-recognised Engineers Australia can help, pace withyears advancing Your stakeholders, customers of are that committed to keep pace with advancing engineering knowledge. Your visit our website andprofessionalism, the community can be confident Chartered practitioners represent the best in their field. customers and the community stakeholders, that Chartered practitioners or callcan 1300be 653confident 113 represent best inChartered their Status, field.attained through our Only Engineers the Australia grants Professional Development Program. It gives your engineers the skills needed Only Engineers Australia grants Chartered Status, most readily obtained through our to build the reputation and bottom line of your company. Professional Development Program. It gives your engineers the skills needed To learn more about how Engineers Australia can help, line of your company. to build the reputation and bottom visit our website

To learn about how Engineers Australia can help, visit our or call 1300 653more 113 website or call 1300 653 113

CharteredStatus_Advert_92x129.indd 1


Engineering South Australia

28/1/09 3:37:17 PM

South Australian University Recognised The excellence of Flinders University's teaching has earned the nation's highest accolade with nine individuals and teams being awarded Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC), announced today. It is the equal highest number of citations awarded to a single institution in the 2011 round of Citations and includes one of a total of 22 special awards to 'Early Career Achievers', offered for the first time. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Professor Andrew Parkin congratulated the award recipients and said their achievements reflected the University's commitment to high quality teaching and scholarship. "Quality in teaching is a long-standing, distinguishing characteristic of Flinders," Professor Parkin said.

Left to right: Associate Professor Kenneth Pope, Ms Sherry Randhawa, Professor Karen Reynolds FIEAust and Mr David Hobbs MIEAust

"It is a characteristic of which the University is proud but one it does not take for granted. Its achievement calls for a campus-wide focus on the dissemination and embedding of good teaching practices and the ability and willingness to respond to student feedback," he said. "Our teachers have again demonstrated the capacity and desire to motivate and inspire their students and to create new tools and techniques to enhance the student learning experience. "On behalf of the University, I extend my congratulations to each of the recipients of the ATLC Citations - one of the nation's highest teaching honours, as determined by their peers and the tertiary education sector." Professor Karen Reynolds FIEAust, Associate Professor Kenneth Pope, Sherry Randhawa and David Hobbs MIEAust of the School of Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics reinforced the quality of Flinders engineering courses by being one of the teams recognised for teaching, supporting and inspiring students to learn, innovate and succeed as professional biomedical engineers. Flinders University

KBR Announces Executive Appointment Mark Gobbie FIEAust CPEng EngExec HOUSTON – KBR (NYSE: KBR) has announced the appointment of Mark Gobbie to Vice President, Water and Facilities. In these roles, he will be responsible for managing and growing each of these global businesses. Mr. Gobbie previously had other vice presidential and senior management roles within KBR and has wide-ranging experience, particularly in the water sector. “Mark has been an instrumental part of the leadership of the Infrastructure & Minerals business unit,” said Colin Elliott, President, KBR Infrastructure & Minerals. “I am confident that in his new positions, he will continue to drive the expansion of our global footprint in both sectors.” KBR has recently won significant contracts in each sector, including design for part of a 15.2 mile pipeline for the Tarrant Regional Water District in Texas, US, a five-year contract to provide project management and procurement services for an Australian water utility, SA Water, and the three-year contract as engineering project manager for the Clipsal V8 car race event in Adelaide, Australia, a position the company has held every year since the event began in 1999. KBR is a global engineering, construction and services company supporting the energy, hydrocarbon, government services, minerals, civil infrastructure, power, industrial, and commercial markets. For more information, visit

Vice President, Water and Facilities, KBR Mark Gobbie FIEAust CPEng EngExec

Sonia Green External Communications Manager KBR Australia


Letting the Pictures Tell the Story Dr. Maria J. Prieto Laffargue, President World Federation of Engineering Organisations, takes time out of her busy conference schedule to speak with people at the South Australia Division Office.

Young Engineer s Australia mem bers meeting and networking at Elephant British the Pub for the se cond Networking Nigh t of 2011.

The Asia and Pacific Nation Network Meeting, which was run as part of the 15th International Conference for Women in Engineering and Science (ICWES15), was held at the South Australia Division and brought in a huge range of engineers from around the Asia-Pacific region.

Delayed originally by volcanic ash the Retired Engineers Group Luncheon, with Allan Curtis, Technical Executive, Thermal Generation, Parsons Brinckerhoff speaking about Geothermal Power resulted in a huge success


Engineering South Australia

Judges Profile In this August edition of Engineering South Australia we continue to profile judges who will be assessing entries for the 2011 South Australian Engineering Excellence Awards. We will be providing the profiles of many of the judges assisting with this process over several editions to introduce them to the South Australia Division and to acknowledge their contribution.

Tom Gouldie FIEAust CPEng Why did you decide to become an engineer? I come from a family of petroleum people: my grandfather was a diesel mechanic on drilling rigs in East Texas in the 1930’s, my next older brother is a petroleum engineer, my younger sister is a petroleum engineer, and she married a petroleum engineer and so far they have 1 child who is a petroleum engineer. What do you like the most about the engineering profession? Logical thinking, high-level discussion in 3-dimensional virtual space, results of your work are tangible things. What project(s) are you working on now? Recently worked with Engineers Australia staff to develop the Guideline for Petroleum Engineers which has been approved by the National Engineering Registration Board as a new General Area of Practice for NPER. What do you see as one of the biggest issues facing the engineering profession? In the petroleum world we have called it the “big crewchange” where a substantial number of engineers will be retiring from the work force, and how the profession replaces this mass exodus of knowledge.

What advice would you provide to someone interested in becoming an engineer? If you have a mind that questions why, or how, or which other way, then really consider engineering as a profession. What do you think you will be doing five years from now? Retired, living on the farm, but still involved in the engineering profession and the petroleum industry. If you could have worked on any engineering project, throughout history, what would you choose? The drilling of the Spindletop oil well in east Texas in 1901 which established the modern oil industry. What is your motto? Think first, talk later. Who would you most like to meet? John D Rockefeller, Albert Einstein, Jimi Hendrix.

What are your hobbies? I live on a 40 acre farm in the Adelaide Hills breeding alpacas.

Daniel Lee MIEAust CPEng Why did you decide to become an engineer? As a young kid in Hong Kong, I was always fascinated by all the high rises and bridges around me. Art and Mathematics were my favourite subjects at school. In engineering, we can exercise our creativity and apply scientific, mathematical, economic, social, and practical knowledge to design and build structures for the good of our community. What do you like the most about the engineering profession? The excitement and satisfaction of problem solving and the opportunity to meet people. I can always learn from the wise and experienced as well as be inspired by the young and energetic. What project(s) are you working on now? Adelaide Brighton Cement Plant Upgrade. This involves designing various substantial steel structures including the main cement mill building. Being a multidiscipline project, we are required to work closely with different teams to provide a cost effective solution to improve the quality and quantity of cement production. What do you see as one of the biggest issues facing the engineering profession? Equip the next generation of engineers with technical expertise to face the ever growing challenges of their time. What are your hobbies?

What advice would you provide to someone interested in becoming an engineer? Talk to as many engineers as you can and try to gain more insights to the real work that they are doing. Not everyone will be suited to be an engineer, however, those who choose engineering as their profession would find it both challenging and rewarding. What do you think you will be doing five years from now? I would like to do more travelling and involve in global projects. If you could have worked on any engineering project, throughout history, what would you choose? Perhaps Panama Canal, it is arguably one of the greatest engineering feats. However, it is hard to imagine working on the same project for more than a decade! What is your motto? Where there is a will, there is a way. Who would you most like to meet? My grandfather whom I have never met. He lived an exciting life during war torn time.

Playing tennis and music. I enjoy very much spending time with my family.


Upcoming Events Unless published otherwise all presentations are scheduled for the Engineers Australia South Australia Division Office. Event details are subject to change. Please check our website prior to the event for current information and updates. Please note the South Australia Division address is Level 11, 108 King William Street ADELAIDE SA 5000. Online registration, or how to register, is now available directly through the South Australia Division Website Events Section at (or for those events held by Engineering Education Australia) where ever a blue arrow is shown.

August Tue 23rd to Wed 24th ~ 8.30am Short Course Host: Engineering Education Australia Topic: Writing Winning Technical Documents Enquiries: Wed 24 ~ 12.00pm Technical Presentation Host: Transport Group Topic: The Tension Between Transport and Land Use Planning: Making it Work in Adelaide Enquiries: th

Thu 25th ~ 5.30pm Technical Presentation Host: Software Engineering and Architecture JTP Topic: Identifying and Capitalising on Trends in Information Technology Enquiries: Tue 30th ~ 5.30pm Technical Presentation Host: Royal Aeronautical Society Enquiries: Wed 31st ~ 6.00pm Technical Presentation Host: JTP Electrical Topic: Evolution of Tunnel Lighting Techniques Enquiries:

September Thu 1st ~ TBA Off Site Technical Presentation Host: Railway Technical Society of Australasia, Institution of Railway Signal Engineers and Permanent Way Institution Topic: Near Miss at Cootamundra Enquiries: Wed 7th ~ 5.30pm Technical Presentation Host: Joint Chemical Engineering Committee Topic: Mitigating Oilfield Scale Enquiries: Thu 8th ~ 5.30pm Technical Presentation Host: Society for Building Services Engineers Enquiries:

Tue 13th ~ 5.30pm Technical Presentation Host: JTP Mechanical Topic: Electric Vehicles, Electricity and TREV Enquiries: Wed 14th ~ 5.30pm Chartered Workshop Host: Engineers Australia Topic: Prepare Your Chartered Status Application Enquiries: Fri 16th ~ 7.00pm Presentation Dinner Host: Engineers Australia Topic: 2011 South Australian Excellence Awards Presentation Dinner Enquiries: Mon 19th ~ 5.30pm Technical Presentation Host: Australian Geomechanics Society Enquiries: Matthew Duthy 08 8237 9607 Mon 19th to Tue 20th ~ 8.30am Short Course Host: Engineering Education Australia Topic: Project Management Module 4 Enquiries: Tue 20th ~ 5.00pm Technical Presentation Host: JTP Electrical Topic: Mixing genes and X-rays: Developing therapies for and understanding cystic fibrosis airway disease Enquiries: Thu 22nd ~ 5.00pm Technical Presentation Host: Electric Energy Society of Australia Topic: Implementing a Smart Grid Strategy Enquiries: Mon 26th to Tue 27th ~ 8.30am Short Course Host: Engineering Education Australia Topic: Contract Management Enquiries: Tue 27th ~ 5.30pm Technical Presentation Host: Royal Aeronautical Society Enquiries:

Chartered Status Workshops A FREE Chartered Status Workshop will be held for Members and Non Members interested in submitting an application for Chartered Status on Wednesday 14th September 2011. Our National Assessor will conduct the Chartered Workshop, which will feature invaluable information regarding Engineers Australia, Chartered Status accreditation and tips on writing Career Episode Reports (CERs) and putting together your Chartered Status application. Dates for future 2011 workshops can be obtained via the Engineers Australia South Australia Division website at or by contacting Member Relationship Coordinator Nathan Jones on the details below. Registration is essential. Please contact Nathan Jones on 08 8202 7170 or to register your attendance.Â

11 Engineering South Australia

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